February Newsletter 2013

Post on 14-Mar-2016






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Sir Robert Woodard Academy“Performing Arts and Mathematics”

February 2013 Newsletterwww.srwa.woodard.co.uk

Dear Parents/Carers

Our first Spring Newsletter aims to keep you up to date with many of the things that are happening at the Academy. An important event for us all was Ofsted’s third monitoring visit which took place on 30th and 31st January. Once again their report on the progress we are making was very positive and below are just a few of their comments:-

• “Raising achievement is supported by better behaviour in lessons. Students clearly understand that they are expected to work hard and learn in their lessons”.

• “Standards in the 6th form rose in 2012 and the progress students are now making continues to improve”.

• “Improvements in teaching continue. The planning, preparation and use of high quality resources are more effective in ensuring that students of all abilities can access their learning”.

Obviously there are still issues that need tackling and these will be our focus over the next few months as we progress on our journey to ‘good’ and then an ‘outstanding’ Academy.

As I have said on many occasions the success of the Academy is dependent on a postive, working relationship with all our parents and carers. That is why your views/opinions are so important to us. I am very grateful therefore to the many parents who have filled in the Ofsted questionnaire at the last three Parents’ Evenings. Obviously we do not please all the people all the time, but I am pleased to say that your comments reflect much of what Ofsted has found. For example, the vast majority of you said that your child was happy and felt safe at the Academy. Similarly there was an overwhelmingly positive response to questions regarding how well students were looked after, how well they were taught and whether or not you would recommend the Academy to another parent. But where the results in one or two areas showed that a significant number of parents had concerns, these will be tackled and tackled rigorously.

As an equal partnership, just as you rightly have expectations of us, so we have expectations of you. For that reason I am asking that you read carefully the Information Sheet which is enclosed as it gives useful facts and asks for your continued support in a number of areas.

With reference to the flyer on the left, I can’t comment as I’ve never been blonde! However I’d like to congratulate Jack Winrow, one of our Year 13 students, who has landed the leading male role in ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ at the Pavilion Theatre, Worthing, Thursday 21st to Sunday 24th February, as well as the 6 members of staff and 3 ex-students who are in the band for the show.

Next half term is a very short one, but as always, I look forward to meeting many of you at one or another of the events and functions taking place during that time.

Mrs C SingletonExecutive Principal

From the Principal

Performing Arts

SRWA Carol Service at St Michael and All Angels Church, Lancing - Monday 17th December 2012

The 150 amazingly talented students at SRWA prepared for many months for the Annual Carol Service at St Michael and All Angels Church, which also featured our full Academy orchestra, choir and this year saw the debut performance from the new staff choir.

The church was decked in candles and filled from corner to corner with not a single space left. I am so pleased that the Academy could come together with the community and celebrate this wonderful time of year.

This service is one that will stay with me for many years to come. The students were truly professional and I am proud to be a part of such a wonderful school.

I look forward to our next community venture.

Mr Lelean Artistic Director of Music Performance

Our grateful thanks goes to Father Barry Carter, the Church Wardens and Parochial Church Council of the church for welcoming us back for a second year. Chaplain Rev. James

A parent wrote:

“I just wish to send my thanks and appreciation to you, your performing arts staff and students for such a wonderful carol concert at St Michael’s Church on Monday evening.

What an awe-inspiring performance by all, such energy and talent...a superb example for the Academy.

As for the orchestras opening piece, ‘Carol of the Bells’, I was moved to tears...stunning!”

Congratulations to all!

Dance Show

Work has now started in preparation for this year’s Annual Academy Dance Show (19th-21st March). Our Sixth Form dance students have visited Pineapple studios and worked with a professional jazz dance choreographer in preparing a piece for the show.

The brand new SRWA Dance Company will also be making their debut performance at the dance show, with a piece they have created alongside external dance artist Hannah Martin. The show will be a culmination of both extra-curricular and exam work and promises to be a show stopping night of exciting performances from pupils of all year groups; a fantastic evening of entertainment.

Tickets are available from Miss Redford. Miss PoulterCurriculum Team Leader - Dance

Musical Spectacular at Worthing Pavilion - Friday 25th January 2013

Huge congratulations must go to everyone involved in the show at a packed Pavilion, it was spectacular in every way. The Mayor and Mayoress of Worthing wrote to us the very next day and they described it as a “…wonderful evening of musical entertainment.” They went on to say, “The enthusiasm of the performers was infectious as was shown by the reaction of the audience.” It was marvellous to see the Community Band and the Adult Steel Band working alongside our students and sharing the platform with them. The Community Band appreciated the opportunity to be part of the concert and were very impressed with all the other groups that took part. They particularly commented on the very high standard of musicianship and behaviour amongst the students, as well as how courteous and welcoming they were. It was inspiring to see 121 performers from the age of 8 to 80 loving the experience and also fascinating to see how the show has transformed over the years: the Band becoming an orchestra, the introduction of the Ukulele Band and the astonishing interaction of the different styles and ages with one another. The solo vocals also added a lovely dimension to the show, proving what a talented group of musicians and teachers we have at the Academy. Huge praise should be heaped upon all of the students and staff involved, but special thanks must go to Mr Lelean and Mrs Shepherd who were utterly energising, inspirational and outstanding in every way. Everyone who was there was proud to be associated with the Academy.

Mr WilliamsDirector of Performing Arts

Sport Round-up

Introducing the new SRWA Fitness Suite! Open for use by students in year 9 and upwards, the Academy now has its very own fitness suite to be used to improve fitness education for students. The fitness suite has a full range of cardiovascular, resistance, and free weights machines which will be used by students to improve their fitness, to relax from the pressure of exams, and during such courses as GCSE Physical Education or BTEC level 2 or 3 Sport.

There are 11 pieces of cardiovascular equipment, 6 pieces of resistance equipment, and a range of free weights available. Each of the resistance machines is dual use, meaning that it can be used for at least 2 exercises, and covers all the major muscles in the upper and lower body and maximises the use of space in the fitness suite.

The suite will be massively useful to the Academy and we look forward to fitter students and staff!

Mr BromleyHead of PE

Gifted and Talented

Starting last November, our PE gifted and talented students from Years 7, 8 and 9 have had the opportunity to participate in a series of master classes, aiming to develop their knowledge and understanding in a range of sport related topics. Mixing theory with practical, students have learnt about nutrition for sport which included a session designing and creating a nutritionally balanced meal for a selected sports person.

This term has had our gifted and talented students looking at fitness for sport and how sports athletes train to improve their fitness levels. This involved them participating in and experiencing an interval and fartlek training session that top level athletes would use themselves! Over the next term we will continue to look at knowledge of fitness and training as well as developing practical performance in a variety of sports. Miss Hammersley

Netball Team

The Under 14 netball league got underway this January at Steyning Grammar School. We have a very strong team this year and have made a flying start with 2 consecutive wins! SRWA beat Worthing High School 11–2 and Lancing College 5–2. All of the girls played exceptionally well, but in particular Phillippa Kennedy who scored 15 goals in the 2 matches. Our next round of matches include Steyning and Shoreham Academy whom we aim to beat just as convincingly, so watch this space..! News update - the team now go through to the District Finals after finishing second in the league.

Next term sees the start of the Year 7 leagues, if you have a passion for netball and are keen to develop your skills and tactics further, then come along to Netball Club on Thursdays after school.

Miss Hammersley

Year 7 and 8 Basketball

Year 7 and 8 have competed well over the past few months and have progressed at a rapid rate. Many of the squad members have been new to the sport and have shown a high level of commitment both during training and on match days. Both Harry Cork (Year 8) and Jack Gander-Redfern (Year 7) have been at the heart of their teams and have acted as great role models to the rest of the squad. Although the season is coming to an end, we look forward to cricket starting in February!!

Mr Dales

Artistic talentOne of our students, Joakima Driscoll, 9NH has won Southern Railway’s Hipstar Competition in the 13-17 age category. The competition brief was to design a new, fun and eye catching ticket wallet for Southern Railway.

Well done to Joakima, who wins:-£250 Amazon vouchers, 50 printed wallets of her design and a family voucher for a day’s travel. She has also won for the Academy £150 of Amazon vouchers and 1000 wallets of her design.

Nightingale Chapter News Students from the Nightingale Chapter prepared a number of Christmas hampers which were delivered on Christmas Eve to the ex-servicemen and women of the Army, Navy and RAF at The Queen Alexandra Hospital Home. Laura Woodley from the home has responded saying ‘the hampers injected some much needed Christmas spirit into the Hospital Home and everyone was truly overwhelmed by the time and effort the Nightingale Chapter had put in, especially Harry our 102 year old Army veteran who was incredibly touched by the donation.’

It is hoped that a number of Nightingale students will visit and spend some time with the residents during this year and support the ex servicemen in their rehabilitation as inspired by Florence Nightingale’s calling.

Mr FoxNightingale Chapter Head

Dickens Chapter News The following Dickens chapter students should be congratulated for their recent achievements:-

Natasjha recently came fourth in a dance competition at national level.

Jade Lewis was given the role of understudy in the SRWA production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe but then was asked to fill the lead role every night. She performed with great enthusiasm and dedication, it was very emotional.

Jaime-Leigh Gilbert has won “Just Dance” solo award January 2013. Prior to this, last year in November, Jaime-Leigh won the National Freestyle Championship.

Jemma Galton came 20th in a National Art competition in January 2013.

Ms NultyDickens Chapter Head

Mandela Chapter News The year 11 Mandela prefects: Emma (Senior prefect), Jack (Senior prefect), Caitlin, Martha, James, Rowan, Lewis, Rebecca, Teemu and Stevie-Louise have been busily supporting the students and staff within the chapter including working with Year 8 and Year 9 tutor groups. They recently planned and delivered a PDC lesson on Healthy Lifestyles and the dangers of smoking to the younger groups, which was a terrific effort.

Mr LanganMandela Chapter Head

Roddick Chapter News Roddick Chapter had a very successful term leading up to Christmas.

• We won the inter-chapter merit competition for the second time in a row. Roddick students were rewarded with a ‘cinema experience’ in the theatre which involved watching Ice Age 4 and lots of popcorn!

• Students designed the decorations for the Roddick Chapter Christmas tree and included their wishes for 2013 on their handmade orange Christmas tree decorations. Let’s hope all the wishes come true for 2013.

Mrs ShrimptonRoddick Chapter Head

Brunel Chapter News It’s been very quiet in camp Brunel this term.

Having launched at Christmas the ‘Friday Top Green Merit Prize’ (given to the tutor group with the most green merits for classwork) 8CC have been at the top of the table and won nearly every week, only to be beaten by 9JC and 9RS once, although it is always very close!

I am pleased to announce that Millie Adcock is the first student to receive 100 merits and not far behind her is Hannah Longhurst with 90. Students with over 80 merits include; Georgina Bellinger, Dennis Bowyer, Amy Gravestock, Jessica Teasdale, Jade Preston, Curtly Orford, Jonty Orford, Hannah Longhurst and Thomas Nulty.

The Chapter welcome back Mrs Knight who has returned from having her little boy and now joins Ms Coombs as a tutor of 8CC.

Miss RoycroftBrunel Chapter Head

Year 7 Christingle Service We held our very first SRWA Christingle service in the theatre during the penultimate week of term for our Year 7 students. It was a really special occasion with readings, carols, and an excellent drama performance by our 6th form students re-telling the Nativity story!

We explained the significance of the Christingle, and we carefully lit them to ‘Silent Night’, ‘All was (just about!) calm, all was bright…’ Rev. James di CastiglioneChaplain

Chaplain’s CornerThe Greatest Show on Earth

I sometimes think working as a Premier League Manager must be a bit like working in a school: It is ‘the show that never ends’, one season finishes whilst preparations are already underway for the next; new developments and innovations mean a constant process of adaptation; young talent must consistently be nurtured; standards are high and rightly so; and everything comes down to the final position in the summer…!

They call the Premier League the ‘greatest show on earth’, yet it is simply sport – entertainment - however gripping. Here in real life at the Academy, we face all the same challenges. We face the odd low, but the exhilaration of many joys. It is a great privilege to witness the hard work, dedication and exemplary standards set by our students and staff. The stars are aimed for, and will be shot one day! When you walk in here, attend an event, talk to our students, you can tell the journey we are on has a definite upward trajectory. We may not be in the Champions League spots yet, but we will be knocking on the door very shortly!

Jesus said that what he brings is ‘life – life to the full’ (John 10:10). This is a mysterious and compelling invitation that flips on its head what many people think about religion – “life to the full?” It is also an appropriate invitation for our upward journey here at SRWA, a journey of daring to dream big, and achieve beyond expectation. A journey where we may wrestle with all the highs and lows that ‘life to the full’ brings, a journey where we discover more of what this invitation means…

I love football, (especially loving managing our Year 11 team here!), but I beg to differ with the reputation of the Premier League. Witnessing what is going on every day here at SRWA, for me it is no contest, it is a privilege being a part of ‘the greatest show on earth’!

Twitter: @SRWAchaplaincyjdicastiglione@srwa.woodard.co.uk01903 875504

SOUTHERN SCHOOLS BOOK AWARD 2012 - Presentation Evening at Roedean School

On Friday 11th January, a very excited group of 12 Year 8 and 9 SRWA students met up at Roedean School, Brighton, for the Awards Presentation evening.

Our students had spent three months reading, deconstructing and working on the themes and ideas represented by the five short-listed books – along with almost 300 teen readers in other local schools – before voting for the one book they felt should get the award for best story. The authors all appeared on stage, answering complex questions put by the audience, and entertaining us all brilliantly with their banter. Then last year’s winner, Jenny Valentine, revealed that… Malorie Blackman had won the top prize for her tale of unexpected teenage parenthood – from the father’s perspective - entitled ‘Boys don’t Cry’. Our students were delighted as Malorie had come out on top in our SRWA vote, and to complete the evening all readers were then presented with book tokens to buy their favourite book, meet the authors and get their book signed.


Coming soon!

Author of teen horror books Darren Shan is visiting the Academy on 21st March, and will talk about his latest book ‘Zom B’ which encompasses bullying and racism as well as flesh-eating zombie parents and teachers! Many of our students love Darren’s books and are very much looking forward to meeting him, and the opportunity to buy his books and having him sign them. The whole of Years 8 and 9 will meet Darren on 21st in the Sports Hall, and we are delighted to welcome such a high-profile and popular author to the Academy.

Mrs Waton LRC Manager

In October of last year, we were given the opportunity by the Holocaust Educational Trust to become Ambassadors for the charity. This involved us attending several seminars culminating in a once in a lifetime trip to the Auschwitz concentration camps in Poland. We were fortunate to be a part of the Trust's 100th visit to Auschwitz and were accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg. On 18th October we flew to Krakow early in the morning before making the trip by coach to two of the three camps at Auschwitz. Each camp was particularly hard hitting, both for different reasons.

The first camp was much smaller and more compact, but it was also better preserved. Blocks remained which once housed thousands of prisoners of war, political prisoners, Jews, gypsies and other minority groups subjected to horrific discrimination by Hitler and the Nazis. In the first camp, a cold, dark and eery gas chamber, the only light being from the hole where the gas once entered the chamber. There were also prison cells, and atrocious artefacts of the prisoners. Piles of shoes of which there were thousands, rooms full of hair and luggage from the last prisoners to have entered the camp. The second camp was vast, from the guards tower at one end it was difficult to see the opposite side. Chimney breasts were all that remained of the huts which were burned down when the Nazis left the camp. The railroad, which would have once taken prisoners in, was fully preserved. We saw the remains of gas chambers, there were more than in the first camp and they were also much bigger. The most shocking thing was seeing pits still full of the ashes of those who died. We benefited a lot from the trip, we are now Ambassadors for the Trust and feel proud to be able to share our knowledge and experience with others. It was a once in a lifetime experience and despite the horrors of what we saw, we would recommend anyone to visit.

Trip to Auschwitzby George Dollner and Jake Andrews, 6th form students

Overdue books

The LRC has been very successful in getting students enthusiastic about reading, so much so that loans of books have more than doubled in the past year. As a result, however, many students are forgetting to return or renew their books on time. All books are stamped in the front with the date they are due back, and students need to check this regularly so they are fully responsible for getting books back to the LRC by the due date. Further information can be found on the INFORMATION sheet.

Future Chef 2013 Competition

FundraisingRoddickAs you may be aware, during November last year the students of the Roddick Chapter collected gifts to fill shoe boxes to send off to some of the poorest areas in Eastern Europe. The response to the appeal was outstanding with a total of 27 boxes being filled with gifts.

With the boxes filled, the students of Roddick turned their attention to ensuring they got to their final destination in Europe and to the people who needed them. Each box required £2 to cover the shipping cost and in true Roddick style the students jumped at the challenge. With only a week or so to raise the money, a relentless cake sale began. A special mention must go to Eamonn Kidd-Ali and Jessica Logan who were instrumental in the organisation of the sale and together with the help of others raised a total of £59.

Once again many thanks to all those who contributed to the Shoe Box Appeal and to those who bought cakes.

Thank you for your continued support with the Roddick charities.

Mr O’BrienRoddick Lead Tutor

MandelaIn the run up to Christmas, Mandela Students were asked to dig deep and donate their pennies to see which tutor group could create the longest penny line for charity. It was a close fought competition with Ms Poulter’s group (11APO) coming a very close second but the winning tutor group was Ms Khodaie’s (8AK). Their penny line measured a whopping 21 metres and 47 centimetres. The winners 8AK were asked to choose which cause the combined total of pennies would go towards, which amounted to an impressive tally of just over £50! The students decided to purchase a number of OXFAM gifts for life which go towards projects in the developing world. They chose to buy a sheep, which will provide milk and help fertilise crops to support families, a set of school supplies and also a gift that will provide clean water for 20 people.

The Mandela chapter are looking to run some more charity activities in the spring term to support our Charity, Chestnut Tree House. The students have already been buzzing with ideas (many of them seem to involve the teachers getting soaked with sponges or having their heads shaved!) Watch this space!

Mr LanganMandela Chapter Head

In the Autumn 2012 Newsletter we congratulated Lauren Sinfield for winning the local heat in Crawley. Lauren went to the Regional Finals on Friday 1st February at South Downs College in Southampton. There were a few nerves as Lauren was up against Sussex’s finest young chefs from around the region.

A hotly fought competition, with only one winner allowed, sadly Lauren did not get through but feedback from the judges was complimentary, and we have high hopes for next year. The experience for any student is fantastic, showing self-discipline and being in a challenging environment, so I ask all budding chefs to watch out for the heats for Future Chef 2014.

Mr StaplesCurriculum Leader - Food Technology

Last year the Academy began a partnership with Ricardo, the highly successful Shoreham based Engineering company.

The partnership will enhance the science and maths curriculums at SRWA, raise awareness of career opportunities available in these fields and raise aspirations for all our students. A wide range of activities have been planned for the next few years, for example, students who have an aptitude for science, maths and technology will be able to experience extra master class sessions with Ricardo Engineers. Highlights from the first term include, the leaf-blower powered hovercraft and the hair spray potato launcher. More details and pictures are available on the website and the next event will be a Year 8 assembly after half term on magnetism and the powers of 10.

Our partnership with Ricardo Engineering

Have you moved?

A house move is always stressful and it’s easy to forget to inform people of your new address and landline number. Please don’t forget to tell the Academy!

Also, please keep us informed of any changes to your mobile numbers - these are usually the first line of contact for the office team if we need to contact you in an emergency.

Also please notify us if you change your email address, as we send out regular emails with updates on news and correspondence.

Christmas time at SRWA





Roddick Brunel

It was the first Christmas that students and staff had been together in our new building and there were a number of new festive activities along with some old favourites.

Reverend James began the Advent celebrations with a giant Advent calendar in the Maths Courtyard and there was fierce competition to open one of the doors.

The Academy looked even more colourful than usual as each of the chapters

took part in a Christmas tree competition. The decorations stretched out from the trees in many instances with entire chapters decorated by the students. Congratulations to the Dickens Chapter who were the overall winners and Mandela who

were the runners up.

The traditional Christmas carol concert took place on Monday 17th December at St Michael & All Angels Church and was a stunning night of music and carols from the Academy orchestra and choir, a hugely entertaining and moving evening (see Performing Arts article).

On the last day of term the whole Academy came together for a Christmas assembly in the Sports Hall. The orchestra provided the music for a number of festive carols and all had to experience the musical perfection that was the SRWA staff choir with their performance of ‘When a Child is Born!’

Overall, the run up to Christmas had everything except a Partridge in a Pear tree and was a great end to our first year in our new home.

Mr HarkinsAssistant Principal

On the evening of Friday 1st February, the History Department took a group of 21 students to visit the Doctors, Dissection and Resurrection exhibit at the Museum of London. Students were able to see first-hand the tools and models used for dissection and investigated the rather disturbing practice of illegally acquiring bodies for dissection. The exhibit also contained preserved human remains which students of medicine would have used to allow them to become more familiar with human anatomy. All 21 students behaved brilliantly and were a credit to the Academy.

Mr MarshCurriculum Leader - History

Y10 History Visit to Museum of London

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