Flour Babies Or Parenting and Family. Learning Objectives Devise strategies that will ensure the safety of your Flour Baby. Incorporate parental responsibility.

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Flour Babies

Or Parenting and Family

Learning Objectives

• Devise strategies that will ensure the safety of your Flour Baby.

• Incorporate parental responsibility into your daily lives.

• Write a report giving examples about your experiences during the week.

• This project is not about teen pregnancy.

When do I turn in my Flour Baby?

April 19th, 2011 at the end of the Day

What do I turn in on the last day of the project?

• Your Flour Baby• Your 400 word essay entitled, “My

Week as a Parent”• Your PowerPoint Presentation

How do I get my grade?

• This Project is Worth 2 test grades and 1 quiz grade

• PowerPoint presentation = 1 test grade

• Carrying and protecting baby= 1 test grade

• Individual essays= 1 quiz grade

What if my baby has a birth defect?

• On the day your Flour Baby is born, you will know if your baby has a birth defect

• Part of your powerpoint research should be about living with your baby’s birth defect.

How can I dress my Flour Baby up?

• You can use strollers and halters• Doll parts• Hair• Baby clothes• Nothing inappropriate• Be creative

Who takes care of my Flour Baby?

• You are totally responsible for taking care of your Flour Baby at all times.

• You can have someone baby-sit your baby but you are still responsible.

• If you use a baby-sitters, you must be able to tell Ms. Dews where your baby is at all times.

Do Not . . .

• Assassinate another flour baby. If it can be substantiated by other students, you will fail the assignment ( 60 points as your highest double test grade).

• Put anything on your flour baby except for clothing (ie no plastic bags, or aluminum foil, etc).

Do Not . . .

• Leave your baby unattended

• Put your baby in the bottom basket of your desk

• Hold your baby by the head or any other limbs

• Leave your baby in the locker or locker rooms

Do I have to bring my Flour Baby to school and

take it home?• Yes!• Your parents have already had

their kids and now they want to be free!

• Your children are YOUR responsibility and you need to take care of him or her ALL of the time.

What if someone assassinates my baby?

• You are totally responsible for the welfare of your Flour Baby.

• If you baby dies in the care of your baby-sitter, you are still responsible.

• Choose your baby-sitter carefully!

What do I do with my Flour Baby during PE or an

athletic event?

• Talk to your PE teacher before the assignment starts and ask for help.

• Ask if he or she would keep your Flour Baby in the PE office during the period. Thank them every day.

• Make arrangements for someone to watch your baby.

Can I put my Flour Babyin my locker at school?

• No! • Putting children in lockers is child

abuse.• Child Protective Services will come

and take your Flour Baby away and you will fail the assignment.

What if I have to go to the bathroom?

• You need to take your baby with you.

• Leaving your baby alone is child abandonment, and Child Protective Services will come & take your baby.

How do I know if my baby is dead or alive?

• If an accident happens, take your Flour Baby to Coach Dews or the health clinic.

• we will decide if your baby merely has a boo boo, or if he or she is dead.

What if my baby dies?

• Don’t make excuses.• You will write a 800 word report on

how it happened, and what you learned from the Flour Baby exercise.

• If you successfully complete the report, you will receive 70 points as your highest grade.

Is there homework?

• Yes!• There is specific research you must

present in your PowerPoint so if you need to work outside of the class then you must do so as homework.

PowerPoint Requirements

• You must include your babies:

• Name

• Birth Weight

• Health Conditions ( Birth Defects )

• Parents names and occupations

• Annual net income

PowerPoint Requirements continued

• Daily and Annual expenses of babies during the first year of life ( EX. Food, Clothes, Doctors bills, toys, educational tools, etc)

• Cultural choices (EX. Religion, certain rituals)

• Explain how having a family can change lifestyles financially, physically, mentally, etc.

PowerPoint Requirements continued

• You must have graphics ( charts/ statistics)

• Pictures of your daily activities

• There must be a reference page at the end of the presentation

• Presentations must be 4-6 minutes

Paper Requirements

• Each person in the group must write a paper.

• The paper must be 400 words or more.

• The paper can be done in a photo album form with explanations of each picture or situation

• The paper must include your daily feelings with your baby and partner

Paper Requirements continued

• If you had issues with your partner this should be included in your paper

• If you had to see the nurse or there was a medical issue, you would include this in your paper.

Paper Requirements Continued

• Remember if your baby dies or you Ms. Dews or any other teacher thinks you are mishandling your baby then you must write an 800 word Essay and the highest grade you can obtain on that portion is a 70.

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