
First Presbyterian Church / Greenville, SC

inside this issue:

From Richard Gibbons inside cover

Evangelism and Missions pages 2-6

Executive & Finance Ministry page 7

Congregational Care pages 8-15

Children’s Ministries page 16-19

Music & the Arts pages 20

Contemporary Ministries pages 21-25

Activities Ministry page 26-27

Student Ministries pages 28–29

Marriage & Family Ministry pages 30–32

Women’s Ministry pages 33-37

Education Ministries pages 38-40

Summary Calendar page 41

The Academy at First Pres pages 42-43

Scouting at First Pres pages 44-45 vol. 8 ISSUE 1

GlanceA look at the life of First Pres. Fall/Winter 11

Little children, let us love, not in word and speech, but in truth and action.

1 John 3:18

From Richard

In times such as these—with a volatile national economy and denominational ruptures looming large—it can be difficult to see

blessings in the challenges that confront our church and congregation. But as Richard Gibbons and his family look forward to entering into their fifth year with us, our tenth senior pastor says the paradox, for him, is realizing that challenges can be blessings in themselves.

For example, the greatest challenge in a church this large—the sheer magnitude of its 3,400-member congregation—is also its greatest blessing, Richard said in a recent interview. Even after four years, he is still getting his “mind around the challenge of getting to know this many people.” Opportunities to build relationships come through pastoral counseling, baptisms, weddings, both pastoral and social conversations when the congregation gathers for worship, committee work with FPC officers and members, and study or mission events. But his biggest regret remains “never having enough time to spend with people, especially on Sundays.”

Even so, our size offers abundant blessings in the many hands available to do the work of the church, he said. More than 600 FPC members have volunteered to take part October 7-8 in Grains of Grace, a church-wide project to pack 125,000 plus meals for hungry children in the developing world. The meals will be shipped to 70 countries by the nonprofit hunger relief organization Feed My Starving Children.

Closer to home in early August, more than 550 FPC families filled plastic bags with school supplies for underprivileged students at Hollis Academy, an elementary school three miles from our campus. Sunday School classes and individual members have assisted Hollis with class supplies and events like Spring Carnival and field day, while 20 to 30 FPC members have volunteered to read, tutor, bake, and pray for the students this school year.


REv. DR. RiChARD GiBBonSSenior Pastor

by Susan Simmons

“The church we are today is a

reflection of the congregation’s

desire to prayerfully and practically respond to the call of God upon

their lives…”


Service of Remembrance & Thanksgiving

SundaySeptember 11, 2011

11:00am in the Sanctuary

As a congregation, we will gather for a Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving to commemorate the

tenth anniversary of the terrorist attack on the U.S.

We open our arms to anyone suffering the effects of September 11th and offer support, love, and understanding, remembering that it is imperative to keep alive the

memories of those lost that day as we honor these fallen heroes.

We pray that this service will be a reminder of the heroism and dedication of those who

sacrificed their lives for so many; an opportunity to reflect on

the value of extending care and concern to those in need in our own community; and a time to prayerfully look to the future

while seeking the enabling and sustaining grace of God upon our nation, celebrating the resiliency

of Americans, and the freedom we continue to share.

Service opportunities still abound: FPC particularly has need right now for volunteers in children’s Sunday School and the nursery on Sunday mornings. Richard said he is confident that “our creative and responsive congregation will step up to meet the need as it always has. The church we are today is a reflection of the congregation’s desire to prayerfully and practically respond to the call of God upon their lives, and it is wonderful to see it happening.”

Just as the congregation will step up to find the blessings in the challenges still ahead. The PCUSA’s recent decision to strip purity standards and obedience to Scripture out of ordination requirements for pastors and officers has brought FPC to a crossroads. Pastors, elders, and staff are praying, investigating our options, and meeting with others across the nation to plan our next steps. All “deeply appreciate the patient concern and fortitude of the congregation as we seek to discern God’s will for us over the next ten to twelve months,” Richard said.

Other challenges remain as FPC continues to adjust to the economic crash of 2008 and our change to three distinct worship services and two Sunday School periods in the fall of 2009. While our cash balance and giving have both improved since last year, our church has had to cut back aggressively—30 percent across all departments – to stay within our means. Our finance committee recently reported for the last fiscal year, 18 percent of our congregation gave 78 percent of total contributions. A new stewardship committee is actively addressing this and sees another potential blessing of a large congregation: even a small personal increase can have great effect when the whole church participates.

As worshipers and Sunday School classes continue to adjust to our revised Sunday schedule, Richard said he hopes members will prayerfully appreciate the positives of adding more Sunday School space and allowing pastors to be wholly present for all three services. The Session and staff invested ten months of extensive research into which approach to follow, and “this was the best solution we could find to meet all the needs of our growing church.”

FPC’s warmth, heart for missions, and commitment to applying biblical truth to their daily lives while having a “radical compassionate concern for those who are hurting and in need both spiritually and physically” are consistently among the reasons new members give for joining our congregation. God has been “pulling on my heart to take this step and get out of my comfort zone,” one new member wrote shortly after joining. “I want to have more Christian relationships in my life. I want to be involved in God’s work and serve the church as it has served me.”

The fall and winter seasons are always an exciting time at First Pres. We look forward with great anticipation to all that God will do in our midst.

For a list of special services planned for this Fall and Winter, see page 39.

“…even a small personal (financial) increase can have great effect when the whole

church participates.”

Evangelism & Missions2

BRiAn STEWARTEvangelism and Missions Pastor

“The place where God calls you is the place your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”

— Frederick Buechner

What a great opportunity each of us has this fall to find that special place God calls us in order to change the world. If you have not already heard about

it, Impact Weekend will be held october 7-10. This will be a huge event for our church as we adopt a more missional focus in our own community while impacting the world around us. The event will kick off with the Grains of Grace project October 7-8. (See following page to learn more about Grains of Grace.) The headline speaker for Impact Weekend, Dr. Stephen Hayner, will address our congregation at all three worship services on Sunday morning, October 9, as he further teaches us the steps to becoming more mission-minded in our daily walk. That evening, Impact Weekend will continue with a dinner held in the Gym. Several key missional speakers will share their stories during this 90-minute celebration, which will also include music, fellowship, and the results from the Grains of Grace food-packing activities. A children’s program for preschool through grade 5 will focus on the topic “Where is First Presbyterian Church in missions?” Be sure to mark your calendars for this exciting weekend!

We also encourage you to get engaged with the Missions and Outreach community at First Presbyterian Church. Did you know that ten missionaries who grew up within our church walls are currently serving around the globe? These individuals fearlessly proclaim the Gospel in dark places. We should all know and pray for these individuals. Please plan to join us the first Monday of each month at 5:00pm in Room 301/302 to learn about and serve our missionaries who have found their deep gladness as they feed the world’s great need.

For information on how to become involved, or to learn more about our missionaries, please contact Marshall Barron at

Missions&Outreach impact Weekend

Where in the world is First Presbyterian?

Where in the World are You?October 9, 2011

Dr. Stephen A. hayner An ordained pastor in the

Presbyterian Church (USA) for more than 38 years, Dr. Hayner is the ninth

president of Columbia Theological Seminary. He joined the seminary’s faculty in 2003 after a long history

of experience in ministry to the church and to university students. His passion is to prepare men and

women to lead congregations toward the fulfillment of God’s call to be

missional churches—churches that are biblically faithful and growing steadily

in their love for God, their love for each other, and their love for Christ’s

work in the world.He and his wife, Sharol, a 2006 graduate of Columbia’s M.Div. program, have three children:

Emilie, her husband, Chad, and their daughters, Claire and Anna; Chip and his wife, Kristen, and their daughter

Lainey; and 18-year-old Drew.Dr. Hayner will be speaking to us at our worship services on Sunday

morning and at our Missions Banquet on Sunday night.

Evangelism & Missions 3

Blessed are those who

are generous, because they feed the poor.

—Proverbs 22:9

Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a non-profit Christian hunger relief organization committed to feeding God’s starving children hungry in body

and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand pack meals designed especially for starving children, and FMSC ships the meals to nearly 70 countries around the world.

In early October, First Pres families and individuals will come together to prepare thousands of life-saving meals for starving children in the developing world. This initiative called Grains of Grace, in partnership with Feed My Starving Children, will help bring healing in body and spirit to thousands of children who suffer from hunger.

First Presbyterian Church has a wonderful legacy of supporting important missions in the Greenville community and around the world. As you can imagine, an endeavor of this size takes considerable planning and lots of volunteer support. Your participation in Grains of Grace will not only bring a life-saving change to those we are serving, but may also provide a life-changing experience for you in terms of personal growth, joy, and fulfillment.

The First Pres family has so graciously responded to this call and filled all of the open time slots to pack meals; however, we are collecting names for the waiting list. Please contact Beverley Alberson ( or 864.672.1754) to be placed on the waiting list.

for I was hungry and you gave me food... —Matthew 25:35

Ronel Dieudonne was abandoned as an 8 year

old at an orphanage in Haiti. His parents had recently died

and his 16-year-old sister was overwhelmed with the

responsibility of raising him. Suffering from malnourishment, scabies, and congenital syphilis, Ronel weighed only 24 pounds. After eating FMSC meals for just a few months, his weight nearly

doubled to 46 pounds. Less than two years later, Ronel was adopted as a healthy young boy. You can play an important part in saving the lives of other children

just like Ronel.

With the input of scientists from major food companies Feed My Starving Children developed MannaPack Rice, a formula consisting of:

• Rice, the most widely accepted grain around the world.• Extruded soy nuggets, providing maximum protein at lowest cost.• vitamins, minerals and a chicken flavoring to give growing children the critical nutritional elements they need.• Dehydrated vegetables for flavor and nutrition.

Packaged in small pouches, this easy-to-prepare food blend has won rave reviews all over the world. While the formula was designed to save the lives of severely malnourished and starving children, the ingredients also improve the health, growth and physical well-being of children who are no longer in immediate danger of starvation.

What is a Manna Pack?

Evangelism & Missions4

Growth of the Church in Africa

Did you know that First Presbyterian Church is involved with the growth of the Church in Africa? By adopting a student at Justo Mwale Theological College in Lusaka,

Zambia, we are playing a critical role in the training of church leaders for Reformed and Presbyterian Churches in Southern Africa. The Church of Jesus Christ is experiencing dramatic growth in this region, and more than anything else they are asking us to help them train a new generation of pastors and evangelists.

Through a scholarship program administered by The Outreach Foundation, FPC has adopted George, Caroline, and David Jankens. George is from a family of ten children. His father died when he was fifteen and so he went to live with his brother. While at his brother’s church, he came to Christ, was baptized, and eventually became an elder and a part of the congregation’s evangelism team.

George is now seeking theological training in order to be ordained in the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP), Synod of Blantyre in Malawi. When asked if he had a message to us, his sponsoring congregation, he wrote, “You are a blessing to my life! You are co-workers with God in developing us into His ministry. May the Good Lord continue to bless you as you are always obeying His Word by being faithful stewards of Him.”

For more information about Justo Mwale Theological College, go to and


DATE: Sunday, December 4, during both Sunday School

hours in the Parlor

From the Hall family: We invite all First Presbyterian

church members to hear a mid-term update on our work in Alaska, our recent move to Anchorage, and the exciting

new vision of SEND North. We look forward to sharing some new stories and answering any

questions about our ministry and FPC’s partnership with us in the

Far North.

(above and below) Students at Justo Mwale Theological College

(left) George Jankens and his family

From left: Song, Davis, Emma, Natalie, and Steven Hall

Evangelism & Missions 5

Presbyterian Cursillo

and Presbyterian PilgrimageNovember 3-6

The goal of Presbyterian Cursillo and Pilgrimage is to equip members

and leaders of the Presbyterian Church to return to their various

environments to serve and re-form those environments after the

Kingdom of God. The weekend is a call to the conscious and deliberate living of the Christian faith, seeking

to make every relationship, every situation, every experience an

occasion for the manifestation of God’s Kingdom according to the

example of Jesus Christ.

Cursillo WeekendNovember 3-6, 2011Camp Pinnacle Conference

and Retreat Center

Clayton, Georgia

Contact Beverley Alberson ( or

672.1754) for more information.

Check out these links as well:

Alpha is a practical introduction to the Christian faith, offering participants an opportunity to explore life from a Christian perspective. Each week we will join together to watch a teaching segment and then gather in small groups to discuss such topics as “Who is Jesus?” “Why did Jesus die?” “How can I resist evil?” and “How does God guide us?” Whether you are a life-long follower of Christ who wants a deeper faith or someone who is just beginning to seek answers to some of life’s BIG questions, Alpha is the place for you!

August 31 Kick-off: “Is There More to Life Than This?”

September 7 “Who is Jesus?”

September 14 “Why Did Jesus Die?”

September 21 “How Can We Have Faith?”

September 28 “Why and How Do I Pray?”

october 5 “Why and How Should I Read the Bible?”

october 12 “How Does God Guide Us?”

october 15 Saturday Retreat 4:00-8:15pm: “Who is the Holy Spirit?” “What Does the Holy Spirit Do?”

october 19 “How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of My Life?”

october 26 “How Can I Resist Evil?”

november 2 “Why and How Should We Tell Others?”

november 9 “Does God Heal Today?”

november 16 “What About the Church?”

Wednesdays August 31–november 16


Contact Chuck Emory (

for more information.

Contact Beverley Alberson (

to register.

explore the meaning of lifeTHE ALPHA COURSE

Is there more to life than this?

Who is Jesus?Why did Jesus die?

How can I resist evil?

Evangelism & Missions6

Here at First Presbyterian Church?

Is God Calling You to consider

Membership Then we invite you to attend First Look, a three-week exploration of the meaning,

benefits, and responsibilities related to membership at First Presbyterian Church. The class will be offered at the 9:40 Sunday School hour in the Church Parlor on these dates:

September 11-18-25 with new member luncheon on September 25

November 6-13-20 with new member luncheon on November 20

January 15-22-29 with new member luncheon on January 29

Come learn what it means to have a personal relationship with Christ, what Presbyterians believe, and how you can experience the full benefits of membership here at FPC. To register, contact Beverley Alberson at or 672.1754.

What new Members Are Saying About Why

They Joined FPC

“The sermons of Richard Gibbons are outstanding and bring the Bible

into my daily life.”

“First Presbyterian Church provides a place to worship God and serve others

in diverse ways.”

“I want to be part of a group of people that share my values. Being around other people that follow God only strengthens my faith.”

“We can establish the kind of roots that our family needs.”

“In an ever-changing and unstable world, joining this church with my family gives

us the balance and direction that God is leading us to.”

For more information about membership at First Presbyterian or if you have

questions about the First Look class, contact New Member

Coordinator Chuck Emory at or


Cross Culture network invites You!

Southern Hospitality

BanquetSeptember 16th

6:30-8:30pmFellowship Hall

The Southern Hospitality Banquet is an evening of fun, food, and

fellowship for international students from Clemson, Furman, Wofford, and Greenville Technical Institute. Florin and Amy Palaghia, members of First Presbyterian and

Coordinators of Cross Culture Network, are looking for volunteers (table hosts) to help greet and share a meal around the table with these

students who are far from home and curious to know what Americans are like. This is a great opportunity to show the love of Christ to a young

person through fellowship and good food. Banquet sponsors are also needed. If interested, please

contact Florin or Amy at


For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.

2 Corinthians 8:12

i often get into conversations about how much someone should be giving to the church for its ministries. I think the answer to this question is best answered

by Paul’s statement in 2 Corinthians. Paul tells us that our gifts to the ministry of God’s church should be made in accordance with what we have, but most importantly that it should be made willingly. A willing gift, be it the widow’s two small copper coins in the Gospels, or a major gift given from someone’s abundance, is acceptable in God’s eyes.

I also get asked how much money the church needs. This is a similarly difficult question to answer. We have a budget of approximately $4.6 million, which has been decreased by a little over a half million dollars from last year. Thus, one answer to that question would be “enough to cover the operating budget, which was set based on what the Session thought could be expected for the coming fiscal year.” This church, however, is capable of so much more.

It is my hope that the Grains of Grace project and the church’s adoption of Hollis Elementary will ignite a fire in our congregation that makes us want to do more for our community and beyond. We have the ability to do so much for the world. This became very obvious when I reviewed some statistics for stewardship. For the last fiscal year, 18 percent of our congregation gave 78 percent of the total contributions. We, like most churches, follow the 80/20 rule.

Below is a summary of how our families or individuals in our congregation gave last year:

number of Givers Amount of Annual Gift Percentage of Total Giving

716 $0 0.00%

392 $0.01–$1,000.00 3.35%

436 $1,000.01–$5,000.00 25.11%

151 $5,000.01–$10,000.00 23.71%

69 $10,000.01–$20,000.00 21.17%

26 $20,000.01–$30,000.00 14.35%

12 Above $30,000.00 12.31%

Based on the above information, we easily see that this church can be doing a lot more. The national poverty level is $22,350 in earnings in a year. A tithe on this would be $2,235. We have 1,314 givers that are below this level, which amounts to 73 percent of our total potential givers. God does not call us to give beyond our ability, but He does call us to give at a level that he has enabled us to give. Are we honoring God as good stewards of what He has given us?

howMuch IsEnough?

MiKE TEMPLETonExecutive and Finance

For if the willingness

is there, the gift

is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does

not have.2 Corinthians 8:12

Executive & Finance Ministry

Congregational Care8

A childhood memory of silence left lasting and intense impressions.

our large farm had a wooded hill that rose up from a creek and swampy area. This hill was always referred to as the “still hill.” To understand the quiet

environment of the still hill more fully, one needs to know that an old boundary line fence ran through the woods. This fence enclosed an abandoned farm with a big old unoccupied house. It hadn’t been lived in for years; the last person there had died mysteriously. Thus stories of ghostly sightings and sounds fell on my ten-year-old ears, causing my heart to grow faint with frightful expectations of an encounter with some creature or ghost when I had to walk over the “still hill.” All of this to say, I grew up quite afraid of silence.

During the last 30 years, I’ve been led by the Holy Spirit to explore and journey with others into the “still hill” of Christian spiritual discipleship. Living experiences with simplicity, solitude, contemplative prayer, and silence lead me to conclude that silence challenges 21st-century Christians more than most other spiritual experiences. In fact, grown men often admit their reluctance for silence. Our daily environment of constant noise—music piped into offices and stores, radios in cars, iPods with ear plugs, TVs in every home—sends the message that this generation wants no silence.

Fellow Christians, our Bibles teach, encourage, and yes, even command followers of Christ to not become entangled with the life values and cultural practices that hinder us from the transforming spiritual lifestyle that leads to becoming “Christ-like.” Even a brief study of Christ’s life reveals that He understood mankind’s need for silence. Reflect on Mark 1:35: Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Scripture teaches that in silence we more easily hear the voice of God and can know His undisturbed Presence. Psalm 46:10 says, Be still, and know that I am God. Elijah heard the voice of God in a quiet sound of silence (1 Kings 19:12). Several years ago, a high-school-age young woman told the group in our sharing time, “I’m amazed at what I hear in the silence.” To me this remains one of the most profound testimonies ever spoken at Glory Ridge.

People today spend much energy and money in physical fitness training. Christians, note Paul’s words to Timothy: Physical training has some value, but [training] in Godliness has a value for all things (1 Timothy 4:8). Learning the power and profit of silence is a huge part of godliness. Isaiah 30:15 declares that quietness before God renews and develops your strength and confidence.

You are urged to join with many others in finding the mental, physical, and emotional cleansing and rest that flows to you and through you in silence. Begin by laying your books and other preoccupations aside for a two-minute period in a place of solitude. Do this once or twice daily and increase that time period when you feel ready. It helps to have a partner who shares in this discipline to meet and share your experiences.

Expect the Holy Spirit to impart His grace, helping you all along the way.

Silence Some Things I’ve Learned

GEoRGE MooREParish Associate for Prayer

“Scripture teaches that in silence we more easily

hear the voice of God and can know His undisturbed


Congregational Care 9

The United States has been involved militarily in Afghanistan for over ten years. During this period, several members of our ministry have served multiple tours of

duty in both Afghanistan and Iraq. We tend to focus on our daily lives and often forget this long-term commitment by the members of our Armed Forces.

BG Wayne Brock, USAR, recently returned from his second tour. CH (CPT) Matt Williams, USA, and SSGT Benjamin Barron, USMC, are preparing to deploy on their second tour. The description below of the second tour of Chaplain Williams as a member of the 212th Combat Stress Control (CSC) will change the image you have of the duties of a combat military chaplain.

As a subordinate unit of the 86th Combat Support Hospital, the 212th CSC will assist in fulfilling the mission to deploy and rapidly establish Level III health service support to joint/coalition forces, assume Medical Task Force command, and control and conduct split-based operations.

The 212th CSC helps service members to battle stress in both garrison and deployed environments. Combat Stress Experts assist service members in recognizing and receiving care for their problems. Since not everyone brings their issues forward, the Combat Stress Control Detachment goes to where the soldiers are located to “canvas” combat units and determine if their assistance is needed.

As an Army Chaplain, CH Williams has the specific privilege of total confidentiality and will work with the Combat Stress Control team in the mission of caring for soldiers. The Army Chaplaincy and the Combat Stress Control detachments handle all cases with professionalism and discretion. The emphasis is on caring for soldiers at all levels. Mental health and spirituality often go hand in hand, and thus proper diagnosis and understanding are essential. CH Williams and Mental Health Professionals of the 212th CSC are trained to care for the soldiers during the unique stressors of war.

Please keep Chaplain Williams in your prayers as he embarks on this vital mission in support of our combat forces.

You are encouraged to visit the Military Ministry page on the church website and regularly pray for those members of our Armed Forces listed in the prayer roster. We also ask that you help us keep the roster up-to-date by submitting changes via the website.

Please continue to pray for all members of our Armed Forces, asking God to sustain them for their selfless acts of courage and willingness to serve our country.

We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.

We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20


Contact the Military Ministry Team

for more information:

Bob Browning:


Tammy Burkhalter:

visit the Military Ministry page

under the Ministries section of the website ( to view the current prayer list of our members

and family members in the Armed Forces.

Congregational Care10

The call is out. The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has been given a mandate: Love one another. The Apostle John, identified as “the Apostle whom Jesus

loved,” grounds this commandment deeply in the rich tradition of God’s people. As important as they are, John reminds us, correct doctrine, worship attendance, and acts of obedience do not fulfill our responsibility in the church. Loving one another is the queen of all Christian graces.

Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning. This old command is the message you have heard. Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble. But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness; he does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded him (1 John 2:7, 10-11).

Fostering the love of Jesus Christ among God’s people not only builds healthy relationships in the Body of Christ, but it is the most effective means of building the Kingdom of God. Jesus said, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). This love is not to be a love in word only, but in deed and in truth.

To obey the directives of our Lord and Savior, the ministries of Congregational Care need your support. As you can imagine, the pastoral needs at First Presbyterian are extensive. Stephen Ministry is designed to provide pastoral care and support for those who are going through difficult times. It utilizes the gifts of lay men and women to provide one-on-one spiritual care and offers special training to equip those who are called. Stephen Ministry is love in action. It exemplifies the caring ministry of Jesus Christ, who gave many hours of his short time on earth to the lost, the last, and the least.

Learn how to extend Christ’s caring love and support. A training class will be offered in October, on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm. Please call the Congregational Care office at 672.0327 for more information.

Love In Deed:Love indeed

From “Care

Receiver” to “Care Giver”

During a very difficult time in my life, I requested a Stephen Minister, and my care-giver became a real inspiration to

me. She meant so much to me and was a wonderful Christian supporter. Although I moved

away, we still keep in contact to this day.

As time passed, I prayed for guidance and direction in my

life, and soon felt led to enter the training for the Stephen Ministry

program. After completion, I was assigned a care-receiver. I

now happily spend time with her weekly, giving her compassionate, caring Christian companionship. I pray that I will be the inspiration to my care-receiver that my care-

giver was to me.

I feel humbled and privileged to serve our Christian family in this manner and thank God for

bringing me full circle.


Carolyn Patterson, Steven Thompson, and Scott Stephens

Addie Lieverg and Liza Bentley Rev. Stan Johnson

Congregational Care

STAn JohnSonCongregational Care


First Presbyterian Church’s Stephen Ministry has had a wonderful summer

filled with helpful continuing education classes, time of fellowship for Stephen Ministers and their families, team-building for Stephen Ministers, and planning sessions for Stephen Leaders as they gear up for another training session.

A new Stephen Minister Training Class is set to begin on october 5. At the completion of the training the trainees will be commissioned as Stephen Ministers and join our 26 active Stephen Ministers at First Presbyterian Church in providing one-to-one care to individuals experiencing difficulties in life.

“Stephen Ministry training is top-notch,” says Pastor Stan Johnson. “The skills our Stephen Ministers learn and practice prepare them to provide a very high level of Christian care-giving. The training is intense because it explores some serious life issues, but it is also a growth-producing and enjoyable experience.”

The 50 hours of Stephen Ministry training is broken down into twenty 2½-hour sessions. Among the training topics are: • Feelings: Yours, Mine, and Ours • The Art of Listening • Distinctively Christian Caring • Assertiveness: Relating Gently and Firmly • Maintaining Boundaries in Care-giving • Confidentiality • Ministering to Those Experiencing Grief • Caring for People before, during, and after Hospitalization

If you are interested in being a part of this training class, call the Congregational Care office (672.0327) today and sign up to be a part of this great ministry.

What’s Happening in Stephen Ministry?

Stephen Ministry Calendar

September • Look for Stephen Ministry

information tables between worship services on Sunday, September 12

• Stephen Ministers will close out the summer and welcome Fall with a time of fellowship for Stephen Ministers and their families

october • Training begins Wednesday,

October 5november • Training Topics: Distinctively

Christian Caring; Assertiveness December • Training Topics: Maintaining

Boundaries; ConfidentialityJanuary • Training Topics: Mental

Health Professionals and Other Community Resources; Suicide and Depression

February • Training Topics: Making the First

Caring Visit; Bringing the Caring Relationship to a Close

March • Stephen Ministry Commissioning

& Banquet on Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dana Thompson with

husband Joe

Addie Lieberg, Wendy Gaillard, and Sandy Wright

Caroline Morris, Michael Combs, Judy Outlaw, Joann Reed, and Noel Brownlee

Congregational Care12

CoMinG in SEPTEMBER“Exploring the Power of Healing Prayer”

Rev. John Rice, Pastor of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Hayesville, NC, and well-

known proponent of prayer for healing, will lead a conference on “Exploring the Power of Healing Prayer” on Saturday, September 24, 8:30am-3:30pm in Fellowship Hall. John is a beloved and well-respected teacher and leader in prayer ministry. He will cover topics such as “Healing the Hurts of the Past,” “Listening to God, Hearing God,” “The Healing Power of Forgiveness,” “The Role of the Holy Spirit in Healing Ministry,” and “Soaking Prayer.”

John writes: “In my experience, prayer, education, and training are the key elements in renewing Jesus’

healing ministry in our churches. Prayer is that time for receiving God’s deep counsel through listening, as well as letting ourselves become conduits of God’s healing power. Education, rooted in Scripture and centered on Jesus, is essential in giving church members a different understanding and reality of healing ministry in the world today. Training and mentoring for prayer ministers brings about an excellence of prayer ministry that the world so much needs.”

John has been an Episcopal minister since 1988. He has led healing missions and preached in churches throughout North Carolina and the Southeast. He has served with the Order of St. Luke* as a member and chaplain for many years. He currently serves as Regional Director of the OSL for Region 3 (the southeastern U.S.), and is a member of the North American OSL Board of Directors. He has led Teaching Healing Missions to Durgapur, India, for the past two years.

Prior to becoming an Episcopal priest, John worked for a number of years as an agricultural Extension agent with the University of Vermont. John’s wife Debra is also an Episcopal priest, and is Rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Franklin, NC. They celebrated their son’s marriage last December and his graduation from Appalachian State University in the spring.

Further details about the conference and registration information will soon be available.

*The International Order of St. Luke the Physician encompasses clergy, health professionals and lay people who feel called to serve in Jesus’ on-going ministry of healing today, and believe it should be a vital part of the ministry of every Christian church, and that Christian [prayers for] healing and competent medical practice are mutually complementary.


DATE: Friday & Saturday,

March 23 & 24

Rev. Nigel Mumford will return to First Presbyterian Church to lead a healing

Prayer Conference during the weekend of Friday, March 23, and Saturday, March 24,

2012. Rev. Mumford is a well-known speaker and author, and is Director of Healing Ministry

at Christ the King Spiritual Life Center in Greenwich,

NY. For further information regarding Rev. Mumford and

his ministry, visit the CTKSLC website. Watch for details of the conference later this year.

Congregational Care 13

A distinctive Virginian accent, a love for the Indianapolis Colts, endless stories of growing up

on a farm as the youngest of 19… by now, you must know that I’m speaking of our beloved Pastor George Moore. But what you may not know, is that George, who recently celebrated his 80th birthday, will retire from First Pres at the end of the year. Recently I was privileged to sit down and have the following chat:

George, you and Mozelle mean a great deal to us and have brought this congregation so much joy. What has been your greatest joy with this church family?

“I have experienced, in a very real way, that God had a purpose far beyond our expectations and imagination in bringing us to FPC. We found a place in the hearts of people we never expected. The opportunity to teach on the Holy Spirit and prayer—has been beyond our wildest dreams—to be a part of the development of a healing ministry, Sabbath retreats, and engaging young families. The spiritual fellowship we’ve enjoyed (even with the teenagers) gives us unspeakable joy! These things have energized us and given us new vision in our old age.”

You make it all sound so simple…..

“It is simple. Mozelle and I have been so grateful for people to accept the simplicity of our faith. We’re not very complicated: Christ loves us, we love others, and they let us hug ‘em.”

I am remembering that you came to us in March 2005. Do you have any regrets?

“Because of the size of the congregation, I never could learn all of the names of everyone whom I love, but I am most grateful to journey with a few in a very meaningful way, to grow in grace, and knowledge, and community.”

What are your dearest memories here?

“There are many—too many to list. But I have to say, the way this congregation loved and cared for me during my open heart surgery, and during Mozelle’s back surgery. We were overwhelmed by the love shown to us and we carry that love in our hearts even now.”

You continue to teach us so much. What has God been teaching you most recently?

“That I must continue to learn at 80 years of age. I am still a child learning, but school is a little easier now because I’ve learned to trust and obey the Teacher, and

love the Teacher, the Holy Spirit. Being at FPC truly taught me a new understanding of God’s sovereignty and grace.

What message do you hope to leave this flock?

“Our message for those whom we love and have served with is: ‘Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever!’(Ephesians 3:20.) This Scripture speaks to us the power of Christ working in us, and He will do more than we can possibly think, imagine, or ask. This is the simple message I want to leave with our congregation. They have been used by God to fulfill this message in both Mozelle’s and my hearts.

What are your plans for the future?

“Mozelle and I will just go forth as God leads. As I draw my employment time to a close (I say “employment time” as I expect FPC to be our church home for years to come), I wish to continue the work of prayer and teaching Sabbath. I want to remain focused on these two things. Mozelle and I pray God will let us live close enough to worship and mingle with the First Pres family. Glory Ridge ministry occupies much of my energy and maybe I can serve some small churches. We intend much more time spent with our family and each other.”

One thing is for certain, George and Mozelle continue to teach us how to walk by faith, and we are most grateful for their deep love of the Savior and partnership in ministry.

God bless you, George and Mozelle; we love you most dearly!

Now, one final question: After you leave, who will our Senior Pastor call “the Ancient of Days” when we sing “O Worship the King”?

GoingForthAn interview by Claire Ripley

“Christ loves us, we love others, and they let us hug ’em.”

Congregational Care14 The Blessing of Soaking Prayer

have you ever wondered what a healing prayer service is like?

There are many models, but here is what you can expect at First Presbyterian’s Healing Prayer Service every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm in Harper Chapel. You will not be called on to pray. This is your time to receive prayer —for yourself or on behalf of another.

You will be invited to write your request(s) on a card. All requests are kept strictly confidential. Prayer ministers will intercede for you or anyone you are representing who needs prayer for physical, spiritual, or emotional (inner) healing.

You will sit in the pew with your prayer card beside you. The pew behind you will be empty. Prayer ministers will come from behind, read your card, and pray silently. You will be touched lightly as they pray unless you indicate “no touching” on your card. This type of prayer is called “abiding” or “soaking” prayer.

You will be silently prayed for multiple times as sacred music is played in the background. This is a holy, reverent, quiet time.

Come expecting a blessing from our good and gracious Lord!

Fourth Tuesday CommunionThe Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (gluten-free) is

observed on the fourth Tuesday of each month during the Healing Prayer service, 7:00pm in Harper Chapel.

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us

in our time of need. Hebrews 4:6

An Experience of healing

PrayerHis name was Tim. He was wearing shorts, a T-shirt, and tennis shoes, and was carrying a large backpack. Tim was nothing out of the ordinary from what one would expect to see in downtown Greenville. Was he homeless? A student? A traveler?

Two of us were at the entry foyer to Harper Chapel when he approached us. “I saw your signs outside and decided to come in. Are you having some kind of prayer in here tonight?” he asked. “I have some things I need to pray about.”

We introduced ourselves, told him about the Healing Prayer Service, and invited him to join us. Tim sat down, wrote his prayer request on his card, and waited for the service to begin.

At the close of the service, he remarked how good it felt to feel hands resting upon his shoulders as each prayer minister read his card and silently prayed. Tim told us he had been visiting his brother in a nearby town, and was passing time in downtown Greenville before going to the airport.

Have you, like Tim, observed the Prayer Service banners on our church’s street corners every Tuesday? Are you curious, as Tim was? The Abiding Prayer Ministry invites you to come on a Tuesday evening at 7:00pm. You will experience the peace and serenity of prayer for yourself or someone else.

Robbie Rishel

Elderberries Senior Adults

The Elderberries Senior Adults group meets on the first Tuesday of each month from September through May for a time of Christian fellowship, a program, and lunch.

Everyone age 55 and older is invited to attend.

Scheduled speakers and topics for the 2011-2012 session:

September 6: Dr. Joseph A. Pipa, Jr., President, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary: Background and History of the Westminster Standards

october 4: Mr. Dennis Smith: Music and Comedy

november 1: Hazel Townsend: Preserving Family Memories

December 6: Ken Bagwell: Apologetics and the Star of Bethlehem

January 3: John Kittredge, SC Supreme Court Justice

February 7: Donna Yarborough, Master Gardner, Clemson: Spring Planting

March 6: Dr. Richard Burnett, Erskine Theological Seminary

April 3: Shirley Gallamore and Daughters: Music Program

May 1: Video: God and our Founding Fathers

For more information, please call Pat Browning, 313.8004.

Congregational Care 15

PAM CoLEVisitation

A Quiet Missionof Love

Often we learn the art of Christian living from watching others do it. I learned to love the Christian service of visitation from my beloved mother-in-law, Dottie Cole. When Robbie and I were engaged, over twenty-five years ago, I noticed that twice a week, and always on holidays, Dottie would take gifts to homebound members of First Presbyterian Church. On holidays, Dottie would make extra food and deliver plates to those who would not be having a special holiday meal. On Easter she would decorate cupcakes with jelly beans and coconut and spend the afternoon delivering the plates. On Christmas she would take plates loaded with turkey, ham, dressing, green beans, and rolls, and would always include a festive wrapped gift.

I watched this wonderful woman do these acts of kindness and was enchanted with her quiet, faithful Christian service. I often tell Robbie that I married him just to be a part of such a loving, faithful family. Dottie had asked Dr. Randy Kowalski for a list of those in the church who needed visitation, and she went about visiting everyone on the list, never having to be asked about it – she just did it for years and years until everyone on that list had died. I was enchanted with the way Dottie quietly and graciously served those in the church who no longer were able to get out and do for themselves. She never talked about it, never bragged about it. She just did it and glowed with an inner light from the blessing of quietly serving Christ.

One of the great joys of my life came from going with Dottie to visit some of FPC’s homebound, two elderly ladies named Welborn and Gudger. I told these ladies that Robbie and I were getting married and were looking for a home. Robbie and I ended up buying the home directly across the street from them. In fact, Robbie and I bought the home while engaged and I moved in before our wedding. If Robbie stayed too late in the evening after a date, Welborn and Gudger would call over to our house and ask when Robbie was going to go home. Welborn and Gudger became some of my dearest life friends. I will never forget standing in the rain at their graveside services and thanking God for the gift of these precious ladies.

The Pastoral Visitation Ministry (PVM) at FPC is modeled after living saints like my mother-in-law, Dottie Cole. It is modeled after the old-fashioned ministry of going out and remembering those who are unable to be with us at church. PVMs at First Presbyterian are my heroes and heroines, like Dottie, because they go out week after week and check on those who are a part of the body of Christ at First Presbyterian, but can no longer be involved in our activities.

If you believe God is tugging at your heart to be a part of this ministry, we would be honored to have you. It is fun. It is fulfilling. It is simply wonderful to serve God in this way. Our kick-off meeting of the year is a cookout at Emilee and Huck Simpson’s home on Sunday, September 18, 2011. After that we will meet on the first Monday of each month in the church Parlor at 5:30pm for education and fellowship.

I invite you to join us in this quiet mission of love.

“Pastoral Visitation Ministry… is modeled after

the old-fashioned ministry of going out

and remembering those who are unable

to be with us at church.”

Children’s Ministries16

EvELYn PEnKERTDirector of Early Childhood and

Preschool Education672.1843

Datesfor Rising

5th Graders

Tuesday, november 2 (Election day)

Tour of Miracle Hill Details will follow in the GrapeVine

Sunday, December 18

Regressive Christmas Dinner/Party

5:00 – 8:30pm

Loved&Secureif you are a regular attendee at First Pres you might have noticed new kiosks that

have suddenly appeared around the church.

In the Children’s Ministry, our top priority is the children. We feel that parents have entrusted us with their children and that it is our responsibility to do everything in our power to not only teach these little ones about God’s love, but to also keep them safe.

We are a downtown church with a children’s ministry program that is spread over four different areas of the campus. Hundreds of people walk our halls each Sunday with easy access to all of these areas.

Children’s Ministry, along with the leadership of our church, has for many years wanted to put in a security check-in system to keep children secure. One of the biggest obstacles we’ve faced has been how to make it work in our church when the children are so dispersed. After working through that issue, we had to deal with the cost of the system. We felt very blessed when, last spring, a family in our church approached us about underwriting the cost of the system. After a summer of researching different security systems and upgrading our computer system, we finally have the check-in system in place.

Right now you might be experiencing some frustration with having to wait a little longer than usual when you drop off your child. Please bear with us during this learning process that is new for all of us. Once everyone has a chance to become familiar with the system, check-in will only take a few seconds.

Just remember, as you are standing there looking at your watch and tapping your foot, that we are doing this because we love your child and that making sure that he/she is safe is the most important thing we do each week. If you have any questions or suggestions, or would like to come in on a weekday to try out the system when it is not so crazy, just give us a call.

For His Children! Evelyn, Karen, and Austin

“See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:10

Children’s Ministries 17

KAREn KinGDirector of Elementary Education and Family Missions (1st–5th Grades)

Family Fall Picnic at Eden Farms!

Star Light, Star BrightJoin us by the firelight!

Wagon rides, hot dogs, and fun galore,To top off the night, we’ll toast s’mores!

Join us on Sunday afternoon, october 2, 4:00–7:00pm at Eden Farms (Marietta, SC) for our annual Family Fall Picnic. Take a walk in the

crisp autumn air and be inspired by God’s breathtaking mountainside creation. Visit with the horses, take a wagon ride, and make memories with your family that will last a lifetime! Bring your camera and comfortable shoes. This is an event that you don’t want to miss!

For directions or for a sneak peek at Eden Farms, visit their website at If you would like to volunteer to help with this event (cooking, games, greeting, bonfire, etc.), please contact Karen King at 672.1840.

vBS 2011 was a great success: 193 children participated in the traditional program and 112 older children and youth served in day missions. Click the VBS Slide Show banner on the home page of our website,

The Massingill family

Finding candy burried in the


S’mores around the campfire

Petting the

farm animals

Children’s Ministries18

mom.2.momLikewise, teach the older women

to be reverent in the way they live… to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children. Titus 2:3-4 is a ministry devoted to bringing seasoned moms alongside newer moms for

support and encouragement.

The next event will be a brunch on Tuesday,

September 27, 9:30–11:00am at First Pres. Consider bringing a mom

who could use a blessing. Watch upcoming publications for sign-up information or contact Tina Jones

at 672.0347 if you would like to get involved.

TinA JonESDirector of Mother’s Morning Out

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

The purpose of our Mother’s Morning Out Ministry is to glorify God by

providing optimum care for infants and toddlers with dedicated caregivers in a Christian environment. Our goal is to help infants and toddlers feel happy and secure at church, feel good about themselves, and learn that God loves them.

The First Pres Mother’s Morning Out Ministry serves children ages three months through two years and their families. Our registered program operates Monday through Thursday, 9:00am–2:00pm during the school year. Contact Tina Jones (672.0347 or or visit for more information. Registration for the 2012-2013 school year will be held in February 2012

First Presbyterian Mother’s Morning out

What an amazing summer this has been!

Registration for next summer will take place in February 2012. We will offer five weeks of Bible Camp for children

three months of age through rising first graders.

Children’s Ministries 19

The Children’s Ministry Team would like to invite you to be a part of this fall’s wonderful new group of babies and preschoolers. You will not only have the

opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life, but also the opportunity to watch them come to know our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Children’s Ministry Team depends upon the help of our congregation to meet the needs of our beautiful children. We’re certain that you will come to personally know and love each child and form relationships with them. As you watch them grow you will see that you have grown closer to Christ yourself.

Jesus said in Matthew that “unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” As we get older, we forget what it truly means to be like a child, especially if we do not experience this child-like faith firsthand from being around children. So once again, we invite you to experience Children’s Ministry to its fullest! From personal experience, our Children’s Ministry Team can tell you that our children will change your life. And by joining us, you could change the life of a child. Please contact anyone in our Children’s Ministry Department (235.0496) to discover your place with our young ones.

Thoughts from our Summer interns…Reagan Stelling (Children’s Ministry & MMO Summer Intern): Working with the children of First Presbyterian has been one of the great joys of my summers. Before I was an intern I volunteered once a month on Sundays and it was opportunities like these that made me want to be a teacher. In Matthew 18 Jesus says “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones.” I think many of us, especially as we get older; underestimate the power of a child’s faith. One of the most amazing experiences this summer took place in the 4-year-old Sunday School class. As I finished the lesson I asked if any of these rising kindergarteners wanted to pray. Almost every single hand shot up. I know from personal experience that it’s hard to get someone to volunteer to pray for a group, but these children yearned for the chance. It was worth the one hour out of my weekend to be able to listen to these children talk to God.

Rachel Glazebrook (Children’s Ministry & MMO Summer Intern): Working in Children’s Ministry this summer has been a learning experience for me. At the beginning of summer, I had no idea where I was headed regarding my future and how it would fit into God’s plan for my life. After a few weeks in Children’s Ministry, I think God gave me a glimpse of His desires for my life. I now know that I want to work with kids from 5th through 12th grade. I also know that I will use the gift of ‘sports’ that He has blessed me with and tie it in with children’s and youth ministry. A lot of my future is still unclear, of course, but I know that I am headed in the direction that He wants me to go.

I had the opportunity to work with Route 56 Junior High Youth (rising 6th graders) this summer. I think it’s so important to be with these kids and encourage them with Christ-like views and expectations during their early years because it’s so hard for kids to take a stand for Christ in middle school. They need to see that Christ is GREAT and He will be there with them and for them ALWAYS. I used to think I only wanted to work with Senior High Youth, but after this summer experience, I realize that it’s CRITICAL to mentor the students while they’re young so they will be more stable and courageous in their high school years and after. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work in the Children’s Ministry.

Rachel Glazebrook

Reagan Stelling

Starting in September Chorus Upstate Arrives Two new community choral groups will be starting up in September under the auspices of Chorus Upstate, a non-profit organization supporting choral music in the Greenville-Spartanburg area. Both groups will rehearse at First Presbyterian and present some of their concerts here. The Children’s Choir of the Foothills and Upstate Youth Chorale will be auditioning members in August and will begin rehearsals on Tuesday, September 13th. For more information, contact John Gentry at 672.1845.

november 18-20 Joseph Returns in November! Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat will be presented November 18-20 in Harper Chapel by the talented members of Resonate! and Rehearsals will begin in late August. Watch the GrapeVine for information about tickets.

Sunday, December 11 The Sounds of Christmas Our annual Music & Arts Christmas gift will take place on Sunday, December 11, at both 8:15 and 11:00am. All of our adult, youth, and children’s choirs, our handbell choirs, and other instrumentalists will join in the celebration.

Fall & Winter Schedule

F R O M J O H NAs the days get a bit shorter—and, hopefully, a bit cooler—we’ll be welcoming all our children’s, youth, and adult choirs back for another season of sharing. Sarah and I have been fortunate enough to spend time during the last three summers at the Choristers Guild Institute in Louisville. This gathering of children’s and youth choir leaders from around the country involves a week of intensive study in administration, conducting, music education, and other areas relating to this very rewarding and underappreciated field. Among the outstanding faculty have been 93-year-old children’s choir “queen” Helen Kemp and St. Olaf Choir conductor Anton Armstrong. We’ve had the opportunity to get to know choir leaders from many different backgrounds, denominations, and situations, and have realized how fortunate we are to be in a church that still values the musical gifts of its younger members. Now Sarah and I have both completed the course and have received certification from the Choristers Guild as children’s and youth choir leaders. Thank you so much for giving us the chance to take part in this fantastic program!

Music & the Arts20

John GEnTRYDirector of Music & the Arts

Why don’t you

join a choir?With choirs for everyone age 4 and older, we’ve got you covered! It’s

easy to join. Just give us a call to let us know you’re coming, and we’ll

get you all set up. If you’re not sure, just give us a “test drive.” Most

people are surprised at how easy it is. Are you hiding your candle?

Contemporary Ministries 21

ig·nite: to rouse passionThe Contemporary Worship Service

is now known as ignite. Short and sweet.

Fresh logo. new marketing opportunities.

But deeper than a clever marketing strategy, the new identity carries a much greater depth of meaning, and helps set the tone for our worship on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.

Ignite describes the heart of the vision that we have for our worship:

our vision is for the presence of God to ignite worship in us that allows us to bring others into his presence.

Using Ignite as our identity, we are begging for the Spirit to rouse an inward passion that produces the fruit of authentic, passionate, and infectious worship. The consuming fire of God in our lives, worship, and church begins with the ignition of a flame, and that flame is often lit through public worship. Whether it is the spark of a new spiritual relationship or the refueling of an established relationship, there is always an exciting opportunity for God to reveal Himself to us in ways that cause us to come away changed. These purposes of our worship are nothing new for us, but giving us an identity that reflects these purposes directly will help us maintain integrity and momentum as we strive to fulfill the vision.

The next season of Ignite will focus on fulfilling the part of our vision where we “bring others with us.” We joined the Twitter community to enable us to share information and inspiration about worship to our followers. On Sunday mornings we use video announcements, which gives us the freedom to craft the message of each announcement in a way that highlights the importance of the opportunity and explains how it is relevant to you. We will be releasing a worship album consisting of original Ignite worship songs. Each of these provides ways to help maintain a lifestyle of worship, while also giving us ways to bring others with us. Whether it be asking a neighbor to follow us on Twitter, passing along the video announcements to a co-worker who could benefit from an event at First Pres, or giving a family member a copy of the worship album, we are trying to live out the vision of Ignite—to have the inward change produce outward results which spread among our church and community.

We pray that the passion in us for this next season of ministry will ignite the same passion in you!

GRAYDon ToMLinSonContemporary Worship

Follow us on Twitter


Contemporary Ministries22

The years spent in college are often the most formative academically, relationally, emotionally, and spiritually. When we as a congregation

stand at a baptism and vow to take responsibility for the nurture of those baptized, this extends to our covenant children when they pack up at the end of summer and head to campus.

College can be a time of both challenge and discovery as students are figuring out how to own and live out their faith as they are away from home. To that end, students are encouraged to get connected to a local church and campus ministry.

On breaks, we want to provide a place for them so that they know they may be gone but are not forgotten. Students are encouraged to be a part of the events scheduled and also the unplanned, spontaneous times to be together and share what God is doing in our lives.

PhiL hARGRovE Contemporary Ministries Pastor


College Christmas PartyFriday, December 23 • 7:00pmChuck and Beth Simmons’ Home

11 West Hillcrest Drive, Greenville 29609


Save the date!

PASSion 2012January 2-4

Atlanta, GA, Georgia Dome Go to to register

At the heart of it all, Passion exists to see a generation stake their lives on what matters most. For us, that’s the fame of the One who rescues and restores, and the privilege we have to fully leverage our lives by amplifying His name in everything we do.

Given the fact that the university landscape changes every fall with a rush of new freshman faces, our mission at Passion is to continue to engage the “university moment” with the compelling message of Jesus and the story He is writing around the globe.

To that end, Passion 2012 is more than just another event. It’s a beautiful part of a movement that’s about finding true meaning as we take our place in a story so much bigger than ourselves. It’s about trading small dreams for a grand epic that is shaping history and has no end. And it’s about a rare chance for tens of thousands of university-aged young people to gather in celebration of their common faith and purpose.

Go to to register.

First Presbyterian Church has reserved hotel rooms; space is limited to 15.

Contemporary Ministries 23

Where are you?

I have some good news and bad news: The good news is you will receive a goodie box from First

Presbyterian Church when exams roll around in December. It’s our way of saying in Tom Bodett style,

“We’re leaving the light on for you.” The bad news is we cannot text

these packages. We’re going to need something called an actual physical

mailing address.

So don’t be that guy or girl without a “little happy” as my grandmother used to say. Send current mailing address, email address, and cell phone number to kgraham@ We will not sell your information to marketers; we will hook you up with a sweet

and salty smorgasbord.

December College Sunday


Sundays: December 11December 18

(lunch afterward in Memorial Dining Room)

January 8

Contemporary Ministries24

Young Adults

Young Adults

Awake My Soul, by the English folk band Mumford and Sons, comments on the human condition:

In these bodies we will live, in these bodies we will die.

Where you invest your love, you invest your life.

Life is the young adult ministry at First Presbyterian, where we seek to invest our lives in that which is worthy of our highest love, allegiance, passion, and worship: Jesus Christ. The heartbeat of our ministry is a desire to find meaning, significance, and joy in the Triune God alone.

Author Maggie Ross observed, “We feel empty, not because we are empty, but because we are full of the wrong stuff.” Our time together on Monday nights at The Block is spent in worship, Scripture, and prayer as we seek to peel back our idols and misguided affections that make us restless. Paul describes our vision to Timothy by encouraging us take hold of the life that is truly life (1 Timothy 6:19).

The Block is a windowless, non-descript beige brick building at the corner of the rumbling Academy and West Washington streets. Some describe it as “sketch”—a chic Spill-the-Beans environment it is not. But it’s where we gather to share our lives. It’s where we catch up with each other, worship, and mark how God is at work in our lives. Monday nights at The Block is a place to reunite, be fed, commune, rest, and receive what you need for the road ahead.

Come be a part of our journey with Jesus.

Savethe Dates

The Big Trip to nowhere (mission work that serves the city, spend night at FPC): date to be announced

Men’s Retreat at the Cove, Asheville, NC: March 2-3

Cooper River Bridge Run, Charleston, SC: March 31

The Art of Marriage (for engaged couples or those considering marriage): April 13-14

Spring Retreat, Lake Keowee: May 4-6

Come join other young adults and relive your sports glory days at 7:45pm on Wednesdays nights

for pickup basketball in the FPC Gym beginning September 14.

Wednesday night


Fall & Winter @ The Block

For Young Adults – 20s and early 30s 6:30pm

302 West Washington Street (the corner of Academy and West Washington)

Contemporary Ministries 25

on MissionFPC member and young adult

Morgan Ramsey will be working in an orphanage this Fall in Uganda. Stowe Perry and Matthew Knowles are living in China teaching English.

Emmy Leslie taught English in South Korea this year, and Mollye

Crowell and Bethany Rountree traveled to an orphanage in Haiti

this summer to teach Art—all with a desire to share the love of Jesus.

Transitions Sunday School ClassSunday mornings

9:40am and 11:00am • Room 317

We engage in a variety of Bible, Christian life, and relationship studies. We have a time for teaching by class members and discussion on Scripture as it takes root in our lives. We seek to be an encouraging, caring community that is growing closer to God and each other. Led by Contemporary Worship Director Graydon Tomlinson and Phil Hargrove.

Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm @ 109 Holbrook Trail, Greenville 29605

Starting September 21, Diana Orders and Susan Batson will

lead a Bible study on Beth Moore’s Living Free for female

20-somethings and early 30s, single or married. Light dinner will be

provided. Contact Diana Orders for more information (dianaorders@ or 235.6450).

Men’s Bible Study 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 7:00am @

Atlanta Bread on Main Street

Guys who desire to connect with other young adult men to encourage each other, read scripture, and pray, meet

on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, 7:00–7:45am at Atlanta Bread Company on Main Street. If interested or for more information, contact Phil Hargrove at 423.3455 or phargrove@

JOIN US FOR THEFallRetreat: Grey Eagle Lodge • Camp RockmontBlack Mountain, NCnovember 4-6

Morgan Ramsey in Haiti

Take hold of the life that is truly life.

1 Timothy 6:19

CoMMuniTY because life is meant

to be experienced together

DEPTh because I care about who I’m becoming

RESPonSiBiLiTY because my choices make a difference

ConnECTion because I want to learn

from someone else’s experiences

Activities Ministry26

Forms can be found in the church literature racks.


Middle School and High School players “going out for school teams” must still register in case they

decide to play for us. League Rules prevent you from playing on BOTH school and church teams.

Registration Fee is refundable to players making the school team. If players do MAKE the school

team and later QUIT the school team, they will NOT be eligible to play Church League Basketball.


AGE DIVISIONS are defined by the Church League Basketball for Youth (CLBBY) rules.

Player’s age is as of September 1, 2011.

SEnioR Division not reaching Age 19 before September 1, 2011

Grades 9-12 ($60) First game is Tuesday, November 1.

Monday Night Practice begin the week of October 23.

JunioR Division not reaching Age 14 before September 1, 2011

Grades 6-8 ($60) 8th Graders turning 14 before 9-1-11 move up to the Senior Division.

Saturday First game is Saturday, November 5.

Practices begin the week of October 23.

MiDGET Division not reaching Age 11 before September 1, 2011

Grades 4-5 ($60) 5th Graders turning 11 before 9-1-11 move up to the Junior Division.

Saturday First game is Saturday, November 5.

Practices begin the week of October 23.

MiTES Division not reaching Age 9 before September 1, 2011

Grades 2-3 ($60) 3rd Graders turning 9 before 9-1-11 move up to the Midget Division.

Saturday First game is Saturday, November 5.

Practices begin the week of October 23.

Mini-MiTES Five-year-olds must be enrolled in K5 class on September 1, 2011

K5-Grade 1 ($60) Tip-Off Saturday, December 3, in the FPC Gym.

Saturday Afternoon Games played: December 10, 17; January 7, 14, 21, 28

Mark these IMPORTANT DATES above on your calendar for future reference.


Register now!Deadline is September 12


Dear friends,

It’s hard to believe that Basketball Registration time is here already. It seems as if the season-ending supper just happened! Yes, everything is ONE MONTH earlier this year. We truly appreciate those who get their Registration Forms in EARLY. It makes everything go much more smoothly for us and for the Church Basketball League.

We had a record number of participants in 2011 and are anticipating another large turnout this season. This great ministry is made possible through the cooperation of many. Please help us by registering as soon as possible.

BASKETBALL Registration

LinDSAY GRAhAMActivities Minister

Activities Ministry

Bill Walker and The Bloomers

St. Andrews


MEn’S GoLF TouRnAMEnT Friday, September 9 • 1:30pm

Green Valley Country Club Cost: $35 (payable on day of tournament)

Join us for an afternoon of golf and fellowship. Tournament will be Captain’s Choice.

BMW TouR Monday, October 3 • 11:30am–4:00pm

Cost: $10 (tour and transportation)

September 8, 1994: The first BMW produced in North America, a 318i, rolled off the Assembly line at the BMW plant in Spartanburg. To date, BMW has produced nearly 2 million vehicles and has invested nearly $5 billion in South Carolina. This is your opportunity to take a fascinating and extensive one-hour walk through the BMW Manufacturing facility. Wear comfortable, fully enclosed shoes. You’ll wear a headset to hear the tour guide. Dutch lunch before the tour at Fuddrucker’s in Greer.


LUNCH at the GROVE PARK INN Thursday, December 1 • 9:30am–3:00pm

Cost: $25 (transportation, display, and lunch)

Contestants from across the country will bring their culinary masterpieces to the Grove Park Inn this holiday season. Delight in the imaginations shown in these sugar-and-spice creations. Strolling through the competition display is a sure way to be swept up in the holiday spirit.

ADuLT SKi TRiP Cataloochee Ski Slopes at Maggie Valley, NC Friday, January 20, 2012 • 7:30am–5:00pm

Cost to be announced in November or DecemberEnjoy this winter playground nestled in the Great Smoky Mountains with breathtaking views of the surrounding peaks.

Trip Questions? Donna Roper: 672.0372 or

Alaska Cruise Tour June 28–July 8, 2012

Holland America Cruise Line from Anchorage to Vancouver

Come and learn the details about this exciting cruise at a Q&A Meeting on Sunday, September 11, at 5:00pm in Fellowship Hall. Linda Young with Young Travel & Cruises will be on hand to answer your questions.

FirstPres Activity Trips

The Gibbons and Claire Ripley

Calling home

2011 Scotland Trip

Student Ministries28

Spectacular!What makes a Youth Ministry successful? What separates

an average Student Ministry from a spectacular Student Ministry? The students, of course! An amazing group of students graces our doorways each week at First

Presbyterian Church and it is our hope that we never offer these incredible kids “un-incredible” programs. That’s why we put so much effort into our programs, retreats, mission trips, and other activities. We don’t have average kids, so why offer average programs?

Our summer was jam-packed full of fun activities, great service opportunities, and mission work both near and far. We kicked off the summer with super fun, sometimes super silly, activities. We had pool parties, movie nights, games of sardines (don’t ask), and we enjoyed each other’s fellowship.

In early July, we took a small group of students off to Freeport in the Bahamas for the second year in a row to continue to pour into a small sister Presbyterian church called Lucaya Presbyterian Church. We hosted a VBS twice each day—in the morning for the kids of the church and in the afternoon for a very poor area of the island known as Lewis Yard. Our hearts were touched by the people of that area, and we were blessed to be able to serve and share the love of Christ.

Two weeks later, we took off up the road to Rogersville, Tennessee, a region of Appalachia, for a mission trip organized by A.I.M. (Adventures in Missions). We all had a great time and learned so much through serving and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us as we brought the good news of the gospel. Eighty-five people attended the trip and every one of them was changed by the experience. There is something very special about the work of service to make real changes in lives.


After being so warmly welcomed into the First Presbyterian family, my wife and I would like to extend our deep gratitude to the ministry staff and congregation. We have been humbled and renewed by the sense of community that the people of God exude here. We could not have found a better church family to join, and we rejoice in God’s perfect plan.

As school begins, I am reminded of the transitions and challenges that Junior High students face. At First Presbyterian Church, we desire to see students growing in their relationship with Christ and learning how to live out their faith in everyday life, no matter what challenge lies ahead of them. At our Wednesday night Roots program, students will find great worship, fun games, amazing fellowship with other students, and God’s Word being taught in a relevant and meaningful way. Further, our Sunday School and weekly small groups will provide students with games, fellowship, and a more interactive Bible study, in order to learn the scriptures and discuss any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!

ChARLiE BuChAnAnJunior High Coordinator

Student Ministries 29

RoBBiE KRoPiWniCKiSenior High

Sunday School:

9:40am grades 6-12 combined

11:00am Junior High (6-8) and

Senior High (9-12) separated

Sunday night house Groups by grade

Wednesday nights on the Youth Floor:

Junior High 6:00-7:30pm Senior High 7:30-9:00pm

Fall 2011

Junior & Senior high Fall Retreat

october 14–16 @ Look up Lodge With Guest Speaker nathan Smith

Music by Ryan Abel & Friends

We welcome back to our Fall Retreat this year Nathan Smith. Called by God to a lifetime of service at the age

of 17, Nathan has worked with students and families for over 15 years. Raised in a broken, fragmented home, Nathan

relates well to the pain, loneliness, and genuine lack of belonging that affects many Americans today. He has served in small and large churches, trained leaders in church and para-church capacities, and now spends his life as a full time evangelist, speaking thus far in 36 states and 12 foreign countries to thousands of people each year. He is known nationally as a passionate, humorous, gifted communicator who is an effective illustrator and storyteller. Nathan’s favorite things include: the Bible, American football, Chick-fil-A, old Jeeps, movies, mountains, ninjas, yellow dogs, and just about anything that involves his family. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Bible and Student Ministry from Columbia International University in 1997, and a Master’s degree in Evangelism from Columbia Biblical Seminary in 2001.

Reduce R




We’ve just kicked off our Roots Wednesday night activities. Our rising 6th and 9th grade students moved up to Junior and Senior Highs on Wednesday, August 10, just in time for our first official night of Roots on August 17.

here are some Service Projects to be looking out for:

1. Back to School Neighborhood Focus Project 2. Harvest Hope Food Bank partnership 3. Neighborhood Focus Christmas Project

This fall we’re excited to be trying out a brand new location for our Fall Retreat—Look Up Lodge. Watch your mail for more details.

BoB h. JonESMarriage & Family amd

Men’s Ministry Pastor672.0349

So the Marriage and Family Committee has made a short film. Where did this idea come from?

Bob: One day I was having lunch with Dr. Roger Rhoades and Gill Robison, and we were discussing the high number of difficult marriages. Gill started talking about “marriage tune-ups”: We change the oil in our cars every few thousand miles, why not do the same for our marriages? Out of that conversation came the idea for a video and Gill committed to writing the script.

What came next?Bob: I recruited a cast and over a period of two days last fall, we filmed the four-and-a-half-minute drama using the court chambers of Judge Chuck Simmons, the soccer fields at MESA, and Rick Erwin’s restaurant. Michael Gibbons and a friend from North Greenville University did the filming. We are now training mentors to help us counsel couples and working on publicity.

When will it be shown and where?Bob: We will begin showing the film, entitled SHOCK AND AWE, in September in the Contemporary Worship service, in Sunday School classes, and online, including the website of North Greenville University.

What do you hope to accomplish with the film?Bob: We hope that couples will react by taking a long, hard look at their marriage relationships and establishing each other as high priorities. So many things—work, children, hobbies, even church—get in the way of our relationships. The Lord wants us to put Him first and our spouse second. So we hope the film will help those of us who are married with our priorities. We are offering a class called “Marriage Oneness” on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm beginning September 14 and encourage couples to attend.

Any plans for more of these films?Bob: Gill Robison, who wrote and directed SHOCK AND AWE, has several more ideas. In the next few years, we hope to create more films that will challenge us in the area of marriage and the family. We are grateful to the talented members who acted in, produced, edited, and put together this first film.

Marriage & Family Ministry30

CSi: Christian Singles

InteractingCSI:Greenville, based at First Presbyterian Church, provides a connection to help singles grow, learn, share, and serve as a “family in Christ.”

Regular activities include: • QuarterlylunchesonSundays


• Classesforsingles • Monthly“DinnerNightOut”at

localrestaurants • Monthlybreakfasts • CommunityServiceprojects • Ballgames,hikes,movies,and


Check out CSI:Greenville’s webpage ( or Facebook page for additional activities. For further information, call Bob Jones at 672.0349.

with Rev. Bob Jones

Interim Pastor of Marriage and Family

Coming Soon: Shock and Awe


niGhT SChooL AT FAMiLY u!

CHANGEMen’s Conference

March 2-3, 2012

The Men of First Presbyterian Church will spend Friday evening,

March 2, and Saturday, March 3, at Dr. Billy Graham’s retreat center, The Cove, in Ashville, NC. The conference will feature Dr. Richard Gibbons, Senior Pastor, discussing “CHANGE” with the men. Graydon Tomlinson, FPC’s Contemporary Music Director, will lead our worship times. Opportunities for work crews at nearby Glory Ridge Camp will be featured as well as river rafting, hiking, and other activities.

The conference will address the following objectives:

1. Building deeper spiritual relationships with other men

2. Developing men as spiritual leaders of their families

3. Strengthening men’s biblical worldview

4. Offering fun and adventure

Cost for lodging and three meals will be $150. For reservations, contact Dana Smith, or 672.1842. Stay tuned for more information.

Leadership Team: Bob August, Rich Maris, Randy Fowler, Brian Young, Frank Dewey, Eddie Lathan, Allan Austin, Dave Forry, Tom Marchant, Paul Kountz, Pat McNamara, Harry Bolick, Russell Guest, and Bob Jones.


begins Wednesday, September 14

Good marriages and families don’t just happen. They must be intentionally built.

Coming soon to FAMILY UNIVERSITY: A ten-part series of DVD teachings by Robert Lewis (of Men’s Fraternity fame) and his cast of hundreds, called “MARRIAGE ONENESS.” This course for couples uses lay-led, high-impact video resources to provide training for today’s marriages and families. Its goal is to present God’s standard for building strong marriages, healthy families, and great churches. Included in the videos are specific strategies:

Courses for the fall semester include: Strategy #1: ONENESS Strategy #2: COMMUNICATION Strategy #3: CONFLICT RESOLUTION Strategy #4: MONEY Strategy #5: SPIRITUAL BELIEFS Strategy #6: INTIMACY Strategy #7: ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES Strategy #8: FAMILY & FRIENDS

Oneness doesn’t just happen. Couples make it happen.

And it can change your life.

So plan on attending Night School at FAMILY UNIVERSITY, Wednesday evenings, beginning September 14, 6:30-7:30pm in Harper Chapel.

Marriage & Family Ministry

Marriage & Family Ministry32

Calling all fathersofsons!

Raising a Modern Day Knight, the widely acclaimed program by Dr. Robert Lewis, will again be offered at First Presbyterian beginning September 13. This program is a step beyond typical “parenting,” thus dads who participate are not signaling that

they are not effective parents. Moderated by Lee Shelton, the fast-paced RMDK program will lead dads to discover how they can lead their sons to become noble, vibrant males, and guide them in the difficult transition from boyhood to healthy manhood in our increasingly gender-neutral society. The program is oriented toward dads who have sons between the ages of 6 and 16. However, it isn’t too early if your son is younger (you have more time to prepare!) and it’s never too late even if your son is a university student (you can make up for lost time!)

During the program, you will discover how to connect with your son in exciting new ways; understand the critical issues you face in becoming an effective and strategic father; and learn how to lead your son into authentic manhood. You will be drawn into uncharted territory as you explore this proven way to lead your son into the adult world, and great things will follow as your son enters manhood emotionally healthy and empowered to become a difference-maker of the future. Dads, we promise that this program will be a life-changing experience for both you and your son(s)!

The program consists of seven 90-minute sessions that run on Tuesday evenings, 6:15–7:45pm. A father/son outing occurs after the classes end. Cost for the program material is $29. For dads who want to attend but aren’t available during the week, we’ll also run a Sunday track beginning September 18. To register, contact Charlotte Joye ( or 672.0309).

Women’s Ministry 33

GenerationtoGenerationBuilding a Spiritual Legacy

for the Next Generation of Women…guard what has been entrusted to your care.

1 Timothy 6:20

Every generation of Christian women is precious! Every generation of Christian women has been created and formed by a loving and perfect heavenly Father. And

each generation of Christian women has a strong spiritual legacy to pass on to the next generation of women.

A legacy is something we pass down to our descendents. Temporal legacies are just that—temporal. Jewelry, houses, furniture, etc., will not last beyond a few decades or perhaps a century or two. But a spiritual legacy is eternal. It is never lost, destroyed, or wasted. When we leave a heritage of true faith in Jesus Christ and an example of a strong prayer life, we are passing along something that will affect not just the next generation of women, but many generations after that.

The ultimate purpose of passing along a spiritual legacy is that God would be glorified in each new generation as children are encouraged to grow in their knowledge of their Savior and in their faithful walk with Him. Our theme verse for this year is 1 Timothy 6:20, which reminds us to “guard what has been entrusted to your care.” We have been given the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it is our calling as women to “guard” that truth, to treat it with great care and pass it along to our younger women.

How do we do that at First Presbyterian Church? It begins by being together—spending time with different generations of women as we gather for Bible studies, Circle meetings, special events, and mission projects. When we begin to share our lives with each other, we find that we are being strengthened in our faith. The “older women” will begin to live out the legacy of prayer, devotion to God’s Word, and total trust in a faithful Savior. The “younger women” will grow in their faith and devotion to Christ, and will begin to glorify Him. Then, very soon, these younger women will begin to mentor the NEXT generation of women, and an eternal spiritual legacy will continue to bring glory to God in our church.

We encourage you to look for opportunities to be involved with women in our church. If you are an “older woman,” please prayerfully consider God’s call to mentor the “younger women” by simply living out your faith daily as you meet together in Circle groups, Bible studies, luncheons, and retreats. If you are a “younger woman,” thank God for His design for spiritual nurturing, and allow your faith to be encouraged by those who have walked before you. You can find out more about the opportunities and events for women at First Presbyterian Church through our monthly newsletter (available in the literature racks and Women’s Ministry room), our website (, or by contacting the Women’s Ministry Chair, Jean Nickell,

omen’s MinistryFirst Presbyterian Church

omen’s Ministry

upcoming Events

2011-2012Free Nursery is available for these

events by reservation. Contact Evelyn Penkert at or 672.1843

Thursday • September 8 Kick Off Luncheon:

12:00am–1:00pm in Fellowship Hall

Speaker Brenda Preston “Guard What Has Been Entrusted To

You—Passing it On to Others” Cost: $7.00

Reservations required— Register online

( womensministries.htm) or contact Charlotte Joye at or 672.0309 by Sunday,

September 4.

Tuesday • October 25 Fall Luncheon:

12:00am–1:00pm in Fellowship Hall

Speaker Beth Simmons “Being the Hands and Feet of Jesus

in a Hurting World” A Close-up Look at Missional Ministry

Cost: $7.00

Saturday • January 21 Winter Wake-up! 9:30am–12:30pm in Fellowship Hall

Brunch plus two exciting seminars! Cost: $7.00

Tuesday • April 24 6:30-8:00pm

in Fellowship Hall Speaker TBA

Women’s Ministry34

Women’s Ministry Annual Kick-Off Luncheon

“Guard What Has Been Entrusted To You— Passing it On to Others”

with Brenda PrestonThursday, September 8 • 12:00–1:00pm in Fellowship Hall

T he Kick-off Luncheon is a great opportunity to hear an inspirational speaker, fellowship with other women, and learn all about the various Bible Studies, Circles,

Special Events, and volunteer opportunities planned for the year. Representatives from weekly and monthly Bible Studies will be available to show you the materials and answer any questions you might have.

Our speaker, Brenda Preston, is a long time member of First Presbyterian Church. She and her husband, Tom, just recently retired from a 30-year career with Campus Crusade for Christ, where they have served by developing discipleship programs and city-wide Bible Studies, ministering in 58 countries through the International outreach, and leading and speaking for Family Life Marriage Conferences all over the country. Most recently, Brenda’s focus has been on discipling and mentoring other women through Bible Studies, prayer groups, and local outreaches. Brenda has truly lived out what it means to “guard what has been entrusted” to her (1 Timothy 6:20) and passes wisdom along to the next generation of women. You will not want to miss this outstanding speaker!

Cost: $7 per person

To reserve a place at the luncheon, Register online at or contact

Charlotte Joye ( or 672.0309) by Sunday, September 4.

Free nursery is available. Reservation is required: Contact Evelyn Penkert ( or 672.1843).

“Becoming a Woman of Grace”— a study of Ephesians

Join us this fall in an interactive Bible Study Led by Dr. Richard Gibbons and Associates

Thursday mornings September 15–november 17

9:30–11:00am in the Church Parlor

Dr. Gibbons and a few of his colleagues will begin each Thursday morning with an exciting lesson from Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians. Each teaching time will be followed by small group discussion and review of homework. (The homework is not difficult and is never required.) This study is for all levels of students. You will come away with a clear understanding of what God has done for you and His purposes for your life. Tentative teaching schedule:

Dr. Richard Gibbons – September 15, 22, 29Dr. Pam Cole – October 6, 13, 20Rev. Tim Leslie – October 27, November 3, 10Dr. Richard Gibbons – November 17

Contact Susan Humphreys ( or 422.0029) to sign up, or just join us on Thursday, September 15.

Ephesians“What has God done for you?”

“Walk this way”

“Fight the Fight”

“From Rags to Riches”

35 Women’s Ministry

September through May

Monthly Circle Schedule Circle Chair Bible Moderator Meeting Day Time Location

1 Paul & Susan Grier, George Moore 3rd Tuesday 6:30pm Church: Memorial Dining Room Scott & Kim Taylor (covered dish, childcare)

2 Carrie Dickert Becky Barron Thursday after 2nd Tuesday 6:00pm Church

3 Brenda Evans rotates 2nd Tuesday 7:15pm Homes

4 Carolyn Williams, Suzanne Dunlap 2nd Tuesday 10:30am Homes Becky Carter

5 Lou Creswell, Nancy Lusk 2nd Tuesday 10:30am Homes Ann Crider Charlotte Watson

6 Linda Brissey, Sara Morris 2nd Tuesday 10:30am Church Parlor Nancy Goad

7 June Anderson Marvel Garrett 2nd Tuesday 10:30am Homes or Church

8 Anna Teasley, Betsy Guffey 2nd Tuesday 10:30am Homes or Church Pame Wingerter

9 Betty Biggers Debbie Davidson 2nd Tuesday 10:30am Homes

10 June Haynes rotates 2nd Friday 9:30am Rolling Green Library

11 Mary Gladys Gilstrap Catherine Gaw 2nd Tuesday 12:00pm Church: Memorial Dining Room (luncheon)

We would love to hear from you!Contact Information

Women’s Ministry Web Page:

Women’s Ministry Email:

Women’s Ministry Chair: Jean Nickell (297.9355 or

Monthly Circle Groups

Monthly Circles meet from September through May of each year.

Our study for 2011-2012 is Ephesians

Broken marriages, shattered friendships, racial divisions, wars between nations—we live in a fractured world. How can the pieces be put back together? Solving such

problems is good, but we often lack a broader perspective. We put Band-Aids over gaping wounds instead of looking for long-term solutions. We lack vision, so we fail to ask why we are involved in these activities at all.

In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul lifts the veil from the future to allow us to see God’s plan to unite everyone and everything in Christ. Studying this book of the Bible will renew hope. The theological insight and depth of this epistle are so great that some have considered it to be the most profound work in the entire Bible; and unlike most of Paul’s other letters, his letter to the Ephesians is blissfully free from turmoil. This letter puts our problems and our entire lives in the context of eternity. It offers us the opportunity to capture God’s vision for all of history and to fit ourselves into His marvelous plan.

All Christians are called to become a part of a living entity larger than ourselves, to get beyond our “me-ness,” and to contribute to the beautiful unity of the Church. Call your friends and closest sisters-in-Christ and start your efforts to be a part of the greater whole by studying “Ephesians—Wholeness for a Broken World” with a study group beginning in September and continuing through August. If you form a group, you could create your own circle for opportunities for Bible study, community service, and church service.

Contact Anna Teasley (525.6232 or to find a group that works best for your life and schedule. Free Childcare is available for morning circles that meet at the church—contact Evelyn Penkert before attending ( or 672.1843).

Women’s Ministry36

MonDAYS beginning Monday, September 12

Discerning the voice of God— how to Recognize When God Speaks

by Priscilla ShirerMondays, September 12–October 17

10:00–11:30am, Room 212The ability to hear God’s voice is not just for biblical times or other people—it’s for YOU, too! Wherever you are in your spiritual walk, God will find a way to speak to you in a way you will understand. Become acquainted with His voice; hear how other well-known Christians in history have heard God speak to them. Discover for yourself how YOU can discern the voice of God. Books available in the Vineyard. No nursery available.

Contact: Anna Hanks Hewitt (242.4552 or

TuESDAYS beginning Tuesday, September 13

Becoming a Woman of Grace—a study of Ephesians(audio version of lessons taught on Thursday mornings)

Tuesdays, September 13–December 1 8:30–10:00am, Room 308

We will discover just what God has done for us, His gracious and eternal purposes for our lives, and how we are to walk daily to truly become Women of Grace.

Books available in the Vineyard. No nursery available.Contact: Nina Williams (288.2526 or

WEDnESDAYS beginning Wednesday, September 14

The Truth Project (Focus on the Family DVD study by Del Tackett)

Wednesdays, September 14–December 14 9:30–11:00am, Room 316

A recent study reveals that only nine percent of professing Christians have a biblical worldview. Because of this, believers live very similarly to non-believers. We rarely experience a personal sense of significance, and we begin to wonder what life’s ultimate purpose really is. We are losing our bearings as a people and a nation. “The Truth Project” study is the starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective.

Study limited to 12 participants. Nursery available.Contact: Cema Powell (292.6650 or

2011-2012 Women’s Weekly Bible Studies

37 2011-2012 Women’s Weekly Bible Studies

Women’s Ministry

having a Mary Spiritby Joanna Weaver

Wednesdays, September 14–November 30 6:30–7:30am, Room 212

All of us, regardless of our place in our spiritual journey, are fighting a battle between our flesh and our spirit. In this life-changing book, Joanna Weaver, author of the bestseller Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, helps us to become equipped through biblical insights and practical tools to partner with Christ and invite Him into the hidden place of our soul. By giving Him permission to redeem and renovate us, we are able to experience the only complete makeover that we will ever need, from the inside out.

Contact: Susan Douglas (233.1440 or

Living Freeby Beth Moore

Wednesdays, September 21–November 16 7:00–8:30pm

Home of Diana Orders, 109 Holbrook Trail, Greenville 29605Light supper and Bible Study for young women (post college to early 30s)In “Living Free” you will learn to replace false strongholds with true freedom in Christ. The Bible study and scripture-focused prayer will bring renewed purpose and joy to your life. “Living Free” is an insightful study that will help you discover just how much God wants you to live a life of freedom!

Books available in the Vineyard.Contact: Diana Orders (235.6450 or

ThuRSDAYS beginning Thursday, September 1 and15(Childcare provided)

Becoming a Woman of Grace— a study of Ephesians

taught by Dr. Richard Gibbons and associatesThursdays, September 15–November 17

9:30–11:00am, Harper ChapelWe will discover just what God has done for us, His gracious and eternal purposes for our lives, and how we are to walk daily to truly become Women of Grace.Books available in the Vineyard. Nursery available.

Contact: Susan Humphreys (422.0029 or

David: Seeking a heart Like hisa Beth Moore study

Thursdays, September 1–November 17 12:00–1:15am, Room 308

God will never give up on you. Explore how David’s life proves this promise to be true in this examination of the “man after God’s own heart.” David will delight and disappoint you. You’ll want to be just like him at times and nothing like him at others. If you’ve ever experienced doubts, temptations, losses, family problems, or personal inconsistencies, this study is for you!

Contact: Claire Rice (271.1825)

Educational Ministries38

Fall Semester Wednesday Advantage

We’ll kick off our Fall Wednesday Advantage Semester on

Wednesday, September 7Keynote Speaker Doug Greenwold,

Teaching Fellow from “Preserving Bible Times” in Gaithersburg, MD

Dates for Semester Courses: September 14–November 16

Courses:Dr. Richard Gibbons: Reasons for God and The Second Coming of Our Lord

Family University: Marriage and Family IssuesALPHA: Inquiry into the Christian Faith

Others will be forthcoming, so look for brochures.


The Truth Project is a DVD-based small group curriculum comprised of 13 one-hour lessons taught by Dr. Del Tackett. This study is a starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Each lesson discusses in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life. The study will take place in small groups in private homes and on the church campus, and will be available at various times each week. Contact Charlotte Joye ( or 672.0309) to join a group. Look for details and sign up on the church website and in the GrapeVine.

Truth Project Small Groups Forming

All groups will begin the Week of September 11 (Group size limited to 12 participants to retain small group dynamics)

Sunday Evening: At FPC, 6:00–8:00pm: Leader Josh Tew At FPC, 7:00–9:00pm: Leader Valerie CookeIn Home, time tba: Leader Suzanne Dekock

Monday Evening: Initial meeting 7:00–8:30pmAt FPC: Leader Joe Barron

Wednesday Morning: 9:30–11:00amAt FPC: Leader Cema Powell

Wednesday Evening: 6:00–7:30pmAt FPC: Leader Dixon Cunningham

Friday Evening: Initial meeting time 6:00–8:00pmIn Home: Leader Billie Skinner

The vineyard Bookstore

The church’s bookstore and Welcome Center is open

Sundays 9:00am–12:30pm, Monday through Thursday

10:00–1:00pm Wednesday evenings


Stop by for resource materials relating to Wednesday Advantage

classes and other items such as gifts, devotional books, Bibles, children’s

books, and books on parenting, family, grief, and much more. This is a nonprofit store, so you are buying all items at below normal retail cost.

The hipp Library

The Library, located in Room 213, is open from 9:40–10:40am on

Sundays, and also offers self-serve hours on Wednesday evenings as

well as some assisted hours during the week in the fall, winter, and spring. During church business

hours, the church staff can assist you in obtaining access to the Library if a librarian is not on duty. Please check

with the receptionist.

CD Ministry To request a CD of a sermon or Wednesday Bible study, please contact the Vineyard bookstore at 672.1846 or order online at Some larger group Bible studies are

also recorded. Please check with the Vineyard for availability. CDs are $3 each. You will be contacted when your order is available to be picked up at the bookstore. Audio

and video recordings of Sunday services are available for viewing on Sermons are also available as

podcasts through iTunes.

Educational Ministries 39

TheGreatTeacherJesus is the “Great Teacher.” The Gospel writer Luke near the end of his Gospel relates this when Jesus appears to His disciples after His resurrection.

As Jesus walked with Cleopas and his companion on the road to Emmaus, we read His counsel:

He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. (Luke 24:25-27 NIV)

Later when Jesus appeared to the rest of the disciples, we find His teaching which the disciples began to fully grasp:

He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.” Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.” (Luke 24:44-47 NIV)

Cleopas and his companion spoke of the reality of Jesus’ teaching this way: “…Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32 NIV) Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit today, we are able to receive that same teaching from the Bible. Our hearts will burn within us as the Holy Spirit teaches, admonishes, and comforts us from the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. The reality of Daniel Webster’s words will abide in us as we submit to the “Great Teacher,” Jesus, our Lord.

If we work upon marble, it will perish; if we work upon brass, time will efface it; if we rear temples, they will crumble into dust; but if we work upon immortal minds and instill into them just principles, we are then engraving that upon tablets which no time will efface, but will brighten and brighten to all eternity.

Jesus still teaches through His Word. Here at First Presbyterian Church we seek to know the Scriptures and order our lives according to them. Join us in study and being witnesses of the “Great Teacher.”

REv. TiM LESLiEEducational Ministries

Our Church vision is

“Growing Faithful

Christians.” The Scripture verse

that best describes our

ministry within the

overall vision of First

Presbyterian is found

in the Apostle Paul’s

letter to the Church at

Colossae, “…Christ

we proclaim, we train

everyone and teach

everyone the full scope of

this knowledge in order

to set everyone before

God mature in Christ”

(Colossians 1:28).

Educational Ministries40

CBSCommunity Bible Study

begins Monday, September 12

You are invited to a new 30-week in-depth study of the books of Deuteronomy, Job, and Daniel.

Deuteronomy leads students to respond to a holy God in obedience and love.

Along with Job in his trials and testings, we learn the truth about God’s sovereignty.

Giving us a glimpse into future events, Daniel shows us how God is the God of history and is in control of heaven and earth. The familiar stories of Daniel 1–6 are rich with meaning, and the prophecy chapters that follow are made understandable through explanations of the symbolic language.

Community Bible Study is an interdenominational Bible study for the community. First Presbyterian Church hosts CBS and welcomes men, women, and married couples in the community to study God’s Word together.

Monday Evenings, 7:00–8:30pm

September 12, 2011 through April 30, 2012

Breaks for Christmas and Easter

For more information:

Bible AliveConferenceFriday Evening, September 9

Saturday Morning, September 10

Are you ready for a 3-D view of the Bible? Mark September 9-10 on your calendar for “Bible Alive,” a multimedia immersion experience in understanding God’s Word in its original historical, cultural, geographical, literary, and visual context. This conference will give you tools, resources, and frameworks to forever change the way you read and understand the Bible.

Sessions are 7:00–9:45pm Friday and 9:00am–12:15pm Saturday. Cost is $10 per session for adults, $5 per session for students. Register online at; click on the Bible Alive banner.

For details, look for more information in the GrapeVine newsletter, literature rack brochures,and church website, or contact Charlotte Joye (, 672.0309) or Tim Leslie (, 672.0336).

Preserving Bible Times

Because Context Matters

Summary Calendar 41

September 5 ......... Labor Day Holiday: Church Office closed

September 6 ......... Elderberries Senior AdultsSeptember 7 ......... Wednesday Advantage Kick-offSeptember 8 ......... Women’s Ministry

Kick-off LuncheonSeptember 9-10 .... “Bible Alive” ConferenceSeptember 9 ......... Men’s Golf Tournament at

Green ValleySeptember 11 ....... 10th Anniversary of 9/11September 11 ....... First Look Class beginsSeptember 11 ....... Alaska Cruise Trip Q&ASeptember 12 ....... Community Bible Study beginsSeptember 12 ....... Basketball Registration ends

(grades 2-12)September 14 ....... Wednesday Advantage

classes beginSeptember 15 ....... Women’s Weekly

Bible Studies beginSeptember 18 ....... PVM Kick-off Cook-outSeptember 24 ....... Prayer Ministry Conference:

“The Power of Healing Prayer”September 26-30 .. Academy Book FairSeptember 27 ....... BrunchSeptember 27 ....... Abiding Prayer Service

CommunionOctober 2 ............. CommunionOctober 2 ............. Family Fall Picnic at

Eden FarmsOctober 3 ............. Activities Trip: BMW TourOctober 4 ............. Elderberries Senior AdultsOctober 5 ............. Stephen Minister Training

Class beginsOctober 7-8 ......... Impact Weekend:

Grains of Grace projectOctober 9 ............. Impact Weekend:

Missions ConferenceOctober 13-14 ..... Academy Fall BreakOctober 14-16 ..... Youth Fall RetreatOctober 22 ........... Academy Fall FestivalOctober 25 ........... Women’s Ministry Fall

LuncheonOctober 25 ........... Abiding Prayer Service

CommunionNovember 1 ......... Elderberries Senior AdultsNovember 3-6 ...... Cursillo Weekend, Clayton, GANovember 4-6 ...... Life Fall RetreatNovember 6 ......... First Look Class beginsNovember 6 ......... Foothills Presbytery MeetingNovember 8 ......... Academy Elementary Open

HouseNovember 13 ....... CSI:Greenville LuncheonNovember 13 ....... Family Fall Festival

Events are subject to change. Please watch the weekly GrapeVine

newsletter, website, and other published information for specific details as events draw closer and

for ongoing weekly events such as youth group, circle meetings,

Bible studies, etc.

FirstPresGreenville.orgphone 864.235.0496

fax 864.235.0698

upcoming Special Services

oCToBER Missions Conference

november Stewardship Sunday

Thanksgiving Day Service

December Sounds of Christmas

Service of Loss and Hope Christmas Eve Services Christmas Day Service

January New Year’s Day Service

Looking Ahead

April Palm Sunday and Holy Week

Easter SundayKirkin’ O’ the Tartans

Fall & Winter 2011-2012 Summary Calendar

November 16 ....... Wednesday Advantage endsNovember 18-20 .. Youth Musical: Joseph and the

Amazing Technicolor DreamcoatNovember 22 ....... Abiding Prayer Service

CommunionNovember 23-25 .. Thanksgiving Holiday: Academy

and MMO closedNovember 24-25 .. Thanksgiving Holiday: Church

Office closedNovember 24 ....... Thanksgiving Day WorshipNovember 30 ....... Family Advent FestivalDecember 1.......... Activities Trip: Grove Park InnDecember 4.......... Missionaries Stephen and

Natalie HallDecember 6.......... Elderberries Senior AdultsDecember 7.......... Wednesday Luncheon Bible

Study endsDecember 11 ....... “Sounds of Christmas”December 14 ....... Service of Loss and HopeDecember 14 ....... Youth Christmas PartyDecember 15 ....... MMO Christmas break beginsDecember 16 ....... Academy Christmas Program;December 19 ....... Academy Christmas break

beginsDecember 23 ....... College Christmas PartyDecember 24 ....... Christmas Eve Worship ServicesDecember 25 ....... Christmas Day Worship ServicesDecember 26 ....... Christmas Holiday:

Church Office closedDecember 27 ....... Abiding Prayer Service

CommunionJanuary 1 .............. CommunionJanuary 2-5........... Passion 2012 Conference,

Atlanta, GAJanuary 2 .............. New Year’s Holiday:

Church Office closedJanuary 3 .............. Academy classes resumeJanuary 3 .............. Elderberries Senior AdultsJanuary 13 ............ Parent Conferences (No School)January 16 ............ MLK Holiday:

Church Office and Academy closed

January 20 ............ Adult Ski Trip, Maggie Valley, NC

January 21 ............ Women’s Ministry “Winter Wake-up”

January 24 ............ Abiding Prayer Service Communion

February 7 ............ Elderberries Senior AdultsFebruary 12 .......... Jim Johnson Basketball BanquetFebruary 28 .......... Abiding Prayer Service

CommunionMarch 2-3 ............ Men’s Retreat at the Cove

The Academy at First Pres

MiChAEL EvERhARTHead of School


The Academy’s Elementary Students

“Making Connections”At the Academy, our students are beginning to acquire the knowledge they will need to be successful as they move up the educational ladder, but an Academy education is much, much more. One of our Core Values is to “love and serve each other and the community after the example of Christ.” As we add grades and older students, we are constantly seeking to have our students become more involved with their extended family and the community. Through our extra-curricular programs, our desire is for the students to be “connected” with their immediate and extended families, their neighbors, their church, and the greater community. A few current examples include Grandparents & Special Friends Day program, Fall Festival, service projects, Hyatt Festival of Trees, Academy Art Festival, and Field Day. As we add the fourth and fifth grades, we will expand our efforts to help Academy students become even more active in the Greenville area.

The connections we are making with students, parents, and staff are building deeper relationships not only with the community and home churches, but most importantly with Christ. We look forward to another school year with new opportunities to continue “making connections” as we further develop a program of academic excellence within a community centered on Christ.

Visit for updates.

Field Day Fall Festival Classroom Guests

Art Show

Festival of Trees

Grandparents’ Day

The Academy at First Pres 43

MARTY GARRiSonAssistant Head of

Let The Children Come! hallelujah! There is much excitement in the air as precious young children and their families join us to begin a new school year. God has blessed us by sending 188 of His children to the Preschool for the 2011-12 school year. Joy and excitement fill each classroom as we eagerly anticipate all that He has in store for us.

The Preschool staff has worked hard to create the very best environment for the children to learn and grow in each area of development. We provide curriculums such as Handwriting without Tears, Doors to Discovery, and Open Court Reading to help enhance each learning experience. Our teachers love the Lord and have a heart for children. Their dedication never fails to amaze me!

The most important part of each school day comes during our Circle Time when we have devotion and pray. We pray as a student body for each other, our families, and our preschool. As a staff, we pray for the children by name, for God’s protection, for His wisdom, and for His guidance in all that we do here. We ask that you too would remember the Preschool in your prayers.

We invite you to come and take a peek at our Preschool. Call or stop by for a tour. If you would like more information about the Academy Preschool, please visit our website,

important Dates

September 26-30 Academy Book Fair

in Memorial Dining Room

october 13-14 Fall Break

october 22 FALL FESTIVAL

november 23-25 Thanksgiving Break

December 16 Annual Christmas Program

December 19-January 2 Christmas Break

January 3 Classes Resume

January 13 Parent Conferences

(No School)

January 16 MLK Day

(No School)

We paint…

We read…

We build…

We solve… We explore and create!

Scouting a Second Century at First Pres

in 1911, Arthur Gower, at the request of his son’s friend, started a Scout Troop at First Presbyterian with, by his own admission, no clue what

he was starting. At that time the Boy Scouts of America was only one year old, so Gower and his troop were in the vanguard of this new program for youth. Down through the years, thousands of boys have hiked, camped, canoed, and sailed under the banner of Boy Scout Troop 11, Cub Scout Pack 11, and Sea Scout Ship 11. In working on Cub Scout achievements and Arrowheads and Boy Scout Merit Badges, these boys have gained skills for life. Tens of thousands of hours of service projects have been completed for the community. Camping trips have ranged from one end of the Carolinas to the other, and from Oregon to the Bahamas. One Scout has even gone “down under” for the Australian World Jamboree.

Even more important is our second century. More than ever America needs the ideals and citizenship instilled by Scouting. The Scouts wish to thank the church for a century of support and look forward to a successful future.


44 Scouting at First Pres

Cub Scout Activities

planned for 2011-2012:

Cub Scout Day Camp

Blue and Gold Banquet

Cub-Scout Car Wash

Roper Mountain Second Saturdays

Popcorn Sales

Visit to the Yorktown

“Sleep with the Sharks”

Cookouts, Camping, Hiking

and many other activities and fun stuff!

We look forward to your joining us in the coming year! Questions? Contact Cubmaster Dirk Hardtmann ( or 906.4196).

100th Anniversary Reunionnovember 6

The troop invites current and former Scouts and friends of Scouting to attend our second 100th Anniversary Reunion. (Last year we celebrated 100 years of Scouting in this country—this year 100 years at First Pres.) We plan to have recognitions at the worship services, followed by a chicken barbecue lunch for all.

Cub Scouts Pack 11

Pack 11 welcomes Dirk Hardtmann (pictured right) as the new Cubmaster for the coming year. He and the other leaders have planned an exciting year for boys in grades 1 through 5. The boys will work to become Tigers, Wolf Cubs, Bear Cubs, or Webelos depending on their grade.

The Pack meets the first Thursday of each month, 6:30–7:30pm in the Stewart-Adams Scout Hut across Academy Street from the Church. The Pack is looking forward to signing up new members this fall, especially members of the church and the Academy. Contact Dirk at or 906.4196 to sign up. The more boys involved, the more fun and flexible the Pack becomes. We will be offering popcorn sales and ordering at the church on several Sundays in the early fall—please support the Pack!

Boy Scouts Troop 11

Troop 11 is recruiting boys of middle school age for adventure in the out-of-doors. The Troop meets every Tuesday night, 7:00–8:30pm during the school year at the Stewart-Adams Scout Hut across Academy Street from the church. For more information, contact:

Mark Elliott, Scoutmaster ( or 230.0464)Mike Wilder ( Robeson (

Sea Scouts Ship 11

Ship 11 sails regularly from our base at Portman Shoals Marina on

Lake Hartwell. With a fleet of three sailboats and one cabin cruiser, we

cover the “Carolina Caribbean” (Lake Hartwell). We have also sailed in the Florida Keys and the Bahamas.

Young men and women of high school age are welcome to join at any time. Contact Skipper Joe Barron ( or 915.3982).

Dirk Hardtmann, Cubmaster

45 Scouting at First Pres

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Miss a Sunday?

Visit to view previous television broadcasts or to listen to sermons. Links to both

media players are located on the home page of the

website. Audio CDs are also available for purchase in the

Vineyard bookstore.

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