Facilitating Learning: Motivation

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Is an inner drive that causes you to do something and persevere at something.

It energizes you to do something.

It is the strength of the drive toward an action.

• While ability refers to what children can do, motivation refers to what this children will do.

• Motivation refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of behavior.

•When we get motivated to do something, it is not enough that we start working at that thing but that we get attracted to it.

•Our attraction towards it becomes so intense that we persist working on it through thick and thin until its completion.

Indicators of a High Level of Motivation

Your students level of motivation is shown in his/her choice of action, intensity and persistence of effort. If you have a highly motivated student, you have a student who is excited about learning and accomplishing things. S/he has takes the initiative to undertake learning task, assignments and projects without being pushed by his or her teachers and parents.

S/he has goals to accomplish and dreams to realize. S/he is convinced that accomplishing the things s/he is asked to accomplish in class helps her/him realize the goals s/he has set for herself/himself and his/her dream in life. S/he is willing to give up the satisfaction of immediate goals for the sake of more important remote goals.

Types of motivation


It is intrinsic when the source of motivation is from within the person himself/herself or the activity itself. It is motivation to engage in an activity for its own sake.


Motivation is extrinsic when that which motivates a person is someone or something outside him/her. Extrinsic motivation is motivation to engage in an activity as a means to an end.


The Role of Extrinsic Motivation

Initially, extrinsic motivation is necessary to develop the love for learning among poorly motivated students. If good grades, rewards, praises or words of encouragement or fear of failing grade can motivate unmotivated students to study, Why not? For as long as students are hardly motivated, external motivation in the form of rewards, incentives or punishment play a significant role in the development of motivated students. Its is expected, however, that these extrinsic motivational factors be gradually replaced by internal motivation.

In summary, motivated students have the following characteristic traits:• Have positive attitudes

toward school and describe school as satisfying.

• Persist on difficult tasks and cause few management problems.

• Process information in depth and excel in classroom learning expertise.


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