Fitness myth

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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Fitness MythsBy Chelsea Larsen

 Does a short workout at high intensity burn more calories

than a long workout at a moderate intensity?

• Research shows that HIIT training (short, high-intensity interval workouts) burn MORE calories than longer, lower intensity aerobic workouts.

Hoeger 298

• The body burns fat (adipose tissue and triglycerides) for low-intensity workouts.

• The body burns carbohydrates for it’s main source of fuel in high-intensity workouts.

The body can not oxidize fat fast enough to sustain high-intensity


However when carbs are depleted, triglycerides are unconfined from fat cells to supple additional energy to

fuel activity.

For example…

• Your hot neighbor weighing 110 pounds is running down your street at 7 mph, burning 314 calories in 20 minutes.

• That same chick, walking

at 3 mph for an hour, burns 240



• High-intensity workouts will fatigue you faster, making your workout seem shorter. For a full rounded healthy workout use a combination of both.

Can I spot reduce my fatty areas?

Yes but mainly no….

The body burns fat by breaking down into free fatty acids used for energy. While working out your body takes the energy from all over the body, not

one specific area.


• You want to have rock hard abs for when you take your shirt off to impress the other girl next door.

• So you do 500 crunches every workout..

• Some of you guys will do the old fashion crunches on the ground bringing your head

to your knees.

• Some of you will use machines.

• Others will use an isometric v-sit


Hoeger 238

All these ways will help you use some energy from the stomach area but mostly from all over my body.

This means you will be eliminating your waistline area a bit and

gaining muscle underneath the fat.

So you have to actually lose that weight or else your hard earned abs

won’t even show!

To reduce overall body fat try

focusing on diet, weight training and of course


If I work out a lot, can I eat whatever I want?



This isn’t a very healthy way to fuel your body.

Some of you may choose to work out instead of eliminate certain fatty foods.

Eating whatever you want though can lead your body to feel heavy and not


It’s always a good idea to eat a

healthy balanced diet.

If I do a lot of sit-ups will I get rid of my belly fat?

This questions brings us back to the spot reduction. Your

body will burn the fat but not completely from your abs.

Although mentally you want all that fat from your

abs to be gone, your body doesn’t realize this and continues to use fat

from all storage throughout your body.

However, Sit-up and crunches

are important in a workout.

They strengthen your core and

will help reduce back problems.

Hoeger 284

Will weight training really increase my metabolism?


Hoeger 226

Fact• There is a direct correlation between your muscle size and density with your metabolism.

Hoeger 226

• In a recent study done at MIT fit men experienced an 11% metabolism increase by just exercising intensely for 90-minutes, performing 60 sets.

• The next morning, 15 hours after their workout, the men still had a 9% metabolism rate.

• (This is an extra 150 calories burned!)

National Academy of Sport’s Medicine (NASM)

• NASM is a performance

training model that uses weights to strengthen all

major muscles.

3 sets of 8-12 repetitions with little amount of rest

to no rest.

This will increase your metabolism uses for 48


HOW? This higher repetition work out depletes muscles of their sugar storage.

Click below for metabolism workouts!

Myths about exercising are always floating

around at the gym

Learn about the FACTS and improve your

exercise even more today!

And next time you’re working out with your

buddy you can be the one giving him the tips.

Works Cited All pictures came from PowerPoint picture art. Hoeger, Werner W.K. and Sharon A. Hoeger. Lifetime

Physcial Fitness & Wellness. Belmont: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2013. Print.

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