FOCUS Alert - August 7

Post on 29-Feb-2016






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The August 7 th Alert eNewsletter for FOCUS churches of Albany and affiliates.


  • FOCUS Churches of Albany 275 State St. Albany NY 12210


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    1. FOCUS Summer Worship

    2. School Supply Drive

    3. Advocacy Updates

    4. Empty Bowls 2016

    5. Volunteer Picnic

    6. Senior Issues Forum

    7. Summer Appeal

    1. FOCUS Summer Worship

    FOCUS Summer Worship

    One of the best parts of FOCUS is worshiping together on the first Sun-

    day of the summer months. Here we are at Emmanuel Baptist Church

    on August 2.

    Our next combined worship service will on Sunday, September 6th at

    Trinity United Methodist Church, 9:30 am, followed by a presentation

    on the new FOCUS grocery collaborative project.

    FIGHT FOR $15

    Fight for $15 - The Wage Board has given its recommendations to the Commissioner of Labor in support of raising the minimum wage for fast

    food workers to $15/hour by 2018 in NYC, and 2021 upstate. While we

    are disappointed at the long implementation time, this is a major victory

    nonetheless. There is a brief window for additional public comment before

    the Commissioner makes the final report to the Governor. Please click this

    link today and send a letter that you support these recommendations, and

    would in fact like them to be implemented faster.

    On July 29th, Chris McNabb from the National Religious Campaign Against

    Torture and Joe Paparone delivered FOCUS postcards to Assembly-

    members Angelo Santabarbara and John McDonald, asking them to sign

    on to the HALT Solitary Confinement act. Were awaiting their responses, but Joe and Chris had an excellent conversation with John McDonald and

    are optimistic about his support.

    CHILD NUTRITION The federal legislature is beginning their August re-

    cess, but when they return they will begin consider-

    ing several bills regarding Childhood Nutrition.

    Please take a moment to learn about the bills here

    and send our representatives a letter here asking

    them to co-sponsor these critical anti-hunger bills.

    Your donations make a difference especially as we move into August

    Click Here to Learn More About the Summer Appeal

    6. Summer Appeal

    August 24 through August 27, 9 am to 1 pm.

    Donations may be dropped off at FUUSA (First Unitarian Universalist

    Society of Albany) 405 Washington Ave. in Albany.

    August 31 or September 2-4, volunteers are needed to pack and distrib-

    ute supplies. If you can help, please call Belinda at the FOCUS office,

    443-0460 or email her at

    2. School Supply Drive

    3. Advocacy Updates

    4. Empty Bowls 2016

    Spend Valentines Day in the afternoon enjoying hand-made bowls and savory soups all to raise funds to fight against hunger in our

    communities. Help is needed on the planning committee - Can you

    lend a hand? Please call or e-mail

    5. Volunteer Picnic Thank You!

    Over 75 people gathered for a thank you picnic on a lovely summers eve. FOCUS would not be FOCUS without the love, dedication and commit-

    ment of our 120 volunteers who share in the work of the interfaith food

    pantry, the winter breakfast, the Breakfast Express, and advocacy work.

    6. Senior Issues Forum

    On Wednesday July 22, FOCUS Churches of Albany was well represented

    at the Capital District Senior Issues Forum on Faith Communities: Keep-

    ing Seniors Connected and Engaged! Pastor Susan Vincent-Cox (First

    Church in Albany) led the keynote address. Belinda Quaye (FOCUS Volun-

    teer Coordinator) and Lois Wilson (Westminster Presbyterian); Pastor Su-

    san Vincent-Cox and Cheryl Gowie (First Church in Albany) were on the

    Connecting Seniors panel.

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