First Glance at Smart TV and HiHex

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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People often ask us many questions on both the industry and our team. Here we provide some brief introduction to the background and the company.


a few words about auraht for future partners

the reasons to (or not to) invest your talents, your money or your future with us

#0: we are working on smart TV - it’s huge.

it’s the next trillion-dollar market after desktop and mobile computing;just like what’s happening to the ecosystems of mobile computing since the last 4 years;and we focus on the missing and essential part: OS with new interactions.

if you don’t get the point, google it;if you still can’t get it, change your search engine or close this window, now.

#1: we are a top-geek team that rocks

sort of the teams you see once every quarter/year;top talented, top geeky, top abnormal;the team of @kennytm, @ewangenius @xsysigma @liuzuli @cabinw

like-minded crazy guys are joining, one after another

be the next.

#2: we are all committed, highly

the company, which has run for over 1.5 years, is supported by internal funding only so far - over HK$2M;

the initiator @ewangenius borrowed about 1.2M with his own personal credits;the CTO @kennytm invested most of his savings;

if these super-smart guys act like this, there must be things abnormal.

#3: we see positive future from the work done

we’ve seen many failures from the big names in developing smart TV during the the tough exploration and trial-n-error in last 2 years; we also see how our concept and demo blows the audience away - soon they fight to be our investors and partners - they see the future from our works

and we want you work together with us to make it happen

#4: we see few competitors but all future partners

we work on the missing part: new OS based on new hardware and software user interfaces for large screens;luckily, all the industry can’t get over it;

we don’t do the things we are not good at;luckily, many in the industry have various advantages here;

we’ve got some partners, and more to get on board

#5: we don’t know what our products can do

if someone claims they knew what iOS + multitouch can do in 2007, it’s a safe bet that they are bluffing;

we don’t know what our products can do; we enable people to do all things.that’s why our work is amazing - we free imaginations

“the best way to predict the future is to invent it.”

#6: don’t ask us for financial reports, just don’t

if you put your hearts in like us, you don’t care;

if you put your money in, you’ll compose your own one;

if any of the “financial” analysis makes more sense than the products to you, maybe you’ll be better off contacting someone else.

still here? good, you’re likely with deserve some more sharing with us.

#7: there is no such a thing as smart tv so far

the word “smart” only means the users have to be smart enough to figure out the how-to’s

beat us with one that average people can actually use.

#8: “people don’t watch TV any more; people still love TV anyway.”

phones were declared death when skype and other im came;

people don’t watch tv any more;we know - we don’t either - simply because the tv & programmes don’t meet our expectation.

#9: revolution won’t come from the giants

they’ve made it if they could.

we have analysis on each of them;let’s reserve them for tea time.

#a: porting an OS from other environments just won’t work

microsoft did that to windows mobile, ugly;apple did that, twice, oh no, 3 times, no less uglier;ever tried any android tv?

trucks can carry people. uh?

#b: another “interactive screen” won’t be a good idea

seems cool, but really go and try one - to know how much you’ll hate this idea

it reminds us PDAs (likely palm) when phones were not “smart”.

#c: any news from apple is good news

sjobs “cracked it” with siri and itunes services?

we don’t believe; nor do we care.dead he is anyway, without it out.

others get android thanks to successful iOS, right?

great, you reach must be a good idea to meet up for some tea.

2x2 thoughts first,os highlight later.

before your call,get impressed by some “crazy new shit”

fragmental engaging



immersive interactive




tv show

newssport game


talk show

immersive interactive




tv show


talk show

sport game


VOD, iTunes

Smart TV

one-key control, one key typing

control video, channel and volume etc. with one key only, comfortably;

type everything with one key or key sets, comfortably and fast (100+ hit/min);secure password input

3d navigation for 2d interface

TV-only elements only

no desktops, no icons, no cursors, no windows, no menus, no notification bars, no lock screens, no widgets, no lists...

no second-class citizens from desktop/mobile platform;only the first-class perfection for TV.

we hex.

born social and engaging in the cloud

multiple identities on the same screen with rich INTER-actions;

system-level social identities and services;

system-level cloud services integration, ultra-mobile experiences

Your turn

the opportunity is here;the email is;the timing is now

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