
Madison SchmittProfessional Writing

5 C’s document: What?Clear, Concise, Complete, Correct, CourteousOne must be sure to always write their news in the

beginning of their correspondence to ensure clarity.The writer must be aware that excess information is

not required and must be concise.All correspondence must be complete in order for

the reader to properly understand what is being written.

Your correspondence must have correct format, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling and

word usage.The writer must be polite and courteous to ensure

higher possibilities of the results desired.

5 C’s Document: In the beginning

module of our course we were informed of the importance of the

5 C’s. This learning was significant as it will be used in the writing of

any professional document allowing us to be able to properly

communicate to multiple audiences.

With this added knowledge I will

continue to use my 5 C’s to provide the

utmost communication skills.

Functional outline: The functional outline contains four main categories that we learn including news,

reason, details, and closing. Such categories contain the organization of the how, what, why and honey statement. All of which are necessary to make sure that

every aspect of the topic are covered. This was learned in our first module covered and will be used to formerly conduct an

organized piece of writing.

•Module 5: Designing Documents, Slides, and Screens

Designing documents, slides, and screens are essential to aesthetically pleasing the reader. We learned the importance of this in week 8 as we

watched the YouTube video at

. With such essential information we learned how to keep documents, screens, and information tantalizing without creating an overwhelming piece. Without this important learning one could easily create something unpleasing to a viewer which could in turn lead to the loss of a client. From presenting an idea to informing a client, the information learned will be used in just

about every possible professional scenario.

•Module 23: Short ReportsIn week nine of our semester we learned

the necessities of short reports. They provide more substantive information than a simple Letter or memo, but are less substantive than a Formal report. Short reports are used to inform and

persuade and should to get the proper message across to the reader with the a possible edge against any opponents.

This will be used in either an informative matter or as in a way to convince a buyer of a product or other need.

•Module 22: Finding, Analyzing, and Documenting Information

Finding, analyzing, and documenting information was introduced in module twenty-two and continued to be taught

throughout the remainder of our lessons. Without proper ways of researching

information, analyzing what you have read, and presenting it in an efficient

manner, your piece of work will not act as a proper display of what you are

trying to portray. These techniques can be used in researching what is best for a

company, or what should be recommended to clients.

•Module 12: Persuasive Messages Persuasive messaging is one of the

most important tasks that we learned in module twelve which

teaches us separate processes to properly conduct a persuasive

message. These processes consist of the planning process, the

creative process, as well as the closing honey statement. These are used to analyze the problem, discuss the sample solutions, and

come to an informative conclusion. Persuasive messages are used to conclusively get what you want in a professional manner where all

parties are seemingly the winners.

•Module 21: Proposals and Progress Reports

Writing any report includes five basic steps that include defining the

problem, gathering, analyzing, and organizing the information, as well as

writing the report. We were taught these steps in module twenty-one to

learn how to properly conduct proposals and progress reports to be

used in the business world.

•Social Media Supplementary Materials: Week 11In week eleven we were given two

links that directed us to two separate videos on YouTube to teach us about social media and electronic

communication as well as The Fail Trial which enabled us to learn about social media crises. The importance of this module was to teach us what is appropriate and inappropriate to

broadcast on social media as well as how to correctly respond to scrutiny. This knowledge will be used in just about every job that is taken. What is posted on the internet is for all to

see and this should not be taken lightly.

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