Flat Stanley shadows a librarian for a day

Post on 25-May-2015






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Flat Stanley came to visit the Langdon Library in Newington, NH so that he could learn all about being a librarian. He helped us check books in and out, process new materials, and got into a little bit of trouble with our candy jar!


Our fantastic mail carrier Carl delivering Flat Stanley to the library. He had a Flat Stanley, too!

Mr. Scott gave Flat Stanley the key to the library! Stan opened the door, flipped on the lights, turned on the computers, and got ready to help the people who come to the library. Langdon Library serves people an average of 33 times every day! In a town with only about 800 people in it, more than half have library cards! That's really busy for such a small town, but Newington loves its library!

Stanley, can you give us a hand with the book drop? When people come by with library books to return, but the library isn't open, they put them in this special box. Since the library is closed on Sunday and Monday, it can get pretty full by Tuesday! We need a bucket to carry all the books and movies back in!

Ever wonder what the inside of the book drop looks like? So did Stan, so he took a peek! The springy shelf inside keeps the books and DVDs from getting damaged when they are dropped in.

Flat Stanley spent some time at the library front desk greeting people as they came in.

Everybody loved his big smile! Seeing a happy face smiling at you makes a nice welcome to the library, doesn't it?

Mr. Scott showed Flat Stanley how to look up his own book in the catalog on the computer. If you look carefully at the screen you can see a little picture of the book! There are about 18,000 books and movies in the computer, but he just typed F-L-A-T S-T-A-N-L-E-Y and it came right up!

Flat Stanley knows this little guy is too young to read, but he's not too young to be read to! He will look at the bright colors in these sturdy "board books" with extra thick pages, and he'll soon develop a love of books and reading!

Checking out a DVD for a patron. The scanner reads the barcode, enters it into the computer, and beeps! Now the computer knows who has borrowed Monsters Inc. and when it's due back to the library!

This is Brian, one of Mr. Scott's friends at Bull Moose in Portsmouth. He helps him find the movies he wants to buy for the library, then he sells them to him.

Mr. Scott goes every Tuesday so he can buy the movies that just came out!

Here Stan and Scott are at RiverRun Bookstore in downtown Portsmouth. The librarian buys books from a lot of different places, but going to RiverRun is special because it's small, like Langdon Library! It's fun to shop here.

On this day, Flat Stanley helped Mr. Scott pick out a book called "My Dad Thinks He's Funny." Now, you can find it at the library and read it for yourself, for free!

Stan is stamping this new book. He finds a nice blank spot on the first page and presses the stamp down. The ink appears underneath.

It says "Langdon Public Library" -- that way if the book ever gets lost, whomever finds it will know to bring it back to us!

Stan is putting a sticker on this new book. It has an "E" which stand for "easy" -- that means its easy to read.

The sticker also has the first 3 letters of the author's last name -- that tells us where to put the book alphabetically on the shelf.

When we put books away, librarians usually sing the alphabet to themselves all the time, but quietly, so nobody can hear us.

Stan helps Miss Melanie, one of the librarians, type on the computer. We tell the computer this a new book, what the title is, who wrote it, who illustrated it, what year it was made. Even how many centimeters tall it is! That way when we loan it out, we still know all about it, including who is reading it and when it's coming back to our shelves.

Flat Stanley didn't know that libraries could borrow books from other libraries! How cool is that? There are special vans that pick up and deliver them. It's called Inter-library loan, and librarians make it happen hundreds of times a week! This book came from Nashua, which is over an hour’s drive away!

After all this work at the library, it’s time for a candy break.

But, oh no!

Flat Stanley fell into the candy jar!

He’s upside down!

Someone help him!

After two weeks at the Langdon Public Library, Flat Stanley has learned a lot about being a librarian.

Plus, he’s made all kinds of new friends, like Morgan here. He even grew a mustache!

Now he’s ready to head home to visit Chloe.

Thanks for visiting… We had so much fun together!

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