Exploring Microclimates 012-10970 r1.04. The Snapshot button is used to capture the screen. The Journal is where snapshots are stored and viewed. The.

Post on 19-Dec-2015






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Exploring Microclimates 012-10970 r1.04

The Snapshot button is used to capture the screen.

The Journal is where snapshots are stored and viewed.

The Share button is used to export or print your journal to turn in your work.

IntroductionJournals and Snapshots

Note: You may want to take asnapshot of the first page ofthis lab as a cover page for your journal.

Exploring Microclimates

Each page of this lab that contains the symbol

should be inserted into your journal. After completing a lab page with the snapshot symbol, tap (in the upper right hand corner) to insert the page into your journal.

Lab Challenges

• Can you detect minor variations in weather and climate at your school?

• Can you identify things in the environment that may cause changes in weather and microclimate?

Exploring Microclimates


• Microclimates are small areas that have a different climate than the area around it.

• They may be warmer or colder, wetter or drier, or more or less prone to frost.

Exploring Microclimates


Microclimates can be created by a number of factors:

• bodies of water and amount of vegetation -moisture -shade

• buildings, paved surfaces, and urban areas -retain heat and reflect sunlight

-buildings can affect wind and cause rain shadows -downspouts and low lying areas where water can collect

Exploring Microclimates

Self Check

1. True or False?

Buildings can cause fluctuations in temperature and humidity in localized areas.

Exploring Microclimates

This image is a reminder totap to take a snapshot of the page after you have entered your response.

Self Check


• Follow all common lab safety procedures.• Do not go into restricted areas or near moving vehicles.• Do not touch or approach animals because they may bite.• Keep your voice quiet so you do not disturb other classrooms.

Exploring Microclimates

Materials and EquipmentCollect all of these materials before beginning the lab.

Note: Many variables can be reported in weather forecasts (temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.). Only temperature will be investigated in this activity.

• Fast Response Temperature Probe

Exploring Microclimates

The steps to the left are part of the procedure for this lab activity. They are not in the right order. Determine the correct sequence of the steps, then take a snapshot of this page.

Sequencing Challenge

C. Obtain your current local weather conditions.

A. Choose the locations you are going to measure.

B. Set up your equipment.

D. Take measurements at various locations.

Exploring Microclimates

Q1: Record your current local weather conditions in the box below and then take a snapshot of this page.


1. Obtain your current local weather conditions from your teacher.

2. Choose several locations around the campus that may display different microclimates. Suggestions include:

- Shaded/sunny grass area - Shaded/sunny concrete area - North, south east and west sides of buildings - Areas that are very dry or very moist - Areas with a lot of vegetation

Exploring Microclimates

Q2: Will the temperature vary much from the average local temperature reported in the news at the various locations on your campus?

Collect Data

1. Connect your fast response temperature probe to your SPARK.

2. Go to your first location.

3. Place the end of the temperature probe near an area of interest.

Note: The sensing element is at the end of the probe. Keep your hands away from the tip so you do not measure your body temperature.

4. Begin your data set collection and move forward to the next page.

Exploring Microclimates

Collect Data

5. Enter the location and physical description of the location into the table.*

6. Keep the data point at the first location.

Continue to the next page.

*To Enter Data into a Table: 1. Tap to open the Data

Table toolbar.2. Tap then tap a cell in the

data table to highlight it in yellow.

3. Tap to activate the text editor.

Exploring Microclimates

7. Go to the next location, enter the information into the table* and keep the data point.

8. After all locations, stop your data run.

*To Enter Data into a Table: 1. Tap to open the Data

Table toolbar.2. Tap then tap a cell in the

data table to highlight it in yellow.

3. Tap to activate the text editor.

Exploring Microclimates


1. What happened to the temperature at each location?

Exploring Microclimates

2. Compare your predictions with your results. Were your predictions accurate, or did your results show something other than what you expected? Explain any differences.

Exploring Microclimates



1. If your temperature data showed a change from location to location, what environmental factors do you think influenced these changes?

Exploring Microclimates


2. What physical structures in your school yard, identified in your locations, might influence the data changes that you observed?

Exploring Microclimates


3. What effect do plants have on the microclimate?

Exploring Microclimates

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following do not affect microclimates?

a) sunlight

b) wind

c) animals

d) plants

Exploring Microclimates

2. All of the weather conditions that prevail in a particular region are called:

a) weather

b) climate

c) microclimate

d) abiotic factors

Exploring Microclimates

Multiple Choice

3. In what way can buildings affect a microclimate?

a) increase temperature

b) decrease temperature

c) act as a rain shadow

d) all of the above

Exploring Microclimates

Multiple Choice

4. Which of the following is NOT one of the three main constituents of weather?

a) temperature

b) humidity

c) air pressure

d) altitude

Exploring Microclimates

Multiple Choice

You have completed the lab.Congratulations!

Please remember to follow your teacher's instructions for cleaning-up and submitting your lab.

Exploring Microclimates

Images are taken from PASCO documentation, public domain clip art, or Wikimedia Foundation Commons.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bf/Electricity_substation_danger.jpghttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:100_0293edit.jpghttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Massasauga_rattlesnake.jpghttp://www.openstockphotography.org/image-licensing/chicago/Chicago_river_night.jpg BY BRETT GUSTAFSONhttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lassen_meadow_caldera.jpghttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:KCMOSkyline.jpghttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Blue_Marble.jpg

ReferencesExploring Microclimates

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