F4 Literature 华文版

Post on 24-Oct-2015






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include two poems plus exercises from trial papers and school papers


POEM 1 – In the midst of hardship

English Version 中文版At dawn they returned homeTheir soaky clothes tornAnd approached the stoveTheir limbs marked by scratchesTheir legs full of woundsBut on their browsThere was not a sign of despair


The whole day and night just passedThey had to brave the horrendous floodIn the water all the timeBetween bloated carcassesAnd tiny chips of tree barksDesperately looking for their son’sAlbino buffalo that was never found


They were born amidst hardshipAnd grew up without a sign or a complaintNow they are in the kitchen, makingJokes while rolling their cigarette leaves



At dawn (Meaning)

Why did they return home at


Soaky (Meaning)

Why were their clothes their

soaky and torn?

Why did they approach the stove

right after back home?

‘their limbs marked by scratches

their legs full of wounds’. Explain

‘but on their brows there was not

a sign of despair’. WHY?

Brave (Meaning)

Why did they had to brave the

horrendous flood in the water all

the time?

bloated carcasses (Meaning)

Why were they desperately

looking for their son’s albino

buffalo that was never found?

Why did they grow up without a

sigh or a complaint although they

born amidst hardship?

Exercise 1Write TRUE or FALSE for each statement below. If the statement is false, write the correct statement in the space provided.

1.The family just experienced a bad flood True False 2.The family lived in city True False 3.The flood lasted for one day and night True False 4.Animals and humans were drowned in the flood True False

5.The flood victims’ hands and legs were covered by cuts all over True False 6.They returned home in the afternoon after the flood True False 7.Once the family was back home, they felt relieved True False 8.They would rather enjoy themselves than complaint about the flood True False

Exercise 2Choose TRUE or FALSE for each of the statement below.

1.When did the family go back home? (A) Late at night (B) In the afternoon (C) In the evening (D) Early morning 2.Why do you think some family members approached the stove? (A) To wash up (B) To cook a meal (C) To eat together (D) To keep their food 3.What was not seen on their brows? (A) A sad look (B) A happy look (C) An expression of hopelessness (D) An expression of disgust 4.The word ‘horrendous’ means (A) Exciting (B) Enjoyable (C) Tragic (D) Awful

5.If you have to `brave` a danger, you have to (A) Give up quickly (B) Run away from it (C) Protect yourself from it (D) Endure it with resilience 6.If an animal is an albino, it is_____in complexion. (A) White (B) Grey (C) Black (D) Cream 7.Why did the tiny chips float in the floodwater? (A) They were light (B) The trees were uprooted (C) The water caused the chips to break off from the tree barks (D) The trees were cut down by the villagers 8.What type of life is a life of hardship? (A) A happy life (B) An easy life (C) A life of suffering (D) A life of torture

Exercise 3Rewrite the quotations from the poem in your own words. 1. Not a sign of despair _________________________________________________________________ 2. Their soaky clothes torn _________________________________________________________________ 3. Their limbs marked by scratches _________________________________________________________________ 4. Had to brave the horrendous flood _________________________________________________________________ 5. Born amidst hardship _________________________________________________________________ 6. Grew up without a sigh _________________________________________________________________not feeling gloomy

their clothes were drenched and torn

their hands and legs had cuts all over

had to put up with the dreadful flood

born in suffering

accepted their life without complaining

Exercise 4Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks with one suitable word or phrase.

The flood victims are glad to go back home. They have gone through a

(1)_____________________________ time. The floodwater (2)_____________________________ very high. They were

wading among (3)_____________________________ and chips of the barks. It was an

(4)_____________________________ sight. As their son had lost his buffalo, they were looking

(5)_____________________________ for it. However, they (6)_____________________________ to find it. Back home,

the women started cooking. The men stood in the (7)_____________________________ talking. They were also

rolling (8)_____________________________. This was a time to feel (9)_____________________________ and complain

about their (10)_____________________________.



3.dead bodies





8.cigarette leaves



Exercise 5Read the following passage and answer all the questions in full sentence.

1. When did the people in the poem return home?= ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What kind of a setting do you see in the poem, ‘ In the Midst of Hardship’ by Latiff Mohidin?


3. Describe the conditions of the people in this poem.


4. Despite the conditions of the people in the above poem, did they give up? Which line tells you this?


5. What do you understand by ‘ but on their brows, there was not a sign of despair’?zs _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. What natural disaster had occurred to the place?


7. Name the animal that had gone missing in this poem.


8. Do you think the people in the poem are rich? Justify your answer with evidence from the poem? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Why do you think the people are desperately looking for the lost animal?


10. What is alliteration? Give an example of alliteration from the poem.


11. Do you think the people here are hopeful and optimistic? Justify your answer.



12. What can you learn from this poem?


13. Do you think the poet has chosen a good title for this poem? Give a reason for your answer.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Do you like the poem? Give a reason for your answer.


POEM 2 – He had such quiet eyes

English Version 中文版He had such quiet eyesShe did not realiseThey were two pools of liesLayered with thinnest iceTo her, those quiet eyesWere breathing desolate sighsImploring her to be niceAnd to render him paradise


If only she'd been wiseAnd had listened to the adviceNever to compromiseWith pleasure-seeking guysShe'd be free from “the hows and whys”

如果她曾经理智过有听劝告——不和花花公子搞 3搞 4她现在就不会这么后悔了

Now here's a bit of adviceBe sure that nice really means niceThen you'll never be losing at diceThough you may lose your heart once or twice



two pools of lies (Meaning)

Why didn’t she realize the man’s

eyes were two pools of lies?

thinnest ice (Meaning)

‘breathing desolate sighs’. Explain.

Imploring (Meaning)

Paradise (Meaning)

Why does her decide to render him


pleasure-seeking guys (Meaning)

Why should the girls never

compromise with pleasure-seeking


"the hows and whys". Explain.

free from "the hows and whys".



‘Be sure that nice really means nice’.


at dice (Meaning)

never be losing at dice. (Explain)

Why do we have to make sure that

the loved one is sincere to us?

lose your heart (Meaning)

Exercise 1Match the words in Colums A with their meanings in the Column B.

Column A ABC Column B1.Realize a. sensible2.Layered b. covered3.Breathing c. conciliate4.Desolate d. inhaling5.Imploring e. know6.Render f. provide7.Wise g. begging8.Compromise h. unhappy

Exercise 2Referring to the poem, give the meaning of each of these quotations.

1.Pools of ice _______________________________________________________________ 2.Layered with thinnest ice _______________________________________________________________ 3.Desolate sighs _______________________________________________________________ 4.Paradise _______________________________________________________________ 5.Free from the hows and whys _______________________________________________________________ 6.Losing at dice _______________________________________________________________ 7.Lose your heart _______________________________________________________________ 8.Once or twice _______________________________________________________________ dishonesty

thinly covered



not getting hurt

failing to protect from

being hurt

fall in love


Exercise 3Choose the correct answers.

1.The persona in the poem desribes a woman _____ (A) In pain (B) Who deceives a man (C) Who is deceived by a man’s eyes (D) Who deceives others

2.She sees sincerity in his eyes instead of________ (A) Joy (B) Anger (C) Sorrow (D) Lies

3.To woman, the man looks________ (A) Happy

(B) Sad (C) Excited

(D) Dissappointed 4.If one is in paradise, one is in ________ (A) A state of extreme happiness (B) A state of confusion (C) Need of help (D) A state of grief5.What does the man desire from the woman? (A) Money (B) Assistance (C) Pleasure (D) Advice 6.In stanza 2, to be wise is to________ (A) Perform well (B) Carry out instuctions (C) Give good advice (D) Listen to good advice 7.The word ‘compromise’ means________ (A) Agree (B) Conciliate

(C) Dispute (D) Work together 8.What is the advice given in stanza 2? (A) Not to be deceived by the man (B) To believe in everyone (C) Not to get a life partner (D) Not to fall in love 9.What is the main idea in stanza 3? (A) Readers’ response to the poem (B) Dealing with man (C) Listen to good advice (D) Advice to the readers 10.The phrase ‘lose your heart’ means ________ (A) Get hurt (B) Fall in love (C) Lose one’s mind (D) Hurt others

Exercise 4Read the following passage and answer all the questions in full sentence.

1. The eyes have a lot of functions other than seeing. Explain one function of the eyes that you know and give an example when that function is being used. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Do you believe in ‘seeing is believing’? Give a reason for your answer and relate it to the poem “He had such quiet eyes”.


3. Why do you think the persona in the poem fell for the guy’s quiet eyes? Give a reason why she likes his ‘quiet eyes’. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. How can you help a friend who fell for a person who you know is a pleasure-seeking person? Give a suggestion on how to help this friend.


5. Which one is easier to do, giving advice or listening to advice? Give a reason for your answer with close reference to the poem. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Short story – fruitcake special

Anna, 一个美国化妆品公司的化学师是这个故事的主人翁。当她尝试把一小片她的午餐--水果蛋糕放进试管调配出新的香水后,奇妙的事情开始接踵而来。其中一件就是她的老板,外貌协会的Mr. Amos,竟然约她吃晚餐!难道老板终于发现到她的女人味了吗?但是,当天晚上的Mr. Amos却是判若两人,对Anna无比冷淡,甚至强调今天约她出来只是单纯犒赏员工。Anna 非常的疑惑也很愤怒,她认为老板在耍她,所以她在Mr. Amos 表态后决定进厕所冷静一下。本来以为是女人味不足,所以她决定把自己爱用的香水 Intrigue 拿出来喷喷,结果…她没带!!袋子里只有之前在公司用水果蛋糕制作的香水 T_T…好吧,死马当活马医了,全喷了。可是当Anna这么做了过后,奇怪的事情又发生了。一踏出厕所,在外候着的一位男侍应生就被她的女人味电到。回到座位时,Mr. Amos的态度也有了天与地的差别,殷勤到一个极点。疑惑还没解决,这时候她被其中一位侍应生告知有电话找她,结果是之前那位男侍应生的杰作。满头问号的回到座位的Anna发现Mr.Amos 身旁多了一个人,也就是他的现任女朋友 Sabina。最令人惊讶的是,Mr. Amos竟然当着对方的面表白说他爱上了Anna。在这一连串的事情之下,Anna 已经隐隐猜到这些事和那个新制的香水估计脱不了关系。看着眼前的争执以及插一脚进来的男侍应生,Anna 决定用迅雷不及掩耳的速度从餐厅消失。第二天,Anna 并没有去上班。她决定找出那个香水的原料之一 Fruitcake到底是怎么回事。她询问了送这个蛋糕给她妈妈的Aunt Mimi,结果那个买蛋糕的Old Lady在上星期去世了。重点是,她生前有 7个老公!!两天的自我放假后,Anna回到公司时,同时告知老板Mr. Amos要找他。当她进入办公室后,Sabina 也在里面。一开始的时候,Mr. Amos 先向Anna道歉,也解释不知道自己在那天晚上为什么会有那样的表现等等。在一旁的 Sabina接着把主导权抢过,说Mr. Amos真正的意思是想要说他不知道为什么当下会被 Anna这种外貌的女性所吸引,一切都是个误会,因为 Mr. Amos不可能会喜欢她的。Anna 感觉到被侮辱,一气之下把手袋里的 Fruitcake香水泼在 Sabina 身上就转身走出办公室,她决

定要辞职!后来她跳槽去了另一家公司 Intrigue。同时,曾经暗恋她的 Pizza小子,Armstrong 带着 Pizza和鲜花来找Anna。他向Anna 表白说他对Anna一见钟情,而且他现在已经有所成就,拥有着一件 Pizza 专卖店,所以他希望Anna可以答应与他约会。

Its a story about Anna, a chemist who works in a cosmetic company in USA. She discovers something amazing when she tries putting up a piece of her favourite fruit cake into her chemical mixture to create a new kind of perfume. Trying out her new invention, she sprays the perfume on her that brings rewards her attention from men. One of them is her boss, Mr.Amos who then invites her for dinner. However, something strange happens that night, Mr. Amos behaves totally different. So, Anna wonders the reason that brings her to the ladies. She uses the other perfume to the dinner, Intrigue which could be the reason. She is going to spray some more perfume, but Intrigue is not anywhere in her bag, instead the fruitcake perfume is there. She sprays some fruitcake perfume, and things awkwardly 'shines' to her. Even the waiter takes a shot on her. She returns to the table but a phone call is waiting for her. Thus, she goes get the phone call. Returning to the table, Anna finds that Mr. Amos is now joined by his girlfriend, Sabina the model. Surprisingly, Mr. Amos tells his current girlfriend that he is in love with Anna. Upon all this, Anna has already know that all those awkward and strange behaviors come from that perfume effect. They fight and Anna is forced to walk out of the scene and she returns home by taxi. Anna misses the work on the next day and finds out the ingredients in the fruitcake from Aunt Mimi. Anna learns that there is a secret ingredient in the fruitcake from Aunt Mimi who buys the cake from an old lady. Sadly, as Anna tries to find the old lady, she learns that the old lady has already died. After a two days off, Anna returns to office to find Mr. Amos's note asking her to see him. As she enters Mr. Amos's office, she finds him with Sabina. Mr. Amos apologizes to Anna and explains that he has no idea what could he behave such a way the other days. Sabina cynically says to Anna that what Mr. Amos wants to say is that he himself does not understand why he could get attracted to Anna. Anna feels insulted. She takes the fruitcake perfume and pours in on Sabina. She quits job. She finds another job with the Intrigue company. Armstrong, the pizza delivery man, one day comes to visit Anna. He brings pizza and flowers. He confesses to Anna that he falls in love with Anna at the first sight. Now, as he owns a pizza

company, he asks Anna for a date.

Short story – qwertyuiop

这个故事描述的是一个年轻的女秘书 Lucy Beck 与已经死去的前任秘书Miss Broome之间的故事。17 岁的 Lucy Beck在Diploma 毕业后非常急切地想找到一份工作赚钱,好早点离开母亲、家里。可是她的前景并不太客观,因为她的成绩一直都是垫底的,就连校长都对她不抱任何希望。但是出乎意料的,Lucy找到了一份在Ross and Bannister’s公司的差事。一天上班时,她才发现这个职位不是这般容易得到的。她碰上了千年老妖—Miss Broome的鬼魂!!而且她还一直不停的干扰 Lucy 打字,不过到最后 Lucy还是非常坚持外加有毅力地无视她顺便把第一份工作“顺利”(?)完成。Harry Darke,这个唯一的知情者其实事先有偷偷暗示了这份工作的困难度。当他第二天回到工作岗位时发现 Lucy 也在,顿时惊讶万分。同时也在 Lucy的追问下把Miss Broome的故事告诉了她。为了让往后的工作顺利,Lucy 决定通过打字机来与 Miss Broome的灵魂沟通,顺便冰释前嫌(最好别再出现 = =…)最后在她打了一份给 Miss Broome的告别信后,她就再也没有出现了。

The short story QWERTYUIOP describes a young secretary's struggle with the spirit of her predecessor, Miss Broome.Miss Broome was the previous longtime secretary of Mr Bannister.At 17, Lucy Beck wanted a job desperately to move away from her mother.When she graduated from the Belmont Secretarial College, things did not look good.She had always been at the bottom of her class and her usually upbeat principal, Mrs Price, did not hold out much hope for her being successful at a job.However, Lucy did get a job as a secretary at Ross and Bannister's.On her first day, she realised that the position came with some baggage.The ghost of Miss Broome was determined to be around to haunt her typewriter.Only Harry Darke knew about this and he hinted it to Lucy.At first, no matter what she tried to type, Lucy could not finish her work because the letters QWERTYUIOP kept popping up on the paper.When she finally realised that she was powerless to complete her work, she reconciled with Miss Broome's spririt. This was by communicating with the spirit through the electric typewriter.Finally, she managed to get rid of the spirit by typing a goodbye letter to Miss Broome.

drama – gulp and gasp

整个故事由坏人 Lord Septic和坏人手下 Crouch之间的对话开始。Lord Septic告知手下他计划得到这个他们现在正待着的火车站。当他们正在进行对话时,1 卖花女 Rose出现了。Lord Septic 让 Crouch把她赶走,结果Crouch把Rose的花都丢在地上就走了。这时英雄 Percy出现,帮Rose把地上的花捡起来。在这当儿,Percy 也和他分享了自己的故事,他是孤儿,父母亲唯一留给他的就是一个刻着NSL的钥匙。结果,Crouch去而复返,两个男人起了争执,不幸的是 Percy 被 Lord Septic 偷袭,敲中头部晕了过去。Rose接着被绑在列车轨道上。瞎眼的她不知道 Percy在转醒后就离开了那里去找解救她的方法。在绑着Rose的时候,Lord Septic回忆起了某个场景—他的父亲为了把别人的财富占为己有,把对方,也就是 Lady Gatsby,绑在轨道威胁她。一旁听着的Rose察觉到Lady Gatsby就是 Percy的母亲,也就是这个火车站的真正主人。突然,Percy出现把两个坏蛋制服,也及时解救了Rose。Rose把她所听到的告诉了 Percy,Percy找到了宝藏后向她求婚。坏人就等着警察来解决吧!

This story started with the conversation between Lord Septic and Crouch. Lord Septic was telling Crouch about his plan to own the railway line they'd been at that night. During the conversation, a flower-seller named Rose, came. Lord Septic asked Crouch to tell her to get off. Crouch then threw away Rose's flowers and then he left. Percy came and helped Rose. They shared each other stories. Percy then told Rose that he's an orphan and the only thing he had, is a key with letters NSL on it. They were about to hug when Crouch came back. They had a fight, and unfortunately, Percy was beaten by Lord Septic on his head. Till then, he was unconscious. Rose was tied down to the railway track, unknown that Percy had run away. While tying up Rose, Lord Septic reminisced the event of his father tying up Lady Gatsby to the same track. But then, it turned out Lady Gatsby is Percy's mother and Percy is the real owner of the railway track. All of a sudden, Percy came, managed to stop the train and save Rose. Lord Septic and Crouch were tied right after it. Rose told Percy the truth. Percy then proposed

Rose and the two villains were left to be arrested.

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