Post on 11-Mar-2016






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Hall 2 annual yearbook- ECHOES


Editorial Note Remember the first day of this new academic year, the day when freshmen joined the hall 2 family. From total strangers playing ice breaker games by the walkway to friends, screaming, shouting and drinking by the benches and now, one bonded family with the frequent heart to heart talks within rooms. More than just a residence, we call this our home, a place where we wake up to see our dearest friends, a place where we wish them goodnight before our dreams. Throughout the year, Hall 2 publications have been capturing your every moment through our lenses, freezing time to turn them into tangible memories. As you scream your lungs out at every hall event, as you laugh your hearts out at every game, we’ve  worked  hard  to  bring  you  what you have in hand – ECHOES 11/12. 28th JCRC proudly presents to you our very own compilation of the loving moments of our hall 2 life. We sincerely thank each and every one of you who have contributed to ECHOES in one way or another. Without your support, we wouldn’t have come so far. Pick a quiet corner and let us bring you through time, reminiscing the sweetest moments of our life… I heart hall 2… You? Frederick & Jacelyn 28th JCRC Publication Secretaries

Editorial Editor | Frederick Neo | Jacelyn Kho Contributors | 28th JCRC | Sport and Recreational Team Managers & Captains | Dinner & Dance | Orientation Main Committee | Hall Productions | Hall Dance | Cheerleading | JCRC Subcommittee Design Cover | Frederick Neo Layout | Jacelyn Koh | Frederick Neo Photographs 28th JCRC | Publications subcommittee | Team Managers & Captains | Jonathan Tee

Hall of Residence 2 was first established in 1957 on the grounds of Nanyang Technological University, which was previously known as Nantah. It was originally built to host students from NTU as well as NUS. However, as the enrolment increased over the years, the demand for accommodation steadily rose. Hall 2 eventually came to be occupied only by students from Nantah.

Located right at the heart of the school campus, Hall 2 is a mere five minutes’ walk away from North Spine as well as the Sports Recreational Centre (SRC). It consists of 11 double-story blocks which house a total of 302 double rooms and 48 single rooms. The open, architectural style of the blocks ensures that residents enjoy bright and breezy rooms. Notably, our rooms are one of the most spacious in NTU and they are all furnished with built-in wardrobes, writing desks and shelves. Hall 2 is one of the two hostels in school to adopt the attached toilets system, where two rooms share a toilet, inclusive of sinks, a shower and a cubicle. This unique feature is highly prized among our residents as it provides additional privacy and convenience. Laundry rooms, kitchenettes, readings rooms, music and dance rooms, as well as TV lounges are just some of the common facilities hostilities have at their doorstep here at Hall 2. Food lovers will be delighted to know that the Hall is well served by not one, but two canteens, Can 1 and Can 2. Students all over the campus flock to these exceedingly popular canteens as they offer a wide variety of affordable and delicious food. For sports fanatics, the SRC, boasting a swimming pool, running track, well-equipped gym and other facilities, sits just round the corner. Residents will also enjoy close proximity to the following amenities:

ATM Machine Nanyang Supermart Grocery store Futsal Court Volleyball Court Hairdresser

With its superb central location, spacious rooms and unparalleled amenities, Hall 2 never fails to be heavily oversubscribed year after year. Hall 2 is not just a hall; it is a home away from home.


Hall  Two’s  spirit  living  on

It’s  living  far  and  far  beyond

It’s  never  gonna  die

It’s  gonna  live  in  each  of  us

And  we’ll  keep  it  burning,  burning  strong

The flame of zest lights in us all along

Always inspiring us to go on

Hall Crest Spokes supporting the ring

Close link & the spirit of camaraderie forged

between the 11 blocks

Lion Strength & Courage

Leaves Growth

Colors White, bright red & navy blue represents

magnanimity, peace & harmony

Shield-shaped crest Upholds the virtues of the traditional

Arthurian Knights: Honor, Loyalty & Valor

Hall  Two’s  spirit  flying  high

It’s  flying  far  and  far  beyond

It’s  never  gonna  die

It’s  gonna  live forever more

And  we’ll  keep  it  burning,  burning  strong

The flame of zest lights in us along

Always inspiring us to go on


Dear Hall Two-ians,

Taking the role of President of Hall 2 JCRC was definitely not an easy decision to make as it was like stepping into wild once again, just like the time when I decided to take up the post of Cultural Secretary. The reasons that motivated me for taking up this post were the opportunity to have a positive influence on the residents’ stay in Hall 2 and to test my ability as a leader. After having made the decision, I never once looked back and sure enough, it has proved to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.

At the start of the year, it was a crucial time for JCRC, the flagship committee of Hall 2. It was a time in which the committee was slowly taking shape. Eventually after the rally, the 28th JCRC was formed, all thanks to the overwhelming confidence shown by the residents in their votes. I could still remember vividly the tumult of mixed emotions I felt when I realised that I was going to be the Captain of this 16-men crew. Although it was a happy moment for me, I would expect a long and arduous journey ahead of us.

True enough, the year as a JCRC committee has proved to be a tough journey, as we faced many obstacles along the way. However it was all conquered with the combined efforts of all 16 members, and I would believe it has proved to be a worthwhile and fulfilling journey for all of us. Thank you 28th; it was honour to work with every single one of you!

In my rally speech, I mentioned that this year our direction for Hall 2 is to become a more all-rounded hall with sports being the main focus. Indeed, this objective was met and was evident in our results. We fought hard to maintain our overall sports 2nd ranking, which upholds our reputation as a Sports Hall. Considering we lost a big chunk of talent in the graduating seniors, this 2nd ranking proved that through training and hard work results can be achieved as well. Our recreational games have achieved a ranking of 11th, which was still a respectable position considering many halls have chosen to shift their emphasis towards recreational. Kudos to all who had played a part in the IHG/IHRG!

Our cultural side had also done very well with our Dance Crew, H2D, achieving a 5th ranking. After watching the dance item showcased by H2D, it will be etched in memory for it was a wonderful performance. Our cheer team, the Awesomes, had gotten the 10th ranking and their performance was also one which brought much entertainment to the crowd. I am sure all the effort put in by the H2D and the Awesomes had paid off and everyone had gotten an experience that they would never forget. Good Job!

Not to forget our special committees: Hall Productions, Orientation Main Committee and Dinner & Dance Committee. Thank you for all your hard work that you have put in throughout the year and I believe that the residents would appreciate your commitments and efforts.

Lastly, I would like to extend my thanks to Senior Hall Fellow Prof Lam, Hall fellows: Prof Teh, Prof Li Fang, Prof Tan and Prof Sridhar. Thank you for supporting us in our events and giving us advice as we go along. Last but not least, I would like to give special thanks to Hall Officer Albert, Adeline and the Hall Staff for providing us with all the support and advice that we need, and also making a stay in Hall 2 a very enjoyable experience.

All in all, this was a great year for Hall 2 and I had definitely enjoyed my tenure as the President. I will always keep a place in my heart for Hall 2, as it was definitely one of the most memorable experiences I will bring along with me and I will be proud to say that I was a resident of Hall 2. And as our hall motto “Striving in Unity” suggests, I am sure Hall 2 would achieve greater heights in the future.


Best Regards, Fong Yee Hsu President 28th JCRC Hall of Residence 2

Fong Yee Hsu President !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This year had been an eventful one. A year of highs and lows. We started from scratch and we managed to pull it off. This cannot be done without all the supports from the residents and the special comms. To be honest, being one of the top five in JCRC is not simple at all. However, the benefits from all this hard work sure make the effort worth it. Good job 28th, you have done well this year.

Being the Vice President of the 28th JCRC really opened my eyes to a whole new perspective of running the hall. Compared to being a recreational secretary last year, the work was just extensive. It’s like watching Victoria Secrets from the audience then getting a backstage pass to witness how hectic the crew and models are, darting from one end to another just to get their hair done or to dress up to the glamorous two-piece.

These are the things that not everyone sees behind the scenes. Work start straight after the Camp Ho-Hii, which was nothing short of outstanding. From recruitment of the 28th to AGM, rally and finally to being elected into JCRC, no one but only the top five and our roommates know the days and nights we burnt.

Being in JCRC for a second term provides me the chance to direct prevent any mistakes from the previous year and not let history repeat itself. This also allow me to be the mentor for the newly elected and use whatever I’ve learnt from the past year and pass it down to the year ones. Other than that, there are other duties that a vice president has to fulfil, such as handling the daily running of the hall with my block managers and also make sure that the three Special Committees (Dance and Dance, Hall Production and Orientation Main Committee) are doing well. To be honest, it is really my pleasure to be able to work with them and I am proud to say that they did well. I’m also very glad to say that the continuation of Overseas Community Involvement Programme this year has allowed a lot of the new residents to show their care and concern for the needy. This year there is also the revival of our hall’s very own Jam Band! They had brought so much life and entertainment to the events we had.

Events after events, it just makes me feel happier for the year. The residents’ responses were also very encouraging. Though some might feel that the support this year during the IH period was not as good compared to last year, I still felt that those support was from the deep down of their heart. And this is what that matters.

When someone asked me “What have I learnt from being the Vice President?” I was dumbfounded. Not because that I got nothing to say but because I don’t know where to start. I was

able to talk to quite a lot of people, in and outside of hall, and from each and every one of them I was able to pick up a point or two. For that, I am and always will be thankful for this chance to serve as your Vice President.

My dear 28th, thanks for the enjoyable times that we spent together, tough time, and fun time. I’ve learnt a lot from you and you have grown a lot as well. Do continue to contribute to the hall for the coming year, be it through comms, sports or just even by supporting.

My hardworking Block Managers, without you, a lot of the daily running of the hall would not have happened. You have been of a great help to me and sorry that I’ve been so last minute. Thanks a lot and I really enjoyed working with you guys.

My crazy OMC 12/13, you guys are the happening bunch of the hall. Working with you guys brings about a lot of joy and fun. All the weird ideas for camp, all the hilarious jokes we cracked, to me these are the spirit of OMC. I’m sure that we will have a great camp for the freshies next year. JIAYOU!!!

My always understanding Hall Officers, Albert and Adeline, you had of a great help whenever it comes to the various problems that arises in hall. It’s great to have officers that are as close as friends like you in hall.

My respected seniors, without your genuine and sincere inputs, many of the running of hall would not have gone so smoothly. Though there were still some hiccups here and there, I hope that you will still find the hall a great place to be in.

Last but not least, my fellow residents of Hall 2, I hope you enjoyed your stay in Hall 2. The year has come to an end but let’s not forget about the wonderful memories that we had created in this year. May you still hold Hall 2 dear to your heart and make it your home away from home.

Thank you!!

Yours sincerely, Lim Wei Jian Joshua Vice President 28th JCRC

Lim Wei Jian Joshua

Vice President

Wow, in the blink of an eye, another term with JCRC is drawing to an end. Making the choice to rerun was not an easy one, but I told myself to give it my all since I have committed to it. Running for the portfolio of Honorary General Secretary may have come as a surprise to many, knowing my amazing inability to focus for long spans of time and constant zoning out during meetings during my 27th term. So you can imagine the intense concentration and immense effort I had to put in at the start of the term to carry out my duties. It was a major feat for me, I assure you. It was a great learning experience, handling administrative work and training up my meticulous side. The most memorable task on the job definitely has to be the compiling and recording of the HAS list. Poring over the list for countless nights made me get to know each and every resident in more ways than I expected. So don’t be surprised if I can rattle off your full name, course and year of study, and the activities you are involved in hall. That sounds terribly stalkerish, doesn’t it? Haha. Taking on the role of Honorary General Secretary allowed me to interact more with the members of the Hall Office, and it never ceases to amaze me just how helpful and awesome our hall office is. To Albert, thank you for always being so supportive of our ideas and it is always a great pleasure to talk to you. And a big thank you goes out to Adeline who is constantly tolerating and approving my last minute requests, and for acting like a big sister to us. The role of a senior portfolio was slightly unnerving initially, upon realizing that there are no longer seniors to look to for help and in turn, the junior portfolios are turning to us for advice. The room for error has drastically reduced, and I’m thankful to many of the 27ths who provided support and helped me get over this transitional phase. Special thanks goes out to my predecessor, Jianhao, who is always so prompt in his replies to my enquiries. I’m so glad that becoming your successor has made us so much closer, and it was such a pity that this friendship couldn’t have developed earlier while we were still in the 27th JCRC. But nevertheless, I’m really thankful for your guidance and support ! To the 28ths, I had a really fun term, all thanks to you guys. It was fulfilling watching how each of you gradually got into the job and impress me time and time again with your dedication and capabilities. All of you have grown on me and I am really gonna miss you guys when the term is over. Hall has been the best thing that happened to me in uni life, and I thank each and every one of you for making a difference, even those whom I can’t attach a face to your names in the HAS list yet xP Without all your contributions, hall will not be as fun and vibrant as it currently is. HALL TWO ♥

Koh Ping Fang Honorary-General Secretary


Elizabeth Poh Financial Controller

Re-running for the second time in JCRC as a Financial Controller for the 28th JCRC was definitely not easy at the start. As compared with the job scope of a Welfare Secretary, I think it can be said that both are on the extreme sides of a spectrum.

Money is very essential to keep our events running. It was important to budget the entire year’s events properly to ensure that our funds were used efficiently to make all our events a successful one. Keeping track of our expenses and re-adjusting the budgets for future events was also important to ensure that we could make full use of our funds and claim out every dollar.

Being a Financial Controller, I feel that this is a portfolio unlike the other portfolios in JCRC. Collecting receipts, settling claims may all seem pretty easy. But perhaps only my predecessors would understand the endless paper work and administrative matters that need to be settled before we can actually see the money. With this, I would like to thank Fawn Cher, my dearest upperstudy for the endless questions about the various procedures getting things done. However, there were still times where I was unsure of the procedures and had to keep bugging the very nice ladies at SAO for help. The countless trips made to SAO made me joke sometimes that the ladies are my bestfriends at the rate I was meeting them each week! So here, I would like to take the opportunity to say thanks to my newly made best friends! Also, due to the problems of cash flow and with claims having to be amended sometimes, reimbursements came rather late at times, especially at the start of my term. Many thanks to the 28th for working within the tight budgets whenever I say “no more budget!” and when reimbursement took some time.

Hall 2 has been known as a hall with many events, the ad-hoc committees, special committees as well as the 28th have put in a lot of heart into planning these events and making them all a success. I sincerely hope the residents have enjoyed themselves in hall this year and that in the years to come, our events will just get better and better.

To the 28th, we may all seem to be very different individuals, yet we’re able to come together and work well to make this year a great year for everyone! Thanks for being such awesome friends and for the great memories as a 28th. Hall 2 will always have a special place in my heart! ! !

Making the decision to re-run as the Business Manager in the 28th JCRC was definitely not an easy choice to make. Having already gone through one year of juggling school work and hall activities as the Publications Secretary previously, I was contemplating the thought of having to do it again. Looking back about the wonderful memories I had in the 27th JCRC only made my choice clearer. I knew it wasn’t going easy taking on a different portfolio, in addition to being a mentor to the juniors of the committee. Yet as the year is coming to a close, I’m glad to say I know I’ve made the right choice! The job of the Business Manager is vastly different from what I used to do. As a Business Manager, my role required me to be on the lookout for sponsors for various events, sniffing out potential job opportunities, convincing companies to sponsor our events, and even set up production lines to pack goodie bags. It may not seem like much in a glance, but having to liaise with over a hundred companies multiplies the workload & headache exponentially! It was a great experience and fulfilling role seeing as the residents appreciate useful items they received in the goodie bags. Having to work with 15 other halls was also a different experience for me. On a joint hall level, the Business Manager portfolio was more active compared to Publications. Preparing for the Hall Olympiad Opening & Closing Ceremonies, we had to liaise with sponsors to prepare for over 2500 good bags! It was familiar yet tough work, having to now source for items on a much larger scale. What a hell of a time packing to those bags! In addition to my primary role as the Business Manager, I knew I had to play an active part to mentor the juniors, especially my successors. Having gone through that path, I wanted to share with them my experience and be there for them as I knew the challenges they would come to face. Yet, I wanted to push them to achieve more and not be there at times so that they may excel in their own ways. As the term comes to a close, I am proud of the both of them as they outshine me in many ways of their work ;) As the ex-official to Hall Production, it was an entirely new experience to me as I was previously not in any other committee. Having been set a high standard by the previous ex-officials, I was rather nervous to be part of this committee. However, I put in my best to look out for and contribute in whatever ways I could. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of the committee and I hope I have been of help! This year was no easier than my previous, with all the additional responsibilities I had to shoulder. As I struggled along the way, righting past wrongs, learning to better myself, I had a hell of a time juggling various commitments. It was a bumpy ride, but I’m grateful for all who have been there along the way for me. Special thanks goes out to my predecessor Eunice Ngieng, who not only guided me through this portfolio and even supported me as a sub-committee. Which leads

me to my group of subcommers; thank you for always being there to help, be it packing or collections, the goodie bags would not have been possible without you. Ping Fang, Elizabeth, Joshua and Yee Hsu – I am thankful for having you guys re-running together with me. It may have been a tough choice and a trying year, but I am glad we have successfully brought this committee together! And to the 28th JCRC, thank you to every one of you for bringing life into your portfolio and as a member of the 28th family! As my 2nd term comes to a close, I want to thank everyone for making my journey truly unique and memorable! Edward Liauw Business Manager, 28th JCRC

Edward Liauw Business Manager !


Jacie Ong Cultural Secretary !

Being a cultural secretary was a totally different yet exciting experience as I am passionate about music and dance. From the moment that I want to run for Cultural Secretary, I knew that it was not going to be an easy year ahead. Although there had been ups and downs, I have not regretted being the Cultural Secretary as I learnt and achieved a lot during this whole year.

I would never forget the busiest period of my portfolio when I had to organize the International Night and prepare for HOCC. Being relatively inexperienced with organizing events, I kept revising my proposals, looking out for food of different ethics and ensuring that I have covered all the details of the events.


GRATITUDE! The one word I have to describe my year as a 28th JCRC Publicity Secretary. Day in day out, I find myself grateful to see the end of another colourful banner painted, another successful event publicised. Experience lends perspective, and I realize many things can happen within a year; the good, the bad and the ugly. As I look back on the academic year, I am overwhelmed in a good way. Despite the ups and downs, I am filled with gratitude for having gotten through the year and making it this far.

Never have I ever downloaded multiple fonts, read up photo editing tutorials, or paced around the room for inspiration so many times before. It felt as if I was doing a minor in ADM! No more Paint, I’m playing with the big boys with Photoshop now.

I could see my work progress, and I would like to thank those who were constantly giving me the encouragement and thumbs up on a good work done. To IH players, I understand that additional and prompt publicity is preferred. Due to focus placed on other curriculum, not all posters could be done and some were slightly delayed and I apologies for the holdup. But knowing that even with the late publicity, there was still a crowd that turned out to cheer you on, it made those sleepless nights worth it.

Someone once told me that obstacles are part of everyday life and at some point we find ourselves between a rock and hard place with thorns under our feet. That said, many thanks to those who were there to help me get through these obstacles. Subcommers you guys are DA BOMB! You awesome bunch of people constantly updated the results board even though our stars kept disappearing, carried the banner down to the games when I could not make it and voluntarily stayed with me through the day and night to paint and even on days I was away at Laos. I could not be more grateful.


In addition, being the committee member of the HOCC, I am in charge of the publicity of the HOCC hence I need to cover all areas of publicity for the HOCC so as to maximise the exposure for the events. However, although it was the busiest period, I felt really relieved and accomplished as the both events went smoothly.

Towards the end of my term, I really want to thank the JCRC family for being there for me and guiding me throughout this whole year. Whenever I needed help, in terms of my event or dance-related things, they will be there to offer encouragement and helped me along. I would never forget the time that they came down to SBS building to support the dancers and celebrated my birthday even though it was a busy period for all of them. I really feel honoured to have worked with them and I am proud to be part of this family. Love yall!

Jacie Ong Yu Ling Cultural Secretary, 28th JCRC, Hall 2 !

Aneza Ramzeen Publicity Secretary !


Not forgetting the mob that I joined, 28th JCRC. Each and every one of you are my ambassadors of strength, courage and wisdom. Our labour of love for Hall 2 with each event concluded will always be something I’ll remember. Thank you for playing the biggest part of my journey in Hall 2.

Truck loads of love, always!Aneza!


3 golds 4 silvers 4 semis 8 quarters 1 prelims

The IHG 11/12 season was one of hope and accomplishment. We had huge shoes to fill after our predecessors, Alvin and Daryl brought the hall to a 1st runner up finish in the previous season. We are a sports powerhouse and Hall 2’s focus this year was to finish in the top 2 positions. At the beginning, it did not seem very optimistic due to many seniors graduating. However, our hard work and determination paid off and we finished in 2nd position; many points away from even our closest and oldest competitor, Hall 6.

In all, we achieved a total of 3 Golds and 4 Silvers. Our other 13 sports did the hall proud as well with 4 semi-finalists, 8 quarter-finalists and an improvement from last year with just 1 sport at the preliminaries.

Both of us are proud to have been part of our team of captains and managers, who pushed all the players to achieve the ultimate goal. No effort was spared in our trainings, which our managers and captains organized with passion. What we lacked in talent, we made up for with hard work. We would never have achieved what we have gotten without each and everyone’s labor.

Bystanders would say that we’re unlucky. We would say that we don’t need luck. This year was not the best year for penalty shoot-outs. Not at all. We did not walk away the winners for any of our many penalty shoot-outs. We walked away as gracious losers. It may not be the best position to be in, but it is definitely one of the hardest, and these painful lessons will carry on forever.

Our male hockers began the season with an easy win over hall 13. We then lost 1-0 to hall 3 in an ambiguous game. It was awesomely played though, but a simple mistake can lead to great regrets and emotion. The guys then fought a well-deserved victory with a goal above hall 4 and proceeded to the quarters. The hockey guys this year had so much potential compared to the previous year. Their team spirit was admirable, and something to be proud of. This is no mean feat! Even our squatters, Arvind, Ho Wan and Shawn seemed to feel like part of the team. This was when we first went out on penalties; to hall 16. We will come back stronger next year!

Our female hockers trained hard under the keen and enthusiastic supervision of coach Petrina. Her incorporation of national team drills into their weekly trainings definitely sowed the seed that actually saw them progressing past preliminaries for the first time after 3 years. The tough draw against hall 3 with many experienced players diminished our hopes of progressing past them. Even so, our girls fought long and hard and the ONLY reason we lost was due to a very painful and unfortunate own goal. The spark this year is extremely positive and it is certain that next year will be a stronger year for Hall 2 Hockey girls!

Traditionally, netball is dominated by several other halls. We were never part of the picture. This year was different. Our girls made a statement. We didn’t breeze through our matches. We faced the ex-champions, Hall 6, twice. Once in the preliminaries and once in the semis.

Tan Wei Qiang & Joel Ng Sports Secretaries !


We beat them the same number of times we faced them, and earned ourselves a position in the finals. Our opponents were no pushovers with their plethora of IVP netballers and we played an extremely fast-paced and intense match, losing out to hall 10 in both the first and second quarter. However, the half-time intra-team encouragements saw us pulling a tie with hall 10 in the third quarter! The supporters went crazy, and even wilder in the last 2 minutes when the players converted a turnover into a goal and WE WERE THE CHAMPIONS!!! The eventual score, 30-27. IHG netball history is rewritten.

Soccer kicked off their season with massive wins. To be frank, our fingers would not be enough to count the goals that were scored against our preliminary opponents. We were strong, and we were the ones to beat. For quarters, we were drawn against Hall 5, last year’s and the eventual finalists. We were the leading team by half-time, with 1 goal in their net. However, their fighting spirit and a series of unlucky errors resulted in an eventual tie in full-time. This was when we again, as a hall, learn and emerge stronger. This was the 2nd time this season the soccer boys did not walk away winners after penalties. However, the team will definitely come back and show the other halls our undying attitude next year!

Our Road Relay team was made up of enthusiasts. Die-hards, some might say. They ate, drank and slept while running. Running wasn’t part of their life; running WAS their life. Manager Jonathan Tee, or t**ies affectionately, partnered up with captain Mark Lim and came up with plans to follow. Their stringent regime proved that hard work will eventually pay off. Although we did not have talent this year due to injuries and graduating seniors, the die-hards eventually came in 4th for the overall relay. This is an unexpected result to cheer about!

Our takraw boys managed to crawl their way into the quarters after beating Hall 10, which they initially lost to. This was done not only with grueling trainings but also a clever play of strategy. This year saw the takraw boys training much harder compared to previous years. However, they were halted in the quarters after a draw against hall 14, which had defeated Hall 7. (previous and eventual winners of IH takraw) In what can be said as the decisive regu, Hall 14 came from behind to beat us at our game. Don’t fret boys! Let’s not let this loss deter us from what we can achieve in future!

Hall 2 Rugby didn’t achieve what it had set out to. However, the strong bonds which were forged from hitting and playing with each other in the mud will never be forgotten. Next year will be a better year for rugby.

Our track team did the hall proud under Terence and Alvin, who had both stepped up and confidently demanded to take the position of manager and captain respectively. Again, the boys and girls proved that hard work can plow down mountains. They finished winners of all heats, and emerged as overall 1st runner-up with timings that would warrant positions in the IVP squad. WELL DONE!

This was a remarkable year for Basketball in general. We are a male basketball powerhouse and this year, the girls proved that WE OWN at female basketball too.

The boys showed that we are redemption NO MORE. Although the team was faced with a tough draw in the semis, the “huff and puff” daily trainings (even on weekends!) won us a place in the finals. In the finals, the opposition the team was up against was really themselves. It was a granted win if they had played to their plan; and a WIN it was. Hall 2 Basketball, Champions once again! Let’s do it again next year!

The female Basketballers beat every single opponent until the finals. In the finals, we were the underdogs as hall 13 had many years of experience shared among themselves with 2 IVPs and 1 ex-IVP. Our girls’ sheer determination was just not enough to beat the other team, especially when one of our key players, Seow Hwee, was plagued with a knee injury. Although the team did not emerge the eventual winners, the girls were delighted, and they weren’t the only ones celebrating their loss! It was a remarkable result on the back of last years’ disqualification. We showed that we are a basketball powerhouse, and are proud of it!

Last but not least, we would like to thank everyone in Hall 2 for giving us your support in making IHG a success - the cheering, the consoling, the encouragements, the time and the attitude. The results we have achieved would not have been possible if not for every single one of you. Let’s work together and bring Hall 2 to greater heights next year; and the championship to where it truly belongs.

It has almost been like a whirlwind of an ‘adventure’ from the very first day we were tasked with the responsibilities of being Hall 2’s very own Recreation Secretaries till today where we have successfully concluded yet another Inter-Hall Recreational Games or IHRG in short.

It was indeed a joy to be chosen as the next Rec Sec for Hall 2. However, this joy soon turned into disappointment when we realized that our counter-part for the year was to be another guy. Nevertheless, we had high hopes for the year ahead and it is good to note that we clicked off well from the start despite the differences in our personality.

Despite being new to the job, we had a ‘silent’ pact in that both of us would try our best to work hard in attaining greater glory for our hall where Rec Games was concerned. From the very first day, we had heard stories of how Hall 2 went from a position every hall dreaded to the 9th placing just a year ahead. We were definitely in awe of our upper studies after hearing this piece of news and this only served to make us more resolved than ever to match up to them or even bring our hall’s rec games to greater heights.

Right after our elections, we sought to recruit more players through traditional means such as Sports and Rec Day as well as approaching seniors and players from the previous batch in a bid to ‘retain’ talent. It was also about this time that we started thinking through about how we were to formulate our sub-committee comprising of our team managers as well as captains for the various games. This turned out to be a daunting task as we had no prior experience in playing some of the games but we can now gladly say that we managed to come up with a team that has been really cooperative and stood by us regardless of victories or losses. From there onwards, it was trainings after trainings and our captains, team managers and players certainly put in lots of hard work and it was heartening to see everyone turn up for trainings despite their hectic schedules.

After the initial tug-and-pull to formulate the different competing teams, it was finally time for IHRG itself. Although we were armed with advice from our upper-studies, IHRG still hit us like a storm as we had to convene the very first game which was Snooker. Although we were convening Snooker together with Hall 13, we must say that it has been the single most challenging task to date and the long days only added to our fatigue. Still, successfully convening it left us with a pretty good feeling and a sense of satisfaction albeit shag start to our IHRG as we had 9 other games to see to.

Just when the December holidays were just round the corner, our semester break was dedicated entirely to IHRG. From waking up before the birds do to camping overnight at the convening hall are just the few things

we had to do to get the best seats in the house. Game after game our Hall 2 players came down fully prepared to battle out in the relentless round-robin matches which not only put their skills to the test but also their fatigue. But what’s more rewarding than the outcome of their match is the smiles on their face when they are congratulated by our very own Hall 2 residents, even senior rec graduates, who took their time to come down to give them their support!

When IHRG has finally concluded, we look back to reminisce the happiness and (to a small extent) the sorrows we had as rec secs of hall 2. We learnt how to juggle our academic and rec time more efficiently than we had before. We fostered new friendships with fellow rec secs from other 15 halls, resolving the countless issues that occurred which we were unable to resolve by just relying on ourselves alone. The sweetness of this entire journey isn’t at the end of the road, but rather the experience we gained along the way. We take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported and guided us in any way you can. To everyone in Hall 2, this is Zong Ting and Yi Ze signing off.

Lee Yi Ze & Peh Zong Ting Recreational Secretaries!


Being offered the chance to run for the position of welfare secretary for the 28th JCRC was a turning point in my life. Having minimal experience, I embarked on this journey with one goal in mind - to make a difference in the lives of Hall 2 residents. The responsibilities held in this position were much more than imagined when I first accepted the role. However, what’s life without new challenges, and I accepted them with an open mind, striving to do my best in all the events. From night cycling to Hall 2 Got Talent, I had worked closely with the Social Secretaries Jordan and Parthi, and also our Cultural Secretary Jacie to provide good food for the residents during their respective events. Although of a small scale, I thoroughly enjoyed myself in organizing Ice Cream Fest. This event really gave me a chance to get in touch with fellow Hall 2 residents. I managed to learn quite a fair bit from my fellow JCRC members in the planning of events, from considering certain technicalities to other minor details that people wouldn’t normally consider and most importantly having the skill to react to sudden changes in situations.

Next, the Inter-Hall Games which began in December and ended in February was a really hectic period. Lots of manpower was required to ensure that enough welfare was provided for each game. To all my subcommers: thank you very much! For forking out time to help out with welfare even though many of you are also busy with sports, or other commitments. The one most important person I would like to thank is Phoebe, for coming down during the many weekends to help me without so much as a word of complain, thank you! Furthermore, I would also like to thank my other subcommers, especially Xin Yi, Regina, Zi Hao, Pin Xuan, Jessie, Dominic, Darren, Jannah and stephy, for always taking the initiative to help out with welfare!

While serving as the welfare secretary, there were many occasions where I required help from other portfolios within JCRC and everyone was always willing to lend a helping hand. To my mentor, former welfare secretary, Poh E, thank you for imparting to me your precious experience, always ready to answer my queries and give me advice on the duties of a welfare secretary. To the sports secretaries, Joel and Wei Qiang, for being understanding and covering for me whenever I wasn’t around for the games, Joel for always being kind and giving me a lift to games and for buying welfare stuff. Publications and Publicity, Jacelyn, Aneza and Frederick for the publicity of all the events! And all the other members, Jordan, Jacie, Parthi, Joshua, Edward, Ping Fang, Zong Ting, Yi Ze and Yee Hsu thank you for all your support!

I must say this has been a really fulfilling year for me, having my first time experiences especially in the organizing of events. However, I feel that time has been well spent as I have managed to form close bonds in hall, and within JCRC. Without all the support by my friends, I would not have survived this year, thank you all!

Cheers, Zi Lin

Choo Zi Lin Welfare Secretary !


We still remember how we first started out as freshmen, total strangers to this whole new environment till the day we got chosen as part of the 28th Junior Common Room Committee, the ones that ensures the best for the residents. We are thankful and honoured to be given this opportunity to be Hall of Residences’ two’s Publications Secretary of the academic year 2011/12.

Life is never a smooth trial and indeed, this journey is definitely not an easy one for us. There are many times when work can be really taxing on us or even worse, hard work not being appreciated. Nonetheless, every successful event, every little encouragement from the residents, gave us strength to carry on and allowed our passion for hall to burn on.

Unlike portfolios that require maximum interaction with the residents, publications are all about working behind the scenes. We freeze time at that very moment of joy, excitement and fun and turn those memories into tangible pictures that allow them to be remembered for a lifetime. Via the notice boards outside Canteen 2, we are given a platform of interaction with the residents, updating the residents on the major events in hall and share the fun that hall residences experienced from the hard work of 28th Junior Common Room Committee.

No doubt, being in the 21st century, social media and technology are not to be neglected. The hall of residences two blog has been made a success with an all-time viewership of 40,925 (noted on February 2012). We would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents for their utmost support that made this success possible. We hope that those photos, videos and write ups, have brought you closer to hall, for your smile is what brings satisfaction to our work. No matter how tiring or demoralizing the journey might be, a little smile just wipes out all these negative experiences.

The whole new initiative of What the Hall 2 is a Facebook group that serves as a platform for residents to feedback on any faults within hall premises or to give suggestions to better improve the living condition in this little home of ours. Thank you for all your relevant comments and we hope that we have made hall 2 a better place with all the current improvements made.

The IHRG/IHG season was the most hectic period for the publications committee and we would not have pulled through without the help of our beloved subcommittee members.

Thank you all for giving us your support and help us through every game even though it might mean sacrificing your weekends, holidays and studies to help us through this season. Without you guys, we would not have covered so much for this IHG/IHRG season. To the entire subcommittee, we would like to thank you guys for accompanying us through this entire journey and not complaining when we might be spamming your phone with messages at times. We know that this is never an easy job and recognition might be minimal. But thank you for enduring through with us and we made it! Success is never possible without a supportive team. To all the other 14 members in the 28th Junior Room Committee, this journey would not have been possible without you guys. Through this year, we turn from strangers when we had our first meeting in the recreational room, till we became friends when we meet up for simple meals, till today, when we are like a big family encouraging each other and helping each other through difficult times. It will never be the same without anyone of you in the committee. Our apologies, for failing to capture the moments of joy we had, for priority is given to the residents, but I’m sure the every footstep that we made will be etched in our mind for a lifetime.

As this academic year come to an end, we sincerely hope that we have brought you guys a whole new and positive experience with us as your publications secretary. We hope to thank all of you for your encouragement and support throughout the year that made this experience a fulfilling and memorable one. We would also like to apologize for any incompetence on our part and thank you for all those little feedbacks that allowed us to make improvements to our publications.

With love, 28th Junior Common Room Committee Publications Jacelyn & Frederick

Frederick Neo & Jacelyn Kho Publications Secretaries!


Time flies when one is enjoying and that is especially true for us. In a blink of the eye, a year had passed. We had enjoyed planning social events for all of you and hope you all had enjoyed yourselves attending them.

NTU is unique due to its great number of halls available. Among the halls, we are quite diversified and the experience each hall gives is different. We must say hall two really has a strong culture and the seniors are all very supportive. This added stress on us to plan good social events this year so that residents can bond and the culture be passed on. Now that the year has passed, we can say that we have no regrets as we had done our best in each and every event.

We love playing sports and being in Hall two, a sports hall, we participated in many sports too. It is really not easy to juggle among schoolwork, projects, trainings, JCRC commitments, personal life and social commitments. At times, we were really tired and wondered whether our efforts are going to be worth it. However it was the smile on all your faces that motivated and spurred us on. Now that all these had ended, we could safely say we have leveled up in terms of time management and events planning.

Social secretaries are like event planners and usually event planners are not the ones taking the limelight. We are so called the backstage crew who ensure that events run smoothly and more often than not, we are forgotten. We do not gain anything be it monetary or rewards but we gain something that money can never buy. The thing we gain was the sight of every one of you smiling and enjoying yourselves during our events, bonding among the committees and taking time off your hectic study schedule to relax with friends. This sight is what money can never buy and this is what pushed us on. We were also touched by the pats on the back from some of you all or a short SMS of encouragements and thanks for our effort.

Two of us alone could have never executed the events so smoothly without the help of all our subcommers. We would really like to thank each and every one of our subcommers for their help in all our events, in terms of logistics and administratration. When your fellow friends were having fun, you guys took time off to help before, during and after events to ensure our events were successful. We could never do it without you all and special thanks to Guo Zhen who willingly lent his lorry whenever needed.

We would like to thank our hall professors and hall offices for being so supportive. Without their support, hall two would not be like what it is now. We would also like to thank Yee Hsu and the rest of the top 5 for believing in us and choosing us as the social secretaries. To the rest of the JCRC members, thank you so much for helping in any ways. Without all you all, we would not have enjoyed this year as much being in JCRC. We supported each other during good or bad times and we could see strong bonds being forged in the committee. Hopefully after this one year, we would still be as close. Last but not least, we would like to thank Alwin Tan, our predecessor, for his advice and guidance in our social events. It was really gracious of you to forego your exchange to knowing that it will not be easy on us and lending us your help whenever we needed it.

To all the residents of Hall 2, we hope you all had a fun and fulfilling year in Hall 2.Thank you.

Parthiban & Jordan Ang Social Secretaries !


Orientation Main Committee 11/12 !

!"Hall!2!ni!hi!bu!hi?!Ho.Hii~"!Yes,% it% was% Camp% Ho/Hii!% Hall% 2% OMC%11/12,% together% with% the% seniors,% were%excited% to% welcome% our% freshmen% into%the%big%family%of%Hall%2%in%our%beloved%hall%grounds% once% again,% after% holding% the%

annual%FOC%out%of%NTU%for%two%years.%It%was%a%challenge%for%OMC%because%most%of%us%had%never%experienced%a%full%FOC%in%hall%before,%but%with%the%help%of%our%experienced%Hall%2%seniors,%we%made%it!%‘Thank%you,%seniors%of%Hall%2!’% I%believe%all%the%participants%of%the%camp%had%created%countless%fond%memories,% forged%precious%friendships,%and%not%forgetting%had%lots%of%fun%together%as%one%hall.%%%“Angels!Demons!in!the!house!tonight!!Everybody's!gonna!have!a!good!time!!Hebe,!Wala,!Yofiel!lose!your!mind;!Meepo,!Andres,!Jiablo!let's!get!high~"!!As%the%oldest%hall%in%NTU,%we%pride%ourselves%with%many%traditions.%The%same%goes%to%our%FOC,%where%many%traditional%activities/games%are%kept%and%being%played%every%year;%they%are%the%core%of%Hall%2%camp.%Flavours,%a% uniquely% traditional% Hall% 2% FOC% segment% is% one% which% allows% all% the% members% of% an% OG% to% experience%bittersweet%(and%sour)%together%as%one;%cheering%and%singing%Hall%2%song%at%the%top%of%one's%lung%while%being%showered%by%various%'flavours'%is%definitely%not%something%easily%forgettable.%Another%must/play%game%is%the%traditional% field% game,%where% the% girls% have% to%break% the% 'great%wall% of% human'% formed%by% the% guys.%Once%again,%most%of%the%guys%managed%to%hold%each%other%together%and%the%'great%wall'%withstood%the%girls'%attack,%although%not%without%a%tough%fight.%Another%highlight%would%be%the%two%dances%presented%by%the%six%CGLs.%This%year,%we%were% fortunate% to%have% Jocelyn,%an%experienced%dancer,%and%Alwin%who%has%both%dance%and%Wushu%background,%as%the%choreographers.%'Thank%you,%Jocelyn%and%Alwin!'%%%"Six!in!the!air,!let's!do!it!together,!Ho.Hii!!!"!When% Camp%Ho/Hii% ended,% the% times% of% Angels% and% Demons% has% ended% as%well.% It,% however,%marked% the%beginning%of%the%good%times%both%seniors%and%freshmen%alike%will%share%together%as%one%hall.%So,% let’s%do%it%together,%Hall%2!!!%


Dinner and Dance 10/11 %


Dinner% and% Dance% 10/11% presented% Opening% Night% in%2011,%a%Broadway%themed%event.%There%was%a%prelude%to%the% exciting% night% at% club% Avatar,% where% the% pageant%contestants% showcased% a% small% preview% of% their% hard%work,%after%a%month%of%intensive%training.%%




The% actual% night% at% Holiday% Inn% Atrium% saw% different%groups%dressed%to%the%theme,%donned%in%costumes%from%famous% plays% like%Mary% Poppins,% Hairspray% and% Oliver%Twist.% Pageant% contestants% did% not% disappoint% as% they%put% up% an% amazing% performance% of% dances,% catwalks,%questions% and% answers.% The% various% groups%who% came%also% had% fun% with% exciting% games% and% activities,% and%some%lucky%ones%even%walked%away%with%fantastic%lucky%draw% prizes.% The% night% of% fun% was% brought% to% a%memorable%end%with%the%crowning%of%the%Hall%King%and%Queen,%Nicholas%and%Sherlyn.%%


The%eventful% night%would%not%be%possible%without% the%preparation% and%planning%by% the%Dinner% and%Dance%Committee.%The%committee%was%led%by%Chairperson%and%Vice/Chairperson,%Bryan%and%Zheng%Jie%who%had%put%in% respectable% effort% to%make% this% event% a% success.% The% 12%pageant% contestants% also% trained%hard% and%did%their%best%under%the%guidance%of%their%instructor,%Hirzi.%




Verve Productions %

Verve% Productions% never% fails% to% bring% to% our% hall%residents% delightful% theatre% productions% every% year,%showcasing% the% acting% chops% of% our% hall’s% very% own%talents.% Every% year,% the% committee% works% towards% a%common% goal.% Our% Producers,% Directors,% Stage%Managers,% Lights% &% Sounds% crew,% Props% &% Sets% Team,%Costumes%&%Make/up%Team%and%Publications%&%Publicity%Team% work% tirelessly% with% the% cast% members% in%preparation%for%our%play.%Our%Events%Managers%support%us% by% sourcing% for% fund/raising% opportunities% and%organizing% events% for% committee% members% to% forge%closer% bonds.% With% everyone’s% hard% work% and%commitment,% the% journey% paved% towards% the% annual%production% date% is% filled% with% lasting% memories% and%meaningful%lessons%learnt.%

Apart%from%preparing%for%the%yearly%theatre%offering%that%Verve% Productions% serves% up,% our% committee%members%take%part%in%activities%to%foster%camaraderie.%Masterchef%cookouts,% supperhops,% chalet% gatherings%and%other%hall%events% are% opportunities% for%members% to% take% time%off%their%schoolwork%and%enjoy%themselves.%%

Apart%from%preparing%for%the%yearly%theatre%offering%that%Verve% Productions% serves% up,% our% committee% members%take%part% in%activities%to%foster%camaraderie.%Masterchef%cookouts,% supperhops,% chalet% gatherings% and% other% hall%events% are% opportunities% for%members% to% take% time% off%their%schoolwork%and%enjoy%themselves.%

This% year,% Verve% Productions% presented% our% audiences%with%Never%Odd%or%Even%at%the%Lasalle%College%of%the%Art’s%SIA% Theatre% on% 3rd% March,% 2012.% Featuring% an% original%script%and%a%dedicated%cast,%the%play%received%favourable%reviews%from%hall%residents,%friends%and%family%members%alike.%Never%Odd%or%Even%was%our%very%own%comedic%take%on%modern%society%and%the%often/unsaid%yet%unforgiving%views%we%have%of%“the%others”%in%our%community.%Full%of%heart,% humanity% and% humour,% the% play% highlighted% the%plights% of% four%mentally% unsound% characters,% each%with%their%own%story%to%tell.%Our%audience%was%left%to%ponder%about%the%deeper%societal%issues%the%play%had%addressed,%and%we%were%happy%to%see%that%many%had%a%roaring%good%time%laughing%their%socks%off%together%with%us.%We%hope%to%see%you%again%next%year!%


OCIP 2010/11 By Daryl Lim and Elizabeth Poh Hailing from various backgrounds and beliefs we put together a group of 24 students with not too many things in common other than the fact that they are all from the same hall, Hall of Residence 2. We begun this journey not knowing what to expect as this was our hall’s maiden OCIP trip, setting for ourselves fundamental goals that we believed were achievable with our meagre knowledge of things.

Through the trip, we interacted with the villagers and grew accustomed to their way of life. Through this way of life, we witnessed many instances of the members showing a side of themselves which we may not typically see – the caring side. Playing games, construction, teaching, trekking, farming, RnR, would all have been mundane and meaningless activities if not for the interaction with the villagers. It all felt so natural seeing how awkward silences were absent during the simplest of activities like meal times and how sports and games were thoroughly enjoyed despite the language barrier. Some members trusted our host to the extent that they were willing to receive a haircut from him. It was evident that the actions that followed touched the lives of many of the villagers as well as the members. The ties established during the trip were so strong that many members could not bear to leave the village and are currently in the midst of planning a second trip. After close to 5 months of preparation and a gruelling 14-day trip, we are proud to conclude that these 24 individuals have emerged a more compassionate and closely knitted bunch of people which can definitely be called a team.

Quotes/take-away from participants:

“It’s difficult to list down what I’ve learnt, it’s not like a list or chapters that we can tick off if we learnt it. It’s more like a accumulation of experiences that made you think for yourself.” Wong Sung Nian, Member “I learnt how people can be so simple, sincere and contented despite adverse or less desirable living conditions, I have seen more sincere smiles and warm welcome and hospitality that touched my heart that I may never see in other more developed countries like Singapore…. I understand that I do not have a great influence in the community as I am but an individual, but I believe that every small effort counts and can lead to greater changes if many put in similar effort.” Goh Cheng Yan, Member

“12 days was all it took, for a bunch of city kids/adults(myself included) not to want to leave a place with too many insects and too little conveniences… And it hurt when we had to leave, even more so than when some of us left our respective homes in Singapore.” Teh Jia Pin, Justin, Member “Small but significant.” Lian Huaili, Secretary “Studying seems to be a stepping stone to get us farther, whereas what I see from the Laos kids is that studying is just pure enjoyment…. Coming back from the trip, there was definitely an adjustment needed to get back used to the lack of civility amongst Singaporeans. As a developed society, we have forsaken values such as courtesy as we are constantly in a rush to attain unlimited wants.” Koh Ping Fang, Member





Sports and Rec Day By Tay Yu Hui

The main objective of the Sports and Rec day was to publicize various games in hall, thereby encouraging the freshmen to play for the Interhall Games. Despite being known as a Sports hall, the Sports and Rec day was really one of the few events that was planned in preparation for the Interhall Games.

As a member of the 27th JCRC, I planned the event for the 28th with mixed feelings. Although I was excited to pass the baton to the 28th JCRC (yay finally!), it felt rather sad to know that this will be the last event in hall which I will be officially responsible for. At the same time, I felt slightly out of place as the ex-member of the committee.

I recalled that it was an extremely busy period for the 28th JCRC. The newly formed committee was barely surviving from the hectic election-campaigning period. In addition, each member from the 27th was starting to have new commitments. Nevertheless, these people were ever willing to help. I deeply appreciate the unwavering support from both the 27th and 28th.

I have to admit that the event did not turn up as anticipated. The heavy rain stopped the Netball Championships, the recreational games had to be reallocated, and the lucky draw was eventually cancelled. Under such circumstances, you would most likely picture a gloomy scene with unhappy grumpy residents, complaining that they came down with their netball teams for nothing.

But nope! You’re wrong :D What I remembered most vividly about that day was how everyone helped in one way or another. With their own initiative, the residents quickly moved the equipments, lucky draw prizes and games out of the rain. And this is what I really love about Hall 2- our supportive hall culture.

Ice Cream Fest By Choo Zi Lin Being an avid lover of ice cream myself, I had much pleasure in organizing the ice cream fest this year. Nothing could beat giving out free ice cream to our hall 2 residents, this year F&N also generously sponsored us with Zesta drinks. All thanks to the resourcefulness of our business manager Edward, the goodie bag given to residents contained many practical items like highlighters, notebooks and medicated oil.

There were many unique flavours of ice cream offered this year, ranging from durian and coffee to yam. Many residents came down to support this event and over 10 big tubs of ice cream were cleared out within a blink of an eye. This year there was a new event “So you think you can eat ice-cream”, whereby contestants had to go through a number of stages before they could be crowned the champions of ice cream fest. To make things more interesting for the contest, contestants had to compete in pairs, a guy and girl on each team. The contest started off with the girls feeding ice cream to their partners while being blindfolded. For the second stage, it is all about eating ice cream with a twist – ice cream with wasabi as topping. Thirdly, the challenge was to eat ice cream waffles with their hands tied up. The final, deciding stage required our final 2 pairs of contestants to finish up a huge bowl of ice within the shortest time possible. It is impossible to escape the brain freeze!

Zi Hao, hall 2’s renowned eating champ won the contest for the second year running along with his new found partner Regina. I would also like to thank all the other teams who took part in this ice cream eating contest which brought ice cream eating to a whole new level. And to my precious subcommers who were faithfully scooping ice cream for the residents, I know that it is not as easy as it seem. A very big thank you to you guys! Last but not least, I want to express my thanks to the 28th JCRC for their great support towards the event covering for my imperfect planning and helping to make it a very successful one!




Alumni Night By Choo Zi Lin After numerous discussions, the Alumni Night Committee co-chaired by Karina and Wing came up with the theme of “Reminiscence” for Alumni Night 11/12. This is because the main objective of this event is to let graduates who have left Hall 2, come back for a night whereby they can catch up with old friends, and have a great deal of fun and games. This year the event was held at the Staff Recreation Club, which provided a cosy setting for our alumni to mingle around.

To start off the event with a bang, we had an awesome performance by our newly formed Hall 2 Jam Band consisting of Mark, Nicholas, Alvin and Yee Hsu. Furthermore, our alumni were kept entertained by two very humorous emcees Cederick and Clement. They captured the hearts of the alumni and carried out stage games such as “Don’t forget the lyrics” which really managed to get the crowd going. We also had a few other station games, such as slide the mug, miniature table tennis, the nerf gun shooting challenge, and puzzle challenge. The alumni actively participated

in all the station games, reliving their fun days when staying in Hall 2. Food wise, we prepared a buffet spread of food from various supper places around NTU such as Ah Fang, Ah Lian, Power nasi lemak, and Ah Fang.

The success of this Alumni Night must be attributed to committee members from each special committee for entertaining the alumni, updating them of the current situation of Hall 2. We also have much to thank to Wing, Karina, Bryan, Thong Seng and Stephen for giving us advice throughout the planning stages of this event to its day of execution. Without them, we could not have managed to make Alumni Night 11/12 such a raving success. Thank you to all committee members from DnD, OMC, and Hall Productions who stayed behind on a Friday night for Alumni Night 11/12. It has indeed been a wonderful and memorable experience for me as well as other committee members who contributed to Alumni Night.

Wing Supper By Joshua Lim

“Hall our social network!”

In case you have not notice it, that’s the theme of our block tees this year. We pride ourselves as one of the most populated halls in NTU. So how can a hall be without it’s social network? We consist of 11 blocks, and 4 wings. Block 1 and 2 make up the 1st wing. Block 3, 4 and 5 make up the 2nd wing. Block 6, 7 and 8 make up the 3rd wing. Last but not least the 4th wing is made up of block 9, 10 and 11!

The wing supper was held on 23rd Feb. it was straight after all the tough but exciting games of the Inter Hall Games. This allows the residents to have the time to get together and exchange the latest and juiciest gossips they have in hall.

Having our hall fellows attending the supper was truly an honour. They were able interacted with the residents and share their views on how we fare this year as a sports hall.

As this year’s team is networking who would have thought of better occasion than a high tea style mingling session. Food for the supper was mainly pastries. They include Swiss rolls, egg tarts, macarons, Rochor beancurd and the list goes on. The night’s highlight was the shepherd pie from Dad’s shepherd pie. Just moments after the commencement of the supper the pies were only left with the trays!

Credit to the Block Managers for helping in the set up and handling the residents. It definitely was a great experience and I hope everyone present enjoyed they food and

the company they had. This is truly a Hall 2 networking session.

Night Cycling By Jordan Ang & Parthiban

This year’s night cycling ‘Born to Ride, Ride to Bond’ was significantly different compared to the previous years. It was the first time Hall 2 Night Cycling was conducted in park connectors instead of roads. The cycling was primarily held at the east area of Singapore. We started off from East Coast Park where we collected our bicycles and had pretty Redbull girls serving us with redbull drinks to keep us energized for the long night of cycling. We then cycled through the long Changi Coastal Road area where some were lucky to catch a close up view of planes landing and taking off from Changi Airport.

We stopped for supper at Changi Village for a scrumptious meal of the famous Changi V Nasi Lemak. Throughout the journey, we played games like Dog and Bones, Charades to keep up the energy levels of the residents as the night was long. Games were played not only for glory but also for various prizes like ice cream, light sticks and sparklers etc. The end point was at Bedok Reservoir where a scenic Sunrise was awaiting Hall 2 Residents after their tiring efforts throughout the whole night. A traditional breakfast of Tau Huey and You Tiao was also served as the residents were busy taking pictures with the beautiful background available.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Hua Ming, Keith, Ray, Ee Siong and Guo Zhen for greatly helping us out in terms of logistics and driving of lorries. Another group of important people that we would like to thank will be the 28th JCRC that stayed back to help out so that our subcommers would get to enjoy the event as much as possible. This event would not have been possible without all of your help. Thank You.

Chinese New Year Dinner By Jordan Ang & Parthiban I really love hall two a lot. Who says Chinese New Year dinner is for Chinese only? For hall 2’s Chinese New Year dinner celebration this year, we were proud to have Prof Sridhar, Bhim, Swagato, etc joining us. We were also honored to have Prof Li Fang and her son joining us for our celebration. To me, Chinese New Year dinner is more like a time for all of us to gather and catch up over a “reunion” dinner.

Hall 2’s Chinese New Year dinner was held outside of Hall at Scholars Hotpot Pte Ltd. Mr Ler, the owner of the newly opened Scholars Hotpot, who happened to be our dearest can two waffle auntie’s brother, was very supportive and approachable of this event. There was a great variety of food available and there were even barbeque services, which everyone enjoyed.

The event started out with our new hall professor, Prof Sridhar giving an opening speech. While everyone is eating, we also had games in between to hype up the mood. The games played were “Jie Long”, couple game with oranges and also cluster game where each representative of each cluster competes to wear salmon for their “Yu Sheng”. After which, we had a video presentation done by Frederick to appreciate and thank everyone’s contribution to IH thus far. It was then followed by the moment everyone was waiting for, lucky draw with prizes like TV, vacuum cleaner, printer, etc to be won. Tammy was the lucky top prize winner of this year’s Chinese New Year dinner, winning the TV. The

whole event was wrapped up nicely with everyone “lao-ing yu sheng” together.

I was happy with myself that this event went smoothly and I hoped all of you enjoyed yourselves too. This event could not have been possible without the help of my subcommers who helped to buy the lucky draw gifts and brain storming the games to be played. Special thanks to Jannah and Ray who helped me in getting the bulky top five prizes even though they are not my subcommers. Hall two is no doubt a wonderful place with helpful people like the two of you. I would also like to thank the OCIP Committee for rushing through the photo printing during the event. I would also like to thank Malcolm for agreeing to be an emcee and doing such a wonderful job even though he was given such a short notice. He could have rejected to enjoy the dinner but the sight of him rushing through his food to emcee touched me.

Last but not least, I would like to thank every single one of you who had come down to support me in this event. Without all of you, this event would not be so successful. I hope all of you had enjoyed Chinese New Year dinner as much as I did.

Hall 2 Dance By Jacie Ong

Go H2D! We can do it! Expressions!! Energy!!

Those were the words that we used to cheer and encourage one another during our practice and ultimately, before our actual performance in HOCC on 24th February 2012.

We did our best and put up an awesome performance. Although we did not come in as top 3, we were all winners already. It was not all smooth-sailing for the dancers this year. Although we had more dancers this year, many of us did not have any dancing experience which made it even more difficult for us to learn

new dances and be synchronized. Even till one month before HOCC, we were not confident of maintaining our 4th position last year. However, nearing the end of the competition, everyone put in their utmost efforts by practicing till late at night and showed tremendous improvement and we are definitely proud to remain in the top 5 placing again this year.

Since there are more dancers this year and many of us are new dancers, we all had to put in extra effort to watch out for the timing and look out for each other to dance as a group. It was initially not easy for us to get the intricate choreography which required a lot of techniques but we persevered and took extra effort to practice harder to remember the dance steps. In addition, many of us lack the emotions and the stamina to dance throughout the whole performance. However, through the constant encouragements from the choreographers and dancers, we did many full-runs in each practice to build up on our expressions and stamina. After the competition, it was extremely overwhelming for all the dancers as we knew we did our best in putting up a spectacular performance in HOCC. It was a really touching moment to view the final performance together as H2D after our competition. To all the dancers, this 6 minutes performance does not just signify the result of months of intensive practices but the bond that we had built up between each other as Hall 2 Dancers!

We DID it, H2D! As a dancer myself, I’m really proud of all of the dancers for putting in so much effort, staying till 2, 3am in and outside the building of SBS just to clean steps and doing full-runs! Most of us may not be dancers initially but I know, after all these months of practices, we have truly emerged as dancers at the end of this. I will never forget the moments that we spent together having fun and practicing hard in the dance studio, in SBS building and the constant encouragements that we gave to one another, especially when any one of us made a mistake.

Lastly, I would like to thank our awesome choreographers who came up with such awesome dance steps for us and the constant encouragement that they gave us to boost our morale when we were not even confident of performing. In addition, I would like to thank the 28th JCRC for their undying support and coming to support us before the competition. Thanks to all the cultural subcomm members who made the nice Barbie box which was essential to our routine. And to all Hall 2 residents who told us to jiayou, thank you all!!

Go H2D!!

The Dancers: Aneza Ramzeen Ang Wei Xin Astrid Wong Siew Me Chia Peng Yang Nicholas Chng Chay Beng Bernard Felicia Cher Mui Tiang Foo An Lee Goh Jocelyn Goh Tiffany Jacie Ong Yu Ling Jacqueline Chuah Kai Chin Key Li Jun Queenie

Kim Young Min Koh Qing Hui Kok Si Lin Ang Jing Yi Jordan Lee Xiang Ning Peggy Lim Wing Sing Mak Jian Yao Dominic Ng Hai Woon Alwin Sim Yao Yang Wong Wen Xin Yip Jie Long Jerome Lee YaeJin !

Awesomes- Cheerleading By Wong Sok Peng & Matt Goh Cheerleading is a special sport that requires a lot of courage, passion and perseverance for one to excel in. This year, Hall 2 Awesomes is a young cheerleading team consisting of 17 freshies and only 8 seniors. The seniors have been training just a few weeks after last year’s Hall Opening (HO) ended. This is due to a new initiative to put on a cheer preview for the freshies to showcase cheerleading to the new blood of Hall 2.

We also started our workshops early to recruit freshies because we know that a substantial amount of time is needed to train up our young team. Most of the freshies who joined cheer often have no background in cheerleading and we need to slowly impart the skills and techniques to them. It is our pleasure to be able to recruit 17 freshies to form a full 25 members team to compete in HOOC.

Ask any Cheerleader and they will tell you that training was never easy. Countless hours spent perfecting a single stunt, injuries sustained and balancing other trainings and school work are some of the reasons for any individual to feel physically and mentally burnt-out. Cheesy as it might sounds, it’s the sight of having seen the determination and enthusiasm in our fellow team mates that motivates and drives us on during training.

There goes a Chinese saying 台上十分钟, 台下十年功, direct translation meaning 10 years of training for 10 minutes of performance. While we may not have train for 10 years, with the vast amount of time, sweat and effort put in by everyone during the few months for a 5 minutes performance, we were able to resonant with the saying.

8th February 2012, the day for our moment of “台上五分钟” that we have been training so hard for. Our team cheered hard and put up a great show. As we come down from our last stunts, gave our bow to the crowd and exited the performance hall, the smiles and tears of joy certainly answered a question that we have been asking ourselves regularly since joining cheerleading, is it worth it?.

The Cheerleaders: Ang Chern Heidi Ang Jing Yi Jordan Ann Gee Bhim Sen Kumar S/O Thritraj Bryan Teo Soon Heng Goh Qi Quan Kho Sue Ying Jacelyn Koh Qing Hui Kuek Yong Wei Alvin Lai Sisheng Lee Zheng Wei Gabriel Lim Hui En Jannah Lim Wei Jian Joshua

Lin Shijun Lo Bing Cheng Johnson Mak Jian Yao Dominic Ng Liang Yu Ng Wei Hong Ong Hui Xin See Weng Soon Tan Siew Hui Wang Xianlong Kenryu Wong Sok Peng Yang Yajie Yeo Yuan Ting Sherlyn

Hall 2 Got Talent By Jacie Ong Other than being well-known as a Sports Hall, our hall residents have also proved themselves to be a talented lot. Hall 2 Got Talent this year has proved to be one of the most spectacular events of the year.

During the audition day, our judges (Yee Hsu, Ping Fang and myself) were really impressed with the contestants that came. All of them had put up an amazing performance and it was hard to come up with a decision on the finalists. With much debate and considerations, our 8 finalists were out!

A week later, the day of the finals of Hall 2 Got Talent! After making their final preparations and sound check, the contestant took the centre stage of Canteen 2 to showcase their talents. After the performance, the emcee will ask for our judges’ comments. Although it was a competition, the atmosphere was hyped up and the audience had a lot of fun in the event. All the finalists put up a spectacular performance; however, there were three performances which stood out.

Firstly, it was Yae Jin, our popular Korean exchange student who impressed the audience with her impressive vocals. Although many of the audience do not understand Korean, they could feel the emotions of the song and were in awe of her vocals!

Secondly, it was our duet group, Petrina and Vanessa. With merely a guitar, the duet brought the competition to a greater level, touching the audiences’ heart with their song and rocking the stage.

Last but not least, it was our Hall 2 Got Talent Champions, Astrid who sang a Korean song, Going Crazy with an awesome dance break of Miss A ‘Baby Goodbye’, wowing the audience with her impressive vocals and dance moves.

In addition to the spectacular performance put up by our finalists, our Hall 2 Jam Band, consisting of Yee Hsu, Mark, Alvin and Nicolas also rocked the stage with three songs and hyped up the atmosphere of the Canteen 2.

Hall 2 DEFINITELY Got Talent!!

International Night By Jacie Ong Although we stayed in the same Hall for close to 1 year, many of us may not even know any of our foreign residents hence International Night was created to foster bonds and friendships between our local and foreign residents.

The theme of the International Night this year was food. Hence, the idea of “Outrageous Food from different parts of the world” Food competition came up to allow residents to engage through the idea of food, to mingle while eating and having fun. Although it was drizzling on the day of the International Night, it did not affect the atmosphere of the night as our local and international residents gathered at Block 1 to enjoy the food and games like Bingo and opening the Durians.

It was an exciting night for many of the residents, enjoying the music from different parts of the world and getting to interact with residents from foreign countries. The food competition, in particular, hyped up the atmosphere in Block 1 as residents, regardless of nationalities, cheered for their friends when the contestants were trying to be the fastest to finish all the food to win the prize. However, with no surprises, our local resident, Zi Hao impressed the audience by leading the competition as he finished the food when some of the contestants are still having their first food item.

It was definitely a night filled with fun and excitement as residents, regardless of nationalities, gets to mingle and bond through food and games!

!By!Shen!Liwen!!It!wasn’t!an!easy!journey.!!!Since! the!beginning!of! the!11/12!semesters,! the!pressure!to! perform!was! already! there.! Hopes! were! on! us! to! rise!back! from! the! unfortunate! disqualification! during! the!previous!season.!We!were!aiming!for!the!gold.!!In!September!2011,!under!the!guidance!of!our!coach,!Hon!Da!and!our!Captain,! Jayne,!we!started!on!our! trainings.! It!wasn’t! easy,! having! to! juggle! our! studies! and! our!commitments,! yet! we! did! so! and! each! time! coming! out!better!and!stronger!than!before.!!The! season! started!out!with!a!bang.!We!breezed! through!the!preliminaries,!claiming!backLtoLback!wins!against!Hall!9! and!Hall! 5.!The! challenge! came!during! the!quarter! and!semifinals.! Hall! 11! and! Hall! 6! were! both! strong! in! their!own! ways! and! we! found! ourselves! fighting! hard! for! the!win.! Eventually,! we! defeated! both,! booking! ourselves! a!spot!in!the!finals!against!our!strongest!opponent!yet,!Hall!13.!!Hall!13!was!a!formidable!opponent.!They!had!more!skilled!players! and!more! experience.! Many! a! times! we! doubted!our! ability! to! match! up! to! them.! Yet! on! the! day! of! the!finals,!we!rose!up! to! the!challenge.!With! the!whole!hall!2!behind!us,!we! found! the!strength! to! fight!on.!Even!as! the!final! whistle! blew! and! we! had! lost! in! the! end,! we! had!fought! our! hardest,! and! for! that,! we! were! proud! of!ourselves.!!!It!wasn’t!an!easy!journey,!but!we!made!it.!!!

! !






!By!Bryan!Teo,!Lee!Honda!&!Cedrick!Lee!!On! the! back! of! a! championshipLdefining! season,! Hall! 2!basketball! team! was! faced! with! the! mammoth! task! of!retaining! the! championship! for! the! second! year! running.!With! seniors! graduating! and! new! freshmen! integrating!into!the!team,!this!was!never!going!to!be!an!easy!task.!As!epitomized!by!Cedrick,!“Winning!the!championship!is!one!thing,! it’s! quite! another! to!defend!it.”!!!At! the! start! of! this! journey,! the!separation! between! the! seniors!and! freshmen! due! to!unfamiliarity! was! evident.!Trainings! were! utilized! to!improve! bonding! amongst! one!another!by!having!mixed!seniorLfreshmen!teams!during!practice!matches.! This! helped! promote!cohesiveness! and! teamwork! on!a! team! level.! After! the! team!settled! down! and! focused,! we!trained! on! the! different! offensive! and! defence! tactics.!Seniors! such! as! Honda! and! Chun! Hoe! helped! to! guide!freshmen! from! their! mistakes! and! rendered! advice! on!what! each! freshman! could! improve! on.! As! trainings!progressed,!our!teamwork! improved!although!experience!told! us! that! we! were! still! some! distance! away! from! the!ultimate!goal!of!winning!the!championship.!!

!Friendly!matches!helped!gauge! where! we! stood!and! also! built! up! some!much! needed! match!fitness.! The! initial!matches! clearly! pointed!out!to!us!that!we!needed!to!work!much! harder! in!order! to! be! a!championship! team.!During! the! holidays,!trainings! would! at! least!take!place! twice! a!week.!Indeed,! we! stood! head!and! shoulders! above! all!the! other! halls! in! this!aspect! due! to! the! fact!that!we! conducted!more!

trainings! than! some! other! halls! combined.!With! IHG!was!looming,! we! knew! that! there! was! not! much! time! left!before!our!campaign!began.!The!pledge!of!everyone!on!the!team! to! turn! up! for! every! training!was! immense! despite!many!other!commitments.!!!In! the! team! huddle! before! our! first! game! against! Hall! 1,!Chun! Hoe,! our! captain,! emphasized! that! we! needed! to!prove! a! point! to! the! other! halls! that!we! are! serious! title!contenders.! We! duly! delivered! that! message! with! a!landslide!victory.!The!result!invoked!fear!in!the!other!halls!after!witnessing!the!huge!winning!margin.!Hall!13!was!up!next.! This! proved! to! be! a!match! in!which! the! squad!was!rotated! to! experiment! various! player! combinations! and!ensured! that! players! were! given! adequate! playing! time.!We! won! comprehensively! again! and! proceeded! to! the!quarterfinals.! With! the! IVP! season! starting,! there! was! a!break! between! the! preliminaries! and! quarter! finals.! We!continued! training! hard! knowing! that! both! the! quarter!

finals! and! semiLfinals! were! to! take! place! on! two!consecutive! days.! Hence,! we! needed! all! the! practice! we!could! get.! As! the! quarterLfinals! drew! nearer,! the!concentration!of!our!team!was!at!an!allLtime!high.!We!even!scheduled! training! on! multiple! Sundays! since! it! was! the!only!day!that!fitted!our!schedules.!During!the!week!leading!up!to!the!match,!we!even!trained!on!Valentine’s!Day,!when!no! other! hall! did.! It! definitely! showed! how! badly! we!wanted! to! win,! especially! for! the! players! who! were!attached.!!!With!probably! the!toughest!draw!of! the!quarterfinals,!we!faced! Hall! 16,! a! determined! bunch! of! players.! The! win!

would! grant! us! the! opportunity!to! transit! from! playing! on! the!cement! outdoor! courts! to! the!hardwood! indoor! court,! where!we! would! take! on! center! stage.!All!our!hard!work!paid!off!with!a!hardLfought!victory.!The!fact!that!we! held! our! opponents! to! the!lowest! points! total! scored!against! us! up! till! that! stage!was!truly! an! icing! on! the! cake.! With!that,!we!were! pitted! against! our!arch! rival! Hall! 6! in! the! semiLfinals.! Before! the! game,! Ruide!guided!us!through!a!visualization!

exercise! to!psyche!us!up.!He! and!other! seniors!helped! to!give!advice!for!handling!the!pressures!as!we!were!playing!in!front!of!a! large!and!boisterous!crowd.!In!the!early!part!of! the! game!we!were! not! hitting! our! shots,! however,!we!did!not!fluster!and!took!to!our!bread!and!butter,!hardcore!defence.! At! stages! of! the! game!where!we!were! narrowly!trailing,!our!morale!never!wavered.!We!had!utmost!faith!in!our!players!on!the!court!and!we!knew!that!it!would!work!out!in!the!end.!Our!hard!work!came!to!fruition!as!we!took!control! of! the! game! and! secured! the!win! over!Hall! 6.! All!that!stood!in!our!way!to!the!championship!was!Hall!3.!We!all!knew!that!it!was!our!game!to!lose,!since!it!became!clear!that!we!possessed!superior!players.!We!were!confident!in!our! abilities,! our! approach! and! most! importantly,! our!team.!With!that!in!mind,!we!took!to!the!game!with!massive!determination! and! intensity.!Our! seniors!were! always!on!hand! to! guard! us! against! complacency,! and! this! ensured!that!we!were!able!to!perform!to!our!best!ability.!When!the!final! whistle! blew,! the! feeling! of! achieving! the! goal! set!almost!6!months! ago!was! euphoric.! The! journey!was!not!without!sacrifice,!blood,!sweat!and!tears.!Hard!work,!team!spirit!and!brotherhood!were!what!made!us!champions.!!Winning! a! title! is! never! easy,! defending! it! is! of! great!difficulty.! What’s! tougher?! To! launch! a! successful!championship!defense!and!make!this!a!threeLpeat.!

!!!Tan!Zhang!Rui! Teo!Chun!Hoe!Teo!Yu!Hao! Wong!Yong!Kang! !




By!Esmonde!Tan!!Lack! of! experience! has! always! been! a! problem! for! most!new!hockey! teams.!Hockey! isn’t!one!of! the!more!popular!sports! easily! available! in! commonplaces.! Despite! this!preceding!challenge!that!we!face,!we!overcame!most!odds!and! clinched! a! satisfying! result! at! the! end! of! the! games.!Though!quarter! finalist!may!not!have!been!our! final!goal,!the! team!put! up! a! great! fight! throughout! the! season! and!retained!the!same!position!we!got!the!previous!year.!!The! fun!nature!of!hockey!attracted!many!new! freshies! to!have! a! go! at! this! new! sport.! With! the! inclusion! of! the!seniors! that! retained! their! hall! position! from! last! years’!team,! getting! the! numbers! was! not! too! difficult.! New! to!taking! up! a! leadership! role! in! the! sport,! Johnson! Lo!(Captain)!and!I,!with!the!help!of!Stephen!Ang!(ExLCaptain!from! the! team! of! 2010/11)!manage! to! put! up! a! training!schedule!suitable!for!the!team!in!preparation!for!the!InterLHall! games.!We! have! decent! number! of! fruitful! trainings!during! the! first! semester,! including! a! hockey! camp! and!pitch!training!held!in!Boon!Lay.!!!Our! most! demoralizing! moment! comes! when! we! lost! to!hall! 3! during! the! preliminaries.! After! a! good! defeat! of! 3!goals!to!none!against!hall!13!in!our!first!game,!we!were!up!against!a! tough!opponent!at! the!second!game.!The!whole!team!gave!it!their!all!and!held!the!opponent!until!the!very!last!minute.!Unfortunately,!as! luck!was!not!on!our!side,!a!fatal! error! led! to! a! goal! being! conceded!45sec!before! the!game!ends.!Our!morale!was!allLtime!low.!!The!next!day,!we!picked!ourselves!up!and!scrapped!a!2L0!win!against!hall!4!to!enter!the!Quarter!finals.!!At!the!quarterfinals,!we!know!a!win!was!vital.!Hall!16!had!a!record!of!winning!both!of!their!games!through!penalties.!

So!our!strategy!was!simple,!get!a!goal!and!we’re! through!to! the! semifinals.!However,! after! 20!minutes! of! attacking!and! pressuring!Hall! 16’s! goal,!we! still! could! not! find! the!net,!and!the!game!was!down!to!penalties.!Hall!16!had!the!upperLhand! with! experienced! penalty! flickers.! Despite!saving! one! of! their! flicks,! it! wasn’t! enough! to! take! the!game!and!we!crashed!out!of!the!competition.!!I!would! like! to! take! this! time! to! thank! the! squatters!who!were! able! to! set! aside! time! just! for! our! matches! and!trainings.! Without! the! classy! composure! of! Arvind!Subramanian,!the!crafty!skills!of!Ho!Wan!and!the!agile!feet!of!Shawn!Tien,!we!would!not!be!able!to!obtain!the!results!that!we!had.! I!would!also! like! to! thank!Stephen!Ang!who!went!the!extra!mile!to!mentor!and!shaped!us!in!the!hockey!players!we!are!today.!!!!Hockey!season!was!a!fun!and!interesting!season!for!all!of!us.! Some!were!disheartened! that! a!better! result! could!be!obtained.! All! in! all,! the! things! that! we! gain! from! this!experience! can! never! we! bought! or! obtained! anywhere!else.!The!bonding!and!the!friendships!that!were!forged!are!unbreakable.!This!may!be!the!end!of!the!road!for!some,!but!I!believe!this!may!be!the!start!of!something!special!2!to!3!years!down!the!road.!

! !









!“When!you!believe,! half! the!battle! is!won”.!That! line!was!said! before! every! game.! It!was! a! reminder! to! us,! that! no!matter! how! strong! the! opponents! were,! we! still! had! a!chance!at!winning!as!long!as!we!believed!we!could.!!

The! girl’s! hockey! team!was!mostly! made! up! of! players!who!never!played!the!sport!before,! but!what!we! lacked!in! skill,! we! made! up! for! in!spirit.! Our! team! spirit! and!close! bond! kept! us! going.! I!can! still! recall! the! first!friendly! we! had! as! a! team.!Everyone! was! afraid! and!did!not! think!we!could!win,!because!most! of! them! even!knew!how!to!play!the!game.!As! the! game! progressed,!our!perception!changed.!We!were! the! ones! attacking,!and! eventually! we! won.!This! was! a! great! morale!


Trainings! were! fun! and! productive! at! the! same! time.! So!much! so! that! players!were! asking! for!more! training! and!stayed! after! training! to! play! amongst! themselves! if! the!court!was!available.! It!was!obvious! that! the! team!wanted!to!be!on!their!best!form!for!the!games.!!We!did!well! enough! to! reach! the!quarters.! It!was! a! close!game,!but!the!opponents!managed!to!slip!a!goal!in!and!we!could!not!recover!fast!enough!to!equalise.!Though!we!lost!the!game,! I! feel!very!proud!of!the!team,!and!it! is!amazing!how!much!we!achieved!to!come!this!far!in!the!competition.!Within!a!few!months!of!training,!we!have!grown!in!skill,!in!spirit!and!also!as!individuals.!!I!have!to!thank!all!players! for!giving!your!time!and!effort!in!the!IHG.!Sok!Yin!and!Sok!Peng,!my!‘pair!of!socks’!that!I!could! count! on! to! be! awesome! goal! scorers!! Vanessa,!Stephy,! Eunice,! Brenda,!Wei! Tian! and! Yilin! your! fighting!spirit! and! hold! in!midfield! was! a! great! advantage! to! the!team.! Melissa,! Nisaa,! Geok! Fen! and! Joyce,! my! line! of!defence!that!proved!strong!in!the!games.!Darlene!who!was!our! keeper,! not! forgetting! Alison! and! Joyce!who! stepped!up! to! be! keeper!when! Darlene! could! not!make! it.! Thank!you! also! to! Regina,! Xin! yi! and! Jannah.! You! girls! are! the!best!!It!is!hard!to!forget!the!fun!we!had!and!the!crazy!ideas!we!came!up!with.!!!For!our! first!game,!we!came!up!with!an!awesome!plan!to!throw!our!opponents!off!guard.!It!was!the!“War!Cry”.!Sok!Peng! was! supposed! to! start! by! passing! the! ball! off! and!running!towards!the!goal!screaming.! !The!funny!part!was!that! she! had! a! delayed! reaction,! and! started! screaming!afterwards.!It!did!not!have!much!effect!on!the!opponents,!but! it! was! hilarious!! There! are! so! many! more! funny!instances!that!we!experienced!as!a!team.!Hopefully!we!will!get!to!experience!more!in!future.!!I!would!also!like!to!thank!Wei!Qiang!and!Stephan!for!being!there! and! for! the! advice.!We!appreciate! it.! Thanks! to! the!people!who!came!to!support!our!game,!and!to!the!people!who! came! with! drinks! to! quench! our! thirst! after! the!games.!!We! have! come! this! far,! and! it! can! only! get! better! from!here!! I! look! forward! to! the! greater! things! that! we! can!achieve!in!future.!!


! !










Francis! roared! out! a! commanding! battle! cry.! It! was!met!

with! the! metaphorical! sound! of! crickets,! a! few! quizzical!

looks!and!a!belated! “uh,! so!what!do!we!shout!ah?”!A! few!

chuckles! were! heard! as! minor! edits! were! made! to! the!

battle! cry.! Unbeknownst! to! us,! it! was! to! be! one! of! the!



“WHO’S! GONNA! WIN?!”! he! roared! out! the! commanding,!





As! it! turned! out,! we!

were! wrong.! The!

story! of! the! finals!

was! not! one! which!


would! want! to! tell!

his! grandchildren.! It!

was! all! set! to! be! a!

clash! of! the! titans,!

with! no! caps.! Each!


send! out! their!

strongest! players.!

Everything! started!

swimmingly,! with!

Francis! finishing! off!

a! wellVworked! move!

within! 2! minutes.!

This! however,!

turned! out! to! be! his!

last! contribution,! as!

he! was! soon! forced! off! with! a! dislocated! shoulder.! His!


of! the! team,! Kiat! Yao.! Nobody! noticed! the! loss! of! the!


hall!king,!Chia!Wang!Peng.!He!asked!Kiat!Yao! (brother!of!

the! ex,! ex,! exVhall! king)! “Eh! why! are! you! here?”! It! went!

downhill! from! then! on.! Long! story! short,! the! final! score!

did!not! reflect!well! on!us,! because! this! is!not!Hollywood,!

and!reality!does!not! favour! the!underdogs.!The!supposed!

clash! of! the! titans! was! more! one! sided! than! anyone!




At! this!point! in! time,! the!easy! thing! to! say!would!be! that!





beer!is!the!cure!to!many!ill! feelings.!After!some!jumps!off!

the!5m!diving!pool,!we! seriously! contemplated! giving!up!



Not! with! this! team.! We! had! team! with! a! good! mix! of!

freshmen,! experienced! IH! players! and! IVP! players,! all!

strongly! committed! to! the! sport.! Preparations! for! this!

year’s! IHG! started! very! early,! with! weekly! training!

sessions! held! both! in! and! out! of! campus.! Our! training!

highlights! this! year! include! friendlies! with! the! National!










before! the! games! itself.! Most! importantly,! these! games!

were! a! humbling! (even! humiliating)! experience.! Being!

humiliated! every! week! was! not! funny.! Nor! was! being!

overtaken! by! a! girl! backstroking! easily! past! your! fastest!



spurred! us! to! work! even! harder.! The! team! improved!

tremendously! in! the!coming!months,! from!not!being!able!


being! able! to! keep! up! with! the! pace! of! the! National!

Women’s! Team! (at! times).! The! team! displayed! much!




and! to! avoid!making! this! sound! like! a! thank! you! speech,!


Ervin! “Toady”! Lai! for! being! an! everVpresent! at! trainings!

even! after! graduation,! Jian! Long,! for! his! passion! and!

invaluable! experience,! as! well! as! our! IVP! players,! Ray,!


coaching!a!motley!crew!of!people!who! loafed!around!any!



There! might! only! be! gold! medal! beers! for! us! this! year.!



! !




By!Bryan!Han!!Hall!2!Sepak!Takraw!10/12!has! indeed!come!a! long!way.!We!were!drawn!into!the!same!group!with!teams!like!Hall!10! and! 11!who! proved!much! of! a! challenge! for! us.! They!were! technically! sound! and! had! players! with! superior!control!and!abilities.!However!that!did!not!waiver!us,!but!instead! spurred! us! on! to! train! even! harder! as! the! games!drew!closer.!Most!of!the!Hall!2!players!in!the!Takraw!team!did!not!have!any!prior!experience! in!the!sport!and!it!was!only!due!to!sheer!hard!work!and!belief!that!allowed!us!to!go! all! the! way! to! the! quarter! finals.! The! consecutive!trainings! in! the!December! holidays! and! the! sacrifices!we!made!all!proved!worthwhile.!!!Having! lost! to! Hall! 10! in! our! debutant! game,! we! were!extremely! disappointed.! They! were! a! strong! set! of!opponents!but!we!did!not!lose!by!a!huge!margin.!Instead,!it! was! a! close! fight! and! it! could! have! gone! either! way.!Picking!ourselves!up!from!there,!we!faced!Hall!9!and!won!the! match! in! 2! sets.! Finally,! the! last! match! of! the!preliminary! stage! saw! us! face! Hall! 10! again.! This! time,!with! the! help! our! captain! Alvin! Bay! and! his! tactical! preVgame!analysis,!we!saw!off!our!opponents!in!straight!sets.!!!Delighted! as! we! were,! we! continued! training! in!preparation! for! the! big! game! against! Hall! 14! in! 10! days!time.!We!knew! that! it!wasn’t! going! to!be! easy! as!Hall! 14!isn’t! any! ordinary! opponent.! They! had! players! with!Takraw! background! and! weren’t! prone! to! making!mistakes!at! all.!They!were! the! favorites! to!win! the!game.!Hence,!we! did! intense! training! on! our! touches! and! team!coordination! and! even! organized! friendlies! with! other!halls!to!simulate!the!quarter!final!match!against!14.!!!The!big!day!arrived!and!we!were!nervous!but!we!did!not!show!any!signs!of!weaknesses.!Our!first!set!was!played!by!Alvin!Bay,!Bryan!Han!and!Terence!Cheng.!Hall!2!started!off!poorly! with! the! first! set! down! 8V0.! However,! the! regu!stayed! calm! and! started! to! climb! back! steadily.!With! the!momentum!and!great!support! from!the!Hall!2!resisdents,!we!managed!to!come!from!behind!to!sneak!a!win!23V21!in!the!first!set.!We!were!exhilarated.!

!Toh! De! Yong,! Ong!Zhengjie!and!Kor!Kiat!Yao!were! the! players! for! the!second! regu.! Ong,! being!the! most! experienced!player! in! the! Hall! 2!Takraw! team! coupled!with! the! superior! aerial!abilities! of! Toh! and! Kor!gave!us!a!huge!lead!at!19V13.! With! just! 2! points!away! from! the! semi!finals,!Hall!14!called!for!a!timeVoutV! the! turning!point!of!the!game.!To!our!surprise,! Hall! 14! started!to!change!their!game!play!

and! played! extremely! safe,! minimizing! all! errors! and!mistakes!they!had!made!earlier.!They!beat!us!21V19.!!Our! last! set! included! players! like! Chai!Ming! Long,! Parthi!and!Rui!Teck.!The!winner!of!this!set!would!proceed!to!the!semiVfinals.! It!was!a! tough!battle.! In! their! tactics,!Hall!14!placed! 2! of! their! best! players! in! this! final! set! and! it!was!

certain! that! they! were! going! to! dominate! us.! To! their!surprise,!we!were!no!pushovers.!Our!tekong!Chai!put!up!a!fierce!fight!with!glimpses!of!brilliant!skills!and!it!was!neck!to! neck! battle! which! saw! us! eliminated! by! a! mere! few!points.!!!It!was!great!journey!for!the!Sepak!Takraw!team.!We!are!a! humble! team! with! no!experience!whatsoever.!We!built! on! whatever! we! had,!capitalized!on!our!strengths!and!kept!motivated!by!each!other.! Though! we! lost! in!the!quarter! finals!we!know!that! it! was! the! friendships!and! bonds! that! were! the!most! important! takeVaway!from! this! IH! season.! It!was!a! fun! experience! shared!with! laughter,! joy! and!sadness.!Our!Sepak!Takraw!team! 11/12! has! certainly!done!Hall!2!proud.!!!!!









Prior! to! the! official! start! of! the! IHG! netball! season,! our!

team! had! been! training! regularly! every! week.! Trainings!

often! had! high! attendance! and! normally! ended! with! an!


also! organised! two! friendly!matches! –!with! hall! one! and!



Our! second!match! for! the!preliminary! round!was!against!

hall!6,! last!year’s!defending!champions.!Seeing!how!hall!6!

boasted! a! large! number! of! IVP! players! and! a! relatively!

strong! freshie! team,! prior! to! the! game! most! of! us! felt!

apprehensive! and!unsure!of!how! it!would! turn!out.!Once!

the! match! started! it! was! evident! it! would! be! one! of! the!

most! intense!and!exciting!matches!of! the!season.!We! lost!

in! the! first! quarter! but! our! fast! and! agile! players!moved!

swiftly! and! passed! accurately! to! put! in! many! shots! and!


finals! after! defeating! hall! 12! in! the! quarters! and! hall! 6!



The! finals!match! itself! was! held! at! 8pm! on! 20th! January,!

the! Friday! before! Chinese!New!Year! commenced.!A! huge!



hall! 10! scored! the! first! goal.! A! few!minutes! into! the! first!

quarter,! hall! 10!was! leading.! However,! our! players!were!

undeterred! and! kept! up! their! strong! fighting! spirits.! The!

attackers! made! efficient! and! accurate! lobs! into! the!

shooting! circle! where! our! shooters! made! precise! and!


were! made! as! well.! Our! players! all! understood! the!

importance! of! speed! as! our! opponents! were! extremely!

prompt! to! intercept! passes.! This! resulted! in! quick,! splitL











with! moments! of! injuries,! unpredictability! and! doubt.!

However,! the! season! also! gave!us! opportunities! to! foster!

new! friendships! and!work! towards! a! common! goal.! This!


the! contribution! of! each! and! every! netballer! who! came!

down! for! matches! and! trainings,! regardless! of! whether!


this! opportunity! to! thank! everyone! else! in! hall! 2,!

especially! the! seniors,! who! supported! and! helped! us! in!

one! way! or! another.! We! have! rewritten! hall! 2! netball!

history,! good! job!

everybody!!!!!! !











for! the! road! relay! team.! Working! closely! with! the! the!

Track! team! (Alvin! Psyduck! Kuek! and! Terence! I! <3! torn!

underwear! Cheng),! we! had! numerous! combined! training!

sessions! and! even! brought! back! the! age! old! tradition! of!

printing! a! Hall! 2! running! top! for! all! athletes.! We! also!

forged! close! relations!with! key!members! of! other! sports!

like! the! swimming! and!water! polo! team,! organizing! Hall!



The!departure!of! a! few!key! runners! from!our!hall! left! us!

scrambling! for! new! blood,! and! they! were! found! in! the!


as! tee! tees),! KiatLunderwearcheerleaderLYao,! and! BryanL


Running! 2.3km! and! maintaining! such! a! pace! is! no! easy!

task.! It! requires! lots! of! dedication,! determination! and!

mental! fortitude! to! train! to! top! shape! for! such! running!

events! and! it! was! evident! during! trainings,! that! our!

athletes!possess!those!traits!which!kept!them!striving! for!


and! SBS! slopes! coupled! with! intervals! at! the! track! saw!

exponential! improvements! in! the! performance! of! our!




were! the! key! to! the! success! of! the! road! relay! team.!

Vanessa!made!her!debut! for! the!girls!at!her! first! running!

event! with! the! most! improvement,! shaving! off! a! huge!



resident! touch! ruggers! Alisa,! Angela! and! Amanda! (The!









me.”! !The!race!was!already!won! in!our!hearts!as! Jon!Gan!

and! Wang! Peng! flagged! off.! With! their! incredible! build,!

they!started!strong!to!lead!the!pack,! leaving!those!behind!

to! stare!at!wanky’s! sexy!butt,! giving!anyone!who!wanted!

to! overtake! them! a! hard! fight.! However! victory! was!


pushing! hard!with! a! last!minute! burst! to! overtake! a!Hall!

16! runner.! Jun!Yang! finished! as! the! team’s! fastest!with! a!

sub!8! timing,! showing!us! that! age!does!not! really!matter!



a! fun!and!exciting! race!but!who!could! forget!our! captain,!

Mark! Lim,! who! stole! the! best! supporter’s! medal! from!

every! other! hall.! His! verbal! intimidation! tactic! coupled!

with!his! shoe!pointing! antics! saw!him!under! the! glare! of!

every! other! hall.! Of! course,! who! wouldn’t,! with! him!

shouting! ‘THE! GUY! INFRONT! OF! YOU! IS! F***ING! SLOW!!

OVERTAKE!HIM!NOW!’! But! however! crazy! it!was,! it!was!

good! motivation! for! most! of! us! to! try! to! overtake! the!




individual! victories! that! the! team! fought! and! conquered!



also! like! to! thank! the! supporters!who! came! down,! those!

who! trained! hard! with! us! throughout! this! season,! the!

invaluable! advices! from! the! experienced! runners! namely!




! !


! !

! !





!!.! !

Rugby;! a! sport! that! has! immense! aggression,! passion,! pride! and! teamwork.! It! is! a! ruffian’s! game!played! by! gentlemen.! ! I!witnessed!all! these!attributes!in!this!2011/2012!interLhall!games!and!I!must!say!that!I!am!proud!to!be!a!part!of!this!year’s!team!and!my!only!regret!is!that!we!did!not!advance!further!then!we!should!have.!!We!started!training!back! in!august!2011!and!from!where!we!ended!off,!we!came!a!long!way.!It!was!an!arduous!journey!no!doubt,!with!many!challenges!to!overcome,!but!the!team!overcame!it!with!determination,!grit!and!commitment.!!!We!progressed!through!the!preliminaries!with!hard!work!and!superior!game!play! that!we!worked!so!hard!to!achieve!and!spearheaded! by!our! captain!Dickson! and!our!pack! leader!Wei!Qiang.! Unfortunately,! the!quarterLfinals! turned!out! to! be! a!different!story.!!We!approached! the!quarter! finals! against! hall!6!with!confidence! and! it! showed! in! the!way!we!played! in! the! first! half.!We!dominated! the! half! and! we! scored! the! first! try! after! some! sublime! moves.! However,! we! did! not! maintain! that! spell! of!dominance!we!had!in!the!first!half.!We!committed!some!costly!mistakes!and!our!water!tight!defence!in!the!first!half!broke!to!concede!a!try.!It!finally!came!down!to!penalty!kickLoffs!and!as!it!would!turn!out;!lady!luck!was!not!on!our!side.!!!Sometimes!things!do!not!turn!out!the!way!that!we!intend!it!to!but!we!have!to!pick!ourselves!up!and!move!on.!This!is!not!the!end!of!hall!2!rugby!team.!This!is!the!beginning.!One!does!not!simply!find!themselves!at!the!short!end!of!the!stick.!Much!is!to!be!done,!but!much!is!what!we!will!do!to!come!back!stronger,!better!and!faster!for!next!year’s!IHG.!!

It!was!a!pleasure!playing!tennis!competitively!for!the!first!time!in!my!life.!I!picked!up!the!sport!back!in!2005!during!my!o’level!year,!after!watching!the!nailLbiting!French!Open!final!on!TV!and!it!has!grown!into!a!small!obsession!for!me!ever!since.!To!my!delight,!Hall!2!housed!quite!a!number!of!fellow!tennis!nuts!like!me,!sharing!the!same!burning!passion!and!interest!in!the!sport.!Naturally,!training!was!a!joy!rather!than!a!chore!for!all!of!us,!sometimes!training!from!afternoon!till!late!evening,!with!dinner!the!only! factor! pulling! us! away! from! the! tennis! courts.! Once! in! a! while,! a! few! of! us! would! meet! up!informally!during!weekends!or!our!long!breaks!for!a!decent!hitting!session,!speaking!volumes!on!how!much! we! loved! tennis.! Nonetheless,! like! me,! many! of! the! hall! players! had! little! or! no! match!experience! –! the! thought! of! playing! a! competitive! tennis! match! filled! us! with! excitement! and!apprehension!at!the!same!time.!!!Training!progressed!from!freestyle!rallying!during!the!first!few!weeks!to!more!structured!singles!and!doubles!match!play!tactics!as!the!IHG!season!drew!nearer.!PreLseason!friendlies!with!NUS!Eusoff!hall!were! arranged,! giving! the! players! invaluable! match! play! experience! against! a! foreign,! unfamiliar!opponent.!!!And!then!came!the!IHG!season.!Being!the!tennis!enthusiasts!we!were,!we!had!an!advantage!over!the!other!halls!during!the!first!few!rounds!of!prelim!matches.!Towards!the!end!however,!the!competition!obviously! became! tougher! and! tougher,!with! the! greatest! challenge! coming! from! hall! 7! during! the!quarterfinals.!Sadly,!after!a!tough!fight!and!a!valiant!comeback!from!Ambarish!in!the!singles!match,!we! lost! 2L3! overall.!We!played!our!hearts! out,!braving! the! scorching!sun,! and!sometimes,! even!the!





! !


!Despite!having!the!pressure!on!our!shoulders,!trainings!was!fun!and!the!mood!was!lively.!The!focus!was!always!on!having!a!relaxed!yet!fulfilling!session!each!time!we!held!training!practices.!!Perhaps!the!most!memorable!game!we!played!was!the!game!against!Hall!7.! It! was! the! qualifiers! and! it! was! a! test! of! our! team’s! character! and!strength.! The! atmosphere! was! tense! and! everyone! wanted! the! win! so!badly.! What! was! really! the! highlight! was! the! constant! pressure! we!created!and!exerted!as!spectators!on!our!opponents.!!!The!ladies’!singles!was!played!with!such!high!intensity!and!it!was!only!a!matter! of! time! someone!would! cracked.! ! Brian’s! enthusiastic! “warcry”!throughout! every! point! in! the! game! eventually! won! us! the! decisive!match.!!

The! team!proceeded! to! the! semiLfinals!where!we!were! outdone! by!Hall! 4.! Against! a! stronger! and!much!more! experienced!opponent,! our! team! fought! valiantly! into! the! deciding!mixLdoubles.! In! the! end,! we! did! not!manage! to! overcome! the! odds.!However,!the!character!and!attitude!shown!by!our!players!proved!that!they!are!all!winners!despite!the!loss.!!The! fun! and! joy! as!well! as! disappointment!we! had! as! a! team! throughout! the! IHG!was!something!which!we! all!will! hold! close! to! our! heart.! Even! though!we! did! not!win! the!championship,!we!all!knew!that!everyone! tried! their!best!and!what!mattered! the!most!was!the!bond!and!memories!we!all!shared!as!a!team.!!Men’s!Team:!Adrian,!Brian,!Clarence,!Gabriel,!Loius!!Ladies’!Team!Anthea,!Ika,!Lee!Shan,!Michelle,!Susan,!Tomoko,!Zi!Lin!!Thank! you! for! the! wonderful!memories.!! !





! !


!"Never! let! your! head! hang! down.! Never! give! up! and! sit!down!and!grieve.!Find!another!way."!These!are!the!words!that!got!us!to!the!last!four!softball!teams!in!the!2011/2012!InterLHall!Games!(IHG).!!!The!Hall!2!Softball!men’s!team!was!drawn!to!play!against!Hall!13,!Hall!10!and!Hall!14!in!the!group!stages.!We!got!off!a!good!start!with!a!good!victory!against!Hall!13.!Although!we!lost!to!Hall!10!with!a!tight!score!(9L7),!we!managed!to!come!back!strong!and!won!against!Hall!14.!Everyone!did!rather! well! in! the! last! match,! which! qualified! us! to! the!QuarterLFinals.!!In! the!Quarters,!we!were!drawn! against!Hall! 9.!We!were!experiencing!a!huge!amount!of!pressure! in! that!match!as!we!have!lost!to!Hall!9!in!IHG!10/11.!However,!our!batting!and! fielding!was! tremendous! in! that!match!which! led! us!with! many! runs! against! Hall! 9.! Everyone! including! the!supporters!was!delighted!as!we!were!through!to!the!SemiLFinals!for!the!first!time!in!recent!years!!!Yet! again,! we! were! drawn! against! Hall! 10! in! the! SemiLFinals.!We!all!know!that! the!match!against!Hall!10!would!be!a!tough!match!alongside!with!their!national!players!and!knowing!that!we!have!lost!to!them!during!the!preliminary!rounds.!!Just! like! what! other! famous! athletes! have! said,! “Always!turn! a! negative! situation! into! a! positive! situation.”! We!were!all!pumped!up! to!play!against!Hall!10,!knowing!our!opponent!were!aware!of!our!capabilities!to!win!the!match.!However,!we!did!not!manage!to!hold!Hall!10!as!they!were!the!better!team!in!the!game.!!!Despite! our! loss,! the!Hall! 2! Softball!men’s! team!put! up! a!spirited!game!in!all!matches!since!day!one,!and!our!team’s!fighting! spirit! were! excellent! against! the! top! side.! Our!team!gave!all!our!opponents!a!tough!time!in!every!match!and!gained!loads!of!experiences!in!game!play.!Our!fighting!spirit!were!like!raging!fires,!thus!we!will!be!training!hard!and! topple! the! giants! next! year.! This! is! not! the! end,! but!truly!just!the!beginning!of!everything.!!This!year’s! softball! team! is!made!up!of! some!of! the!most!experienced! players! in! softball! and! some! of! our!enthusiastic!freshmen.!Our!training!has!been!conducted!by!our!captain,!Zi!Hao!and!the!rest!of!the!senior!players!ever!since!the!hall!FOC!has!ended.!We!had!countless!amounts!of!trainings!even!on!the!weekends!as!we!prepare!for!the!IHG!

season.!We!knew!that!we!could!make!a!breakthrough!this!year!as!we!have!trained!really!hard!since!August!2011.!!!First!and!foremost,!we!were!proud!to!have!our!graduating!seniors!like!Bryan,!Zhuo!Song,!Wing!Sing!and!Stephen!who!were! always! with! us! during! trainings,! sharing! their!knowledge! and! expertise! with! the! team.! Although! it! is!their! last! year! with! us,! we! were! more! proud! to! have!seniors! like! them! which! were! patient! to! guide! us! and!always!eager!to!help!us!in!anyway.!Not!to!forget,!we!have!other! players! like! Joshua,!Wei! Chung,! Lian,! Justin! and! all!the!freshies!who!were!committed!and!working!hard!every!training!to!improve!their!skills.!!!In! addition,! our! softball! team! is! great! to! have! Jun! Yu,!whose! is! a! very! experienced! and! a! great! softball! player.!His! guidance! during! trainings! and! strategies! in! matches!have! earned! us! the! last! 4! placing! in! IHG! 11/12.!We! are!very! pleased! to! have! him! as! part! of! our! team! and! his!contributions!are!very!much!appreciated.!!!On!behalf!of!Hall!2!Softball!team,!I!would!like!to!take!this!opportunity! to! thank!all! the! supporters!who!have!shared!their!weekends! to! come!down! for! all! of! the!matches.!We!would!never!been! this! far!without!each!and!every!one!of!you.!This!includes!our!very!own,!Zilin!a.k.a!Welfare!Mama;!for!all!the!drinks!and!food,!our!Sports!Secs,!Wei!Qiang!and!Joel! who! have! constantly! helped! us! reschedule! our!matches!during!CNY!period.!And!lastly,!and!again,!I!would!like! to! thank! all! the! graduating! players! for! their!commitment!and!contribution!to!the!team!and!wish!all!of!them!the!best!in!their!future!endeavors.!!In! a! nutshell,! this! year’s! softball! season! was! an! exciting!and!a!memorable!one.!Although!we!may! lose! some!great!players!next!year,!I!am!sure!we!will!work!even!harder!and!strive! for! greater! heights! next! season.! What! we! have!experienced! and! achieved! this! year! will! make! us! even!stronger!next!season!!!!“Don’t! limit! yourself.!Many! people! limit!themselves! to! what! they!think! they! can! do.! You!can! go! as! far! as! your!mind! lets! you.!What! you!believe,!you!can!achieve.”!With! that,! I! will! like! to!wish!everyone!the!best!in!their!respective!sports!in!IHG!11/12.!!Hall! II! Softball! Team!FTW!! !




!By!Chea!Wei!Tien!!Mud,! sweat,! bruises! and! sunburns,! which! was! what! we!had!gotten!ourselves!throughout!the!past!few!months.!!Be!it! rain! or! shine,! day! or! night,! muddy! or! dry,! we! had!trainings!thrice!a!week.!During!the!holidays,!we!even!had!to! start! training!before!anyone!else!wakes!up! so! that!we!can!get!to!the!SRC!field!before!any!other!halls!and!have!the!field!to!ourselves!for!trainings.!The!trainings!would!last!up!to! 7! hours,! and! neither! the! scotching! sun! nor! the! heavy!rain!would! stop! us! from! trainings.! Our! camaraderie!was!shown!through!the!things!that!we!did!together!during!the!trainings!and!the!joy!and!laughter!we!shared.!Girls!are!still!girls;! we! did! not! forget! to! protect! our! skin! during! the!training,!constantly!helping!one!another!to!spray!sunblock!

which! ranges!from! SPF! 40! to!SPF! 90!!Although! the!trainings! were!tough! and!tiring,! we!persevered! on!and! trained!hard.! Long!

hours! of! training! flew!by! quickly!with! the! sweat,! bruises!and!dirt!we!shared.!!As!the!team!is!made!of!up!mostly!freshies!who!had!never!played!softball!before,!the!captain!and!seniors!had!a!hard!time! coaching! us,! constantly! giving! us! guidance! and!encouraging!us!to!keep!trying!and!never!give!up.!Although!it!took!us!quite!some!time!to!grasp!the!correct!techniques,!the!seniors!had!never! lost! their!patience!or! temper!at!us.!The! captain! and! viceLcaptain! personally! coached! and!trained!with!each!of!us!individually!by!targeting!the!skills!that!each!of!us! is!weak! in.!We!wouldn’t!have!grasped!the!skills!without!the!help!of!Eunice!Pang!and!Lian!huiting.!!!Our! last! match! during! the! semiLfinals! was! a! tough! and!competitive! one.!We!were! glad! that!we! could! hold! them!down! during! the! first! two! innings,! it! was! really! ! a! close!fight! !!But!we!got!disappointed!when! the!opponent! team!started! scoring.! However,! the! captain! constantly!motivated!our!team!and!encourages!us!to!continue!playing!hard,! since!we! have! nothing! to! lose.! “We! had! come! thus!far,!getting!into!semis!was!our!target.!Since!we!had!already!our!target,!it!was!a!great!accomplishment,!all!we!have!to!!

!do!is!to!play!our!best!and!we!will!live!with!no!regrets”!said!the!captain,!and!this!was!what!that!spurred!the!players!on.!!Even!though!we!lost!to!hall!with!a!mere!score!of!2!during!the!last!few!minutes!of!the!game,!our!team!played!well!and!did! our! best.! We! were! filled! with! mixed! feelings! the!moment!the!game!ended.!We!were!happy!that!we!made!it!to!the!semis,!which!was!our!goal,!but!deep!in!our!heart!we!were!disappointed!that!we!were!defeated!by!only!a!slight!margin.! Nevertheless,! we! enjoyed! ourselves! during! the!matches!as!we!played!as!a!team.!Softball,! is!made!up!of!4!bases,!three!strikes,!two!opponents,!one!awesome!team!(:!

!!! !






!By!Arlene!Veanna!!This!year’s!squash!journey!was!more!arduous!than!before.!Given! the! fact! that! Hall! 2! squash! was! last! year’s! IHG!champion,! surely! the! expectation! to! perform! just! as!well!existed!in!everyone’s!mind.!Word!even!got!around!on!how!strong!the!Hall!2!squash!team!was.!!While! the! expectation! grew,! the! ease! of!maintaining! that!expectation!did!not.!Many!of!the!good!players!that!led!the!squash! team! to! victory! last! year! had! left.! While! we!managed! to! keep! the!men’s! team! strong,! we! still! had! to!recruit!new!players!and!it!was!definitely!not!an!easy!task!to! do,! especially! to! recruit! girls! as! we! found! that! many!have!not!even!tried!the!sports!before.!!Luckily,! we! managed! to! gather! a! group! of! dedicated!players!who!would!compete!for!the!hall!in!the!end.!!The!most!crucial!point!was!perhaps!during!the!semiLfinals,!where!we!played!against!Hall!8.!The!match!was!not!played!in!accordance!to!the!usual!guyLgirl!alternate.!By!the!fourth!match!we!were!tied!at!2L2,!and!the!deciding!match!was!to!be!played!by!the!girls.!It!was!an!intense!last!match!played!by! the! exceptionally! talented! squatter! girl,! Xin! Yu! ,! who!rushed!down!for!the!match!right!after!her!Tennis!elective.!She!fought!hard,!with!a!steady!hand!and!a!calm!mind,!and!slowly! she! managed! to! beat! her! opponent! with! a! final!score! of! 3L2.! This! was! the! match! that! brought! us! to! the!finals!that!we!all!look!forward!to.!


The! finals! against!Hall!11!were!definitely! tough,! as!many!including!our! captain,!Hua!Ming,! and! former! IVP! captain,!Zhi!Rui,!had!said.!Hall!11!has!an!exceptionally!strong!team!this! year,! which! included! the! top! 2! seeds! in! NTU.! Every!match!was!not!an!easy!feat!right!from!the!start.!The!fourth!match!was!the!deciding!one,!and!unfortunately,! it!did!not!go! in!our! favour.!Nonetheless,! the! fifth!match! still! had! to!be!played,!and!Yu!Zheng!still!put!up!a!commendable!fight!to!win! that!match,! despite! having! known! that!Hall! 2! had!lost!to!Hall!11!in!that!finals.!!Even! though!we!did!not!manage! to!emerge!as! this! year’s!champion,! the! squash! journey! was! still! a! fulfilling! one!nonetheless.!Most!importantly,!we!have!a!lot!to!thank!our!captain,! Hua! Ming,! who! trained! us,! especially! the! girls!right!from!scratch,!patiently!and!give!us!motivational!talks!every!now!and!then.!!Thank! you! to! all! the! squash! players! for! being! dedicated!and!taking!time!out!of!their!busy!schedules!to!come!down!for!trainings!regularly.!

!! !





!By!Jon!Ong!!Hall!2!table!tennis!has!had!a!good!run!in!this!year’s! Inter!Hall!Games!Competition.!We!have! come!a! long!way! from!getting!knocked!out!in!the!preliminaries!last!year!to!being!quarter! finalists! this! year.! One! could! say! that! Lady! Luck!has!her!own!ways!of!showing!her!presence!and!to!lend!aid!in! times! of! need.! Our! first! game!was! against!Hall! 6,!who!clinched! the! runner! up! title! in! the! last! games.! Fear! and!apprehension! is!probably!the!most!apt!way!of! telling!you!how! the! whole! team! felt! when! we! found! out! whom! we!were! going! to! pit! our! skills! against.! What! bad! luck,! one!might!say…!!!But!thankfully,!our!current!team!has!shown!more!promise!than!that!of!last!year!and!therefore!it!gave!us!the!luxury!of!being! able! to! employ! the! use! of! tactics! to! match! our!strengths!against!their!weaknesses.!An!arduous!journey!of!sweat!and!stink,!beginning!3!months!earlier,!in!the!sports!hall! (sweatLbox),! has! finally! come! the! day! when! we! see!how!far!we’ve!come!from!all!those!training!sessions.!This!ball! comes! in! two! shades,! orange! and! white.! When! we!hold! it! in! our! hands,! the! feeling! is! oddly! familiar! (for!some),! albeit! lighter,! rounder! and! hard.! It! can! be! sliced,!screwed!and!even!smacked,!all!in!hope!that!your!opponent!wouldn’t!be!able!return!the!shot!because!he!doesn’t!stroke!his!balls!as!well!as!us.!One!can!only!imagine!the!amount!of!distress! a! little! plastic! ball! flying! around! at! the! speed! of!light! can! cause.! A! competent! player! needs! impeccable!handLeye! coordination! to! figure! out! the! trajectory! of! his!opponent’s!balls!and!be!able!to!react!within!a!split!second.!The!saunaLlike!conditions!of!the!sports!hall!often!leave!the!table!tennis!players!marinating!in!their!own!perspiration.!I!wouldn’t!dare!fathom!the!amount!of!bodily!fluids!that!the!tables! (probably! older! than! your! grandmother)! have!soaked!up!over!the!years.!This!game!is!least!to!say,!a!stroll!in!the!park.!!!To!much!delight,!our!gamble!of!the!placements!of!players!for!the!starting!lineLup!paid!off!as!we!defeated!the!‘seeded’!Hall!6.!We!went!on!to!face!Hall!1!in!our!second!match!and!beat!them!as!well,!emerging!top!of!our!group.!For!the!sake!of! glory,! I! shall! not! be! revealing!our! strategy! for! beating!them!lest!this!gets!into!the!wrong!hands.!!And!as!the!same!story!goes!for!the!other!sports,!we!were!then!told!that!we!were!facing!Hall!3!in!the!quarter!finals.!It!was! then! that! we! knew! Lady! Luck! had! run! out! of! juice!(literally).! I!believe! that! there! is!no!need! to! spell!out! the!absurd! number! of! sporting! talents! Hall! 3! has;! literally! a!few!schoolLrepresentative!players!for!EVERY!sport.!Where!and! how! they! got! their! players! is! a!mystery! for! some,! a!mere! subterfuge! for! others.! Anyhow,! as! how! all! heroic!tales! are! told,! we! fought! valiantly,! as! arrows! upon! guns!and!died!an!honourable!death!on!the!battlefield.!!!Now! I! know! what! you! might! be! thinking,! it’s! just! table!tennis! or! also! known! as! pingLpong,! a! sport! that! is!exclusively!played!by!nerds!with!sweaty!armpits!and!high!waisted! shorts.! It! isn’t.! Table! tennis! is! what! defines! the!ultimate! threshold! of! a! human! being’s! speed,! skill,!dexterity! and! reaction.! And! in! case! you!were!wondering,!I’m! not! a! nerd! with! sweaty! armpits! and! high! waisted!shorts.!!! !







!By!Vernon!Lim!!CHAMPIONS!!!!Now!here’s!the!long!bit…!!8:20am,(Breakfast( at( Canteen( 2,( I( remember(Eunice(telling(me,(“Register(at(8:30?(But(the(pool(opens(at(9.(Usually( all( the( noobs( will( go( there( early( and( wait,(we’re( zai,( we’ll( go( at( 9.( ”.( Shortly( after,( I( got( a( call(from( Joel,( “Where(are( you?( Its( 8:50(and( you(haven’t(registered!( We( are( one( of( the( last( few( halls( that(haven’t(registered!(Run(here(now(before(registration(closes!”( Eunice( was( definitely( right…( about( the( zai(part.(

!IHG! Swim!was! a! oneLday! event! held! on! the! 28th! January!2012.! There! are! a! total! of! 5! events,! 4x50! Women’s!Freestyle,! 4x50! Men’s! Freestyle,! 4x50! Women’s! Breast!stroke,!4x50!Men’s!Breast!stroke!and!4x50!Mixed!Medley.!Out!of! the!16!halls! that!participate! in!the!heats,! the!top!8!for!each!event!qualify!for!the!finals.!!!Our!positions!for!the!heats!are!as!follows:!!4x50!Freestyle!(Female)! ! 2nd!4x50!Freestyle!(Male)! ! 1st!4x50!Breaststroke!(Female)!! 2nd!4x50!Breaststroke!(Male)! ! 4th!4x50!Medley!(Mixed)! ! 6th!!Our!positions!for!the!finals!are!as!follows:!!4x50!Freestyle!(Female)! ! 1st!4x50!Freestyle!(Male)! ! 2nd!4x50!Breaststroke!(Female)!! 1st!4x50!Breaststroke!(Male)! ! 4th!4x50!Medley!(Mixed)! ! 1st!!Even!though!we!barely!qualified!for!the!finals!for!the!4x50!Medley!(Mixed),!we!managed!to!come!in!first!for!it! in!the!finals.!This!shows!how!important!planning!is!for!IHG!Swim!and! I!would! like! to! specially! thank! Eunice! Karina! Fu! for!helping! me! plan! the! line! up! and! also! planning! secret!trainings!with!the!girls!team!(:!!The!girls!team!did!exceptionally!well,!coming!in!first!in!all!events.!Congrats!to!Melissa!Choo,!Sandy,!Elizabeth!Poh!,!!Eunice!Karina!Fu!and!Moyi.!


I!would! like! to!mention! Zilin,! for! providing!welfare,!Wee!Kiat,!for!covering!the!event,!Wei!Zhen,!for!helping!out!with!lane! judging! and! the! Rugby! team! for! coming! down! to!support!after!their!game.!!I!would!like!to!thank!the!people!who!swam!for!the!heats,!Wang!Peng,!Jun!Yang,!Melissa!Lek!and!Sarene.!!!I! would! also! like! to! thank! Ray! for! helping! out! with!trainings!even!though!he!was!busy!with!IVP!trainings.!Jian!Long,! for! helping! out! with! stroke! correction! and! also!giving! the! team! advice! from! his! past! experience.! Sandy,!our! squatter,! for! her! incredible! performance! during! IHG!Swim.! Last! but! certainly! not! least,! I! would! like! to! thank!Francis,! last! year’s! Swim!Manager! and! this! year! Captain!for! showing!me! the! ropes! and!always!pointing!me! in! the!right!direction.!!I! am! thrilled! to!be!part! of! this! experience! and! I! hope!we!will!be!able!to!keep!up!the!good!work!for!next!year.!Let’s!go!Hall!2!!







!By!Terence!Cheng!!In!all!sports,!athletes!are!required!to!train!hard!and!long!L!sportsmen! and! sportswomen! shed! blood/sweat/tears! in!pursuit! of! improvement,! in! order! to! perform! when! it!matters…!All!for!the!sake!of!tasting!the!sweet!satisfaction!that!success!brings.!And!the!sport!of!Track!is!no!exception!to! this! reality.! What! does! set! Track! apart,! though,! are!those! exquisite!moments! of! glory!when! the! race! is! being!run.!!All!that!the!runners!have!to!show!for!their!months!of!hard!work! are! L! for! an! 800m! runner,! those! precious! 130!seconds;! for! a! 400m! runner,! those! precious! 55! seconds;!for!a!100m!runner,! those!precious!12!seconds.!Months!of!training! culminate! in! a! race! that! lasts! mere! seconds! –!often,! it! seems! like! everything! has! ended! as! swiftly! as! it!begun.! Likewise,! track! events! are! often! won! and! lost! by!thin!margins;!at!times,!a!fraction!of!a!second!distinguishes!the!good! from!the!great.!This!necessitates! long!hours!put!into! training,! with! the! singular! purpose! of! being! that!fraction!of!a!second!faster!than!the!rest.!!With!that! in!mind,!we!started!training!5!months!ahead!of!the! IHG,! in! midLSeptember.! Aiming! to! build! on! the! 1st!runnerLup! placing! in! the! previous! IHG,! we! identified! the!guys’! events! as! an! area! in! need! of! improvement! (4th! and!6th!placed!in!4x100m!and!4x400m!respectively).!However,!we! knew! that! the! road! ahead! would! not! be! easy,! as! the!track! team! virtually! faced! a! complete! overhaul! from! the!previous!year,!leaving!us!with!no!proven!runners,!let!alone!any!IVPs.!Also,!we!were!well!aware!of!the!threat!posed!by!many! other! halls! that! had! numerous! IVP! and! even! SEA!Games!runners.!Clearly,!we!had!our!work!cut!out!for!us…!!After!5!months!of!consistent!training,!many!of!our!runners!showed! remarkable! improvement! –! we! were! stronger,!better,!and!faster!than!before.!Ready!to!take!IHG!11/12!by!storm,! we! were! first! put! to! the! test! in! the! Heats.! Our!efforts!were!vindicated!by!the!fantastic!results!achieved!–!CHAMPIONS!for!all!events!in!Heat!2!!While!the!results!left!the! spectators! visibly! impressed,! one!of! our! athletes!was!particularly! outstanding! L! Shukri! Abdul! Jalil! ‘Bolt’,! our!newlyLdiscovered! talent!who! blazed! past! other! halls! and!left!them!biting!our!dust.!It!was!an!awesomely!proud!day!for!Hall!2!and!for!Hall!2!Track!!

!A! week! later,! we! took! to! the! track! again,! this! time! to!compete! with! the! best! of! the! best! in! the! Finals.! Track!captain!Alvin!Kuek!delivered!a!rousing!team!talk:!“Today,!the! supporters! will! be! our! strength.! Another! source! of!strength!will!be!the!runners!who!are!running!against!you.!Give! it! your!all.!Run!your!best,! give! it! your!best.”! Indeed,!the!track!team!gave!it!our!best!shot,! fighting!hard!against!strong! competition! in! the! form! of! IVP! and! SEA! Games!runners! L! Wang! Peng! seemed! especially! inspired! and!matched! an! IVP! runner! stride! for! stride! in! the! 4x400m!relay!!Our!runners!rose! to! the!occasion,!valiantly! fighting!through! pain! and! clocking! seasonLbest! timings! across!most! events.! At! the! end! of! the! day,! we! were! thrilled! to!garner!33!points!and!be!awarded!overall!1st! runnerLup,!a!mere! 3! points! behind! the! champions.! It! was! a! fantastic!result,! and!witnessing! our! efforts! come! to! sweet! fruition!was! thoroughly! rewarding! for! the!whole! team.! Our! hard!work!over!the!past!5!months!had!definitely!paid!off!!!Special! thanks! to!all! supporters,!all!who’ve!helped! in!one!way!or!another,!and!also!to!all!those!who’ve!joined!us!for!training!!A!special!mention!goes!to!Eunice!for!being!such!a!great!help!!!!Our$Results:$4x100m!(M)!–!3rd!4x400m!(M)!–!2nd!4x100m!(F)!–!3rd!4x400m!(F)!–!2nd!4x800m!(Mixed)!–!4th!







!By!Elgin!Tan!!!Our! hall! 2! volleyball! team! started! off! strong! with! a!convincing!victory!over!hall!15.!Confident!of!our!draw! in!the!groups,!we!went!against!hall!16!next!but!were! just! a!!few! points! short! in! the! deciding! set,! thus! we! failed! ! to!move!on! to! the!quarterLfinals!as!part!of! the!winner!pool.!Another! victory! against! hall! 15! got! us! into! the!quarterfinals.!Our!next!and!biggest!obstacle!was!Hall!12.!!The!match!against!Hall!12!was!crucial!for!us!to!proceed!to!the!semi!finals!and!highly!likely!finals!too.!For!the!first!set,!many! of! us! were! losing! points! due! to! careless!mistakes.!Even!the!most!reliable!of!our!players!had!trouble!trying!to!set! the!ball! in!the!wet!conditions.!But!our!morale!did!not!dip! but! instead,! our! determination! to! win! was! even!stronger.! For! the! second! set,! we! started! out! strong! and!were! matching! Hall! 12! point! to! point.! We! managed! to!minimize! our! errors! and! treasure! every! opportunity! for!our!offense.!We!fought!hard!for!every!single!point!in!that!match.!Attempting!to!put!into!practice!what!we!had!done!in! trainings! and! play! together! as! a! cohesive! team.!However,!Hall! 12! proved! to! be! a! stronger! team! and!was!able!to!win!in!the!second!set!too.!Thus!denying!us!a!chance!for!a!possible!comeback.!!!!!Our!Hall!2!volleyball!team!has!come!a! long!way!since!the!day!the!team!was!formed.!We!are!truly! fortunate!to!have!such!dedicated!players.!Especially! so!during! the!vacation!period! between! semester! 1! and! 2,! trainings! had! to! be!cancelled! so! often! due! to! the! bad!weather.! Furthermore,!most!of!our!players!were!very!busy!during!the!term!so!we!were! unable! to! have! many! opportunities! to! train! as! a!team.! I! feel! that! we! have! improved! tremendously! and!should!be!proud!of!what!we!have!achieved!together.!!! !


! !






2! volleyball! team,! the! odds! seemed! to! be! stacked! up!

against! us! right! from! the! beginning! when! our! team!was!

completely!made!up!of! freshmen!with! little!experience! in!

this! sport! and! zilch! experience! in! playing! in! the! IHG!

season.! To! master! the! skills! in! playing! volleyball! within!

three! months! is! a! great! challenge.! This! is! further!

compounded! by! the! difficulty! to! find! a! common! timeslot!

for! regular! trainings! as! everyone! had! different!


As! IHG! 11/12! neared,! we! tried! to! maximize! the! limited!

time! that!we!had!by!having!more! trainings.! Although!we!

had! little! opportunities! to! train! together! as! a! team,! we!


another,! learn! from! one! another! and! help! one! another!



The! opening! match! against! Hall! 7! was! an! exposure! for!

many! in! the! team.! Despite! the! lost! to! our! stronger!

opponent,! it! served! as! a! learning! experience! for! us! to!

make! progress! for! subsequent! games! as! we! learnt! the!

importance!of!effective!communication!and! teamwork!on!



Our! second! match! against! Hall! 9! was! a! crucial! one.!

Admittedly,! everyone! in! the! team! had! mixed! feelings!


that!we!would!make!mistakes!on! the! court.!On! the!other!

hand,!we!had!a! strong!desire! to!win!and!were!hopeful!of!

an! optimistic! outcome.! During! the! match,! it! was!


fight! on! when! our! opponent! was! taking! the! lead.! “The!

game!isn't!over!till! it's!over”,!we!struggled!with!resilience!


It! truly! boosted! our!morale! and! confidence.! Even! though!





After! all,! I! am! certain! that! this! year’s! experiences! will!


sport,!train!hard!and!strive!harder!for!next!year.!! !







!By!Chai!Ming!Long!!Soccer.!The!one!sport! in!Hall!2!that!promised!the!sky!but!delivered!the!dirt.!For!far!too!long,!it’s!been!overLrated!and!underperforming.!Dating!back,!when!I!took!up!the!role!of!captain!2!seasons!back,!I!told!myself!I!am!going!to!bring!a!team! to! the!pinnacle!of! inter!hall! soccer.! Last! season,!we!fell!short!of!our!target!but!it!only!served!to!ignite!in!us!the!desire!and!passion!to!try!harder.!Try,!we!did.!Hard,!it!was.!But! we! preLmatured,! again.! We! can! blame! the! schedule,!blame!the!convening,!blame!our!sport!sects!but!nothing’s!going! to!change!our! fate,!which!has!been!casted! in!stone.!!It!is!too!late,!regrets!are!here!to!stay.!!!Without! any! results! to! show! forth,! what! else! is! there! to!write!in!this!column?!Maybe!like!the!saying!goes,!“it’s!not!the!destination!that!matters,!it’s!the!process”.!This!team!is!the! residue! of! the! last! team,! freshies! aside,! no! new!additions!but!many!departing!seniors.!As!compared!to!the!previous! team,! in! terms! of! technical! ability,! the! current!batch! pales! in! comparison.! Whatever! is! lacking! in! the!technical!department!was!compensated!with!raw!passion,!desire!to!learn,!improve!and!excel.!More!importantly,!this!team!is!the!epitome!of!what!I!always!wanted!for!a!soccer!team.! A! team!made! up! of! friends,! playing! our! hearts! out!for! one! another,! having! fun! and! enjoying! each! other’s!company!both!on!and!off! the!pitch.!Of!course,! the!perfect!ending!would!be! for!us! to!win! IHG.!But!as!of!now,! it!will!still!be,!a!dream.!!!For! me! personally,! the! journey! has! been! awesome.!Ironically,! the! highlight! of! my! season! was! during! the!debrief!session! in! the!TV!room!after!we! lost!our!quarterLfinal!match!to!Hall!5.!On!that!faithful!day,!this!team!proved!to!me!that!I!have!made!the!right!decision!to!stick!by!each!and!every!one!of!them!despite!them!not!being!the!best!of!players.! It!was!heartening.!They!made! it! easier! for!me! to!accept!our!exit,!they!made!me!realised!how!wonderful!our!journey!has!been.!!!With!that,!I!think!it’s!only!right!if!I!give!them!the!befitting!credits,! for! being! such! a!wonderful! bunch! of! friends! and!comrades!both!on!and!off!the!pitch.!Presenting!to!you,!the!players!of!Hall!2!Soccer!11/12...!

The!Graduatings!De$Yong$Probably! one! of! the! most! righteous! person! I! have! ever!known.! Behind! those! bulging! muscles! is! a! gentle! giant!with! no! temper...! except! when! you! ask! him! why! did! he!gym!so!often.!His!dedication!in!the!things!he!endeavoured!in! is! truly! commendable.!Never! fails! to!keep!me! in! check!with!his!rationality,! the!team!will!miss!someone!like!him.!

However,!like!all!else,!he!does!have!his!eccentric!side.!Try!picturing!him!moving!a!huge!ass!goal!post!on!his!own!!$Stephen$Definitely!not!the!most!technical!of!players!but!more!than!make!it!up!with!his!intelligence!in!his!play.!Someone!who!can! see! things!which!many! other!missed! out! (maybe! it’s!the! height)! and! able! to! provide! probable! solutions! for!various!situations,!a!pity!he!joined!us!in!the!later!stages!of!our! preLseason.! I! know! many! people! (maybe! even!himself!)!will!wonder!how!come!he!warrants!a!place!in!the!team.! Don’t! think! too! much,! he’s! not! in! the! soccer! team!because!of!the!strings!attached.!!$Ruide$Exciting! player! to!watch! and! play! alongside!with! despite!not! receiving! any! formal! training! in! soccer.! This! 2! times!basketball! MVPs! is! a! raw! talent! with! so! much! potential!and!also!one!of!my!regrets!for!the!team.!Like!a!raw!gem,!he!needs! to!be!polished.!One!with!passion! for! the! sport! and!the!desire!to!learn!and!improve,!if!only!I!am!able!to!bring!the! best! out! of! him,! if! only...! Nonetheless,! it! has! been! an!honour!playing!alongside!him.!$Junzhe$Probably!one!of! the!most!committed!players! in! the! team,!always! around! for! trainings! and! matches.! Skilful! on! the!ball!with!good!techniques!and!a!keen!eye!for!goal.!Always!able! to! pop!up! at! places! to! score! goals!where! opponents!least!expected!it.!!But!his!play!is!greatly!undermined!by!his!fitness! and! inconsistence! to! challenge! for! the! ball!effectively!in!the!hotLblooded!IHG!scene.!A!pity!that!he!has!been!underLutilised.!I!can!only!say!“I’m!sorry”.!!The!Seniors!Wee$Kiat$Injuries!kept!him!out!of! contention! in! the!starting!eleven!for! this! IHG.! He!was! omnipresent! in! our! preLseason! and!has!been!impressing!in!trainings.!Given!our!tight!schedule,!how! nice! it! will! be! to! be! able! to! rotate! and! shuffle! the!jaded! players! around.! Who! knows,! had! he! been! around,!we!might!win!our!penalty!shootLouts.!!$Parthi$His!desire!to!learn!and!improve!is!a!notch!above!the!rest.!He! knows! what! is! lacking! in! his! game! and! will! always!strive! to!work!on! it! to!excel.!Having!much!secret! training!on! his! own,! this! little! black! man! is! probably! the! most!improved!player!this!season.!Someone!who!takes!pride!in!the! things! he! does,! he’s! one! of! the!most! affected! players!after!our!exit.!So!much!so!that!he!lost!all!the!joy!of!playing!soccer...!until!recently.!$Ah$Lian$Our! jersey! designer!but! as! always,! the!printing! company!failed! him.! Don’t! be!fooled!by!his!artistic!talent,! his! gameplay!packed! an!aggressive! punch.!Hard! in! his! tackles!and! strong! in! his!challenges,!opposition! often!find! it! hard! to! come!headLtoLhead! with!him...! unless! he’s!low! in! confidence.!Keep! the! confidence! level! up,! have! faith! and! you!will! be!fine.!On!a!side!note,!Y!U!GO!THAILAND?!



$Yuhao$You!are!an!asshole.!You!rather!go!China!and!take!pictures!with!girls!than!play!soccer!for!us.!Do!you!know!how!much!we! missed! your! presence?! Without! you,! our! setLpieces!aren’t! as! potent! as! before.!Without! you,! there! is! nobody!around! to! motivate! the! team! from! the! back.! Dafuq! you!thinking!!!! It’s! a! pity,! really.! Someone! with! awesome!athleticism,!someone!who!is!versatile!in!his!play,!someone!who! plays! a!major! part! in! the!way!we! play...!what! could!have!been.!$Kenryu$This! guy! is! a! mystery.! I’ve! heard! of! his! ferocious!demeanour! in!water!polo! and!as!much!as! I! tried! to! elicit!that!out!in!soccer,!I!failed.!He’s!like!a!present!you!have!to!unwrap! countless! times! before! you! know! what! you! are!going! to! get.! But! deep! down,! I! know! he’s! got! plenty! to!offer.! Ask! any! of! the! soccer! boys,! he! did! give! us! a! sneak!preview!of!what!he!can!do!(after!he!got!shouted!at!by!me).!Just!do! it!on!a!more!regular!basis,!without!being!shouted!at...!!$Xiu$Zhan$The! one! and! only! champion! around! us.! This! one! time!soccer!IHG!winner!with!Hall!3!crossover!to!join!us!because!he!wasn’t! offered! a! room! there! just! then.! Their! loss,! our!gain.!What!appears!to!be!a!shy,!quiet!and!reserved!person!turned! out! to! be! a! funny,! full! of! bullshit! but! still! shy!beached!whale.!Never!fail!to!amuse!us!with!his!craps!and!pot!belly! on! and!off! the!pitch.! Shed! some!pounds! and!he!will!be!playing!well!again.!

$Alvin$Bay$This! is! another! asshole.!Messi!on!the!futsal!court!but! messy! during! IHG.!His! ability! to! conjure!magic! with! the! ball,!much! better! than! the!pseudo!Harry,!convinced!me! to! build! a! team!around! him.! We! tried,!we! tested! with! various!plans! and! ideas! but! still!unable! to! come! up! with!something! formidable!enough! to! conquer! IHG.!Maybe!he’s!lacking!in!his!

instincts,!maybe! it’s! his! kicking! techniques! or!maybe! it’s!just!him!unable!to!live!up!to!his!hype.!!!!!$Yuzheng$This!is!the!pseudo!Harry.!But!he!does!have!some!magic!up!his!boots.!He!specialised!in!tormenting!defences!down!the!left! flank! by! cutting! them! inside! out! and! outside! in.! But!when!he!does! that,!he!ends!up!confusing!himself! as!well.!With! proper! decisionLmaking,! decent! crosses! and! some!real!fitness,!he!will!be!fine.!Always!nice!to!watch!him!play!because!of!his!ability!to!do!the!unexpected,!both!good!and!bad!things!that!is.!!$Wang$Peng$He! spells! raw! passion! and! pure! commitment.! He! is! the!only!committee!member!who!dares!to!defy!higher!order!to!come!for!soccer!matches!on!his!own!accord.!Someone!who!enjoys!playing! soccer! as!well! as! providing! entertainment!value! to! everyone! around,! it’s! a! joy! to! have! him! in! the!team.!One!who!never!stop! trying!or!give!up!halfway,!you!can!count!on!him!to!do!the!dirty!job!and!get!it!done.!On!a!side!note,!have!anybody! seen! this!pack!of!muscles! cried?!It’s!saddening.!

$My$3$IVPs:$Yen,$Kenneth$and$Yong$Kai$Key!players!to!our!squad.!Someone!rightfully!pointed!out;!these!3!never!donned!a!Hall!2! jersey!at! the!same! time! to!play!a!game!for!us!together.!I!wonder!if!there’s!a!curse!of!what!but! imagine! their!power!combined!and!united,!how!fearsome! it!will!be.!Too!bad!we!would!not!get! to!witness!that! day! in! the! future.! Thank! you! very! much,! for!everything!thus!far.!!!The!Freshies!Glen$I!have!a!confession! to!make.! I! tricked!him!to!coming! into!Hall!2! for!basketball!but! in!actual! fact! I!want!him!to!play!goalkeeper!for!us.!I!am!sorry!Glen;!I!hope!at!least!you!are!happy! in!Hall!2!now.!Hey,!at! least!you!have!a!gold!medal!with!the!basketball!team!right!!Calming!presence!between!the!sticks!with!awesome!aerial!ability,! if!he!and!Wee!Kiat!integrate! into! one! person,! they! will! make! one! good!goalkeeper.!But!character!wise...!let’s!just!scrap!the!idea.!$Hao$Bin$This! is! a! pleasant! discovery.! Haven’t! not! seen! him! play!soccer!at!all,! I! forgotten!how!come!I!was!convinced!to! let!him!come!for!a!friendly!game.!But!he!surprised!every!one!of!us!with!his!hard!running!and!no!nonsense!defending.!He!does!have!a!weird!practice!though.!He!needs!to!stay!awake!overnight! before! a! soccer! game! to! put! in! his! best!performance.! Maybe! it’s! just! one! of! his! overnight!sexcapades.!!$Terence$This!is!a!tease.!Every!time!when!we!play!futsal!in!Hall!2,!he!will! always! be! around,! showing! off!what! he! can! possibly!offer!to!the!soccer!team.!But!every!time!when!approached!to! join! the! soccer! team,! he!would! reject! the! offer.! Until! I!cannot! take! it! anymore,! I! have! to! talk! to! him!personally.!He!is!good,!but!without!any!prior!experiences!on!the!pitch,!he! is! lost! and! confused! initially.! Someone! with! huge!potential,! just! don’t! forget!me! if! you! are!moving! over! to!Orange!County.!!!$Bryan$Han$This! guy! is!another! pleasant!discovery.! He!came! at! a! time!where! I! wasn’t!open! to! recruiting!freshies! but! after!Bay’s! strong!recommendation,!I! decided! to! let!him!try.!His!pace!and!acceleration!down!the!right!flank!is!a!valuable,!penetrative!asset!to!the!team.!With!good!kicking!technique!of!the!ball,!he!offers!another!dimension!of!play!to! the! team.!Only!drawback! is! that!he! is! a! little! too!quiet!both!on!and!off!the!pitch.!Maybe!he’s!stuck!in!his!choice!of!two.!!!!




Boggle By Tham Ying Ling & Lai Simin “Bog, Bog, Bog, Boggle!” Yan Neng excitedly cheered, receiving in return the looks of disbelief and distaste of the other members in the Hall 8 Function Hall. (Naturally, we disregarded them.) Then we broke into hysteric laughter. I believe this scene exemplifies the culture in our Boggle team. Even though we are not the best Boggle playing team (after all, we did not advance very far), we are definitely the team that had the most fun. While other halls were busy poring over their word lists and permutations, we were enjoying some light-hearted, warm-up bouts of Boggle with chatter and laughter.

Training was a weekly affair but I prefer to call it a team-bonding session. We met up in the Rec room, opened up the Boggle box set, grabbed some pens and rough paper, set the timer and just started playing. Many a time we laughed when Andre leaped as the daunting alarm chimed, when Yan Neng shrieked in excitement, or when Tiffy exclaimed silly things. While we had fun, we also learned a lot. For one, we learned that the only university acronym that is a word is NUS. And that Zen is not a legitimate word. And that the E-A-T triangle produces 5 combinations of words. We learned from each other’s word suggestions, shared our word lists and explored the Zarf app for checking words. Though I believe if we really wanted to win, we should have memorized the word list; but I am glad we just practiced enough and focused on

playing the game. Everyone definitely enjoyed the experience more.

On the day of the competition, all our players played to their heart’s content and with stress-free optimism. All we can say is that luck was not on our side and we didn’t place the players in the right positions to be able to at least win one match against any hall.

Despite that, we cheered and were satisfied with our personal victories and the support from our team. I want to thank all my team members for all the fun they have brought to the team, and the effort they have put in. Special thanks to Simin, my Boggle manager for coordinating our training efforts, as well as the rec secs for all their help and support for the team. Special mention – Wei Lun, our star player, who made many a player quake with his uncanny ability to spot and assemble numerable, long words! Not to forget, all that have come down to support us, a very big Thank You!

Darts By Kollin Seah & Lee Yi Lin Being part of the small and cozy darts family isn’t about committing yourself to this recreational game because you have to, but because you want to. Apart from frequent trainings, the team would gather around a table for dinner from time to time, just like a family. Trainings are always light-hearted, but seriousness sets in when it is needed. By giving their full potential during the Inter-Hall Recreational Games, it only goes to show the amount of effort put in by the players on top of all the fun and laughter. The intensive trainings we had as the date drew nearer to the IHRG proved our winning desire and the confidence we had for each other. Eventually, it was a fine game played as we pushed through the quarter finals despite the tough battle. This year, our team did the final touch up for our very own Hall 2 portable stand alone dart board which was created by the previous batch of seniors; this is yet another memorable moment for the darts family. All in all, the bond between the players in Darts is unbreakable.



Bridge By Zack Ang & Ricky Koean

The bridge team, after arduous training and effort, managed to reach quarter-finals this year, maintaining our position from last year. While our hopes for qualifying for semi-finals this year was dashed by Hall 7, a supposed black horse (Completely not true. Their players were minimally at IVP level.), we still did well to emerge as runner-ups in our group, which consisted of one of the monster hall for bridge, hall 16.

Bridge is quite a complex game. It is easily a 3 AU course for 1 semester, and even by the end of the semester, there will be people still confused by the basics of bridge, lost in its terminology. This is especially so for those who had played only social or ‘normal’ (the term is ‘floating’, and Singapore is the only place that plays this version) bridge. It took me a whole year, and a bit more, of intensive training, self-study and analysis, to reach a standard where I dare to even teach others. All these facts help one to appreciate how much effort the bridge team has put in for IHRG.

Knowing how hard it is to even pick up, much less play at a respectable level, I am completely grateful to new-learners Ricky Koean, Jannah Lim, and Alison Ong for not giving up, even though it has given countless headaches. The three of them, together with Mervyn Lim, who learnt a bit of bridge last year, formed 2 pairs, and rotated so that the other pair may rest. Ariana Tan and I formed the other main pair for the team.

The actual competition was not easy. In our first match against Hall 3, I made a careless mistake in the first board that could cost us the entire match. Luckily, Ariana and I managed to gain back some points here and there from the other 7 boards. The other pair, Ricky and Jannah, was stable in their play, and the result was only a minor loss. In our second match, against hall 14, we were determined to catch up. We fielded all the juniors: Ricky and Jannah, then Alison with me. Our training shined through, and we defeated them easily with a score of 25-5. The third match was a crucial match. Hall 16 bridge players are mostly the school team players, and two of them are even

playing in regional bridge competitions! We fought hard, but lost.

Fortunately, Hall 14 defeated Hall 3 by quite a large margin, putting us as runner-up in the group. Entering the quarters, we were to play against Hall 7, a dark horse in comparison to Hall 15, another traditionally strong hall. The match was tough. We had little training of playing 16 boards (3h according to IH timing) in a row, and it was mentally draining. Eventually, after 3h, we lost, marking the end of our IH journey this year.

In the end, I want to thank Ricky, Jannah, and Alison for your consistent effort throughout all the trainings. Bridge in IH is a team game, and without your effort we would have been stuck in qualifiers. Thanks to Mervyn, who came down and gave pointers despite his academic commitments. Extra thanks to Ariana, who still agreed to be my partner despite her busy-ness, and trying to accommodate my style of play. Finally, thanks to everyone else who has supported us one way or another on this journey, and we hope to accomplish greater achievements next time.

Chinese Chess By Toh Hong Han & Chua Hao Zi

Skills! Knowledge! Strategy! These are what every single of our team members have gained so far since the day of training until the day of competition. Naturally, we also gained another crucial thing: Friendship. Even though this year we are not able to win the championship, we gained the precious bonds forged between us which are something that the championship cannot bring. Dedicated captain…. Good manager…. Enthusiastic members…. Experienced mentors…. All these are what makes our team shine. We have fought as a team…. together. Fought without regrets. At the very least, before we were put out of commission, we managed to defeat one of the semi-finalists at the preliminary stages. I believe that with more experience, our team can win the competition like a piece of cake. The Chinese Chess team will come back again stronger, more powerful and be undefeatable. We definitely will.

But first of all, despite all these, we would like to give our appreciation to Hong Han, the captain of the Chinese Chess team. He is an experienced player with awesome skills, securing lots of wins in the competition. He taught us a lot of tactical plays and strategies to deal with different scenarios and had set a good role model for us to learn from.

Of course, the team has its members as well. Firstly, Nguyen Ngoc Huy takes on the first table, where it is believed to be the battleground for strong players. He put up a good fight and managed to gain us few wins, despite strong opponents. He fought all the way to the end, even when he is on the losing end with little pieces to attack with. His fighting spirit is something we can learn from. Next up is Boon Hoe. His passion for the game has led to him to turn up for every single training over the month. He was initially a weak player, but constant trainings have transformed him into a formidable player who cannot be underestimated. His mind strategic play on his opponents has earned him victories too. Also, we have Jordan. He is also an International chess player too. As such, mentally challenging games like Chinese Chess is of no challenge to him. He is another player whom is not to be reckoned with. In addition, we have Zhikai. He is one of the treasures in Hall 2 Rec games. He played almost half of the rec games available, and is proficient in them, and even better in Chinese Chess. His strategic plays confounded opponents and easily secure wins for our teams. His slow and steady pace, as well as unique moves created impatience and fear among the opponents, letting him win very easily. Moreover, we have Wei Sheng. He is another of the young player who just joined into the team recently. He is another formidable player who actually defeated an opponent til he has no pieces left and is the first one to leave the arena. His potential is immense and once his potential is being utilised to the maximum, he would be a precious addition to Hall 2 Chinese Chess team. Last of all, and yet the most important character of all, is Sin Loong. He was the captain of the team for last year, and has joined us this year for the battle. His outstanding skills and superb thinking and strategies have gained him countless victories. He is famous for his skills in rec games, and especially in Chinese Chess. He can easily be ranked top

few players in our IHRG fields. With his past experiences, he has taught the newcomers many things to be applied in the competition.

However, we also need to give our thanks to our friends and ex-battlemates that have come down to support us, including Kai Leong, Thai Ee and Edison. They had given us their guidance, as well as shared their past experiences with us too, which proved to be useful information. Great thanks to them as they sacrifice their precious time to watch and help us in the competition. We are deeply grateful for their efforts and will strive harder for the next competition for them and for the whole team.

Finally, we also give thanks to JCRC who constantly provided us support. Specifically, we like to thank our Rec sec, Yize and Zongting. Both of them have been very busy with all the matter with all the IHRG games, yet they still can extract time out from their schedule to come down and support us. For their efforts, we are seriously grateful for it. Grateful to them for settling everything such that we can focus on the battles. Grateful for them for being there to support us. Grateful for them for their welfares to us. It is because of both of your that we can actually make it through all the way.

In all, our team maybe a bit inexperienced, this could be why we have no fate with the championship. It’s been a long and hard battle for our team, especially for those who just joined and had no experiences at all. This competition is a good lesson for everyone to learn from their mistakes so that next time would be better. We may have lost the championship this year, but we will never lose the bonds forged among us. These bonds will bring us through to the next year competition, and will win us back the championship. We defeat those in our paths and takers for the victory will be US!! Hall 2 Chinese Chess team!!!!!!

Wei Qi By Mervyn Lim & Sharon Tang

Once more, Hall 2 Weiqi Team has struck out to prove their mettle, having out-performed the previous results to attain semi-finals in this year’s IHRG. The team has worked hard for it and wouldn’t have settled for anything less. However, what truly was worth remembering was the time spent together and memories forged as this small little family grew a little bigger this year.

This year saw the Weiqi Team more than doubled in size with many passionate new players joining the team, some of whom didn’t even know what the game was called. Yet, when IHRG was around the corner, these rookies have already grown claws and fangs and raring to go and tear up some competition. Besides the weekly Tuesday training sessions, many also went on to join the school club for extra trainings, diligently studied books and even played online to further hone their skills. After the exams, the team stepped up on their intensive training and met every other day during the holidays in the afternoons and at night for practice, diligently practicing questions, reviewing every game they played and took turns to spar with each other. The team also went out to play friendly matches against Hall 11 and the SMU school team and took a night to attend a professional exhibition match. With such commitment, passion and dedication, “how 2 lose?”.

When IHRG came, almost every other hall was wary of the team and many thought that surely Hall 2 would be a very tough opponent to defeat. True enough, the team fought with all they got, vying tooth and nail for every single game point and made it smoothly through the preliminaries leaving other halls to choke on dust. Even Hall 6 which was the strongest hall in the grouping led only by a single point from Hall 2. However, in the semi-finals, the champion, Hall 9 still proved to be too strong and the team was eliminated. The team would not be resting on its laurels and stop here feeling contented yet, as there is no way else but only up. Next IHRG would definitely see the team go higher!

Special thanks and mention goes to Sharon Tang, our manager who ensured that all administrative matters were promptly handled. Also, our talented freshies who had their share of victories in IHRG, Esmonde, Shearn Cong and Qing Hua, and star players Honghan and Alvin who mercilessly slaughtered all their opponents. And not forgetting everyone else in the team that had made each training more exciting and memorable, Boon Hoe, Jin Hui, Young Min, Jadeline, Si Ding.

To the team, this is not the end, but the start to bringing glory to Hall 2, and as Arnold Schwarzenegger would have put it, “Hasta La Vista, Baby.”


By Nick Koh & Lim Shearn Chong

With the exception of Tony Lim as a veteran, all of the members in Hall 2 snooker were new students, some with prior background of the game but most without. Nevertheless, we had a common goal which was to achieve champion for Hall 2 in the IHRG.

Snooker captain, Nick Koh, said the following at the start, “Training a whole new team from scratch is not an easy task. What makes it more challenging is the allocation of appropriate training time slots which coincide with everyone’s free time.”

Within this short period, the members had to pick up all the basics of snooker in no more than 10 training sessions. Being a game which involves high precision aiming and clever strategizing, it was crucial for us to gain more playing experience. Hence, anything short of endless practicing would not have sufficed. We even conducted extra intensive training out of school to train our techniques. Eventually, our bonds grew stronger and we actually enjoyed and had fun during training sessions.

As time passed, expectations for the team grew higher despite already knowing the tough competition that we faced. In the previous year, Hall 2 got into semi-finals and that was noted as our minimal achievement. In order to give our new players some exposure to stress handling, informal friendlies were arranged with several players from other halls. With all the effort put in, the team entered the competition with high hopes.

Despite our preparation and hopes, we did not start well. A line-up error and competition nerves led to a 3-2 loss against Hall 12. However, we calmed ourselves down and bounced back with a decisive 3-0 win against hall 11, which had two NTU snooker team players. We then fought hard and late into that same night to complete our comeback with a 4-1 win against Hall 3, paving our way to the quarter-finals.

With our confidence restored, the next challenge was Hall 10, which had several veteran IHRG snooker players. Having

played with some of their players in a friendly session before, we knew that they were no pushovers. The truth is that we were intimidated, as they had reached the quarter-finals via consecutive 3-0 decisive wins with relatively high scoring games, one of which against Hall 4, the previous year’s champion. Much discussion and careful planning was put into deciding our line-up, and none of it was put to waste. It was not easy, but we achieved a 4-1 win over them, surprising them with a lineup they had not expected. The Hall 10 players even had the good sportsmanship to congratulate us on our win, as they were impressed by our improvement since the last friendly session with them. With this, we were making a statement with the other halls that we were a force to be reckoned with, as we paved our way to the semi-finals.

Hopes riding high, we entered the semi-finals against Hall 15, a team which looked to be impressive in all aspects in this year’s competition. Again, much thought had to be put into the lineup, especially against a team which defeated Hall 9. With the competition nerves striking harder than before, tension was in the air as we fought to a 2-2 score-line. But the day wasn’t to be for Hall 2 Snooker Team, as we lost the final matchup and went down 3-2 to the eventual champions. Disappointed, we shook our opponents’ hands and left the area wondering to ourselves if our training had sufficed.

Afterwards it took our dear veteran Tony, to remind us where we had started from, and that we had come an incredibly long way from the novices that we were. Last but not least, the cheerful player told us that there’d be future chances and that he had thoroughly enjoyed training and playing with us as a team. With those words, the team cheered up as we realized that despite the disappointment, our whole journey from training till the end of our competition was nothing short of an amazing and fulfilling experience. We would like to take this opportunity to show our appreciation for the residents of Hall 2, the people who believed in us. Thank you for giving us your utmost support. We would also like to specially thank our recreational secretaries, Yi Ze and Zong Ting for their hard work in making snooker IHRG a successful event. Last but not least, to our welfare secretary, Zi Lin, who climbed up the long flight of stairs leading towards Nanyang House despite her leg injury.

This year, we were announced as semi-finalists in IHRG. Next year, we shall aim towards our goal of champions and soar in the next IHRG!

Carrom By Ng Li Hui

This year has been a good exposure year for Hall 2 Carrom. The team went to the Inter-Hall Recreational Games and played against strong teams like Hall 9 which is the overall champion for recreational games. Although we are not able to qualify for the next round, but the team has put on a good fight against the other halls. The team manages to gain some invaluable experience through the competition and with the opponents. I believe the whole process was indeed an enriching and fulfilling one for the team. I am sure those who have participated will want to join back next year stronger and put on a better fight. The carom team this year consist of a mixture of freshies and seniors. Players like Sin long, Jia Hao, Wei Hong who had prior experience with carrom did their very best in imparting skills to us in training and guiding us along. Our team Captain, Zi Hao also encourages us a lot and tries to make the training interesting, fun but in the meantime also focusing on the basics techniques. Players such as Zilin, Hui Long also did their best in all their matches. Even though they are freshies, but they show great composure and potential in their games. Valarie Pok a.k.a Carrom Queen and Zilin also form a formidable pair with both vie-ing for the position of carom queen! Similarly, Valerie and Hwee Ping also played well together against other halls.

I would like to thanks the other team members like Mun Kay, Bhim, Jannah, Stephy who gave their utmost best in the gruelling games that last for whole two consecutive days. Not forgetting their tireless hours and effort spent in the trainings and the amount of holidays burned because of training in preparation for the games. You guys have made the difference and we wouldn’t have come thus far without you guys.

Special thanks to all the supporters for coming down to lend us your support and for your love of the game. Your presence was definitely appreciated. Then, I would like to thank Kai Leong for dropping by occasionally guiding us along too. Also, thanks to our welfare officer Zilin, who is also our team player, for the snacks & drinks provided.

Lastly I would like to thanks the Rec Secs, Yize and Zong Ting for all they have done for the team both front and back stage.

Not forgetting the �� sandwich they have made for us. You are the ones that help us cover all the teams’ needs and gave us your support not only during the games but also during trainings.

Personally, I felt it was a memorable journey for all of us and I can see that the team has grown from the games and has great potential. With adequate and sufficient trainings, I believe Hall 2 carrom team is capable of climbing up the ranks. All the Best for next year’s Recreational Games. Hall 2 way to goooo! JIAYOUUSS! Cheers!

International Chess By Elizabeth Yeow & Krishnalal

As we started recruiting players, we had difficulty finding people who are interested. Eventually, though, we managed to form a team with a mix of seasoned players and first-timers. We constantly put our minds to the test during training, and, eventually, IHRG.

The ‘cooking’ to be a better ‘dish’ in IHRG started at least 2 months ago, usually on Mondays and another day which is convenient to all. The more experienced players started off teaching basics to the ‘baby’ players, eventually moving on to more complicated strategies, and also demonstrated international chess rules and IHRG chess rules.

We started training ‘openings’ and carried on with ‘middle’ and ‘end’ games. Players were given many chances to practise various classic methods in chess, starting from historical techniques such as the Ruy Lopez to ultra modern techniques such as the Modern Defence. The captain made efforts to refer to various professional books to learn and teach winning techniques. The highlight of the training sessions was, undoubtedly, sparring with each other, which proved effective in honing our skills and also made training more enjoyable.

Closer to IHRG, we had a friendly match with Hall 12 which gave the opportunity for the players to experience the competition environment before the actual ‘War’, as well as to learn various ways or methods of dealing with opponents outside of our usual circle.

After a few more weeks of intense training in December 2011 and the first week of January 2012, we finally arrived at the first tournament day, 13th January. Armed with our knowledge and experience, we plunged into the fray and scored a 3-2 win over Hall 12 in the first round. This was followed by a draw with Hall 1, the previous year’s champion, the result stunning both sides and lifting our morale. We then faced a sobering loss against Hall 9 in the third round, but our spirits were not

dampened as we rested and anticipated the next few rounds the following day. On the 14th, we fought bravely but lost to a strong Hall 5 team, as well as Hall 11 and Hall 10. However, we persevered and went down in style, thrashing Hall 15 with a score of 4-1 in the last round of the preliminaries.

Although we did not manage to make the semi-finals and ended 5th in our group, it was an enriching experience nonetheless. Everyone fought their very best and did not give up even in the face of adversity, which is a trait we are all proud of.

Kudos to the members of the team for their hard work: Jordan Ang, (Captain) Elizabeth Yeow, (Team Manager) Krishnalal Pv, Ang Zhi Kai, Pang Sin Loong, Toh Honghan and Mervyn Lim, as well as S.V. Neelima for her dedication to training (we hope you can play next year!). We would also like to thank Ang Zhi Kai for creating our lineup strategies during IHRG and Thai Ee, our hall alumni, for his teaching help during training and the friendly with Hall 12. Without any one of you, we would not have gained this much in terms of personal skill and working together as a team.

In conclusion, we have had a meaningful year as a team and hope to bring Hall 2 Recreational Games to greater heights with our skills and passion for international chess. After all, as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle once said, “There's not the mystery in ten murders that there is in one game of chess.”

Othello By Jadeline Tay & Valerie Pok Held right after New Year on the 2 Jan 2012, Othello was the first IHRG game to be played and despite it being a public holiday where most people were enjoying themselves, our players arrived early in strong fighting spirits. The pressure was on us to kick off the year with a good start. Having said that, 2 of our best players had left the team upon graduation posing us with a great challenge but that did not deter us from trying.

The team fielded this year was relatively strong with seniors on the team who had played at least twice for IHG Othello in the previous years: Shang Fei, Zhi Kai and Heidi. We were also very fortunate to have with us both diligent and talented freshies who picked up the game in a short span of time and showed great promises prior to IHG: our star player Yun Rui, Kiat Yao and Ricky.

We only proved to be stronger with our “secret manual” passed down from previous generations and with the continued guidance of our grandmaster Thai Ee as he selflessly came down during his lunch breaks amidst his busy schedule to help us with our training sessions. He imparted his trademark ‘eat as little as possible’ move to players and with his other tactics and masterful teachings coupled with our keen learning and resilient team members, it was no wonder we finished off stronger this year. However, this could not have been possible without our captain, Jadeline, who constantly organized and supervised all training sessions and ensured that the team was on task and ever ready for the big game.

The first day of Othello IHG proved grueling where we were placed in the same group as the former champion hall 3, former first runner-up hall 9 and stronger teams like hall 1 and hall 4. But that did not stop us from trying. Tipped to be the next Othello King of hall 2, our star player Yun Rui proved us right when he was the “sole survivor” against dark horse hall 4. While we were expected to lose all 5 games against such a strong competitor, he came back to the table beaming and told us that he had won his match. In the next few matches, he continued on his winning streak, albeit winning games when the rest of our other tables lost and losing games when the rest of our other tables won.

Worth mentioning were also Shang Fei and Zhi Kai who continuously played all 5 matches on the first day and displayed their apparent skills while defeating some of their opponents. Also commendable were our new generation players, Kiat Yao and Ricky, who had shown great promises to become the cornerstones of next year’s team. Lastly, we had with us our greatest motivation: Specially made breakfast from our Rec Sec, Zong Ting, if we could enter into semi finals. Even though we may not have fulfilled his wish, his encouragement through breakfast on the second day and

strong support from Yi Ze definitely gave us motivation to push on.

With that said, this again marks the end of another year of Othello team. Team renewal is always a daunting challenge in searching and training up a person to a reasonable standard in Othello but with hard work and exposure, it most certainly can be done. We may have fallen short of our expectations this time but it is often the journey there together that matters. The times that we spent, the jokes and gossip that we shared and the facebook pranks we played will always stay with us as fond memories. Thank you Othello team 11/12.

Scrabble By Quek Khim Geok & Chea Wei Tien

The Scrabble team this year set out with a mentality to surpass last year’s results and to achieve an enormous improvement. With this goal in mind, scrabble players came for regular training sessions, often sparring with one another to seek for improvement. They also made great effort to memorize the scrabble wordlist, knowing that it will come in handy during the competition.

This year, the team comprises a mix of experienced and new players. Initially, this profound game seems to frighten the new players off given the need to strategize every single move. Players are discouraged at the beginning due to the demand of having to think quickly under the time constraint. However, under constant guidance from the senior players, the new players manage to grasp how the game is played strategically. It is heartening to witness the passion to learn and teach by the new and experienced players respectively. A once stressful and tiring game has now been transformed to a challenging and exciting leisure game for them.

As the competition date grew nearer, players were down for training daily to sharpen up their skills and to accustom themselves to play under the time condition.

On the first day of the competition, we learned of our grouping. There was disappointment among players as Hall 2 had landed itself in a group with traditionally strong Rec Halls such as Hall 9, Hall 3, Hall 16 and Hall 1. Nonetheless, we decided to give in our best, not wanting to let our efforts gone down to drain. Players proceeded to their respective tables feeling nervous, tense yet excited. For the new players, it is an eye opening for them as this is the first time they are competing. Even though we lost to Hall 1 in our first game, we were not discouraged as the scores were pretty close, with a spread of 50 to 80 for each player.

The second game, however, was a booster to all of the players as they did exceptionally well by winning all 5 games as a team while playing with Hall 4. As the subsequent games

continued, fatigue kicked in among players as the game was mentally and physically draining. However, players remained to stay focused and put on their utmost performance. We ended the first day with a total win of 2 out of 5 halls.

On the second day, players are more prepared given the experience of how the whole competition is held on the first day. Our first match was against Hall 10 and it was a close fight. Our doubles manage to win with a spread of only 1 point. It was very breadth taking as the players played strategically. We manage to win Hall 10, giving a great encouragement to all players. Our last game was played with Hall 9. All of us were nervous, as we know Hall 9 has been performing well over the past few years. Most of us, being year 1, were competing with opponents that are much more experienced in playing for IHRG for 3 to 4 years. However, we never let fear took over us. Even though the results ultimately was not what we had wanted, nevertheless, it was a good match for all players as we were granted a chance to spar with the better players and learn from them.

For the 2 days of competition, we manage to win 3 Halls leaving us at the 5th position in the group. Unfortunately, only the top 4 of the group can pass the preliminary rounds. The players were disappointed but they have given all their best. As a team captain, I am proud of the performance of my players. They had performed exceptionally well and surpassed expectations. Even though IHRG 2011/2012 had come to an end, the abilities acquired by the players will live through. The memories of training together are memorable and will stay with us forever.



Awards 11/12 Special Awards

27th JCRC President Vice-President Financial Controller Honorary General Secretary Business Manager Social Secretary Sports Secretary Recreational Secretary Publications Secretary Publicity Secretary Welfare Secretary Cultural Secretary

Teo Yu Hao Cher Jia Hui Clement Cher Jia Wei Fawn Kong Jian Hao Ngieng Shi Hui Eunice Tan Wei Sheng Alwin & Lim Hann Bin Chin Han Liang Alvin & Lim Ming Wei Daryl Lim Wei Jian Joshua & Tay Yu Hui Liauw Jian Xiong Edward & Neo Hui Yuan Jocelyn Koh Ping Fang Elizabeth Poh Wan Qi Fong Yee Hsu

JCRC Best Subcommers Cultural Social Sports Recreational Welfare Publicity Biz Mag Publications Vice President

Soh Pin Xuan & Toh Pei Ying Phoebe Chan Guo Zhen, Suriyanti & Lim Jia Hao Cheng Kiang Yung Terence, Petrina Anne De Souza & Tong Xu Le Toh Honghan & Lee Yi Lin Kwan Xin Yi & Regina Lim Rui Qi Key Li Jun Queenie & Loo Fang Kai Kong Jian Hao & Lim Hui En Jannah Wang Si Ding, Foo Chang Yuh & Lim Jia Chang Chua Bing Xu & Brenda Lau Shu Xian



Awards 11/12 Sports Players

Adelene Tan Wan Ting Alisa Chua Nyap Lih Ang Jing Yi Jordan Ang Jingyin Sarene Ang Peixun Jocelyn Ang Wen Shun Stephen Angela Yap Xue Qi Ann Gee Arlene Veanna Tantriady Arvind Subramanian Astrid Wong Siew Me Bay Koon Teck Alvin Bhim Sen Kumar S/O Thritraj Brenda Lau Shu Xian Bryan Teo Soon Heng Chai Ming Long Chan Guo Zhen Chang Jin Jia Chea Wei Tien Chen Xushuang Chen Zhang Rui Cheng Hwee Ping Cheng Kiang Yung Terence Chern Mo Yi Chia Wang Peng Chiew Geok Fen Chiew Hsiu Chin Chin Zhuo Song Chong Wei Zhen Choo Zi Lin Chow Yu Shan Janice Chua Bing Xu Chua Koon Weng

Chua Zhiquan Adrian Clarence Dominic Yeo Kuo Rong Daphne Tan Su Yin Darlene John Johney Ee Pei En Elizabeth Poh Wan Qi Er Kang Ning Eugene Tang Wei Da Eunice Karina Fu Yumin Flora Ann Vanessa Paul Fong Yee Hsu Foo Chang Yuh Francis Koh Ming Liang Glen Abraham Liang Yuxuan Goh Di Sheng Dickson Goh Qi Quan Guo Xiu Zhan Han Bingxun Bryan Han Huilin Fallon-D Harold Teo Ron Han Ho Kum Soon Huang Hua Ming Huang Shufen Ian Lim Kah Ho Jacqueline Chuah Kai Chin Jonathan Ong Junjie Jonathan Tee Li Wei Jonathan Wong Tze Hou Juliet Neo Yuan Yue Kenneth Hor Kong Jie Kho Poh Han Khoirunisaa Binte Abdul Ja'afar Koh Ming Chong Brian

Koh Rui Shan Magdelene Kok Si Lin Kong Jian Hao Kor Kiat Yao Kuek Yong Wei Alvin Kwan Xin Yi Lai Chien Siew Lai Si Min Lai Sisheng Lau Song Leng Lee Chuan Boon Lee Hon Da Lee Teck Beng Marvin Lee Wei Da Jerico Lee Yi Lin Lee Zhe Rui Lee Zheng Wei Gabriel Lek Hui Kim Melissa Leong Ho Wan Leong Sin Yu Lian Huaili Lian Huiting Lim Hong Chow Lim Hui En Jannah Lim Jia Chang Lim Jia Hao Lim Jian Wei Mark Lim Jun Yu Lim Ming Wei Daryl Lim Shao Wei Lim Sheng Liang Desmond Lim Shengming Vernon Lim Wei Jian Joshua



Awards 11/12 Sports Players

Lim Wing Sing Lim Yong Jun Lim Yuhan Jolene Lim Zhi Hao Lin Shijun Lin Shirong Dennis Lo Bing Cheng Johnson Low Zi Hao Lui Jian Long Mainisah Bte Buang Mak Jian Yao Dominic Maria Fransiska Tanujaya Melissa Choo Yan Jie Michelle Sara Cheong Mingrong Mo Qiyu Sandy Neo Hao Bin Ng Chee Yong Ng Hui Kin Ng Kuan Boon Joel Ng Mei Ting Joyce Ng Ray Lim Ng Wee Kiat Ng Wei Hong Ong Guan Jie Ong Hui Xin Ong Kim Siang Ong Lee Shan Ong Zheng Jie Pang Xin Yi Eunice Parthiban S/O Mathevanan Peh Jin Zhuang Peh Yu Zheng Petrina Anne De Souza

Poh Chun Yue @ Darren Poh Pua Zaiqi Denny Quek Khim Geok Regina Lim Rui Qi Seah Guang Liang Aloysius Seah Kuang Wei Jeremy See Weng Soon Seow Wei Chung Shaikh Aqil Bin Mustaffa Alkhatib Shawn Tien Wei Chong Shen Liwen Shih Tong Jiat Bryan Shukri Bin Abdul Jalil Sim Chin Mei Sim Sok Yin Sim Tian Qi Sim Yan Lin Sim Yao Yang Sim Yikai Kenneth Sri Vathsavai Neelima Susan Tyo Yin Sian Swagato Sen Syeh Muhammad Hafiz Bin Sarum Tan Ai Hua Tan Cheong Seng Tan En Min Jayne Sarah Tan Junhui Jessie Tan Kay Nyu Keith Tan Li Ting Tan Rui Teck Tan Seow Hwee Tan Shao Hui Esmonde Tan Wei Kwang Elgin

Tan Wei Qiang Tan Wei Sheng Alwin Tan Xiu Fen Tan Yen Hao Tan Yi Xin Tessa Tan Yong Kai Tan Zhi Rui Tan Zi Jing Louis Tay Bi Hui Jadeline Tay Shi Ying Anthea Tay Yu Hui Teh Jia Pin Justin Teo Chin Hwee Teo Chun Hoe Teo Yu Hao Tey Sing Liang Warren Toh De Yong Tong Wei Lun Gerald Tong Xu Le Wang Xianlong Kenryu Wayne Sim Ming Hui Wee Jun Yang Wong Hui Long Wong Sok Peng Wong Wen Xin Wong Yong Kang Woo Zhi 'Er Tomoko Yang Yajie Yeo Yuan Ting Sherlyn Yong Mun Weng Yow Mun Kay Zhuang Yan



Awards 11/12 Rec Players

Andre Wang Hong Wei Ang Chern Heidi Ang Jing Yi Jordan Ang Zhi Kai Ann Gee Ariana Tan Rui Min Bhim Sen Kumar S/O Thritraj Chea Wei Tien Cheng Hwee Ping Cheng Kiang Yung Terence Chong Wei Zhen Choo Zi Lin Chua Bing Xu Chua Boon Hoe Chua Hao Zi Eng Shang Fei Fion Hong Li Ying Goh Tiffany Hendrik Lee Jie Hao Key Li Jun Queenie Kim Young Min Koh Kim Siang Nick Koh Yun Rui Kor Kiat Yao

Krishnalal Puthiya Veettil Lai Si Min Lee Qing Hua Lee Wei Da Jerico Lee Yi Lin Lim Hui En Jannah Lim Jia Chang Lim Jia Hao Lim Shearn Chong Lim Wan Yu Lim Wee Chuan Mervyn Loh Jin Hui Low Zi Hao Mak Jian Yao Dominic Neo Boon Yik Ng Kuan Boon Joel Ng Li Hui Ng Wei Hong Ng Wei Sheng Nguyen Ngoc Huy Ong Hui Xin Ong Yan Neng Pang Sin Loong

Poh Wei Lun Pok Kai Yi Valerie Quek Khim Geok Ricky Abdi Gunawan Koean Seah Sheng Zhi Shaikh Aqil Bin Mustaffa Alkhatib Sim Tian Qi Sri Vathsavai Neelima Tan Shao Hui Esmonde Tan Yi Fang Tang Xue Er Sharon Tay Bi Hui Jadeline Tay Xiang Yi Tham Ying Ling Toh Honghan Tony Lim Zhao Ming Wang Siding Wong Hui Long Wong Wen Xin Woo Zhi 'Er Tomoko Yang Yajie Yeow Hui Shi Elizabeth Maria Yow Mun Kay

Cheerleaders Ang Chern Heidi Ang Jing Yi Jordan Ann Gee Bhim Sen Kumar S/O Thritraj Bryan Teo Soon Heng Chia Wang Peng Goh Qi Quan Kho Sue Ying Jacelyn Koh Qing Hui

Kuek Yong Wei Alvin Lai Sisheng Lee Zheng Wei Gabriel Lim Hui En Jannah Lim Wei Jian Joshua Lin Shijun Lo Bing Cheng Johnson Mak Jian Yao Dominic Ng Liang Yu

Ng Wei Hong Ong Hui Xin See Weng Soon Tan Siew Hui Wang Xianlong Kenryu Wong Sok Peng Yang Yajie Yeo Yuan Ting Sherlyn

Dance Aneza Ramzeen Ang Wei Xin Astrid Wong Siew Me Chia Peng Yang Nicholas Chng Chay Beng Bernard Felicia Cher Mui Tiang Foo An Lee Goh Jocelyn

Goh Tiffany Jacie Ong Yu Ling Jacqueline Chuah Kai Chin Key Li Jun Queenie Kim Young Min Koh Qing Hui Kok Si Lin Ang Jing Yi Jordan

Lee Xiang Ning Peggy Lim Wing Sing Mak Jian Yao Dominic Ng Hai Woon Alwin Sim Yao Yang Wong Wen Xin Yip Jie Long Jerome Lee YaeJin

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