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The Time Is Now P4 Construction Launch - P 5 A PUBLICATION FOR ALUMNI AND FRIENDS OF CRANDALL UNIVERSITY Fall 2009 Volume 21 - Edition 2 www.crandallu.ca International Students - P 18 -19


Growing EdgeTHE


Fall 2009 Volume 21 - Edition 2 www.crandallu.ca

Construction Launch - P 5

International Students - P 18 -19

The Time Is Now P4

2 | The Growing Edge www.crandallu.ca

Rediscover what’s important


importe vraiment

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ce qui

www. crandallu.ca The Growing Edge | 3

President’s DeskFrom the

Dr. Brian MacArthur

The Growing Edge is the newsletter of Crandall University. Its purpose is to inform alumni, donors, and friends about the University and to keep them in touch with the life of Crandall, its family and friends. Alumni letters, unsolicited manuscripts, art and photos are welcome for possible inclusion. Items for “Alumni News” should be identified by graduation class. Free subscriptions to The Growing Edge are available upon request.

Changes of address should be sent to: Production of this issue of The Growing Edge:Heidi LeBlanc, Development Associate Editor: Crystal Wheaton, Communications ManagerCrandall University E-mail: crystal.wheaton@crandallu.caBox 6004, Moncton, NB E1C 9L7 Assistant Editor: Gilda Ryder, Director, Development and Alumni RelationsTel:(506)863-6459 1-888-968-6228 E-mail: gilda.ryder@crandallu.caFax: (506)858-9694 Layout & Design: Crystal WheatonE-mail: heidi.leblanc@crandallu.ca

Printer: Taylor Printing Group Inc., Publication Number : 4000 6990 CANADA POST

Cover Photo: ABU Student Association, Dr. Brian MacArthur (Inset: Ward White, MP Rodney Weston, Minister Don Arseneault, Ed Barrett, Dr. Brian MacArthur)

Just ten short years ago the world was abuzz with the Y2K threat. A new century was about to dawn and doomsayers were predicting untold havoc as a result of computers not being able to recognize the year 2000. In hindsight we view the hype as hav-ing been drastically overblown. The 21st century was ushered in with only the planned fanfare to mark its arrival. Thefirstdecadeofthisnewcenturyisalmostcomplete.ForAtlantic Baptist University it has been a strong decade of growth and advancement. The institution affectionately called “the school” by many alumni and students has doubled in enrolment. More programs, a larger student body, added faculty members and staff, more graduates – the decade has indeed been one of blessing. With our 60th Anniversary celebrations just completed, theUniversityhasaffirmeditsmissionofimpactingthelivesofas many students as possible with “quality university education firmlyrootedintheChristianfaith.”Dr.MyronBrinton,thefirstPrincipal,wiselychoseColossians1:18basthesignatureverseforthenewinstitutiontoemphasizeitsChrist-centeredmission.“That in all things he might have the preeminence” continues as our standard for faithfulness as the University moves forward. Preparing to enter the second decade of the 21st century, the University is positioning itself for another wave of growth. Plans that have been on the drawing board for several years are coming to fruition. Constructionhasstartedonasecondacademicbuildingthatwill double the amount of classroom and lecture theatre space, thus allowing the University to push toward an enrolment of over 1000 students. The time line for completion is aggressive as we hope to open the new facility by September 1, 2010, just in timetowelcometheClassof2014.Awebcamallowsinternetusers to view what is happening every day. Please visitwww.crandallu.caandclickonthebuttonthatreads“LiveFeed.” By the time the new building is open, the University will be officiallyknownasCrandallUniversity.Adecisionmadebythe

BoardofGovernorslastFebruaryandaffirmedbytheConven-tionofAtlanticBaptistChurchesinAugustisnowintheprocessofbeingfinalizedthroughlegislativeamendment.Thismaytakeuntil June 2010 to be completed. ABU applied for membership in the Association of Uni-versitiesandCollegesofCanada(AUCC)sometimeago.Thisprocess has been quietly moving forward and the potential for admissionin2010,whilenotconfirmed,appearspromising.TheUniversityisseekingtofinalizedocumentsinordertobefullyconformedtoAUCCstandards.Theissuescouldbelabeledas“good housekeeping” as the proposed changes will strengthen the University’s procedural practices. In 2010 – a new name, a new building, a new membership – a strong start to a new decade! In concludsion, I want to both congratulate and welcome Mr.JackStultzasournewChancellor.Animpressiveceremonyof installation was held on Sunday afternoon, September 27th, as the concluding event of the 60th Anniversary celebrations. On anhistoricalnote,Dr.RalphRichardsonofferedtheInstallationPrayer in the ceremony, as Jack Stultz had done for him when hewasinstalledasthefirstChancelloroftheUniversityinApril2001. As a member of the Alumni, as a supporter, or friend to the University, thank you for being part of this story of growth and blessing. Let us together move forward with faith into a new decade of God-given opportunity.

Dr. Brian MacArthurPresident, Atlantic Baptist University

4 | The Growing Edge www.crandallu.ca

The Time is NowExperi enc e the Future

60 years of education! We have accomplished many things in the past 60years.Fromourhumblebeginningsas United Baptist Bible Training School, then transitioning into Atlantic Baptist College,toAtlanticBaptistUniversity,andnowCrandallUniversity,wehaveseen many changes. The weekend of September 25-27 was spent reminiscing about the past and looking to the future. It was Homecoming 2009, where we celebrated our 60th Anniversary. The weekendbeganonFridayafternoonwith many reunion groups gathering andanAthleticsDinnerandAuctioninthe evening. On Saturday, the events started with an Employee Breakfast that brought past and present staff together to reminisce about the University over the years. The Annual Softball Tournament took place at Ev-ergreen Park School, while the Home-coming Parade with the local antique carclubsarrivedonCampusfortheCommunityBBQandPicnicandaBirthdaypartyforDr.DougMantzinthe Great Hall.

The theme of the weekend was UnderConstruction,highlightingthenew educational facility currently being constructed and the future plans for an apartment complex and newathleticsfacility.AConstructionLaunchCeremonytookplacetocom-memorate the commencement of the project. Saturday evening was capped off byaGalaCelebrationBanquet.AttheGala, a video presentation was shown to the 250 in attendance. While the videodepictedthechangestoCran-dall University, the new educational facility and the future plans for the campus, it also captured the essence ofCrandallUniversitythroughstudentinterviewsaboutlifeatCrandallandwhy many have chosen to attend the university. The culmination of this

was when the Execu-tive of the ABU Student Association came to thestageinCrandallUniversity attire. The President joined them on stage and stated “This is our future.” A Worship Service in the Brinton Auditorium started the Sunday events with a worship team of current stu-dents,a1960’sChoir,asolobyalumniDavidGopee, and a message

byalumniDr.RobertKnowles.Aspecial offering was taken for the in-ternational students currently attend-ing the University. The Service was followed by the Anniversary Brunch and later that afternoon oan Instal-lationCeremonywasheldforMr.H.JackStultzasChancellor,thesecondin our history. With all of the events taking place on the weekend, it was great to see our alumni who started as UBBTS stu-dents, as well as our current students, looking ahead to the advancement of the University. As we look to the future with the many changes that lie ahead we can boldly say ...

The Time is Now!



www. crandallu.ca The Growing Edge | 5

It was a sunny, cool afternoon on Saturday, September 26, 2009 when more than one hundred alumni, students, friends,andsupportersofCrandallUniversitygatheredonthe campus for an historical moment. The group gathered in eager anticipation of a construction launch marking the beginning of the three-phase construction plan, beginning with an educational building. The group included university, federalandprovincialofficialswhotookpartinthespecialceremony. Our Vice-President of Advancement and emcee for the event,RonGaudet,beganbystating“Manyofushavebeenwaiting for this for a long time. This day was what a lot of us had in mind. It didn’t come easy. It came with a great deal of hard work and commitment from government and people involved in our capital campaign”. This hard work andcommitmenthascomebecauseofthefirmbeliefthat this project is about opportunities; opportunities for growth and expansion, for attracting new students and retaining current students, along with economic opportuni-ties, including job creation.

At the ceremony, a large sign was unveiled, recogniz-ing the contributions of the federal and provincial govern-mentsandtheFutureFoundationsCapitalCampaigninfundingtheproject.RodneyWeston,MPforSaintJohn,who attended as the federal representative for Industry MinisterTonyClement,spokeofthisexpansionprojectatCrandallUniversityasanopportunityforthefederalgovernment not only to stimulate the economy and create jobs, but especially to invest in the future. The Honourable DonaldArsenault,MinisterofPost-SecondaryEducation,Training and Labour was present as the provincial repre-sentative in place of Victor Boudreau, the minister respon-sibleforbothRegionalDevelopmentandBusinessNew

Brunswick. He spoke of post-secondary education being apriorityfortheprovincialgovernmentandaffirmedthatnew infrastructure is a key factor in maintaining competi-tiveness as a post-secondary institution, as well as at a municipal and provincial level. Dr.BrianMacArthurfollowedthegovernmentrepre-sentatives by reminding all present that this government fundingwillultimatelyhelpCrandallUniversityfurtheritsmissiontoprovidequalityuniversityeducationfirmlyrootedintheChristianfaith.Hestated,“Behinduswillrise a building that will serve future students who will make a difference in our province and our world.” One of the criteria for the awarding of the government funding was that the requesting project be “shovel ready”. This expansion project was undeniably shovel ready, as a hole was already dug in the ground behind the sod-turning site at the ceremony. A piece of sod from the construction sitewasplacedonthestage,wheretheofficialspresenteach placed a hand on the golden shovel that had also been used to turn the sod and ceremoniously break ground in 1996 for the existing building.

Construction LaunchExpansion Projec t



6 | The Growing Edge www.crandallu.ca

TheinstallationofChancellorMr.H. Jack Stultz took place on Sunday, September 27, 2009. This event marks the installment of the University’s secondChancellor,thefirstbeingDr.W.RalphRichardson.AlongwithWardWhite,ChairoftheBoardofGovernorsandDr.BrianMacArthur,PresidentofCrandallUniversity,hewas joined on stage by his wife Grace. The act of installation was conducted

byDr.RobertKnowles,PresidentoftheConventionofAtlanticBaptistChurches. After the act of installation, the RobeofOfficewaspresentedtoMr.StultzbyDr.SethCrowell,Vice-Presi-dentforAcademicAffairsandDr.SamReimer,Chair,ABUFacultyAssocia-tion.AmusicalpresentationbyDaveand Shelley Lipscombe of Hillside BaptistChurchwasgiven,followedbyDr.W.RalphRichardsonwhogavethe Installation Prayer. Greetings were presented from variousCollegesandUniversitiesincluding Acadia University, Aca-diaDivinityCollege,BethanyBibleCollege,CapeBretonUniversity,DalhousieUniversity,MountAllisonUniversity,NovaScotiaCollegeofArtandDesign,St.StephensUniver-sity, St. Thomas University, Universite de Moncton, and University of New Brunswick. In his Installation address, Mr. Stutlz expressed how humble and honoured he was to be selected as Chancellor.“Duringmy36yearsasa board member, I saw the commit-ment of the various board members and presidents.” He said, “With such commitment by the president, staff, faculty and board members, this is why I state that I am honoured and humbled to be chosen as your chancellor.” He continued by stating, “LookingatthefutureofCrandallUniversity, I am optimistic and as ex-cited as an old man is allowed to get. When you look back and see what has been accomplished and the impact that ABU has had from such humble beginnings, the leaders who had the vision to start this institution would be amazed at how God has led and

blessed this University.” ThebenedictionwasgivenbyRev.Gordon Horsman, Pastor of Adult Ministries,HillsideBaptistChurch. H. Jack Stultz is President of Apex Industries Inc., a company formed in 1961 which today employees over 200 people in the aerospace industry, con-tract manufacturing, and in the manu-facturing of doors, frames, and related hardware.In1994thecompanywasnamedtoTheFinancialPost’slistof“Top50BestManagedPrivateCom-paniesinCanada.” Mr. Stultz is a graduate of the United Baptist Bible Training School. In 2000, he was inducted into the New BrunswickBusinessHallofFame.Heis a long-standing member of Gideons International and a past President of theConventionofAtlanticBaptistChurches.

Mr. Stultz has accumulated ser-viceof36yearsasamemberoftheAtlantic Baptist University Board of Governors, 15 of which he served as Chair.HewasalsoChairmanoftheGreatExpectationsCapitalCampaign,which resulted in the University being relocated to our current campus.

Chancellor InstallationMr. H. Jack Stultz

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Crandall UniversityExperi enc e the Future

Convention Approves Name Change

Info from Sheldon

OnThursday,August20th,2009,attheannualmeetingoftheConventionofAtlanticBaptistChurches,Dr.BrianMac-Arthur, along with members of the Board of Governors, presented a proposal to change the name of Atlantic Baptist Uni-versitytoCrandallUniversity.Themotionwasapproved.Thenextstepintheprocessistohavethenameamendedinthelegislature.PresidentMacArthurstated“Todaywehavebeengiventheopportunitytobuildonalegacyof“Commit-menttoMission.”ChairmanoftheBoard,WardWhite,shared,“Wearehappywithtoday’sdecision.ThenameCrandallallows ABU to build on its strengths and to meet a growing regional educational need.”

With each change in the name of the institution, the crest has been changed ormodifiedtosymbolizeanewchapterinthelifeoftheUniversity.Thenewcrestisonlyslightlymodifiedfromtheexistingcrest.

Thecresthassixdistinguishablecharacteristics:1. Cross SymbolizesChrist’sCrucifixion2. Open Book Symbolizes Bible-based learning3. Raysoflight SymbolizeslightshiningdownfromGodandHisreflectedgloryrisingbacktoHim4. DescendingDove SymbolizestheHolySpirit5. Seven-tonguedflame/torch SymbolizesGodandHisblessingcarriedforwardandpassedfrom generation to generation6. Waves Symbolizes the Atlantic region, and the churches that founded the University

Crandall University’s

Distinguished Alumni Award

Nominations are now being accepted for the Distinguished Alumni Award. The Distinguished Alumni Award celebrates the contributions our alumni make to their communities and professions. It recognizes truly outstanding accomplishments of our alumni, while bringing pride to their alma mater.

Plan to attend the Award Dinner on April 30, 2010.

Nominate someone you know!

Email nominations to: heidi.leblanc@crandallu.ca

8 | The Growing Edge www.crandallu.ca

ConvocationFall 2009

Bachelor of ArtsJessica Allen , Organizational ManagementTina Di Bonaventura, Organizational ManagementTerri-Lynne Dunnett, Organizational ManagementLanny Farrah, Organizational ManagementNathalie Gasse Farrah, Organizational ManagementPeter Andrew Graves, Organizational ManagementKeri Jean Hicks, Organizational ManagementAdam Kavanaugh, Organizational ManagementBernice LeBlanc, Organizational ManagementMarie Angela LeBlanc, Organizational ManagementNadine M.B. LeBlanc, Organizational ManagementEdward Douglas McCormick, Organizational ManagementLindsay Nadine Morrow, SociologyThomas William Andrew Potter, Religious StudiesDave Robichaud, Organizational ManagementJoni Marie Robichaud, Organizational ManagementBlessed Simbanegavi, Organizational Management

Bachelor of Business AdministrationNatalie S. LeBlanc

Bachelor of EducationJonathan Gordon Elijah BriggsKristine LeBlancAdam Lloyd MacLennanMelissa Mae SleeperShelley L. Snyder

Bachelor of ScienceNicole Anne Lindsay, Biology

Advanced Certificate in Literacy EducationDiana L. FallMyfanwy Jane FerrisJill Maureen Flanagan SaundersLisa Celia GravesKathleen Anne Hamilton DoironMark J. LeanKathleen Jean OkeLana Perry Van BeelenElizabeth (Manderville) PriceStacey Victorine RichardAndrea Gabrielle RingCynthia G. RussellPatricia L. SmithRose-Marie Theriault



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ElizabethBoutlierwasawardedthe$4,000IdrisJamesMemorialScholarship. Liz is a native of Hillsborough, NB, where she attended CaledoniaRegionalHighSchool.SheisinherfirstyearBachelorofArts-EnglishandplaysontheCrandallUniversityWomen’sBasketballteam. “When I heard I won the award I was very excited that I was given the opportunity to play basketball at the university level,” says Liz. “MyoriginalplanwastoattendCrandallUniversityandthisdistinc-tion makes me feel honored to have been selected from so many great student athletes.” “WhatattractedmetoCrandallwasthefriendlyenvironment,whichIwasabletoobservewhileattendingCrandallbasketballgameswhenIwasagrade12studentatCaledoniaHigh.”Lizsays“Thetoughcompetitionhasgivenmethechallenge/opportunitytoimprovemygame. I’m grateful that my high school experience prepared me for this.” Elizabeth is following in her brother’s footsteps, “My oldest brother MikegraduatedfromCrandalllastyearandmyotherbrother,Paul,iscurrentlya3rdyearstudent,soalthoughIhadoriginallyplannedtoliveinColburneHouse,thescholarshiphasgonealongwayinmyfamily.” Will Njoku has high praise for the young athlete,.“Elizabeth was one of our top recruits last summer. She’s a fantastic athlete and is quick to smile. I’m happy she has followed the footsteps of her siblings from HillsboroughtoCrandallUniversity.”

Dean’s ListJessica AmiraultJason BruntDarleneChappellCynthiaClarkePaulaFrankieCooperMichaelCrippsSuzanneDaigleShellyDrisdelleLannyFarrahKeri GeddesTracy GoganErin GreeneKeri Hicks

Phyllis HudsonMonique JalbertPenelope KnackstedtChristineLeBlancNadine LeBlancCindyLeekBethany Lipscombe Ghislain MartinDaveRobichaudBlessed SimbanegaviDeniseStables

Spring/Summer 2009

10 | The Growing Edge www.crandallu.ca

Crandall Athletics

A highlight of the 60th anniversary weekend, the 1st Annual Athletics Auc-tion,wasanexcitingandlaughterfilledevening.Connecting60yearsofath-letics pride to the present in one night was a task that not only was achieved, but enthusiastically received by the 100 guests in attendance. A highlight reel of memories presented by long-time supporters such as Bill Parks, Jamie Graves,TerryAtkinsonandSethCrow-ell, became the time machine from

which all guests journeyed from those humble beginnings at UBBTS to the present. My sincere thanks to those who attended the event as well as our generous contributors. The impact of these gifts will reach far and wide and represent an investment in the future ofCrandallUniversityAthletics.Thankyou for helping us to raise $5,100.

Will NjokuAthletics Director

Athletics Dinner and Auction CrandallUniversityAthleticDirectorWillNjokuispleasedtoannounce a long-term partnership withCodiacSoccer.TheCrandallsoccerfieldhasbecomeapremierquality pitch in the Moncton region andCodiacteamswillbenefitfromhavingaccesstothefieldthrough-outthesummer.CodiacSoccerhas agreed to support the growth ofCrandallUniversitySoccerbygenerously providing up to $20,000 each year for the next 5 years for facility improvements and equip-ment purchases. The fruits of this partnership will be harvested this fall when a new score board, providedbytheCityofMoncton,ismountedonthefield’seasternedge.“Reachingouttocreatecom-munity partners has always been a major part of the University’s plan. CodiacSoccerprovidesameansformany soccer enthusiasts of all ages to play the sport they love. We are ecstatic to add them to our team of community partners,” states Will.

Codiac Soccer


Basketball Schedule


Women Men Fri. Nov 6 6:00 PM 8:00 PM MTA @ ABU Sat. Nov 14 2:00 PM 4:00 PM ABU @ MSVU Sat. Nov 15 1:00 PM 3:00 PM UKC @ ABU Wed. Nov 18 2:00 PM 4:00 PM ABU @ UNBSJ Sat. Nov 21 1:00 PM 3:00 PM STU @ ABU Sun. Nov 22 1:00 PM 3:00 PM NSAC @ ABU Sun. Nov 29 1:00 PM 3:00 PM HC @ ABU Sat. Jan 9 1:00 PM 3:00 PM ABU @ UKC Sun. Jan 10 1:00 PM 3:00 PM NSAC @ ABU Sat. Jan 16 2:00 PM 4:00 PM ABU @ MSVU Sun. Jan 17 1:00 PM 3:00 PM UNBSJ @ ABU Sat. Jan 23 Time TBA ABU @ HC Sun. Jan 24 2:00 PM 4:00 PM ABU @ STU

Sat. Jan 30 1:00 PM 3:00 PM ABU @ UKC Sun. Jan 31 1:00 PM 3:00 PM MSVU @ ABU Sat. Feb 6 6:00 PM 8:00 PM ABU @ MTA Sat. Feb 13 2:00 PM 4:00 PM ABU @ UNBSJ Sun. Feb 14 2:00 PM 4:00 PM STU @ ABU Sat. Feb 20 2:00 PM 4:00 PM ABU @ NSAC Sat. Feb 27 2:00 PM 4:00 PM HC @ ABU

Sun. Feb 28 2:00 PM 4:00 PM MTA @ ABU Playoffs - Truro, NS March 5 Awards Banquet March 5- 7 Championship March 18-22 CCAA Nationals

www. crandallu.ca The Growing Edge | 11

OnJune24,2009,ABUhosteditsfifthannualfund-raisinggolf tournament in support of ABU Athletics at Pine Needles GolfandCountryClubinHaute-Aboujagane,NB. Though the day dawned wet and misty, twenty-seven foursomes gathered to play eighteen holes of golf on the river course. Lots of fun was had by all. The winning prize went to the Grant Thornton team. Additionally, the longest drive contests were won by Andrew Shaw and Jocelyn Barrett, while theclosesttotheholecontestswerewonbyDonBourqueand Jen Steeves. TheABUGolfClassichasraisedmorethan$60,000sinceitsinceptionin2005.Thisyear,netprofitsraisedwereinexcessof$14,000.00whichwillbeappliedtoABU/Crandall’sAthleticScholarshipfund.ThefirsttwoscholarshipswereawardedthisfalltocurrentathletesinABU/Crandall’sAthleticProgram. Financialsponsorsforthetournamentincludedgold-levelsponsorJohnsonInsurance,andsilverlevelsponsorsFidelityInvestments,MagicMountainandWheaton’sCountryStore.

As part of the 60th Homecom-ingweekendevents,theAnnualABU/CrandallSoftballTournamentwasheldat Evergreen Park School on Saturday, September 26, 2009. AdamWilliston’s(‘02)softballteam was victorious as the event winners. The tournament consisted of four alumni teams and one team com-posedofcurrentCrandallstudents.Led by strong pitching, Adam’s team cruised through the round robin and claimed victory over Mike MacPhail’s (‘08)teamintheplayofffinals. As usual, the tournament was a great time for fellow alumni to recon-nect and enjoy an excellent day for softball. Everyone is already looking forward to next year’s tournament.

Disciplin e. Int ensity. Unity

Annual ABU/Crandall Alumni Softball Tournament

The Winning Team L-RBackrow:JoelCarver,GarretWest,ScottCormier,AdamO’Blenis,SteveLeBlancFrontrow:MattCrawford,ChrisWest,AdamWilliston,TeddyCormier,KenLeBlancMissing:JamieSmall, Sean Hatchard

Mark Eagles waits for his pitch

Golfers contribute to ABU Athletic Scholarship


12 | The Growing Edge www.crandallu.ca

Visionary ($100,000+)


Atlantic Baptist FoundationAtlantic Baptist Student


Stephen S. SteevesFoundation

Lockhart FoundationGarnet & Kay Wheaton


Brian & Rossanne MacArhurRev.CecilAMacArthurStephen & Sheila PalmerMajorDrillingGroup

International Inc.New Minas United

Baptist Church


Bertrum H. MacDonaldJames & Sharon Murray

Gregory CookMr.DougBannon

Ron & Joanne GaudetInMemoryofCyril&Myrtle

Ingalls and Harold & Bernice Nichol

Seth CrowellW. Gary House

Michael & Beverly RobartAnonymous

Gordon & Linda HiltzChristopherQuek



Jack&RaymaMacNeillNeil Soggie

Scott&GildaRyder Swabey & Elizabeth Jelley

Glenn JosselynPeter FlemmingAnonymous



Dennis & Diane BustinMr. & Mrs. Njoku

Dr. Dannie & Mrs. Judy BrownAnonymous

Blake SherrardAnonymous

Arlene A. SherrardTed & Wanda Newell

Edith SamuelAnonymousAnonymous

SharonDoucetteDr. Roger Russell & Dr. Catherine


AnonymousAndrew Samuel Marshall


AnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAndrew Brown


Grangeville United Baptist Church



WilmotBaptistChurchSteeves Settlement United

Baptist ChurchAnonymous

Margaretsville United Baptist Church

Future Foundations

WithacampaignthesizeofFutureFoundationswewouldliketoacknowledgethosedonors who have contributed to helping us cross the starting line. Without you we would not have been able to proceed with the site construction that commenced in September.

To view our continued progress on the expansion project visit the foundation website at www.futurefoundations.ca and click on the LiveFeedtoseealivewebcambroadcastoftheconstructionsite.You can also visit our photo album on the site to see the different stages of construction.

AstheCampaigncontinueswewillneedthesupportofmanyothers.Formoreinfor-mation on how you can partner with us on this project please contact Monica Njoku at monica.njoku@crandallu.caor506-858-8970ext183.

Thank you!

Opening September 2010

Thank you!Thank you!

13 | The Growing Edge www.crandallu.ca

Capit al Campaign

EricAllaby-GovernmentRelationsRepresentativeEdBarrett-CampaignChairGregCook-Co-ChairofBuildingCommitteePeterFlemming-TreasurerRonGaudet-Vice-PresidentofAdvancementGaryHouse-ChairofFamilydivisionBrian MacArthur-President


Thank you to our Campaign Cabinet

DaleAlbrightTerry AtkinsonDavidBlairDarylBranscombeDannieBrownStephen BuddGraemeChingMartinChingMaryBethClementsGregCookClaudeDaggettGeoff dejongVelvetDennisSharonDoucetteDuaneEgersDavidEgersGarry EvansJohnForanClenGosbee

Sterling GosmanRogerGrahamJonathan GrimesJohn HannemDouglasHapemanGordon HiltzEllen HuntTim JohnsonWayne JohnsonEric JonesEarle KaizerPeter LohnesPeter LutesCraigMacDonaldJoleneMacDonaldBrentMacDonaldDougMacKenzieHillard MacKinnonAlan MacLean

Lloyd MacLeodRaymaMacNeillDebbieMacPhailJamesMcClareHelen McGawVivian MellishRamonaMitchellLois MitchellPeter MooreBill NewellJohn NicholDonOultonK.H. PhillipsDanielPykeChristopherQuekSamReimerBeverleyRobartCathyRogersDarrenSmith

Brian SteevesChadStretchL. Allen SullivanBryan TaylorAllison TritesDanielWaltonRobertWeaverStewart WestGarnet WheatonJanet Williston

Thank you to our Volunteers

Please note these are volunteers to date.

14 | The Growing Edge www.crandallu.ca

Year in Review

Churches Individuals Other

Institutional Revenue ’08-’09


Endowment Value

Student Fees $4,827,720

Donations $678,427

Other $312,308



2007 2008 2009

Churches $267,741 $275,775 $257,774

Individuals $362,935 $297,127 $291,554

Other $108,367 $155,888 $129,099

2006 $4,122,508

2007 $4,362,879

2008 $4,442,828

2009 $4,572,826

www. crandallu.ca The Growing Edge | 15

An audited financial statement is available from the financial office for those desiring a detailed report of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Please contact Heather Burke at heather.burke@crandallu.ca or 1-888-868-6228

Student Enrolment

Source of Students ’08-’09

Institutional Expenditures ’08-’09

05/06 807

06/07 838

07/08 818

08/09 840

Academic Support $3,265,258 56%

Administrative $681,656 11%

Physical Plant $582,401 9%

Debt Servicing $294,966 4%

Library $325,769 5%

Student Services $260,478 4%

Student Recruitment $214,665 3%

Public & Alumni Relations

$172,893 3%

Development $175,528 3%

Computer Network $188,443 3%

NB ON International

NS Rest of Canada PE

16 | The Growing Edge www.crandallu.ca

From the

Gilda Ryder

Proving Future Foundations

What do the words “Future Foundations” mean to you? I’ve been asking myself this question a lot lately. Many realize by now that those two words were chosen to identify our university’s current capital campaign which is enabling this university to expand its mission with new courses, programs and facilities. Webster’s dictionary describes a foundation as a basis upon which something stands or is supported; an underly-ing base. Obviously therefore, a foundation is a critical part of any structure. A solid foundation inevitably should offer support for a lifetime. DuringourHomecomingWeekendactivitiesjustovera month ago, many alumni, friends and donors recon-nected with one another and with this institution. Literally, hundreds of people arrived on campus for various events. There were opportunities to sing, eat, reminisce, laugh, worship, play, and pray together. Through conversations it was reiterated how this institution has offered ’founda-tions’ for so many individuals. Many shared how their re-lationshipwithChristbeganorwaschallengedduringtheirtimeatUBBTS,ABC,orABU.Decisionsthataffectedliveswere made during their time here. I recall hearing alumni share that during their time here this community offered them love and a support base that their biological families didn’t offer due to broken homes and relationships. Perhaps you, like myself, found friends for a lifetime during your time of study that have sup-ported you through life’s journey. Many shared that this institution prepared them with strong academic founda-tions that opened doors to further studies and careers. The phrase, “If this institution hadn’t been here for me…” was repeated many times.

AsIconsiderthetwowords“FutureFoundations”andwhatimpactCrandallUniversityhashadthroughtheyearson so many students and even ourselves, I recall a song writtenbyRayBoltzwhoselyricsseemmostfitting.Themessage in the chorus is “Thank You for giving to the Lord, I am a life that was changed”. CrandallUniversity’smissionistoprovidequality university education firmly rooted in the Christian faith.Reflectingonthisandconsideringthelivesthathave been impacted and the future foundations that will be established in people’s lives causes us to be thankful for donors who have supported this university. DuringthisChristmasSeasonwouldyouconsidergiving a gift that will enable this university to offer students studyingatCrandallanopportunitytohavefoundationalchanges made in their lives? Monthly donations will also ensure that students are offered an educational opportu-nity that is unmatched by other universities. Give a gift to Crandall and become part of a student’s foundation for the future!

Gilda RyderDirector, Development and Alumni Relations

Development & Alumni Office

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October19and20,2009markedCrandallUniversity’sthirteenth annual Stuart E. Murray Lectureship. This year wewereprivilegedtohaveDr.TimothyLarsenwhoistheMcManisProfessorforChristianThoughtatWheatonCol-lege in Wheaton, Illinois. The theme or focus for 2009 was built around the topicofDr.Larsen’srecentawardwinningbookfromOx-ford University Press entitled The Crisis of Doubt. However, therewasnodoubtinanyone’smindthatDr.Larsen’sinsights and contribution was stimulating and constructive for all. Dr.Larsendecidedtotacklethemythologythatasindividuals begin to engage their minds they have less need or use for their faith. In other words, he challenged the notion that faith is only needed by the feeble of mind. He tackled this perception by looking at 19th century Eng-land, a time that is often characterized as being steeped in objectivityandsecularistfreethinking.Indeed,Dr.Larsengoes so far as to contend that as many free thinkers dared to doubt and question and ask honest intelligent questions,

this crisis of doubt actually led to the re-establishing of their faith and not vice versa. Fromthisbackdrop,Dr.Larsenencouragedusalsotobe believers who dared to engage our minds, as well as our hearts, when it comes to matters of our faith. It was our pleasuretohaveDr.TimLarsenministerwithinourcom-munity – no doubt about it.

Seth CrowellVice-President for Academic Affairs

Crandall Community

The Huntsman Marine Service Centreisaone-of-a-kindeducationaland research institute in the Province of New Brunswick focusing on the development of sustainable practices and effective management of our coastal environment. It is located in St. Andrews, NB, on the shore of the St.CroixestuaryandtheBayofFundy.

In addition to educating the public and partnering with various school districts to help in the education of elementary and secondary students andteachers,theHMSCalsohassome innovative summer programs in associationwithCanadianuniversities.This spring and summer, for instance, four Ontario universities, including Carleton,Waterloo,WesternOntarioand Guelph, along with UNB, were all offering marine related courses through the Huntsman. This attracts students from universities across the country to take part in these unique learning opportunities. Up until this year no science stu-dentatCrandallhadtakenadvantageof this unique learning opportunity at the Huntsman, but this spring that all

changed.CaseyBenson,athird-yearBiology major, joined about a dozen other students from various universi-ties to take an intensive course in Marine Biology offered through UNB. As a native Grand Mananer and hav-ing been involved with marine life in theBayofFundyformostofhislife,Caseywonderedinitiallyhowmuchhewould really learn. He later reported to one of his Biology professors, Pen-ny Humby, that this concern quickly disappeared as he was exposed to both new understandings and applica-tions for researching various forms of marinelife.Caseyhashelped‘blazeanewpath’thatotherCrandallBiologystudents interested in this study of marine life can follow.

Crandall Biology Student Joins Huntsman Tradition

Nothing ‘Unlucky’ About 13th Annual Murray Lectureship


18 | The Growing Edge www.crandallu.ca

George Njuguna Kenneth was born and raised in Kenya, East Africa and is the eldest of his family, which includes one brother and three sisters. ABU/Crandallhasbeenapartofhisfamily for over 20 years, as his father, KennethNjuguna,isa1988alumniandis presently pastoring two churches in Kenya. “After my father suggested ABU, I checked the University out on the Internet,” says George, “I was very impressed by the motto and the vision.” When asked about similarities betweenKenyaandCanada,Georgenoted that one similarity is that the majorityofthepopulationisChris-tian he states, “ The differences are many. The weather is different mostly because it does not snow back home, butIalsofindthefoodisdifferent.Ialso come from a culture that is very conservative which is very different

than here.” He has found that one of the biggest challenges of moving here is being away from his family and friends. “ThefirstfewdayswerehardbutI have been able to meet and make friends and now I feel I am at home away from home.” He expressed, “I feelblessedbeingatCrandallatsuchatime in the history of the University.” George arrived in Moncton in January2009andisinthefirstyearof his BBA. He has had numerous opportunities to get involved in life at CrandallandintheGreaterMonctonCommunityasawhole.Thissum-mer he had the opportunity to work atCampWildwoodandiscurrentlyvolunteering at Harvest House helping clientsgettheirGED.HeisinvolvedwiththeABUSAastheVPofFinance.

ABU/Crandall’sInternationalStudentsAssociation(ISA)isastudentled group that offers support and friendship to international students at ABU/Crandall.IncollaborationwiththeStudentDevelopmentDepart-ment, informal activities and events

are planned occasionally both on and off campus to offer international stu-dents the opportunity to get to know fellow students that are studying here atCrandallUniversity. ABU/CrandallUniversity’spopula-tionof800students,staff,andfaculty

represent more than 11 states in the USA, and a total of 11 different coun-tries.InternationalstudentsatCran-dall University are offered opportuni-ties to make friends, receive support, and seek advising through on-campus resources. The pictures featured in here are from the ISA October outing to Belliveau Orchard in Memramcook, NB.Thiswasafirstvisittoanappleorchard for many of the international students who took part.

Heidi SoggieDirector of Student Development

International Students

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Pingping is a 25 year old student whohasbeensponsoredbyCrandallUniversityincooperationwithCana-dianBaptistMinistriesandCanadianBaptistWomentoattendCrandallUniversity. She will be studying Biblical Studies and living in residence while in Moncton. Her life has taken her through many turns in arriving at aChristianuniversity. Brought up in a non-believing family, she visited a Buddhist temple because she wanted the social aspect that it offered. After only a few days she became physically ill and had to return home where she endured many trips to hospitals and medications to help her determine what was wrong. While living at home she worked in a foreign-run school, where teachers were mainly American and Korean Christiansandnoticedsomethingdif-ferentaboutthem.Following

a leading to attend a church, she came toknowtheloveofJesusChrist. Since this time her symptoms of illness have almost completely disap-peared. Within a few weeks after attending that church she felt God’s leading to go to a school where she could learn more about her new foundChristianfaith.ShethenmetPakLoh,whoknewaboutABU/CrandallandwasworkingforCBM.Through many prayers God has pro-vided the means for her to attend the University. ShearrivedfromChinaonSep-tember23,2009afteradetourofsorts in Beijing while waiting for her American visa. She says “God must have had another plan for me to stay in Beijing. While staying with relatives for3weeksIwasabletowitnesstomy aunt and cousin and their hearts wereopentoChrist.”

MarioRenePuertoarrivedinMoncton in September to attend CrandallforonesemestertostudyEnglish.HedescribeshissmallCen-tral American country as a country with beautiful beaches and tropi-cal climate that invites tourists year round to spend a holiday. Mario, his wifeDorisandsonIsaacliveinasmallvillageinCentralHonduraswheretheclimate is cooler. They have served theLordforalmost24yearsintheircommunity. After almost 5 years of praying for the opportunity to study and improve his English, he made a list of possible universitiesintheUSandCanadaandwrotealettertoABU/Crandall.Hesays the rest is history and he is here now. One of Mario’s biggest challenges

is being away from his family. “ We have never been apart for so long butweknewitwouldbedifficult,sowe prepared emotionally and spiritu-ally for it,” he says. He continued by stating, “ Also leaving the church for so longwasagreatfightbutIthankGodthings at home and in the church are going well.” He continues to improve his Eng-lish and has learned much about the cultureandcustomsofCanada.Mariosumsitupsaying,“BeingatCran-dall University is one of the great-est blessings that God has given me throughout my life and is an experi-ence that I will never forget. Teachers and everyone here are wonderful and CrandallUniversitywillalwaysbeinmy prayers.”

Meet George, Mario and Pingping

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The Morrison’sEarl and Milli e

Earl and Millie Morrison are former teachers and the Mor-risonEducationCentreisnamedintheirhonour.TheybothhavealonghistorywithABU/Crandallbeginninginthe days of UBBTS. We sat down with them, at their home inFredericton,toaskthemtheirthoughtsonthepastandthe future.

What was your role at UBBTS and for how long? We came as a missionary couple under one salary to organize and teach academic high school at the United BaptistBibleTrainingSchool(UBBTS).Neartheendofour stay at the school, there were nearly 150 students in the high school academic department. Millie,withaBScfromMcGillUniversity,taughtfor13years,primarilyintheareasofEnglishandFrench.Earl,with a BSc from UNB and a MSc from McGill, taught in the Science, History and Music subject areas. At the end of our academic stay at UBBTS, our sub-jectsincludedGrade13(FreshmanUniversity)coursesinassociationwiththeFacultyatAcadiaUniversity,Wolfville,NS.

Who was instrumental in bringing you to UBBTS? WewereenlistedbytheMaritimeUnitedBaptistCon-vention.IbelievetheinitialChairmanoftheUBBTSBoardwasRev.AlexCrowe.WealsoremembertheparticipationofDr.Elgee,PastorofBrunswickStreetUnitedBaptistChurchinFredericton,NB.OfcourseaprimememberwastheactiveanddevotedUBBTSPrincipalDr.MyronBrinton - an amazing spark plug! We experienced the con-tinuing support and encouragement of the Principal, Board andFaculty.

Do you have any specific memories of your time at UBBTS? Our memories are happy and meaningful ones; we had timesthatweredifficult,challengingandhumorous;...theassignmenttoteachEnglishandFrenchwhenmy training was in Science - Millie...thefirstfiveyearslivedintheschool-whichprovidedopportunity to assist the School Nurse and Lady Dean;forexample,seeingacoupleinadarkcornerlateone evening; “Were you really having devotions?”-Millie...a dead mouse hanging from the handle of our garment cupboard....looming NB Provincial Matriculation for Grade 11

andGrade12andAcadiaUniversity’sGrade13testing.Who are some of the students that you recall in-teracting with? Itistoodifficulttoselectstudentswhohavecontrib-uted to the school and to us. There are so many. We have been in touch with so many through the years!

What accomplishments happened specifically in relation to your responsibilities during that time? The students consistently did well in their studies, particularly in the results on the Provincial Examinations. We were pleased with such performances and felt that they were indicative of the quality of the School’s ac-complishments. As well, there was a continual growth in thenumbersofstudents,reflectingthepopularityoftheschool in our Baptist Maritime population. This growth has continuedthroughtheyearsofABCandABU.Fromthebeginning, the spiritual tone of the school was of high qual-ity and life at the school was uplifting and helpful to faculty and students.

What is your dream for ABU/Crandall as we look to the future? OurprayerforABU/Crandallisforitscarefulcontinu-ous growth, one in which students and faculty maintain their spiritual connections, and advance in knowledge, interest, spiritual, mental and physical growth.

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Alumni News

The Alumni News is compiled from submissions sent directly by alumni or their families, and from information about alumni found in the public domain(e.g.websites,newspapers,tradepublicationsandnewsreleases).

CongratulationstoDoug Horsman (’61) who received his Masters of TheologydegreefromAcadiaDivinityCollegeonMay10,2009.

CongratulationtoPaul (’76) and Donna Cowan on the birth of their firstgrandchild,HannahGrace,borntoNathanandBeckyCowan,ofChatham,ON,onJune9,2009.

Laura (Phillips) (’77) Sherwood graduatedin2008fromAcadiaDivinityCollegewithaM.Div.andwasordainedonOctober3,2009.Lauraandherhusband,Rev.Dr.Peter,nowresideinDartmouth,NSwheretheyministertogetheratFirstDartmouthUnitedBaptistChurchandalsoenjoy their three daughters and eight grandchildren.

Roger MacLean (’81) is now teaching sociology at John Abbott CollegeaswellasatConcordiaUniversity.SincehistimeatABC,RogerhascompletedaB.A.atAcadia University, an M.A. at ConcordiaUniversityinSociologyandmostrecently,aPh.D.atMcGillin

Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering in 2002. He has spent time working inMali(WestAfrica),Bangladesh,Indonesia and Germany.

CongratulationstoAndrew (‘91) and Kelly (MacDonald) Myers (‘93) on the arrival of their second daughter, Leah Nicole, born July 21. She is a baby sister for eight year old Lauren Alyssa. The Myers family continues to live in Sussex. Andrew istheCommunicationsManagerfortheConventionofAtlanticBaptistChurchesandKellyhastakenayearoffasProducerforRogersTelevision.

Congratulationsto Duane (’95) and Alison MacDonald on the birth of their son Benjamin Garnet on August 15,2009.Benjamin,weighing8lbsand4.6oz,isalittlebrotherforAshlynandAlexMacDonald.

CongratulationstoJonathan (’99) and Jessica (Betts) (’01) Cook on the birth of Isaiah Jonathan, born November 6, 2009 weighing 9lbs, 6 ½ ozinYarmouth,NS.Leah(almost3)ishappy to have a baby brother!





Alumni Reps to Join ABU Senate and Board of


Beginning in 2009, one member of theABU/Crandallalumniwillserveannually as a voting member of the ABU/CrandallBoardofGovernorsandonememberoftheABU/Cran-dall alumni will serve annually as a votingmemberoftheABU/Cran-dall Senate. Serving alumni will be appointed by their fellow alumni

through a standard process of nom-ination and election. One individual

cannot serve in both positions at thesametime.Formoredetailson this opportunity for expanded alumni involvement or information on how you can nominate some-

one, please visit www.crandallu.ca.

22 | The Growing Edge www.crandallu.ca

CongratulationstoKarla (House) (‘01) on her recent marriage to Joel Barnes of Hampton, NB on August 29, 2009 in Tryon, Prince Edward Island. Included in the wedding party were Matron of Honour Jill (Potter) Sellitto (‘00), Meagan Murdoch, brothers Shane Barnes, Andrew House and Jonathan House (‘06).TheweddingwasofficiatedbyChet MacPhail. Joel and Karla live in Ottawa where Joel works in medical researchattheChildren’sHospitalof Eastern Ontario and Karla serves as a policy advisor to the Minister of Agriculture.

CongratulationstoRob (’02) and Melissa (Stewart) Heffernan (’02) onthebirthoftheirson,IsaacRobertHeffernanonDecember2,2008.Heweighed8lbs9oz.ChelseaandAnnaare happy to be big sisters!

CongratulationstoTricia (Copp) (’02) and Tim Wood who were wed on August 15, 2009 at St. James United ChurchinBaieVerte,NB.Theycelebrated with family and friends, many of whom travelled to share their special day. Other alumni at their wedding included Stacey (Small) McQueen (’03). Tricia graduated from ABU with her B.Ed. degree in 2002 and she is currently teaching FrenchImmersionatthemiddleschoollevelinRothesay,NBafterspending the last 6 years teaching in Vancouver,BCandMoncton,NB.

CongratulationstoBrandon (’04) and Natalie (Trites) (’99) Thompson on the birth of their daughter Julianna Linda Louise. Julianna was born on October 27, 2009at3:18pmandweighed7lbs12oz. She is a little sister for Ellie.

Jordan Mackinnon (’04) recently completedtheCMA-MBAprogramat St Mary’s University receiving both theCertifiedManagementAccountantdesignation and a Masters of Business Administration. Jordan is currently employedasaSr.FinancialAnalystforAtlantic Operations with Purolator CourierinDartmouth,NS.

Alumni News



Registrar’sOffice.Theseareidealfor those alumni who may have misplaced their old parchment

or may wish to receive a reprint when the university name is of-ficiallychangedtoCrandall.Foreligibility, information and fees, pleasecontacttheRegistrar’sOfficeat506-858-8970or


Degree Reprinting

www. crandallu.ca The Growing Edge | 23

Chris Keezer (’05) was ordained on October 12, 2009 at Newcastle BaptistChurch,wherehehasbeenserving as the Associate Pastor since 2008.

CongratulationstoAimee (Silliker) (’06) and Nick Dunfield (’06) on thebirthoftheirdaughter,ElliaRaineDunfield,whowasbornonAugust26,attheSaintJohnRegionalHospitalweighing8lbs2oz.Nick,AimeeandEllia reside in Sussex, NB where Nick is the Youth Pastor at Sussex Baptist Church.

CongratulationstoCory (’08) and Emily (Feltmate) (’08) Vail on the birthoftheirfirstchild,EliAllenVail,bornSeptember13,2009at6:24amattheRegionalHospitalinSaintJohn,NB. Eli weighed 7 lbs15 ounces.

In Memoriam

Sympathy is extended to the family of Ashley Gallant (’04) who passed away onFriday,July31,2009attheTorontoGeneral Hospital following complications due to congenital heart failure at theageof27.ADean’sListstudent,AshleycompletedherfirstdegreeinBiopsychology from the Atlantic Baptist Universityin2004,andshereceivedherseconddegreeinNutritionin2008fromMount Saint Vincent University. She was completing her dietetic internship at the Moncton Hospital.

Call for NominationsBoth present and past students are invited to submit their nominations for this year’s recipients of the Ste-phen and Ella Steeves Excellence Awards in Teaching and Service. If you have witnessed excellence in either teaching or service by any of our faculty, we invite you tocontactDr.SethCrowell,V.P.

for Academic Affairs, and provide the faculty member’s name and

description of their demonstrated excellence in either of these two

areas. There is no limit to the number of nominations one can offer.ThedeadlineisDecember21,2009.FormoreinformationpleasecontactDr.Crowellat

seth.crowell@crandallu.ca or call (506)858-8970

Do you have news?Have you moved? Gotten married? New job or promotion? Another degree? New baby? Let us know so that we can adjust our records and let your class-mates know too! Visit www.crandallu.ca and use the Alumni Address Update


Do you have news?

24 | The Growing Edge www.crandallu.ca

Faculty & Staff News

ABU/CrandallwishestowelcomeDawn WelnertotheFinanceDe-partmentasBusinessOfficer.Dawnisjoining us with many years of receiv-ables experience. She and her family have recently returned to the Monc-ton area after spending a number of years pastoring in several cities in the US.

CongratulationstoAbram Steen, Assistant Professor of English, and his wife Melissa on the birth of their son, MarcusAbramonThursday,June4,2009; a new little brother for sister Meike.

SinceleavingABUin2004,Bob (’97) and Kristal (Dorey) Murray (’05) have been blessed in numerous ways after relocating to Alberta; not only with two beautiful children, Summer (3)andNash(2)butalsobecauseitallowed Bob to expand his career in coaching and athletics as the Athletics DirectorandHeadMen’sBasketballCoachatOldsCollegeinOlds,AB.

CongratulationstoDr. Barry Smith, ProfessorofPhilosophyandReligiousStudies, for the release of his most recent book this past spring through SheffieldPhoenixPress.Thislatestedition is entitled Jesus’ Twofold Teach-ing about the Kingdom of God. This is Dr.Smith’ssecondbookpublicationinthelastthreeyearsandhisfifthbookoverall.

CongratulationstoDr. Cathy Rogers who successfully defended herPh.D.dissertationattheUniver-sity of New Brunswick this past June. Dr.Rogers’researchwasfocusedonchild poverty and her dissertation was titled“NarratingChildhood:Mak-ing Meaning Amid Poverty and Social Isolation.”

Jonathan and Jessica (Graves) (’04) Grimes were married on June 20, 2009 in Moncton, NB. They feel blessed to have had a number of friends and colleagues from At-lantic Baptist University participate in and attend their wedding celebra-tions, including David Graves (’77) (father of bride), Jane (Kenny) Graves (’76) (mother of bride), Rebecca Graves (’07) (sister of bride and maid of honour), and Jessica Dempster (’04) (brides-maid) They both continue to serve atCrandall.

Welcome to Crystal Wheaton who recently joined the Advancement teamastheCommunicationsManager.Crystaljoinsuswithover14yearsofexperience in the areas of marketing and public relations, most recently as MarketingCoordinatoratWolseleyIndustrial Products.

www. crandallu.ca The Growing Edge | 25

Typically, when the average person or even average studentthinksaboutwhataprofessordoesaspartofhis/her normal working day, they conjure up images of pre-senting lectures, leading a seminar, or maybe even marking tests or papers. Less common would be the perspective of that professor doing something similar to what they ask their students to do, such as giving oral presentations and writing long research papers. Yet despite these misunder-standings the work life of a typical professor does indeed include these very things in addition to the lecturing, leading seminar classes, and marking students’ papers. Our facultyatCrandallUniversityarenodifferent.

Infact,everyyearwithintheCrandallfacultythereare dozens of conference papers being presented, many articles being submitted to journals for publication, and books being written and published. The list has grown to thepointthatthereisinsufficientspacetomentionallofthese activities in an article such as this. However, as a way of acknowledging and honouring the production of all of our faculty and the scholarly work they do, let me brieflymentionfiveofourfacultywhothispastspringandsummer had a European connection related to this part of theirjob.ThesefiveEuropeantravelerswouldinclude:

Dr. Edith Samuel who presented a paper enti-tled “Religion and prejudice: Christians and non-Christians in a faith-based university” at the World Academy of Science, En-gineering,andTechnologyConferenceheldinParis,France.

Dr. Joan Flagg-Wil-liams who co-presented a paper as a funded proj-ectbytheDepartmentofEducation of the Province of New Brunswick. She was part of a three mem-ber research team which includedDr.Catherine

Aquino-RussellofUNBandspeechlanguagepathologist,Dr.RhondaRubin.Theirpaper,entitled ‘Using Classroom Sound Field Technology To Enhance Learning;’ was presented at the University of Barcelona in Spain. .

Dr. Josephine Nhongo-Simbanegavi who present-ed one of her recent papers as part of the African Security Lecture Series held in Uppsala, Sweden. This lecture series is the result of collaboration between the Nordic Africa InstituteandtheSwedishDefenseResearchAgency.Dr.Nhongo-Simbanegavi’s paper was entitled “One Man One Vote” to One Man No Vote: Whither Zimbabwean Women?”

Dr. Roger Russell who co-authored with his wife, Dr.Aquino-Russell,twopapersaspartoftwoseparateconferenceswhileinPrague,Czechoslovakia.Hewastheprimaryauthorofthepaperentitled‘Expatriate Manag-ers: Powerful or Powerless?’ and the secondary author of the paper‘Immersion in Another Culture: Paradoxical Experiences Considered for Teachers and Students in University Classrooms’. ThefirstpaperwaspresentedattheEuropeanAppliedBusinessResearchConferenceandthesecondpaperwaspresentedatTheCollegeTeaching&LearningConference.Both papers received “best paper” recognition within their respective categories and each has been approved for pub-lication in a related scholarly journal.

Dr. Neil Soggie who was part of an intensive ad-vancedclassontheNeuroscienceofMoodDisordersoffered through Maastricht University of the Netherlands. ThecoursealsocoincidedwiththeInternationalCollegeofAffectiveNeuroscienceConferenceheldinFlorence,Italy.

CongratulationstotheseCrandallUniversityfacultyand many others of their colleagues who were involved in similar activities over the past months in Asia, the United StatesorCanada.Wecertainlyappreciatetheeffortyoumake in this less noticed aspect of your work as you seek toremaininformedandinvolvedasprofessorsatCrandallUniversity.

Seth CrowellVice President for Academic Affairs

All In a Day’s Work

26 | The Growing Edge www.crandallu.ca

Advancement OfficeFrom the

Ron Gaudet

From humble beginnings to significance

Sixty years is a long time in the life of an organization and yet in Post-Secondary Education terms Atlantic Baptist University is still very young. There is a certain comfort in having some time and years of growth behind us. It pro-videsuswithconfidenceandwithexperience,andinABU’scase it gives a perspective on how things have changed and howourgraduateshaveimpactedtheirrespectiveCom-munitiesofInfluence.Youth,ontheotherhand,provideuswith a sense of awe, a sense that anything is possible and a sense of excitement to see what the future has in store. ABU/Crandallisatonce,matureandyoung! AfewyearsbackPastorJerryReddy(‘84),adearfriend, gave me a book from Bob Buford entitled Half Time. Thesubheadingforthebookis“ChangingYourGamePlanfromSuccesstoSignificance”.Ihadjustwonanawardfor activities in which I had been involved in my career. I think Jerry was generally saying congratulations but he was also, through this book, telling me to not get too caught up in individual achievements. The premise of the book is that success is great but what you do with that success is greater. Essentially, the author says that success is most maturewhenitleadstosignificance. I have often thought about this book throughout my career since that time. I believe it is one of the reasons that I came to ABU. I thought one way to turn personal success tosignificancewouldbetohelpaChrist-centeredorgani-zation to do the same.

TheAdministration,Staff,Faculty,StudentsandAlumnican be proud of the last sixty years. The 60th Anniversary CelebrationwasaweekendofcelebratingpastsuccessandNewBeginnings–NewName,NewChancellor,NewBuildings and New Opportunities. What if we looked at it from Bob Buford’s perspective? What if we looked at it as a well deserved celebration of Success with a future focus onSignificance! If the next sixty years focused on delivering a Liberal ArtsEducation–stronglyrootedintheChristianfaithfromtheperspectiveofSignificance–thatwouldmeanthat everything we do will be to further the kingdom by equipping students of every faith, colour and creed to go out into a world with the pursuit of doing something of significancetohelpaneedyworld.Crandallwillbecomeknown not for its buildings, its campus, not for its growing sports teams and growing programming, not for its excel-lent faculty or its administration, but for its impact on the world–foritsSignificance. Dearfriends,thelasttwoandhalfyearshavebeenex-tremelyrewardingfortheAdvancementDepartment.Iof-ten think how fortunate we really are to be going through the exciting challenges and opportunities that are before us. Thank you for coming alongside of us in so many ways. Itisthroughyourcontinuousfinancialandprayersupportthat ABU achieved the Success that it has. Please stay with usaswepowerthatSuccesstoSignificance.

Ron GaudetVice-President for Advancement

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Upcoming Events

DECEMBER 2009December 9EducationStudentsandAlumniChristmasGathering

JANUARY 2010January 3ColburneHouseResidenceOpens

January 4ClassesBeginNewStudentOrientation11:30amBrintonAuditorium

January 15MarchBreakSportsCampRegistrationBegins

January 20 - 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.Student Information Session

January 26Cohort22begins-DegreeCompletionProgram

January 31 & February 1CrandallLiveRegisteronline.

FEBRUARY 2010February 22 - 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.Student Information Session

MARCH 2010March 17 - 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.Student Information Session

APRIL 2010 April 19 - 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.Student Information Session

April 30DistinguishedAlumniAwardDinner

MAY 2010May 1SpringConvocation

May 19 - 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.Student Information Session

JUNE 2010 June 236thAnnualGolfClassic

SEPTEMBER 2010September 30Cohort23begins-DegreeCompletionProgram

For more details visit www.crandallu.ca