Facebook : Create Your Own Media Channel Eric Eddings Gluttony, NY

Post on 14-Feb-2016






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Facebook : Create Your Own Media Channel Eric Eddings Gluttony, NY. Social media is here to stay. Facebook currently has 901 MILLION active users. Facebook accounts for 1 out of every 5 page views on the internet worldwide. What is Facebook ? How do brands use Facebook ? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Facebook:Create Your Own Media Channel

Eric EddingsGluttony, NY

Hello Everyone,

My name is Eric Eddings. Im director of Social Media at Gluttony a full service advertising agency in NYC. Today we will be discussing Social Media and More directly Facebook and how you can transform it into your own media channel. But before we get into the nitty gritty. Lets take a step back.1Social media is here to stay.Plain and simple Social Media is here to stay. Im not just saying this to keep my job. People have decided that social media platforms are how they want to communicate. And who dominates this communication?


Facebook currently has 901 MILLION active users.Having almost 1/6 of the pouplation as active users should prove how significant and powerful Facebook can be as a platform. But if not chew on this.3

Facebook accounts for 1 out of every 5 page views on the internet worldwide.This is an amazing Fact. So we know that your customers (and everyone elses) are using it. But how do Brands use facebook? Today we will discuss that and how you can use it successfully. 4

What is Facebook?

How do brands use Facebook?

How do brands attract fans?Well quickly cover the basics. What is facebook. What are the successful methods of using Facebook and How do you grow your Facebook community. 5

What is Facebook?Lets Start at the Beginning. Facebook is a social networking tool that people use to communicate with friends, family, brands, and everyone in their community.6

For pretty much everyone. This is what Facebook Looks like. You have the Newsfeed which showcases the posts that friends or brands that you like have made. Newsfeed is the best of the best or most popular content. For a more up to date view of what happens on facebook check the ticker. You can see and interact with a steady stream of up to the second information from your community. You also have Events Birthdays and other information. This is where people spend 70% of their time on Facebook. 7

This is timeline. The new way that people and brands showcase themselves. Here is Gluttonys timeline. Pretty cool right. In it you have your cover and profile photos apps that you use. More information about who you are. Fans can Like your page and send you messages. It also beautifully showcases all of the posts that you make. For the sake of todays talk we will be focusing on Brand timelines.

There are many more parts to Facebook but that is the light speed overview of the Worlds Most loved social network. Whew. Now lets get to the good stuff. 8

Businesses that effectively use Facebook see results.Plain and simple. Effectively is a big word which we will discuss in a few moments but lets dive into what Results really mean.Everyone knows that the big brands experience great growth and customer loyalty on facebook but what about the Small and medium sized businesses that dont have budgets of 10 million for Facebook alone? 9

Cheese. Most people like it. Personally I like it a lot. This small cheese company decided to share information about their brand on Facebook reaching out to their in store customers and network to grow their Facebook community. Their fans (which is the measure of how many people opt to align themselves with your brand) soared all the way to 23,074. Not a huge number but significant for a small company. But do you know what is significant. 10

Using Facebook, this small companyincreased their sales That in the year after starting their Facebook campaign, Palmetto Cheese witnessed a 283% increase in sales volume. As you probably know that level of growth doesnt happen often. Which means that this is a fluke, right?

Well lets take a look at another story. 11

Who here has kids? Well if they were like me growing up, they like soft and cuddly things like the huge stuffed animals that Squishable makes. Squishable is no firills. Nothing special just stuffed animals that are big and you guessed it. Squishy. Well Squishable commited to developing their Facebook community and now12

29% of Squishables website traffic now comes from Facebook.Over 29% of their Website traffic comes from facebook. That is a massive number that is not easily ignored.

Now Im not going to promise you that your results will be as sizable as the two we have just shown but what I will promise you is that will commitment and a few tips your brand can create Club where your brand is the star and members will tell others how great this club truly is. So lets get to it.13

How are they using Facebook to generate these results?One of the most important ways to grow a facebook Brand page can sometimes be one of the scariest. But preparing this step is one of the first steps to Facebook success 14

Facebook is a great customer service tool.Facebook is a great Customer Service tool. Now that doesnt mean that it should be your ONLY customer service tool, but when used effectively operating customer service on facebook will send a message LOUD and CLEAR to everyone who visits your Facebook page. You care and are committed to the happiness of your customers. And that will transform customers into Brand advocates.

There are a few strategies for making this work for you. 15

Being Reactive.

There is a rule in our office. 24 hour response time. Most times shorter. Responding quickly to upset or worried customers can quickly diffuse problematic situations and sends a message to fans that each inquiry important.16

You can also be proactive.

Xoom takes intiative. If something happens they immediately update their fans and keep them updated as the situation develops. This not only cuts down on negativity to the page but shows that you are on top of potential issues and transparent about the process. If there is an issue that you would rather not discuss in the open. Direct them to send you a message as soon as possible. 17

Not all customer service is scary. Sometimes it is a great opportunity to encourage a fan that liking your business is a great thing. This message started out as a potential issue with our clients page and turned into a labor of love.

Now on to one of the MOST IMPORTANT PIECES OF INFORMATION that I can give you on Facebook. 18

is King.Finding the right Content strategy is IMPERATIVE for your Facebook Success. YIKES. Sounds hard but I will give you a hint. You already know just what to talk about. YOUR Brand. Visitors become fans because they want to interact with you, but they stay fans because you find interesting ways to talk about your brand. 19Drive the conversation.The conversation about your brand is already happening on Facebook. So use the tools that Facebook provides to drive the conversation in a direction that is beneficial for your business.

What are those tools you ask? 20

Your cover photo is your space to shine. Show people something they like and they are more likely to stick around for the rest. People love pictures. Remember that. You will hear it again. 21

Posts. It is the primary way you communicate with your fans. Keep in mind that 70% of your fans will see all of your content in the Newsfeed. Keep text short and sweet when possible.22

People love pictures. Sound familiar? When broswing through the news feed images stand out. They get noticed and shared. If you have something that you can communicate in an image do it. Photoshop is your friend.23

People love video too. Just like text keep things short and sweet. If you do people can consume it quickly and share it just as fast. 24

Timeline offers you the ability to Tell the entire history of your brand. SO do it. When I like a brand love to now how it came to be the awesome company that I interact with. Highlight important milestones in your companys history. Having a detailed history also increases the amount of time that fans stay on your timeline.25

If you are having an event. Share it with your fans. Even if they can not attend, it demonstrates that your commitment to your customers extends beyond your website into your community.

Using all of these tools will help to..26

Find your voice.Define how you speak. Are you professional ore conversational? What languages does it speak? Does your brand like sports? Think about the brand apple. When you hear a song on the radio you can get a feeling of whether or not it is the type of song that Apple would feature in a commercial. You should have these thoughts about your about your brand. It will inform your Facebook content trategy. Remember Content is King. 27

Once youve created this content, how do you bring fans in to see it?Once you have developed your content strategy and begun posting on your page it is time to bring fans in to see it.

This can seem like one of the hardest parts of achieving Facebook Success. Under 50 fans can seem daunting. But there is a silver lining. 28

Facebook rewards growth.Facebook in many ways rewards growth. You will find that as you reach milestones raising your Fan count and the number of people talking about your brand becomes easier.

Lets take a look at some of the tools and tactics to get you there. 29

Apps are a flexible platform for providing sharable experiences for fans.Apps allow you to go beyond the formulaic interface that Faceook provides and create an experience that rewards the growth of your page.30

For Mothers Day we helped our client Bulova Watches develop a contest app where fans could enter to win a Bulova Watch in time for Mothers Day. Simply select the watch that you think the Mom in your life would like and share. 31

Sharing the Application with friends and on your timeline is the entry no forms to fill out. This way the contest and the Bulova Fan community grows with every share. But there is an additional benefit. 32

Apps also serve as lead generation campaigns.Users are informed that participants in the contest will also receive periodic updates from Bulova. Facebook allows you to pull powerful demographic information about your community, including email, gender, and location. This information can be extremely useful in generating and developing lead campaigns.

But lets shift gears to another extremely powerful tool for growing your Brand. 33Facebook Ads Great tools for marketing and exposure.

Facebook ads are rapidly becoming an awesome tool to grow your Facebook page. They are simple and allow users to like your page and content directly from the ad.

The two types of ads I would recommend are Page ads which use the connections of your fans to attract new users and page post ads which gives more impressions to your content and entices new users to your page.

Hesitant to divert Marketing dollars to Facebook? Well keep this in mind. 34

Most CPCs are under $1.00Most CPCs for Sponsored Stories start at under a dollar. In addition35

The more fans click your ads the cheaper they become.On top of that the better performing your ads are the cheaper they become. So make your page and content as enticing as possible.36

Facebook provides amazing targeting tools.

You can target by:

Location, language, education, workAge, gender, birthday, relationship statusLikes and interestsYou can even target based on your competitors. You can target your ad to people who like your other businesses in the same industry to increase the likely hood of a click.

Overall Facebook ads are a great cost-effective tool for giving your page and content the extra set of eyes it needs. 38

There are many other channels to promote your Facebook page.But where else can you promote your page.39

There are many widgets available that make liking your page from your website simple and easy.40

Put a flyer up in your store front to remind current customers that you have created a fan community for them.


RememberSo lets recap quickly.42

People love pictures and video.

Be consistent.

Respond promptly.

Contests work.

These methods will put your company on the road to social media success.

Youre only one post away from reaching your next customer.

More questionsEmail me

Eric.Eddings@Gluttony.isThank you!

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