
108/03/14 Kamineni academy of Medical sciences and Research Centre.

208/03/14Kamineni academy of Medical sciences and Research Centre.

Dr. Sunil Pal Singh.C MBBS, MDAssistant professor

Dept Of Community MedicineKamineni Academy of Medical sciences and research centre.

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“The secret of national health lies in the homes of people”.

- Florence Nightingale

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Family: The family is group defined by a sex

relationship precise and enduring to provide

for procreation and up brining of children


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As a cultural unit, family reflects culture of wider

society of which it forms a part and determines the

behaviour and attitudes of its members.

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The Family

It is a group of people who are related by blood or

marriage or adoption and living together and

eating from a common kitchen.

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Family : Biological unit

Social unit

Cultural unit

Epidemiological unit

Unit for providing social services

Unit for providing comprehensive medical care.

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Stages of Family Formation: PHASES EVENTS

Beginning End

I. Formation Marriage Birth of 1st C

II. Extension Birth of 1st C B. of last C

III. comp Ex B. Of last C 1st C leaves

IV. Contraction 1st C leaves home Last C leaves home

V. Completed Contraction

Last C leaves home of parents

1st spouse dies

VI. Disolution 1st spouse dies Death of survivor


Types of families

• Patriarcial ( father is head ).

• Matriarcial ( mother is head ).

• Matrilocal ( husband go to wife house).

• Patrilocal ( wife go to husband house ).

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Types of families

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• Matrilinial ( right of property is females ).

Patrilinial (right of property is males ).

• Monogamous (one man marries one woman)

• Polygamous (Husband has more than one wife)

• Polyandrous (One woman marries many men)


Types of families

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• An endogamous (consanguineous)

• An exogamous (Non- consanguineous)

(?) What are the problems / health effects of above types of Family?


Types of families

08/03/14 Kamineni academy of Medical sciences and Research Centre.

• Nuclear family: consist of Husband, wife and

their children.

• Joint family: Married couples live with their

parents and their children

• Three generation family: Grand parents, their

married sons and their off springs

(?) Advantages & Disadvantages of Above type of family??????


Broken family: Parents have separated or death has occurred.

Problem family: Lags behind the rest of the community

(?) Effects of above said families on health and Community ????????

Types of families

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Functions of Family

• Communication

• Provision of home and surname.

• Satisfaction of sexual needs.

• Procreation and rearing of children.

• Economic security.

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Functions of Family

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• Education of children.

• Care during sickness, old age, widowhood.

• Socialization.

• Center for religious training, social customs etc..

• Recreation and stress & strain absorption.


Functions of Family

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• Stabilization of adult personality-family is like shock absorber.


Family Tradition and Health:

• Health perception: perceive health as token of divine and diseases as form of punishment.

• Housing condition: ill ventilated, ill lighted, kitchens are neglected, latrine is absent.

• Personal hygiene: bathing, oil massage, turmeric application, brushing with neem twigs,

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Family Tradition and Health:

• Disposal practices: Insanitation – lack of latrine

• Dietary practices: Veg, Non- veg, PEM, food fads, food taboos, Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation….

• Life style: Bare foot walking, open air defecation, smoking, paan chewing,

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Family Tradition and Health:

• Child rearing practices: Prelacteal feeds, Delay in

weaning, stopping of breast feeding, stoping of

breast feeding during diarrhea, branding the skin of

child, purgatives, aplying kajal

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Care of vulnerable: Ignorance and negligence of the

family members towards their vulnerable members

results in late reporting and delayed treatment

Reproductive behavior: Teen age marriages, polygamy,

large family size, gender preference,

Family Tradition and Health:

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Communication problems

Frequent Arguing.

Financial problems.


Grief and Loss.


Challenges of the Family:

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Check the appropriate column based on the needs provided by the parents for the

members of the family.

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Needs provided by the Parents yes No

Give advise when problem arises among family members

Provides education to each and every member of family

Ensures that all family members eat sufficiently

Provide support to the family members who are depressed

Annual medical check up to the family members.


Thank you

08/03/14 Kamineni academy of Medical sciences and Research Centre.

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