Flying Grandma

Post on 17-Mar-2016






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A Book written by Louie Smullin for his grandchildren


The Flying Gr-andmathert'::

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And rina*y, without ;:, , . : :other herserrbe no storyl

ff'lltrr? !es6ReviEed ian l , lE88Rerevised t larch, I9S 1Renerevised Oct, lqgz

there wauld:



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.At the west*rn edge of famb,ridge, wher'e it abtrts th* tawns ofBelrnant ancj Wateri*wn- there is a very s1recial c*met*ry- the Flct:rriAuhr:rn Cemetery l"lany peaBle tninh oi reniet*ries as spooity places, withghosts anci stui f tn srare vou. This place is di f ferent. The iand is rol l ing;th*r* are hi l ls and dales. The grave ston*s are laid *ui neatly along roadsand paths. ail narne'J after plants, t!ow*rs, anrj trees. T!-re auto raads 3r'enamed after trees- Ftr, Salr., etc. Trc Paihs and ianes l-r€v* flCIrrles likePrimrnse, arrd fycian'ren. Therr are several ponds with tlucks and rlarradageese, There are ver,V oici gravr stc,n*s goinq back tg i$f: i l * i 'eari ierSome are s imple, r r r r th rrames crf indiv iduals cr * f whals, iami l ies. Strneare vsry big and elabarat*. There are ai i k inds *f insrr ipi iorrs "Barnabar

Bst*s, the Father of iheap Fostage" is one cf ths interesling c,ne-s iHer"eal iy was the father *f cheap p.t=tage in ine U.5. i . Tirere i : a bignr*nument fpr Natharri*l Bcrwditch wha wrote on* of th* *ariy q*oe b*ok:on navigat ion that *xplairred h*w ia f ind a ship's posit ion by nreJsr.r ing theBosit ians of tne : tars. fn non*r th* intp+rfnnce +f his wLrr( ior ' shipping.=n'J n*vicaf ron, the Lonrnstcr-r*:no'. ,vr nrrf i holt i ing a lr ic glrrh* cf thr earthtall carvid from graniie). One can spen* hours wirning iroun,i and rearlingihe inscript ions, an0 recal i inq tr i ts of American history.

Th* place is esneciai iy loved by nature ic ' ter: in the middie of anig citv, it is a nature pr*serve and a Lr!rr1:anctuary. Tn*r.* are rnany tr'eesof al i k inds, anc th*v ai l nfrve labeis. There * i-e brl l$ nf al i k inds-depending on thr s+a:on trvithaut iatrelsi Every rnr-irning oict ana youngpeopie str+l! thr'ough the paths looking fr:r bir' ls. Th*y harre i:inocuiars,ielescoprs, and cfiffi*ras vuith big telenhr:to lenses. ldearlrl Hvenyone hss a"bird booiq" Some c*me ai*ne, others corne in g;"oups with guides to poinioui the birds i t i*cks f fn* frels l i lqe a big par.k, not at ai l ! i ise a:p+okr,r oidcemetery


' THlS FARAfiftAPH CfiLJLD NOT F'E REA''n iH Ff;*f'1 tiSK

THtS pAEAGRAFH COULD t'tST Ff RfAti ltJ FROI"I;; ;;Rnnn^pH ffi; r'rui ii ninn rr'r rnr'ri nt:i.CIn a l i i t l* ni l i cal ied Wii law Fond Kncl l , a gray haired lad'y sai r .rr i a lrench.Her'binoculars and her F*tersan': Eir'o Gr"iicie sJere on the berrch b*side her;but she was paying nr.r attenti*n ia the nircs cr tc th* view aror-mri h*r 3hesat ihere, quiet ly, lo*king sad an.d det*cte* r- ' iccasionaity:he v*r:uir i s igf-r.ln an * id oak tre* behind her ther* v/as a Great H+rned uwl. waiching h*rHe recognized her She haci oiten cr'rne that way with her t!irdwatihingfr ' iendsla see i f the owl was:t i i l in hi : farr*:- i te tr*e {Yrru carr recCIq'-} i7ran owi t ree by the big streaks of whi i* that r*ai lhe t runk. i r r a:nr i ' : ff f i*ssy way). Since h* +f ten was there, they wrruld s*e him, and he w*uld'iee them. Tr:,lay her appearancs tr*ubien nirn. Fii-ra!ii l he d*r:ider: ta f indor"rt . with th* same si ient 5w*Gp that he r: :rc ic retth n-r i ie, h* carir+ d*wnout cf th+ tr*e and sl l .od rrr l lh* l rrr i r :h he: ide her. 5h* war,Jnawfrrr of hisFiesence t i l l he:noke. "[ , . ;ruse r*e--? . Wlth a siar-f , :hr lurrreC a'"rdrer*qnireci the 0wi inat she haC often seen at a cisiance; but i -row nis 'n!geyes and beak were only a few incnes from her face Her f irst impuise wasfr-ighi; [ 'ur thr +r,v] ha* spoken, flftri l 'rr E;*unced fr:*t-rdiv 5h* c*ntrtriierlhersell anql said in what sh* h*r,** vd.** aft *rdin*rv viliee, "?*s, r:*r': I h*Ipy*u?'iVou u***ed =* sad, si t i ing th*ry and =rqhrrrg, I thouchi i ' -vouid ask whatNhe troub!r was.""That 's very th*ughtfui of ynu, arrn t i i r :u ine big owi wnt i ives in that na'n,thai w* see 5* r i ten i"{ ; ; , ' ; ;n i ; - ; ; ; ; ;* vou toc,, but whv sre y*u here aione, anei why sn sad?"l 'm st i l l a l i t t l * :nak:en up, i 'm rr* i ur* f i f t =peakirq wtfh *wls 0r any,:ther animals ex*ept pe*pl*. tJi co,.lr-:;r, i :p*ak to trrei: ]ikr drrq: +r cat:;FiJt tnev don't speak io rne, at least not in Engl ishi""*wls ie,ad a nretty iorrei i ' i i fe, and lhere is not rnucn eis* to ci*, so i i istenio the n*opi+ speak as they c*rne by r-n1l trer. fiver ihe yeari. i tnini( i nav*!earned quite a iat. i pracl ic* speakinq at nights when n0 rne is arcr:r id.ilnce in a whil*. s*me ysunil [reop]e ar+ lr*ie after ciark, anrj when thev nearnne speak, il seems t0 frighlen them. Lrecnuse they scream anr:-Qn runntRflaway But ycu st i i ihaven t tCI ld me whst is t rouLr l inq y+u.""Vnur accent is a l i t t le strafrge, B$p€cral iy when you l '* t c,ut an occast,rrrai'noo' thai ct:esn't beionq in the senience But same of the ior* ign siudenis


I trv ta heip. have much strr:nger arcenit than yr"ru ""i 'm nct a foreigner'l i was bor"n right here. and sc! were my par*rrtsi" Tneqwi ruf f ieii his feath*rs. anrl 1r.:akeci a iittl* bit ' insu!ted.i*h, il* to..l, it;:*ti intt yuu u.**puup.inq a larrguage that's rrcrt vnr;rfwn. We ali h*v*'irouble learning t* speak an+iher language. il 'hat yauhave done is rea'ily verv wCIr'rd*rfui Flear* I didn't mean to hurt youi-f e*! ings."fne cwishif ted his feet on the bench, and satd, " lVei i , al l r ight; Lrut rr- twteii rne abnut voun tr*unles. because I arn sufe yCIu have pr*hlenrs, *n,Jmaybe I can heip." The wornan iooir.*d dovsn af ihe ground, arrd wns quietfor a while" Tften she tur'ned towards the *wl anri said, "i have tr"icnwonderful qrandchi ldr.en, nin+ *f ihemi"" is that somethirrg tc be sad about? i was lust beginning io think iunCerstand how ir iu people tnink, end now you tet ime tni t ;ror. l are:adi:ecause vnu have nine wonderfui qrandchildrenl" Th* owl L'eqan l* :tretthhis wings, as though i* f lv away He icroi<*d disgusted"Wa.itl i*:y Lrecause they Irve far

l!?a'l t 'rnrn here wh*i'e we live; and I

can't watch thern gr+w up dav bv Cnir ""'*ui v*r: rarl i/ isit thenr...?'#;.;;*, *;;;, nui ti'*y Iive far away and it iares sc iong."

"Ycu could f lv." t '

"uh. we do, ctherwise i t would take farever; but i ts sa exp*nsivei""frh, you rnean *rr airpianes. i mean f ty -ny yourseif l""Now you are joking, I can't f iy, I con't have wings, I 'm not a nird'"Br:t yau c*ulti learn. I iearned tri speak numan talk, *ven though ! am abird. 'There are a few hasic tnings t+ iear 'n, and i t i r i rrk i coulf l teacn youhawtof ly"They neard the vaices of p*,trr i+ romirrg up the path. The owi said, " i hadbetier get nack up in th* tree' ir l i r*cp!* can f !rr t l t r ' rr , af ld make iheir si l lyremarks. Whv don't vcu c{'m* back* torqcrr'ow rnorninq fnr our f irstlesson?" with thai, he cuiei iy f l*w hack to his n*rrrcn lhe lree.Just then iwo women came up th* paih and one ai them asked. "We

ur'dersian,i ihat there i: an c,vrl around here that 0n* carr see. Have y*t: seen, t?""hio, l 'm afrsic I wa= just =itt ing here arr, l dreaming, i dif,n' l notic+"At that m0menl, the rth*r *ne :hriek*ei. 'There he i: i i"The qrandmother stood up ancl quietly vvaiked away Ai n l i t t le distance,she'turned and waveri to her new fr ienci. 5ne was answerrd with a "Ht*"The next monninq she gai up and was out *i the h*use her*r* sunrise Sfte


fir'*ught a th*rrn** jr-ig tf **ff** f *r h*r*elf ar:d e h*gri" \di:*t- **'"*ic! *hr

i:ring inren *wi? in*y *r* rn*at *ater*; fn-lt ** lhey *at *elan':i n* vsell*:

f irid rr-r!c*? Sh* Sati ** !tJ*a. $in** s!-:* t-r*d n* r*ir;*- si:* t'**k" a?-*ng * i'''iec*,;f ,:.:larni. jr:rf- in C.*S*. Th* g*t*: *i the c*r',rei*r,rf nr* st!i l l**k*et er' i*'*t

iimf, t,ut s-ne !.nesg Wl1*r'* sh* i:s.;ul-* Sq***Xf thr**gh, *nd s!"r* elid. ir': a f*w

rninui**.sfr* we* clirnbing r,lpr ihe hitrl t* th* h*t-ri;h **nr'ihr r:nit, t:-** 5h*

**t ci-rwn and *eexn t* p*ur fl*r c*f fe€ {ln* m*rnirrg w*s *hi}}i,'i lv**rr -thef* i f s*ni* lh!n* next t* i :*r" i { iwls f iV s* '1i : i* t iV" i t 's rp* ' ;kyi .".&*t rJ nr-+rning. ru+r-iid y+u L$f-e f*r-..: pi*c* of salarni? I d*ir't 5uftF{r5F \ic}r.rdr ink rr:r i f e+ ?""ii lt: tfranlq*. f*rb*th. i 've nire.adlr hmd.rny hr*aF.fa*l-; but g* x***d *n# iini:*h

?*trJr,g. Y**i"*rdx1i WSS * tli;Sy *gy- lher* w*r'* i*it +f F**pi*, s*d :*rrre

iittie kid* trie;J t* thrr:w *t*n** et ; 'n*. i had t* fr' i**t*rr l i:*rn by rre*-tping

d*wn and S(rinG'1".{r:*, hn.+'" Y*i:r" firsrldel:ii*r"en'*v,*r.:ldn-l thr*w *i*l-t*E vs**

tl-r*y ?"" i th, I h,- lpg n61. Bil t t f th+V r:: id, r, fr* ' . ; r".1; '-1r-; i ,*1 ;ErlSjni j- n*;1'fr{:rn nlet"

"'W*ii. i l- ': i im* t* sl*rt *ur iesx':n. itand,.ii,: *ir ih* b*nrh *nd:;lrsttl '; i-:tI - i lUf arrnS i i i .? i ' i - l15."

The i*s**l': w*nf *ir f*r q*il* a $hij* *** l*ar**ei jusl h*w t* tr*}d her

Bf'rfi*E and ?* f lutter'her- f inqer tips. :Filr*}iV" the- c:wi seid. "Jr;f*p *ff the

hrenrh; br:t pr"rli r,"*'-:r':r:lf tnr'*r:{h lh* *ir'."' Sh* -ir.":r*p*'J, **'J i* i-i*r *i;rpri*+

h* iand*d *n ttr* gr-*und *b';',:i lhr'** gu*1 f1{:f-* iil* b*r"rr:i"r U* :li

praetir*d, *eh* $r*rit farlh*r xnd fartnrr. l:r:i nfr arri 'rs w*r* g*iiing i;i '1ti,

xnd th*y beg*n t* l-r*ar" p**pi* rn*vi::* ai"'-rr;n'j **sr th* !"liji "i q;':*xs ihxi I

n*rr* had *n*{J*fi f*r- t*da,V; nul vt',i i}r-* ;l: wer*-der'fr:} i*xri";*r.'""r'r:i: ar-e a w*ild*rf'r-*i pupi] t**. ii i* !-rl'3ny fea?'s s!*r:* i t,*r:'lF:t rnl' *vdn

**,'!*ts ?r':w ir.' ily. lt *-:als.*s n'l* f**l V*:Jn* *g*in. *V lh*'n'r*ir, if 'y** wxr:i

l* l*ari* thr:i *nJarni, I *rn ieeliniJ x li i i i* bit fir;nry-y." i-:fr* }*ft fh* sslirrntanrl waik** d*wrr th* hill f**iing v*r', ' h*PFyll w** * w*ek bef*;'* tfi*r'* wss ff91 *Bpr:r'ir":t"iity ftr'cn*ihrr- i*$5fln' *i*:ci l-t?

tr* :ui* thet *h* w*i.:i*;'r't f 1:r$81, tfre 6r'*rr*r**th*r"Li3*{1 *il*r".'f ehnn** t*pr"st'i,-:*. At f irEt, v,itth nr.-r *** Ar*urt;J, E!:* *rrr**tiCed in ih* kil';herr; but

s*** t-h* kii.,:fi*n h*,;ame t** *m*!i, nrrd:h* vsa* P.nn*king l-,;* i=ri*ny thtnrl''i* tNr* f l**r a$ she brush*1j aqainst th* sn*ive*. T!"'l*n, *h* v*E*nl i*tn n*r

hackyard after dark". l i was s';rr*unded hv high:nrubs f-hat gnv* h*r ti:*pf-ivs{y *h* n**dad. tt f*ilt w*n**rfx'i ls: rw**p ar*und':nd*r *nd *v*t- lh*cl*tfiex iine*, *nd *nC* Sn* fv*n trie,J l* rc*:;i *n a branfih r:i th* big r:,:k

tr+*; but =ii* didn.t hsv* th* r:ig *iaw:: Nhst e*uld ';!-*F!r th* *s'arr*it nnfr sh*j*st h*r haia*c* an# f*lj Thet r#*3 & ie::*.*n ih*t xh* c**ldn't ;J*


*vrnJthirrt ;r h'ird a**idl B*t n*w xh* k**w h*t'v t* f lv anrJ $*sr. s* xh* was*ni* to u*i,i* 6*iting a b** bt-it'r'ip wh*n *h* hii tfre gr+urrJ.Fir-r*lly th* day cffn,* fnr h*r t*rs*r:" 5i"l* pa*i*,*d h*r t':f f** xrr$ b;tg*! *nd:*lsr*i, and l-*c,k ni*nq h*r hin**ulers *nd *ird Gr-tid* in **s* sh* ri-:*t.:*n:**rr*. il v,vgg ver"y *ariV, *nd *h* m*i rr* *rr*, Ti''r* *-gt'i wA: waitine irt lfr*ir'*e ne*r th* b*rr*il, **C !t Xw**psd iJ*wn frs ,50fin as :;ne s-*l *n t** brnr:h.":tru'r.r* b*err g**e c l*ng tir:'r*, ! b***rl 'r* tfiirris "fsti w*l*t"l't t*minp hg*k.""i l*l*w, ! we* awlullv bi"l*y wilh thi*gs *t hi.:rrt*; but i hav* lr**rrrrrai t ic inQ, sira I i i -:hnw Yui; :"l5ur*, wn?*on't y{,t} rra!{* a:lr*l* ar'-lund this ri*ar"it ':g? *ut if d*r; i:ai' 'eth*t saiarr;i wlth'y*u. I rrs*u?'J iik* **nr* n*r's. ! 'rft hiJn*ry "

Af ter f !shing th+ se'l*ru'i *,"c1 *f l-:*r hag. th* *r*r:cJrvt*ther fifiv* e lit i i* h*p. lni1 lOct. ' ,tf i ."v*ry g*cr ' : i Y+u learn'rerv fa: t : Lrr j l r i ' tw lh*t i in11 knorv tht ! :a: i r ' : ' lhtr* i r

s 'l*t m*r* t* !sar;r."ri,* t**t *r iltu *oir'ing was xp*nt ** th* f in*r'**'int:' *f ii,vinc: divrrrq si-rcf' *ut. lan'Jing*, r*its, *t{:. Th*l'* fis.: ne} piac* l* pre*t-1** i**p* arrrJthai u*a:; nnlnn f sr h* l*i- an*li:er ii,.q* .*r1-{ i-}}et* Tlt* rn*rr;in-* 'oq*nt hr*i 5*

" ' i .^"

';r:it:.1;!;-, ih*t th*,v fi*ilr fr:s"*,:i trr ii:ir-,n f ';r p**9":t*.

[i*wn.*t the S&t*'*ne *f tfr* w*l'k fir*k?s ha$ _1r;st *t*rf*d *ff irr the!r lrurh.i* d* $fim* rni:vu:inq and tr''irrrrninC ar*:;*d the t'3r*hst*nes. A= theY sl,3rt*di:p t-h* Nrii]. th* ts"t:it<. :udd*r:}V rw*rr;ed *nd cr**f-r*d intr: a guard reil."Fi*y v,ratrh wh*re 1r'3x'1s q*ing, i{ik*l Ar-* v+ti trying t* kiSi u:s?""f'J*, did yflr"t ssf; that- *n *id wo$nn f iVing oqr*r th* tr**s *v*r there?""i"i ik*, y1U fe ,;r.*,Zy*, thi: iSn't HAlirrvl++n. lher*'S nl w!lrnrS Ai-'L,r-!f id lt 'r*

F,re 1i6i..1 {ir.., n8rre yoij ne*n drinkir-re;'?"N*, I re*il; i Saw her....h*n*l*t... fr*i i*i i*;:n*i L*l '-*; g,- '! iJS th*r*" al ':* ! '11 gh*lq1i +ij..q.i lh*ir {.r*wie,J *,..:t 0f ine trutt. an ri,:rrirt iadV rlaftlf "+r"aiF,!nq Stv+n l-h*

hii l witn h*r hirr*cr:l*rs er:d *trri -tt l ir:*. At t ir* tru;'k - '.h* stopp*-d"trjr: yar,l hai, 'e arr arctdent, i5 ani/ ' jr- i* hurl. cnn i c*i 5'-1mr h*ipt""i.t* thsrrkr iady, vde"r* tlH, |lut f"iik* h*r'* r*yx h* sftsd * \id&fi1&n f i,vir:g

mr*und tfrr hiil. i-iave v*Lj srsrr h*r?""Flying? | rrever he*r' 'J *f $Ufh * thir*l Ar*y** sure l-CIur frienrt i-E aiir- jchi ?"lshen Iney assur*d h*r that *v*rything u;as allnight, :h* turned and w*lk*dd*vrn lh* hril, ln*irJe *h+ f*lt a iiftt*-nit gr.rilty x-b*r:t ***r

't ikr; b'.lt th*

l* i i .she nafr to k*eF hei- =ern*i



Aftep the incidenl at the cemetery,i l Decame *bvi*r- is that there

wer* mOre tr*uhles in f lving than jusi learninq haw to rn0ve ihrough the

air l ike a birC, Even with bir ' js, i f a strange sp*cies *f bird *ppear5 ln fne

skv it wii l be quickly sp*tted by sorn* aiert birdwatcher and a "i 'are b!i-d

alert" wil i qo nut from the Auduhon Socieiy. This wil l bring nundrerls 6t

watchers. aixious to add io iheir "Life Lisi" whateverexotic creatui 'e they

ran. But most birds are:mali, and you have to observe them csrefui ly to

reconnire that ihey ar.e different. A fuily dressed, aduit femaie hurnan

f tannins her way tnrouqh th* air nright cause msre tharr a l i t t le

u*ciiettuent. These thouqhts went though the grarrdmother's nead as she

drove home from ih* cemeter'y. Where could she go where she cauid

practice in mor* open cauntry? Finally, she decided lhat her sumrner


hcus* on the shore of cape cod nright be such a plac*. r t was fal i ,

:::_-ti-onen= **:: gorrt, it gat daris ea!-ly. and maycs =h* cauld prncfir,-:e

aionq the sh*re??Several davs later she parkerC ih* csr with things she might need,

inciucing f ,*rrd f*r herself and saiami f*r 'her f i - ' ienc. She parkefl outsid*the cemetery gates. walked to ihe oak tree, and t+lr i th* owl of her planSince he wasn't qrrii* sure where h*r house was, he agreed ta ride in thecar l t is abaut an nour anrj a nalf r !d* to Cape Cod, and sin*e i t was =t i l leariy, traff ic was i ight The r ide lvas neariy unevenlful ; but just Deforethe Big Burqer orr Rie ?4 there wa: a siren, anci tne i lashing l ignts of aState Foi ice car were shining in ner mirror. She si*pped and opened herwindow as the poi iceman walked up, " ian I help yor:?" she asi<eci.

"What's that thing in ihe back seat? fEi l tYIt"Th* owi had just spread out i ts wings and tJel ivered a ioud "Hoaa".

The pai iceman siepped back" his face whi ie,"What's going on anyhcw?""l am ta[.ing-tnis f,ird t* be banded at the AuduL]CIn Station He was

in aur nack ynrd ond was injured "r l i t t ie whi i* aqo, an* n+w h* is rear1v tabe turne.d lo*s* i ier* is mii 4uOuO*n cai-d." 3hs f ish*c in her wai let andfound lhe rard.

"weil t-.;ii, but be carefui those birds can be danqerous ";#;; ; i l ; ' ' *" ; ' ; ; ; ; ; , :*" 'o

1r*r 'H'r L'ur

5n* cranked';p hrr window and careful ly drrrv+ cf f , watching thather speedomeLer stav*d urrcier 55

"You don't alwayr ir l i the *xa*i truth, d* yorr-/" a:ked the *wi"l am afraio you ar'F so rigfrt. Sornerimes ihere seem lo be sr:cn

good reasons for rrot tei i ing the entire iruth, sspeciai iy r f the l !e won'treally hui'i s*me one. That truck driver i{ik;e at the cemetery worrirs rneDo y*i i think he iost his i*b because nB nas been tel l ing peanle ne Eaw awoman f ly ing?"

"Wfren I g*t baci. ; io m;r oak tree, i wit i i is len and trr* tcr f ind outwhat happened tc' hirn."

Jusr then they pul let l into the driv*wav of the hnuse at tne Cape."Here we arr."

" l t io*ks rr ice to me Let r f ie i iy up int* yr,rur l i t i le wcr:ds just toiook ar+und. When yCIu n*e# rne;ust cal j "Fi*o"" With ihat he f iew off intcrthe woods. She unpacked ihe cai, chanqetj h*r clothes. pui 0n jeans insieadtf a sicirt, and pr,lt on fi w&f-r'ir sweater. hh:ne of ine neiqhboi-s seerfiea t* b*ar0iJnd, iheir houses were dark. She ate a i i t f - ]e hit w-ni ie she waited for


the sky ta darken.Sr:dderrly she heard a car pull up. A: she i*okerj cut. iw* rough

looking ysung tn*n fiarne iowards ths hoiise 5*rnething abor;t t"h*m

trounied her; trut snf decided to go autside, and said'"What do ilott want?"#;;

,.iv*ail;';a'l'answer; Lrr:t orre of lhem Dilsh*d her asicie and

started:$:JH:i:?i,, is my house, so awayr,, He push*d her aside and

went in. -Sn'e

remembered. anri shouted "l-iool" as loud as she could' Ftr a

mornent nOthinq happened; but Sud'lerrly the il'fcl swrlrlperl d';ivn $t-r lh* ffian

outside, beat inq him wiLh his wings, anr! tear ing hin 'wi ih his ta iorrs The

tther *un ,unl* out to help; but tl-r ihe dusi-; ire couldn't 5ee, anci the +wi

attacked him too The i .wn nr*n, hoi ler ing and screarning" went running *ut

to lhe road with the owl +rr t*p uf ihem Just in t ime t* run int* the l ighis

:l-:_Tlt:-, .". As the s-rf f irers got out and gi'atrbed ihe men, th* cwl

disappearense are the guys we've been after, ihe ones wha have treen

rgnninq aii the 5un1,ri 'rer h+m+:i Lady, teil uE w-'hfll nappen*d'"' ' l, ' ,unlt-i*rr uou u*.y *u*r,.' I had ju:t come down to look at our

house and to take a few things home, when these men drove uF srrd tried to

force their way into th* h*uEe. I screarn*d, and th* next thlng I knew they

wfre rLlnnlnq AwaY 'YYrr tr'"' j i ly'i;J"ofooo and scratcnrs cn their hearjs Inat mr-lst hav+ h*en

quite * **.*u*. Sut ar* y*u *'Jre y*u''-* *i{?""CIh yes, tharrk You +f f irer,"The men were put into the pol ice car, and one of the off icers drcvr

iheiE- car away"Are you rllll-,,.*udy icr a lessorr, 0r has there been enough

excitement f':r one dayl"!A!rL'" ' :nuvou;;;;; r ight, I don't ihirrk I c+uld concentrate on things

now. Shall we cet ready t i dri ire home?"' i t 's f inO of nic* tn ycur wootis, i f ycru dnn't rninei, I think I wil i

stay here ;;t ; *ftif * | can aiways f ind my wa,v baci'. ic CambrirJge."As she turned tn qet into th* car she saw the S8lfir'r!, took it and

held it up There was a sudden whr:osn, and ii wa5 g[ne from hrr harrd,"you know, salami begins io taste even better ihan fresh micei

Hoo*1"0n the way home sh* thought of many things; but she har*iy even

thought af tne burglars iif that's what they were i fiut that nighi on tl-re


TV n*ws there was lhe st*r'y crf the littie nld la,.*y wh* had *aptured r-h*darrg*i-ous burglar's! fher'e y/Fr'e phone cails fr'':rn reialive:, it-iencis andneigl-lb*rs, saying "h*w brave y*{J wer*". arrci "wer*n't you a }itti* ttitfright+ned?". and *h* found that =h* had t* rnak* up l!tt]* str:r' ics and n+tquite tel i th* wh*i* trr-r lh. Aft*r 'a!1, whrr wcr..r id b*i i*ve ih*t she wastakirrg f ly ing lessons fr*rn a talking owl? Stmetirne* the r-*al truth is

'reny hard to Lrel!eve. Her S yea:'*!d qranCson was ver}r pr'cud *f hls t*ughold Erandmfi, snd his sch**l frinnd* tr*at*d rrim with a li it le rn*r'e respect.Hen Qr"and daughters w.Dr's T shir i : witn G-HA in red iet i*rs

ln & few days, using tRe excust that she ned fr-rrgntlen h*rbin*cu'lars at the f*p*, s|te drr:ir* back t* get therrt. tr'10 50on*r had shestepp*d out of the rar than there wes tl-t* *wI sittinq an the *!d dead treein fn*nl of th* hcus*.

"lt 's abtut tirne, I wa: gettirrg lo:"t*sorne. I {ues: that igot used toall those birdwatchers at tfre cern*lery. There's n0 one around herel Didy*r i br inq any salami?"

"Yes. I did; and I c*uldn't g*t hrr'+ arry sooner. Here!"The salami ciisapp*ared flr*m h*r- hsnd" Sinr;e il was ju:t getling

dark, jl seer*ed iik* *,irne f*i" e i*::*rr. She was elr*ad1"r drrrs*uj tta 11iyif1{,and she asked "Shai l we siart?" Since lhe owl was st i l i working on fhesaiami, shc warmed up with a fnw practice swoops around the yard.

"Very goodl Now see if you can Ev{oop in underneath the clcrihesi ina"

Thi.l went on fnr'a lvhile and sh* g*t a few Dangs anf, I'rilises; h'Jtshe was gettirrg better and b*tt*r".

"The next thing wr frsve t* do ig sorn* tr-155-';*urrtry ilying. v' cuwil j nave tc learrr hcw t-* w,=tch *ut for *lertr ic anri t* iephnn* i ines, andhow tcr recognize things frirrn up above. Fi:t ih* que:tirrrr i: wher'e? Fvensrsund her* ther* Hre penpl* *verywh*re."

N*w, it was reaii'c* dark and time tc quit. J'-;st it'; time. sher*memlr*r** her'bin*cuiars, and put thenr irl the *ar.

"Would you l ike a r ide nack to town r""No. tharrks. i t 's kind of nice here. *ven if i t is a bit Imeiy. Have a

nice ride honrei Sring morr :alarni next t im* "After retr:rr:ing horne and puttinq ttie car in the Earage, Ehe tc+k a

long l"l*t bath while -,:h* th{:uctht, *nd thr:ught, and thouqhl, "How can t flyand sti l l kee* i l a secret? lf p*crnie leann that I tanf ly, i t wil l be awfui.Fadio and TV asking me trr do tricks f*r tirenr Photographer's tr'ying totake pirtur*s. ilffic*rs frrrr* the F*ntafi*n asking me tr train sclcli*rs to

f ly lt w**ld n*vf,r stnp. Tfr*,ln;y wmy is t* k**p it s d*rp secrel and tellno one- t tayb* l ' l l keep in pract ire in the hackyand, at night-- i t just

nrignt i*rne in handy sonie iinrt."Th*t night :he sl*pt 1+;-rc1 and hard. hl*sl nr*rnlng she awtk;* *arly

and w*nl to the cen-ietery; fis Sfr€ had expected, th*r* slas her friend in the

tree."i tl-r*ught y*u iiked it ai the [ape?""l did, br;t I arn used t* thlngs her*" *nd i i ik* t* hsar fre*pie speak

as tlT*y t* by. I ev*n mis*ed ihe *nes wha si-rr-i*!.-. "Th*r* he isl" wlren they

sre mr. 50. I f lew bark Ia=t night. Did you Lrr inq any salarn!?""Ci r*urse i did! | gu*=:ed ihat yor; rnighi be back. Have ycu hsard

ehnr r t t4 ikp?"

"He was bacF, at vgcrk this rnorning, *nd i heard hirn say that th*sun *+i !n hls *:1e5, aryJ h* waS s*rf'y icr hav* wor;-'!ed ev*r\l*ne."

"w*ll, l 'rn gla-d c:f that' F'iow i h*ve t* c* *n* dn:*me bnhyriLtirt*'Y':u hav*.been a w*rrdfrfui t*ach*r; hut I l-N:ink that we'il lrav* to forgetfiyirrg f*r now. it is jrist lr:,: rc'm;,licated" i ' l i b* bacF; later to lalk it- *verwith tr*r.r."

"ilrlrrg saianri wfien y*u fome "

As she walked dowrr the hill. she'Fassed the work crew' arrd shewa: c*rt*in thai rhe h**r* l ' l ike rnutter to !.rims*lf. "l 'nr :ure tf-rat's herl"Fut sh* diiJn'L turn ar'r:und. as-rrJ k*pt walk!e14 {r-rwl1 th* f'ti'1tr l,;r ihe gale


It was Novernber, th*:-* wfi5 a chili !n the air at night. and su:'*g'nerwas definitely nver. i.lch monnirrg t"n* chiJdr'*n walked d*wn th* str**tpast her h*us* on the way te: school. lt was a iong tim* sinr;* h*r chiidr*nhad g*ne off to school. and n*w they had childre* going off to school. Thefallwas a busy t ime; br.:t i i was slsa a t im+ wheri bird:: migrate s-+uth. Th*seri*us bird-watchers rnak* early morninq trilrs ta tfre bird sar;ctuariesand reservations that ar* +n the flyvrays f*r birds going south f*s' thewlnier fv*ry Thursdav rn*rning she would g* *ff with a grsup *f herbird-watching frienffi. fin* *l th*ir trips was t,; ths f"'!f Auh*-'n f,*met*rv.As lh*}* walt<ed through, th* t*ari*r suggeried that t-hey go lo th+ !t'i11*w

t lI t

Pond K.noll. S'.:r iarly trretended n*t to lmk at the oak tr*€, even whensorn*one cal isd. "Th* cwl is Et i i l th*rel". Fut-" of course, she had tc innk,and sh* winked at her fr' ' iend. As the other w*rnrn waiked *n ahead, sheiagged behind,

"Hoa!- ireli* there. Any =siarni? Afl*r iwct w*ek:{, I 'n tired ofmic*."

"H*l l* y*urs*l f . Gf. cerurs*. h*rel""What areylut1aint. tnlking ta the owl?" *ai led 0rr* r-r f her fr iends"Nc, i 'm c*nirrq. I was jr":*t ialking tr.: nriiss1l. I dr ihsf rnore now

that i"m qett inq olr iei- ""nnn't i l* *il! Nr-r nne *!*e ii*tens t* u* anyhrw." s*i,J her friend."Fut. y*t-: l";rr*vr, thnt *wi seemed t* 1**k at us differently, zE

th*ugh he knev* **n*f-hing ah**i-'.rs i ' l l Lret t"r* {Lrr-rld teli us e i*t'tf thingsh* lra= se*n frq-rrr: ih*i old oak tr**, lf he cculd orriv lalk;i Fui. *f course. hecan't ialk any frrcre lhan I ian f iy! lsn't that s*? Arerr't you Ii=terrirrg?"

"tJh, excuse rfie; I guess ! was day dr*aming while w* w*r-e walk!ng.l"rn Bsrry I dirtn't r*ally hear whnt y*t; **ked--*fr. ahnut th* CIwinp*akrrrg--hi:. arc;rnt is n !!ttl* firrrnl.i*-1 m*8i-1 *f **ur:e h*':en't sr*ah.."

5hr h*d n!rr-ri-i5l- q!ti*r-r a!+*y i:*t- iftt*t- withirut ev*ri thinrinq. Whyis !t =cr hard to k*ep =*ci-ets? lf she wer'e to teli her fri*nd, ih*Fr:he worildteii trer friend, and s0 0n. lt woulcl tre nr: secret at all, 5h* wculd have tr:i 'o rnnna r 'ar .af I r iLr i r ! ! r .L i t ! i rJ l ! ! u i .

I t 's n*t **::v t* giv* up I tr*w and *xt*t ing ski l i . ! t was s*v*ralweers sinc* her iast visit ta the ow! at the cemetery; airC ther'e had n*ibeerr a slrrgie *hance to try'-':ut irrr f!yin*. There w*rr treaplear'':und. The w**ih*r had b*en had- windy arrd raining. F'le:t r,r*ny hird:r f l'y'in th* rain. Th*ir f+athers 'tei w*t anrl h*avy. lmagirre a qrc:wn w*msntrving to f iy with f ier '**at arrd hat and'i lr**: scait ing wrti But st i l l , i lw*i. : id ie* i ro rr ice ic icom arr . r ,Jnd in the air again.

Finaily the v*eather r leared, and it s**ned that a::tr*tth't f r*allndiarr summer'v'*.:s settling in. The leave: w*"re r'*d an'J +range, arrd thesun mad* them l*,:k like a f ir*. *ne didrr'l r*aily ne*d arry e;:€;clis* ftt'g*ingf or a drrve down t+ the Cape She put a f*w lhirrgs intcr the [ar*: s$rne lunchand s *hange cf ci*ihes. 0f c*us"se, the r*ad t* the Ca$e s**med tn l*a'Jthr"*ugh the l{t. Aub*:rrr Cenret*ry The owl :p'.-rttrd the':ar h*f*r"e it hedcsnfe to a slop. Er-rrj f lew irr and sat on the rtar seat withaut a wnrd helnqsaid. With the windcws cl*serJ, sh* tur'ned the car ar*und, *nd they wer*s00rl {'n the Turnpike, headed CIui ryf towti.

"Nt-rw ynr.: sit down iow, we don't want any m{rre troubi* with Slale

-l.r*crpers tadavi""gf i . but open yom wrndow a l i i t ie. lse*rn t* cet tar s ic i : i f i t 's

tno stuffy in her*. Hesidss" i jusi frad a nr**s* f*r br*akfast" lt's rr*t a:

g**d xs y* sal*rni; but it'* rr*t b*d *it**r. ni{i yc* hring anir*/""f{ i*e?""Neri Salarni i Ar* ytu tras!rrg me?"-;;; ;;t;t ves,-i brcught aie,*g * salam!, jr-rst f*r y*u "

Tl"re ride \ida5 unf,venlful. Tt"r*y g*t tc, tlre tape ai:*ut n*CIn. in tlme

f*r s iight iun,;h. After *ating s lifti* sa:ami, th* *wi fiev* *ff int* the

w**ds, and the w*m*r! di'J **nr* rh*r** ar*r:nd th* h*l;se. 5h* pull*d **rn*

f**i r*g*tabies **t crf tFr* g*rden. pii*rJ up things thst hxd t* gc back t*

t+wn an6 put th*m intr': th* *nr. Th*n sh* w*nt next d**r t* s*y hel]* toher neighb*rs, Ti"r*y haefrr't. **** h*r *inc* th* br.:*il-r*ss wiih tl't* Lrr;rgla.r-:;an* they k*Bt *n ab*ut h*w hrav* she v*as, and h*w *x*iting it m*st haveb*en, and st*ff l ike tfiat" As n*** a:i it s*ent** p*]it*, *h* *x*un** h*r'*elfnnd gald gl"re had ts *!*an,Jp 5,-1nr* rr-r{};'* thirrg: tr*f*t"+ dark.

BacF; at th* hou**.* ghe 'Jid a few ihints. arrC ln*n werrt oui doCIr-:and tali*.d "!-inr:,i" Tn*re v/a5 a rudd*r-r rusn,;i air nr'r-rr:n,J her- head" antjth*re wss tf-re *vsi sil i ing rign"r trr frcrrl *f h*r',

" i never can get used i t how you f ly so quiet ly ""Thnt'* herv ralrh *ur fcrcrct *ur 1';ip1q f*ather's sf* *rl*rrged **

th*y rnake alrn*:t ri* i '-lrhuler'tr. wfi!rt '; i: '+shat*: **!**.""Wher"'* di*.v-*r: 1**rn th*i? ?**: s*r:rrS iik* a *ci*r:tist.""Aclilsily* i n'ray b* t-he *niy *wi wh-* l';**w* thxt. ! ir*ard s*me hirr-1

walchcrs at ll"l* c*rrr*terv talking atr**t it *n* *f fhern was a sr*f*ssor lrs*m*thing, frnd *h* s**m*d tr; ttn*vn m l*i sb*ut it. Thni's *n*i,tgi'r rmnlital ls. i t 's t im+ fcrr s*rnf f iy ing less,:n' ' "

Fiyin* is lik* any *tfier sp*rt, !f r:n* d**sn't pr*cti*e r*gulariv.gilrn* ar thr trrr:ing ts l*st, anri }t se*rn-s v*ry hard f*:- a while. ?hey beganwitNr tritti* l':*ps *if *f the Lrench in th* v*r'd. Th*n, as th* tinring nnd arrnmotion got t,*rter, there were ionger" ti i ':hts arc,rnd i-he house, but not irery

high. Final ly th* cwI =aid- "5e* lhat trar* hrancfr orr tf'r*t rr*k tr**? Fl,v up fhet"e and perch orr

ti."Up *he w*nt. and aft*r Saing a few Fr*tty g**el sw*n*s, *h* flew

up t* the br*nch, end tri*d t* lend *n it. lt was lr.:*ky thet tl-re brxrrrh wash:igh, beeaune *$ i*orr as she tried l* =t*nd *rr th* Lrrnnch :he titrped overand fr*gun ta fai l . Wiih a iot cf f lappi*g *f h*r Ern- 's she was abie t*pickup air sp*ed arrd h*girr t* fiy ju*t h*f*r* tiitting the gr*urrrl" ln her



excitement about flying she nad forgott*n tha'r this sanre thing hadhappened to her in her back yard.

"That was cios*l 3ut why did yntr t ip oven?"She lookeci at her feet {or rather her sneakers) and then sne iookeci

at the owls Fcwerful taions."Well, Vou taught me how to fiy; but you Cst-r't teach me how ta

grow my toe nairs into talansi f{avbe that 's something i ' i i rrever be abie t*

da. The only things I *arr grasp the branch with are my fingers, and they

are part of rny f ly ing apparctus. t f i had a tai l l ike a rnonHey, i could use

that tc grab the branch!"" you wauid locr funny with a long tai l ! l t real iy is i rue that ' rwls

and penple are dif ferent. Eut what canycu d* that awls can't drr?""Weli , I can talk- oh, huf- y+u can tool Weii , I can cr ive E caf ' . i carr

swim, and I can walk and run. i can use ff iy han'Js iwhen i 'm n*l f ly inUi iohoid thinqs, t0 use t+ols, to put f+od into my mouth. l{ainly. i gues=, myhands urJbuit t to hold and work with thirrgs. Your wings ar 'e real ly handsand arms that are specia! iy designed to f lv, but are rrat able to do much ofanythirrc els*. r3h. i alninst fnrcot hr'w Vor-i Lleai. thcsr nurfilai-= r:rr the headwi lh youi 'wlrrgs! Are you a rnaie *r a female? nnyhow, I tan have i ivebabies; but you f ay eggs."

"l 'm a male and I don't iay eggsl Hmmph. I gues* we ane dif ferent.lWell ]ets get on with the iess*n; f ly *ver iCI that si ick, near' the car, andbrinq i t back."

Off she yrent. With a few p*werfui stt 'olces, $he was at in* si ick"She landed, pick*d uD the st ick; but sne c*uldn't f ly with i t in her handiWhat to da? Finai ly, she put i t in her teeth and i lew bacic- a i i i t le wob0ly

"That 's another di i fer*nce! Yatr couic hav* helr i i l in y*i :r claws, orin your beak which !s verv strong- I wiii hav+ tu wear a hacktract';, if iexpect in canry anythirrg."

Ey ihen, it was very darh anci tirne tn go hcme As sh* was pack ingthe car, the owl said.

"You gs 0n hom* aion*. l ' i l stav here over night and f ly backtomorrow. i saw $ome interest ing looring f ieldrnice uFr in thewoads. Buijust in case i have bad luct, w*uic you t iave the rest of the saianri withme?"

"0f course, and thanlqs for the flying lessons; and thanks far theiessons in comparative anai*mv. You arrd i harre a iot in tommorr; but weare also very different from each other. Byei".



*n* Bund&V there vdffs & tetrep**n* call for help Couid 5h* c*rne

ou*, unJu;;;;;-. q.ut 'o.hi ldren? iSom* ': f them didn't l ive far awav)'

0f course. she said tfrit sire wor;iC ctrfif" Firs*u, she bak'*d a baich of n+w

oatrneai c+onien- sfim* with raisins and pean*ts, and som* with *hc*olatq

;il;- *n* fr** *lff*rsnf cxstfmers t* **ti*fy. Finaliy' *verything was

;-;;, *r,* f o*i**d the l-rnu** *nd g*t in th* tsr-"' !uu/ ' ; ; ; ; ; , sr ' , * couiJn" insle tn inking about htr secret ; and she

felt sad tnaf it **l*n't h* *h*red v+it-[r anyone. B*t sh* k**w that if il-

l*aked *ul, th*re w*utd be ** resl f*r h*r. l.i*wspaB*r and TV reptrt*r*

**-i* b* after fier ev*ry nilrrt:te *f lf:e day' fh*y w*r:}d want tn tnlqepictEres of her f lying in ine 636k yard They would want t"r nreet the owl,

and even intervi*w itte ' t"t l

+n televisioni '5he csuld irnagine the owl

g*tting very s*lf*imperrt"xnt. F{* rnigi-rt ev*r: asv*rtis*

FlYing l-esscns!1'r : ' ' : - " - -

- - _r ,

Learn to FIY from an ExpertlBY APPointment OnfY

I Pound sf Salami ftrign oualify) rer Hour

Th* th*u*hi *i sirffie *f h*r" lar iri*r:** tryi*g t* lly rxarj* h*r lai*gti

*ut lc,ud. Hsr c*r vEst stcpp*d *t a traffi* liglrt' an'J the rnan in th* *ar

n*xt t* h*t"s i*of(ed at her r: if sh* was * litlle *nas,it'Flnallv, sir* arriv** and ws* *rr*t*d hy the three grandchildren,

and their p*rer':ts. The $Erent: left n'ist:i ir::mediat*1y,,]*ul.inrt th* f*xr

rrf therc in the h*use "!t'hat :hali wf d*, g* ferr A walk?" Th*r* *?

enthusia*r*. While th*y w*r* xitting &i*lrnd tr,lrirrp t* thirrk *l r*rnething

t* dr:, they heard a f ire enilirr* sf*n rlgirt *r-:tsid*. The h*us* *crsss lh*

streei was on f ire! Ihey put on th*ir **ats an'J ran *ud**rs ta watcf'r' The

iil;;-; ** there, and'he tnld the neighhnrs tn st*y *usid* of ff*.{ir'*l?ne m t!:*t th* rn*rr:c**ld w*f'l{, and s* th*y w+uidrr't" get hurt. !t'hi}* they

st**d and lvat*h*d, x*rn**r;dy yel,i*dj"Tnere's e child uP th*r 'el"At the third f l*or.+sind*v*, * l i t t t* gir i wa* lotkinq *ut. **

was friqhtenecl. Fiemes were shc*ting oui sf th* s*c*l"ld st*rv wind*w,

right undu1. hers, so th* f iremen couldn't PiJt Up a latJder there Tnere was

* ict 6f y*l1ing and **mrnoti*n. The firemen wer* tryinE t"* firrd e way l*

get up t* her, and th* psapi* were cryirrg arrd ss!"ns were yeliing "Save

herl". Tlie grandmoth*r ask*d cnc cf the rreiqhb*rs to hold the rhildren'shands. b*caus* she had to dn som*thing and th*n slipped away. !n a c*rnerof the hnus* she took of f her rnai arrd hat, took a f,eep breath, arrrj =he wasup and awayl. She f lew t* a wi;-rd*w at the side c:f the house. climb*d in t0the sm*key r-'som, and ca!led.

"H*re I am, csrne to r** *r*tcherr!"Finaily, coughing and gnsping from the *moks, Ehe found the giri.

dragged her t0 the windaw. and sffid""Set on my bark, and ht: io nn fcrr dear l i fe [ ,an vou d* i t?"When all was ready. she tmk anotfr*r d**p bre*th, jurnped *ut of

the side wind*w, and flew ag'crur;d tc the ba':k, away fr'r:rn the cr+wd. *nthe ground she quickly sr.:t *n hm hat anC coai, and lqneeled d*wn tc'comfnri Er*icherr who was =tii i i*ughing arrd rying.

"There she inl" Eom* 'trr* yelied and th* cr*wd rushed *v*r, withSr*tchen's mCIther first to qet there. l{eanwhile, *ur her*in* walk*d backto her grandchiidren, thanked the neighbCIr's for watrhing thern, and satd'

"Whai hannened? D!r i fh*1n cl*t lhe l i t t j+ gir"! trr : | . i : ; :he:af*?";'y*ne was t.*! {'nt*. 5+rne savr 3

"v;f,rh on a brtnr* f I ' i ttF

to the girl. Ctthers said there was never a giri up there in the fir=t piace.Some said she must have jumped, and it was a l 'niracle she wasn'i huri. Anewspar'*r rep*rten was thele, trving lcr mak* sen$e qrr:t of whal p**piewere saying. The f ire chief yEas waiking *r*und rnutt*rinq t* hin*self"

"t bett*r ask for early retirement I i<nrw ! saw a la.dl' f ly up tnereand:av* lhe gir- l ; but !kncvv that 's crazv Ladies rf ln ' t f l r / Sut rn.vbrotner-in-iaw f"like saw an* last sumrne!-. h* said; and he alrnast irr::l hisjob!"

As th* granclrnother *rrri her three grarrd*hiidrrn waik:*d pa=t hinr,he lhought l-n hinrseif ,

"That's herl Sut lire oth*r *n* cJidn't hnv* a Frat and c*at *n. ! tarr'tr ]o Lt[ ' anci ash her i i she f lew : 'he wi l isay i arrr rraey!"

Wh*n the parents ranr* i'r*m*, they savr l-il* burned hour* a*r**= thestreet, and ihey rushed in "r* =*e if their'kids ry*re 0l{. The k;ids ran tcrtheir parents and hegan t+ i*lF. ail at onc* ab*i.:t h*w ft"etthen !v*s;istrs6by a f iying lady. ilear'ly tfr*y wer-'* ever *xrii*ci, *nd thri,r wer* giv** E*mewarrn r*ilk and *atmeal c**lqies. anqJ serrt up f*r'e warm hath.

"But we really saw frer, rlidn't we Graridrna? 0h, brrt you rr*eren'tthere, y*u went away and c*me bsck sfter sh* was $aved- wlr*r* wsrer inr i?"

t f1

Tlre perents'and the grandmother smiled to each *th*r.,ab*ut theexcited kids. l t was t ime to go home. After kisses al l around, she was inthe car headed for home. She turned on the radio to hear the news, andheard the annor:ncer saying something about mass hysteria in a crowdwatching a fir*. And then a Professar of Fsychnlagy was int*rr:iewed. Hetalked s ict abcut h*w a crowd nf excited people can all imagin* th*t lh*ysaw the $arne thing, when nothing really haprpened. ilf course, firetchen'sstory about riding on a laOy's bacli, and f lying down to the graund was justthe imagination *f a frightenect little girl. Anyhow, the ProfessCIr !ryasabsoiutely sure that there was n0 f lying lady

At home. th*,grandmnth*r tnnk off her smokey clothes, tcok a longbath and went to bed. She *tiil had her s*cret, but it was a cl*s* calllThat night she didn't dream about f lying or about the f ir 'e; but she diddream a-Aout ali kinds of people- nad ones too- trying to steal h*r*e*r"et.

t iT{


After the Thanksgiiring hnliday, th* qrandm*th*i'. detidrd to tak* alittis r*st, away frcrm pe*ple. Farly one rn*rrring, she w*nt t* ihcc*m*tery to ree if thsr* w*r* *ny hlrds ieft, nnd t* :** h*r fri*n,J the owi.

-th* parked her car in the*a near th* gate h*u$c, and began herusalk up the hiil. fin ths way sh* rnet the sup*rvis*r *nd *xcnanged hoiidaygre*tings with him "Did y*u eat *nough turkel:?" "Sr*an! d*n't asfs! in*ver want lo see tr-rkey *g*ini Br.rt it was g+cid." Th*n she conlinr:ecl h*t-wall.. up t* the 0i,"1 +*k ii-'**. \tihfn she r*ached it, *l're called. "Hacrl tbr'r:ught )isu Sgrne salarni "

There was n0 answ*l-. 5he calied agairr, crrfl *ii i i n* answer. louldsc-rmsthirrg be wrong? 5ha was about [o turrr ar*r:rrd and go baci+ tc th* gal*wh*n she hearcl B v*rv faini an,J weak "Hm!". lt mad* h*r iunnil" nnd ih*nshe b*qan lt*king frrrlurrd- n* owll ilnre agmin sh* fr**rqJ 'iirasl". And th*nsh* saw hirn. A hunt:h c:f r:-r.rmpied feathers airn*st- urrdry a nush" Tlre ow!wasn'i Cead; Ltrtt h* rii35 n y+rv ii i i, i:wi an'i ': l: '!ri,-lu:ii\r n+erled irelp. 5hepiCF.ea l-:ir-r; ';tr Q8!-!tli,'. r-r w*'- vri-,/ iiqht ih+ i':*i.,f,j *i,*= Anfl h*avy [reC.3i.::**f his f*athers; buf i ike al l birds his

-banes wef* r*.y i igl-r t icr make f lv ing

eas ier )"t t 's my wine, I think i l 's broken, I ' l lnever Lre ah!e ta f ly aqainl""fih y*s yor.r wll ' l! W*'il get a veternarian tcr fix you up. lfhat

rrag-r*n*d? Teil m* laler. wh*n v*u fe*l hett*r,"A,s she was g*ttirrg int* th* rar. th* :-rupervi:r:r came bv"Heyl What's un ther'e?""f t 's lhe owi, hrs;, ,* ing is broken; anC l ' rn taking hlm to a vel ""tVell, I kn*w:'0'i e'-'* * regular h*re; Lrut b* carefu! Those *wlr

csrr snfrp a branch in twr: wilil their beatc: ""0h, I know ahout l?,.at; but we are sr:r"l *f fri*ncls and I dnrr't thint<

h* wi l l r : ip at rne""5he dr"*ve t* lhe A.r:geil l"temorial errirnal H*sBit*i. rrarked lhr r:ar,

and carr ied the r"rwl in. Tnr receptianist sent ihem to a vet who was onduty. Fie lookec the hird cvf;r'. and agreed tnal ther-e w,?$ a broken wing- itjooked as though it ha.c been broken Lry s 5l,,rnfl That made hrr vpry angry,A*yht:w. he said he c*uld s*r i t n*w i f she wante* ts wai i While he wentto get rea{ly,she said to th* owi."Dln' t wcrr 'y, h* wi i l l is :1f lu uD l !ke newl"Th* *wl just saiC "Hrmi"

The vet and th* *y+i wer* in lhe operatinq r**m for'a ionq lirne; bui

tnt f l

i inal l i r he cam* *ut,"ll*'s flix*cJ n*w; but he r',*ill havr to b* k*pt qui*t f*r" a fevs w**ks

whil* thlng*e h*x1 *p" W* g*n't hav* pince fcrr *n *wl h*i-e, can rloi"l tak*care of h i rn?"

"f ih, yesi l ' l lkeerr h im at h*rnr t i l ihe qEi: wel i """Ss earsf*}. fr* is a *tr*r:g bir'd a*d h* ran F:*rt r1*u if he gets

ei.;rit-sd. Beiter wfar ieatf-rer fl lOv+s."She drcve home carefuliy, and prrt the awl into a spare r*off'. $he

put i*t* *f **wrpapers nn the f loor, and puN s*me *f the kni*k knacks aw*ysc' they wcruldn't get broken 5h* br"**gl'ri s bcwl of wai*r. a*d *aid "Y**

h*v* behav*d v*ry welt. so here is y*xr pr**enN." lt wss a pi*** *f salarniTher* wflrp mnnv rirnren fc ciq'r. 5{i shF iefi the *wi *nd went alr*ui

h*r w*;'k. *ne cf her birdwate:hi*g frie*dx csil*d us t* s** if *he ';*uld g*tt: Flum lsland t* :ee lhe *n*r* birr}s. $h* *xBlain*d tFrat rhr couldn't"b*tause of the in!ured r:wl

"An OWLri'. h*r frirnd :;cr*arned. "i havr t* r'orrr+ and :** it " Off*ur'$*, *he cji$n'l- trme r:lrrrre. f** ':th*r m*m*ers *f irr* bir*urratch*rsc*r** v*!i-h i:sr. Th*i,u wry* *rrly *licvred tr rr*at in nt th* d**r f*r'em*ment; *xt iir*v c*xid r*f.** b*ck irr a f*w days wh*n th* *vel w*r-rld besr*ngen. Th*y w*nt intn the ki tchen f inf i nad tsa, wni ie ihey aot arrqry aill"i* *ers*n wh* h*d thr*wn f"h* *ttris at the *w1.

'#f:*n h*r' ;;ia*ticirilrJr*n r:*li*lJ. *h* !:r-:lr1 ih+rn ah*ui ih* ilw1. fh*yg*i *ii *xr:it*d, arr* LiBtQ*d c+ui,-: ih*v r*rr"i*:xlti i ::** il? "ir-r * f,*w ciayx.*

5he hegnn i t ' rrai iz* tn*t nl l r : ini f i r ' r 0wl f , i r :* l 'erai y- i*eH: rniqhii:* rn*r* *f a -!rrb tf'r;*r: xh* h'ad *largairrfd i,,,-r- Anyh*w, what d* *wI* r*a?ly*at? it has t* h* n,;ln*lhinfi he*i,J*s:aianri *it* w*nt t* t'?-t* ***r; *ns* aRdi,*ok d*wn her A.uSxb*n fleid sr*i*e ar'{i iCI*k*r! *p greal hcnned rw}r. Th*ye*t gru:ilse and rmbhits. a: *v*il as lr**li*::, ]irar'dx, *Fid f;-*g:;. Tir* idea nfbringinE a r*hbit f*r the arrul t* ki l i { in ih* **r iro*m y*t l} mad* h*r a } i i l l+tii. An*tner b*sk seid thsl i 'r* wt*l# *at skrinksl Wii*re r'oi..:ld sh* c*ilertbe*t les, ] i : :arr :s. anC fr ' *qs- *speciai iy th is t im* nf y*ar? Tn*n -eh+r*rn*rnb*r*d thst *n* e*uid *all th* Au*u**n S*ci*ty" Wh** ri:* explai***n*r prnlr l*nr. th*y'w*r-r verv helpful, and =aid that t l -rey coui,J qivt: hen Fonrrpackaq*s of fo*d that vc*ul# h+ go*d f+r lh* r..:wi. *5h* *ali*d *n* ol l'rer'friends and ask*d il sh* **u!* plilq uf, som* *f the i*od f*r h*r'. slnre shedidn't want to lea,r+ ihr owi ai,;ne irr itre houte fiy tnr rnci *f the flav.things w*rr a litti* h*tt*r *rgarrlxed lhe twl had h**n s1**ping *r r*sl-ing',vhi l* the wing f iegan tcr h*al, an'J ihen* wa$ t inie lrr rel*x a ] i t t le

Th* n*xt ir*rning, th* *wl was firu#fpli, and wcr*ldn't answ*r her


qu*sti*n5. h** cni'ir c-*rnplain*d lhat h* *idn't lika tlre fr*r*d fr*rn t-he*n 5*risty; but *he wa* d*tcrmin*d tfrat sniarni wr:uld b* strir;tly

r-tt---*f =WutJ'gnt;;;

ff'* nuigftn*r'h**d, and people hepf- c*minQ t* In*

d**n t* a*k if th*y c*uid tnke a p**k. Finally sh* vcas frt'c*d t* *ay "f''l*

rn*re!" And *he roi up ? llqi"-VISITIHfi' HSURSIff AH Til I IAf{I U 5t ' t r v

3PH TS 4 PT'Tin e few days ihe eiwi +vas *Lrvicr:r : ly strcnper, and g*tt ing better.

H* wnlk*d ar*un* tfi* r+am, but di'Jn't f-ry trr f ty sin*a itir injur** wlng war

st i j l t i *dxpt*asr l int ,Fing" l l i r ' t .h*v*t*rnxr i&t : f f f i ! ] *d*nd**. idth*yshculd c{)me f*r s efrerle uB. nft*r' examining th* r:wi, ii* detid** that the

spi int r :*uld {*f l f i r * f l ; br" l t r i w*uld st i i i h* * Ji t l l* whi l* befai-* } ie ' t t :u}d

f lV iln tir* way fi*rfi*, lh* *w! ysas ilfrvi*xnly in g**d *pirit:s. fi* l-iad h*ard

arid '.lnd*rstc,**

vshat th* ry*i tr*d t* xay; but. *f t*urr*, he n*'**r S&-&. lii

*nyor'* *x**pt fti* fr"ie** th* gran'lrnal*;; *ono **** ; dy *n*., he werrt*d l,* :tretch hi= wi;"rqs. In a

litl i* s$*r* h*rJr**nr, t,l ' lnt'.";**t-r't ***'i.t t* if*' H* had * wrng::Pr*nd +f

.xb*ul 3, i" , thst i : , i 1i .? f f* i . fn+ ru*m wa: {)ni . i i * bV 1i f**t i t ' i ' * i r*. :r*:

thal drdn't leave r, . l*rn f*r rnany f lap: of lhe lvingsi Final iy ' , h+ was T:: ' l id

dcln t* the ceilar wh*re th*r-* v/es rfi*r*'r$rrn. At first'h* rnaei* !i if. i*

fiap5, then he fieW a f*vc f*et, and in * f*w dayx he cnuld f l i i th* iength *t

th* csilxr". fl* hsd tr: d*dg* ar*und ':l*th*s lin*x and Pi['es; but he wasqett inq rtr , :nr;err-- . 'C,ne evtninq the qran*lmother sat c lown t* rest a ' - rd wairh a l j t t l *

bit of ielevision nefore gr'in'l io trerC St-tdd*tily shr reeiiz*A lhal the awl

ws3 flerched an the s*fa r-rerl to her sh**lcler, and wa= wxtchir"r* th* TV.

$ne had ]*ft the ceitrsr d**r r:p*i-r, and he had f l*wn xp. Fr*rr th** *n ii was

* prrni*m; ail i"r* w*uld d* *",a*-git th*r* and wst** TV. -1crt"r-'r*tim*s she

w*alld tur"n it Olf and li*t** t* tfre radirr i{e lik*d ih*t i*er; bt*t h*pr.eferred TV. i-ie snould ha,;q ireen down:tairs *xere iting, insteaci he iu=tsat there and watehed and li*t*rr*d. W*rsi *l ali, he lih.*d nr-*gr*ms v+ith

l+t* *f figl,.,ting xnd shc*ting- i*st l ike a kidl Finaii,v sh*'Je*ideci that h*

**uid *r,tf w*tch fer *n* t-r**r if h* ha* dan* hls ex*r*i**s. T*"rr;v lv*re

beqinninq to qet *n each rr ih*rs nerves."'

Onu evenlng * friend celleel and ask*d her tc g* tc a mnvie' 3h*

d*eided thct Eh* w*uid. 5h* t*lrJ the *wi wh*re sh* wa: gcring, "htow b*

g**dl" "Cen i vsat*h TV?'. "ilh i ${r*55 **l'' She i*ft th* h?T*. d*rk and

i*r.ned on l!-re Trl iri th* t<ilci-rerr, "H*v, it 'n tni' i 'bl**k ar:d whil*i Wher*'s

f t t

the r* lor?" "What a rntt*n tpoi ied birr ! y*u are tet i inq tr"r I 'ei '= Sh*slemmr'n thff 4orlr and l*it.

About an hcut'iater',:*rfie nn* r;ui*tiy r.:pen*d tir* front rJ**i- anclcaffe in. trwis hmv* v*ry serrsitiv* h*xring. n*d they aisc L-:an =ee vrh*n iti* very dark {h*cflilsr {rf ih*ir gr'*at frig ey**]. Tl're *wl called r-rut; "Ar* ,v*ubaclq s* s**n?" Tfre,re w*s {-}* *n*wer; **t he fr*ard ver"y s*ft f**t*iap*cemir:g t*ward the iqit*hen. lt s*r.ri-r*e* ttrangt, and it r:f*{i*d lnv*sNitati*;; iu*t*nlng TV tf:* cwl kn*v,,ali about- iurgiars, s* he fi*w tlp *nt* s*upb*ard t* watc'i"l Th* hrurglars* i!v* of them- tarfi* in qui*tly" *** said"ll's *nly th* TV, s*n"!**rle i*rg*i t* turn it *ff. Let's f ir-r* ti":* x!lv*"w;lE-*1"'Tfrey *r-arted t* r:p*n dr'*vssrx, arrd began tfrr*wing ining= into * beg t-heiihnd with th*rn. Th* *wl d*cid*d t* att. With e gr*at "HOAI HSOI !-tOSl' h*sw**p*d d*wn *n il"r*r.n and *ttxck*,: with his *i$ t*t*nn *nci hix h'**k fhevw*rs ** sur'pris*d th*t they fell *ver ea*h *th*i'"snd g*i nll tengl** t-rp inth* fur"nitur*. *** g*t r,:p t* r';n t* the d**r nnd cr*ckr* his h*n* *n th*ws'|1, ar-rd fel! d*wn *rle*ftsfii*us. The oth*r tr!pp*d or.,*r hirn anrS sprxir:*dhis ankie so he cculdn't waik; Tne r- lwl remernbered what ne had sr*n nranytirnes nrr TV and ssrlc*d *ui "*i1" *n ih* t*l*ilh*rr* lt*'y fr*er*, Th* polire

eft,.: th* r;r'*ndnr*tn*r arr'iv*,J *irr'r***,i at il-r*:*11+ f trrr*. Tlr* k!l*|l*ii w*$ *r lrs5t wrlh f t ;rni i r-rre lrFpecl fvpt-; t lut the *vul w*s si f t l rrq *n ir t 'h*ar:t r lthe unconsti0u5 trrr* nftd watthinq th* cther br:rgiar.

It uvas hard f+r the i:olice t* understarrd what hac happened; hutihere was no d*r:ht that thsse were tw$ b,Jrfllars ihe'rr n*d bern rhasing f orserm*iim* n'lw. Th*y *erngratulated th* gr'*r:dm*ther. The n*xt day, atbreakf'ast she an* ths *wl w*i-che$ th* m*rrrin* news *n TV. *h* r*nd th*hig xt*r-y in the S*per", and shr:v*ed hirn his pirture, *n* lhe h*atllir-r*"ATTACK SISL CATCHIS *URfiLARS". Th* c;nrl we* very ple*s*d" *ndpraud *f hims*'if; and the qrarrdrnotfr*.r'***s t** it w*s lh* s***nd time h*had helped her'crr:t r..rl a darrqerrru'; sprrt.

Sy n*w th* *vEl, *h?!*xsly h*d hin str**4th hack. nnd it w"*s tim*f*r him t* rrtur't t* ilis raguier h*me and s*r*unrSings" f{e agr**d; but th3nhe ssked, n ?ittl* sa*ly "Sui r*n I t*m* b-a*k .s*metim* *nd wateh TV? il*y*u think th* *u$*l'v!sfr af- th* r*rrr*t*ry will i*t rn* v+ntch wit-h him xtii:* g*te hr:i."rs*?"

" l ' rn sure yolr can; br: t be rar*fui w!th ytur u+inn f iyel"As th* r,*i? i*ft, she w*r;dered to herself, "l h*v* k*pt my s**r*t **

far; but I w*nd*r if h* can k**p fris?

Lengurge and Fortry

The weather c*oied cuickly. There was an early srrcw fai l i rrDer-rernbe:', and hy Cnristrftas tne sr-r(-l!r/ was several lnches deep. Finaiiy, inJan*$ryr, th* grw-rdr*oti'l*r decid*d ihat she had i:*tter Fsy a vi*it. t* **rir ien*, and s*e how thinqs wrr* q*ing wit f : l r im, how w-es his wing? swlsdor-r'i rnigraie r'o fh* sruth tn# wav Borns hirds .do- they stay through thewinter. 5h* [rut *n high b**t* *nd w"srm s**ks* end was ju=t ab*ut i* iut c,rrher heavy r*et wh*n she r*m*mh*r*d! She qct Efimr ieft over Cri:tma*wrappin* Faper' *r:d **m* r'i$h*n:, anel a n*w tw* p*r.:rrd r*Iami *ut *f th*refri '.:enat*r. &rrd ii-r a iew inirri-rt*s':h* harJ an attnactiv* packa,;e. Snauld shehav* a card? Frclrahiy **t, the -*vdi cm*'l read. so*n she wa: ai Nheremetery. parl ,*d h*rcar dnwn by the gat*, aRd wa: trur lqing up i l - ,* r"r i i r lordi l lnvv Fond Krr ir l l vsher* thr *wi l ivyj

The'+ueath+r way r,oi plea';ant anrj n0 one *is* w*.; *round Fei*r.eshe -q*t {* lh* rrsk tre*. tfrere w*5 & si.:*ffen WHI*H. *rrd r*rn*thing wes on h*r.}*ft xnert:ldnr. "'*fhgr* hav* yerri **en'? i've fi**r-r waif-ing i*r ry*ui". Th* rruEif lew *ff and iai:d** *r: it'r* bnck t:i the hench, whil* rh* nFusf:** off th* sn*wsa nhe car.rid *q!l cj*wn. ': '- -' --

"Tlr*r*l tt hx* b**n * wtril*. Y*';r wirrg s**nrs t* lr*ve h*ni*d* irns it?lr**n s* *u*v lsiih r*v grnnd *!:ildr*n. lh*v*n't h"s* iir** i*r anythinqir*n* y*u dr:r:'i- lhlnli i f *r-^';r:i 1o-*r.-l?""l{y win* fe*i: *r-*sl, than}t yr.;x

t L-_.*I i l t t ts

pi cd: I

p*r* *h*ut that isr-r"i ihi,c t** tir"** r:t' yeareaeh *l-i-r* r ...... ",?

Atrr';t f*rg*tiing"..w*li, I wasn'twh*r; y*u pr*pi* qiv* pr*s*nts i*

"ll ir, *f **ur** il is; *rr$ I hav*r:' i f*r**tt*n y*u *i *ii i i-f*re" Sh*dug inlr 'her nag and Lir: l len,-: , , . : l th* l rr innl r+cl f ,eckage Tl-re'+r. i i lcrrrk*S at ! tin * stfange way "vlh*t's tNrat?" "*pen it- *fiqJ see" lt only toor. a fev* ripswith his hig iai*nx and x ii.-:ci svjth hi: h*ah: L* g*t rid cf tr:e paper. and th+rew*: lh* higg n*w sslnri!i.

"t'rn **ryy that | ,Jidr':'t truxt y**.. '*rr TrJ wh*n p**pl* er"r nap[,y CIrpl*esed, they'f t i :+m*thirrr : cr i l*d i . . i : ' : ing. Dl- i t rny neek n:a1,,rr* l b* g*i l ' , { ' f* fi<issir"rg Anyhow, i um haprry and ple*:er i . AnrJ, a l i t l ie hurrgrry fqrn l t ' : notl** *axie l* find f**# ir: ih* wint*r.tim*. wit* *llthi= sn*!v *n Nfre rlr,_rund",'.

"L+i rne: l i r* cf ' f ' : , lm* pi*r ,+: i r r , r ,nr ; . i l wi i l L,* ea:* ie"to q* l ; i i rShe taaf. out her r*rJ B'11,, $rnr.r t knif t and Cui lh* Slal. lmi i rr tr .ceveral f l iqchr'rnks Th* *wl irnr**dia|*iy t**k aii br.:l rlr!* *f tf:e *hr:nkx up icr his nr;t* inth* lr-ee an* rarn* betk .*r:vvn t* *at ihat ':n* He st,*rt** t* s*y s*#lqilli*S;bt:i ir- was r.r*ini*iiigahi*. "**n't try tr speak *iir, y**r;-d;;;j"- cl-,** ii


ali firstl Ch d*ar, that's how i speak lcr nry qrandchiidren, and i used tospeai.; ti.r rrty childr'*n iike that i and sometirn*s even ta rny husbandll"

"Thai's fiK. fitri i"rn glaei you carn#, theru is sornrthing i wunt to eskTh*re have been Forns stranqe peaple her* ai different iirnes. and I can'tunder'siano anything they say n few days ago there were 50me perple nexito my lree, One af tirem burnpad intrr anoiher an* he said " nfiX{AJfyftflTA"What is that?"

"Say i t again '"IIOH{AJIYfiCTA"

1il, th-i *u=i-nuru heen speaking Russian The yesrrd is poztraiuisia,rt rneans piease."

"Don't ai l v*u peopJe sneak the same?"hlo, peaprle fr*m different part's CIf th* worid speak rnany diff*rent

ianguages. Scrme langr.isqs5 ap* sort of the same, but others are verydi f f erent."

"Playbe that *xpiains it. Another cay, there was a group of p*oplewho sounded alt*grther different, s*rnething l ike "XXXKando charact*rs".The,v Inoked a l i t t ie di f i * rent f r*ni you, iheir fypb w*rr n i i t t le s ianted, andth*ir *hins wsr* n i i l t l* dark*r""

"li s*unrls a-= thougfr lh+y w*r+Japane-t*. Th*1r cnme lr*,.n a{rl-}::i th*great big Facific Oc*an. i'iere in frjew flnglanc anrJ Cape f,od, w* wer* nn t-heedge of the Atlantic Ctcean The Pacif ic qJcean is far away to the west-- ihedirectinn of tne sett inq sun."

"Tirere were oin*. ianouages too, i gusss; bui i couidn't hear themvery weli i f ycu are al ipeapie, why isn't there only one people language?"

"Ail the differeni ianguages originated hundr*cs anc thausands ofyears ago. Pecple l ived in srnali, is+lated communit ies; and they earhdevelop*d their own languaqe LanguaQe is such an rmportani part af being apsrs{'R, that it is very harci to give up y*ur- c'wn language and negin to speair anew one. fhi ldren learn nev+ ianguages ea:i iy; bui i t is very nard for mostqrownups. Now with airpianes. and radio, and TV we are ai i beccmingexposeU to oth+r languages. l" laybe s*mf day - not socn- we wii lai l speak*ne language Fnr now, it ic'crks lik;e we ane stuck if yr:rl coriid see a,Japanese oi a Russian TV prr'qram, it wor.:ld iqok just like one oi crurr, butthe language wouid be their 's, and nof tnqiisn."

"That's interesting, i guess, but i t rnakes rne confused I havean*tner f iuestion. Back in the fal l , when it was sti i l nice outsidE, a iroungrnan anfl w$nran werf; siiting *n the Lrench here; and he wa: reading t* hersom*thing call*d oaefry Wnar'E tnfi t '?"

"P*etry ie a special way of wr i t ing or sFeaking. Somei imes i t has erhytfrm, and sometimes it has rhymes, words that sound the sarne- it is scrrtof like singing without music. Some poems are very long- sonre are veryshort. The Japanese have a form they cail haiku. lt has orrly t? syllablesand three lines, and expr'esses one very simple idea."

"Tell me an example ""Well, l"m not a poet, but iet rne try mrnrnm

People have handsThey cannot flyThev can ?????

^ -^,* r r . r^^,+ ! .* , .n ana,rarr0h dear, t can't ihink of a rhyme' f *i- hairds, duu r uun L ncruu Hruugnsyl iables."

" l think I get the idea, let me try rny hand- | mean wing- at i tI 'm an cld owl

Itrlli:t-Houno , rron't howr""That's wonderfuit You are not oniy the f irst talking owl, you are the

f irst ieathered poei Can ycu do anotfrer one?""Li fe up in b t re*ls cfteri quite lan*iySut the rent is free."

"That's pretty good; bui rrat as gocd as vour iirst one.""mmHPH ev*rybody's a criticl""Where ci ir i you iearn that? lt sounds.lust l ike my daughier""i ln TV the other niqnt The nignt watchrnan had his window +pen

down ai the gaie hauses and ! was watching -"l t is aeit inq iaie and I am coit i i wil l cnme baclr. rryith a tape

reccrder, and yau can recit* ali your haikus inta the rnicrcphone"""Can we print them atrl in a boan? i could be interviewed on a TV talk

show iust like scme of the other authors i have seen.""l 'm afraid thet salami ang TV lrave spuiled ynu pr*tty rctten, and

you are gett ing worse- just l ike my grand t ' ; ids; but lgu*ss i love yotr ai lThis isn't a gaod t ime far a f lying iess*n, my boot$ BFrd coat are awfr-r i lyheavy. We wil l hav* t.+ vrait far nicer weather Bye! "

"Hool Hool".As she walked f,own the path she war surprised to see now mucn

new sntw hac fal len The c*nversation had Lreen sr: interesting that shehadn't noticed Nelw ner car window was cover*d with snaw and she had to


bn:sh it off.

friend with her family? Haybe thry r;ould ail arrarEe to nr*ei at ihe f,at'e'The kids would enjoy ! t . There would be the problem of tne kids tei i inqtneir friends or their teachers "f{y granci moiher has a friend- arr CIwl ihatspeaks Enqlish- and under:tands it to*, and loves =elamil, arrd watches TVl"Nobody woulcl beii*ve them and the ieae*hers might serrd n*tes home to theparents about their children having aver-active rnenrories That was a risk,and she would have to think abaut it. t"leanwhile, nei- clwn secrei abaui be'ingable to f ly was even rnore of a pr*blem fould she ever teii anyone, and evenshow them? As fnr the owi, she did have the excuse cf having nursed hirnwhen his wing was broken, and he had becorne a Bet. lf he waulrl oniy t<eenhis beak shut, and n+t sFreak!


A l$issing Chi l t l

f{arcn is a tricicy rn+nih iorn*tirnes it ran piie h*avg iri1ow on th+ci iy, Lrr*aHing brsnfhps, al-* el*r lr tc l t rres, and rnaktng a gerrsra! mess +fthings Otfrei yeari , the u+eatfef can be lvarrrr arr,1 halmy wit i r a l i rsi iasi*of sprinq And some i imes n*rh kind of weath$ can #ccl ir !n the space +f eweek, ev*n +vernight. l f was cn* nf th+se rrr i l4

'1unu that happened t* fal ion

one cf the many fani i ly bir t l ' rday: Birthd*v: arr ncce:Bti lns for the whoierarni ly tq: qet tctelher. enf i ihis w*s an ir leai r :air f* rel*trr*te the 0ir i ; ;430and tfie en* af winter r-'eople gain*reo foran eariii Si:nday lirncn Then, s*rilPsat dr:wn ia warch a ts*a':r.*r.Dail gnrne on TV, anrr ih* cihers,Jeciderj ia ':a fcra walk l t wns sunny, N,ut h,r ish

Th*v walterJ an *'Ooo-atru trath irr th* v+,]*ds. The lctds ran arttrnfi,gr iaying t :ag and v*l i ing Final l ' r , thpv al l aqr**ci r t was t ime t-* i i rrn arcurrd*n,J g* horne. '0n ih*i'viray [lair.. *ne,:f th* *lCpr- k,ictS aSksd,

"Where' : i i r i l in a nanrei?"Fi* +rrr kn*w Tirru h*c,:n tr cal l her narn*, andT+ent [ ,acit *ver i ' , r*

i i ' : r i hlrr a trscei Th*y rn*t i*rne oihfr nrkeru; but their hn*n't sren & t i l t ieqir i , arrd in*y j* inef i in [nF nunt. Sonr* *ne hac a ptrrtEni* t* iephon* nn,C hei-"llea ihe pciics eri"rerqenrv nilrnbrr'. vryy Eocn, ihe noiit* w*r'fl r:n inrsfens.. Thrv a*k*d cuert.i+il$: !"row c,ld is she? hr:w was sile dre:.lrd? whtrrWdS ' : l l * f r t issf t l? f ieAnwl ' i i ie, * i \ i I r fW Nhal mnif i i r - : r - : , nC' i i r r r ;* i t l r rn

l i r r Ef *nf A ' -ht ia ** t i inq J1i51 t5 f r lu* 'avs I h". ,T Sir i t -Vrne grandn-rCIther I+,1 the gir i ' t farfntt wsre t+i-r i fr l ' r , u$' iei Tne

niqhls **.* rt , l i i -rn . :*r,r ' , ** i*, :oi i ing i t i . **o-=n* o. 'o ni* i =***r*.' j f , ,0,, tr5f, they wirmi*l frui r l rdn't ' rn*ak alr*ul Int p*sstbi i t i ' , ' t ' i : t rnethtntrr*al iy bad t ian**nirrg. l '1*: tnwhile, p*rrnl+ in ihe:rr ir- lhbr:rht i( i ie. l rn*rJ t : f ihernissinu girtr 'and turned i i i r i l0 jc in rn l : l i8 hunt [u'rryont we:. t : l i rn* hername, sr.i that ns 0$€ e 'tulJ hav* hearct r r'+*lv. Thev ir: 'rrkerJ un'J*r nu-sh*:. andof i- f fre lr*ti- frut ,fr inu',-,.o j

t r i *Anwni l f , bar:r , et ihe C*rr ,gq+ry f he *Wj i - ry*S Ffr{hed i f A i r f+

Ot,r lSi , l * ln+ *At* i (*eprr : rv inr j*w, Wst ih i i -1g i+ ievis i ln f l - : f f* v ' r?5 * Su*n*rr*reak in tnp stsgram r," , i th e n*ws f ia: i - , 3 l i .arJt tne rniss ' l i$ f i i r i : * i r iC i ,her* * t - iih+:i i-*+n v"'as thf Ti^tnfi l l- i tr lhflr, 5?\' i t i1 r;6'4' r40Ft' ifr l:-:h+ wftst r-n* +wi onitlhearct sntrr*it l t knorv fFrti iher* w3$ tr+'-rble; b,;t i-.e CtCrr't kri{r!." '!,, 'h*r* itVtaS ri i lw c*r;id ne heip ur:lpt5 fi* kri+,.,, wftei-e it- v,,. ls?' l l :*r.tnrJ*,J es th*ughth*fr

To.-= *o t ' i t l? t : , i+s* !n,Jesp*rai i+ ' r ne went t r lh* wirrr lcw.:r i i i ; :krr i

"Wl-rere is that irapp*ninfi?'"Th* EJatr keef,e!- rvat hslf asl+*p, nil i h+ an:-rwererl

/ . f

"SwamPrr*t*..""Wh*r* is that?""rJp *n the Nr:rth Shnr* Y*u go svsr if-rr ri ibitt bridceivi th that ihe *wl ta*k *f f r{e.=nwhii* the gat*kemef was lrylng i+

i icur* r- lut who he hnd hee* -:pea! ' . inq l i ,* i t was ai i hery l ike e ciream-Eornstninq abr:t-tt an *sri?? Anynflw, he lvent Lrack i+ si**p

f{ejnwniie lne rwl nead+d north- with nc lp3f i i i i ights ta h*th*rwith, he was sson over an arra wi ih l* i= of p*l ic* cars witn th*i t . p11; '1p. irr t i

i iqhts, and lr ig f locc i ights. *uiet iy, he lanceo !n a tree n*arb,v f ind l i : tenedto ihe iaiir He 'i*ln iearrred what had hapr'ene*- th*n h* s&w iheqrandrn+ther. He f lew n+*r her anc sof r"ly =aid "rin+- saiamil" V,rhen Sne n*ardtnat she iurn*d ar+unfl an$ saw tne 0wl Ctappear !r ' i0 a ciump of tre*s. 5r '+foll*u+erj fi im, arrd s*crr they w*re ir-r cofi\rf;f$aticrn. ih* *xpiained wher* tneyhac h*en and wher* thrv harl l*ok*d- j t was terr ihie. maybe :am*thrng awfuiha* hnppened t* her'! The owl ssi,J

"'Dcrn't wsrry, ! can f ind her. t1'r'nlght vi:ion t: *verv q*od. fifid grr is r,r!! 'hearir-l{, Wail f 'rere

witn l :hat r l * tV35 uf i . t - r : , , '3 l l ,J i l i r 0*tr+*en Snd Urrr ler 1 g i r r : ryt '3nr- lhrarrche:- sr-rmething th* pr i l ice h*i icnFters Lr*r i ! f rn' i r i+- an, l ihat ' , 'dnE a si f iadvantage. He fol iowec in* pain, Ful hi lnted srr h*in'r i r i*s. At iast he carn*ta a t i r t ie wash, wlrer* on* sis* *f the path had cBv*'J in frnrn a rain stoc-mi'{e thought he hearc s+rnethinq ;:nd :rvoop*d d*wn cl+ser. ne :aw a qtrl 't f+*i, and then he saw th* resl of n*r^ She was hundlerj Up anfl qr';ing s*itlV. Hewas afraici tc ir' iqhien her, sn ire riocd where:n+ ccruldn'i see hinr and asi..ed

"Ar* ynr.r el i r i f ihl? Can y' ;r-r '+;aln?""t rar i ' f v*elx- r ,rry anklehr:r l : r a lot i"' i ' l i be r i f int nack wi th hein- n+ a Lrrave qrr i "He mace i n*u l ine- ra$rer an owl t ine [ ]a(k {* the granctr,* ih*r anc

said "Hsc, I inunc n*r i" She waik'ed treck into the wnuds anci he i* id i :*r- h*wta find (giri 's rrffrr-'rri. The Qranrlrnrtnen went ba*,. t* tlre noiice captain ancis,3 it!,

f " t ;ust- renri*mbered where:hr rnig,\ t be- piea:* df l f fe with mel"

i in a f*w rnnmenls lhey c*r-ne i+ the '+vasl'r and fo'Jnd iNamei coic ancirnt$eranie; ilut very frappy tt::.** inern. They wr"apppd a *ianket around her.and the Caoiain camied her nentiv nAcr. Tne exci iement was fr*mflndous

"She'-' bachl They for:nd nrri 'in th* 00licr arnnuianfr insy g3r.ig ner a wamn f,rink and =fiff{ethinq t*

eat The Cc'cfcn iCIn* cf th* neir l i rb+r-qi iocked at h*r arrki0 ane said i t was ahad sprain hut i t wasn't brnk+n Br-rt just t$ be sure, he said fhey sh,rult i tnkr


=ry"3 -':'ner tc ihe irnspilal f '- 'rr an X-ray. The molh*r ancj orandrn*tner r*d* in lnfarnbuianr* The fatirer drove ihe rar- r-ight belrinri. i. ieanyrh!le {rramer beqan '\to revivn and hefian No taiF, atrout a trig *ivt urr,o **n*a n*r o--iti*r*, il;ilsaid he wcuid get nelp" Ihe qrowiluti:.i FrTlllec- ihe chiirj must h*ve bsen

friqhteneO and was pr+babiy rsrngn'ibering a trad dream"But real ly, lheard him say ' i " l l b* r ight Lrack- be a l r rarre gir l ' , that

owlwas so n!ce, he saved rny l i f* , i wi ' ;h i coul ' l m*et hirr , . and thank him "'Haybe yOu wii i , sr:rne d*y." th* qrandmother said. "Now ci*se your

eyes and go ta sleep "

Secrets are ver)/ hard tnkeep f{eanwhiie, she had better slcp at tnemarket on ii 're way honre and buy an exir,? big salami,



'; 'ttl,".,- t





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