Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests

    AAAS Science Books

    AAPG Bulletin

    AAUW Journal

    Academic Therapy

    Accent: A Quarterly of New Literature

    Accountants Digest

    ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems

    Acta Botanica Neerlandica

    Acta Chemica Scandinavica (Including Series A & B)

    Acta Crystallographica (Including Section A & B)

    Acta Endocrinologica

    Acta Physiologica Scandinavica

    Acta Physiologica Scandinavica. Supplementum

    Acta Psychologica

    Acta Tropica

    Administration & Society


    Advancement of Science

    Advances in Mathematics

    Advancing the Consumer Interest: ACI

    Aerospace Medicine

    AFF: American Fabrics and Fashions


    Africa Report

    Africa Research Bulletin

    African Social Research



  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    American Artist

    American Association of Industrial Nurses Journal

    American Behavioral Scientist

    American City

    American Craft

    American Editor

    American Enterprise

    American Fabrics and Fashion

    American Film

    American Forestry

    American Forests

    American Heart Journal

    American History Illustrated

    American Journal of Physiology

    American Journal of Anatomy

    American Journal of Cardiology

    American Journal of Diseases of Children

    American Journal of Epidemiology

    American Journal of Human Genetics

    American Journal of Medicine

    American Journal of Mental Deficiency

    American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

    American Journal of Physiology

    American Journal of Psychiatry

    American Journal of Psychotherapy

    American Journal of Public Health and the Nation's Health

    American Journal of Public Health: JPH

    American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

    American Journal of Sports Medicine

    American Magazine

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    American Magazine of Art

    American Mercury

    American Mineralogist

    American Notes & Queries

    American Photography

    American Physical Society

    American Physics Teacher

    American Record Guide

    American Review of Reviews

    American Scholar

    American School & University

    American School Board Journal

    American Scientist

    American Studies

    American Studies Internal Newsletter

    American Studies International

    American Transcendental Quarterly

    American Vocational Journal



    Analytica Chimica Acta

    Analytical Biochemistry

    Analytical Communications

    Analytical Proceedings

    Analytical Proceedings Including Analytical Communications

    Anatomical Record

    Anatomy and Embryology

    Animal Behaviour

    Animal Learning & Behavior

    Annales de l'Institut Pasteur

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Annales de Microbiologie

    Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee

    Annales d'Immunologie

    Annals of Human Genetics

    Annals of Internal Medicine

    Annals of Medical History

    Annals of Physics

    Annals of Public and Co-Operative Economy

    ANS, Advances in Nursing Science




    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Applied Anthropology

    Applied Economics

    Applied Entomology and Zoology

    Applied Microbiology

    Applied Optics

    Applied Physics Letters

    Architectural Forum

    Architectural Record

    Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis

    Archives de Biologie

    Archives of Biochemistry

    Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics

    Archives of General Psychiatry

    Archives of Neurology

    Archives of Otolaryngology


    Arizona Highways

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Arizona Review: AR.

    Armenian Review

    Arms Control & Disarmament

    Art International

    Arts & Architecture

    Arts & Decoration

    Arts and Activities

    Arts Education Policy Review

    Arts in Society

    Arts Magazine

    Arts Menagers



    Asha: A Journal of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Assoc.


    Asia and the Americas

    Asia: Journal of the American Asiatic Association

    Asian Outlook

    Asian Review

    Asian Review: Journal of the Royal society for India, Pakistan, and Ceylon

    Asian Studies Professional Review

    Asian Thought & Society

    Astronomical Journal

    Athletic Journal


    Atlantic Monthly


    Atlas World Press Review



  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Audiological Library Series



    Audubon Field Notes

    Australian Journal of Biological Sciences

    Australian Journal of Earth Sciences

    Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research

    Australian Journal of Physics

    Australian Journal of Scientific Research

    Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine

    AWHONN Lifelines


    Bacteriological Reviews

    Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation

    Behavioral Science

    Behaviour Research and Therapy

    Beijing Review

    Best Sellers

    Better Homes and Gardens


    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

    Biochemical Journal

    Biochemical Journal. Cellular Aspects

    Biochemical Journal. Molecular Aspects

    Biochemical Journal. Reviews

    Biochemical Pharmacology

    Biochimica et Biophysica acta

    Biological Conservation

    Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

    Biological Reviews and Biological Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Biophysics of Structure and Mechanism



    Bioresearch Index

    Bioresearch Titles

    Biotechnic & Histochemistry

    Biotechnology and Bioengineering

    Black Enterprise

    Black Scholar

    Blake Newsletter

    Boletin de Archivo General de la Nacion

    Borden's Review of Nutrition Research

    Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society

    Box 1980

    Brain and Language

    Brain: A Journal of Neurology

    Briefs: Official Publication of Maternity Center Association

    British Journal of Applied Physics

    British Journal of Audiology

    British Journal of Disorders of Communication

    British Journal of Educational Psychology

    British Journal of Experimental Biology

    British Journal of Nutrition

    British Journal of Pharmacology

    British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy

    British Journal of Psychology



    Bucknell Review

    Bulletin - Institute of Mathematical Statistics

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Bulletin (new series) of the American Mathematical Society

    Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France

    Bulletin of Bibliography & Magazine Notes

    Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars

    Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

    Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

    Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics

    Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-Midwives

    Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society

    Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

    Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan

    Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society

    Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

    Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society

    Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

    Bulletin/Africa Institute Bulletin

    Business Conditions

    Business Horizons

    Business Management

    Business Review


    Cable Vision

    Cahiers de Geographie de Quebec

    Cahiers d'Histoire Mondiale = Journal of World History

    California Fish and Game


    Camping Magazine

    Canadian Art

    Canadian Cartographer

    Canadian Dimension

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Canadian Entomologist

    Canadian Field-Naturalist

    Canadian Forum

    Canadian Geographic

    Canadian Geographical Journal

    Canadian Geographysical Bulletin

    Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences

    Canadian Journal of Biochemistry

    Canadian Journal of Medical Technology

    Canadian Journal of Psychology

    Canadian Journal of Research. Section B, Chemical Sciences

    Canadian Mathematical Bulletin

    Canadian Mineralogist

    Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin

    Canadian Notes and Queries

    Canadian Nurse

    Canadian Psychologist: Psychologie Canadienne

    Canadian Review of Sociology

    Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology

    Canadian Statistical Review

    Canadian Theatre Review

    Canadian Women's Studies

    Cancer Bulletin

    Cancer Research: The Official Organ of the American Assoc. for Cancer Research, Inc.

    Cancer: Diagnosis, Treatment, Research



    Cardio-Vascular Nursing

    Career Development Quarterly

    Caribbean Quarterly

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Carleton Miscellany



    Catholic Educational Review

    CEA Critic

    Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS

    Center Magazine

    Central Asiatic Journal

    Central Review = Chuo koron

    Central States Speech Journal

    Cereal Chemistry


    Changing Faces

    Chemical Communications

    Chemical Innovation

    Chemical Instrumentation

    Chemical Physics Letters

    Chemical Society Reviews

    Chemical Geology

    Chemische Berichte

    Chemisches Zentralblatt

    Chemistry and Industry

    Chemistry in Britain


    Chihoshi Kenkyu

    Child and Family

    Child Study

    Child: Monthly News Summary


    Children Today

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    China Pictorial

    China Reconstructs

    Chinese Economic Studies

    Chinese Sociology and Anthropology

    Chinese Studies in History

    Chinese Studies in History and Philosophy

    Chinese Studies in Philosophy

    Christian Century


    Ciba Clinical Symposia

    CIM Bulletin

    Cinema Canada


    Circulation Research: A Journal of the American Heart Assoc.

    Civilization: The Magazine of the Library of Congress

    Cleft Palate Journal

    Climatological Data. New England

    Climatological Data: National Summary

    Clinical Pediatrics

    Clinical Symposia

    Cognitive Psychology

    College & University Business

    College & University Journal

    College and Research Libraries

    College and University: The Journal of the American Assoc. of Collegiate Registrars

    College Student Journal

    College Student Survey


    Colloquia Germanica

    Colorado School of Mines Quarterly

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Columbia Forum

    Columbia Journal of International Affairs

    Columbia University Forum


    Communications in Algebra

    Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal

    Community and Junior College Journal

    Community Mental Health Journal

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A, Comparative Physiology

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B, Comparative Physiology

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: Comparative Physiology

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: Part A, Physiology

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: Physiology

    Complete Photographer

    Comptes Rendus des Seances de I'Academie des Sciences

    Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie et des ses Filiales

    Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences

    Computer Journal

    Computer Studies in the Humanities and Verbal Behavior

    Computer-Assisted Composition Journal

    Computers and People

    Computers in Nursing

    Conjuntura Economica: Economics and Business in Brazil

    Connaissance des Arts


    Conservation News

    Consumer Bulletin

    Consumer Reports News Digest

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Consumer's Research Bulletin

    Contemporary Education

    Contemporary French Civilization

    Contemporary Mideast Backgrounder

    Contemporary Psychology

    Contemporary Review

    Contents of Contemporary Mathematical Journals

    Contents of Contemporary Mathematical Journals and New Publications

    Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology

    Coordination Chemistry Reviews

    Corrections Today

    Craft Horizons

    Craft Horizons with Craft World

    CRC Critical Reviews in Microbiology

    Creative Writing

    Criminal Justice Research Bulletin


    Critical Care Quarterly

    Critical Quarterly

    Critical Reviews in Biotechnology

    Critical Reviews in Microbiology


    Cuadernos Americanos

    Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos

    Culture and Life


    Cultures Sud



    Current Mathematical Publications

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Ecological Entomology

    Economia Internazionale

    Economic Bulletin

    Economic Bulletin for Asia and the Far East

    Economic Bulletin: National Bank of Egypt

    Economic Geology

    Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists

    Economic Perspectives

    Economic Record

    Economic Review

    Economics Selections Series I: New Books in Economics


    Education and Training of the Mentally Retarded

    Education Digest

    Education in France

    Education of the Visually Handicapped

    Education U.S.A.

    Educational & Industrial Television

    Educational Administration & Supervision

    Educational Broadcasting

    Educational Broadcasting Review

    Educational Forum

    Educational Horizons

    Educational Method: A Journal of Progressive Public Schools

    Educational Product Report

    Educational Record

    Educational Review

    Educom Bulletin of the Interuniversity Communications Council (EDUCOM)

    Egypt Travel Magazine


  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Ekistics; The Problems and Science of Human Settlements

    Electronics World

    Elementary English

    Elementary English Review


    Empire State Report

    Empire State Report Weekly

    Employment and Earnings an Monthly Report on the Labor Force

    Employment and Earnings, State and Areas

    Employment and Earnings, United States



    Energy and buildings

    Engineering News-Record

    English Record

    English Studies


    Entertainment Design

    Environment & Planning

    Environment & Planning A

    Environment and Behavior

    Environmental Education

    Enzyme and Microbial Technology

    EPA Journal

    EPIE Educational Product Report

    EPIE Report


    Etc; A Review of General Semantics


    European Biophysics Journal: EBJ

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    European Journal of Biochemistry

    European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

    Evaluation Review

    Exceptional Parent


    Experimental Cell Research

    Experimental Neurology

    Experimental Parasitology


    Explorations in Economic History

    Family Process

    Family Safety

    Far Eastern Economic Review

    Farm Journal

    FDA Papers

    Federal Reserve Bulletin

    Feminist Forum


    Field and Stream

    Films in Review

    Fine Print


    Food Research Institute Studies

    Food Research Institute Studies in Agricultural Economics, Trade and Development


    Foreign Language Annals

    Foreign Policy Bulletin

    Foreign Policy Reports



  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Franciscan Studies

    FRB Chicago Economic Perspectives

    Free China Review

    French News

    French Studies



    Gazette des Beaux-Arts

    General and Comparative Endocrinology

    General Linguistics

    Genetical Research




    Geographical Magazine

    Geographical: The Monthly Magazine of the Royal Geographical Society

    Geological Magazine

    Geologisches Jahrbuch (and A,B,C, & D)

    Geologiska Foreningens Forhandlingar

    Geologiska Foreningens I Stockholm Forhandlingar

    Geomechanics Abstracts

    Geophysical Magazine

    Geophysical Prospecting




    Germanic Review


    Grade Teacher


  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    H & S, Hearing & Speech Action

    H & S, Hearing & Speech News

    Handweaver & Craftsman

    Harper's Magazine

    Harvard Educational Review

    Health Education Quarterly

    Hearing and Journal

    Hearing Journal

    Helvetica Chimica Acta


    High Fidelity

    High Fidelity & Audiocraft

    High School Magazine

    Historic Preservation Forum

    Historic Preservation Forum Newsletter

    Historic Preservation News

    Historic Preservation Quarterly of the National Council for Historic Sites and Buildings

    Historical Geography

    Historical Methods Newsletter

    Historical Outlook: A Journal for Readers, Students and Teachers of History

    Historical Studies

    Historical Studies, Australia and New Zealand



    Horn Book Magazine

    Hospitals: The Journal of the American Hospital Association

    House & Home

    Housing and society

    Housing Educators Journal

    Human Ecology Forum

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Human Resource Management



    I. C. N.


    IEEE Transactions on Computers

    Illinois Journal of Mathematics

    Illustrated London News

    Impact of Science on Society


    InCider A+

    Index and Abstracts (shelved with Canadian Cartographer)

    Index of Economic Articles in Journals and Collective Volumes

    Index of Economic Articles Incollective Volumes

    Index of Economic Journals

    India Journal of Helminthology

    India Journal of Social Work

    India Perspectives

    India Quarterly

    Industrial Management

    Industrial Relations

    Industry Week


    Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters

    Inorganic Chemistry Communications

    Inorganica Chimica Acta


    Institutions and Volume Feeding Management

    Institutions/Volume Feeding


  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Instructor and Teacher

    Integrated Education


    Inter-American Economic Affairs

    Inter-American Review of Bibliography


    Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment: ISLE


    International Conciliation

    International Geology Review

    International Journal of Accounting Education and Research

    International Journal of Action Methods

    International Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology

    International Journal of Eating Disorders

    International Journal of Environmental Studies

    International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society

    International Journal of Psychiatry

    International Journal of Quantum Chemistry

    International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences

    International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts

    International Journal of Social Psychiatry

    International Labour Review

    International Nursing Review

    International Psychogeriatrics

    International Quarterly of Community Health Education

    International Social Science Journal

    International Studio

    Irish Historical Studies

    Irish University Review

    Islamic Quarterly

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Issues in Science and Technology

    Izvestiya, Academy of Sciences, USSR. Physics of the Solid Earth

    Japan Quarterly

    Japanese Journal of Mathematics

    Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography

    JOH Journal of Housing

    Johns Hopkins Medical Journal

    Johnsonian News Letter


    Journal for Special Educators of the Mentally Retarded

    Journal for the Professional Counselor

    Journal of Advanced Composition: JAC

    Journal of Algebra

    Journal of American & Comparative Culture

    Journal of American Culture

    Journal of Analytical Psychology

    Journal of Anatomy

    Journal of Applied Bacteriology

    Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

    Journal of Applied Behavioral Science

    Journal of Applied Meteorology

    Journal of Applied Physics

    Journal of Applied Physiology

    Journal of Applied Spectroscopy

    Journal of Approximation Theory

    Journal of Asian and African Studies

    Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics

    Journal of Bacteriology

    Journal of Biological Psychology

    Journal of Broadcasting

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Journal of Cell Science

    Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology

    Journal of Cellular Physiology

    Journal of Chemical Physics

    Journal of Chromatography

    Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology

    Journal of Clinical Child Psychology

    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

    Journal of College and University Law

    Journal of College Student Personnel

    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

    Journal of Colloid Science

    Journal of Combinatorial Theory (Series A & B)

    Journal of Consumer Affairs

    Journal of Coordination Chemistry

    Journal of Creative Behavior

    Journal of Differential Equations

    Journal of Differential Geometry

    Journal of Diseases of Children

    Journal of Drug Education

    Journal of Early Childhood Education and Family Review

    Journal of East Asiatic Studies

    Journal of Economic and Business History

    Journal of Economic Theory

    Journal of Educational Computing Research

    Journal of Educational Method

    Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology

    Journal of Endocrinology

    Journal of Environmental Education

    Journal of Environmental Management

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Journal of Experimental Biology

    Journal of Experimental Botany

    Journal of Experimental Research in Personality

    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

    Journal of Experimental Zoology

    Journal of Extension

    Journal of Fluid Mechanics

    Journal of Forestry

    Journal of Freshwater Ecology

    Journal of Functional Analysis

    Journal of General Chemistry of the USSR in English Translation

    Journal of General Microbiology

    Journal of General Physiology

    Journal of General Virology

    Journal of Genetic Psychology

    Journal of Geological Education

    Journal of Glaciology

    Journal of Great lakes Research

    Journal of Health and Physical Education

    Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation

    Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry

    Journal of Historical Geography

    Journal of Home Economics

    Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing

    Journal of Human Evolution

    Journal of Immunology

    Journal of Individual Psychology

    Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry

    Journal of Intellectual Disability Research

    Journal of Invertebrate Pathology

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Journal of Mathematical Biology

    Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

    Journal of Mathematical Physics

    Journal of Mathematical Psychology

    Journal of Medical Genetics

    Journal of Membrane Biology

    Journal of Memory and Language

    Journal of Mental Deficiency Research

    Journal of Meteorology

    Journal of Molecular Biology

    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy

    Journal of Morphology

    Journal of Neurochemistry

    Journal of Neurology

    Journal of Neurophysiology

    Journal of Nurse-Midwifery

    Journal of Nutrition Education

    Journal of Organic Chemistry

    Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

    Journal of Oriental Studies

    Journal of Peasant Studies

    Journal of Physical Chemistry

    Journal of Physics (A, B, C, & D)

    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter

    Journal of Physiology

    Journal of Planning Education and Research

    Journal of Polymer Science

    Journal of Polymer Science. Part C Polymer Symposia

    Journal of Polymer Science. Polymer Symposia

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Journal of Projective Techniques

    Journal of Projective Techniques & Personality Assessment

    Journal of Psychiatric Nursing

    Journal of Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Services

    Journal of Psychology

    Journal of Recreational Mathematics

    Journal of Regional Science

    Journal of Research and Development in Education

    Journal of Research in Childhood Education: JRCE

    Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency

    Journal of Research in Personality

    Journal of Research in Personality

    Journal of Research in Science Teaching

    Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards

    Journal of Research of the U.S. Geological Survey

    Journal of School Health

    Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

    Journal of Sedimentary Research (A & B)

    Journal of Semitic Studies

    Journal of Social Casework

    Journal of Social Issues

    Journal of Social Service Research

    Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare

    Journal of Solid State Chemistry

    Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders: JSHD

    Journal of Speech and Hearing Research

    Journal of Speech Disorders

    Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation

    Journal of Statistical Physics

    Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

    Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry

    Journal of the American Association of University Women

    Journal of the American Chemical Society

    Journal of the American Dietetic Association

    Journal of the American Forensic Association

    journal of the American Geriatrics Society

    Journal of the American Institute of Planners

    Journal of the American Medical Association

    Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society

    Journal of the American Planning Association

    Journal of the American Water Works Association

    Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists

    Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

    Journal of the Chemical Society

    Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society

    Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior

    Journal of the Geological Society of Australia

    Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Botany and Zoology

    Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology

    Journal of the London Mathematical Society

    Journal of the National Education Association

    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan

    Journal of the Polynesian Society

    Journal of the Polynesian Society

    Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science

    Journal of the West

    Journal of Theoretical Biology

    Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research

    Journal of Ultrastructure Research

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Journal of Urban Economics

    Journal of Value Inquiry

    Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior

    Journal of Virology

    Journal of Visual Impairments & Blindness

    Journal of Vocational Behavior

    Journal of Zoology

    Journalism History

    Kindergarten and First Grade

    Kindergarten and First Grade Magazine

    Kindergarten Review



    La Maison Fracaise

    La Nef

    La Nouvelle Revue Des Deux Mondes

    La Nouvelle Revue Francaise

    La Revue de Paris

    La revue des Deux Mondes

    La Table Ronde

    Labor Law Journal

    Laboratory Practice

    Labor's Heritage

    Labour Gazette



    Landscape Architecture

    Language Learning

    Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools

    Latin American Political Report

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Latin American Weekly Report

    Law Quarterly Review

    Le MoyenAge

    Lebende Sprachen

    Les Langues Modernes

    Les Temps Modernes


    Letters in Applied Microbiology

    Liberal and Fine Arts Review

    Liberal Education

    Library Computing

    Library Resources & Technical Services

    Library Technology Reports

    Linear Algebra and its Applications

    Literary Digest

    Literature and Psychology

    Literature East and West

    Living Age

    Living Wilderness


    LOEX News

    Magazine of Art

    Main Currents in Modern Thought

    Management of Personnel Quarterly

    Management Review

    Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies


    Marg = Pathway

    Marine Biology

    Marine Geology

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Marine Observer

    Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society

    Mathematical Systems Theory

    Mathematische Annalen

    Mathematische Nachrichten

    Media, Culture & Society

    Medical Clinics of North America

    Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada

    Meteorolgical Magazine

    Michigan Mathematical Journal


    Mid East

    Mid-America; An Historical Review

    Middle East Forum

    Middle Eastern Affairs


    Mineralium Desposita

    Mineralogical Magazine

    Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society

    Mineralogical Record

    Missouri Historical Review


    Modern Hospital

    Modern Schoolman

    Molecular & General Gentics: MGG

    Molecular Cell Biology Research Communications

    Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Letters

    Molecular Pharmacology

    Molecular Physics

    Monthly Economic Letter

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Monthly Review

    Monthly Review-Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

    Monthly Review-Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

    Monthly Review-Federal Reserve Bank of New York

    Monthly Weather Review


    Monumenta Serica

    Morgan Guaranty Survey

    Motor Skills: Theory into Practice


    Mundo Hispanico

    Museum News

    Music & Artists

    Music Journal

    Musical America

    Musical Courier: A Weekly Journal Devoted to Music and the Music Trades

    Musical Opinion


    Muslim World

    NASSP Bulletin

    National Assoc. of Secondary School Principals

    National Business Woman

    National Elementary Principal

    National Geographic Research

    National Journal

    National Parks & Conversation

    National Parks Magazine

    National Wildlife

    Nation's Schools

    Nation's Schools & Colleges

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Natural History

    Nature Conservancy Magazine

    Nature Conservancy News

    Nature Magazine

    Nature New York


    NEA Journals: the Journal of the National Education Association

    Near East Report

    Negro History Bulletin


    Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie. Monatshefte


    New England Business Review

    New England Economic Indicators

    New England Economic Review

    New England Journal of Medicine

    New Leader

    New Republic

    New Scholasticism

    New Scientist

    New Statesman

    New Statesman and Nation

    New Times

    New Times International

    New York Fish and Game Journal

    New York Historical Society Bulletin

    New York Historical Society Quarterly

    New York State Bar Bulletin

    New York State Bar Journal

    New York State Education

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    New York State Journal for Counseling and Development

    New York State Journal of Medicine

    New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics

    Newsletter-Modern Language Association Conference

    Nieman Reports

    Nineteenth Century Theatre

    Nineteenth Century Theatre Research

    Nitric Oxide

    Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift

    North Central Association Quarterly

    Notre Dame Journal of Education

    Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic

    Nouveau Journal de Chimie

    Nuclear Physics

    Nuclear Physics (A & B)

    Nuclear Safety


    Nursing & Health Care

    Nursing Clinics of North America

    Nursing Homes

    Nursing Homes: Long Term Care Management

    Nursing Mirror

    Nursing Outlook

    Nursing Times

    Occupational Health Nursing


    Ohio Journal of Science


    Ontario History

    Opera News

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

    Organizational Behavior and Human Performance

    Oriental Art

    Oriental Economist


    Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America


    Outlook and Independent



    Pacific Journal of Mathematics

    Pacific Philosophy Forum

    Pacific Viewpoint

    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology


    Pan-African Journal


    Papers (Kroeber Anthropological Society)

    Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America

    Papers on Language & Literature: PLL


    Parks & Recreation

    Parnassus: Poetry in Review

    Partisan Review

    Partisan Review & Anvil

    PC Magazine

    PC Tech Journal

    PC World


    Peace Research

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Peasant Studies

    Pediatric Clinics in North America

    Peking Review = Pei-ching chau pao

    Perceptual and Motor Skills

    Perceptual and Motor Skills Research Exchange

    Perkin 1

    Perkin 2



    Personnel Administration

    Personnel Administration and Public Personnel Review

    Personnel Administrator

    Personnel and Guidance Journal

    Personnel Psychology


    Perspectives in Psychiatric Care

    Perspectives on Education

    Pflugers Archiv

    Pflugers Archiv fur die Gesamte

    Philological Quarterly

    Philosophia Mathematica

    Philosophic Research and Analysis

    Philosophical Magazine

    Philosophical Magazine (A & B)

    Philosophical Magazine Letters

    Philosophy Forum

    Philosophy Today

    Phosphorus and Sulfur and the Related Elements

    Photogrammetric Engineering


  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Physical Educator

    Physical Review

    Physical Review (A , B, C, D, E)

    Physical Review and Physical Review Letters Index

    Physical Review Letters

    Physical Review Supplement

    Physics and Chemistry of Minerals

    Physics and Chemistry of Solids

    Physics Letters

    Physics Letters: (Part B)

    Physics of the Solid State

    Physics Reports

    Physiologia Plantarum

    Physiological Entomology

    Physiological Reviews


    Planners' Journal


    Planning and Development in the Netherlands

    Plant & Cell Physiology

    Plant and Soil

    Plant Science Letters


    Poetry Australia

    Poetry Series

    Policy Evaluation

    Policy Studies Journal: The Journal of The Policy Studies Organization

    Polish Perspectives

    Polish Review

    Politics & Society

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests



    Population Review


    Post-Soviet Geography

    Post-Soviet Geography and Economics

    PP.Polish Perspectives

    Presence Africaine


    Problems of Communism

    Problems of Economics

    Proceedings and Papers

    Proceedings of the Analytical Division of the Chemical Society

    Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society

    Proceedings of the Geological Association of Canada

    Proceedings of the Geological Society of South Africa

    Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington

    Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (sections A & B)

    Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society

    Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine

    Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London

    Proceedings-Soil Science Society of America

    Professional Geography: The Journal of the Association of American Geographers


    Progress of Theoretical Physics

    Progress of Theoretical Physics : Supplements


    Progressive Architecture

    Progressive Education

    Progressive Grocer


  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Psychiatric Quarterly


    Psychoanalytic Quarterly

    Psychoanalytic Review

    Psychological Record

    Psychological Reports

    Psychology of Women Quarterly


    Psychonomic Science

    Psychopharmacology Bulletin

    Psychosomatic Medicine


    Public Interest

    Public Opinion

    Public Personnel Management


    Pure and Applied Chemistry: Chimie Pure et Appliquee

    Quarter: Colorada School of Mines Quarterly

    Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology and Cognate Medical Sciences

    Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

    Quarterly Journal of Indian Studies in Social Sciences

    Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol

    Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London

    Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society

    Quarterly Review - Federal Reserve Bank of New York

    Quarterly Reviews - Chemical Society


    Race & Class

    Radiation Botany

    Radiochimica Acta

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests




    Readers Digest

    Reading Horizons

    Reading Improvement

    Reading Newsreport




    Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas

    Reference Librarian

    Regional Studies

    Religion in Communist Dominated Areas


    Research & Exploration

    Research on Aging

    Research Quarterly

    Research quarterly of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

    Restaurants & Institutions


    Review of English Literature

    Review of Income and Wealth

    Review of Nutrition Research

    Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology

    Review of Policy Research

    Review of Reviews

    Review of Reviews and World's Work

    Review of Scientific Instruments

    Review of Social Economy

    Reviews in Anthropology

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics

    Reviews of Modern Physics

    Revista de Literatura

    Revue des Deux Mondes

    Revue des Sciences Philosphiques et Theologiques

    Revue d'esthetique

    Revue d'histoire Diplomatique

    Revue Historique

    Revue Suisse de Zoologie


    Rocks and Minerals

    Romanic Review

    Round Table

    Roux's Archives of Developmental Biology

    Rural Sociology

    Russian Chemical Reviews

    Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry


    Sales & Marketing Management

    Saturday Night

    Saturday Review

    Saturday Review of Literature


    Scala International

    Scandinavian Journal of Psychology

    School & Society

    School and Community

    School Arts

    School Food Service Journal

    School Foodservice & Nutrition

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    School Management

    School Musician

    School Musician Director and Teacher

    School Science and Mathematics

    Schools in the Middle

    Schwann inside Jazz & Classical

    Science Books

    Science Books & Films

    Science Digest

    Science Education

    Science Illustrated

    Science Information News

    Science Progress

    Scientific Information Notes

    Scribner's Magazine


    Sea Frontiers


    Sedimentary Geology

    Selections from People's Republic of China Magazine


    Seminars In Hearing

    Seminars in Speech and Language

    Separation Science

    Separation Science and Technology

    Seperation and Purification Methods

    Seven Days

    Sex Roles

    Shakespeare Newsletter

    SIAM Journal on Computing

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    SIAM Journal on Control

    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization

    Sierra Club Bulletin

    Sight and Sound

    Sky and Telescope

    Sloan Management Review


    Social Education

    Social Research

    Social Security Bulletin


    Society. Societe

    Sociology and Social Research

    Software: Practice & Experience

    Soil Conservation

    Solar Age


    South Asian Review

    Southern Speech Communication Journal

    Southern Speech Journal

    Soviet Education

    Soviet Geography

    Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics

    Soviet Life

    Soviet Literature

    Soviet Mathematics

    Soviet Mathematics - Doklady

    Soviet Physics, JETP

    Soviet Physics, Solid State

    Soviet Physics, Uspekhi

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Soviet Plant Physiology

    Soviet Studies in Philosophy

    Spectrochimica Acta

    Speech Monographs

    Speech Teacher

    Stain Technology


    Studia Mathematica

    Studies in Linquistics

    Studies in Philosophy and Education

    Studies in Short Fiction

    Studies in the Literary Imagination

    Studies on the Left


    Studio International

    Superior Student


    Surgical Clinics of North America


    Survey Graphic

    Survey Midmonthly

    Survey of People's Republic of China Press

    Survey: Social, Charitable, Civic


    Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry

    Systematic Entomology



    Teacher-Education Journal

    Teachers College Journal

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Teachers College Record

    Teaching Language Through Literature

    Teaching Music

    Teaching Philosophy

    Technology Week




    Tetrahedron Letters

    Tetrahedron, Asymmetry

    Texas Quarterly

    Textile World

    Theatre Arts

    Theatre Crafts

    Theatre Notebook

    Theatre Research International

    Theology Digest

    Theory, Culture & Society



    Three Banks Review

    Times Literary Supplement

    TIMS/ORSA Bulletin

    Today's Education

    Topics in Clinical Nursing


    Training School Bulletin

    Transactions - American Geophysical Union

    Transactions of the Faraday Society

    Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences

    Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters


    Translations of the Beltone Institute for Hearing Research

    Transportation Journal



    Tulane Studies in Philosophy

    UFSI Reports

    UN Monthly Chronicle

    Understanding the Child

    Unesco Courier

    United Nations Bulletin

    United Nations Review

    United Nations Weekly Bulletin

    United Nations World

    Urban Affairs Review

    Urban Anthropology

    Urban Education

    Urban Forests

    Urban Review



    Virginia Journal of Education


    Vision Research

    Vital Speeches of the Day


    Voix et Images

    Volcano Letter

  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    Volta Voices

    Washington International Arts Letter

    Washington Journalism Review: WJR

    Water Environment & Technology

    Water Resources Research

    Water Science and Technology

    WEAL Washington Report


    Weekly Bulletin

    Weimarer Beitrage

    Welfare Reporter

    West Africa Series

    West African Journal of Education

    Westermanns Monatschefte

    Western American Literature

    Western Economi Journal

    Western European Education

    Western Humanities Review

    Western Review

    WHO Chronicle

    Wild Flower


    Wilhelm Roux Archiv fur Entwicklungsmechanik de Organismen

    Wilhelm Roux's Archives of Developmental Biology


    Women & Health

    Women's Sports

    Women's Sports and Fitness

    Word: Journal of the Liguistic Circle of New York


  • 8/12/2019 Feinberg Library List of Canceled Journal Titles Available for Faculty Requests


    World Business

    World Health

    World Hospitals

    World Issues

    World Marxist Review

    World Press Review

    World Theatre

    World's Work

    Yale Review

    Young Children

    Zeitschrift fur Allgemeine Mikrobiologie, Morphologie, Physiologie, Genetik und Okologie der


    Zeitschrift fur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte

    Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie

    Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie

    Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie

    Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung

    Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie

    Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche

    Zeitschrift fur Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie

    Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society

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