
Wanda Huggins’ Great Nephew!Wanda Huggins’ Great Nephew!

Jacob Rayano

the Lacrosse


Johnna Croom's

babies on Halloween

Brad Flower's kids, Mary Grace and William

Grace and Dylan

Guller, the nerd and the


Mia Baverso,



girl for Halloween

Jason Voorhees and Optimus Prime were at Leigh St. John's house!!!

Keith 'Uncle Si' Lefler

Tracy Simpkin’s Kids, Matthew and Savannah

Ben Denning and his wife Kendra Stocks and her boyfriend

Both having baby BOYS due in April!

Harry Bohli and his wife Jackie

due in June!

Emily Granito back flipping and free falling from a plane on her 30th birthday!

Michael Elisha "Eli" Litherland

Littlest Pimpkin Pumpkin Boy

Eli Litherland the Flying Bat!

This kid has LOTS of costumes!!!

Please email your winter pictures to so they

can be included in the next slideshow!