Final 1st year Herbology assignment (Keaton Harris: Ravenclaw)

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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So this is my 1st year Herbology report at Hogwarts! Enjoy! :)


HerbologyYear 1Review Assignment

Done By:Keaton Harris(Ravenclaw)

Contents Slide 1: Cover page Slide 2: Contents Slide 3: Introduction Slide 4: What is Herbology? Slide 5-6: Important equipment needed Slide 7: Things to consider when planting Slide8: What is repotting? Slide 9: What are starpuffs? Slide 10: Other major plant ingredients Slide 11: The forgetfulness potion Slide 12-13: Basic herbs and fungi Slide 14-16: Dangerous plants Slide 17: Rat root Slide 18-19: Advance Herbology Slide 20-22: Non-magical plants


Hi there everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day to read my Review Assignment for my 1st Year Herbology class.

In this slideshow you will find information about safety precautions, magical plants, non-magical plants and even many ingredients that one can use in order to make an array of amazing and useful potions/concoctions.

What is Herbology?

Herbology is seen as a study that uses both mundane and magical plants for medicinal, protective and educational purposes.

An individual who understands the properties and nature of a plant can therefore be described as a Herbologist.

Important equipment needed: The following can be classified as essential equipment that

is vital in the understanding and implementation of the practices perceived in this course:

Dragon-Hide gloves: These gloves allow protection to the hand by acting as a barrier between the harmful substance and the skin of your hand.

Earmuffs: These are important especially when dealing with the Mandrake as the Mandrakes cry is lethal to anyone who hears it.

Wand: A wand is necessary as you will not be able to perform any of the spells or incantations without it.

Dragon dung: Dragon dung is necessary as it acts as a fertilizer and gives great nutrients to the soil

Mooncalf dung: This dung is used as a gentler option, easing the nutrients into the plant. This dung is less concentrated than that of Dragon dung.

Centaur Tears: These tears are used in plants that are lacking vitamins as it is higher in vitamins then water

Dittany: Dittany is also needed as it is useful when treating yourself with those nasty burns and cuts. It acts as an anti-septic.

Closed shoes: Yes you will be dealing with small plants that bight and wearing closed shoes will prevent that and also prevent spillage of a potion on your feet.

Apron: This item will be used to make sure you don’t get your robes dirty during your practical sessions. I don’t think you would want your robes smelling like manure now would you?

Gloves: Gloves would be great in cases of working withy yucky and gooey tinctures. As well as to protect your hands from fire, biting and other normal (although they say) things.

Things to consider when planting: What type of soil needed The depth the seed should be planted How much water the plant needs How much sunlight the plant needs The color the plant should be before

planting and repotting

What is repotting?

Repotting indicates the transition stage from a baby plant to a plant that is maturing and growing.

It is the process by which a plant is extracted from its current pot and placed in a bigger pot to allow it to grow bigger.

The plant will then enjoy a new sense of freshness, a greater sense of confidence.

However, care must be taken as the diet of the plant may change. Don’t be surprised if your plant starts eating more or less.

What are Starpuffs?

Are a vital component in the dreamless sleep potion

Are in a plant form and possess hypnotic qualities.

Has mesmerizing and sparkling leaves that can attract even the blindest of trolls

Other major plant ingredients:

Mistletoe berries Wolfsbane/monkshood/aconite Valerian Sprigs (also in sleeping potions) Leaping Toadstool Knotgrass Peppermint Root of Aconite Poppy Heads Shrivelfigs (shrinking potions especially) Rose Thorns Rose Oil

The Forgetfulness Potion Contains Mistletoe berries, Valerian

Sprigs as well as that of peppermint. Peppermint is seen as a non-magical

plant that has a breath-taking aroma and has a positive attribute when used as an ingredient in potion making.

Basic herbs and fungi:

Gillyweed: A plant that is native to the Mediterreanean sea. It can grow to a height of 5 centimeters and thrives in soil hat as a pH of 7.9-8.4. It consumes a lot of water and needs very little sunlight in order to survuve. It is a slimy plant that grows in the bushel and is grey-green in color. It can also be used to make Gillywater.

Valerian Root: Is a plant native to Europe and some of Asia. It possesses sedative properties and is very useful in several sleeping potions. It has anxiolytic properties and may grow to be five feet in length. The seed of this plant should be planted in soil that has a pH of between 4.5-5.0

Knotgrass: A plant used in Polyjuice potion and allows one to temporarily change into the body of another. It is native to European forests and can grow to be four metres tall. This plant can also help with urinary tract infections as well as fertility issues. It can be placed in soil with a pH of between 6.1 and 7.3 and requires lots of sunlight to grow.

Dittany: This plant grows on the mountainside of Crete and Greece. This plant has the ability to cure and treat ailments as well as prevent scarring. It can grow up to 30 centimetres in height and will grow best in soil at a pH of 6.6-7.3

Dangerous Plants:

Mandrake: This plant is common to European countries and is shaped like a parsnip with wrinkled roots. It can grow up to 40 centrimetres. The mandrake causes hallucinations, comas and puts people into a dream like state. It can be used as a sleeping potion, love potion and petrification revival potion. It is important to wear earmuffs when working with mandrakes as their screams may cause death. If the person isnt completely hit by the scream and falls into a coma, a tandisu injection may be administered.

Devils snare: This plant is found in the highlands and lowlands of Scotland, specifically in dark and damp areas. It has a vivid green color and is afraid of heat and light. In the past they were used to suffocate someone and to protect buried treasures. If one comes into contact with Devils snare it will attempt to suffocate the person. That is when Lumos Maxima and Incendio can be used to rid yourself from the Devils Snare’s grip. If you do not have your wand you can ‘play dead’ and that will trick the Devils Snare into letting you go. If a person is found unconscious after coming into contact with Devils Snare you can use Rennervate to bring them back to life.

Bubotubar: Originating from Scotland, Bubotubar is seen as being a giant black slug. Once this slug is squeezed it excretes pus which is known as Bubotubar. Direct contact with this will cause burns and the Muggles will classify it as being corrosive. They reauire very little sunlight and are found in very dark and dam areas. If hit with Bubotubar pus, clean the wound and immediately apply dittany.

Rat Root Is a water plant that is found on the edges of lakes and

riverbeds. Its leaves have a sweet aroma but to the contrary the root

has a bitter taste. Caution should be taken as the rat root is not supposed to be

taken in large doses

It is used as: Anodyne (relives pain), Anthelmintic, Aphrodisiac

(used in some love potions), Carminative, Anti-hallucinogens, Diuretic, Hallucinogen. Laxative, Otalgic (cures ear aches), Sedative Can grow to a height of one metre Rat root is an abortifacient which means that pregnant

women are not to take it

Advanced Herbology:

Bouncing Bulb: This plant is purple, bulb-shaped with a few leaves sprouting from its head. They enjoy attacking strangers so an easy Flippendo spell should knock them on their way.

Gurdy Root: Represents green onions and are accompanied with a gut wrenching smell. Gurdy root is also the main ingredient in the Gurdy Root infusion that is red-purple in color and tastes like bogies. Gurdyroot are able to grow in an array of different environments, as long as they have sufficient food and water they will thrive.

Aconite (Wolfsbane): Wolfsbane is found in areas of a moderate, Mediterranean climate such as that of lush forests, wild grasslands and rugged mountain ranges. One can further generalize and say that Wolfsbane is found in shady places near trees that are placed in nutrient-rich soil. The Wolfsbane plant is toxic/poisonous and is accompanied with sedation effects if/when ingested. This plant can also be used to slow down the heartbeat and is extremely useful with patients that have tachycardia.

Wormwood: Wormwood has the ability to grow to a height of 2 meters and is found commonly throughout Europe. It has a bitter taste and is used to help people with digestive disorders. It is a vital ingredient in the Draught of Living Death.

Non-magical plants:

Lily plants: Lily plants are common to the Muggle world and are known for their various colors which attract birds. This plant is able to regulate ones heart rate and aid in conditions that pertain to the heart. They can also be used for burn treatment as well as in the prevention of scars.

English Rose: This plant is classified as a shrub and is able to grow up to 20 meters high. It has a variety of colors and grows best in soil that has a pH range of between 5.5 and 7.0. When harvesting these plants make sure you wear your Dragon-Hide gloves as they will protect you against the thorsn of the plant.

The English rose oil can be used in: 1. Eye diseases 2. Burns 3. influenza 4. Stomach problems / as a digestive stimulant 5. Diarrhea 6. Chronic finger sores 7. Snow blindness ( 8. Astringent/ for skin lotions 9. Sore throats 10. Treats rabid dog bites 11. To stop nosebleeds 12. To ease muscular pain/ antispasmodic 13. Antidepressant /ease depression and anxiety 14. Used in love potions 15. Can decrease kidney stones 16. Menstrual regulator 17. Helps with kidneys 18. Cleansing properties 19. Anti-inflammatory 20. Source of vitamin C

21. Seeds are diuretic 22. Seeds are a laxative 23. Potions with dried petals treat headaches 24. Soaking a cloth in cool rose water may be applied to the

forehead to help treat headaches 25. Scent in potions may relieve colic 26. Eases a cough 27. May be used to treat dry skin 28. May be used in a potion to relieve itching for women 29. Combining Rose water with witch hazel makes a potion to help

clear up skin with pimples/acne 30. Adding rose oil to bath water helps ease grief, and sometimes

insomnia as well 31. Rose tea helps relieve stress 32. Has been used to prevent scurvy by consumption 33. Eases colds 34. Eases fevers 35. Decreases swelling of puffy skin by compressing with rose

water 36. Scent in some potions may induce sleep 37. Can help regulate blood thickness 38. Rose oil is known to be antiviral 39.  Rose oil is known to be antibacterial 40. Rose oil and rose water are known to be Antiseptic

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