Family History Project Part 5

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Family History Project Part 5Angel Ramirez

Geography 10


Who did you interview ? The person I decided to interview was my father. He immigrated to California in 1975 from Guanajuato, Mexico.

Terms: Push and Pull Factors Urban and Rural Language Barrier Chain Migration Assimilation

Push and Pull Factors

Both of my parents wanted a well suitable life for themselves and their family.

Push Factors: What made them want to leave Mexico was because of unstable job security, safety, and poverty.

Pull Factors: What made they immigrant to the U.S was safety, better income, education for their children, and stability.

Urban and Rural

My father came from an urban part of Guanajuato, Mexico which consist of small compact houses.

The first job my father had was working in the strawberry fields in Corona, CA around 1976. He was shocked at the huge amount of rural land there was just for farming.

Language Barrier

The Language Barrier was difficult for my parents. They would learn English from people they spoke to at work, their children and classes they would take that were taught at an elementary school at night for non-English speakers.

Chain Migration

After my parents established a good location to live as well as, better jobs; my father started to write about how great it was to live in California to some of my cousins’

Some of them even moved because of the good opportunities my father wrote about since he immigrated.


Finally, my parents would start to do be involved in more “American” things like going out to eat as a family with my two older brothers.

They would make it a tradition to go out to eat at least once a month together.

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