

Fish Philosophy

Customer Centric Approach


Catch the Energy

People are afraid of the future, of the unknown. If a man faces up to it, and takes the dare of the

future, he can have some control over his destiny. That’s an exciting idea to me, better

than waiting with everybody else to see what’s going to happen.

---John Glenn


Love what you do…


Love what you do

“Fish!” is based on Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, WA.

Over 75% of adult wake time is spent doing work-related activities

People ought to enjoy work and be energized by it.

“Fish!” motivates employees.

People like to work in an environment that is fun, energizing, and where they can make a difference.

The “Fish!” philosophy benefits every employee because it prevents burnout and keeps him/her excited about what he/she does.



The Concept


Fish – The Concept

“Fish!” is a parable , an invented story about finding

the deep source of energy, creativity, and passion

that exists inside each of us by learning to love what

we do, even if at the moment we may not be doing

exactly what we love.



Four Cornerstones



First Cornerstone



Have fun while you work.

Happy people treat others well.

Fun leads to creativity.

Having a good time is healthy.

Work becomes a reward and not just a way to rewards.

Have a good time in a respectful manner.


Choose your Attitude

Second Cornerstone


Choose your attitude

There is always a choice about the way you do your work, even if there is not a choice about the work itself.

Call a meeting and speak from the heart.

Find a message that communicates the notion of choosing your attitude in a way that everyone will understand and personalize.

Provide motivation.

Persist with faith.

By accepting that you choose your attitude, you demonstrate a level of personal accountability and pro-activity.

Bring your best self to work and love the work you do.


Be Present / Be There

Third Cornerstone


Be There / Be Present

Be fully engaged in your work.

Take time to “smell the roses”.

Make the most of each day.

Let life have dignity and meaning for you.

Support your colleagues with a kind word, gesture, deed, or shoulder to lean on.


Make Their Day

Fourth Cornerstone


Make Their Day

Engage people and welcome them to join in.

Be inclusive.

Focus your attention on ways to make another person’s day positive.

Create goodwill and energy.

Take your mind away from your own problems and make a positive difference for others.


Our Work Place


The Belief…

As you enter this place of work, please choose to make today a great day.

Your colleagues, customers, team members, and you yourself will be thankful.

Find ways to play. We can be serious about ourselves.

Stay focused in order to be present when your team members most need you.

And should you feel your energy lapsing, try this sure fire remedy: Find someone who needs a helping hand, a word of support, or a good ear,---and make their day.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.

Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.

- Margaret Mead

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