Family Based Green Card

Post on 20-Jan-2017






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The USA, a land of opportunities and a billion dreams, is a fascination of sorts for the several million people all across the world. This country, even after suffering dearly after 2001 and 2008 fiasco's, is still regarded as a nation where the party never ends, and the inhabitants enjoy each moment of the blissful life offered to them.

No wonder, even after suffering so much in the last decade The economy of the USA continues to be a gigantic consumer based set-up that has something to offer to everybody – right from the lowest cadre in the workforce to the highest ranking CEOs and entrepreneurs and from the busiest professionals involved in businesses to the students and the housewives. These aspect make immigration the US a cherished dream for everybody.

Every living human being on this planet wishes to settle down in this country on permanent basis. Nonetheless, the entry into this country is however only possible through a Green Card, which, in recent years, has become harder to obtain. But this is no reason to feel dejected and disappointed for the people who wish to move to this country try every possible passage.

The Green Card of the US, as per today, is very much of offer to a cross section of audience – of aliens who can satisfy the eligibility parameters of the immigration. The permit once obtained enables the holders to reside in the country for an indefinite period of time and also seek work; obtain education; and carry out commercial activities at will.    

The most commonly used pathway of gaining permanent residence through the Green Card of the United States of America is through the family nomination. This scheme was initiated by the government of the USA as a part of family reunification – to enable the nationals and green card holders, in certain cases, to nominate their near and dears for entering the country.

Under the family nominations scheme, Green Card holders of the USA can nominate their immediate relations, i.e. their wedded spouses, unmarried kids. For this, the application process must be started by the permanent residents. 

Green Card of the USA can also be obtained through employment. To obtain permanent resident visa through this pathway, it is highly required for an applicant to obtain an offer for a regular employment – that is also permanent in nature. The application process for this permit – through an I – 140 petitions – is again started by the employers willing to hire workers from foreign countries.

Another pathway for the US Green Card that is becoming quite popular among people with adequate financial resources is through investments under the EB5, employment based priority 5 visa. This pathway requires the applicants to make a minimum investmentof US$ 500,000; some even opt for a high volume independent investment of US$ 1,000,000, into a TEA or a regional center. 

SummaryThe Green Card of the US, as per today, is very much of offer to a cross section of audience – of aliens who can satisfy the eligibility parameters of the immigration. It can be obtained through a number ways starting from some family based and employer based nominations to independent investment based pathways. All the pathways lead to the same objective, ability to apply for the nationality of the country

Abhinav Outsourcings Pvt. Ltd.

307, 3rd Floor, Devika Tower

Nehru Place, New Delhi


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