FamilyCare Dining 4 Kids 3 Fund 11 12 - St. Louis Children ... · for dinner on September 22? ... Sterkel, Express Scripts Foundation, ... the golfers who came out for the 9th Annual

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Showing the positiveimpact your gifts makein the lives of children.

A P u b l i c a t i o n o f S t . L o u i s C h i l d r e n ’ s H o s p i t a l F o u n d a t i o n

gifts – Summer 2009

A Breath of Fresh AirIt may look like just another RV on the road, but to morethan 4,300 kids in St. Louis, it is a breath of fresh air and alifesaver. Meet the newest addition to the St. Louis Children’sHospital Healthy Kids Express fleet—the Healthy Kids ExpressAsthma Mobile Unit. Funded by generous donors, the vanvisits local schools to help identify and treat children withasthma. It is also used to educate families and teachersabout the disease.

Pediatric nurse practitioner and manager of the HealthyKids Express Asthma Program Lisa Meadows, says nearly20 percent of children in St. Louis are living withthe disease. “Asthma is the number one reasonchildren visit the emergency room and the numberone reason children miss school,” she says.

Nurses working on the Healthy Kids Express vansidentified the need for asthma care, managementand education. In 2004, a pilot program wasput in place at two St. Louis public elementaryschools to measure the effect of intensive asthmaeducation. Asthma treatment plans were createdfor 120 asthmatic children to help them managetheir disease. As a result of the program, thesestudents experienced a 36% reduction inabsenteeism. The program’s positive results haveenabled it to expand each year. The programnow includes a dedicated van and 13 areaschools participating.

The purpose of the Healthy Kids Express Asthmaprogram is to enroll diagnosed asthmatic childrenand monitor, educate and care for them. Byimproving their self-management skills, thesechildren have become less vulnerable to school

absenteeism and they have an improved quality of life. Theysleep better at night and participate more in school, family,social and athletic activities.

The program covers all facets of asthma education, suchas a coaching program for high risk asthmatic children toassess their home environment, evaluate asthma triggers,and educate the families on proper use of medications,equipment, and health services.

continued on page 2

Joan Upperman, RN, BSN, nurse and community educator with the Healthy Kids ExpressAsthma program, holds Yanaiya Dunlap, 6, a kindergartner at Lucas Crossing ElementaryComplex School. Behind them is the new Healthy Kids Express Asthma Mobile Unit. TheHealthy Kids Express Management Program served 4,300 children and families last year.Among them, 727 children received intensive asthma services. The program also educated540 teachers and provided services to another 3,000 people through community events.

Dining 4 KidsWonderingwhat to makefor dinner onSeptember 22?

Global HarvestAllianceResearchers team upto provide new hopefor childhood hunger.

3Family CareFundHelp us healchildren andtheir families. 11

gifts – Summer 2009


A Breath of Fresh Aircontinued from page 1

The Healthy Kids Express Asthma program was able to expand servicesthanks to generous donations from (left to right) Mrs. and Dr. Randall S.Sterkel, Express Scripts Foundation, represented by Sue Schlichter, andMissouri Foundation for Health represented by Dr. James Kimmey.

Healthy Kids Express Asthma program nurses remain inconstant contact with the child’s physicians, school nurses andparents to monitor absenteeism and progress and then adjustthe child’s asthma action plan as necessary.

Healthy Kids Express services are offered free of charge thanksto the generosity of donors. For details on supporting thisprogram please visit �

Kirsten is a pretty typical 13-year-old girl next door. Sheloves riding her bike, swimming, softball, snowboarding, andsummer camp. She is talkative, feisty, loves to make peoplelaugh, and has a reputation for playing practical jokes.

You would never know she had a heart transplant whenshe was just 5 months old.

At 2, she was taking blood thinners. At 10, shereceived a pacemaker. At 11, her gallbladder wasremoved. And just last year, she underwent her secondheart transplant.

“In spite of all these roadblocks,” says her mother, Lisa,“she is very normal with all the hopes and dreams of anyyoung girl.”

As a 10-week-old baby, Kirsten was diagnosed with no leftventricle or aorta, and had a hole between the two upperchambers in her heart. Birth defects are the leading causeof congestive heart failure in babies and children. Her onlychance for survival was a heart transplant.

Lisa says, “Itrust everyone atChildren’s Hospitalso much. I wouldnever let her beadmitted to anyother hospital.”

Kirsten’s transplantwas a success andtoday she is atypical happy,healthy teenager.

Since 1986, St. Louis Children’s Hospital has one of the mostactive pediatric heart transplant programs in the United States.The program has given new life to more than 244 patients,ranging in age from 3 days to 22 years. The team ofcardiothoracic surgeons, anesthesiologists, cardiologists, nurseclinicians, nursing staff members, social workers and therapistsworks together to prepare for the transplant, keep the child inoptimal health during the wait and rebuild health and strengthfollowing the transplant.

Your ongoing support over the years has helped the HeartCenter at St. Louis Children’s Hospital become a world-classclinical and research facility that addresses all forms of cardiacconditions.

Kirsten is just one of the many children whose lives have beenforever impacted by your generosity. You can follow Kirsten’ssuccess story and read more about her experience at St. LouisChildren’s Hospital by visiting her Caring Bridge �

Kirsten in St. Louis Children’s Hospital justdays after her heart transplant.

Meet KirstenKirsten all readyto go to CampRhythm, amedically-safecamp just for kidslike Kirsten. Readmore about thecamp on page 4.

Children’s Hospitalin New GlobalHarvest AlliancePartners in Effort to End Childhood Hunger

A St. Louis-based team of plant and physician-scientistswith a vision of eradicating malnutrition throughout thedeveloping world announced the formation of the GlobalHarvest Alliance (GHA), a humanitarian effort involvingSt. Louis Children’s Hospital, The Donald Danforth PlantScience Center and Washington University School ofMedicine. Though they share a commonality of purpose,each institution brings unique strengths and world-classleadership within their respective fields to bear on thisglobal challenge.

The focus of the newly formed Alliance will be to createlow-cost, nutritionally complete foods to prevent and treatall forms of under-nutrition. These foods will incorporatecrops that are protein and micronutrient rich, disease-andpest-resistant, and that can be disseminated throughsmallholder farmers.

Heading the GHA team is St. Louis Children’s Hospitalemergency unit physician, Mark Manary, M.D., a leaderin the field of childhood malnutrition who is the Helene B.Roberson Professor of Pediatrics at Washington UniversitySchool of Medicine; and member of the Donald DanforthPlant Science Center. Manary has a successful trackrecord with such innovation; his peanut butter-basedready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) for the treatment ofsevere acute malnutrition has consistently resulted in 90%recovery rates in research and operational projects.


A child eats the peanut butterbased ready to use therapeuticfood (RUTF) in Malawi, left.

Bottom, Danforth Center ScientistClaude Fauquet with cassavateam members in Uganda.

Manary’s work extends beyond RUTF. He explores thebasic mechanisms by which malnutrition compromiseshuman health, gaining new scientific insights to improveand refine his approach to combating malnutrition.Understanding that even a successful food-basedapproach to treating malnutrition will never prevent it,in 2004 he began to collaborate with colleagues at theDanforth Plant Science Center to create a formidablepreventive strategy. The intent is to enhance crops sothat they can thrive where malnutrition is rampant andprovide a complete package of nutrients needed forhealth. With his RUTF efforts complemented by theDanforth Center’s cassava (a woody shrub that isextensively cultivated as an annual crop in tropical andsubtropical regions for its edible starchy tuberous root, amajor source of carbohydrates) team, the full vision forthe Global Harvest Alliance began to take shape.

The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, a GHApartner, has been a leader in biofortification of foodcrops for more than a decade. The Center is a recipientof funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation toconduct research as part of BioCassava Plus, aninternational research initiative that strives to makecassava a more nutritionally rich and balanced stapleplant crop. The project has demonstrated unprecedentedsuccess in enhancing cassava to contain more protein,vitamins and minerals, more robust plant virusresistance, delayed post-harvest deterioration andreduced cyanide content. Farmer-preferred varietiesare being collected, analyzed, and geneticallyenhanced to improve their nutrient composition;concurrently, Dr. Manary is building a network ofin-country nutritionists to add to the team of DanforthCenter scientists already in place.

“St. Louis Children’s Hospital has a vibrant outreachmission supported by our many donors to expand ourvision of ‘better health and better health care’ to thechildren of our community and beyond. Our partnershipwith Washington University and the Danforth Centerallows us to launch this unique initiative that isn’tpossible at any other children’s hospital in the country,”said Lee Fetter, president, St. Louis Children’s Hospital.

For more information on this program and to view avideo of Dr. Manary discussing the Global HarvestAlliance, please visit and clickon News Releases. �

Dr. Manary prepares to examine the health record of amalnourished child who is enrolled in a health study in Malawi.The child’s thin arms and legs and light hair are signs ofmalnourishment.

gifts – Summer 2009


Camp Rhythm Reallyis Making A DifferenceFeatured on NBC Nightly Newswith Brian Williams

On July 17, NBC Nightly News with Brian Williamsviewers got an inside glimpse at a place that is oftendescribed as “life-changing” by children and counselorswho attend. That place is Camp Rhythm.

St. Louis Children’s Hospital developed Camp Rhythm toaddress the special needs of children who have had heartsurgeries (including heart transplants), or have congenitalheart problems. At Camp Rhythm, children proudly displaytheir chest scars and take comfort in their common surgicaland medical experiences. Sixty-five children ages 8 to 15attended Camp Rhythm July 6-10 at Camp Wyman inEureka, Missouri. Camp counselor, Monica Wells was soinspired by her second year at Camp Rhythm that she wrotea thank you note. At right is a portion of her note…

Visit the In The News section of to viewthe video story featured on NBC Nightly News. �

Top photo: We love Camp Rhythm 2009!

Lower photo: Meet the girls of Cabin 8!

Claire Wallace and Dalton Delmain climb the rock wall.

“There are many reasons why a child with a heart condition might

not go to summer camp, from their health simply not allowing it,

to worried parents, to camps flat refusing their entry when they

are handed a gallon baggie of medications. Camp Rhythmchanges all that. Staffed with medical professionals who know

these kids conditions inside and out, it is a safe haven to forget

about everything else for a while and just be a kid. It’s a place

where scars at the pool are just another part of the scenery and

can be worn as the badge of honor they are.I am proud to be a small part of this camp each year andthankful to the staff who go above and beyond the call to make

it happen. I feel like I have gained as much as any camper from

the experience, if not more. As I encourage them to push out and

see what they can do, I find myself doing the same. As I listen to

their stories and share mine, I feel the other scars on my heart

start to heal. In a world where it is easy to get self-involved and

get down on yourself, Camp Rhythm provides the kick in the

pants even the most optimistic of hearts can need at times. The

realization that you can do more than you think you can, and

that for someone who has been through so much there isn’t a

lot to complain about is worth every walk up that BIG hill to

your cabin. Besides, at the top of that hill you can look back

down, proud of yourself because you didn’t think you could

do that again…”

—Monica Wells

St. Louis Children’s Hospital has been named among thenation’s elite pediatric hospitals on the Honor Roll of U.S. News& World Report’s 2009 listing of America’s Best Children’sHospitals.

Just 10 pediatric hospitals, including St. Louis Children’sHospital, made the Honor Roll by ranking in all 10 specialtiesevaluated. Hospitals are ranked in cancer, diabetes andendocrine disorders, digestive disorders, heart and heartsurgery, kidney disorders, neonatal care, neurology andneurosurgery, orthopedics, respiratory disorders, and urology.The specialty listing is the most extensive ever conducted by themagazine across pediatric hospitals.

“While many families bring their children to us from other statesand countries, local families tell us how comforting it is to knowthat such nationally-recognized care is close by in theircommunity,” says Lee Fetter, president of St. Louis Children’sHospital. “This honor affirms the hard work and dedication of


Bailey Promoted to Children’sHospital Foundation VicePresident

Janice Bailey has been promoted toVice President–St. Louis Children’sHospital Foundation. She waspreviously serving as Senior Directorof Development within the Foundation.

President of St. Louis Children’sHospital, Lee Fetter, says the decisionfollows a thorough search processinitiated last year and facilitated by asearch committee of the FoundationBoard, with support from an externalconsultant.

Janice started at St. Louis Children’sHospital Foundation in 1992 as an

Annual Giving Coordinator, and has witness the Foundation’sfundraising results triple over that time.

“Over Janice’s last 17 years of service to the Foundation and itsconstituent boards, she has achieved excellent results,” Fettersays. “We are fortunate to move the Foundation leadership intothe hands of a seasoned professional who knows our historywell and shares our dreams for the future.” �

Great News!

Janice Bailey

MajorLeagueFun Comesto Kids atSt. LouisChildren’sHospital

Major League Baseball (MLB) and the St. Louis Cardinalsteamed with Starlight Children’s Foundation to bring a‘Fun Center’ to patients at Children’s Hospital. MLB andCardinals Care also donated $125,000 to Healthy KidsExpress. These gifts were part of 2009 MLB All-StarWeek’s continuing efforts to give back to the St. Louiscommunity.

Four MLB Mascots helped deliver the Fun Center to theChild Life Playroom at the hospital. The Fun Center is amobile entertainment unit containing a Nintendo Wii™,Sharp AQUOS™ TV and DVD Player. It is designed foryoung patients to use in their rooms or as a group, andfeatures the MLB/Cardinals All-Star Game logo.

On July 14, the morning of the All-Star Game, sixteam Mascots brought their energy and excitementto visit kids and families in their rooms at St. LouisChildren’s Hospital. The visiting mascots included:“Homer” from the Atlanta Braves, “Raymond” fromTampa Bay Rays, “Baxter” from the ArizonaDiamondbacks, “Screech” from the WashingtonNationals, “The Oriole Bird” from the BaltimoreOrioles and “Stomper” from the Oakland Athletics. �

Major League Baseball mascotsand players visited patients at St.Louis Children's Hospital July 11as part of All-Star weekend.(Photo by Tim Parker)

our staff and physician partners at Washington UniversitySchool of Medicine, who give their best for every child andfamily, every day.”

This is the seventh consecutive year St. Louis Children’sHospital has been honored by U.S.News, published onlineat and featured inthe August issue of U.S.News & World Report. �

One of the Best!

6gifts – Summer 2009

Hyundai Motor America and its dealers selected St. LouisChildren’s Hospital as the recipient of of $50,000 donationfrom Hyundai Hope on Wheels™. The 2009 Hope on WheelsTour is traveling nationwide to donate more than $1.3 millionto childhood cancer research institutions, and stopped atSt. Louis Children’s Hospital on June 24 to present the checkat a ceremonial event.

Todd E. Druley, M.D., Ph.D., a board-certified pediatricianand faculty member in Pediatric Hematology and Oncologyat St. Louis Children’s Hospital, was named a 2009 HyundaiScholar, and will use the funds to support his research withinthe Children’s Discovery Institute.

The hospital’s childhood cancer patients participated in theHope on Wheels Handprint Ceremony, during which theydipped their hands in finger paint and applied their colorfulhandprints to a white Hyundai Santa Fe. The car, which iscovered in children’s handprints from all over the country, isthe symbol of Hyundai Hope on Wheels™.

“Hyundai and itsdealers have beencommitted tosupporting thechildren, families anddoctors battlingchildhood cancer formore than 10 years,”said Oscar Leeser, President of the Hyundai National Hope onWheels Dealer Board, and an El Paso, Texas Hyundai dealer.“Even in the face of tough economic times for our industry, wewill not waver in our commitment to supporting the medicalresearch and training that will produce better treatments,therapies, and one day, a cure.”

This year Hyundai Hope on Wheels marks 11 years ofcommitment to childhood cancer research efforts. Hyundai andits dealers have donated more than $12.4 million to children’shospitals nationwide and collected hundreds of handprints fromchildren fighting childhood cancer. �

Hyundai Donates $50,000to Fight Pediatric Cancer

Bringing new technologies topediatric medical research isthe focus of four new awardsgranted to researchers atWashington University by theChildren’s Discovery Institute.

The awards, which began July 1, 2009, total $2,475,000, andwill enhance research efforts in all Centers within the Institute.

St. Louis Children’s Hospital pediatric oncologist Todd Druley,MD, PhD, will serve as the Primary Investigator for a projecttitled, “Accelerating Novel Genetic Discoveries via Next-Generation DNA Sequencing.” New, next-generation sequencingtechnology has led to more than a 100-fold decrease in the costof DNA sequencing.

Along with co-investigator, Robi Mitra, PhD, a WashingtonUniversity assistant professor of genetics, Dr. Druley hasdeveloped pooled sample sequencing techniques, which furtheraccelerate the value of next-generation DNA sequencing indetecting and quantifying rare mutations.

This unique approach developed by Drs. Druley and Mitra,will enable investigators to rapidly and inexpensively tease apartthe genetic underpinnings of complex pediatric diseases.The new $1,125,000 award ensures that equipment and trainedpersonnel will be available for use by Discovery Instituteresearchers from all Centers.

Dr. Jeff Leonard, a neurosurgeon at St. Louis Children’sHospital, remains the primary investigator for the Children’sDiscovery Institute Pediatric Brain Tumor Bank, which hasbeen awarded $700,000 in new funding. Pediatric oncologist,Joshua Rubin, MD, PhD continues as co-investigator on theproject. With pediatric brain tumors, the extreme difficultyin obtaining and culturing brain tumor cells has hamperedresearch. The Brain Tumor Bank aims to overcome that limitation.To date, the Tumor Bank has collected approximately 100 braintumor specimens, from which genetically faithful tissue culture andtissue graft models of pediatric brain tumors are being created.

Dr. George Van Hare, the Louis Larrick Ward Chair inPediatric Cardiology at St. Louis Children’s Hospital and directorof pediatric cardiology at Washington University School ofMedicine, has received a $200,000 award to bring a novelelectrocardiographic imaging modality to the Discovery Institute’sHeart Center research effort. This non-invasive technology iscapable of accurately representing electrical potentials andactivation patterns from the surface of the heart.

Dr. David Ornitz, Alumni Endowed Professor of developmentalbiology at Washington University School of Medicine, hasreceived an award of $450,000 to support Discovery Instituteinvestigations that utilize mouse models to study the geneticcause of disease.

With the addition of these four awards, the Children’s DiscoveryInstitute has made grants of more than $6.5 million in 2009 tohelp researchers speed discoveries in childhood disease. �

Children’s Discovery InstituteAnnounces Four New Awards

Julia Kemper makes her mark on the HyundaiSanta Fe at the Hyundai Hope on WheelsTM



A Mountain of HopeWe know all of our lives have been filled with some hardships,burdens, and challenges through this past year. I have had toface some challenges and burdens this year myself. I envisionthose challenges and burdens as it would be climbing amountain, I hope through these burdens that the top of themountain will be every bit as beautiful as I imagined. You see,I believe we all need hope, like a mountain climber needs ropesto get to the top of the mountain. I believe God gave us hope inorder to see us through our burdens.

Mountain climbers will tell you that it's not just aboutbeing on top of the mountain, but it is also about thejourney to the top.

On your way up the mountain, you meet manyextraordinary people that stay with you as youcontinue up the mountain. The climb up all of asudden seems a lot easier when you have peoplehelping and encouraging you. We give each other hope!

Once you get to the top, though, you realize that theview is much more spectacular because you had toclimb the mountain to get there.

At this time, I am guessing that you are climbing somemountains yourself. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one, orsomeone dear to you is in fighting for our country.Maybe this economy has hit you pretty hard, or, likeme, you are challenged with some sort of medicalillness. We all must remember: Let others love you,show love by helping others, and know each andevery one of us is one of God’s children. Whateverour burdens are, there is no mountain bigger thanthe hope that God provides.

I want to help people understand that money andsupport are needed to help fight this terrible disease.

Kids shouldn’t have to be sick in the hospital withfevers and other side effects from chemotherapy;they should be out playing, growing up, and lovinglife. But sometimes kids do get cancer, and that iswhy we need everyone’s help.

All kids are fighters, and we will fight as hard aswe can to be healthy again. Raising money forcancer research gives us all hope for a cure.

I would like to thank Hyundai Motor America andits dealers for their support of childhood cancerresearch. For 11 years, you have helped doctorsand hospitals in their search for a cure and youhave given hope to many kids and their familiesalong the way.

I am proud to represent the spirit of Hope onWheels and I hope that I will inspire otherpeople to join the fight against cancer. �


In November 2007 Frances Neunuebelof Leawood, Kansas was diagnosedwith a form of brain cancer calledMedulloblastoma. After a successful surgeryto remove the tumor, Frances began sixweeks of daily radiation and nine cyclesof chemotherapy. Through her battle withcancer, Frances admits she has learnedmany things, including the fact that youcan't fight cancer alone. During hertreatment, she wrote A Mountain of Hope,which relates fighting cancer to climbing amountain. Frances is the 2009 Hope onWheels Regional Youth Ambassador andshe shared her story with attendees atthe ceremony on June 24.

gifts – Summer 2009


Children of all ages are sure to enjoy the Kohl’s Cares forKids merchandise for fall 2009, which is available now and all area Kohl’s stores! This season featuresthree special-edition plush animals—a lizard, a cheetah, anda gorilla—plus, three books: Actual Size; What Do You DoWith A Tail Like This?; andBiggest, Strongest, Fastest.Each item is just $5, with netprofits benefiting health andeducational opportunities forchildren, including programsand services at St. LouisChildren’s Hospital. Since2001, Kohl’s has givennearly $1,250,000 toChildren’s Hospital throughthe Kohl’s Cares forKids program. �

Success Bloomsat Spring EventFestively decorated tables filled the ballroom at The Ritz-Carlton at the Friends of St. Louis Children’s Hospitalannual Spring Event. The event attracted many of St.Louis’ finest florists, boutique owners, interior designersand culinary experts who displayed their creative talentson the decorated luncheon tabletops. Over 600 guestsspent the morning viewing tabletops, shopping for uniqueitems from local boutiques and bidding on items in thesilent auction. Friends chair, Glenda Seldin presented acheck to hospital president Lee Fetter for over $1 millionrepresenting the total funds raised through Friendsactivities in 2008. Special thanks to Gold PartnerSponsors: Miss Elaine and Diane M. Wood and KristinD. Preiss and Silver Partner Sponsors Chevys Fresh Mexand ELCO Chevrolet Cadillac. �

Make a Purchaseto Make aDifference

Jilly’s Cupcake Bar was just one of 63 tables representing St. Louis’sfinest shops and restaurants that helped make the Spring Eventtabletops come alive with unique blooms, treats and novelties.

Special thanks to Spring Event co-chairs Becky Wood and SuzanneBoyle and the event committee members who helped raise over$90,000 for Camp Rhythm. Camp Rhythm is a unique, medically-safe,overnight summer camp for children who have a heart condition.

Ben, Kim, Henry and Dan Weas enjoyed a fun-filledevening at the 26th Annual St. Louis Children’s HospitalNight at Six Flags brought to you in part by Aetna, Inc.Beautiful spring weather and the smiles of more than 2,500special guests made it an evening to remember. Thousandsof children and families will benefit from more than$495,000 raised during the festivities!

Special thanks to chair Alan Hautly, the Six Flags eventcommittee and Six Flags St. Louis for their longstandingsupport of this time-honored tradition. Thanks to our MajorSponsor Anheuser-Busch and Patron Sponsors Aero Charter,Inc., Harbison Corporation, Hautly Cheese, HuntleighMcGehee, MPM and The Timothy H. Trout Family,Pool Tron, Julie and Todd Schnuck, and The Trudy B.Valentine Family. �

Summertime Fun!

A special thank you to Allen Tucker and the BERCHTOLDCorporation from Charleston, South Carolina for donating a

procedure light and a surgical table in the Saigh PediatricSimulation Center, which opened earlier this year.

BERCHTOLD’s generosity helped reduce the equipmentexpenses for the learning facility by over $20,000.

A Special Thank You


(L-R) Marc Bulger, Mark Winfield, Jim Edmonds and Joe Buck were just four ofthe golfers who came out for the 9th Annual Joe Buck Golf Classic. The nightbefore the tournament, players and their guests enjoyed dinner at the downtownJ. Buck’s, with entertainment provided by Charles Glenn. Congratulations to thefirst place winners of the tournament: David Hollo, Keith Harbison, BillHolekamp and Bruce Olson. $4 million has been raised for St. Louis Children’sHospital since the event launched nine years ago. Special thanks to this year’sMajor Sponsors Michelob Ultra and Albrecht Family Foundation, and AceSponsor Nestle Purina PetCare Company.

9th Annual Joe BuckGolf Raises $430,000!

On June 18 the Friends Board gathered at St. Louis Children’sHospital to celebrate the Jane Spoehrer Memorial Scholarship.The Spoehrer Scholarship was established by the Friends tohonor the commitment and dedication of Jane Spoehrer tovolunteerism. Each year, the Friends recognize and award theJane Spoehrer Scholarship to dedicated and deserving youthfor their volunteer commitments to Children’s Hospital.

This year’s recipients are two extremely talented, enthusiasticand dedicated young adults, Megan Schilling and JeremiahMoomey. Megan has volunteered over 90 hours at Children’sHospital. Megan’s letters of recommendation mentionedher dedication, flexibility and kindness. She will be attendingSouthern Illinois University in the fall.

Jeremiah has been volunteering in the playroom at Children’sHospital for over a year. As a past patient, he wanted to giveback to the hospital that helped him years ago. He will beattending Saint Louis University.

The Friendswere honoredto have JaneSpoehrer’sdaughter,Susan Elliott,in attendanceto present thescholarshipaward to both recipients.

The Spoehrer Scholarship Ceremony is always a specialevent for the Friends Board. It is a wonderful reminderof the significant impact volunteers make at Children’sHospital. Thank you to all our committed volunteers anda special thank you to this year’s Spoehrer Scholarshipevent chair, Renee Bell, for her efforts in coordinating awonderful ceremony. �

Spoehrer ScholarshipPresentation

Lee Fetter, Glenda Seldin, Jeremiah Moomey(Scholarship recipient) Megan Schilling(Scholarship recipient), Susan Elliott, ReneeBell and Sarah Campbell

“Thanks To You!”

The 2nd Annual Brent Bergheger Chrysler Dodge GolfClassic was held June 26 at the Orchards Golf Course inBelleville, IL. Golfers enjoyed a dinner and auction followingplay. The tournament was a huge success, raising over$11,000 for cancer research at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.

St. Louis Business Travel Association 14th AnnualGolf Tournament and Auction raised a total of $5,100 forSt. Louis Children’s Hospital. Golfers teed off at The Links atDardenne on June 8th. Immediately following golf, everyoneenjoyed a wonderful dinner that was followed by a silentand live auction

Mama Campisi’s Restaurante teamed up with AdesaAuto Auction to host a successful golf tournament on June4. The day consisted of golf, dinner and silent auctionraising more than $5,000 for St. Louis Children’s Hospital.

Tin Mill Brewing Company hosted the 2nd AnnualHermann Rhythm and Brews Festival on June 20th raising$1,000 for St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Featuring a numberof microbreweries from the Midwest area, approximately600 guests also enjoyed blues music and barbecue at theHofgarten across from the brewery.

Nicole and James Wiley hosted Danny’s Dreams, adinner and auction held April 18 at Amini’s in Chesterfield.Emcee, Kasey Joyce entertained guests, who enjoyedcocktails and hors d’oeuvres by Villa Farotto and musicby Erin Bode. The event raised $20,000 for the DanielScott Wiley Newborn Intensive Care Unit Endowment Fundat St. Louis Children’s Hospital.

The 2nd Annual Greg Primo Concert was held at CasaLoma Ballroom May 2. The all-ages event featured DevonAllman’s Honeytribe, The Kings of Soulard, DannyListon and Pat Liston of Mama’s Pride and CityLights featuring Greg Primo. The concert raised morethan $5,000 to support the Pediatric Neurocritical CareProgram at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.

Missy and Mitch Loder hosted theOlivia Loder FUNdraiser in honor oftheir daughter, Olivia at the Sky MusicLounge. In lieu of gifts for Olivia’sfirst birthday, the family accepteddonations, held a silent auction andsold t-shirts to raise more than $8,000to support cancer and cancer researchat St. Louis Children’s Hospital.

The 2nd Annual Bitter Pill Benefit Show was heldSaturday, June 6 at TrainWreck Saloon at Westport Plaza.The band donated their performance fee as well as donatedthe cover charge and held a silent auction raising more than$5,000 to support St. Louis Children’s Hospital. �

The following is a list of some of the recent fundraisers held byvarious organizations, businesses and individuals to supportChildren’s Hospital’s mission. If you’re interested in doing yourown fundraiser, please contact Laura at 314.286.1573

A kaleidoscope created by artist Robert Anderson was recentlyinstalled in the donor-funded Olson Family Garden, the rooftopgarden at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Within minutes of installation,patients and families were interacting and seeing flowers and plantsfrom a whole new angle. This year the Olson Family Garden iscelebrating its 10th anniversary of providing patients and familiesa place for privacy, solace and healing. �

Colorful Addition in theOlson Family Garden!

gifts – Summer 2009


ClowningAround for aGood CauseThe Young Friends of St. Louis Children’s Hospitalhosted the 4th Annual Cocktails and Clowns eventApril 25 at 15. More than 325 people came out tosupport the cause. Led by event chair, Lindsey Stieveand her committee, the event raised more than$28,000 for The Clown Docs program at St. LouisChildren’s Hospital. The Clown Docs are fiveprofessionally trained clowns who use humor todistract patients from their hospital experience andto relieve stress among patients, family membersand staff.

A special thank you to oursponsors that helped to makethis event a tremendous success!Major Sponsors Brown ShoeCompany Inc., Hager Companies-Ralph and Carol Hager, JimTrenary Automotive Group,Lenny’s Sub Shop and Sigma-Aldrich. Contributing Sponsors Anonymous (2),Colliers Turley Martin Tucker, The Desco Groupand one anonymous Event Sponsor. �

Healing MoreThan Just KidsSt. Louis Children’s Hospital began in 1879 as an eight-bedhome on Franklin Avenue, caring only for sick children in thecity. It was founded on the belief that no child should ever beturned away because of inability to pay. Thanks to generoussupport from donors, over the years we have grown into amodern medical center recognized as one of the toppediatric hospitals in America. Many things have changedsince 1879, but one thing remains constant—no child is everturned away because of their families’ financial situation.

Assistance is available to qualifying families when they areunable to pay their child’s medical bills, often due to lowincome, underinsurance or lack of insurance. One examplewas 11-month-old Sidney, who was diagnosed with stagefour Neuroblastoma. Scared and in shock, the uninsuredfamily applied for Medicaid but was denied because ofassets associated with the family business. Income fromthe family business was not enough to cover the cost of

unexpected medical expenses,and due to multiple hospitalstays, the business was not ableto operate normally. Based on thefamily’s financial profile, Sidney’smedical expenses in the amountof $251,000 were covered bySt. Louis Children’s Hospitalthrough generous donors.Last year the amount ofuncompensated care delivered topatients was over $2.1 million.

Another assistance programis the Family Care Fund, which

is available for families who need assistance with food,diapers, formula, lodging, transportation, prescriptionsand utility bills. Families whose children are patients at thehospital for an extended period of time may be faced withthe financial burden of staying in a hotel, apartment rental,time away from work without pay and extensive travel costs.Assistance affords parents the opportunity to be with theirchild through their illness and enables the family to continuefunctioning as normally as possible. Over 500 families amonth are served by the Family Care Fund.

The current economic state has had an impact on everyone.Imagine the impact on families who were already in difficultfinancial situations and are now being faced with not onlythe overwhelming worry of caring for an ill child, but also theburden of medical bills and other unexpected expenses.

Your donation to help these families may provide somethingas simple as meal vouchers for parents to visit the cafeteria.Your gift might provide financial assistance to have homeutilities turned back on after a lengthy hospital stay.Regardless of the size of your gift, the assistance it willprovide will be life-saving to so many children and families.Help us help kids and make your gift today in the envelopeprovided, or visit �

Cocktails and Clowns 2009 Committee.


Event Chair, Lindsey Stieve withcommittee member Sarah Trenary.

Wondering what to make for dinner on September 22? How abouta reservation! proudly presents the third annual Dining 4 Kids event,benefiting St. Louis Children’s Hospital on Tuesday, September 22.Dine at any one of our Dining 4 Kids partner restaurants and at least20% of your tab will be donated to Children’s Hospital to supportimportant programs and services for kids in our community.

For more information and a complete list of participating restaurants,visit �

Fun is On the Menu

17th Street Bar & Grill (O’Fallon, IL)

400 Olive an Urban Grille

Amici’s Italian Restaurant

Atlas Restaurant

Atomic Cowboy

Aya Sofia

Bici Café


Casa Gallardo (Bridgeton,Des Peres, Fairview Heights,South County, Westport)

Chevys Fresh Mex (Ellisville;O’Fallon, MO; Olivette)

Dewey’s Pizza (Ellisville,Kirkwood, University City)

The Dubliner

Duff’s Restaurant


FIVE Bistro

Fortel’s Pizza Den (Kirkwood)

Goody Goody Diner

Hendel’s Market Caféand Piano Bar

The Highlands Restaurant& Brewing Company

J.Buck’s (Clayton, Downtown)

Joanie’s Pizzeria

Joe Boccardi’s Ristorante(Columbia, IL; Eureka;Webster Groves)

King & I Restaurant

Llywelyn’s Pub (Central West End,Soulard, Webster Groves)

Lombardo’s Trattoria

Luvy Duvy’s Café

Mama Campisi’s

The Melting Pot

Mia Rosa

Newstead Tower Public House

Papa Murphy’s Take ‘N’ Bake Pizza(Oakville; O’Fallon, IL; O’Fallon,MO; St. Peters, Wildwood)

Pomme Café & Wine Bar

Pomme Restaurant

Portabella Restaurant

Robust Wine Bar


Ruth’s Chris Steak House(Clayton, Downtown)

Sapphire Pan Asian

Soda Fountain Square

Soulard’s Restaurant & Bar

Three Monkeys

Thyme Out Café

Tony’s On Main

Tortillaria Mexican Kitchen

Trattoria Toscana

Triumph Grill

Veritas Gateway to Foodand Wine

Viviano’s Festa Italiano, Inc.(Chesterfield, Fenton)

Yemanja Brasil Restaurante











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