
How I Became a Better Teacher When I Stopped Teaching Art History© Dr. Melissa Hall 2009Westchester Community College

Doris Day in Teachers Pet (1958)Image source:

Westchester Community College

Located about 45 minutes north of New York City

Affiliated with State University of New York

Open enrollment

Art History Curriculum

• Studio Art program designed for transfer

Art History Curriculum

• Art History Sequence: Ancient to Medieval Renaissance to Modern

Art History Curriculum

• Sabbatical Project: Art Since 1945

View of Marion Peak from Cartridge Pass, Sierra Nevada, California, 2009

Art History Curriculum

• Standard chronological overview of major artists and periods


• Students study major monuments


• Written exams evaluate student learning

Slide Identification Discussion of significant

features Compare/contrast

Image source: Arbitrary.Marks @ Flickr

The Challenge

• Many students are not adequately prepared for a college level art history course

Image source: K8Lynn2007 @ Flickr

The Challenge

• Weak writing skills pose an especially difficult problem

Image source: Mirza R @

The Challenge

• Written exams can’t accurately assess learning

Image source: Arbitrary.Marks @ FlickrImage source: Arbitrary.Marks @ Flickr

The Challenge

Statue of a Kouros (Youth)c. 590-580 BCEMetropolitan Museum

Ummm . . . the significant feature of this work is that

it expresses emotion and has

a lot of detail

Image source: Mark E. Wadley @ Flickr

The Challenge

Ummm . . . the significant feature of this work is that

it expresses emotion and has

a lot of detail

Image source: Mark E. Wadley @ Flickr

There is often a disconnect

between what students know and what they


Common Solutions

• Common response: focus on improved content delivery

Doris Day in Teachers Pet (1958)Image source:

Goal:I will be a better teacher!

Doris Day in Teachers Pet (1958)Image source:

Goal:Improve ContentDelivery

If they understand the material better,

they’ll be able to write better . . .

Common Solutions

• Standardized tests measure knowledge acquisition outside of writing ability

Common Solutions

• Written assignments isolate area in need of further development

Common Solutions

• Test scores improved but students still couldn’t write

Image source: UNTAMED+ @ FlickrImage source: HappilyKnit @ Flickr

Image source: UNTAMED+ @ Flickr

Ummm . . . the significant feature of this work is that

it expresses emotion and has

a lot of detail

• Plagiarism was rampant

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Cool, here’s

something on


Common Solutions

• I issued the standard warnings

Doris Day in Teachers Pet (1958)Image source:

How toAvoidplagiarism

Common Solutions

• Developed extensive guidelines

Common Solutions

• What the students heard . . . .

Image source: Sevenzeds Sketch blog Image source: Brian Germain bgstudios

Art History Lesson #1:

I can’t teach my students how to


Art History Lesson #1:

I have too

much to cover!

Redefining Goals

• What if writing was the primary goal of the course?

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“Constructive alignment means that what we ask students to do must relate to what we want them to learn”

Diagnosing the Problem

• Premise #1: Students can’t write

because they don’t know what they are supposed to write

Image source: yoshiffles @ Flickr

Diagnosing the Problem

• Punctuation, grammar, and writing style are secondary issues

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Diagnosing the Problem

• My goal is to get students to the point where the Writing Center can take over

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Diagnosing the Problem

• Premise #2: Students plagiarize out of


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Diagnosing the Problem

• Student fear of writing must be taken seriously

Image source: Jonno Witts @ Flickr Image source: Emdot @ Flickr

Implementing the Plan

• First Step: Conquer fear of writing with

assignments that do not require writing

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Implementing the Plan

• Break the essay down into manageable parts:

1. Description of subject matter

2. Formal analysis

3. Relation to social context

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Implementing the Plan

• Assignments should be: Short, fun, easy to do Easy to grade

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Web Quest

• Web Quest #1:

Visit selected websites

Choose a representative image

Analyze the work using arrows and labels

Web Quest

• Analyze an example of Ancient Near Eastern art using arrows and labels

Web Quest

• Write a brief paragraph describing the work

Web Quest

• Labels were good, but paragraphs often missed the point

Paragraph discusses function, and paraphrases museum information

Web Quest

• Feedback enabled me to reinforce understanding

Good discussion of the function of Sumerian votive statues; but assignment called for detailed description of this specific piece. You can write a description simply by weaving together the details you point out with your labels!

Web Quest

• Analyze a painting by Giotto

Ernest Student

Learning Goal: formal concepts of spatial recession and modeling with light and shade

Web Quest

• Formal analysis accompanied by brief written paragraph

• Concept of a “thesis” and supporting detail was introduced

• How does Giotto’s art differ from Medieval art?

Thesis: Giotto’s art is more realistic

Supporting Detail: use information from labels

Paragraph has a

thesis and supporting detail that address

assignment topic

Web Quest

• Subsequent assignments build upon and reinforce understanding

• Using labels and complete sentences point out at least three details that support the thesis that Flemish painting is more realistic than Medieval art

Criteria Points Comments Work Selection Used web resources as directed to locate a representative Flemish painting that was not studied in class

Identification Artist, title, medium, date, location

Realistic Details Indicates three details that support the thesis that Flemish painting is highly realistic

Summary Statement Statement summarising how work selected is typical of Flemish painting


Rubrics provide feedback based on

learning goals

Web Quest

Group feedback also delivered on Blackboard

Web Quest Outcomes

• Preliminary outcomes were satisfying

Web Quest Outcomes

• Exposure to web resources and expanded visual vocabulary

Web Quest Outcomes

• Students were actually looking closely at pictures

Web Quest Outcomes

• High participation rate and active student engagement

Image source:

Web Quest Outcomes

• Bonus outcome: significant improvement on standardized test scores

Web Quest Outcomes

• Students were now prepared to write their first Visual analysis essay

Image source: Pocketofpills @ Flickr

Visual Analysis Essay

• Sample outline provided

Introduction addresses concept of Humanism in specific historical context

Work is correctly identified by title, medium, location, and date

Paragraph remains focused on a description of subject matter

Formal analysis is guided by a thesis


Assignment #4: Visual Analysis Essay Evaluation Name: Criteria Comments Introduction Introductory paragraph provides clear explanation/definition of the Renaissances and presents a clear thesis about its impact on art

Identification Correctly identifies work and includes all pertinent museum information in an engaging narrative

Subject Matter Provides a vivid description/ explanation of the subject matter with supporting detail and insightful observations

Style Provides a detailed description/ explanation of stylistic techniques in support of thesis using course vocabulary with confidence and understanding

Conclusion Summarizes points, relates work to thesis presented in the introduction, and reflects on larger significance/meaning

College level writing Grammar, punctuation, fully developed ideas, proper citation


It is now possible to evaluate learning more effectively

Building on What Has Been Learned

• Students with writing issues could be directed to the Writing Center

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Building on What Has Been Learned

• Part II: building on what has been learned

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Building on What Has Been Learned

• First assignment

Building on What Has Been Learned

• Second Assignment


• Third Assignment

Integrating Research

Integrating Research

Writing Style

Vincent Van Gogh, Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fireplace, 1885Metropolitan Museum

Jackson Pollock, Autumn RhythmMetropolitan Museum

Writing Style

Vincent Van Gogh, Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fireplace, 1885Metropolitan Museum

Does this description capture the mood of Van Gogh’s painting?Does this description capture the mood of Van Gogh’s painting?

“In this work of art Van Gogh focuses on a peasant woman as his main subject. She is seen sitting on a wooden stool. She is leaning towards an open fire holding a pan in her two hands and cooking herself or her family a meal.”

Writing Style

Does this description do a better job of capturing the mood?Does this description do a better job of capturing the mood?

Vincent Van Gogh, Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fireplace, 1885Metropolitan Museum

“This work shows a woman cooking with a pan, probably by a fireplace. It is very dark, so this is probably nighttime. It also looks like her face is dirty, probably the result of working hard all day. She is crouching over, and it makes me wonder if she is doing this because she is cold. Perhaps the heat of the pan is the only heat in her home. A teakettle is on the floor. It is probably there because there’s no other room for it on the stove. The small stove seems to fit the small, claustrophobic room.”

Writing Style

Use of adjectives to convey the emotion of the colorsUse of adjectives to convey the emotion of the colors

Vincent Van Gogh, Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fireplace, 1885Metropolitan Museum

“The colors are mostly dark greens and browns. There is a section of the wall that seems to be lit by the fire of the stove, and it glows a putrid green. Even where the colors are lighter, like on the floor, they are still mucky. It almost looks as if the paint was mixed together too much, and accidentally a swampy color scheme was created. Even the blue of her skirt has traces of dirt brown on it.”

Evaluating Success

Improved student outcomes Standardized test scores Written assessments

Fewer cases of plagiarism Improved retention

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Evaluating Success

Dr. Elizabeth Guffey at Purchase College reports similar improved outcomes

Evaluating Success

• Weaker exam performance on units unaccompanied by web quest assignments

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Evaluating Success

• Several cases of “relapse” and “no shows” on the final essay

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Web 2.0 Technologies

• Web 2.0 technologies provide powerful tools for annotating visual images

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Web 2.0 Technologies

• Web 2.0 technologies make it possible to re-think the lecture format

Image source: Marshall University College of Fine Arts

Web 2.0 Technologies

• Online lectures free up class time

Diagnosing the Problem

• More class time can be devoted to areas that students struggle with most

Image source: Image source: UNTAMED+ @ Flickr

Writing is the Goal

• Web 2.0 technologies can be useful aids

• But they do not replace the goal of a well written essay

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Writing is the Goal

• For me, the Blue Book Exam remains the ultimate test

“Sometimes the blank page can be daunting”Image source: J Diggity @ Flickr

Image source: Arbitrary.Marks @ Flickr