Express NC 24 April 2013

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Express NC 24 April 2013



Tel. 053 831 2331Fax 053 831 2330

Johan Rossouw

Boipelo Mere

Sales Manager

EditorPO Box 1583Kimberley 8300

Northern Cape


Northern Cape

Staff give bloodShow their support forA Unit for my Patient} Boipelo Mere

THE new A Unit for my Patientproject was launched at theKimberley Hospital Complex (KH)whereby healthcare workers wereencouraged to roll up theirsleeves and become committedblood donors.The project, which is expected

to be rolled out across thecountry, is an initiative by theSouth African National BloodService (SANBS) in collaborationwith the KH to ensure that therewill be adequate blood availablewhen needed by patients.Doctors, nurses, student nurses,

cleaners, pharmacists and visitorsof first-time and regular donorsheeded the call and donated bloodin a race to reach the 100-unitstarget that was the aim on theday.Double red cell collections from

donors who meet the criteria forthis apheresis procedure will alsotake place at this event.According to Irene van Schalk-

wyk, SANBS marketing consult-ant, clinics and hospitals havebeen unsuccessful in encouragingstaff members to donate in thepast years.Thus they will also be extend-

ing the campaign to otherhospitals in the Northern Cape asit has already been launched inother provinces like the FreeState.Explaining the procedures for

red cell donors Van Schalkwyksaid: “Group O and B donors; ageover 18 years; weight of morethan 70 kg; height over 165 cmand a haemoglobin (Hb) level of14.5g/dl and above. Donors whodonate double red cells will beable to donate once every 112days as opposed to 56 days fornormal donations.”

Dr Lizanne Koning, the clinicalmanager at the KH, also donatedblood to signify her appreciationfor the initiative.She revealed that she was a

regular donor and hoped Kimber-ley would donate close to or morethan the 143 units that had beencollected in Port Elizabeth.In the SANBS stall that were

put up in the KH yard, donorswent through all the processes offilling out questionnaires andrapid blood-group tests beforedoing the whole blood donation.Magda Tesner, the public

relations practitioner in Kimber-ley, reminded everyone that onedonor could save the lives ofthree people.Manne van Rooi was a proud

first-time donor. He said he hadrealised how many people losttheir lives due to blood shortages.He was happy that the hospitalhad taken the initiative ofinforming the staff members likehim about procedures.“From today on I’ll be a regular

donor and will also be able toencourage my son to become aregular donor and create aware-ness amongst our communities.I’ll definitely come back to donateafter 56 days, which is in June,”said Van Rooi proudly.Sophia Alexander, who donated

blood for the 16th time after tenyears, said the only reason whyshe had not been donating bloodwas because her Hb had dropped.“But now I am back on the list

for good as I know the impor-tance of giving my unit,” the47-year-old said and smiled.Boipelo Gopane, also a staff

member at the KH, was motivat-ed and tried to donate, but due tohigh blood pressure she wasrequested to first produce asupporting letter from her doctor.

MANNE VAN ROOI (31) gave his unit of blood. Photos: Boipelo Mere

MOSES THEMBA of the SANBS explains to Nelly Shuping, who was taking a blood group test, howthe substance determining one’s blood type works.


YCLSA helps theneedy, elderlyTHE YoungCommunist Leagueof South Africa(YCLSA) in theNorthern Capeopposes any formof parole for CliveDerby-Lewis, whowas convicted andsentenced to lifeimprisonment forconspiring in ChrisHani’s death in1993.Derby-Lewis was

arrested along withJanusz Walus forthe assassination ofHani.“Parole should

not be considereduntil they tell thenation whocollaborated withthem in theassassination ofComrade Hani. Infact the keys oftheir prison cellmust be thrown

away and theyshould be left torot in jail if theydon’t want to tellthe truth aboutthis horrendous actof crime,” saidButi Manameladuring a memoriallecture in Delports-hoop.He delivered the

memorial lectureduring the YCLSAin the NorthernCape’s successfulprogramme wherethey commemorat-ed the 20th anni-versary of thedeath of the lategeneral secretaryof the SACP, Hani.Earlier in the

day the memberspainted two housesin Delportshoopbelonging to101-year-old EnnieNyanda who lives

with her youngerbrother and sonwho are bothmentally ill, aswell as Sanna (80),who lives with herepileptic nephew.Both families live

in dilapidated andunmaintained RDPhouses and useshacks for cooking.They aimed at

raising awarenessfor the growingnumber of elderlypeople who wereneglected on adaily basis withoutproper care andsupport.YCLSA preceded

to hand over 80pairs of shoes, 200packs of sanitarytowels and 100hygiene packs tothe needy childrenand young peopleat the Dikgatlong

High School andthe surroundingtwo primaryschools being theDelportshoopIntermediateSchool and FrancisMohapanelePrimary School.The school is

part of the DinalediSchools projectwith a droppingpass rate, andthere is an in-creased number ofdrop-outs.The rationale for

donating sanitarypacks came afterreports from theschool that somelearners had nooption but to stayat home duringtheir period.The girls were

further reported tomiss out on cruciallearning pro-grammes as inmany instancesthey did not evenreport back toschool.Manamela

highlighted thatChris insisted thatcommunism shouldnot be theoreticaldebates.“The principles

of communismmust translate intobasic services forall.“While the state

has succeeded inproviding roads,sanitation, houses,running water andelectricity, muchstill needs to beachieved.“Many young

people have noworking experi-ence. The longerthe period betweenleaving school andbeing absorbed inthe labour market,the greater the lossof skill andcapacity to fit intomodern industriallife and find a jobin future,” Man-amela added.He concluded by

encouraging theyouth to use theopportunity thatthey had beenoffered by complet-ing their studies inorder to bettertheir lives.

YCLSA visitedthe Dikgat-long HighSchool wherethey handedover 80 pairsof shoes, 200packs of sani-tary towelsand 100 hy-giene packs tothe needy chil-dren.

Photo: Supplied


Joyous tickets up for grabsFANS of Joyous Celebrationfrom the Northern Cape are of-fered an opportunity to attendthe MTN Joyous Celebration’sGrateful Tour in Bloemfontein.

Five double tickets are up forgrabs to witness the heartfeltpraises during Joyous Celebra-tion’s upcoming show.

The show is expected to beheld at the at the Vista Arena,Hamilton, University of FreeState (UFS), on 4 May.

After a successful perform-

ance in front of a sold out aud-ience on all three nights of theEaster weekend in Gauteng,Free State and Northern Capefans are guaranteed an aston-ishing show.

Lesedi FM, Sowetan and Sun-day World have partnered withMTN Joyous Celebration tobring fans a memorable musicexperience.

MTNJoyousCelebration fanscan look forward to a number ofastounding performances that

will include solo acts by BrendaMtambo, Puleng March fromKimberley, Nhlanhla Mwelaseand Charisma Hanekam whichhad fans begging for more dur-ing the Easter weekend.

“The success of the Easterweekend is yet another reasonwhy we feel we should showgratitude, not only to God, butalso to our fans who have givenus support for the past 17 years,buyingourmusicandattendingour concerts.

“MTN Joyous Celebration islooking forward to show oursupporters just how grateful weare for their continued sup-port,” says Jabu Hlongwane, co-founder.

Fans are reminded not tomiss their chance to witnessthis musical extravaganza bybooking at Computicket fortickets between R180 and R260.

To win tickets to the JoyousCelebration show, please referto the SMS competition on p. 8.

MayordeceasedTHE Joe Morolong Local Municipalityis sadly mourning the passing of itsmayor, Kebuseditswe Esther Molete,who passed away on 17 April.

Molete is reported to have passedaway at the Kimberley Hospital aftera short illness.

She passed away serving as themayor of the Joe Morolong LocalMunicipality and the chairpersonof the Finance and Intergrated Devel-opment Plan.

Her leadership and contributiontowards the development and thecommunity in a sustainable anddemocratic manner was also high-lighted by the municipality.

The Joe Morolong Local Municipa-lity announced that her memorial servicewill be held today at the Mapoteng Villageat 13:00.

The funeral service, which is expectedto be attended by masses of people, willbe held at the Mapoteng Village on 27April (Saturday) at 07:00.

PULENG and Xolani. Photo: Supplied

THE deceased mayor of the Joe MorolongLocal Municipality, Kebuseditswe EstherMolete. Photo: Supplied



Said and done} Dimakatso Lechwenyo

IN the end we count our goals and ourshortcomings creep to scratch ourbacks in the end the leaders are seenand those with the willpower to get thework done take a breatherGaleshewe is left the same in the eyes

of those who know it all and do nothingIn the end those with the achieve-

ments reflect with attention and those

without anywonderwhether they everhad any. In the end the financial state-ments are drawn and audits are con-ducted to determine financial efficien-cyno audit is able to determine the so-

cio-economic deficits of self-servingpoliticians mountains of paperworkfail tomake up for reports of successfulprogrammes and sustainable projectsshort-term employments makes no

noticeable difference in the mindset ofmy societyIncome distribution measures are

put on the tableBEE benefits the rich whilst the

poor strive to reach the breadlineLand distribution is settled in board-

rooms and legislation houses my peo-ple fear to enterThe good officials in government are

generalized with the badTime goes and generations changeIt becomes the responsibility of

young political movements to breedleaders with a vision

leaderswho are involved and leaderswho acknowledge that this country isnot a slot machineleaders who are economists, ac-

countants, political educators and ex-perts in different fields of expertiseIts about time that Sunday political

meetings areheadedand chairedbyob-jective souls and open-minded beingsIt is about time that my generation

takes their place in parliamentAmandla Awethu is no longer a song

but rather an african philosophyArise african child and claim your





Only candidates who meet the stated requirements will be considered.APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTERTHE CLOSING DATEWILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

How to apply:Interested applicants can forward an abridged CV to: or fax: 086 236 1188.The onus is on you to ensure that the reference

number is reflected on your application.Closing date: 10 May 2013.

If you have not been contacted within 30 days after theclosing date, kindly deem your application as unsuccessful. 112043REV

Exciting Career OpportunitiesKuruman

United Manganese of Kalahari (Pty) Ltd (UMK), a leading empowerment company intent onsustainable mining and socio-economic development, seeks specialists to join its fast growingmanganese mine.UMK has been awarded aMining Right over 15 000 ha of land to the north of a dynamic Kuruman.Why not become part of the team that plans to mine an output of between 1,5 million and2 million tonnes of manganese each year’With a life of mine in excess of 30 years, this well-poised company will be able to unlock yourtalents.

Instrumentation Technician (Ref. IT 105886)

Post Level Patterson C upperThe successful candidate will be required to perform maintenance and faultfinding on controlinstrumentation equipment including PLC, SCADA programming, installation and commissioningof instrumentation projects throughout the mine site.Minimum requirements: • A relevant MIETTB or equivalent Trade Certificate and N4-N6 withInstrumentation and Process Control, or S4 and P2 Process Control Diploma or equivalent• A minimum of five years’ relevant experience • Sound knowledge of industrial instrumentationand machines, and Siemens S5 and S7 PLC hardware and software • Knowledge of AdroitSCADA software configuration, and Profibus and Ethernet networks • Effective communicationand interpersonal skills • A team player • A valid Code 08 driver’s licence.Responsibilities: • Providing instrumentation support to the plant and opencast operations asassigned • Diagnose faults on industrial instrumentation and control equipment and carry outrepairs accordingly • Plan extensions and modifications to existing instrumentation infrastructure• Examine, test and repair, control and instrumentation equipment as well as Siemens PLCand Adroit SCADA system • Maintain instrumentation and documentation • Responsible forinstallation and maintenance of industrial instrumentation in the plant and opencast operations• Perform standby duties and shift work as required from time to time • Ensure personal and co-workers’ adherence and compliance to the Company’s health and safety policies and procedures• Maintain a variety of instrumentation systems throughout the mine site • Ensure compliancewith government rules and regulations.

Inventory Clerk Receiver/Issuer (Ref. ICR/I 109244)

Post Level Patterson B upperThe successful candidate will be responsible for receiving and issuing goods into and from thestore and processing transactions on the Stores System.Responsibilities: Receiving: • Ensure the accuracy, completeness and validity of all goodsand materials received • Receive goods and materials accurately, including all types of goodsprocessed through the stores e.g. Explosives, Fuel, Bulk deliveries etc. • Process GoodsReturned for Credit and receipts on Stores system • Report receiving non-conformances• Stocktaking. Issuing: • Ensure the accuracy, completeness and validity of all goods andmaterials issued • Issue stores items accurately, including all types of goods processedthrough the stores e.g. Explosives, Fuel, Bulk deliveries etc. • Process issues on Storessystem • Report non-conformances • Stocktaking. Material Handling: • Handle, stackand store materials safely and efficiently • If required obtain/be in possession of license/certification in order to be able to operate the Forklift, Overhead Crane, LDV and HDVas required. HSECQ: • Comply with HSECQ, legislative and functional requirements• Report all HSECQ incidents • Comply with Fatal Risk Control Protocols and the requirementsof the Disciplinary Code • Comply with the Emergency Preparedness and Response, as well asPPE requirements.Minimum requirements: • A Grade 12 Certificate. The following additional requirements willbe considered an advantage: Certificate in Storemanship; Certificate in Stores Management• Training will be provided if required but successful candidates must be willing to study to obtainthe above certificates if not yet in possession of these certificates • At least one year’s workexperience in a warehouse environment with exposure to any warehousing systems software• Computer literacy in Microsoft Office. Accpac/Karabo would be an advantage • Safetyawareness • High work standards to deliver quality • Ability to work in a team • Interpersonal andoral communication skills • Initiative and adaptability • Drive for results.

Learnership Programme 2013 (Ref. LP 104761)

Suitable candidates in possession of a Matric Certificate (Grade 12) with Higher Grade C symbolor higher in Mathematics and Physical Science may apply for the following trades: • Boilermaker/Plater • Fitter • Electrical.The successful applicants will be required to sign the applicable training contract with thecompany and Mining Qualification Authority (MQA).Application requirements: • A detailed Curriculum Vitae • Certified copies of educationalqualifications • Certified copy of identity document • Must pass the required medical screening• Must pass the required aptitude tests • N2 with relevant Trade Theory subject(s) will be anadded advantage.

Please note that the reference MUST be quoted on your application.Please note the following: • Successful candidates will be required to provide a valid medicalcertificate and may be required to undergo certain medical assessments • Psychometric andother assessments may be used as part of the selection process • Verification of all credentialsmay be done • Must be in possession of a valid driver’s licence.


AFTER going through thewards of the hospital encour-aging staff members to do-nate blood, Dr Lizanne Kon-ing, the clinical manager atthe Kimberley Hospital Com-plex, led by example and do-nated blood herself. This wasduring the AUnit 4my Patientcampaign held by the SouthAfrican National Blood Serv-ice (SANBS) to encouragestaff members to become reg-ular donors. Being a regulardonor, Koning hoped that theKimberley Hospital wouldbeat Port Elizabeth, which do-nated 143 units.

Photo: Boipelo Mere

Leadingby exampleat hospital



Mine honours its best studentsTHE Kalahari Country Club was trans-formed into a magical Winter Wonderlandfor the prestigious awards ceremony whereSishen Mine honoured its best 2012 learn-ers who graduated at different training cen-tres.The graduates were from the following

training centres: SIVOS, Tshipi Skills Train-ing, Plant Functional Training and MiningTraining.They were congratulated by the Sishen

Mine’s manager of engineering, ErnestStonestreet, for their dedication in complet-ing their respective learnerships.“SIVOS trained 20% of the artisans in

South Africa’s mining industry in 2012.“If we have the best equipment and the

best training, we definitely also have thebest people to be voted the best company towork for,” Stonestreet said.Stonestreet and Linelda Olivier, theMQA

administrator at Sivos, presented certifi-cates for all disciplines and further urgedthe learners to re-invest their money in fur-ther education to secure a better future.Arno van Sittert, the SIVOS learner of the

year, expressed his gratitude towards thepersonnel of SIVOS and Sishen Mine fortheir hard work, patience and time investedin the learners to push them to be better.Van Sittert also won the Best Plater andWelder of the Year award.

SISHEN MINE congratulated its best 2012 learners who graduated at different training centres like SIVOS, Tshipi Skills Training,Plant Functional Training and Mining Training. Photo: Supplied

Minister disappointsK.P. CHABAEMANG, Postmasburg:

WITH refence to thearticle inNorthernCapeExpress on 17 April, I am very disturbed bythe behaviour of the deputy minister Eliza-beth Thabete. The way she addressed andtreated the girls fromSteinkopfwasuncalledfor, demeaning, and with contempt she hasstripped the girls of their dignity and selfconfidence. The deputy minister must knowthat she also has kids who must be treatedwith respect. How can the girls be called to

the stage and critised like that? I think thedeputyminister should have encouraged thegirls to do more instead.

LettersExpress Letters, P.O. Box 1583,

Kby, 8300Boipelo Mere

Boipelo.mere@volksblad.comTel: 053-831-2331. Fax: 053-831-2330

Win tickets for JoyousNORTHERN CAPE EXPRESS, in con-junction with MTN Joyous Celebration,is giving away five double tickets to at-tend South Africa’s favourite gospelchoir tour which will be visiting Bloem-fontein on 4 May.This is the opportunity of a lifetime for

you as a reader tomake your dream cometrue.

To stand a chance ofwinning tickets foryou and a friend, simply answer the ques-tion: Who is the Joyous Celebrationmember from Kimberley?Send your SMS, starting with the key-

word TOUR followed by your answer, to45527.The competition starts today at 06:00

and ends on Tuesday, 29 April, at 12:00.

RINA ORAYNE and Debbie Heynes from Rooikoppies in Delportshoop describe them-selves as the best of friends. “We have been there for each other in good times andin bad times for more than ten years,” they said. On this day the two friends tookadvantage of the nice weather to dress up and go for a walk. Photo: Boipelo Mere




Flamingo Casinohas a lot to offerTHE Flamingo Casino inKimberley got its namefrom the abundance ofthese beautiful pinkbirds that make theirhome in the nearbyKamfers Dam.This 400 ha expanse of

water and wetland ishome to breeding pairsof lesser flamingos whocollectively offer aspectacular sight tobehold for both touristsand locals alike.Kimberley is a city

once known for theenergy and excitementof its boom-towndiamond days.In an effort to recreate

this intoxicating dia-mond rush, the Flamin-go Casino was born;stirring up the flourishand flair, buzzing andfun feelings people onlyget from things thatsparkle.The highlight of the

Flamingo Casino inKimberley is mostcertainly the casinoitself.With a vast selection

of tables and state-of-the-art slot machines, youare assured an excitinggaming experience filledwith enticing memoriesof clanging jackpots andexpectant players on theedges of their seats.For a delicious bite to

eat, the Harvest Char-coal Grill family restau-rant, just beside thecasino, provides a lavishdining experience.An exceptional leisure

and entertainmentfacility, the FlamingoCasino is ideallysituated adjacent to theKimberley Golf Club,providing a challengingcourse for guests.The Flamingo Casino

in Kimberley offers aselection of superiorconferencing andmeeting venues in themodern and high-techFlamingo ConferenceCentre.The Flamingo Casino

complex is involved in anumber of corporatesocial initiatives withinthe Kimberley Commu-

nity.When visiting the

Flamingo Casino andlooking for hotels inKimberley, we recom-mend the KimberleyRoad Lodge which offers90 guestrooms.Make an appointment

at the Flamingo Spa, orhave your car washed atthe Diamond CityCarwash, both availableon the Flamingo Casinocomplex.Bringing you the best

of entertainment, is Bar129, which hosts avariety of nationalartists and local talentevery weekend.Upcoming events and

entertainment:) Jaziel Brothers can beseen on 26 April at 21:00at R100 per person.) Lianie May on 3 Mayat 21:00 at R80 perperson.) KFC Family Fun Dayon 12 May at R20 perperson.) Jayson King and theQueens on 22 May at19:30 at R80 per person.

Savoy your answer

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Chaos rules at Khoisan dialogue} Boipelo Mere

THEKhoisan community travelledfrom all eight provinces of SouthAfrica in buses to the NorthernCape to attend the first nationalKhoisan dialogue.The dialogue came as a result of

government’s wish to make provi-sions for the recognition of theKhoisancommunities, their leader-ship and structures.The indaba was a way forward to

the reopening of lodging of landclaims and the creation of excep-tions to the 1913 Natives Land Actsfor heritage sites, historic land-marks and opportunities for the de-scendants of the Khoi and San toclaim as announced by Pres. JacobZuma in his 2013 State of theNationAddress.The Department of Rural De-

velopment and Land Reform hastherefore called this dialogue to dis-cuss the president’s announcementand explain a campaign to be un-dertaken for the reopening, namelya Citizens Manual for Land Claimsand Oral History which will be col-lected from those who have livedthrough the catastrophic effects ofthe 1913 Natives Land Act.“The Khoisan is a unifying name

for two ethnic groups of SouthernAfrica, who share physical and pu-tative linguistic characteristicsdistinct from the Bantu majority.Culturally, theKhoisan are dividedinto the foraging San and the pasto-ral Khoi. The Khoisan people werethe most brutalised by colonialistswho tried to make them extinct,and undermined their languageand identity,” read a governmentissued fact sheet.The two-day dialogue turned ug-

ly themoment it started as each oneof the attendees wanted to have asay on how things should unfold asopposed to the provided pro-gramme.The delegates felt that their lead-

ers were disrespected as they werenot part of the programme, and notclassified as VIPs. They thereforemade a demand that the Northern

CapeMEC of Agriculture, Land Re-form and Rural Development, Nor-man Shushu, acknowledge eachone of their leaders individually.It gave the impression during the

dialogue that the delegates did nothave common knowledge of thesubject of their demands as theyeach gave differing versions oftheir history. Also they were divid-ed into what they call five royalhouses (Nama, Cape Khoi, San, Ko-rana and Griekwas).However, they could not explain

how their hereditary line wasformed.“We are all chiefs of all who live

in our land. So, every time you seethe so-called coloureds you shouldknow that you are seeing the ko-ning of the land. All the other peo-ple are nothing but colonisers,”said an irritated Koning Puik Wil-liam, who said he came from Gau-teng.Some of the delegates made out-

rageous demands such as demand-ing the whole of Sub-Saharan Afri-ca, a R10 billion compensation, thewhole of the Cape and parts of theFree State. Others even said thepresent governmentwas illegal andthat it had to make way for therightful koning (king) of theKhoisan.Even after requesting a 30-

minute break which was extendedto an hour’s break for the ministerto caucus and elect three membersamongst themselves who wouldrepresent them in the ReferenceTask Team, the delegates ended upfighting as to who would representthem well.The outcome of the two-day dia-

logue was the formation of the Ref-erence Task Team consisting of 45members. The government prom-ised to ensure that the task teamwas ready with recommendationsbefore 19 June.Gugile Nkwinti, the minister of

Rural Development and Land Re-form, summed up the two-day dia-logue by saying that out of themini-war that broke out there couldemerge a hopeful picture of the true

picture of the task ahead.“We are on the right track as this

is a very important engagement. Itis a step in the process of consulta-tion where government expressesits views,” continued the minister.He, however, laughed off the con-

cept that they had opened a can ofworms, and said: “We cannot avoidthe big questions raised by the dele-

gates.Wehave to put the hard ques-tions on the table and address it tomake this process work. We choseto engage with the communities, orworms, we’ll manage.”Nkwinti explained that a dia-

logue was about finding solutionsthrougheveryoneexpressing them-selves and sometimes to compro-mise.

“There should be transparencyin getting people involved with thepurpose of indicating to them whatwas expected of them in order toclaim,” added the minister calmly.The gathering was addressed by

various people including research-ers, Shushu andwas chaired by thedeputyminister of the same depart-ment, Lechesa Tsenoli.

GUGILENKWINTI,minister of Rural Development and LandReform, flankedbyhis deputyminister, Leche-sa Tsenoli, and the Northern Cape MEC, Norman Shushu, during the national Khoisan dialogue mediabriefing. Photo: Boipelo Mere

KONING PUIK WILLIAM from Johannesburg. Photo: Boipelo Mere

New facilities for Sesheng} Boipelo Mere

THE new R6,5 million administra-tive block and hall at the SeshengIntermediate School boasts aclerk’s office, principal’s office,deputy principal’s office, staffroom, kitchen and ablution facili-ties.The school hall can accommo-

date 600 children and will be usedfor school functions and as an ex-amination centre only.The building was officially

launched by Kumba Iron Ore’s Sis-henMinewitha ribbon-cutting cer-emony and a tour of the facilities.According to Richard Okhaa, the

principal, who thanked Kumba forinvesting in the school, it was diffi-cult to manage the school’s admin-

istration properly before it had thenew premises.“Previously all administration

had to be done in the classrooms.Now we have space to keep the ad-ministration and classrooms sepa-rate, aswell as a big enough facilitytohave staffmeetings in andofficesto see parents and guests,” he said.During her keynote address,

Baipidi Dioka, the deputy directorofEducation in theJohnTaoloGae-tsewe District, expressed the de-partment’s gratitude for invest-ment in the school.“As theDepartment of Education

we cannot bring about improve-ment and change alone. We needother stakeholders to come onboard and assist where they can.”Mashilo Mokotong, the manager

of sustainable development at Sish-eng, reminded the guests thatKum-ba does not only produce iron ore,but it is also a source of hope andopportunity, especially when itcomes to schools and education.“Kumba invested over R300 mil-

lion in community development in2012, of which 25% went to educa-tion. I urge other businesses to alsoget on board and invest in educa-tion.We believe in investing in ourchildren’s education and in leavinga lasting legacy for generations tocome,” he concluded.Hannes Cronjé, Sishen Mine’s

acting general manager, and RinaBotha, Sishen Mine’s small busi-ness hub manager, were alsoamongst the dignitaries who at-tended the launch.

Indaba upliftsJOHN BLOCK, the MEC for Fi-nance, Economic Developmentand Tourism, acknowledged em-ployees who have served in thepublic service for a period of 20to 30 years and awarded 41 certi-ficates to staff members whocompleted their studies throughdepartmental funding via thebursary scheme.This happened at the annual

Staff Indaba held in Upingtonwhere about 297 Northern CapeTreasury officials gathered.The indaba, which was held

for the seventh year, was ad-dressed by Block and SelloMokoko, the head of the depart-ment.The aim of the indaba was to

allow the departmental staff anopportunity to air their viewsand to enhance service delivery.It was also to motivate, revivethe morale and produce highlyproductive employees inorder toachieve government’s priorities.This transformed approach is

expected to promote transparen-

cy, consultationandengagementbetween top management andemployees in bridging the gapfor service delivery.It was also identified by the de-

partment as a platform for inter-action where theMEC, HOD andtreasury officials gathered to de-bateoncritical issues that canaf-fect the department in order toachieve the set objectives andmandate of the department.Block further donated R10 000

to the Makukhanye Day-careCentre in Upington as part of theCorporate Social Responsibilityprogramme to better the lives ofpreviously disadvantaged com-munities.“We are lending a helping

hand,” Block said.“The ideabehind this platform

is to brainstorm, consult, inter-act, engage and togethermap theway to improve our working en-vironment and to better the livesof the people of the NorthernCape and the country at large,”Mokoko added.

BAIPIDI DIOKA, the deputy director of the Department of Education in the John Taolo Gaetsewe District,Richard Okhaa, principal of the Sesheng Intermediate School, Hannes Cronjé, acting general managerat the Sishen Mine, and Mashilo Mokotong, the sustainable manager at the Sishen Mine. Photo: Supplied

ROSY NDLAMBE, the treasurer of the Makukhanye Centre, andGert Titus, chairman, accepting the R10 000 cheque from JohnBlock, the MEC for Finance, Economic Development and Tour-ism, HOD Sello Mokoko and Mamiki Mooki of the NorthernCape Provincial Treasury Department. Photo: Supplied



Sanabo gives boxingmore punch} Boipelo Mere

THE South AfricanNational Boxing Or-ganisation’s(Sanabo) coaches arepositive that theywill win the battle ofincreasing thenumber of level 3coaches in the coun-try. Thus the organi-sation plans to pre-pare and send morelocal boxers to theOlympic Games in2016, as compared totwo in London 2012.In an effort to

achieve that, overtheweekendSana-bo

trained local coach-es to qualify partici-pants to run and or-ganize regionalcoaching clinics,training camps andprepare regionalteams for provincialand national tourna-ments.The national

coaches course,which is a first of itskind, was held inKimberley wherecoaches from sixprovinces – North-ern Cape, North-West, Limpopo, FreeState, KwaZulu-Na-tal and the Eastern

Cape – attended.After completion

of the course thecoaches were awar-ded with a one-starlevel. The coursewas conducted byAndile Mofu, thepresident of Sanaboand the only AIBAthree-star interna-tional coaching in-structor in South Af-rica. Mofu has de-veloped growthstrategies for theEastern Cape Ama-teur Boxing Organi-sation, serving asthe general secre-tary for two Olympi-

ad terms. He is thefounder member ofthe ECABO residen-tial programmebased in Port Eliza-beth that has yieldedexcellent results forthe organisation andhas produced oneOl-ympian for the 2012Olympics.The coaches are

now expected to con-duct the same kindof training in theirrespective provin-ces and districts fora period of fouryears before theywill be credited aslevel 2 coaches,

which is a nationallevel. The coacheswill thenbe requiredto serve at level 2 foranother three yearsas an active coachwhilst conductingtraining before theyqualify to level 3,which is an interna-tional recognition.The course cov-

ered recommended,verified, methodicaland rational ways ofreaching trainingobjectives. It alsocovered importantaspects of coaching,such as the organisa-tion of training proc-

ess, technique, tac-tics and physicalpreparationas itwasimpossible to cover

all boxing knowl-edge in one manual.Monitoring of thecoaches will be done

by Sanabo at a na-tional level throughapplications and cer-tification.

ANDILE MOFU, the president of Sanaboand the only AIBA three-star internationalcoaching instructor in South Africa, con-ducted the national coaches course inKimberley. Sanabo, who funded thecourse, aims at having at least one level3 coach in each province by 2020. The or-ganisation identified the importance andthus will further train local referees andjudges as a vision for development, toqualify as continental judges and referees.To see the group picture of the coacheswho attended the course visit the Expresswebsite

Photo: Boipelo Mere

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