FACULTY OF ARTS B.A. Part III Examination, 2015-16mgsubikaner.ac.in/.../uploads/2015/12/BA-Part-III-PHILOSOPHY.pdf · ©MGSU Bikaner FACULTY OF ARTS B.A. Part III Examination, 2015-16

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©MGSU Bikaner


B.A. Part III Examination, 2015-16



Two Papers . Min. pass marks 72 Max. Marks 200

Paper - I 3 hrs duration 100 Marks

Paper - II 3 hrs duration 100 Marks

From the following Groups A& B students have to opt at least one paper from

each Group i.e. they have to select two papers in all. Taking one paper from

each group.


1. Sankhya yoga or

2. Philosophy of Bhagwat Gita or

3. Philosophy of education



1. Contemporary Indian philosophy or

2. Socio-political philosophy.


3.Mental ability and reasoning



TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS Max Marks: 100

Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each section.

All questions carry equal marks. Give answer of sectton C, D & E in 500 words



©MGSU Bikaner

(a) Define the concepts in twenty five words.(1 0 out of 15)


Mool prakriti,’Pursha, bhokta, trividh dukha, anyatha bhava, vaikrit, panch

tanmatra, prama veet anuman, vivekagrah, kaivalya, buddhi sarga,

saamyavastha, adhishthata, Mahat, svatah- pramanya, Prasavdharmi, Man,

Ling, Satkaryavad, vikas, asamprajnat Samadhi dharana, Vikalp, Yoga,

Niyama; chittvriti, God, Vibhuti, Chittbhumi, Klesha, asmita, Prakriti-

Parinamvad, Guna-sidhant, Prakriti, Adhyavasay, Sukshma Sharir.

(b) Distinguish between the following (5 out of 8) 2x5=10

Ahankar and Mahat, Samprajnat and Asamprajnat Samadhi, Svatah pramanya

and paratah pramanya, Veet and aveet anuman, Yam and Niyam, Chitt-bhumi

and Chittvriti, panch tanmatra and panch mahabhut, prakriti and purusha,

satkaryavad and asatkaryavad, Satvik Ahankar and Tamsik ahamkar, Prakriti

and ,Prakriti-vikriti, Vyakt and Avyakt, Prasav dharmi and Aprasav dharmi,

Vikalp and Viparyay, rechak and purak, samyavastha and vishamavastha,

Buddhi sarg andTanmatra sarg, satya guna and rajoguna, Adhibhautik and

adhidaivik dhukh, Anima and mahima, vitarkanugat and vicharanugat . Avidya

and asmita, Parinamvad and vivartvad.


Write short notes on any five (50ut of 8) 4x5=20


Trividh dukh and its annihilation


Satkaryavad, Bondage and Liberation


Prakriti- vyakta and avyakta

Nature and proofs for prakriti

Nature and proofs for purasa.

Interdependence of prakriti and purasa, evolution.

©MGSU Bikaner


Chitta vrities.

Chitta bhumies.

Chittavrati nirodha.

Eight fold means of yoga.

Sampragyat and asampragyat samadhi.

God- its nature ~md importance in yoga philosophy.

Suggested readings -

1. Vachaspati mishra- sankhya tatva kaumudi

2. Brijmohan chaturvedi - sankhya kanika

3. Patanjali -yoga sutra

4. Dr. N.K. Devrajindian philosophy (chapters on sankhya and yoga





Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each section.

All questions carry equal marks. Give answer of section C, 0 & E in 500 words



(a) Define the concepts in twenty five words (10 out of 15) 1 x10=10

Jnana-yoga, karma- yoga, bhakti -yoga, karma, vikarma, akarma, yogakshema,

apara -prakriti, para-prakriti, Loksangrah; Swadharma, purusottam, varna, sthit-

prajna, purus, brahma-nirvana, yogarudh, akshar, kshar, kshetra, kshetrajna,

prakriti, triguna, niskam-karma , ashvath vriksha, asuri sampada, shraddha,

sanyas, tyaga, maya, yoga, samtvayoga, duty, categorical imperative, good

will, dan, tap, vani, aja,

(b) Distinguish between the following (5 out of 8)


©MGSU Bikaner

Sakam karma and niskam karma, daivi sarnpada and asuri sampada, para-

prakriti and apara prakriti, kshar and akshar, satvik shraddha and rajsik -

shraddha, karma and akarma, swadharma andpardharma, jnanyoga and bhakti

yoga, dravya yajna and jnana yajna, karma sanyas and karma yoga, kshetra and

kshetrajna, yogi and yogabhrast,.brahm and yoga- maya, adhogati and

paramgati , satvik yajna and tamsik yajna, rajsik yajna and tamsik yajna sharir

tap and vani tap, vani tap and mansik tap,Rajsik dan and tamsik dan,satvik dan

and rajsik dan, satvik tyaga and rajsik tyaga, rajsik tyaga and tamsik tyaga.


Write short notes on any five. (5 out of 8) 4x5=20


The theme and the main features of Gita.

Psychological analysis of arjuna’s mental conditions.

Imperishable nature of atman.

Characteristics of the stithaprajna.


Concept of karma yoga in bhagvad gita.

Jnana -karma - sanyas yoga in gita.

The brahmayogi and the nishkamkarmayogi.

The interdependance of bhakti,jnana and vairagya.

Ethics of Bhagwat Gita and Kantethics.


Personal and impersonal aspects of god.

Various vibhuties of god.

Description of vishvarupa and its reactions in arjuna’s mind.

The status of purushottam.

Divine and demoniac heritage.

Suggested readings-

1. Tilak B.G.- Gita Rahasya

2. Date.V.H. - Brahmayoga of Gita

3. Ranade R.D. - Bhagvadgeeta as the philosophy of god- realization.

©MGSU Bikaner


TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS Max Marks: 100

Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each section.

All questions carry equal marks. Give answer of section C, D & E in 500 words



(c) Define the concepts in twenty five words.(1 0 out of 15)


Education, Philosophy of education, Formal education, Informal education,

Non-formal education, values, culture, idealism, naturalism, pragamatism,

phil.osophy, teaching methods Jain substance, astangik marg,

humanism,discipline,Fearlessness, curriculum, Teacher, Constitution, Singular

nationality, Universal education, Equality of education, opporutunity of

education Women education, Fundamental rights,Duties, minorities,

Democracy, EmotionallntegratiQn, Educational board, syadvad, para vidya,

apra vidya, Satyagrah, Liberty, Aspirations.

(d) Distinguish between the following (5 out of 8) 2x5=10

Education and Philosophy of education, Formal and Informal education, non-

formal and formal education, values and culture, Idealism and pragamatism,

Naturalism and pragmatism, Teacher and student, Fearlessness and liberty,

Equality of education and opportunity of education, Rights and duties, values

and aspirations, Political aspiration and religious aspiration, para-vidya and

apara-vidhya, democracy and monarchy, sayadvad and astangik marg, Jnan-

yoga and karma yoga, Women education and tribal education, minorities and

majorities, education and philosophy, emotional integration and duties.


Write short notes on any five (50ut of 8) 4x5=20


Philosophy of education: Meaning and scope.

Education: Nature, Meaning, Aims and objectives.

©MGSU Bikaner

Philosophical base of education: Idealism, naturalism, pragmatism.

Forms of education: Formal, Informal, Non-formal


Educational contribution: Jainsim, Geeta Buddhism, Tagore, Gandhi,

Vivekanand, Aurobindo.


Universalization of education

Equality of opporunities in education.

Education and Fundamental Rights and Duties

Relationship between education and democracy

Role of education socialistic pattern and national integration.


PAPER - I Contemporary Indian Philosophy


Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each section.

All questions carry equal marks. Give answers of section C, D & E in 500

words each.


(a) Define the concepts in twenty five words (10 out of 15) 1 x10=10

Universal religion, raj yoga, karma ybga,jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga applied

vedant, liberty, human nature, evil, human, religion, quantitydifference,

humanitarianism, self-consciousness, truth, bread-labour, satyagrah, non-

violence,trusteeship,swaraj, abhay, god evolutionism, super-mind, nagation,

sapta-Ajnana,level of being, purna-Advaitvad,divine life, purayoga, Idealism,

Sensory knowledge, rational knowledge, intuition dharma marg, absolute,

durga,sadhana, siddhavastha,shakti- sahit-brahma, visay-buddhi, satsang,vinay,


(b) Distinguish. between the following (5 out of 8 ) 2x5=10

Karma yoga, and jnanayoga, rajyoga and jnana yoga, jnana yoga and bhakti

yoga self-consciousness and atma chetna, sensory and rational knowledge,

©MGSU Bikaner

arohan and avrohan, mind and super mind, super mind and sat, level of being

and level of ajnana, infinite and finite nature of human, primary ajnana and

cosmic ajnan, end and means, spiritual- transformation and super mind,

absolute sat and god,karma and liberty, visay-buddhi and grantha, satvik-

aradhak and tamsik aradhak, philosophical and practial aspect of religion,

human religion and communal religion, prem and Aaskti, Truth and God, Indi-

vidual and universal mukti.


Write short notes on any five (5 out of 8) 4x5=20


(1) Introduction tendencies and characteristics of contemporary Indian


(2) Ram Krishna Dev -

(i) Philosophical method

(ii) Brahman,maya.jiva and jagat

(iii) Sadhana pranati

{3) Swami Vivekanand

(i) Life-introduction

(ii) Metaphysics

(iii) Self-realization and its means


(1)Rabindra Nath Tagore

(i) Influence on Tagore.

(ii) Reality and god, proofs for the existence of god

(iii) Nature of man, ethics

(2) M.K.Gandhi-

(i) Concept of god and truth

(ii) Concept ‘of karma and re-birth, means and end

(iii) Non - violence, satyagrah, religion and morality


(1) S. Radhakrishnan

©MGSU Bikaner

(i) Nature of ultimate reality

(ii) Nature of soul, human destiny

(iii) Views on religion, elements of mysticism, concept of knowledge

(2) Sri·Aurobindo

(i) maya

(ii) parinamvada and vivartavad

(iii) Concept of evolution and supermind

Books Prescribed-

1. Basant ‘Kumar Lal- Contemporary Indian Philosophy

2. Laxmi saxena - Samkaleen Bhartiya Darshan




Attempt five questions in all select at least one question from each section. All

questions carry equal marks. Give answer of section C, D & E in 500 words



(a) Define the concepts in twenty five words (10 out of 15) 1x10=10

Social philoshophy, society, political philosophy,politics,individual,religion

education,ethics,tradition, modernity, varna, Asharam, Raj Dharma,

Idealstate,sarvoday,right,duty, social change, socialism, Fraternity, Equality,

satyagrah, Swarajya, State, constitution, marxism, democracy, liberty

revolution, civil- disobedience, hijarat, verna dharma, social justice, political

change, political right,

{b) Distinguish between the following (5 out of 8) 2x5=10

Social philosophy and political philosophy, right and duty, duty to self and duty

to other; religious duty and political duty, ethical duty and political duty, man

and society, varna and class, Brahmacharya asharam and vanprasth asharam,

democracy, and monarchy, social change and political change, modernity and

©MGSU Bikaner

tradition, socialism and communism, society and group, geographical and

cultural factors of sociopolitical change sarvoday and antyoday, strike and

hijart, Rajdharma and swadharma, constitutionalism and socialism, marxim and

constitulionalism, revolution and satyagrah, ideal state and ramrajya.


Write short notes on any five (5 out of 8) 4x5=20


Meaning and relation of social philosophy and political philosophy

Theories of relation between individual and society

Relation of religion, society and education.

Tradition ,change and modernity- their meaning.

Tradition and modernity in Indian context.

Right-its meaning and classification

Duty-its meaning and classification


Manu - Varnashramdharma, Rajdharma.

Gandhi- Sarvodaya and Trusteeship ..

Plato - Social justice and ideal state.

Aristotle - ~asic features of his political philosophy.

Socialism and Marxist communism.

Democracy - Fraternity, equality, liberty and justice


Methods of social political changes-

Revolution -meaning and principles of Marxist revolution

Satyagra and civil disobedience of Gandhi.

Constitutionalism -meaning and its main characteristics.

Suggested readings-

1. BARKER.E. : Principles of socio-political theories

2. V.P.VERMA : Political thought .

3. VERMA .A.K. : Aarambhik samaj even rajnitik darshan

4. MISHRA.H.N. : Samajik -rajnitik darshan

©MGSU Bikaner


Samaj darshan evem rajnitik darshan rooprekha

6.SATPALGAUTAM Samaj darshan

7.IQBAL NARAYAN : Rajnitik vichandarayan

8.SINGH RAMJI Gandhi darshan

9.P.D.SHARMA Pratinidhi rajnitik vicharak



TIME ALLOWED: 3 HRS Max Marks: 100

Attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each section.

All questions carry equal marks. Give answer of section C, 0 & E each with

detailed solution of the logical problems.


(a) Define the concepts in twenty five words.(1 0 out of 15) 1 x10=10

Series test, Even numbers, Odd numbers, code language,Classification,

Symmetry, Direction test, Direction-Diagram, Pythogorian theroem

Alphabatical test, Alphabatic order, Ordering, Relational test, Bloodrelation,

Family-tree, Paternal relation, Maternal relation, Positional test, Ascending

order, Discending order, Riddle test, BODMOS, Matrix, Binaray code,

Argument,fact, Verbal-Riddle, Probability, Diagram test, Venn-diagram, qubic

test, Clock test, Right angle, Obtuse angle, Acute angle,Anti-clock, Calendar

test, Leap year, Input-Output test

(b) Distinguish between the following (5 out of 8) 2x5=10

Series test and Ordering, matrix and vann-diagram, Pythogorian theorem and

BODMOS, Paternal relation and Maternal relation, Ascending order and

Decending order, Directior.l test and Clock test, Right angle and Acute angle,

Acute angle and abstuse angle,Ordering and positional test Even numbers and

Odd numbers, Code language and binary code, Classfication and probability,

Leapyear and non leap year, Input test and output test,Direction diagram and

venn diagram, verbal riddle and non verbal riddle, Alphabetical order and anti-

©MGSU Bikaner

clock, Blood-relation and relation qubic test and matrix, calendar test and clock



Solve short logical problems any five (5 out of 8) 4x5=20


Riddle test, Mathematical analysis.

Probability, Symmetry test, Diagram test, Relation test, Series test.


Direction test, qubic test, Input-Output test, Code language test, Alphabatic

test, positional test.


Matrix, Clock test, Calendar test, Classification test, Ordering test,

Binary code test.

Books recommended

1. Mental ability - Dr. K.S. Sani

2. Mental ability - Dr. Vinay

©MGSU Bikaner

dyk ladk;

ch-,- ikVZ&III ijh{kk] 2015&16

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izFke iz'u i= le; % 3 ?kaVs vad & 100

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izk:i %

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ledkyhu Hkkjrh; nk'kZfud vFkok lkekftd & jktuSfrd n'kZu vFkok

ekufld ;ksX;rk

Hkkx & v i=&izFke

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[k.M & v mÙkj 500 'kCnksa esa nhft;s

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©MGSU Bikaner

/kkj.kk] fodYi] ;ksx] fu;e] fpÙko`fr] bZ'oj] foHkwfr] fpÙkHkwfe] Dys'k] vfLerk]

izÑfr&ifj.kkeokn] xq.k&fl)kUr] izÑfr] v/;olk;] lw{e 'kjhjA

2- izR;;ksa esa Hksn ¼8 esa ls 5½ ¼vad 2x5=10½

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[k.M & c

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lekfËk] flf);kW bZ'oj & Lo:i ,oa ;ksx n'kZu esa bldk egRoA

©MGSU Bikaner

lanHkZ xzUFk %

czteksgu prqosZnh & lka[;dkfjdk

ikratfy& ;ksx lw=

MkW- uUn fd'kksj nsojkt & Hkkjrh; n'kZu

okpLifr feJ & lka[; rÙo dkSeqnh

2- xhrk n'kZu

iz'u i= esa ikap [k.M gSaA izR;sd [k.M djuk vfuok;Z gSA [k.M l] n] ,oa ;

ds mÙkj 500 'kCnksa esa nhft;s

[k.M & v

1- nk'kZfud lEizR;; ¼15 esa ls 10½ ¼izR;sd 25 'kCnksa esa½ ¼vad 1 x 10 = 10½

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lU;kl] r;kx] ek;k] ;ksx] lerk ;ksx] drZO;] fujis{k vkns'k] 'kqHk ladYi] nku]

ri] ok.kh] vtk]

2- izR;;ksa esa Hksn ¼8 esa ls 5½ ¼vad 2x5=10½

ldke deZ vkSj fu"dke deZ] nsoh lEink vkSj vklqjh lEink] ijk izÑfr

vkSj vijk izÑfr] {kj vkSj v{kj] lkfRod J)k vkSj jktfld J)k] deZ vkSj

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v/;ksxfr vkSj ijexfr lkfRod ;K vkSj rkefld ;K] jkfld ;K vkSj

rkefld ;K] 'kjhj ri vkSj ok.kh ri] ok.kh ri vkSj ekufld ri] jktfld

nku vkSj rkefld nku] jktfld R;kx vkSj rkefld R;kxA

©MGSU Bikaner

[k.M & c

laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ ¼8 esa ls 5½ ¼izR;sd 150 'kCnksa esa½ ¼vad 4x5=20½

[k.M & l

xhrk dk dsUæh; lEizR;; ,oa izeq[k mins'k

vtqZu dh eu% fLFkfr dk euksoSKkfud fo'ys"k.k] vkRek dh vejrk dk Lo:i

fLFkr izK dh fo'ks"krk,a

[k.M & n

Hkxon~xhrk esa deZ;ksx dk izR;;

xhrk esa Kku & deZ & lU;kl ;ksx

czã;ksxh ,oa fu"dkedeZ ;ksxh

HkfDr] Kku ,oa oSjkX; esa vUrlZEca/k

xhrk ,oa dkaV ds uSfrd n'kZu dh rqyuk

[k.M &;

bZ'oj ds oS;fDrd vkSj fuosZfDrd i{k

bZ'oj dh foHkwfr;k¡

fo'o:i dk fooj.k ,oa mldk vtqZu ds efLr"d esa izfrfØ;k

iq:"kksÙke dk LFkku

nSoh; vkSj vklqjh lEink

lUnHkZ xzUFk

1- fryd] ch-th- & xhrk jgL;

2- nkars] oh-,p- & czã;ksx vkWQ xhrk

3- jkukMs vkj-Mh- & Hkkxoknxhrk ,t n fQykWlQh vkWQ xkWM fj,ykbZts'ku

3- f'k{kk n'kZu

iz'u i= esa ikap [k.M gSaA izR;sd [k.M djuk vfuok;Z gSA [k.M l] n] ,oa ;

ds mÙkj 500 'kCnksa esa nhft;s

©MGSU Bikaner

[k.M & v

1- nk'kZfud lEizR;; ¼15 esa ls 10½ ¼izR;sd 25 'kCnksa esa½ ¼vad 1 x 10 = 10½

f'k{kk] f'k{kk n'kZu] vkSipkfjd f'k{kk] vukSipkfjd f'k{kk] fujkSipkfjd

f'k{kk] ewY;] laLÑfr] vkn'kZokn] izÑfrokn] iz;kstuokn] n'kZu] f'k{k.k fof/k] tSu

}O;] v"Vkfxd ekxZ] ekuorkokn] vuq'kklu] fuHkZ;rk] ikB~;Øe] f'k{kd] lafo/kku]

,dy ukxfjdrk] lkoZHkkSe f'k{kk] 'kS{kf.kd] 'kSf{kd volj] L=h f'k{kk] ekSfyd

vf/kdkj] dÙkZO; vYila[;d] iztkrU=] HkkokRed ,drk] f'k{kk vk;ksx] L;knokn]

ijkfo|k] vijk fo|k] lR;kxzg] LorU=rk] vkadk{kk

4- izR;;ksa esa Hksn ¼8 esa ls 5½ ¼vad 2x5=10½

f'k{kk vkSj f'k{kk n'kZu] vkSipkfjd vkSj vukSipkfjd f'k{kk] fujkSipkfjd

f'k{kk vkSj vkSipkfjd f'k{kk] ewY; vkSj laLÑfr] izÑfrokn vSj iz;kstuokn]

vkn'kZokn vkSj iz;ksxokn] f'k{kd vkSj Nk=] fuHkZ;rk vkSj LorU=rk] 'kS{kf.kd

lekurk vkSj 'kS{kf.kd volj] vf/kdkj vkSj dÙkZO;] ewY; vkSj vkadk{kk]

jktuSfrd vkdka{kk vkSj /kkfeZd vkdka{kk] ijkfo|k vkSj vijkfo|k] iztkrU= vkSj

jktrU=] L;knokn vkSj v"Vkafxd ekxZ] Kku ;ksx vkSj deZ] L=h f'k{kk vkSj

tutkfr f'k{kk] vYila[;d vkSj cgqla[;d] f'k{kk vkSj n'kZu] HkkokRed ,drk

vkSj ,dy ukxfjdrk

[k.M & c

laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ ¼8 esa ls 5½ ¼izR;sd 150 'kCnksa esa½ ¼vad 4x5=20½

[k.M & l

f'k{kk n'kZu dk vFkZ vkSj leL;k,

f'k{kk% izÑfr vkSj vFkZ y{; o mís';

f'k{kk ds nk'kZfud vk/kkj % vkn'kZokn] izÑfrokn] iz;kstuokn

f'k{kk ds izdkj & vkSipkfjd] vukSipkfjd] fujkSipkfjd

©MGSU Bikaner

[k.M & n

'kSf{kd ;ksxnku % tSu n'kZu] xhrk] ckS) n'kZu] VSxkSj]

xka/kh] foosdkuUn] vjfoUn

[k.M & ;

f'k{kk dk lkoZHkkSfedj.k

'kSf{kd voljks dh lekurk gsrq f'k{kk

f'k{kk rFkk ekSfyd vf/kdkj vkSj dÙkZO;

f'k{kk vkSj iztkra= esa lEcU/k

f'k{kk dh lektokn vkSj jk"Vªh; ,dhdj.k esa Hkwfedk

lUnHkZ xzUFk

mnh;eku Hkkjrh; lekt vkSj f'k{kk

ys[kd & e/kqjs'oj ikjhd vkSj jtuh 'kekZ

lanHkZ xzUFk % f'k{kk ds fl)kUr % jkeukFk 'kekZ

f'k{kk dh nk'kZfud i`"B Hkwfe % ,y-ds- vksM

f'k{kk n'kZu % lhrkjke prqosZnh

Hkkx & c i= & f}rh;

1- ledkyhu Hkkjrh; nk'kZfud

iz'u i= esa ikap [k.M gSaA izR;sd [k.M djuk vfuok;Z gSA [k.M l] n] ,oa ;

ds mÙkj 500 'kCnksa esa nhft;s

[k.M & v

1- nk'kZfud lEizR;; ¼15 esa ls 10 ¼izR;sd 25 'kCnksa esa½ ¼vad 1 x 10 = 10½

lkoZHkkSe /keZ] jkt;ksx] deZ&;ksx] Kku&;ksx] Hkfä ;ksx] O;kgkfjd osnkUr]

LorU=rk] ekuo&Lo:i] v'kqHk] ekuo&/keZ] ek=k & Hksn] ekuorkokn] Lopsruk]

lR;] vUunk;hJe] lR;kxzg] vfgalk] U;kflrk] Lojkt] vHk;] bZ'oj] fodklokn]

vfrekul] fu"ks/k] lIrvKku] lÙkk ds Lrj] iw.kZ v}Srokn] fnO; thou] iw.kZ ;ksx

©MGSU Bikaner

vkn'kZokn] ekuo ds i{k] bfUæ;Kku] ckSf}dKku] vUrn`Zf"V] /keZ ekxZ] fujis{k

lÙk] nqxkZ] lk/kuk] fl) voLFkk] 'kfä lfgr czá] fo"k; cqf)] lRlax] fou;]


2- izR;;ksa esa Hksn ¼8 esa ls 5½ ¼vad 2 x 5 = 10½

deZ&;ksx vkSj Kku ;ksx] jkt&;ksx vkSj Kku ;ksx] Kku ;ksx vkSj Hkfä

;ksx] Lopsruk vkSj vkRepsruk] bfUæ;Kku vkSj ckSf)d Kku] ckSf)d Kku vkSj

vUrn`Zf"V] vkjksg.k vkSj vojksg.k] ekul vkSj vfrekul] vfrekul vkSj lÙk]

lÙkk ds Lrj vkSj vKku ds Lrj] ekuo dk vlhe :i vkSj llhe :i] izkFkfed

vKku vkSj czãk.M ewyd vKku] lk/; vkSj lk/ku] vk/;kfRed :ikUrj.k vkSj

vfrekufld :ikUrj.k] fujis{k lÙk vkSj bZ'oj] deZ vkSj LorU=rk] fo"k; cqf)

vkSj xzUFk] lkfRod vkjk/kd vkSj rkefld vkjk/kd] /keZ dk n'kZu i{k vkSj deZ

i{k] ekuo /keZ vkSj lkEiznkf;d /keZ] izse vkSj vklfä] lR; vkSj bZ'oj] oS;fäd

eks{k vkSj loZeqfäA

[k.M & c

laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ ¼8 esa ls 5½ ¼izR;sd 150 'kCnksa esa½ ¼vad 4 x 5 = 20½

[k.M & l

ifjp; & ledkyhu Hkkjrh; n'kZu dh izo`fÙk;ka ,oa fo'ks"krk,a

jkeÑ".k nso & nk'kZfud fof/k] czã] ek;k] tho ,oa txr] lk/kuk iz.kkyh

Lokeh foosdkuUn & thou n'kZu] rRoehekalk vkRekuqHkwfr vkSj mlds lk/ku

[k.M & n

johUæ ukFk VSxksj & VSxksj ds thou ij izHkko] lr~ ,oa bZ'oj] bZ'oj dh vfLrRo

ds izek.k] euq"; dk Lo:i] bZ'oj dk Lo:i] uhfrn'kZu

egkRek xk¡/kh & bZ'oj dk Lo:i] lR; dk Lo:i] deZ dk laizR;; ,oa iqutZUe

lkËku ,oa lk/; vfgalk] lr;kxzg] /keZ ,oa uSfrdrkA

©MGSU Bikaner

[k.M & ;

jk/kkÑ".kuu~& ijelr~ dk Lo:i] vkRek dk Lo:i] ekuoh; fu;fr] /keZ laca/kh

fopkj] jgL;okn ds rRo] Kku dk lEizR;;

Jh vjfoUn & ek;k ifj.kkeokn ,oa fooÙkZokn fodkl ,oa vfrekul dk Lo:i

lUnHkZ xzUFk

y{eh lDlSuk & ledkyhu Hkkjrh; n'kZu

clUr dqekj yky & ledkyhu Hkkjrh; n'kZu

Hkkx & c i= f}rh;

2- lkekftd& jktuSfrd n'kZu

iz'u i= esa ikap [k.M gSaA izR;sd [k.M djuk vfuok;Z gSA [k.M l] n ,oa ; ds

mÙkj 500 'kCnksa esa nhft;s

[k.M & v

3- nk'kZfud lEizR;; ¼15 esa ls 10½ ¼izR;sd 25 'kCnksa esa½ ¼vad 1x10=10½

lekt n'kZu] lekt] jktuhfr n'kZu] jktuhfr] O;fä] /keZ] f'k{kk uhfr]

ijEijk] vk/kqfudrk] o.kZ] vkJe] jkt/keZ] U;k;] foosd] lkgl] la;e] vkn'kZ

jkT;] loksZn;] vf/kdkj dÙkZO; lkekftd ifjorZu] lektokn] cU/kqRo] lekurk]

lR;kxzg] LojkT;] jkT;] lafo/kkuokn] ekDlZokn] iztkrU=] LorU=rk] ØkfUr]

lfou;voKk] fgtjr] o.kZ&/keZ lkekftd U;k;] oxZ la?k"kZ] jktuSfrd ifjorZu]

jktuSfrd vfËkdkj

4- izR;;ksa esa Hksn ¼8 esa ls 5½ ¼vad 2x5=10½

lekt&n'kZu vkSj jktuhfr n'kZu] vf/kdkj vkSj dÙkZO;] vius izfr dÙkZO;

vkSj nwljksa ds izfr dÙkZO;] /kkfeZd vf/kdkjv kSj jktuSfrd vf/kdkj] uSfrd

dÙkZO; vkSj jktuSfrd dÙkZO;] O;fä vkSj lekt] o.kZ vkSj oxZ] czãp;Z vkJe

vkSj okuizLFk vkJe] iztkrU= vkSj jktrU=] lkekftd ifjorZu vkSj jktuSfrd

ifjorZu] vkËkqfudrk vkSj ijEijk] lektokn vkSj lkE;okn] lekt vkSj lewg]

©MGSU Bikaner

ifjorZu ds HkkSxksfyd dkdj vkSj lkaLÑfrd dkjd loksZn; vkSj vUR;ksn;]

gM+rky vkSj fgtjr] jkt/keZ vkSj Lo/keZ] lafo/kkuokn vkSj lektokn] ekDlZokn

vkSj lafo/kkuokn] ØkfUr vkSj lR;kxzg ] vkn'kZ jkT; vkSj jkejkT;

[k.M & c

laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ ¼8 esa ls 5½ ¼izR;sd 150 'kCnksa esa½ ¼vad 4x5=20½

[k.M & l

lekt n'kZu ,oz jktuhfr n'kZu dk vFkZ ,oa laca/k] O;fDr ,oa lekt ds e/;

lacaËk ds fl)kUr] lekt /keZ ,oa f'k{kk dk laca/kA

ijEijk] ifjorZu ,oa vk/kqfudrk dk vFkZ] Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa ijEijk] ifjorZu ,oa


vf/kdkj& vFkZ ,oa oxhZdj.k

dÙkZO; & vFkZ ,oa oxhZdj.k

[k.M & n

euq& o.kkZJe /keZ] jkt/keZ

IysVks & lkekftd U;k; ,oa vkn'kZ jkT;

xk¡/kh& loksZn; ,oa U;k; /kkfjrk

vjLrq& vjLrq ds jktuhfrd n'kZu dh vk/kkjHkwr fo'ks"krk,¡

lektokn ,oa ekDlZoknh lkE;okn

iztkra= & cU/kqRo] lekurk] Lora=rk ,oa U;k;

[k.M & ;

lkekftd& jktuSfrd ifjorZu dh fof/k;k¡

ØkfUr &vFkZ ,oa ekDlZoknh Økafr ds fl)kUr

lR;kxzg ,oa lfou; voKk & xk¡/kh

lafo/kkuokn& vFkZ ,oa eq[; fo'ks"krk,a

©MGSU Bikaner

lUnHkZ xzUFk

izks- v'kksd dqekj oekZ % izkjfEHkd lekt ,oa jktuhfr n'kZu

MkW- ân; ukjk;.k feJ % lkekftd & jktuhfr n'kZu

flUgk] vkj-lh- % lekt n'kZu ,oa jktuhfrd n'kZu dh :ijs[kk

oekZ] oh-ih- % ikWfyfVdy FkkWV

feJk] ,p-,u- % lekt n'kZu

lr;iky xkSre % lekt n'kZu

bdcky ukjk;.k % jktuhfrd fopkj /kkjk,a

ckdZj] bZ- % fizalhiy vkWQ lks';ks & iksfyfVdy F;ksjh

flag] jketh % xka/kh n'kZu ,oa lekt n'kZu

'kekZ] ih-Mh- % izfrfuf/k jktuhfrd fopkjd

yokfu;k] ,u-,e- % lkekftd fopkjd

Hkkc & c i= f}rh;

3- rdZ'kfä o ekufld ;ksX;rk

iz'u i= esa ikap [k.M gSaA izR;sd [k.M djuk vfuok;Z gSA [k.M l] n ,oa ; esa

rkfdZd leL;kvksa dk gy foLr`r O;k[;k lfgr visf{kr gSA

[k.M & v

J`¡[kyk ijh{k.k] jke la[;k] fo"ke la[;k] dwV Hkk"kk] oxhZdj.k lkn`';rk] fn'kk

ijh{k.k] fn'kk vkjs[k] ikbZFkksxksjl izes;] o.kZekyk ijh{k.k] o.kZ Øe ¼,YQkcSfVd½]

Øe fu/kkZj.k] laca/k ijh{k.k] jDr lEcU/k] oa'k o`{k] fir` i{k] ikr` i{k] fLFkr

ijh{k.k] vkjksgh Øe] vojksgh Øe] igsyh ijh{k.k] ckWMekWl eSfVªDl] ckbZujh dksM

rdZ] rF;] 'kkfCnd igsyh] izkf;drk] vkjs[k ijh{k.k] oSu vkjs[k] ?ku ijh{k.k] ?kMh

ijh{k.k] ledks.k] vf/kddks.k] U;wu dks.k] ,UVhDykWd] dSys.Mj ijh{k.k] yhi o"kZ]

buiqV vkÅViqV ijh{k.k] iw.kZ la[;k

3- izR;;ksa esa Hksn ¼8 esa ls 5½ ¼vad 2x5=10½

©MGSU Bikaner

J`a[kyk ijh{k.k vkSj Øe fu/kkZj.k] eSfVªDl vkSj oSu vkjs[k] ikbZFkksxksjl

izes; vkSj ckWMekWl] fir` i{k vkSj ekr` i{k] vkjksgh Øe vkSj vojksgh Øe] fn'kk

ijh{k.k vkSj ?kMh ijh{k.k] ledks.k vkSj U;wu dks.k] vf/kddks.k vkSj U;wu dks.k]

Øe fu/kkZj.k vkSj fLFkfr ijh{k.k] le la[;k vkSj fo"ke la[;k] dwV Hkk"kk vkSj

ckbZujh dksM] oxhZdj.k vkSj izkf;drk] yhi o"kZ vkSj vyhi o"kZ] buiqV vkSj

vkÅViqV ijh{k.k] fn'kk vkjs[k vkSj oSu vkjs[k] 'kkfCnd igsyh vkSj v'kkfCnd

igsyh] o.kZ Øe vkSj ,UVhDykWd] jDr lEcU/k vkSj lEcU/k] ?ku ijh{k.k vkSj

eSfVªDl] dSys.Mj ijh{k.k vkSj ?kMh ijh{k.k

[k.M & c

laf{kIr rkfdZd leL;k, ¼8 esa ls 5½ ¼izR;sd 1500 'kCnksa esa½ ¼vad 4x5=20½

[k.M & l

igsyh ijh{k.k] xf.krh; fo'ys"k.k] izkf;drk] lkn`';rk ijh{k.k] laca/k ijh{k.k]

vkjs[k ijh{k.k] J`a[kyk ijh{k.k

[k.M & n

fn'kk ijh{k.k] ?ku ijh{k.k] buiqV vkmViqV ijh{k.k] dwV Hkk"kk ijh{k.k] o.kZekyk

ijh{k.k] fLFkfr ijh{k.k

[k.M & ;

eSfVªDl] ?kMh ijh{k.k] dSys.Mj ijh{k.k] oxhZdj.k ijh{k.k] Øe fu/kkZj.k ijh{k.k]

ckbZujh dksM ijh{k.k]

lgk;d iqLrdsa

1- ekufld ;ksX;rk ¼'kkfCnd vkSj v'kkfCnd½ & MkW- ds- ,l- lSuh] ds- ih-

ifCyds'ku ¼t;iqj½

2- rdZ'kfä ijh{k.k & lqt; flUgk

3- izkjfEHkd ekufld ;ksX;rk & MkW- fou; d.ksZ

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