Eye on Sight July 2013

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 Eye on Sight July 2013


    E Y E O N S I G H T


    olume 3: Issue 5! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! July 2012olume 3: Issue 3! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! July 2013

    Working together in Guyana

    With a population of just under 800,000, approximately 30,000 adultsand children in Guyana are blind or have low vision .The priority eyediseases include Cataract, Glaucoma, Refractive Error and DiabeticRetinopathy.

    For the Ministry of Health, Eye Care has been on the front burner forthe past several years. The Caribbean Council for the Blind (CCB)through Eye Care Guyana has spearheaded several programmes whicinclude the establishment of Vision Centres and the training ofRefractionists and Optometrists at the University of Guyana.(Read More.....)

    ! ! ! ! ! Preparing to give sight

    An effervescent personality, outspoken, determined and a passion tosucceed these are the words to describe Khohane Blake, a final yearOptometry Student at the University of Guyana.The journey to this point has not always been a smooth one. Born in the

    rural community of New Market in the Southern Parish of St. Elizabeth,Jamaica, Khohanes story is one of overcoming just about every obstacle-athere were many.She grew up in an extended family, with her mother being the sole providhowever she was surrounded by a brother, grandparents, her aunt andcousins. There was one thing that made her family unique in the quietcommunity, Khohanes mother, Racquel Adams was blind.(Read More.....)

  • 7/30/2019 Eye on Sight July 2013


    E Y E C A R E C A R I B B E A N


    As we prepare to launch Eye Health Services in four Health Facilities acrossAntigua and Barbuda, CCB-Eye Care Caribbean awaits employment of fourRefractionists and a complement of Dispensing Clerks, by the Ministry ofHealth.Several months ago, the requisite instruments of approval were delivered tothe Ministry of Health by the Cabinet Office and we continue to expect that themployment of the required personnel is imminent.As soon as the employment processes are completed and the Refractionistshave their letters of appointment, CCB-Eye Care Caribbean will commencethe installation and testing of Diagnostic Refractive and other systems, whichthe Refractionists and their colleagues will use to examine and treat theirpatients.(Read More.....)

    From the Desk of the CEO

    Programme Highlights (Second Quarter)

    In keeping with its mandate to provide technical support to Member Agencies, th

    Jamaica Society for the Blind (JSB) received assistance for the development of its

    National Strategic Framework for Blindness Services, from the Secretariat.

    The draft of the Framework was formally presented to the members of the Society

    during its Annual General Meeting on Saturday April 20 th, 2013 in Kingston,

    Jamaica by CCBs Project Development and Advocacy Services Manager. Prior to

    the AGM, the document was circulated to the membership for review andcomments. Following the presentation and discussions, the Framework was

    approved by the membership, with the undertaking that the strategies would be

    implemented, over time.

    (Read More.....)

    January 7, 2013, was the dawn of a new day at the Guyana Society for theBlind as it marked to start of a programme preparing students between theages of 17 and 35, who are blind, visually impaired and/or disabled to writefive subjects in examinations prepared by Caribbean Examinations Councils(CXC) in 2014.These classes represent another milestone in the history of the Society that

    was established on October 8, 1955. The current President, Cecil Morris,who is also visually impaired, said what was once a dream has now becomereality.(Read More.....)

    Guyana Society for the Blind- CXC Programme

  • 7/30/2019 Eye on Sight July 2013


    BGM 2013 Pictoral Highlights

  • 7/30/2019 Eye on Sight July 2013




    OurPurpose........ OurGoal....... Our purpose is

    preventing blindness

    and visual impairment

    while restoring sight

    and creating

    opportunities for

    persons whose sight

    cannot be restored.

    @CCB Eye Care Caribbean @ccbeyecare



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