
Image: Robert Scoble (Flickr)

The Implications of Google Glass

By: James Cochrane

Image: shoutabyss (Flickr)

Technology is on the brink of another massive spreading of a breakthrough product…

Image: loiclemeur (Flickr)

Google Glass is the most hotly anticipated new arrival in “wearable computing”

Source: Google Glass: is it a threat to our privacy?

Image: Yutaka Tsutano (Flickr)

A revolutionary device that can:- Record videos- Take pictures- Stream live- Answer questions- Give directions- Voice message- Translate voice

All hands-free!

Image: Stefan Baudy (Flickr)

Despite the innovation, Google is still facing a lot of questions…

…concerning privacy, social impacts and health concerns.

Image: hyku (Flickr)

For Google, “privacy” means “what you’ve agreed to”

Have you checked your

privacy settings lately?

Image: Martin Magdalene (Flickr)

Image: Yogendra174 (Flickr)

We already live in a world where the boundaries of what’s private and what’s public are melting

Source: Google Glass: is it a threat to our privacy?

Image: keepingtime_ca (Flickr)

Where does all this data go?

Image: Philip Taylor PT(Flickr)

Google would use this breakthrough in data collection to sell to corporations in order to serve the ultimate goal of making money

What about the social impact?

Image: Joris_Louwes (Flickr)

Image: Search Engine People Blog (Flickr) Source: Google Glass: is it a threat to our privacy?

“Your one-on-one conversation with someone wearing Google Glass is likely to be annoying, because you'll suspect that you don't have their undivided attention.” - Mark Hurst

Image: vonSchnauzer (Flickr)

Google Glass has the potential to make us more inwardly focused and less prone to take part in real-life conversations.

Source: What Will Google Glass Do to Our Brains?

Image: Lnk.Si (Flickr) Source: What Will Google Glass Do to Our Brains?

A study by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that

the vagus nerve — which connects the heart and the brain — was negatively affected

by a lack of face-to-face communication.

Is it possible for our

technologically driven, short

attention spans to get any shorter?

Image: espensorvik (Flickr)

Such distraction is a big risk with Google Glass.

Simply put, the human brain lacks a robust parallel processing system.Image: Donald Lee Pardue (Flickr)

Image: Jhaymesisviphotography (Flickr)

Polled 2,462 middle and high school teachers, 87% report that these technologies are creating "an easily distracted generation with short attention spans"

Source: Texting, TV and Tech Trashing Children's Attention Spans

…and 64% say that digital technologies "do more to distract students than to help them academically."

Image: Renato Ganoza (Flickr) Source: Texting, TV and Tech Trashing Children's Attention Spans

What will this latest potential gadget do for our generation?


All images are licensed under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial

Share Alike 3.0 Agreement and sourced from Flickr.

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