Fatal Years 1.05

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Thanks to those who have helped me to iron bugs and improve FY: Baris, NY Rangers, Kev UK, Nikel, Ricco7859 among others.

WHY A WARGAME ONTHE RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR? Communism is dead. Discredited. Tossed on a trash-heap. Why a wargame on its first "triumph"? Honestly, I couldn't care less about one more failed ideology (as differentiated from the political strategy related to winning the war). The attractiveness of designing a game on the Russian Civil War (RCW) involves: A great story: A real cast of supporting characters critical to any good drama Interesting grand strategy: An excellent case study in the relationship of the political and military dimension of grand strategy It's topical: There happens to be another war going on today, a civil war combined with multinational intervention arrayed against an ideology (militant Islamic totalitarian rule). The conflicts we grew up studying, World War II and the "Cold War", are no longer reflective of the type of conflict the USA or Western Powers are likely to experience in the foreseeable future. Flavor: The internet and fall of "the wall" has opened up a treasure trove of mate-rial related to the RCW pictures, books, posters which, if incorporated into the look/feel of the game will heighten players interest in the subject matter Ability to construct a challenging game: The nature of the conflict allows a designer to create a challenging, fun game, where participants can gain insight into "messy" modern conflicts.

D B DOCKTER, designer of Triumph of Chaos, best wargame about RCW

NEW FEATURESIn short, Fatal Years delivers a better AI, a better events system, especially in the diplomacy field, a better fidelity to history and last an enhanced gameplay. Fatal Years is tailored for single-play and PBEM. PBEM isnt possible in RUS without a solid AI, even if 3 players

take in charge the Reds and both White factions, as minor factions ( Poland, Ukraine, Greens, Anarchist, Freikorps) are intervening under AI control. FY is played with success in PBEM. AI: much work has been done to refining AI behavior, in winter, during the starting months, for unit building purposes, etc. Better events system: Fatal Years introduces variability to war entry of some nations, create an Allied Intervention Level modified by events determining the scale of Western Powers intervention or lack of. The choice made by the official version since the 1.02 version has been to suppress the minor factions as independent player. This way destroys anay hope about historical accuracy, as RCW was special thanks to this multifactionnal aspect and the need to face and compose with minors. The gameplay is impoverished too , the RCW becoming a little more than a ROP with 3 players, without real political and diplomatical flavor.

Better fidelity to history: by fixing some OOB errors or omissions Enhanced gameplay: game should be better balanced and more difficult against AI. IN PBEM, you will get much more plausible games and more strategical choices , thanks to the addition of many political and diplomatical options. Moreover, each game will display its share of surprises, thanks to the independent AI and events randomness.

Only the Grand Campaign has been modded until now.

AI Settings


Dont forget too the Activation rule in the Game tab: the middle box is the best setting (large movement an d combat penalties for unactivated leaders). BTW, the setting hindering any move for unactivated leaders doesnt fit well with the RCW, contrary to the XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries.

Why a +2 bonus to FOW for AI? Cheating? If you want have the same vision of the map the AI has, go under the desk and pop up your head through a region to look the map, and repeat this will all regions The AI doesnt think, read, believe or predict. The AI computes values and chooses among valued options summarizing these different values. In the end, it will give you sometimes the illusion to fight aagainst a brain, when you will be faced by several equations. To feed the equations, the data must be more detailed, hence this bonus.

Changing AI setting values:

Youre enticed to think FOW bonus is a cheat and to give no bonus to the AI. Its performance should be slighty lower, but very acceptable. For those having in their first games difficulties against AI ( Southern Whites at start are really fragile), dont forget you may use the Private rank in AI ranking settings, giving to AI penalties for movement and battle.

About AI in Fatal Years: what you can expect

Fatal Years isnt only an AI mod. He tries too, rightly or wrongly, to be more accurate, more historical. Only great designs, like Hannibal, may succeed in being both historical and AI strong. Ive not this gift. Ive chosen to have as first priority to introduce what I felt like needed historical facts. The second is to have the AI playing with the same rules than an human player. To take one example, FY has solved the overpowered Siberian Whites unbalance described by some in the official game. The Siberian AI suffers the same penalties for the essential. So, as I cant create an AI better than a human player , the AI performance must be assessed mainly against historical performance. In this sense, White AIs must be defeated by a Red player before the end of 1920. I cant even imagine a White AI able to win against a Red player. On the contrary, a White player surviving until 1922 has at least done better than in history. I will never curb the reality or introduce cheating for AI to balance a game. To balance, its better for the player to choose to give bonus to AI( possible in the option settings) beyond the recommended +2 bonus for Fog of War . On my own, I will certainly introduce, when I will have more data about real outcomes of game, a VP bonus for a side after the historical game. By example, it could be a bonus to Whites AI or in PBEM after 1920 in VP each turn. This would balance the game against AI without altering the historical settings. Many boardgames are using this sort of balance. They dont reduce the size of the Red Army in 1945 and reinforce German one to create a balanced scenario about the Balltle of Berlin. They alter Victory conditions. Computer wargames should be more inspired by boardgame design lessons.

So for FY:

Southern Whites will get 35 VP s by turn after August 1920 Siberian Whites will get 35 VPs after March 1920 To the condition for each to have a NM superior to 60.



The Allied Intervention Level


General rules

Contrary to the official game, Fatal Years has developed a system built on random and player chosen variations of the Allied Intervention Level. In the official game, Allied units, and subsidies to White will begin and end at fixed dates. In Fatal Years, their end will be determined by the Ail, whose evolution is determined by random events and options.

An Allied Intervention Level has been implemented, stepped up of 0 to 13. Starting level is 8. A level 8 or superior is mandatory to get the help of the French, British, Greek and American troops, a level 3 or superior to get from Western Powers money and resources. The Allied Intervention Level will vary according to random events, that represent the consequences of the hesitations Allied Nations suffered, wavering between to fight Communism and to put an end to the war. Every player can also buy by option (named Concessions to Allied) an influence on the level. Red attack on Poland will raise this level too.

When one of the two White Factions reaches at least 120 NM, theres a chance the AIL will be raised by one (120 cant only be reached by large victories and such a Faction would then be seen as possible future rulers of Russia, easing bidding on them). If Reds reaches 120 NM, the AIL may be lowered randomly by one (historically, Western Allied switched to a containment policy when it was assured Bolshevik regime was winning the war).

If Reds chooses to implement Land reform option, the AIL could lower ( by this option, the Red side is implementing the NEP policy, which appeared in Western Nations like a partial abandon of the communist utopia and so like a first step toward the renunciation to the World revolution). By the contrary, adoption by the Whites of the Land reform could raise the AIL (Land reform being considered as an evolution toward a democratic Russia, positively seen by public Western opinion). Last, when Reds will play the option Provoke strikes in Western Nations, the Ail will be raised by one. Under 3, other Allied units will be removed from play, to the exception of some locked units (like Japanese divisions). The financial help will be stopped too.

Notes: an Allied Intervention Level of 13 represents Allied Nations deciding to stamp out the virus, releasing any restriction of armed development, especially for France in Ukraine. Random variations are simulating how much Whites and Red had only very partial influence on diplomatic postures of France and Great Britain, this influence being somewhat represented by the (costly) op-

2) French intervention in UkraineFrench and Greek troops in Ukraine will start as an independent faction, but may come under Southern Whites control if the Allied Intervention Level raises 13. These units will be removed from play:

if the AIL is 6 or lower, If Reds capture Kherson ( randomized), If Reds has a large forces in the regions surrounding Odessa ( randomized), If France morale goes beneath 45 ( starts at 60).

The French intervention In Ukraine was a half backed attempt to secure French investment in Ukraine. Quickly, relations between French genrals and Whites embittered. Morale of the French units was low, on the verge of mutiny. After Grigoriev forces seized Kherson from the French and Greek garrison, and closed to Odessa, the expedition withdrawed from Ukraine, when France turned on the containment policy, hoping Rumania, Poland and other minor States woud both contain Bolshevik revolution and surround Germany, which remained in French mind the main enemy. For further details: http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/cmr_0008-0160_1981_num_22_1_1903

II. POLANDThe entry of the Polish in the war can occur any time after 1919. The Communists may attack Poland, but with a cost and the risk to precipitate an Allied full involvement in the civil War.

Poland is led by its own AI and may declare war against Reds.

Ive chosen to report the war declaration first possible date to January 1919 because the German removal from Poland could lead to strange and the war between Poland and Bolsheviks in November 18 was a so small call affair AGE engine isnt really tailored to assess.


Recognition of Independence by the Southern Whites faction

In the initial official version, this event presents two major shortcomings: it is historically unbelievable and it ruins the balance of the game. Indeed, while applying a penalty of -40 to NM, the official version limits the option a winning white player. Only such a situation allows supporting such a decrease. However, it is absolutely unlikely that the White carrying away would have granted their independence to the minorities of the former Empire. On the other hand, a white player in such a situation only has an interest to play this option, since the penalty will be compensated by the contribution of numerous troops, ideally placed around Petrograd.

The Fatal Years new rules: 1) The NM level of Southern White is superior to 75: the option lowers NM by 20 immediately. However, as long as NM level of Southern White remains fewer than 115, he will lose every three months 10 NM. Thus, the White player should bet on the future: will the reinforcements allow him to recover the level that permits to avoid the penalty quickly or will his NM descend it inexorably? 2) The NM level of Southern White is lower to 75: the option lowers NM by 10 immediately. However, as long as NM level of Southern White remains fewer than 100, he will lose every three months 5 NM. The penalties are less strong, but the white player is already weak, and at risk of the same progressive elimination. However, the option remains possible for a hard pressed player, without becoming a no brainer under of 60, with a risk of defeat here very strong.

Notes: Notes: besides the aspects of obvious balancing, the option becomes only attractive after mid-game or in case of a situation of great weakness. The core of White support doesnt immediately divert itself from the leader who dared to jeopardize empire, but detaches itself slowly, except if the victory satisfies it. It explains the lower penalty if the NM is already weak, the NM level representing the core hard of the support existing then.

3 ) Special Finland rulesBoth White factions may obtain Finnish help by the Recognition of Independence option. But they may too get Finnish entry in war by playing another option, dedicated to Finland alone, with different rules and outcomes.

This option may be played during 1919 and costs 30 EPs and 100 money. When played there's a random chance the Finnish will enter the war. This possibility is higher if Whites control both Narva and Pskov. The option will be removed from play after December 1919.


For several months Mannerheim permitted Iudenich to direct theNorth-Western Army's affairs from Helsingfors. Iudenich's own North-Western Army was quite small it numbered less than 15,000 men even at the zenith of its fortunes but with guaranteed Estonian and Finnish assistance he could certainly have captured Petrograd, with all the economic, strategic and psychological perquisites this would have secured for die White movement as a whole. Kolchak was well aware of this, and, in a personal letter to Mannerheim of June 23rd 1919, he literally begged the Finnish leader to `adopt decisive measures for the liberation of the northern capital of Russia'. At the time, however, Mannerheim for one was certain that his army would fight for the Russian Whites. He replied to Kolchak on July 10th, saying that although the recently established Finnish Diet was somewhat hesitant, the Army would certainly follow him in an attack on the Russian Bolsheviks However, Mannerheim continued, neither the Finnish government nor army would be willing to bear die financial and human costs of an advance on Bolshevik Petrograd unless we receive a guarantee that the New Russia for which we are fightirig agrees to certain conditions, The admiral' s prime objection to the prospective IudenichMannerheim agreement was that it entailed the 'unconditional recognition of Finnish independence'. He steadfastly refused to consider such recognition of the Helsingfors rgime, even though, as Sazonov pointed out, Finnish independence was already an accomplished fact, it had been recognized by die Allies, it was not necessarily a threat to Russian security and anyway, by virtue of her geographical position, tiny Finland would always have to be dependent upon a regenerated Russia. Kolchak would not yield on this point even when informed that, irrespective of any other concessions or guarantees, Finland would not move against Petrograd unless she was recognized by the Whites and that this had to be the bottom line of any agreement. By the autumn of 1919, however, Kolchak's hostile attitude was but one of several factors undermining White Russian Finnish relations. During the summer Mannerheim' s regency had been superseded by a republic and a less interventionist Diet had begun to append to the price of Finnish action against the Bolsheviks the condition that the Allies fond all military operations. The rules take into account this situation by offering Whites a chance to fire the Finnish support without formal independence recognition. Of course, Finnish people may refuse in spite of Mannerheim influence to re-enter war. For gameplay purpose, this option allows Whites to create a localized menace on Petrograd, without being sure to have Finnish troops at disposal, when Reds will have until 1920 to keep a strong force in the Petrograd sector.



Reds will get random losses in NM and VP when at peace with the Balts

Notes: This decision is just needed for gameplay, historical and AI purposes. Gameplay, as it will create a new Front for Red and so alleviate their pressure on Whites. Historical: As for Finland, there were some Bolshevik movements in Baltic areas; Bolsheviks were eager too to control these regions close to Petrograd and resigned only in 1921 to their independence. And last, most Russians, Bolsheviks or not, couldnt resign themselves to the loss of Provinces viewed as integrated in the Russian frontiers, whatever the form of the Power, communist, monarchist or Republican... Last for AI sake, its better to have an AI trying to invade Balt States and squash Yudenitch Forces rather than let them be enlarged by human player waiting the best spot to attack Petrograd

2) Balts and Finland may enter war without Red war declaration

If Reds don't declare war to Balts, and if the AIL is at least 6, there's a small random chance Balt, Yudenich and possibly Finland will enter war, as Red passivity will be interpreted by France and Great Britain as sign of weakness. The Reds will lose too a lot of NM. If Red has played before the Concession to Balt option, the AIL will need to be at least 9. Notes : Until now, the lack of Red declaration of war is a large advantage as it stops much of the activity around Petrograd when Whites are limited in their activity by lack of proper territory and the independence prerequisite. The possibility of a large Western Allied action in the Baltic, comparable to the aborted French attempt in Ukraine in ate 18, is sufficient to offer this new challenge for Reds, as the Red passivity could have been seen as a promise of short and decisive action against a debilitated foe. For the Red player, a bet about Balt passivity, a increased reason to use concession and other ways to lower AIL, and a nasty surprise to cope with from time to time

3) RED may conclude peace with Baltic States

How it works? First you must be at war with Baltic States since 10 turns at least (this rule is destined to avoid any cheating by declaring war then immediately peace). Then Reds cant conclude peace if they control the major cities of the Baltic States Why? The AGE system doesnt allow negotiations and compromises, so only 2 situations can be figured: major victory or major defeat. If Reds are winning, so they may govern the Baltic areas (requisitions, conscriptions), so theres no need to create a peace event representing such a situation. On the contrary, total defeat may be an incentive for Reds to sign peace How it works? When peace is signed, all Baltic States reverts back to unplayable regions. Any unit on these territories will be removed permanently of the game ( so be cautious; White AI shouldnt send much troops here, and if some elements are trapped, lets say Balts are ending any help to Whites in exchange of peace). Reds will lose some National Morale, many VP too.

4) The German FreiKorps in the Balt States. Freikorps, named German in Fatal Years, is an AI driven faction fighting in the Baltic. The German FreiKorps will appear in the Balt States as independent faction under AI control. Germany will pursue her own political agenda, which is to take the control of the Balt States. They are, as the Ukrainians, enemies of the Whites and Communists After 1919, they will randomly be removed, as simulation of the pressure allied on Germany. First, The Freikorps will become the Russian Army lead by General Bermondt-Avalov, of lower quality, then it will be removed from play for ever. If the FreiKorps controls both Kaunas and Riga at a time, the Southern White player will lose every turn

some EP. This loss forces the Southern White player to worry about Balts and simulates the concern of the Allies that fears all resurgence of pangermanism as that the propaganda success that the Communists could get from the FreiKorps success, that used Anticommunism like cover to their action.

Notes: A resume of Freikorps activity in the Baltic may be read on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freikorps_in_the_Baltic


Since the 1.02 official patch Regional Policies (RGD) are rather different in Fatal Years. Notes: whatever the Faction you choose, you have to remember youre unpopular among Russia inhabitants. You may be less hatred than other factions, but only a minority is actively supporting you. And that is even more pronounced among peasants, who are just 80% of the whole population. The only popular movement among peasantry? The Green. Youre just a menace against peasants property, and in the end, peasants will either choose to revolt (green revolts) or rally to the less menacing side.

For the White, the present system is incomplete and illogical. Indeed, you can press the peasants simultaneously and can promise them an agrarian reform that makes them more faithful. I am willing that the peasant is naive and that it works a few months, but it seems to me that soon your promises won't be more believable. However, in the game, they remain similar in their effects all along the game.But you must find the resources and men to wage this war. In any case, conscription is the only way to get new units. These peasant conscripts arent enthusiastic to say the least to go to war for you. And requisitions had the same effects on factions popularity. So, to get an historical flavor, requisitions and conscriptions must lead to revolts and loss of NM. Its up to you to choose how much RGD youre ready to order. The maximum number available represents first a possibility if you need many men or resources in a crisis situation; this number is too what most WHITES and RED leaders did, leading to the Tambov revolt But each side could, and sometimes, performed differently: Wrangel at the end tried to be clever at this, and periodically, Reds were forced to moderate their economical and conscription policies, by tolerating bagmen and may forms of illegal business (including prostitution) or by spacing conscriptions in some areas on the verge of revolts. So, In Fatal Years, using all RGD is poor (and the AI will not), excepted if needed; using all RGD will create several huge Green revolts and will lower considerably your National Moral. You have to estimate what it is possible to gather from a hostile population. Or you may try to collect as much as possible to build quickly a large army allowing you a quick victorymaybe These rules are making the game more difficult. First, because using RGD isnt anymore the no-brainer it should be in the 1.02 patch. Secondly, because the AI will use the balanced approach about RGD described above. The AI should be able to gather the needed men and resources without risking too much green revolts.


At start, the White doesnt have any Decisions Regional Agrarian Reforms. They have to their disposition 4 requisitions and 4 conscriptions. They can buy by option 2 agrarian Reforms by two times, either 4 to the total, for a cost of 3 NM and 20 EP every time between June 18 and March 19, 5 NM and 30 EP between April 19 and December 19, 7 NM and 45 EP from January 1920. This increasing cost represents the disastrous effect of your first requisitions on the credibility of your promises, and in second place avoids the exploitation of the game system while requisitioning the first months a lot before pacifying the population. These agrarian Reforms are more powerful than the present ones and will raise the loyalty more quickly. But in counterpart, Whites will lose some requisitions and conscriptions, first to 3 maximum every time, then 2. The choice is irreversible for the white player who should bet on the future and hope that the allied help will continue. For the Communists, an option to win the peasants hearts and minds will also be open. The Communists start with 6 Requisitions, 6 conscriptions and 6 Tchekas. If they choose the new Decision "NEP", (poor title but I look for a better of it) then they will benefit from a new Regional Decision that will have the same effects and the same cost that Agrarian (and therefore more powerful than Tcheka) Reforms. Besides the number of subversion will be increased to 10. On the other hand, the maximal number of requisitions and conscriptions will lower 2 every time and the Tcheka decisions won't be more usable. The cost of this option will be the same that for the White (the decrease of NM being the result of the decrease of the state of mind of the militants of the Party). Both sides will get too randomly some EPs, in order to represent the political gains for your faction in public opinion. Avoiding reforms will earn on the contrary some slight random gains in NM, representing the approval of your core political group for enforcement of a harsh policy against these damned peasants, who were despised by all factions. But, more importantly, both sides will get random consequences when choosing to enforce these reforms. First, reforms will not be enforced immediately, as youre confronted to the inertia of your administrative system. So some turns will be needed to get these new regional policies. Then, the reforms will be either a success or a failure. If a success, you will get a supplementary Reform policy (so 3 will be at your disposal) without any cost. If a failure, you will lose one more conscription and requisition policies. There will for all factions some other benefits: Red choice of Nep could slightly decrease the Allied Intervention Level, whereas White Land Reform will increase it. Tcheka results are very less important now. But Tcheka doesnt cost anymore NM losses. Cheap but weak for restoring loyalty, when Nep is potent and costlyFatal Years leaves you the choice.

Notes: choosing reform is a bet on the future. Randomness is representing political and social factors not represented in AGE engine, and avoids what I hate: determinism in alternate history Any lea der would know the future and unfortunately must pick his agenda without more than some clue on the future. In Fatal Years, selecting a new policy doesnt grant success or failure. In any case, a failure will hamper your ability to recruit and equip your army, but a success will give you a real protection against Green menace. You just dont know if it will work


NameRed ConRed Requisition

Cost15 loyalty,

Gain85 con-

Duration Number4 turns 4 turns 4 turns 6 6 6

Special Rules

20 loyalty 90 money, 25 WSU

Red Tcheka 15 money, 12 loyalty 15 conRed subver- 20 money 17 loyalty Red Reform 1NM, 13 money, 3EP 36 loyalty

4 turns 4 turns


Only in enemy regions

2 ( +2 Appear only by playing more if Reform option.Disable More Re- Tcheka Reg.decisions. form op- Lower Requisition and tion is conscription reg. deci4 4 2 ( +2 Appear only by playing more if Reform option. Lower More Re- Requisition and conform op- scription reg. decisions tion is pool

White Con- 15 loyalty, White Requisition White Reform

50 con-

4 turns 4 turns 4 turns

20 loyalty 55 money, 18 WSU

V. IN-FIGHTINGEach factions had its internal tensions between leaders, the most famous being Stalin-Trotsky rivalry. So a random chance exists each turn some leaders to be fixed one turn by events to reflect how these rivalries hampered sometimes coordination on the field.

Notes: a bit of ChaosOf Triumph of Chaos.


Notes: The tanks of World War I were slow and mechanically fragile. Their tactical autonomy was very weak and it was out of the question on the strategic scale that they move on long distances by themselves. Reference: http://www.landships.freeservers.com/new_pages/tanks_to_the_front.htm The only mean to transport them close to the battlefield were the rail, the trucks being rare and themselves in their modest beginnings. Besides Russia didn't distinguish herself by the quality of her roads.

In the original version of the game, the tanks move quickly, everywhere. I decided to block them at the containing regions a railroad track to canalize their use on the historical zones.


Notes: these new options have all a rather cheap cost, but results have their pros and their cons. Procuring more flavor, these new options have too an influence, somewhat limited, on the game.

Ban corruption: available for White factions. By trying to reduce corruption, you will get some loyalty in your territory, some money and WSUs, but you will lose National Morale.

Notes: National Morale represents the committing level of your faction, which isnt the whole population. By limiting corruption, youre satisfying the latter but hinder the formers greedThis option isnt available for Reds, not because corruption wasnt rife in their ranks, but for gameplay purpose.

Authorize Socialist parties for Red, Liberals for Whites: you will get some loyalty in your territory, but you will lose National Morale. Effects are higher than for Ban corruption option. Notes: Both sides could and sometimes did authorize some level of free political activity for tactical reasons. This tolerance upsetted the far left or far right fractions of your side.

Ban Socialist parties for Red, Liberals for Whites: the reverse...

Provoke strikes in Allied Nations: for Red; from October 18, Reds may try this option to lower EPs, WSU and money pool of Whites and Poles factions. But this agitation will raise the Allied Intervention Level

American Tanks for Siberian: by playing this option, Siberian may ask delivery of 2 tanks units. UnfortuNotes: This event figures strikes in harbors like Dantzig to delay supply for Whites and Poles. The Komintern was officially created in March 19 but some spontaneous movements occurred sometimes before.

nately, this delivery will not be sure, as its first mandatory Allied Intervention Level to be superior to 4, then because of a random chance of cancellation. Last, the units will be on the map with a delay of 1 to 6 turns.

End in-fighting: for Red and Southern White Factions. This option cancels any risk events fixing leaders for one turn due to internal tensions to fire. By playing this option, Southern Whites may cause Krasnov and Sirodin removal. Notes: these 2 Cossack leaders were willing to keep a large autonomy from Whites command, hoping for independence after war. They were pushed out of command because of this.

Alliance with Anarchists for RED:

if chosen, the Red player will: Take control of Anarchist units Avoid any desertion in his ranks for units in the Huliaipole area ( regions in yellow) Lose NM

The alliance may be broken at any time. Anarchists and Reds are again in war, desertions will resume until Makhno is removed of play. Anarchist units will reappear in Ukraine at random locations.


In the Grand Campaign, Siberian Army will start with most of his forces locked for at most 4 turns, to the exception of Czech Legions. White forces were indeed rather small in June 1918, but removing them from the map at start would be an incentive for Red player to seize the regions where these units will appear, creating much balance troubles.

Komuch units will appear more slowly during the very first turns. All these units using resources and men, Conscriptions and requisitions will only be allowed for Siberian from the 4th turn.

New rules for political orientation of the faction:

During the first three turns, the Siberian player may choose an alternative option. This option makes then uncertain the creation of the Directory and the Kolchaks seizure of power. Until Kolchak hasnt raised himself to leadership, the Czech units remain available. After the political takeover by Kolchak, the allied help and the losses of cohesion of the Siberian troops will be more or less important, importance revised every 6 months. If the Siberian player doesnt choose this option, the official system applies, with some random events causing losses of cohesion in a more predictable way.

Notes: the player chooses with this option the unknown, gets the longer presence of the excellent Czech troops, and must expect to a unforeseeable variation of his resources in the future, not necessarily in worse besides...But the result of a unhistorical choice must remain unpredictable To the difference of the two other factions, the Siberian side must figure the extreme diversity of his units; this diversity covers with the antagonisms very strong that mined the Kolchaks effort of war who never (and didnt try besides) succeeded in surmounting these internal oppositions in the reality.

To simplify, the Siberian player has two main groups: the first compound of the Legion Czech and the troops of the Komuch, weak organism mainly composed of SR and working for a democratic Russia. The second regroups all other troops, really white The Komuch, centered on the Volga, was rejected so much by the Reds that the Whites, that found them too leftist. Under various pressures, of which the least was not the red successes against the weak troops of the Komuch, this movement ends up accepting to melt in one Directory where Kolchak ends up taking the direction by a coup in November 1918, putting an end to all autonomy of the Komuch. The Czechs took pretext of this evolution to leave the Front and to take garrison in Siberia. In the official game, the arrival of the Directory, then Kolchak rise on power are stationary and always occur, to the same dates. On the other hand the player is free to concentrate all his units on the Volga since the first tour. In short, at a time the player has no choice and is free in a mandatory historic setting to achieve an impossible strength concentration actually. At start, Siberian Whites will have the choice between follow the historical path or take an alternative one. What are the differences? Important but not as big as some of you can expect. So I will first explain the design decisions backing up this choice. Historically, 3 insurrections against Reds begun in the East during Summer 18: Czech legion, KOMUCH ( ie to simplify the Right SR) at Samaraand rightist Generals around Omsk. These three were distrustful one another and didnt collaborate well. In the end, the rightists took power and Kolchak was chosen as Supreme leader in November 18, Czech Legion and Komuch for the essential leaving the battlefield. One could imagine an alternative path with stronger Komuch establishing a democratic form of government. Howewer, we could as much postulate an alternative path where Lenin abolishes Tcheka and imposes Free elections. Yes, I know, impossible. Nevertheless, impossibility is the same for a stronger Komuch. During all the Civil War indeed, Right SR was never able to build their own armed movement; They tried here and there and always failed. The most tinier Anarchist factions, even deprived of the myths, did something, in Ukraine, at Kronstadt. Right SR never was even close to this. We could discuss hours why they failed, but what matters is there were big and serious reasons hindering Right SR to grow in the civil War context.Thats not bad luck but sociological, political and military heavy factors playing against them. So the FY Siberian unhistorical path is much more limited than building such a fantasy. It postulates during Summer 18 a closer alliance between the 3 forces. This alliance is less fragile than in RL and should end later than in history. However, it will end with the rise of the Rightist and Kolchak. Then the usual flaws of Siberian faction will outcome, but at a random rate and with other values. Czech Legion will remain longer before demobilization. Allied help will be maybe more important for Kolchak, because he will be seen as the less antidemocratic of Whites, or less, because he will be charged with the end of the democratic Komuch whose failure will be much more resented as it seemed to have had a chance to winStronger allinace at start, but with faster NM losses after because SR have had the time to organize a better opposition to the putsh placing Kolchak at the head of Power In short, players liking to know the future curse of events will choose the historical path, others the unhistorical, gambling over possible but uncertain bonus. The goal remains exactly the same. The use of Land reform is allowed in both. Its up to you to choose.

Siberian faction Morale Siberian faction will now lose at least 1 NM per turn. On the contrary, they will get not only the NM given by capture of strategic objectives, but supplementary NM when: - controlling Arkhangelsk/Perm axis (10 NM), - controlling Tzaritsyn , Kazan, Perm, Saratov, Arzamas, Penza, Cheboksary, Tambov, Saransk, Samara. Each objective may earn 1 point per turn, with a probability of 10 and a max of 15 by objectives. These objectives will be marked with the Siberian flag on the map after turn 1:

Notes: this new system will give full bonus to Siberian players controlling for long these objectives, randomness being introduced to avoid gamey tactics and sudden rise in NM.

Siberian Internal Disorder Level

The Siberian Internal Disorder Level (IDL) is scaled from 1 to 10 and begins at 3. It represents the degree of infighting in the Siberian faction.

Evolution during play:

The IDL will raise or lower randomly during a game, with a strong probability of raising. Use of some options ( about Political activity of Liberals, raising money, firing Lebedev) will raise the IDL too. Last, a 120 + NM level will lower IDL, when a 99 or less will raise it. Consequences: above level 5, the Siberian faction will randomly lose some NMs by turn:

Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

-1 NM, 10% chance -1 NM, 20% -1 NM, 40% -1 NM, 50% -2 NM, 50 % -3 NM, 50%

How to lower the IDL?

First, by having a 120 or more NM. Secondly, the Fight corruption option will lower IDL, to a 5NM cost Thirdly, a new option, Lower Internal Disorder, will maybe ( 50% chance) lower IDL by one, to the cost of 8 EPs, 80 VPs and 75 money ( corruption). Last, you may play a new option, Promise Constituent Assembly, acting like a trump card. Indeed, by playing this option, you will get during the rest of the game events lowering or raising IDL. Theres a possibility the gains and losses to be balanced, or only gains, or only losses. The same option will allow events raising Siberian Loyalty in regions if the IDL is below 7, and raising Green Loyalty if IDL is above 7. Gains are impossible under NM of 95, losses above 120+ NM.

IDL notification: IDL level notification is random.You will be informed some turns only.

Notes: This new system is based on the brittle nature of Siberian factions, divided in several and opposed political movements and cliques surrounding Kolchak. You get limited means to slow the raising of infighting, the nest one remaining to keep victory on your side. IDL random notification is designed both for gameplay ( hindering precise comptation of IDL) and as historical feature: no leader knows exactly such a risk. What he can discern is the relative level of political tension, big or small. The Promise Constituent Assembly is designed along the principles of Fatal Years: when youre choosing a very essential political orientation, you bet on the future, without precise knowledge of the outcome. The option may be useful if youre short of any other way to lower IDL or if youre really sure of victory. If your expectations arent confirmed by facts, you will be punished. Kolchak had an ambivalous attitude about Constituent Assembly question, the rules reflecting why. Such a position will infuriate rightist elements without possibly convincing the Leftists. In case of defeats, such a decision will be considered as a political error fueling the infighting process and diminishing your authority. Option to lower the IDL has random results even if you will pay always the price. Once again, your efforts may be followed by mixed results, pleasing some to the price of support of other groups.

Siberian/Southern Whites merging during play: Last, when Siberian faction will have conquered all these objectives, Siberian will become the Official Russian Government for Western Allies. Among the advantages, better help, some Allied units, and the end of NM losses, and MAINLY, if Tzaritsyn is controlled:

The Southern White faction becomes controlled by you. You will be able to move the WHI units, get part of WHI options..

Notes: Let's explain. Siberian faction was a bit overpowered and the official version doesn't stress sufficiently how brittle Siberian Army and Regime were, for the reasons explain above. Whatever the ruler, Siberian forces were divided in many groups much more divided than Southern Whites. This new rule forces Siberian player to search for quick success on the battlefield to save his regime, sustain Army morale. On the contrary, Kolchak was viewed by United Kingdom as the most prominent figure among Whites, even if his performance was much less convincing than hoped. A victorious Kolchak would have got certainly the real reconnaissance as head of the Legitimate Russian State by Allies. In such a case, the Siberian faction would have been more attractive for any political group, explaining the end of NM losses. Victory has many fathers when defeat has no mother Some deeper explanations Why only Siberian may get control of other White factions? Kolchak was seen by Western Powers as the most serious candidate for Provisional Government. If they helped Denikin, they never considered Southern Whites as much on political side. Kolchak was very close to obtain this formal reconnaissance but military defeats denied him this title. So if Kolchak is more victorious than in RL, he gets the reconnaissance and linking with Southern Whites, takes overall command, whatever the performance of the Southern faction, good or bad. On the contrary, a defeated Kolchak will be far of the Volga and so the distance between the 2 White factions will hinder communications so much a unified command is just physically impossible. Why not applying this merge to others factions, like Ukrainian and Anarchists? Whatever their differences, Whites had a common goal: stamp out Bolshevism. Ukrainian and Anarchist factions had objectives fully different from those of Whites and Reds. So any merging would need the possibility of a subsequent splitting, which doesnt exist in the AGE engine; without, players could try to take control of these factions and send lets say Ukrainian troops in Baltic area, something so woefully unhistorical I must be avoided by all means. Effects on gameplay: First, Siberian faction gets now a real chance to win the game. Siberian is strong at start, but faction power will erode later, as dissensions are high, infighting important, and Reds always stronger. Seizing the needed conditions to unify with Southern Whites gives to the player good units, leaders, supplementary resources, NM, etc. Which should allow winning over the Reds. The Siberian side offers then the challenge to win with a brittle army you have to maneuver carefully, a situation rarely seen in computer wargaming. Southern Whites have better troops but they are almost alone the 2 factions are proposing different challenge. Last, the 3 players PBEM has now a built-in feature limiting cooperation between the 2 White factions, as in realityThe Southern Whites, by capturing first Tzaritsyn, suppresses any risk of a White unification, ie his defeat, when this one is the only way for Siberian to win the game..

Lebedev option:

Colonel Lebedev was the Kolchaks chief of Staff directing Stavka. He was fully incompetent, but thanks to political support and Kolchaks faith, remained in post until the disaster shattering White Army in mid19.

The option allows you to fire Lebedev to a cost in IDL. You will recruit 4 very solid 3-stars Generals, who were unemployed by the Siberian regime in spite of their experience and quality, being barred by Lebedev clique.

Moreover, your units will randomly improve, by gaining experience on the model of the Trotsky military reform, at a slower rate though. This option is based on the usual dilemna: Lebedev is a calamity, but removing this well connected officer is politically difficult. The bonus gained from his eviction depicts a new military organization, led by better officers taking attention to training and leading their soldiers on a more careful and insipring manner.

IX. WHITE MUTUAL INFORMATIONEvery white faction will be able to receive some messages on successes and reverses of the other white faction: level of National Moral, important victories or defeats, and sometimes, possibility to see in detail the position of their units.


As in the official version, Factions may be affected by desertions random events. In Fatal Years, as soon a faction National Morale is under 90, these desertions will be followed by a slight increase of the opponents conscript pool.

Notes: the AGE engine doesnt allow currently switching side for a unit. This feature is simulated by this much more abstract mechanism.


In the official version some large Green revolts, like Tambov troubles in 1920-1921 are pre-planned by events and will open automatically at the same date in the same regions. Fatal Years has replaced these events with more randomized ones, green revolts occurring in any region and date depending on the Green local loyalty.


In the official version the Left SR insurrection belongs to the Siberian White faction. In Fatal Years, the revolters are members of a new subfaction, the Left SR.

Notes: The Left SR allied with Bolsheviks until June 18. Disapproving the dictature installed by the Bolsheviks, depriving Soviets of any real power, they organized a badly designed insurrection in Moscow under the military direction of Popov, who missed the opportunity to reverse the Bolshevik power by an unbelievable passivity when victory was in sight. There was between these leftist opponents and Komuch/Siberian no common political ground. So it is better both for historicity and gameplay to turn off Siberian control.

XIII. Prisoners and desertions

Prisoners events are replaced by events fired automatically when a minimal number of prisoners of the same faction are reached, giving conscripts (25 at best). - New option system: each faction may buy an option directed against another faction to provoke desertions. The targeted factions will lose some units; the targeting ones will get conscript points. The option will work best if the targeted faction has NM fewer than 90, and less well above. With an NM of 100, the option will have 75% risks to fail. These options will be usable several times, to the exception of the Red option against Ukraine. This option may be fired once and Red will get one to three brigade units, depending from the Ukrainian NM level.

Notes: 2 main benefices: no more CTDs, as the possible bug is tied with the XXX tag not used anymore in FY and an automation of the prisoner system, prisoners enrollment being largely practiced in the RCW even without general order from the political height. The negative point is of course AGE engine can't really delimiter a geographical area for killing units by events or options; so removed units may be garrisons in the remote rear... But even with this approximation, using an option to weaken an enemy in disarray should be fun.....


White forces in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk belongs now to Siberian Whites faction. White units in the Balt area remains under control of the Southern Whites faction. Siberian Whites faction has now the possibility to ally with Finland, as Southern Whites. If Siberian player controls all regions between Perm and Arkhangelsk between March to October, he will get:


10 NM 250 VPs Each turn, some WSU and money and a slight boost for unit cohesion

Notes: Giving to Siberian control of Northern Whites makes more sense both historically and for gameplay. General Miller had recognized Kolchak as primary leader of White forces and requested his authorization for allying with Finnish forces (in vain). For gameplay, this new starting situation grants to Siberian faction a bit of diplomacy and figures well the difficulty to coordinate Millers and Yudenitch forces because of distance. Leaving Iudenitchs Army under Southern White hand allows the Southern White faction to coordinate pressure both against Moscow and Petrograd.

The Arkhangelsk/Perm axis was highly regarded by Kolchak, as the possession of the Dvina-Viatka-Perm path would create a shorter way to obtain Allied help. An uninspired attempt was done during the first months of 1919, broken both by natural conditions and Red Army opposition.

The regions ownership is required to fulfill the conditions to get these bonuses will be signaled on the second turn by this icon:

Reds and Siberian players will show these icons any time during game by playing an option. The icons will appear the next turn.

Mandatory regions are marked with red crosses.

Notes: Krasnov Don Cossacks received an German help whom a part was destined ultimately for the Volunteer army. It existed an Anti-German posture of most Volunteer officers, the first being Denikin, but until his death, Alexiev, not represented in the game, and who was very influential, advocated for a DON first strategy rather than Kuban, with acceptance of German help, not by German inclination, but necessity, as until November 18 Allied help couldnt be really delivered, with the closure of Turkish straits and the Turkish presence in Transcaucasia. The option offers the choice of an immediate bonus to the cost of a more cautious Allied Intervention later. As AIL begins to 8, a drop to 4 to 6 makes reaching level 13 very difficult, and even 4 is close to the end of any material help. Of course, the AIl should climb a bit from June 18 to mid-19, but its not sure, and slow most of the time.


Southern Whites may play a new option from June to October 1918 : request German help. The option will bring you large resources, men and even artillery units, but the Allied intervention Level will drop from 2 to 4..


From December 18, some areas east of Irkutsk will not be eligible to regional policies.

Moreover, the Transiberian railroad will be severed east of Irkutsk ( one region being blocked). Last Ataman Semyonov and his units will be relocated at Chita. These events represent the Semyonov decision, backed by Japanese, to contest Kolchaks authority in the Far-East. Siberian player will get an option allowing to meet an agreement with Semyonov, reopening the railway, with an NM cost. But Semyonov units , when moved outside Siberia theater, may be moved back to Chita any turn.

Notes: Semyonov, semi-bandit, semi-mad, was used by Japanese Government to install unstability in Siberia, whose Japan hoped to dominate in the long run via a puppet regime. Under Western powers pressure, Semyonov was forces to let lore or less the Transiberian function ( not without prelevating his part on Kolchaks supplies) but never really obeyed Omsk orders. The NM loss figures discontent among those believeing Semyonov should have been suppressed by force. The blocked region will let pass supply points, but nor the wagons coming to Vladivostok

XVI JAPAN INTERVENTIONFrom January 19, Siberian player will have the option to request Japan military intervention. The option will cost 3 EPs.

In the next 4 turns, theres a 15% chance Japan accepts to enter the Civil war by releasing the Japanese divisions guarding the Transsiberian railway.

However this option will cause : A 6 loss for Allied Intervention Level A NM loss between 15 to 30 if Siberian Whites NM is superior or equal to 80 A 15 NM gain for Reds Regional Policies will not be playable between Vladivostock and Irkutsk

Notes: during Autumn 1919, several attempts were made by Whites to Japanese officials to get their military support . Siberian troops were in disarray and the help should have been backed by substantial territorial and economical concessions to Japan in the Far-East. Japan declined, seeing no profit in a full military intervention. Moreover, France, Great Britain and United States were very concerned by any Japanese extension in the Far East and would have taken very badly such an alliance. The option has so many huge bad effects for Whites, in order to limit players desire to use it, unless desperate situation.

XVII SIBERIAN WHITES VPsFrom March 1920 if the Siberian player has chosen the historical path and January 21 if he plays under unhistorical path rules, Siberian will get VPs each turn for the following cities: Omsk (2), Ekaterinburg (2), Ufa (4),Perm (4), Orenburg (4),Kazan (5), Samara (5), Syzran (5),Saratov(5)

Notes: this new rule solves 2 problems. The first belongs to Siberian Whites interest to be played.Indeed, if the Siberian player fails to fulfill the conditions for Allied reconnaissance, he will have yet a chance to win, by holding at least in part the Volga bend.

The second is usual when you propose in a game an alternative option: 97% of players will choose it, and its very difficult to balance a untested in RL pathThe difference in starting dates will be an incentive to discard the unhistorical apth and try to perform better than the faction


Red units will have in the next version their cohesion lowered. The new option, representing the primacy of Trotsky's ideas on Military Opposition emphasizing Red Guards militia, will raise randomly for some turns cohesion of some Red units. Moreover, some leaders will be available only after the option is adopted ( these leaders being the infamous " Military Specialists" Trotsky imposed over reluctant Bolshevik ranks). This option has a cost, immediately in NM and EPs, then randomly from time to time, representing recurrences of contestations of Trotsky's reform. Then, it will cost during a few turns money and conscript losses, money figuring the organization cost, conscripts the desertion of some Red Guards preferring to strong discipline and real combat operations the civil life...Last, in the same first turns after, the cohesion of some Red units will lower, yes, lower to represent immediate turmoil in the units because of the controversy.

Until the option is chosen, Reds will get VPs and 1NM by turn. When the option is chosen, the reform will be discussed among Bolshevik leaders a few turns, until it is enforced. During this period, Reds will lose NM randomly (simulating hated opposition to Trotsky proposals). If NM is under 95, Military reform will be enforced.Notes: Another new touch of historicity, and at start more brittle Red units, and an option to play without being a no brainer as the moment will be crucial. Let's say this option must be played sooner or later, but it could cause immediate headaches for only future good

XP gains: expAutoGainXPChance = 2 // % chance per turn to gain 1 xp expAutoGainXPMaxLevel = 1 // max level that can be reached with autogain (VGN = 4) Only 1 Xp level gain per game without battles or events expGainPtsOffFire = 50 // gain in hundredth of points to a given stat. Rounding to 1 starts at 0.50 1 point for offensive fire each 2 xp levels ( 2 stars) expGainPtsDefFire = 50 idem expGainPtsInit = 25 1 point for offensive fire each 4 xp levels ( 4 stars) expGainPtsRange = 0 // VGN is 0 expGainPtsROF = 10 //1 point for offensive fire each 10 xp levels ( 10 stars)

expGainPtsDisc = 35 1 point for offensive fire each 3 xp levels ( 3 stars) expGainPtsAslt = 50 1 point for offensive fire each 2 xp levels ( 2 stars) expGainPtsPolice = 35 1 point for offensive fire each 3 xp levels ( 3 stars) expGainPtsPatrol = 35 1 point for offensive fire each 3 xp levels ( 3 stars) expGainPtsEvade = 35 expGainPtsCoh = 400 //3 for VGN 4 cohesion points for each Xp level expGainPtsDetect = 7 expGainPtsHide = 7 expGainPtsAirRec = 50 expGainPtsAirCbt = 100 expGainPtsAirBmb = 100

XIX Bashkir fate

The Bashkir units start the game in the Siberian Army. After Kolchak has risen to power, they will randomly desert. From 1919, if Reds control the Orenburg area, a Bashkir red division will be formed by events. From 1920, at last, a Green Bashkir revolt may occur. Reds get an option to grant autonomy to Bashkir and so avoid the Bashkir revolts, but at the risk of another Green revolts, representing Russian peasants loathing this favour done to richer people they despised.

The Bashkirs numbered about 2 million at the start of the Russian Civil War, centred on the Ural Mountains, so were an important group in the Orenburg Host area. Not particularly strict Muslims, they were culturally quite close to the Volga Tartars. They had never been serfs and were relatively prosperous, although they became less so as their lands were taken by Russian colonists and industry.They were used to serving in their own military units and were good soldiers. Bashkir tried to control their lands through a at least autonomous State during the Civil War. If Siberian Cossacks accepted this project, Kolchak denied Bashkir any hope, so they turned Reds when Lenin accepted to grant them autonomy in 1919. Of course, next year saw Reds turning back to centralism and represion of bashkir nationalism, creating the condition of a revolt which was crushed thanks to the interested help of local Russian peasants.


FACTION Reds Southern Whites Siberian Whites Ukrainians Anarchists Freikorps Green PolesFrance

PLAYABLE Yes Yes Yes Only AI Only AI Only AI Only AI Only AIOnly AI

ALLIANCE Anarchists Ukrainian, Balts, Caucasus, Finland Southern Whites Reds No alliance possible No alliance possible No alliance possibleSouthern Whites

Changelog for 1.05 version


Trotsky isnt anymore railbound. He now moves as any leader. The railbound trait is creating endless problems for a very small result. Moreover, many times Trotsky will be in a railroad region of close to it because of the constraints of supply. 2) Thanks to the insightful remarks of Old Fenrir here : http://www.ageod-forum.com/ showthread.php?t=23512 , most of the Don army will be locked in the first 2 turns. Realist and helping game balance. 3) AI should be much more active during winter. The AI passivity during winter is helping human player too much and these long lulls are just unhistorical. Both sides attacked several times during winter. One reason to lower AI aggro during winter was the risk of attritional losses, as AI has no real clue about attrition. If necessary, I prefer to help AI by giving it a boost in replacement to compensate ( not yet done, only if tests show this to be needed). 4) bug fixes here and there 5) Northern Caucasus Army group may suffer during first months random paralysis ( ie units are locked for one turn). The Red leader Sorokin, murdered at least one subrdinate, did a putsch against leader of the local Soviets and was finally assassinated by his own troopsIt had to be protrayed and i will be an incitative for Red player to not push too much troops in the Kuban at start. 5) AI will build more supply wagons. 6) Southern Whites AI will target more often Tzaristsyn in the first months. 7) Improved a bit Red AI behaviour in Turkestan. 8) Increased possibility of small green revolts in Ukraine ;Ukrainian faction will have now guerilla units ( a few)

9) The finnish offensive against Olonets in April 19 is now portrayed, under the form of a Green faction action. The event will fire randomly if Finland isnt offically at war with the Reds and cease if the war begins. Finns limited force are belonging to the Green faction as this action was considered as hostile both by Reds and Allied powers. 10) The Republic of Northern Caucasus will be represented too as a Green revolt, popping up randomly around Grozny. 11) If Reds are played by an human, the loss of Perm, Kazan, Simbirsk, Saratov before november 18 could cost Reds aloss of 7 NM each. This new rule is destined to depict the priority Volga got over Southern Front in the first months, as Reds saw in Czech Legion a most dangerous enemy than the small Denikin and Krasnov forces. A player knows the Legion will disappear from active play after november, which Reds ignored and Southern Whites high quality Army will become a very potent enemy in the future, hence the tentation to strike first in South. Red player can take the risk and bet on chance to

avoid the NM penalties, but it will have now to think twice about.

12) About 300 bugs fixed in the 11th December release, some from my work, some from the official version. Thanks to lafrite for his help on it.

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