Facesheet 5 (1)

Post on 21-Feb-2017






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This course will help you navigate through the additional options on the BlueEHSFacesheet Part - V

Patient’s face sheet has some additional options on the top. It can be accessed by the user toPatient’s face sheet has some additional options on the top. It can be accessed by the user for

various purposes.

Patient Info option is a note where the user can enter about the patient. This is a private note.

The document section is where the patient can have all the documents of the patient such as patient photograph, x-ray etc.

The browse and upload buttons are used to upload files in the patient’s document section.

Issues section is where a user can enter the Allergies, Medications and Medical Problems of the particular patient.

By clicking on Report the user can have complete records of the patient from his demographic information to the reports of the entire visits, allergies, medications, diagnosis etc.

The front payment option allows the user to post the patient payments at the time of service.

Immunizations option helps in entering the vaccines of the particular patient.

The immunization added for the patient will reflect on the patient’s face sheet.

E-Rx module on the patient’s face sheet helps in prescribing medications for the particular patient.

The patient can be referred to another practice or provider using the referral module. The patient’s entire medical history can be sent.

These portal credentials are used by the patients to login to the Patient Portal.

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