
PowerPoint Presentation

THE SMARTPHONEJolisa Francis, Eleanor quach, Alexandra barefoot, Jeremy McIver

History of the SmartphoneCoined in 19971992 IBM-Simon Personal Commuter- $8001999 Research In Motion- BlackberryEarly 2000s- HTC, Windows, Blackberry, SidekickMainly used for email & work2007 Apple- iPhone - $200Multimedia functions- iOSContent > business

How much the average college student depends on their smartphones:To see how much the average college student depends on their smartphones. We did a survey on college student and a survey on older generation to compare how smartphone has changed our lifestyle. The results show that 74% of college student have their smartphones with them more than 3 hours/day which is 42% more than the 50 year and up age group. 21% of college student would rather communicate with someone through text compare to 11% in 50 year old and up age group. 55% of college student text and drive and 0% in 50 year and up age group. When asked if they were stranded in the middle of the city could they find their way home by using a map, 67% of college student said yes and 79% for 50 year and up age group. The results show that smartphone has been involved greatly in our life today. Popularity of Smartphone5% - 50% penetrationLandline: 45 yearsMobile: 7 yearsSmartphones: 4 years

Nielsen reports that about 40% of US population are smartphone owners and this number is expected to reach 61% by 2016Smartphone today vs. television in 1950s

Fig. 1 Graham Bell And His Invention

(Alexander Graham Bell)Fig. 2 Smartphones Popularity

(Times Change)It took landline telephones about 45 years to get from 5% to 50% penetration among U.S. households, and mobile phones took around 7 years to reach the similar proportion of consumers. Smartphones have gone from 5% to 40% in about 4years, despite a recession, a high cost, and expensive phone bills. In 2012, Nielsen reports that about 40% of U.S. population are smartphone owners, this number is expected to reach 61% by 2016. And smartphone still hasnt reached its saturation, or the point at which new demand falls off. Why are smartphones spreading so fast? It almost can be compared to television in the 1950s. 4Experience Stores

Also called Touch pointsCreate a lifestyle

Fig. 5 Inside Samsung Experience Store

(First Impression)Fig. 4 Apple Store

(Think Different: How Apple Store Seduces You) Experience stores provide visual and tangible touch points, where brand build there living monuments or its customer base by celebrating their brand lifestyle. If you ever notice, the products that are displaced in those experience stores are never placed at a position where you can just test it out without picking it up. It is because marketers want customers to pick up their products and to be amazed by how light the products are or to be attracted by the luxurious materials. of- Mouth

Produce a limited amount of their products

Loyal Customers

Fig. 6 People In Front Of Apple Store(Lee, Cody)Fig. 7 The Media(Bloggers Agencies Brand)Fig. 8 Loyal Customer(Reed, Brad)Fig. 9 Word of mouth is one of the oldest forms of advertising(Dysthe, Sarah)

Word- of- mouth has always been one of the most powerful marketing strategy. Have you ever bought something because someone had told you that it was a good product. Or Did you choose your doctor, doggie day care, cruises because of someones recommendation. If you have, then you know why word- of- mouth works. It is the most authentic and real customers experience about a product that we can trust. And the two biggest smartphone sellers, Apple and Samsung, have used this strategy successfully. For example, Apple often produce a limited amount of their products which would cause people who love their product to camp in front of their stores the night before their product release. Then, the media and bloggers would be engaged in endless discussions about their products.When I couldnt decide which phone I should get. one of my friend, who is an Apple fan, told me to buy Apple iPhone. He showed me all the cool features an iPhone can do as well as why iPhone is better than other smartphones. So I was convinced. Another example is my aunt and my mother. Just last year, they were like no, I dont need a smartphone, and now, they own a smartphone. Does Business World Integrate Smartphone? In-app advertisementsGoogle new update favored mobile-friendly websites

So while technology, specifically- smartphone has expanded so much, businesses have to look for a way to catch up with that trend. For example, in-app advertisements. Because this type of advertisement cost less than a traditional advertisement and reaches more people. And Google understands this very well. They have updated their search engine to accommodate mobile users, which mean mobile friendly websites have higher rank than non-mobile optimized websites in its search results.7ProsIncrease workers productivityWorkers flexibilityBusiness efficienciesCompany profits

Fig. 10 Using Smartphone In Subway

(How News Apps)Since smartphone is so small that can be carried around anywhere at anytime. It helps business leaders to immediately obtain, exchange, alter, and diffuse existing or newly acquired knowledge or information. This information can be used to increase management skills, leadership qualities, economic business efficiencies, and company profits. Stock is an example. It affords interactions and connections between various participants within their respective network system.

ability to read and work on files away from the office and at their preferred time, and quickly access information or communicate with colleagues quickly Smartphones have revolutionized the way business is conducted. Before their advent, a professional worker needed a separate phone, a laptop computer or a desktop computer with internet connection to accomplish a professional task. This meant that the worker had to be at their desk or near a conference room where different computing and communication devices could be found. Employees were unable to accomplish their work outside of their working hours, and forced to extend their workday. The advent of smartphones has changed all that. A smartphone user can do almost all the office related tasks anywhere where the smartphone device can access voice and data connection. Smartphones have enabled workers to become mobile and accomplish many tasks outside of their normal working hours. Moreover, employers see smartphones as means to increase worker productivity and allowing employees to be able to respond to customer problems and concerns. In turn, employees see smartphones as providing flexibility so that they can be away from the office and still stay connected and get their jobs completed at a more opportune time (Luttenegger, 2010). Ultimately, from an employers point of view, use of smartphones should lead to improvement in companys bottom line (Net Income).

8ConsDecrease productivityCreate StressIntroduce computer viruses to work computer networks9Signs of a hacked smartphone:Strange texts

Unauthorized use Change of call history, sent text messages and other unusual activity.

Service disruptions Abruptly dropped calls can be a failed hacking attempt. Smartphone HackingIt would take an amateur hacker less than 20 hours to hack into your smartphone.

A professional hacker would only need under 4 hours, to steal all of your information without you even knowing.

MacDonald, Claire. Smartphone Users Unaware of Hacking Risks. Digital image. ApplicationsMost apps once they are downloaded share the phones unique ID number, the phones location, and the users age and gender.

Track the exact location of the cell phone user at any given time.

Remotely send SMS commands to lock/unlock the cell phone usage or delete call history, photos and videos from the target phone at any time.Easiest smartphone to hack:CNET an electronic consumer, did a study which revealed that android phones are easier to hack into than apple phones using an IOS system.

When comparing the two phones, the only way to break into an IPhone was if it was jail broken.

However, to hack into an android all you would need is to be linked to the phone through Wi-Fi or Blue-tooth.

Privacy from Cellphone Providers Service providers like AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, and T-Mobile collect phone data, but don't tell you exactly what data they collect, the reasons they collect it, and their data retention policies.

The information that they collect are all calls made, the numbers that you receive calls from, emails sent, bill copies and much more. GovernmentLaw enforcement can tap into the locations of smartphones, and ask wireless providers to turn over days worth of location data, and implant tracking devices.

They can also request all the data your smartphone provider has collected about you.

Yeo, Julian. Hacking Your Smartphone: Dont Forget To Watch out for Apps. Digital image. How to: Prevent HackingDont automatically connect to any available Wi-Fi connections.

Turn off Bluetooth when around places like Hotels, Malls and restaurants

Dont store information on your phone like pins, social security numbers, and bank information

Dont automatically remember login passwords for access to email, and other accounts.

AgendaRumored health hazards

Effects of cell phone use

Ways to reduce cell phone exposure(


Rumored Health HazardsBrain dysfunction

Brain tumors

Sleep disorders

Attention Deficit Disorder

Interference with cardiac pacemakers

Effects of Cell Phone useCell phones emit low radiofrequency (RF) energy levelsThese levels are safe and undetectableProlonged exposure is the real concernHigh RF levels emit excess heatThis leads to increased body/tissue temperatureEyes are especially vulnerable to RF energy due to low blood flow.

How to reduce RF exposureHands-free kit like a Bluetooth set or headphones

Utilize speaker mode often

Limit time spent using your smartphoneFuture smartphone featuresAugmented Reality

Flexible Screens

Built-in Projector

3-D Screens/Holograms



Societys overdependence

Child smartphone use Digital Natives

Stunts social developmentCreates distressDetrimental in toddlers

NomophobiaNo-mobile-phone phobiaEffects 58% of men & 47% of women

Fighting NomophobiaTurn your phone off dailyBalance screen time and in-person time each weekTry a technology fast every monthPlace your phone at least 15 feet away from you when you sleep at night.

ConclusionSocial convenience vs. social healthBalanceConvenience vs. securityUnknown health hazards

Its important to understand how smartphones affect and relate to human psychology before these technologies are so fully ingrained that its hard to recall what life was like without them.Works citedBindley, Katherine. When Children Text All Day What Happens To Their Social Skills? Sense, 9 Dec. 2011.web.10 Mar. 2015. Carayannis, Elias and Stephen Clark. Do Smartphones Make for Smarter Business? The Smartphone CEO Study. 24 May 2011. Print. 18 Mar. 2015.Choudhary, Amod. Smartphones and Their Impact on Net Income Per Employee for Selected U.S. Firms. Print. 15 Mar. 2015.Dean, Jeremy. Smartphone Addiction: How it May Affect Your Thinking, 10 Mar. 2015.web.15 Mar. 2015. Dysthe, Sarah. The 3 Pillars of Word-of-Mouth Marketing. 17 Dec. 2014. Web. 20 Mar. 2015.First Impressions of the Samsung First Experience Store. Web. 20 Mar. 2015.Gallo, Carmine. How Apple Store Seduces You With the Tilt of Its Laptops. Web 20 Mar. 2015.Kovach, Sue, ed. ""The Hidden Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation."Life Extension MagazineAug. 2007: 1-13. Web. 25 Feb. 2015MacDonald, Claire. Smartphone Users Unaware of Hacking Risks. Digital image. 10 Mar. 2013. Web. 12 Apr. 2015. Poh, Michael. 5 Key Features to Expect in Future Smartphones. HongKiat, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2015"Privacy Rights Clearinghouse." Privacy Rights Clearinghouse - Cellphone Privacy. 10 Mar. 2013. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.Reducing Exposure: Hands-free Kits and Other Accessories. US Food and Drug Administration, n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2015.

Works CitedReed, Brad. Loyal Customer. 14 Mar. 2014. Web. 20 Mar. 2015. "Privacy Rights Clearinghouse." Privacy Rights Clearinghouse - Cellphone Privacy. 10 Mar. 2013. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.Reducing Exposure: Hands-free Kits and Other Accessories. US Food and Drug Administration, n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2015Walters, Joanna. Tablets and smartphones may affect social and emotional development, scientists Guardian.2 Feb. 2015.web.3 Mar. 2015.Whitler, Kimberly. Why Word Of Mouth Marketing Is The Most Important Social Media. Web. 20 Mar. 2015. Whitney, Lance. "IOS Scores as Most Secure Mobile OS in Spyware Report - CNET." CNET. CBS Interactive Inc, 10 Apr. 2015. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.Yeo, Julian. Hacking Your Smartphone: Dont Forget To Watch out for Apps. Digital image. 10 May. 2014. Web. 12 Apr. 2015

Works CitedYeo, Julian. Hacking Your Smartphone: Dont Forget To Watch out for Apps. Digital image. 10 May. 2014. Web. 12 Apr. 2015


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