Family Traditions€¦ · tradition can be related to any holiday from around the world, not just a December holiday. Please write two paragraphs. Use the organizer on back to help

Post on 07-Oct-2020






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Family Traditions Due: Organizer due Wed. Dec. 5

Final Draft with Paragraphs due Dec. 12

Your assignment for this week is to share with the class one of your family holiday traditions by writing about it. This tradition can be related to any holiday from around the world, not just a December holiday. Please write two paragraphs. Use the organizer on back to help you plan. Be sure to write a first draft—revised and edit it—and write a final copy. Bring all of your organizer this week. Paragraph One should include a description (who, what, where, when, decorations, music, food, etc. ) of your tradition and your personal role (what you do) in your family’s celebration. This paragraph is informational writing. Start with a main idea, and then add three or more sentences with the details (who, what, where when, etc.) Paragraph Two should include an explanation of why this tradition is important to you and a mention of interesting or fun memories related to this family tradition. This is narrative writing. Show feelings. Tell the story so your reader can picture the moment.

Family Traditions Due: Friday, December 15

Your assignment for this week is to share with the class one of your family holiday traditions by writing about it. This tradition can be related to any holiday from around the world, not just a December holiday. Please write two paragraphs. Use the organizer on back to help you plan. Be sure to write a first draft—revised and edit it—and write a final copy. Bring all of your pages on Friday. Paragraph One should include a description (who, what, where, when, decorations, music, food, etc. ) of your tradition and your personal role (what you do) in your family’s celebration. This paragraph is informational writing. Start with a main idea, and then add three or more sentences with the details (who, what, where when, etc.) Paragraph Two should include an explanation of why this tradition is important to you and a mention of interesting or fun memories related to this family tradition. This is narrative writing. Show feelings. Tell the story so your reader can picture the moment.

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