
Flat Plan- Poster

This box will have information about SASH and how people can help. The font will have large letters to highlight the key words. The font will be green as it’s a calm and persuasive colour.

This will be the SASH logo.

This will say SASH, in the way it says SASH on the website so it’s the same house style and people are more likely to recognize it else where.

Main title. “A bench is to sit, not to sleep.” This will be in a big clear font to make it stand out. The colour of it will be a dark colour to show that the people need help and its an urgent situation.

These will be images of people sleeping on benches in the cold. The images will show people that others shouldn’t have to live like this and try to create sympathy.

Example images

I like this image because it shows the full person, he looks cold and like ht doesn’t want to be there. I like that it is in black and white, it shows that that’s how he might see the world, black and white because he has nothing to live for.

This image would work because he’s asleep on a bench and it’s not night time and it doesn’t look very cold, yet the man still looks cold, it shows that it doesn’t have to be freezing outside for people to be cold.

This image works well because the fact that the person is covering themselves shows they might be ashamed and doesn’t want anyone to see him. It also shows that he is cold and is longing for somewhere warm.

Colour schemes Green is the colour that is used in SASH’s leaflets, posters, website and bookmarks. They use this colour because it is calm and shows positivity. It fits with their house style and is bright and eye catching.

It’s important to use some dark colours too, so people don’t look at the poster and think that every thing is fine. If it was just bright colours, I don’t think it will get the sympathy needed because it will look nice. I think the dark colours show that help is needed.

Red is an important colour to include as it signifies danger. When people see red, they instantly think of warning signs and danger signs.If people saw red on the poster they would know that SASH need help for volunteers helping to get people off the streets.

The colour yellow can mean danger yet it is also a calming colour. This will work well because it does mean importance but also it goes nicely with green and is positive.


This font is good because the faded effect could could be the homeless person, not knowing what’s next and they don’t know what to do so they don’t feel all there.

This font is good because it is a little rough on the edges, but is still clear to read. It possibly looks like a person has written it themselves, out of desperation.

This font would be good because it is bold and clear, all in capitals to make it clear and looks a bit rough on the edges, like how someone would stereotype a homeless person, yet on the inside they could be very nice.

Bookmark Flat Plan

SASH logo


An image will be the background of my book mark, I think this is effective as it gets the image as big as it can be and more people will see it.

This box will have information in about SASH and how SASH can help and how they need volunteers to become a more successful and recognized charity. The font will be small and grey or black.

SASH website

Example images

I have chosen these images because all the people in them look the age that the charity SASH focuses on, 16-24.This makes it more effective as its more realistic for the poster and people will eventually be able to see that its not just the older people who are homeless.

Fonts & Colours

All of these fonts are similar. I like that the fonts are all in capitals so it shows the importance and makes it very clear. Most of them have a rough edge to them, this effect is good because it can represent how the homeless person looks and feels.

They need to be clear because people need to be able to read and recognize the charity and who they are.

The colour scheme for my book mark will be green, to keep it to SASH’s house style, blue to add some colour and help it be positive, grey so people know that it isn’t a positive situation and red because it represents danger, so when people see it they will think about the homeless teenagers that really need help.

Sticker Flat Plan

Saving A Life Is EasyHelp The Homeless


Information on homelessness

SASH website

Example imagesI have specifically chosen these images because they all relate to homelessness, I think the ones with the signs are effective because they have been written by people themselves, not someone else saying it for them. The one of the street, shows how cold it can be and how much snow countries get, yet people still have nowhere warm to go.

Fonts & Colours

These fonts are all very clear, especially as stickers will be small so it will need to be a simple clear and bold font. It’s all in capitals so it stands out and gets the message across. Each of the fonts have a little distortion in them, but not so much that they are un readable. The one I will most likely use is the second one because I like the effect and its clear and easy to read.

I have chosen these three colours because I would like to use a black and white image, and a grey font will keep the house style of the product. Green and white stick to the SASH house style and logo.

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