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Montana Response to FirstNet Data Call 


 SIGB Chairman Sheriff Leo DuttonState Single Point of Contact Ron BaldwinStatewide Interoperability Coordinator Quinn Ness

 Submitted to FirstNet September 30, 2015Prepared under the direction of the Statewide Interoperability Governing Board (SIGB), an advisory board to Governor Bullock

Sent via e-mail 9/30/15

Doug Harder, State Plans – Technical LiaisonFirst Responder Network Authority3122 Sterling Circle, Suite 100Boulder, CO 80301

September 30, 2015

Dear Mr. Harder:

Enclosed please find the Montana data submittal for FirstNet. In addition to the Word document, you will find the information in spreadsheet form along with maps and the data behind the maps.

The information we have gathered accurately portrays the unique rural characteristics of Montana. Moreover, the Statewide Interoperability Governing Board (SIGB) has reviewed the data, including the baseline mapping data, and has recommended five (5) coverage area objectives by priority over seven (7) build-out phases.

The SIGB, its member Public Safety Associations; and, my staff and I look forward to working with FirstNet and its contractor(s) to provide public safety 4G LTE coverage to Montana’s citizens and visitors.

The Montana data submittal can be up-loaded from the following FTP site:

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 406-444-2700 or


Ron Baldwin, CIO & SPOCState Information Technology Services DivisionDepartment of AdministrationState of Montana

Table of Contents:

Transmittal Letter

Executive Summary Pg. 1

Section 1. Montana Statewide Governing Board (SIGB) Coverage Area Priority Recommendations to FirstNet


Section 2. Out of State Visitor Considerations Pg.7

Section 3. Montana Public Safety Entity Agencies Pg.13

Section 4. Mobile Data Survey Tabulated Results Pg.16

Section 5. Mapping Map a) FirstNet Baseline Map: b) Montana State Library Baseline Map Pg.24

Section 6. Appendix Pg.26

State of Montana Table of Contents

FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Executive Summary

Executive Summary:

The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) issued a data call to the states and territories in order to assess and prioritize the potential coverage and capacity of 4G LTE service to the public safety community. After selecting a private partner, FirstNet and the private partner will develop fifty-six (56) network deployment plans, one for each state and territory. The information and recommendations contained in this document will be considered by FirstNet while selecting a private partner and subsequently developing the Montana Network Deployment Plan.

To satisfy FirstNet’s requirements and collect the requested data, Staff used a variety of sources. Information was collected from federal fire and law enforcement data bases as well as the U.S. Census Bureau. The Montana State Library GIS Section has drawn several maps of Montana that reveal where Montanans’ live and how we rely on our highways. Moreover, by the State wide Interoperability Governing Board’s (SIGB’s) direction, information was gathered from the Montana Department of Commerce Office of Tourism about out-of-state visitors.

Montana public safety associations sit on the SIGB, which is an advisory board to Governor Steve Bullock. For advice and notification to local members to take the Mobile Data Survey, Staff leaned into the SIGB associations including the Montana State Fire Chiefs Association (MSFCA), the Montana Volunteer Fire Fighters Association (MVFFA), the Montana Sheriffs and Police Officers Association (MSPOA), the Montana Association of Chiefs of Police (MACOP), and the Montana Emergency Medical Services Association (MEMSA). In addition, meetings were held with Tribal representatives to gather their input into the data call.

All of this information was considered over several months by the SIGB as it deliberated over coverage area priorities to recommend to FirstNet. The Montana Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Single Point of Contact (SPOC), Ron Baldwin, facilitated discussions with and by the SIGB. The priorities are:

1.  Provide the FirstNet Network to sixty-three county seats/tribal headquarters over seven (7) build-out phases.

2.  Provide coverage on Montana highways in order of traffic usage with initial coverage to include Interstates, and other heavily traveled routes to Glacier National Park (GNP) and Yellowstone National Park (YNP) in the summers and heavily traveled routes to Montana’s destination ski areas in the winter.

3.  Provide coverage to critical infrastructure including dams, power plants, transmission lines, industrial sites and railroads.

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FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Executive Summary

4.  Provide coverage to rural Incorporated Towns, Census Designated Places (CDP), farm and ranch areas; and, in areas not otherwise classified other than this segment of the population lives in counties.

5.  Provide a full range of deployable equipment that can reach a cell tower or satellite. It is particularly important to provide data and communications to forest and wild land fire fighters as well as emergency management personnel who respond to floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters.

According to current FirstNet information, the public safety 4G LTE Network will be built-out in seven (7) phases. Phases one (1) through five (5) will focus on existing privately held infrastructure. 4G LTE equipment will be installed at existing cell sites and those sites will be hardened to enhance security. FirstNet will deploy in and near population concentrations first and extend out to sparsely populated areas. The last two (2) expansion phases may include the use of publically owned infrastructure; this is important to our state because of our sparse population spread over 145,546 square miles. Congress gave FirstNet until 2022 to spend the initial seven (7) billion dollars it authorized for the Network.

Montana Tribal Nations: Although there have been several meetings with tribal representatives, priority coverage areas have not yet been identified by each Tribal Nation. Working with the Tribes will continue long past the September 30, 2015 FirstNet data submission. In recognition of the Tribal Nations, as a placeholder, the Tribes are included in Priority number one (1). Also, note the Governor’s Office of Indian Affairs sits on the SIGB and has been helpful in coordinating with Tribal Officials.

It goes without saying that Montana’s rural demographic make-up, its widely disbursed population, and its highly variable geographic features present real challenges to Network deployment. The FirstNet 4G LTE Network holds the promise of providing public safety state of the art communication and data tools to serve Montana residents and visitors. Critical information will be passed in real time that will greatly enhance saving lives, including the lives of first responders who protect our citizens and their property.

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FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-1

Section 1. SIGB Coverage Area Priority Recommendations  The Montana SIBG is a fifteen member board appointed by the Governor. The Board includes local public safety officials who are representing associations of sheriffs, police, fire, and emergency medical public safety professionals. The Governor’s Director of Indian Affairs sits on the Board in part to be a conduit to Montana’s seven (7) Tribal Nations about FirstNet developments.

The SIGB has discussed priority coverage area recommendations at its August and September, 2015 meetings. Based on those deliberations and supporting data, below are the SIGB recommended 4G LTE Priority Coverage Areas:

1.  Provide the FirstNet Network to sixty-three county seats/tribal headquarters over seven (7) build-out phases.

2. Provide coverage on Montana highways in order of traffic usage with initial coverage to include Interstates, and other heavily traveled routes to Glacier National Park (GNP) and Yellowstone National Park (YNP) in the summers and heavily traveled routes to Montana’s destination ski areas in the winter.

3. Provide coverage to critical infrastructure including dams, power plants, transmission lines, industrial sites and railroads.

4. Provide coverage to rural Incorporated Towns, Census Designated Places (CDP), farm and ranch areas; and, in areas not otherwise classified other than segment of the population lives in counties.

5. Provide a full range of deployable equipment that can reach a cell tower or satellite. It is particularly important to provide data and communications to forest and wild land fire fighters as well as emergency management personnel who respond to floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters.

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FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-1

Chart A, Montana SIGB recommended coverage area priorities by FirstNet suggested seven (7) phases

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Demographic data that supports the SIGB Priority Coverage Area Recommendations:

Demographic Data

Category Count Population Square Miles Pop/Sq. Mi.

Incorporated Cities & Towns

129 536,190 292 1.8

Census Designated Places

235 151,702 1,891 80

# of Farm & Ranch 29,300 39,930 90,655 .44

Federal Lands 40,601

Tribal Nations 7 28,359 12,107 2

Balance of State Rural 264,763 38,084 7

Totals: 1,020,944 145,546 7

The Chart above breaks out the Montana population by where people live and approximate square mile area. About 53% of the population lives in incorporated cities and towns. Note that the fifty-six (56) County Seats are a sub-set of the incorporated cities and towns with a population of 472,117 and an aggregate of 222 square miles. Also note that Montana’s seven (7) largest cities are a sub-set of the incorporated cities and towns with a population of 352,170 and an aggregate of 44 square miles.

As the reader can see, Montana cities and towns are placed on an estimated 292 square miles. This is a diminutive number compared to the total land area of 145,546 square miles.

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This Graph illustrates the inverse relationship between population and square miles. Populated areas are placed on low square miles while sparsely populated areas are on large square mile areas. The economic challenge for FirstNet is covering Montana's vast square mile area.

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Population & Square Miles

Area Population Square Miles

Inc. City/Town 536,190 292

CDP 151,702 1,891

Balance of State 264,763 38,084

Farm & Ranch 39,930 90,655

Federal Land Unknown 40,601

7 Tribal Nations 28,359 12,107

FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-2

Section 2. Out -of -State Visitor ConsiderationsAccording to the Montana Department of Commerce Tourism Office, over ten million non-residents visit Montana each year. There are over one million air passengers that de-plane each year at Montana airports. The other nine (9) million drive on the Interstate Highways (I-90, I-15, I 94), and other four (4) and two (2) lane highways to their destinations. Data sets are available for Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks where tourists come through Montana /Park entrances. Here is the data:

YNP Visitors by Gate

Special Use Data Year-to-DateThis Month (August,


West Gate (W Yellowstone) 1,327,602 360,800

Highway 191 Non-recreational Visit 810,190 153,952

North Gate (Gardiner) 577,115 132,824

Northeast Gate (Cooke City) 178,312 56,191

Totals: 2,893,219 703,767

Reference 1:

Through August, for the year 2015, over 2.8 million visitors have entered YNP through Montana Park Gates. The data indicates that the highest visitor volume (1.327m) comes through the West Park Gate that is near the town of West Yellowstone.

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Total West Gate Hwy 191 Nonrec Visits

Total North Gate Total Northeast Gate









YNP 2015 to Date through August

Year-to-DateThis Month

FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-2

This Graph also demonstrates how Montana visitors surge into the state during the summer months.

GNP Visitors by Month, 2014 and 2015Yea


2014 12,087









2015 12,111













Reference 2:









700000GNP VISITORS '14 & 15

2015 2014

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FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-2 Glacier National Park can only be accessed through Montana Gates. The West Glacier Gate sees over one million visitors, twice as many as the gates on the east side of the continental divide. West Glacier can only be accessed through the Flathead Valley.

GNP Visitors by Entrance Gate 2014

West Glacier 1,070,590

St. Mary 484,529

Many Glacier 300,767

Two Medicine 151,964

Walton/Goatlick 103,014

Camas 101,987

Polebridge 59,741

Belly River 40,000

Cut Bank 12,000

Total: 2,324,593



St. M




Two Med







Belly R


Cut Ban








GNP Visitors 2014 by Entrance Gate

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Montana Bed Tax revenues data is captured by economic region for 2014:

Montana Bed Tax Revenues by Quarter and Economic Region 2014

Region Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Yellowstone 1,416,382 1,865,315 3,718,711 1,017,942

Glacier 868,529 1,628,303 4,071,727 904,773

Southeast 824,669 1,285,979 1,547,000 935,787

Central 426,630 569,089 741,857 455,208

Missouri 141,155 203,574 259,589 218,488

Yellowstone Glacier SouthEast Central Missouri 0










2014 MT Bed Tax Amount by Region


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FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-2 Finally, below is the count for the 2014 Montana Ski Season:

Skier Visit Days by Ski Area 2014

Ski Area Skier Visit Days

Big Sky 440,000

Whitefish 310,290

Bridger 204,501

Red Lodge 87,805

Lookout 57,738

Discovery 55,738

Snow Bowl 50,719

Lost Trail 40,488

Showdown 40,207

Great Divide 40,000

Blacktail 33,241

Maverick 6,772

Turner Mountain 1,337

Reference 3: MT Department of Commerce, Office of Tourism

Big Sk





Red Lod






Snow Bow


Lost Trai



n GD









MT Skier Visits 2014

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FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-2 In conclusion, Montana experiences an influx of visitors during the year that increases the population as much as 10X as a cumulative number over twelve (12) months.

Available data sets indicate that high visitor impact areas include the Bozeman to Big Sky to West Yellowstone corridor (US 191), Bozeman to Bridger Bowl Ski Area (MT 86), the Kalispell to West Glacier corridor (US 2 and MT 206), and, Kalispell to the Whitefish Mountain Resort (US 2 and 93).

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FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-3

Section 3.   Montana Public Safety Entity Agencies As part of the data call, FirstNet has requested basic information about Montana public safety entities. This includes a list of agencies with addresses, contact information and staffing levels. The Montana PSE Associations have varying degrees of information. Several federal data bases have aided in presenting a snap shot of Montana PSE’s. Namely, the United States Fire Administration (USFA) Census of Montana Fire Fighters and the 2013 UCR Master File maintained by the FBI are used. First, here is summary information on the Fire Fighters:

Montana Fire Fighters by Personnel Type and Agency

Type Personnel Agency

Career 474 13

Mostly Career 59 3

Mostly Volunteer 1,103 27

Volunteer 4,962 435

Totals: 6,598 478





Montana Fire Personnel by Type

CareerMostly CareerMostly VolunteerVolunteer

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Montana Law Enforcement Census from the 2013 UCR Master File maintained by the FBI:

This database included population figures, making it possible to display the number of Officers and Support Staff by population groupings. The x-axis defines the population groupings:

Montana Law Enforcement Officers and Support Staff

Population Officers Support Staff Totals:

110k-20k 858 569 1,427

19k-10k 57 43 100

9k-1k 610 263 873

999-0 28 7 35

Totals: 1,553 882 2,435

Reference 4: 2013 UCR Masterfile data

110k-20k 19k-10k 9k-1k 999-00










Officers & Civilians by Population Size

Officers Civilians

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Emergency Medical Services: A census of public and private emergency medical personnel is not available. However, a current licensing registration list reveals there are ninety-five (95) Emergency Medical Services Agencies in Montana. These EMS service providers are headquartered in thirty-four Montana Counties and serve both urban and rural areas.

In total, according the UCR Master File, the USFA Census and EMS Licensing data, there are over 9,233 public safety personnel working at 713 public safety agencies/departments/fire districts in Montana. Approximately six thousand (6,000) of those personnel are volunteer fire fighters. This information is important to FirstNet as it looks at potential users of the

FirstNet Network.

Lists of Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS and Emergency Management agencies and contacts (partial, see Spreadsheet) are included in the Appendix.

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Section 4. Mobile Data Survey FirstNet requested that Montana PSE’s take a survey about current wireless device usage. The survey is located on-line at WWW.//Publicsafetytools.Info. This website is maintained by the Office of Emergency Communications (OEC).

To date, eighty-two PSE’s have taken the survey. A list of responding PSE’s is included in the Appendix. FirstNet will directly access cost and usage information from OEC. Below are tabulations about the seven (7) questions posed by the MDS:

MDS Responses by PSE Discipline

Type PSE Respond

Emergency Management 3

Fire 67

Police 12

Total: 82




PSE Respond

Em MgtFirePolice

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Personal Devices Permitted for WorkAgencies


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Response to Devices Permitted for WorkQuestion AgenciesYes 68No 4Unknown 2Total: 74

FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-4

12% 4%



Stipend Paid For Use Of Personal Devises


Yes, Fixed AmountYes, Based on UsageYes, Other MethodNoUnknown

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Response to Stipend Paid for Use of Personal devices

Question Choices AgenciesYes, Fixed Amount 9Yes, Based on Usage 0Yes, Other Method 3No 61Unknown 4Total: 77

FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-4




Wireless Data Barriers: CostAgencies

Yes, Cost BarrierNo, Cost not BarrierUnkown

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Responses to Wireless Data Barriers: Cost

Question Choices Agencies

Yes, Cost Barrier 50

No, Cost not Barrier 9

Unknown 8

Total: 67

FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-4




Wireless Data Barriers: Network ReliabilityAgencies

Yes, BarrierNo, not BarrierUnKnown

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Responses to Wireless Data Barriers: Network Reliability

Question Choices Agencies

Yes, Barrier 36

No, not Barrier 21

Unknown 10

Total: 67

FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-4

Responses to Wireless Data Barriers: Security

Question Choices Agencies

Yes, Security a Barrier 14

No, Security not a Barrier 33

Unknown 18

Total: 65




Wireless Data Barriers: SecurityAgencies

Yes, Security a BarrierNo, Security not a BarrierUnKnown

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FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-4

Responses to Wireless Data Barriers: Coverage

Question Choices Agencies

Yes, Coverage is a Barrier 46

No, Coverage is not a Barrier 12

Unknown 8

Total: 66




Wireless Data Barriers: CoverageAgencies

Yes, Coverage is BarrierNo, coverage is not BarrierUnknown

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Wireless Data Barriers: ExpertiseAgencies

Yes, Expertise is BarrierNo, Expertise is not BarrierUnknown

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Responses to Wireless Data Barriers: ExpertiseQuestion Choices AgenciesYes, Expertise is Barrier 22No, Expertise is not Barrier 35Unknown 6Total: 63

FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-5

Section 5. MappingBaseline Coverage Area Mapping:FirstNet and its federal partner the Office of Emergency Communications (OEC), developed a baseline coverage map as a basis for the states and territories to recommend coverage area priorities. FirstNet instructed the states and territories to add to its mapping factors if relevant. The Montana State and Local Implementation Grant Program (SLIGP) turned to the Montana State Library (MSL) Geo-Mapping Section to update the FirstNet-OEC Map. MSL had updated data as displayed in the Chart below:

Here are the FirstNet Map and the Montana State Library Map side by side: Note the MSL map is more detailed, displaying more data points per square mile than the OEC/FirstNet map. These maps, especially the MSL map were used by the SIGB to analyze and make priority coverage area recommendations. The MSL map clearly displays Montana population and road densities.

The MSL map is a more detailed display of where populations and road traffic occur within Montana’s 145k landmass. The comparison of the maps was a factor in the coverage area priority recommendations. To emphasize the FirstNet and Montana State Library Maps, they are displayed on the next page:

Input Datasets

FirstNet Montana State Library

2010 Census Block Population 2010 Census Block Population

High Risk Areas of Interest* High Risk Areas of Interest*

National Highway and Traffic Counts MDT Highway and Traffic Counts

Public Safety User Density Survey Data

9-1-1 call data (3 months average)

Site/Structure Address Points

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MSL Terrestrial & Non-Terrestrial Map

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Montana State Library Terrestrial versus Non-Terrestrial Map

FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-5

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FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-6

Section 6 Appendix1. Notations and Definitions:

2. List of Montana Sheriffs

3. List of Tribal Police

4. List of Montana Chiefs of Police

5. List of Montana Fire Departments and Districts

6. List of Montana Emergency Medical Service Providers

7. List of Montana Disaster and Emergency Services State and County

8. List of Mobile Data Survey Respondents Embedded in Spreadsheet

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Notations and Definitions:

1. The Farm and Ranch population and square mile area is taken from the Montana 2012 Agricultural Statistics. When working in multiple data bases there can be anomalies. In order to conform to US Census Information, the total square miles from the Farm and Ranch Statistics have been reduced by 5,260 square miles resulting in the Chart figure of 90,655.The square mile area for farm and ranch and federal lands includes the 38,084 square mile figure for the Balance of State.

2. The CDP, City and Town data are taken from the U.S. Census 2010. The County Seats data is taken from the Montana League of Cities and Towns website. Note there is a variance of about 5,000 between the two sources. The Census uses 989,415 for a base while updated population totals are currently at 1,020,944 for the Montana population. Also note that Butte/Silver Bow and Anaconda Deer Lodge are consolidated so square mile area includes all of the two counties-not just the cities of Butte and Anaconda. 

3. Census Designated Place—A statistical geographic entity with a concentration of population, housing, and commercial structures that is identifiable by name, but is not within an incorporated place. Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 66/Friday, April 6, 2007/Notices.

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Beaverhead Sheriff Franklin Kluesner II2 S. Pacific St.#16 Dillon 59725

Big Horn Sheriff Robert Frank Simpson P.O. Box 905 Hardin 59034

Blaine Sheriff Glenn Huestis P.O. Box 8 Chinook 59523

Broadwater Sheriff Brenda Ludwig519 Broadway Townsend 59644

Carbon Sheriff Josh McQuillan P.O. Box 230 Red Lodge 59068-0230Carter Sheriff Neil Kittelmann P.O. Box 323 Ekalaka 59324-0323

Cascade Sheriff Bob Edwards3800 Ulm N. Frontage Rd. Great Falls 59404

Chouteau Sheriff Vernon Burdick P.O. Box 459 Fort Benton 59442-0459

Custer Sheriff Tony Harbaugh 1010 Main St. Miles City 59301

Daniels Sheriff Skip Baldry106 Railroad Ave. Scobey 59263

Dawson Sheriff Ross Canen440 Colorado Blvd. Glendive 59330

Deer Lodge Sheriff Tim Barkell P.O. Box 518 Anaconda 59711Fallon Sheriff Trent Harbaugh P.O. Box 899 Baker 59313-0899

Fergus Sheriff Troy Eades P.O. Box 180 Lewistown 59457

Flathead Sheriff Chuck Curry800 South Main Kalispell 59901-5400

Gallatin Sheriff Brian Gootkin 615 S. 16th Bozeman 59715-4107Garfield Sheriff Clay Lammers P.O. Box 103 Jordan 59337-0103

Glacier SheriffVernon "Napi" Billedeaux

512 E. Main St. Cut Bank 59427

Golden Valley Sheriff Robert Pallas P.O. Box 10 Ryegate 59074

Granite Sheriff Scott Dunkerson P.O. Box 188 Philipsburg 59858-0188

Hill Sheriff Donald Brostrom, Jr. P.O. Box 176 Havre 59501

Jefferson Sheriff Craig Doolittle P.O. Box 588 Boulder 59632



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Judith Basin Sheriff Jon Jon Schmitt P.O. Box 427 Stanford 59479

Lake Sheriff Don Bell106 4th Ave. E. Polson 59860-2186

Lewis & Clark Sheriff Leo Dutton

221 Breckenridge Helena 59601

Liberty Sheriff Don Riggin P.O. Box 170 Chester 59522-0170

Lincoln Sheriff Roby Bowe512 California Ave. Libby 59923

Madison Sheriff Roger Thompson P.O. Box 276 Virginia City 59755-0276

McCone Sheriff Dave Harris P.O. Box 201 Circle 59215-0201

Meagher Sheriff Jon Lopp P.O. Box 355White Sulphur 59645-0355

Mineral Sheriff Thomas Bauer P.O. Box 99 Superior 59872

Missoula Sheriff T.J. McDermott200 W. Broadway Missoula 59802

Musselshell Sheriff Michael H. Thomas 820 Main St. Roundup 59072

Park Sheriff Scott Hamilton414 E. Callender Livingston 59047-0433

Petroleum Sheriff Bill Cassell P.O. Box 226 Winnett 59087

Phillips Sheriff Scott MoranP.O. Box 1090 Malta 59538

Pondera Sheriff Thomas A. Kuka20 4th Ave. SW Conrad 59425

Pondera Sheriff Thomas A. Kuka20 4th Ave. SW Conrad 59425

Powder River Sheriff Allen E. Drane, Jr. P.O. Box 71 Broadus 59317-0071

Powell Sheriff Scott Howard 313 4th St. Deer Lodge 59722

Prairie Sheriff Duncan W. Hedges P.O. Box 126 Terry 59349



Ravalli Sheriff Chris Hoffman205 Bedford, Ste. G Hamilton 59840-5022

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Richland Sheriff John K. Dynneson110 2nd Ave. NW Sidney 59270-4089

Roosevelt Sheriff Jason Frederick P.O. Box 280 Wolf Point 59201-0280

Rosebud Sheriff Randy Allies P.O. Box 85 Forsyth 59327

Sanders Sheriff Tom Rummel PO Box 910Thompson Falls 59873

Sheridan Sheriff Patrick Ulrickson100 W. Laurel Ave. Plentywood 59254

Silver Bow Sheriff Ed Lester 225 Alaska Butte 59701Stillwater Sheriff Cliff Brophy P.O. Box 729 Columbus 59019-0729

SweetGrass Sheriff Dan Tronrud P.O. Box 567 Big Timber 59011-0567

Teton Sheriff Keith VanSettenP.O. Box 1349 Choteau 59422

Toole Sheriff Donna Whitt P.O. Box 550 Shelby 59474-0550

Treasure Sheriff Wayne Robison P.O. Box 511 Hysham 59038-0511

Valley Sheriff Glen Meier501 Court Sq. #10 Glasgow 59230

Wheatland Sheriff James Rosenberg P.O. Box 757 Harlowton 59036-0757

Wibaux Sheriff Shane Harrington P.O. Box 322 Wibaux 59353

Yellowstone Sheriff Mike LinderP.O. Box 35017 Billings 59107-5017

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Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Justice Services Doug Noseep

District V Commander

2021 4th Ave. N

Suite 406 Billings MT 59101

Blackfeet Law Enforcement Agency (BIA) temp Chief P.O. Box 570 Browning MT 59417

Crow Agency (BIA) JoseSigueroa

Jr. Chief P.O. Box 399Crow

Agency MT 59022

Flathead Agency (Tribal) Craige Couture Police Chief P.O. Box 278 Pablo MT 59855

Fort Belknap Agency (Tribal) Josh Horn Acting Chief

P.O. Box 66565 Agency

Main St. Harlem MT 59526

Fort Belknap Tribal Police Jeff StiffarmChief of Police

565 Agency Main St. Harlem MT 59526

Harlem Police DepartmentBrownle

e RogerChief of Police

10 1st Ave. SW Harlem MT 59526

Fort Peck Department of Law and Justice (BIA /

Tribal) James Summers Captain501 Medicine

Bear Poplar MT 59255

Fort Peck Department of Law and Justice (BIA /

Tribal) Lewis MatthewsCriminal


Fort Peck Department of Law and Justice (BIA /

Tribal) Ken Trottier

Special Investigations


Northern Cheyenne Agency (BIA) Algin Young Chief P.O. Box 40

Lame Deer MT 59043




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Rocky Boy Agency (Tribal) Rick Gardipee Chief 31 Agency Sq.Box Elder MT 59521

Rocky Boy Agency (Tribal) Steve CorcoranCriminal

Investigator 31 Agency Sq.Box Elder

St. Ignatius Police Dept. Aaron FrankChief of Police 4 First Ave.

St. Ignatius MT 59865

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Baker Police Dept. Mike Reddick Chief of Police PO Box 466 Baker MT

Belgrade Police Dept. E.J. Clark Jr. Chief of Police 91 East Central Belgrade MT

Billings Police Dept. Rich St. John Chief of Police

PO Box 1554220 N 27th St Billings MT

Boulder Police Dept. Juan Trujillo Chief of Police

PO Box 588110 S. Washington St. Boulder MT

Bozeman Police Dept. Steven Crawford Chief of Police

616 South 16th Ave. Bozeman MT

Bozeman Police Dept. Jim Veltkamp Captain

616 South 16th Ave. Bozeman MT

Bridger Police Dept. Mike Buechler Chief of Police 108 S D St Bridger MT

Chinook Police Dept. Mark Weber Chief of Police 300 Ohio St. Chinook MT

Colstrip Police Dept. Cory Hert Chief of Police

PO Box 9303 Willow St. Colstrip MT

Columbia Falls Police Dept. David Perry Chief of Police 130-6th St W Columbia Falls MT

Columbus Police Dept. Bill Pronovost Chief of Police

408 E 1st Ave N Columbus MT

Conrad Police Dept. Gary Dent Chief of Police 411 S Main St Conrad MT



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Cut Bank Police Dept. Jeff Kraft Chief of Police 113 E Main St Cut Bank MT

Darby Police Dept. Larry Rose Chief of Police PO Box 23 Darby MT

Deer Lodge Police Dept. Gary Bender Chief of Police 313 4th St. Deer Lodge MT

Dillon Police Dept. Paul Craft Chief of Police 2 S Pacific Dillon MT

East Helena Police Dept. Dale Aschim Chief of Police

7 E. MainPO Box 1170 East Helena MT

Ennis Police Dept. John Moore Chief of Police

PO Box 147328 West Main St Ennis MT

Eureka Police Dept. Ian Jeffcock Chief of Police

106 Dewey Ave. Eureka MT

Joliet Police Dept. Kyle Croft Chief of Police PO Box 210 Joliet MT

Kalispell Police Dept. Roger Nasset Chief of Police 312 1st Ave., E Kalispell MT

Lame Deer Police Dept. Ron Haugen Chief of Police PO Box 40 Lame Deer MT

Laurel Police Dept. Rick Musson Chief of Police 215 West 1st Laurel MT

Lewistown Police Dept. Cory Birdwell Chief of Police

305 West Watson St. Lewistown MT

Libby Police Dept. Jim Smith Chief of Police

952 East Spruce St. Libby MT

Livingston Police Dept. Dale Johnson Chief of Police

414 E Callender St Livingston MT


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Manhattan Police Dept. Dennis Hengel Chief of Police 120 West Main Manhattan MT

Miles City Police Dept. Doug Colombik Chief of Police

210 S. Winchester Miles City MT

Missoula Police Dept. Mike Brady Chief of Police 435 Ryman St. Missoula MT

Montana State University Robert Putzke

Director & Chief

615 South 16th Ave. Bozeman MT

Pinesdale Police Dept. Dewey Allsop Chief of Police P0 Box 644 Pinesdale MT

Plains Police Dept. Shawn Emmett Chief of Police

PO Box 1015101 W. Lynch Street Plains MT

Polson Police Dept.


CottleNash Chief of Police

106 1st Street East Polson MT

Poplar City Police Dept. Anthony Shields Jr. Chief of Police

208 3rd Ave West Poplar MT

Red Lodge Police Dept. Steve Hebbler Chief of Police PO Box 9 Red Lodge MT

Ronan Police Dept. Valent Maxwell Chief of Police

109 2nd Ave SW Ronan MT

Sidney Police Dept. Frank Difonzo Chief of Police

110 2nd Ave NW Sidney MT

Stevensville Police Dept. James Marble Chief of Police

PO Box 37206 Buck Street Stevensville MT

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Montana Fire Departments and Districts

Absarokee Volunteer Fire Department Big Butte Volunteer Fire Department

Alder Fire District Big Horn County Rural Fire Department

Amsterdam Rural Fire District Big Mountain Fire & Rescue

Anaconda Fire Department Big Sky Fire Department

Arlee Fire Department Big Timber Volunteer Fire Department

Ashland Volunteer Fire Department Bigfork Fire Department

Augusta Volunteer Fire Department Bighorn Fire Company Inc

Babb/St.Mary Volunteer Fire Department Billings Fire Department

Bainville Volunteer Fire Department Billings Logan International Airport Aircraft Rescue

Baker Rural Fire District Birdseye Volunteer Fire Department

Baker Volunteer Fire Department Black Eagle Fire Department

Baxendale Volunteer Fire Department Blankenship Rural Fire District

Bearcreek Volunteer Fire Department Blue Creek Volunteer Fire Department

Beaver Creek/ Cottonwood Creek Rural Fire District Absarokee Volunteer Fire Department

Beaverhead Fire District #2 Alder Fire District

Belfry Rural Fire District # 9 Amsterdam Rural Fire District

Belle Creek Fire District Anaconda Fire Department

Belt City Volunteer Fire & Ambulance Arlee Fire Department

Belt Rural Volunteer Fire District Big Butte Volunteer Fire Department

Bert Mooney Airport Fire Department Columbus Rural Fire District #3

Broadus Volunteer Fire Department Columbus Volunteer Fire Department

Bull Mountain Rural Fire Department Conrad Volunteer Fire Department

Butte-Silver Bow Cooke City - Silvergate Volunteer Fire Department

Cabinet View Fire Department Coram-West Glacier Volunteer Fire Department

Canyon Creek Volunteer Fire Department Creston Fire Department

Carbon County Rural Fire District #4 Crow Agency Bja Volunteer Fire Department

Carter County Rural Fire Department Custer County Rural Volunteer Fire Company

Carter Volunteer Fire Department Custer Volunteer Fire Department

Cascade Volunteer Fire Department Daniels County Rural Fire Department

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Montana Fire Departments and Districts

Centerville Volunteer Fire Department Darby Volunteer Fire Department

Central Valley Fire District Dawson Rural Fire Department

Cheadle Volunteer Fire Company Dean Creek Community Association & Volunteer Fire

Chester-West Liberty Volunteer Fire Department Dearborn Volunteer Fire Department

Chinook Volunteer Fire Department Deer Lodge Volunteer Fire Department

Choteau Volunteer Fire Department Denton Rural Fire District

Clancy Volunteer Fire Department Dillon Volunteer Fire Department

Clarkston Fire Service Area #6 Dixon Rural Fire Department

Clinton Rural Fire Department Dutton Volunteer Fire Department

Clyde Park Volunteer Fire Department East Glacier Park Volunteer Fire Department

Coffee Creek Fire Department East Helena Volunteer Fire Department

Colstrip Volunteer Fire Department East Missoula Volunteer Fire Department

East Valley Volunteer Fire Department Gateway Hose Company

Eastgate Volunteer Fire Department Georgetown Lake Volunteer Fire Department

Edgar Rural Fire District 4 Geraldine Volunteer Fire Department

Edgar Volunteer Fire Department Glacier County Rural Fire Department

Eureka Rural Volunteer Fire Department Glacier National Park Fire Department

Fairfield Volunteer Fire Department Glendive Fire Department

Fairview Volunteer Fire Department Gore Hill Volunteer Fire Department

Ferndale Volunteer Fire Department Grant Volunteer Fire Department

Fisher River Volunteer Fire Company Grass Range Rural Fire District

Flaxville Fire Protection District Grass Range Volunteer Fire Department

Florence Rural Fire District Grasshopper Valley Volunteer Fire Department

Forsyth Fire Department Great Falls Fire Rescue

Fort Belknap Volunteer Fire Department Greenough-Potomac Volunteer Fire Department

Fort Benton Volunteer Fire Department Hamilton Volunteer Fire Department

Fort Ellis Fire Service Area Hardin Volunteer Fire Department

Fort Peck Volunteer Fire DepartmentHarlowton Volunteer Fire Department/Wheatland County Volunteer Fire Department

Frenchtown Rural Fire District Harrison-Pony-Norris-Summit Valley Volunteer Fire Dept.

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Montana Fire Departments and Districts

Froid Volunteer Fire Department Havre Fire Department

Fromberg Rural Fire District #3 Hawk Creek Volunteer Fire Department

Gallatin Gateway Rural Fire Department Heath Rural Fire District

Gallatin River Ranch Fire Department Hebgen Basin Fire District

Garrison Volunteer Fire Department Helena Fire Department

Heron Rural Fire Department Libby Volunteer Fire Department

Hilger Rural Fire District Lima Rural Volunteer Fire Department

Hingham Volunteer Fire Department Lincoln County Rural Fire District #1

Hogeland Volunteer Fire Department Lincoln Volunteer Fire Company

Home Atherton Volunteer Fire Department Little Basin Creek Volunteer Fire Company

Homewood Park Volunteer Fire Department Livingston Fire and Rescue

Hungry Horse Volunteer Fire Department Lockwood Rural Fire District #8

Hysham Volunteer Fire Department Loma Rural Volunteer Fire Department

Inverness Volunteer Fire Department Lost Creek/Antelope Gulch Volunteer Fire Department

Ismay Rural Fire Department Manhattan Rural Fire District

Jackson Volunteer Fire Department Manhattan Volunteer Fire Department

Jefferson City Volunteer Fire Department Martin City Rural Fire Department

Joplin Fire Department Marysville Volunteer Fire Department

Jordan Volunteer Fire Department McCone County Fire Department

Judith Basin Fire District McCormick Volunteer Fire Department

Kalispell Fire Department Meagher County Fire Department

Knees Volunteer Fire Company Medicine Lake Volunteer Fire Department

Lambert Fire District Melrose Volunteer Fire Department

Laurel Volunteer Fire Department Melstone Volunteer Fire Department

Lavina Volunteer Fire Department Miles City Fire Department

Lewis & Clark Volunteer Fire Department Missoula Fire Department

Lewistown Fire Rescue Missoula Rural Fire District

Molt Volunteer Fire Department Phillips County Rural Volunteer Fire Department

Monarch Volunteer Fire Department Plains-Paradise Rural Fire Department

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Montana Fire Departments and Districts

Montana Air National Guard/Great Falls Airport Plentywood Rural Fire Department

Montana City Volunteer Fire Department Plentywood City Fire Department

Montana State Prison Polson Fire Department

Montecahto Rural Fire Department Polson Rural Fire District

Moore Volunteer Fire Department Poplar Volunteer Fire Department

Mussel Shell County Fire Department Power Volunteer Fire Department

N Fork Flatwillow Rural Fire Department Prairie County Rural Fire Department

Neihart Volunteer Fire Department Race Track Valley Fire District

North Toole County Fire Department Race Track Volunteer Fire Department

Noxon Rural Fire Department Ranchers Volunteer Fire Company

Olney Volunteer Fire Department Red Lodge Fire Department

Opheim Volunteer Fire Department Red Lodge Rural Fire District #7

Opportunity Volunteer Fire Department Reed Point Volunteer Fire Company

Outlook Rural Fire Department Rexford Volunteer Fire Department

Painted Rocks Fire District Richey Volunteer Fire Department

Paradise Valley Fire Service Area Roberts Rural Fire District #6

Park City Volunteer Fire Department Rollins Volunteer Fire Department

Park County Rural Fire District #1 Ronan Volunteer Fire Department

Pendroy Volunteer Fire & Rescue Roosevelt County Fire Department

Philipsburg Volunteer Fire Department Rosebud County Fire Department

Roundup Volunteer Fire Department Stockett Volunteer Fire Department

Roy Rural Fire Department Superior Rural Fire District

Rudyard Volunteer Fire Department Superior Volunteer Fire Department

Rural Valley Fire District Swan Lake Volunteer Fire Department

Saco Volunteer Fire Department Swan Valley Emergency Services

Sand Coulee Volunteer Fire Department Swan Valley EMS Station 1

Scobey Volunteer Fire Department Terra Verde Heights Volunteer Fire Department

Seeley Lake Rural Fire District Terry Fire Department

Shelby Volunteer Fire Department Thompson Falls Rural Fire Department

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Montana Fire Departments and Districts

Shepherd Volunteer Fire Department Three Forks Volunteer Fire Department

Sheridan Rural Fire District Town Of Plains Volunteer Fire Department

Sidney Volunteer Fire Department Trego Fortine Stryker Volunteer Fire Department

Simms Volunteer Fire Department Tri-Lakes Volunteer Fire Department

Smith Valley Fire Department Trout Creek Rural Fire District

Somers Volunteer Fire Department Troy Fire Department

South Kalispell Volunteer Fire Department Turner Volunteer Fire Department

St Marie Rural Fire District Upper Yaak Fire Service

St. Ignatius Fire Department Valier Volunteer Fire Department

St. Labre Volunteer Fire Department Valley County Long-Run Fire Department

St. Regis Volunteer Fire Department Vaughn Rural Volunteer Fire Department

West Glendive Fire Department West Helena Valley Volunteer Fire Department

West Kootenai Volunteer fire Department West Valley Volunteer Fire & Rescue

White Sulphur Springs Volunteer Fire Department Whitefish Fire Department

Whitehall Volunteer Fire Department Willow Creek Rural Fire Department

Wilsall Volunteer Fire Department Winifred Rural Fire Department

Winnett Volunteer Fire Department Wisdom Rural Fire and Ambulance

Wolf Creek - Craig FSA Wolf Point Volunteer Fire Department

Worden Fire Department Yellowstone Airport ARFF

York Volunteer Fire Company Victor Volunteer Rural Fire Department

Virginia City Rural Fire Department

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More extensive data is available in spreadsheet form

Absarokee Ambulance Service

American Medical Response (Bozeman)

Ashland QRU

Basin QRU

Baxendale QRU

Beaverhead EMS

Big Horn County Ambulance

Big Mountain QRU

Big Sandy Volunteer Ambulance Service

Bighorn Fire Company, Inc.

Birdseye QRU

Blackfeet Tribal EMS

Blacktail Mountain QRU

Boulder Ambulance Service

Bridger Bowl Ski Patrol

Bridger Canyon Volunteer Fire Department

Broadview QRU

Canyon Creek QRU

Cascade County Sheriff’s Office Tactical EMS

Central MT Medical Center Ambulance Service

Charlo EMS

Chouteau County QRU

City of Bozeman Fire Department

City of Havre Ambulance / Fire Department

Clarkston Fire Service Area

Clinton Rural Fire District

Columbus Rural Fire District 3

Condon / Swan Valley QRU

Cooke City Silvergate Emergency Services

Coram West Glacier Fire / EMS

Dahl Memorial Healthcare Ambulance

Darby Quick Response Unit

Denton Ambulance

Drummond Volunteer Ambulance

East Helena Volunteer Fire Department

Eastgate Volunteer Fire Department/Eastgate Fire Rescue

Elliston EMS

Exxon Mobil Billings Rescue Squad

Fallon County Ambulance

Five Valley Back County Ski Patrol

Fort Harrison VA Ambulance

Geraldine Community Ambulance Service

Glendive Ambulance Service

Greenough-Potomac Volunteer Fire Department

Helmville Volunteer Fire and Quick Response Unit

Hill County Ambulance Service of Rudyard

Jesse Ambulance Service

Lewis & Clark County Volunteer Fire Department

Lima Rural Fire Department and Ambulance

Lincoln Volunteer Ambulance Service

Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital Ambulance Service

Marysville Volunteer Fire Rescue


Meagher County Ambulance

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Memorial Ambulance of Fort Benton

Mercy Flight – Benefis Healthcare - Fixed

Mercy Flight Benefis Healthcare - Rotor

Missoula City Fire Department

Missoula County Search and Rescue

Missoula County Sheriff Tactical EMS

Missoula Rural Fire Department

Molt VFD

Montana ANG/Airport Fire Department

Moore Rural Volunteer Fire Department

North Valley EMS, Inc.

Philipsburg Ambulance Service

Pondera County Ambulance

Raynesford / Geyser QRU

Redwater Valley Ambulance Service

Richey Ambulance Service

Richland County Ambulance

Ruby Valley Ambulance Service

Shepherd Volunteer Fire Department QRU

Shields Fire and Rescue

Sleeping Giant Critical Care Transport

St. Marie NTU

St. Patrick Hospital Patient Transport

St. Regis QRU

Sula QRU

Swan Lake Fire

Thompson Falls Ambulance

Three Forks Area Ambulance Service

Twin Bridges QRU

Victor Volunteer Rural Fire Department QRU

West End QRU

West Flathead EMS

West Helena Valley Fire Department

Whitewater Rescue Institute

Wibaux County Ambulance Service

Wilderness Medics Transport

Wilderness Medics, Inc.

Wise River Volunteer Fire Company

Worden Fire Department and Ambulance

Yellowstone Club Public Safety and Privacy

York Fire Rescue EMS

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Delila BrunoSteve KnechtTricia ArgoCathy Glassen

Division AdministratorDeputy AdministratorBudget AnalystExecutive Assistant



Marschal RotheDave MaserEd GreiberisJ. Lee Okeson

Training CoordinatorESF CoordinatorExercise/Evaluation CoordinatorPlanning Coordinator



Tim Thennis Jan Traynor Sheri Lanz Tam Kolar Mike Stapp Mike Rand

Bureau ChiefIndiv. & Public Assist SpecialistPublic & Indiv. Assist SpecialistLogistics CoordinatorResponse CoordinatorResponse Coordinator



Kent AtwoodBurke HonzelStevn HenkeNadene Wadsworth

Grants Program Bureau ChiefHSGP Grant CoordinatorEMPG Grant CoordinatorDeputy State Hazardous Mitigation Officer


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DISTRICT 1Martha Jo Smith25 Silcox LaneThompson Falls, MT 59873Cell: Deer Lodge, Flathead, Granite, Lake, Lincoln, Mineral, Missoula, Powell, Ravalli, Sanders, Butte-Silver Bow, Flathead Reservation (Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribe)

DISTRICT 2Joey Zahara521 1st Avenue NW Great Falls, MT 59404Cell: Blaine, Cascade, Chouteau, Glacier, Hill, Liberty, Pondera, Teton, Toole, Blackfeet, Fort Belknap, Rocky Boy (Chippewa Cree Tribe),

DISTRICT 3 Bob Fry10604 Creektop DriveCanyon Creek, MT 59633Cell:

Beaverhead, Broadwater, Gallatin, Jefferson, Lewis & Clark, Madison, Meagher, Park, Sweet Grass

DISTRICT 4Jeff Gates3785 US Hwy 87 SRoundup, MT 59072Office: 323-8800Cell: 671-9733 Carter, Custer, Dawson, Fallon, Garfield, McCone, Powder River, Prairie, Richland, Wibaux

DISTRICT 5Charlie Hanson2019 14th St W.Billings, MT 59102Business: 245-9672 Cell: 696-2039 Fax: 252-7719 Big Horn, Carbon, Golden Valley, Musselshell, Rosebud, Stillwater, Treasure, Wheatland, Yellowstone, Crow, No. Cheyenne

DISTRICT 6Mark Gruener74 West Manor Dr.Lewistown, MT 59457CellL: 366-1835 Daniels, Fergus, Judith Basin, Petroleum, Phillips, Roosevelt, Sheridan, Valley, Fort Peck Reservation

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BEAVERHEAD DES (18)Tom Wagenknecht2 South Pacific, #12Dillon, MT 59725Business: 683-3771 Cell: 596-1251Fax: 683-376924HR: 683-3700 FAX: 683-3778twagenknecht@beaverheadcounty.orgLee Diedrich, SecretaryBusiness: 683-3766

BIG HORN DES (22)Ed AukerPO Box 908121 3rd Street WestHardin, MT 59034 Business: 665-1731 Cell: 679-0541 Home: 665-1723eauker@gbighorncountymt.govDeputy: Matt Redden, Fire ChiefCell: 679-0516 Office:

BLAINE DES (24)Haley GustitisPO Box 576420 Ohio StreetChinook, MT 59523

Bus: 357-3310 Fax: 357-2199 Deputy: Art Kleinjan Bus: 357-4127 Fax: 357-2199 Cell: 945-0681

BROADWATER DES (43) Mike Koehnke515 Broadway StreetPO Box 506Townsend, MT 59644-0506Bus: 266-9250 Fax: 266-9276Cell: 949-3522michaelkoehnke@yahoo.comDeputy: Virginia Knerr- Co. Extension AgentDeputy: Julie Lethert- Co.

BUTTE/SILVER BOW (OEM) (1) Dan Dennehy 125 West Granite Street Butte, MT 59701 Bus: 497-6295 Fax: 497-6294

Cell: 490-5802 Deputy:  Brad Neal Bus: 497-2324  Cell: 560-2324 Deputy:  Brad Belke Bus: 782-9777  Cell: 490-6367

CARBON DES (10)Darrel Krum17 West 11th StreetPO Box 887Red Lodge, MT 59068 Bus: 446-1038 Fax: Dan McJunkinBus: 446-1234 Fax:

CARTER DES (42)Georgia Bruski214 Park StreetPO Box 465Ekalaka, MT 59324Bus: 775-8721 Fax: 775-8703Cell: 975-6416Ccdes42@gmail.com24 Hr: 778-2879 Fax: 778-7176Sheriff’s Office : 775-8743Deputy: Raquel WilliamsBus: 775-8738 Cell:

CASCADE (2)Vince Kolar521 1st Avenue NWGreat Falls, MT 59404Bus: 454-6900 Fax: 454-6903 Deputy: Vacant Deputy: Kristal Kuhn (for City of Great Falls) Bus: 455-8579 Cell: 781-2797 kkuhn@greatfallsmt.netSecretary: Paula Guisti24 Hr: 454-6978 Fax: 761-7858

CHOUTEAU DES (19)Deb GessamanPO Box 459Fort Benton, MT 59442Bus: 622-3027 Cell: 949-5448 Fax: 622-3012

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dgessaman@hotmail.comDeputy: Jodie ButlerCell: 899-7377

Deputy: Shelby Buck Bus: 622-3022

CITY OF GREAT FALLS EPOKristal KuhnPO Box 5021105 9TH Street SouthGreat Falls, MT 59403Bus: 455-8579 Fax: CUSTER DES (14)Bud Peterson (also Custer Co Fire Chief/Warden)1010 MainMiles City, MT 59301

Bus: 874-3490 Fax: 874-3491 Cell: 853-4623 Deputy: Vacant

DANIELS DES (37) Mary NyhusPO Box 836213 Main StreetScobey, MT 59263Bus:  487-5560   Fax:  487-5570Cell:  783-7554   24 Hr: 487-2691danielsdes@nemont.netDeputy:  Gary Linder Cell: 779-7777

DAWSON DES (16)Mary Jo Gehnert207 West BellGlendive, MT 59330 Bus: 377-2566 Cell: 939-5102 Fax: 377-2567 24 Hr: 377-2364 gehnertmj@dawsoncountymail.comDeputy: Tim MortBus: 365-2177 Cell: 989-1015 Fax: 365-6301

DEER LODGE OEM (30)Bill Converse800 South Main StreetAnaconda, MT 59711Bus: 563-5571 Fax: 563-5519desana@rfwave.net24 Hr: 563-5241 Fax: 563-2069

Deputy: Marty Bus: 563-7634

FALLON DES (39)Chuck Lee10 Fallon Avenue WestPO Box 1061Baker, MT 59313Bus: 778-7121 Fax: 778-3734chuckleemt@hotmail.com24 Hr: 778-2879 Fax: 778-7176Deputy: Dale ButoriBus: 778-7131 Cell:

FERGUS DES (8)Cheri KilbyPO Box 180Lewistown, MT 59457Bus: 535-8118 Fax: 535-3860 24 Hr: 535-3415 Fax: 538-3860Deputy: Robert ThompsonCell: Pam VosenCell:

FLATHEAD OES (7)Sheriff Chuck Curry 625 Timberwolf ParkwayKalispell, MT 59901Bus: 758-2114 Fax: 758-556224 Hr: 758-5560

Flathead Emergency Planner-Nikki Stephan Flathead County OES Off: 406-758-5504 Cell: 406-249-6913 Juanita NelsonBus: GALLATIN OEM (6)

Patrick LonerganPO Box 1230Bozeman MT. 59771Eoc: 548-0110 Bus: 582-2350 Fax: 582-2355 Cell 599-788124 HR: 582-2124 - GARFIELD (50)

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Lori Ryan- Interim Des CoordinatorPO Box 7Jordan MT 59337Bus: 557-2760 Cell: 851-1877Fax:

GLACIER DES (38) Charles Farmer 512 East Main Street Glacier County Courthouse Cut Bank, MT 59427 Office: 873-2084 Fax: 873-3613 Cell: 450-1105 Home: 338-2500 24-HR Sheriff Dispatch 873-2711 Fax: 873-4218 Deputy Patrick Stranad Bus: 732-9292 Fax: 732-4145 Cell: Deputy Debbie Farmer Bus: 338-2500 FAX: 338-2500 Cell: 845-3111

GOLDEN VALLEY DES (53)Robert Pallas107 Kemp StreetPO Box 10Ryegate MT 59046 Bus: 568-2321 Fax: 568-2598Cell: 320-2101gvcso@midrivers.comDeputy Kim Fisher Bus: 568-2321

GRANITE OEM (46) Ryan Lee9 Garden Acres LaneDrummond MT 59832Cell:

HILL DES (12) Dave Sheppard315 4th StreetHavre MT 59501Bus: 265-5481 Fax: 265-6976Cell: Don BrostromBus: 265-2512

JEFFERSON OES (51) Doug Dodge

PO Box HBoulder MT 59632Bus: 225-4035 Cell: 439-6083Fax: 225-4145 Cell: 461-3876des@jeffersoncounty-mt.govDeputy Sheriff Craig DoolittleBus: 225-4075 Fax: 225-4145Deputy Sally BucklesCell: 225-3926

JUDITH BASIN DES (36)Bonnie OstertagPO Box 427Stanford MT 59479Bus: 566-2277 Ext. 128 Fax: 566-2976Cell: Nathan HammontreeBus: 566-2212 Cell:

LAKE OEM (15)Steve StanleyLake County Courthouse106 4th Avenue. EastPolson MT 59860-2173Bus: 883-7253 Fax: 883-735824 Hour: 883-7301 Cell: 249-2893lakeoem@lakemt.govDeputy: John StevensCell: 250-1952

LEWIS & CLARK DES (5)Paul Spengler221 BreckenridgeHelena MT 59601-4230Bus: 447-8285 Fax: 442-487324 HR: 447-8293/ 447-8461 Fax: 442-4873pspengler@lccountymt.govDeputy: Pat McKelvey (Volunteer)patm2850@gmail.comAlternate: Karen SempleCell:

LIBERTY DES (48)Darrell Stafford See Toole PO Box 631 360 East Marias RoadCut Bank, MT 59427-0631Cell: 450-8972swmprat@northerntel.net24 HR: 759-5171 Fax: 759-5520Deputy: Vacant

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LINCOLN EMA (56)Victor L. White952 East. Spruce Suite 205Libby MT 59923 Bus: 293-6295 Fax: 293-2515Cell: 293-1129lcema@libby.org24 HR: 293-4112 Fax: 293-3171Deputy: Lisa Oedewaldt(Also County Floodplain Manager)

MADISON DES (25) Christopher MummePO Box 2787 Placer LoopVirginia City MT 59755Bus: 843-4253 Fax: 843-523124 HR: 843-5301 Fax: 843-5351direms@3rivers.netDeputy: Steve DigiovannaBus: 843-4211 Dispatch/24 HR:

MCCONE DES (41)Erin KetchumPO Box 51Circle MT 59215Bus: 974-2059 Cell: 974-3505Fax: 485-2689PSAP/ 24 HR: 485-3405 (Dispatch)

Deputy: NancyLee Cadorette Cell: 939-4099

MEAGHER DES (47)Richard E. SeidlitzPO Box 469White Sulphur Springs 59645 Bus/Cell: 547-4290

mcfire47@gmail.comDeputy: Maebeth SeidlitzBus/Cell: 547-4290

MINERAL OEM (54)GEORGE M. GUPTONPO Box 401Alberton, MT 59820Bus/Cell: 240-9395 Fax: 822-3562mincodes@blackfoot.net24 HR: 822-3555 Fax: 822-3562Deputy: Vacant

MISSOULA OEM (4)Adriane Beck200 West BroadwayMissoula MT 59802Bus: 258-3632 Fax: 258-3989Cell: 830-0974

Deputy: Vacant Alternative ContactMissoula CO 911 Center: 258-4760

MUSSELSHELL DES (23)Adam CarlsonDAM CARLSON704 First Street EastRoundup MT 59072Bus: 323-2777 Cell: Tom GilesBus: 323-2777 Dispatch: 323-1402Deputy: Jolene SeallyBus: 323-2777 Dispatch: 323-1402

PARK DES (49) Greg Coleman 414 East Callender StreetLivingston MT 59047Bus: 222-4188 Cell: 823-0823 Fax: 222-4161 24 HR: 222-2050

PETROLEUM DES (55)Bill Cassell301 East Main StreetPO Box 226Winnett MT 59087Bus: 429-6551 Cell: 977-2783 Fax: 429-632824 HR: 535-1800 Fax: 538-3860cassell1b@aol.comDeputy: Kyra EickhoffBus:

PHILLIPS CD (11)Greg SpeerPO Box 1090Malta MT 59538-1090Bus: 367-9315 Fax: Use same Bus #, call first, or 654-2429Cell: 263-7437 desphillipsgov@yahoo.comSheriff/Deputy: Scott MoranBus:

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PONDERA DES-EMC (26)Leann Hermance20 SouthWest 4th AvenueConrad MT 59425-2340Bus: 271-4040 Eoc: 271-4044Fax: 271-4084 24 HR: 271-4060pondes@3rivers.netDeputy: Clete GregoryBus: 271-3138 Home: 271-3138

POWDER RIVER DES (9)Rebecca McEuen (Becky)PO Box 200Broadus MT 59317-0270Bus: 427-5378 Fax: 436-2866Cell: 853-4284prcdes@gmail.com24 HR: 436-2333 Fax: 436-2866Deputy Sheriff: John BlainBus:

POWELL OEM (28)Ruth Koehler409 Missouri Avenue Suite 111Deer Lodge 59722Bus: 846-9718 Cell: 491-1549rkoehler@powellcountymt.gov24 HR: 846-2711 Deputy: Rick DuncanBus: 560-5021

PRAIRIE DES (45)John PiskPO Box 126Terry MT 59349Bus: 635-5738 Fax: Bill KlunderBus: 635-5738

RAVALLI OEM (13)Erik Hoover205 Bedford Street Suite JHamilton MT  59840Bus: 375-6655Fax: 375-6658 Cell: HR: 363-3033 Fax: 375-6658

Deputy: Al CristaldiBus: 375-6655

RICHLAND DES (27) Debra Gilbert

123 West Main Suite 3 Sidney MT  59270 Bus: 433-2220 Fax:  433-6952 Cell: 489-1486 24 HR: 433-2919 FAX: 433-4025 Des Admin Assistant: Becky Bradley Bus:  433-6760 Deputy: Rob Gilbert Cell:  489-2763 ROOSEVELT DES (17)Dan Sietsema416-1/2 2ND Avenue SouthWolf Point MT 59201Bus: 653-6224 Fax: 653-6209des@rooseveltcounty.org24 HR: 653-6240 Deputy: Marvin TeilBUS: 653-6224

ROSEBUD DES (29)Keith RaymondPO Box 6871165 Front StreetForsyth MT 59327Bus: 346-7968 Cell: 605-390-3695Kraymond@rosebudcountymt.com24 HR: 346-2715 Fax: 346-7397Deputy: Rodney Dresbach (Covers mostly northern portion of county) Bus: 346-4270 Cell: 253-0208rdresbach@rosebudcountymt.comDeputy: Pat Dennis Bus: 784-4500 Ext 4404 (St. Labre Indian School)Cell: 983-4500

SANDERS OEM (35)Bill NaegeliPO Box 519Thompson Falls MT 59873-0519Bus: 827-6955 Fax: 827-4388Cell: HR: 827-3584 Fax: 827-4171 Deputy: Vacant

SHERIDAN DES (34)Curtis Petrik See Daniels 100 West Laurel AvenueSheridan CourthousePlentywood MT 59254

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Bus: 765-2970 Fax: Chris RubyBus: 765-2010

STILLWATER DES (32)Carol Arkell PO Box 1287Columbus MT 59019Bus: 322-8060 Fax: 322-8007Cell: Jennifer Siegfried (Part Time)Bus: 322-5326

SWEET GRASS DES (40)Brooke OsenPO Box 567Big Timber MT 59011Bus: 932-3011 Fax: 932-4777932-5143 (24 HR BusCell: 595-806824 HR: 595-8068 Deputy: Elaine Allestad Tel:  930-1731

TETON DES (31)Debra CoverdellPO Box 6101 South Main AvenueChoteau MT 59422Bus: 466-5552/467-3747 Fax: 466-2138 emsops@3rivers.net24 HR: 466-5781 Fax: 466-5782Deputy: Florence AndersonCell:

TOOLE DES (21)Darrell Stafford- See LibertyPO Box 631 360 East Marias RoadCut Bank MT 59427-0631Home: 339-2389 Cell: 450-8972 swmprat@northerntel.net24 HR: 434-5585 Fax: 434-7265Deputy: Carla StaffordBus: 434-5551 Cell: 450-8972

TREASURE DES (33)Carla LindPO Box 201

Hysham MT 59038Bus: 342-5886 Cell:

VALLEY DES (20)Rick Seiler501 Court Square Number 10Glasgow MT 59230-2405Bus: 263-1479 Fax: 228-902724 HR: 228-4333 Fax: 228-4601rseiler@valleycountymt.govDeputy: Greg Speer Bus: 526-3666

WHEATLAND (44)Dave JonesPO Box 757Harlowton MT 59036Bus: 632-5614 Fax: 632-5654wcdes@mtintouch.net24 HR: 632-5614

WIBAUX CD (52)Frank DattaPO Box 336Wibaux MT 59353Bus: 796-2218 Fax: 796-6218Wibauxdes@gmail.comwibaux@midrivers.com24 HR: 796-2222

YELLOWSTONE DES (3)Duane Winslow217 North 27TH Street, Rm 312 (Zip 59101)PO Box 35004 (Zip 59107)Billings, MTBus: 256-2775 Fax:

Deputy Director: Frank Odermann

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FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-6


AIR FORCE EPLOCOL. Monte Boettger121 Millstream RoadLewistown, MT 59457Bus: 535-8127 Cell:

ARMY EPLO Dave Kontyny COL, MI US Army Reserve Montana Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer 97 Ponderosa Road Clancy MT 59634 Cell: 509-710-8283 SGT Keith Hammer, Assistnat to the Montana Eplo

LIBBY DAM PROJECTGreg Hoffman- Fishery BiologistUSACE – Libby DamKootenai River/Koocanusa ReservoirBus:

MONTANA AIR NATIONAL GUARD SM SGT. Stephen M. Shovlin Montana Air National Guard 120 CES/CEX Superintendent, Readiness & Emergency Management Flight Comm: 406-791-0209 DSN: 791-0209 Cell: 406-750-3235

MALMSTROM AFB Royce Shipley, MA, CEM Senior Emergency Manager 341 CES/CEX 105 80th Street North Malmstrom AFB 59402-7546 Bus: 731-6695 DSN: 632-6695 24 HR: 731-3801 Fax: 731-6683 24 HR PSAP (911 non-emergent) 731-3746 Deputy: MSgt Danny Raimondo Bus: 731-6627 Fax: 731-6683 Cell: 941-374-5754

NAVY EPLO   Craig W. Roegner Captain US Navy Navy Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer (State of Montana) NR NLO DET 22, Nosc Kitsap, WA Home: 3663 Cassiopeia Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Cell: (970) 420-0785



BLACKFEET – BROWNINGEarl Black WeaselTribal Off: 338-7521Bus: 338-2424 Cell: 845-4440/845-5633PO Box 850Browning MT 59417Fax: 338-7530/ 338-2481

Deputy: Nora Kennedy–TERC Chair/PH Contact PO Box 470 Browning, MT 59417 Bus: 338-4326 OR 2481 Fax: 338-7027 Cell: 229-0373

CONFEDERATED SALISH & KOOTENAI TRIBEJoe DurgloDivision Of Fire44592 Old Highway 93Ronan, MT 5986424 HR: 675-4700 Fax: 676-2554Homeland SecurityDon Bell–Homeland Securitydonb@cskt.orgDispatch: 675-4700

CROW AGENCYLaura Rides HorsePO Box 159Crow Agency, MT 59022Bus: 638-3726 Cell: 679-1069

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FirstNet Data Call - Montana Response Section-6

Deputy: Vernon HillBus: 638-3859 Cell:

FORT BELKNAP HARLEMGilbert “Buddie” HornPO Box 1181Harlem MT 59526mato_nazha@yahoo.comBus: 353-3173 Cell: 390-2903Home: 673-3024 Fax: 353-3226

FORT PECK POPLARVacant501 Medicine Bear RoadPO Box 1027Poplar MT 59255Bus: 630-2635 Fax: 768-5382Deputy: Dana BucklesCell: 768-7547

NORTHERN CHEYENNE/ LAME DEER Ron SpangNorthern Cheyenne Tribal Health Department PO Box 6728 North Cheyenne AvenueLame Deer MT 59043Bus: 477-4960 Fax: 477-688224 HR: 477-6288ronaldspang@yahoo.comron.spang@cheyennenation.comDeputy: Otto Braided Hair477-8161

ROCKY BOY – CHIPPEWA-CREECoordinator: VacantLarry MorsetteRisk Management DirectorC/O Chippewa Cree construction Corp.PO Box 3008Box Elder, MT 59521Bus: 395-5814 Fax: 395-5702 larry@cct.rockyboy.orgJanet Runnion–Public Health CoordinatorBus: 395-4486

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