Five Fav’s By Quin Roberts. Emperor Hirohito #1 Princess Nagako The emperor would have needed his wife on his five fav’s so they could always know who.

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Five Fav’s

By Quin Roberts

Emperor Hirohito

#1 Princess Nagako

The emperor would have needed his wife on his five fav’s so they could always know who was watching their seven children.

#2 Maresuke Nogi

This celebrated soldier in the Russo-Japanese War took Hirohito under his wing as a young child and mentored him. So he most likely would want to stay in touch with him.

#3 George W. Bush

The emperor would have like to talk with George W. Bush. He probably would have thought he was very interesting with a different cultural background than his own.

#4 General Macarthur

He decided not to charge Hirohito with war crimes and let him keep his throne after Japan lost WWII. So the emperor would need him on his five fav’s to thank him for that.

#5 Samuel Stillman Berry

Since the emperor was fascinated with marine biology, he probably would want to have a famous marine biologist like Samuel Berry on his list, so they can discuss such things.

Blocked Contacts

#1 Hideki Tojo

Hideki Tojo was one of the key military leaders of Japan that forced the emperor to make decisions he did not agree with during WWII.

#2 50 Cent

The old emperor of Japan probably wouldn’t have appreciated people like 50 cent very much.

#3 Franklin D. Roosevelt

The opposing leader on the opposite side of the Atlantic, President Roosevelt would not have been welcomed with open arms to have a quick chat with the emperor.

#4 Mao Zedong

The emperor would have blocked Mao Zedong from his phone because he led the communist party in china during WWII which was the main force against Japan in China.

#5 Adolph Hitler

Even though they were allies in WWII if they would have won the Germans might have gone after the Japanese when it was over.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

#1 Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor would of course be on Franklin’s five fav’s since they are husband and wife. Plus she probably would have given him a lot of suggestions on how to run the country.

#2 General Macarthur

General Macarthur would need to be on there especially during WWII. This way the President could get lots of updates on how the war was going from one of his top generals.


#3 Herbert Hoover

The former president would be on his five fav’s because this way FDR could call him up and talk trash about what a great job he is doing.

#4 Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill would need to be just a call away because he was the leader of one of our top allies during WWII and they would probably have to talk about strategy and who to crush next.

#5 George Marshall

Being the army’s Chief of Staff during WWII FDR would need to keep in close contact with him.

Blocked Contacts

#1 Adolph Hitler

Since this is probably one of the most terrible people ever the President wouldn’t want to talk with him very bad. Plus he was our top enemy.

#2 Benito Mussolini

Another leader in the Axis Powers, President Roosevelt would have no reason to chat with Mussolini other than to talk crap about how we were dominating them.

#3 Emperor Hirohito

Since he was the leader of our enemy from the West in WWII the president would have blocked him from his phone.

#4 Fidel Castro

Franklin D. Roosevelt would definably block this guys number since he is one of the closest communist leaders to our country.

#5 Kim Jong Il

FDR would have not only blocked this loony dictators number, but would have also crushed him and his weird-o country with his wheel chair.

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