Find Your Success The Manic Way.

Post on 29-Aug-2014



Health & Medicine



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I am Bi-Polar. While some may think that is a bad thing. I am very thankful. Because during my Manic times I have found Great Success in starting successful businesses, earning my Realtor and Barber License, and receiving top sales/recruiting awards. Now you too can find that Manic Success in Reaching all your goals and dreams.


AUTHOR PAGE:Carol L. Parsons

© and Carol Parsons

// Page 4 © and Carol Parsons

We are living in a time

of Constant Change.

You can either jump

on the band wagon

and be a part of it.

Or sit back and watch

the world go by from

your recliner and

regret never living

your dream life.

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“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our

aim too low, and achieving our mark.”

― Michelangelo Buonarroti

© and Carol Parsons

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Maybe you are a victim of

Stinken Thinken!!!

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We all deal with stinken thinken in many levels. From

the simple level of saying “I don’t like ___ ___ vegetable” before we even try it,. To the big levels of stinken thinken

like that common phrase “I tried it before and it didn’t work so I won’t try it again”.

Stinken Thinken is any negative thought that keeps

you from moving forward.

© and Carol Parsons

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// Page 9

If you have read any

motivational materials or

attended any success

seminars you know the

first thing they sell you on

is the need to set goals.

And I agree with them.

However I am not one to

set goals and I have many

success records.

© and Carol Parsons

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Did you know that theoretically a bumble bee is not supposed to be able to

fly? This thought totally baffled scientist for years. Luckily for the bumble

bee he was out of the office and didn’t get the memo. So he is able to fly

today. Something about his wings was too small to carry his body, much

like a helicopter. But where there is a will there is a way.

The bumble bee could have listened to the scientist and gave up, but instead

he went with his gut instinct. That is one of the reason I don’t like to get

caught up into too much goal setting. Because when we “over think” things

we can talk our self right out of living our dream before we even get started.

© and Carol Parsons

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Because of this I have decided to help the millions of people like yourself to find their success.I'm not going to take you through another “goal sitting” book because you can Google “goals” and find 1000s of those. Instead I am going to show you the amazing methods that I used for years to reach all the things I wanted to achieve.I wasn't born into money or success, I am just an average person doing what any other person can do. Ant that means YOU.

Rather than continuing to write endless slides I have written my book MANIC SUCCESS. It delivers all the important steps for you to reach your ultimate success. It is written in a PDF format so you can download yours today. No waiting through long lines at the book store or Library. It is Easy access with a click of your mouse. Don't Delay. Get your copy today. If you like it, tell your friends and send them to purchase their copy and you will earn 5% from every book your friends purchase...

© and Carol Parsons

If you have reached this page and you have not ordered your

copy of the e-book MANIC SUCCESS

It's not too late. Just click the back button on the bottom of

this slide and click on the button to order your copy..

If you have any questions just drop me a line.

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