Post on 17-Mar-2016






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Everything about the Christian life begins with God's initiative, including the mission He has entrusted His people with.


Volume 2 ! Issue 5 ! Anthony.Diliberto@lcms.org

The small, rural farming villages that line the Canete River 180 KM south of Peru’s capital city came alive two weekends ago, as they celebrated the area’s annual Grape Harvest Festival. Lunahuana’s normally quiet townsquare was bustling with visitors and townspeople alike, all enjoying the festivities. There was entertainment of all kinds, including the crowning of the Grape, Rafting, and Wine queen, a live band, dancing, and fireworks. All of these activities, of course, took place in order to celebrate the harvest of the small fruit that keeps the entire valley alive and kicking, the grape. As I sat there with my Pisco Sour in hand, enjoying the live Musica Criolla coming from the stage, I couldn’t help but think of the amount of backbreaking hard work that preceded the festivites that night for the majority of the people surrounding me. The campesinos (country folk) we minister to in the district of Lunahuana understand the meaning of hard labor. For these rural farmers, grape cultivation requires months of hard work underneath the grueling desert sun. The process seems simple, but each step is just as demanding as the last, from plowing the soil (without modern-day farming equipment) to planting the seeds, watering the plants, and curing the vines. And there I was, doing what I do best…enjoying the fruits of somebody

elses’ labor. The mission Christ has given His Church is just the same. Every aspect of the Christian life begins with God’s initiative. His Holy Spirit plows the soil of our hearts with His Law (Rom. 3:20; Deut. 27:26). He plants the seed of faith through the proclamation of of the Gospel (Rom. 10:14; Luke 8:11-15). He cures us of all impurities through the waters of Baptism (Titus 3:5) and gives us the nourishment necessary to grow into the likeness of His son as we receive His body and blood at the Lord’s Supper (John 6:49-51). All this He does, and then asks us to enjoy the fruits of His labor. He invites us to come along for the ride as He sends us out to His harvest fields. There we have the privelage to invite others to enjoy the fruits of Jesus’ labor on the cross at the banquet of our Lord (Luke 14:12-24).

Mission Update DCE Program Director Visit The Peru Mission Team and I were recently blessed with the opportunity to host Dr. Christine Ross (DCE Program Director, Concordia University, Irvine). The main purpose of her visit was to complete a mid-term evaluation for my DCE Internship, but she ended up being a true encouragement to the entire team and a blessing to have here with us. I praise God for her guidance and encouragement as I work toward

Enjoying the Fruit of Someone Elses’ Labor

Anthony DiLiberto El Cuy Times Globally Engaged in Outreach Missionary, Perú

1 800 433 3954 www.lcmsworldmission.org Anthony.DiLiberto@lcms.org

Crowning Lunahuana’s Grape, Rafting, and Wine Queen.

Dr. Christine Ross and I at the River Canete. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

Matthew 9:37b-38

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attaining certification as a Director of Christian Education. Peru Mission Team Expands (again!) I’m happy to announce that God has been faithful once again, answering our prayers that He would send out more workers to His harvest field in Peru. On March 22, 2011, LCMS World Mission’s former Area Facilitator for Latin America, Bruce Wall and his family touched down at Peru’s Jorge Chavez International Airport. Bruce, his wife Sarah, and their two children Stephanie (4) and Benjamin (2) spent their last year of service in Panama City, Panama. With the arrival of the Wall family, the Peru Mission Team has gone from 1 member to 12 in just over six months. Praise the Lord of the Harvest!

Visit http://sbwall.wordpress.com/ to learn

more about the Wall family.

Community Bible Study in Condoray

Attendance has remained consistant at the community Bible Study hosted by GEO missionaries Jamie Endorf and Katie Lane for 7 weeks now! Praise God for gathering this group around His Word as they dive into the book of John.

Please Pray…

for wisdom and discernment for the Peru Mission Team as we hash out the details of our long-term plan for mission in Peru. that God would bless my support-raising efforts for my third year of service as a GEO Missionary in Peru. for Pastor Mark Eisold, Bruce Wall and their families as they adjust to their new lives in Peru. for the Community Bible study group that continues to meet every Thursday in Condoray.

The newest members of the team, Bruce Wall and his family.

Support I’m running a bit behind with support-raising for my third year of service as a GEO missionary. There’s absolutely no way I can continue to serve without the support of mission-minded Christians like you! Please prayerfully consider partnering with me in mission. To support my work financially, you may send a tax-deductible gift to: LCMS World Mission, 1333 S. Kirkwood Rd., St. Louis, MO 63122-7295. Make checks payable to LCMS World Mission. Mark checks “Support of Anthony DiLiberto.” Gifts can also be given securely online through the LCMS World Mission web site on my project page: www.lcms.org?13583 or www.lcmsworldmission.org www.lcmsworldmission.org/prayercards

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