Fish Tank Trailer Analysis

Post on 20-Jan-2017






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Fish Tank Trailer Analysis

By Laura Messider

Institution logo – British independent institution suggests the genre of film as they generally make low budget social realist films who have a niche audience.

Wide shot shows the setting (part of mise-en-scene) which in this scene high built flats suggesting council flats due to the run down away surrounding them. This represents the working/lower class as they cannot afford to live in a house financed by themselves. Poverty is often a theme explored in social realist film, making it a convention of the genre.

The costume (mise-en-scene) of the protagonist adheres to the stereotypical ‘chav’ with big hoop earrings, several long chains around her neck and hoodie. This again reinforces the idea of poverty as a convention of social realist films as chavs are associated with poverty.

The mise-en-scene again represents the idea of poverty as the kitchen is small as untidy also the mother is only wearing a vest and underwear. This also represents the stereotype that the working/lower class are lazy, slobby and do not care about appearance. Also violence is shown in this clip which follows the stereotype that working/lower class people are violent and do not mind committing acts of violence. This also shows the unhappiness in this family this not only adheres to stereotypes, but is a another theme often explored in social realist films.

This intertitle attracts a wider audience as it promotes the awards the film has won, this makes the audience believe the must be good due to its awards.

This medium-long reinforces the mise-en-scene both showing the costume of the protagonist and the setting. Again both represent poverty as they stereotypically represent ‘chavs’ and the working/lower class.

Again use of awards widens the audience as it gives the film a good representation. Social realist films have a niche audience therefore need to attract a wider audience.

Male gaze – The medium shot shows female subjects who are wearing vest top to show off skin in order to attract male attention. They are also dancing provocatively this adheres to Mulvey’s ‘male gaze’ theory as a male audience may find this appealing.Dialogue -“What’s your problem?” is seen as a ‘chavy’ phase in society again reinforcing the idea of the working/lower class

Female gaze – like the ‘male gaze’ a couple of the male subjects are not wearing shirts and a female audience may find this appealing. Also one male subject is wearing a grand theft auto this is not only product placement, but adheres the representation of youths especially males being violent due to playing these video games.

The intertitles help the audience understand the narrative of the trailer and film. In this trailer the beginning is in disequilibrium due to the poverty and violence shown this subverts Todorov’s narrative theory which states the film must start in equilibrium. It is conventional for social realist films to subvert Todorov’s theory and start in disequilibrium due to the themes they explore (poverty and violence).

This shot again promotes the violence within the film and suggests the violence with the family again a stereotype of the working/lower class to be violent especially against their children. The theme of family abuse/violence and unhappiness is a convention with the social realist genre.

The handheld movement used in this shot is a convention of social realist trailers as it reflects the mood of the trailer. In this trailer it reflects how the protagonist feels out of control of her home life which is this block of council flats. Again has links with poverty and the working/lower class.

Female gaze is followed again here as the male subject is seen to be without a costume, this again could attract a female audience.

Untidy kitchen filled with empty alcohol bottles and cans which follows the stereotype that the working/lower classes drink a lot of alcohol. Alcoholism is other convention of social realist films as the effect of alcoholism is often explore within the film.

The mother is seen to be setting a bad example for her children as she is smoking surrounded by empty alcohol bottles. The mother is set up as an antagonist due to her violence against the protagonist and the treatment of her children.

Binary Opposites – Male versus female, the male subject is showing stereotypical male characteristics as he holding his arm out to help and support the female character. This suggests he is dominant therefore following dominant ideologies of gender.

Uses of reviews widens the audience as like the use of awards it gives the films a good representation with this review giving the film 5 stars suggesting the film is worth watching.

Underage drinking is another stereotype linked to the working/lower class as well as a stereotype of young people as their dominant ideology is that they are irresponsible. Underage drinking is a theme often explored in social realist films.

Underage sex similar to underage drinking as it a stereotype of young people due their naivety and irresponsibility. Again it is a theme explored within social realist films.

This close-up allows the audience to see the make-up running down the protagonists face suggesting she has been crying. This is an enigma code as the audience does not know why the protagonist is crying and it is never explained within the trailer. The music in the trailer changes to fit the mood of the trailer therefore, the trailer uses synchronous sound.

This close-up again shows the violence within the social realist film (a convention of the genre). It also again follows the dominant ideology that the working/lower class are violent.

Use of the star widens the audience as a secondary audience who likes the actor/s within the film may watch it just because their favourite actor is in it.

The mise-en-scene (setting) with the caravan adheres to the dominant ideology that the lower class cannot afford to live in a flat or a house, this is a negative representation of the lower class. The dog used is often associated with violence and the fact it is chain reinforces this association. This adheres to the stereotype that the lower class and gypsies are violent especially against weak, young females.

This next shot reinforces the idea of violence as well as following conventions of social realist films as they often explore violence within the lower classes.

This low key lighting suggests the dark mood of the trailer in particular the last few short take shots. This suggests the trailer ends in disequilibrium therefore subverting Todorov’s narrative theory as he suggests there should be a new equilibrium. The mise-en-scene, setting represents poverty as the surrounding area looks run down and urban.

The typography suggests the dark mood of the film as the colour of the title is dull and dark. The colour is a murky blue which links with the title fish tank as it has a suggestion of water. However, there is slight enigma as there is no obviously reason in the trailer for the name of the film.

The credits at the end gives the audience more information adhering the ‘information’ strand Blumler and Katz’s ‘Uses and Gratifications’ theory. This lets the audience know what other institutions were included. However, this trailer does not fit usual conventions as it does not give a release date or have a coming soon intertitle this means the audience has to research it themselves.

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