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(A Case Study at a University in Indonesia in the Academic Year of



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Submitted to Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Universitas Sebelas

Maret as a Fulfillment of the Requirements for Achieving a Master Degree in

English Education





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Tomy Kartika Putra. S891808019. Exploring EFL Pre-Service Teachers’

Cognition of Intercultural Communicative Competence. A Masters’ Degree

Thesis. Supervisor I: Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed., Ph.D. Supervisor II: Dr.

Slamet Supriadi, M. Pd. Department of English Education, Teacher Training And

Education Faculty, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Surakarta. 2020.

Globalization inevitably increases communication among people from

different language and cultural backgrounds. This phenomenon dramatically

demands the change of traditional aims of language teaching which is based on

the norms and values of native-speakers countries. A large body of literature

encourages language teaching to concern Intercultural Communicative

Competence (hereafter ICC) which is allegedly effective to help students achieve

successful intercultural communication.

This study attempts to gain an insight into Indonesian EFL pre-service

teachers’ cognition regarding ICC. It goes to investigate: 1) The pre-service

teachers’ definition of culture and ICC; 2) Their perceptions of the main

objectives of ELT, and the objectives of ELT in terms of ICC; 3) Their attitude

towards ICC in ELT; 4) The way the training facilitates them to acquire ICC; and

5) Their perceptions of ICC teaching method in an ELT classroom. This study is

considered as a single case study that employs interviews, questionnaires, and

artifacts. In total, 26 EFL pre-service teachers participate in the study.

The analysis shows that the participants can provide numerous definitions

of culture but they are still prone to see culture based on the essentialist view

which considers culture as concrete and solid forms. Furthermore, the participants

mostly try to achieve the ELT objectives that focus on linguistics aspects, rather

than that on cultural elements. Related to ICC objectives, most of them

acknowledge that the ELT objectives should assist students to acquire abilities

that are aligned with the dimensions of ICC which are attitude, knowledge, skills.

However, ICC teaching objectives related to Critical Cultural Awareness (CCA)

are seemed to be left behind. Further analysis shows that they positively perceive

ICC teaching and learning process during their education. The education provides

them with activities that deal with the improvement of cultural knowledge,

attitude, and skill. However, it is noted that activities to the improvement of CCA

are still insufficient. Regarding their ICC approaches, the result says although they

deliver various ICC teaching methods, they struggle to offer appropriate

explanations about how the methods should be implemented. In the end, some

recommendations for the education of pre-service teachers, pre-service teachers,

and future researchers are discussed.

Keywords: Teacher Cognition; Intercultural communicative competence;

Pre-service teacher; English language teaching

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Tomy Kartika Putra. S891808019. Menjelajahi Kognisi Calon Guru Bahasa Inggris

terhadap Kompetensi Komunikatif Antarbudaya . Tesis. Pembimbing I: Dra. Dewi

Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed., Ph.D. Pembimbing II: Dr. Slamet Supriadi, M. Pd. Jurusan

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sebelas

Maret. Surakarta. 2020.

Globalisasi meningkatkan komunikasi antara orang-orang dari berbagai bahasa

dan latar belakang budaya. Fenomena ini mendorong perubahan tujuan pengajaran bahasa

yang traditional yang didasarkan pada norma dan nilai negara penutur asli. Banyak

penelitian mendorong pengajaran bahasa untuk memperhatikan Intercultural

Communicative Competence (ICC) yang dianggap efektif untuk membantu siswa

menguasai komunikasi antar budaya.

Studi ini berusaha mendapatkan wawasan tentang kognisi calon guru di Indonesia

tentang ICC. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Definisi dari calon guru tentang

budaya dan ICC; 2) Persepsi mereka tentang tujuan utama ELT, dan tujuan ELT dalam

kaitannya dengan ICC; 3) Sikap mereka terhadap ICC di ELT; 4) Upaya program studi

dalam pembelajaran ICC; dan 5) Persepsi mereka tentang metode pengajaran ICC di

kelas ELT. Studi ini merupakan studi kasus tunggal yang menggunakan wawancara,

kuesioner, dan artefak. Secara total, 26 calon guru berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini.

Analisis menunjukkan bahwa partisipan dapat memberikan berbagai definisi

tentang budaya tetapi mereka masih cenderung melihat budaya berdasarkan pandangan

esensialis yang menganggap budaya sebagai bentuk yang konkret dan solid. Selain itu,

mayorita partisipan fokus kepada tujuan ELT yang lebih menitikberatkan aspek

kebahasaan daripada pada unsur budaya. Terkait dengan tujuan ICC, sebagian besar dari

mereka mengakui bahwa tujuan ELT harus membantu siswa memperoleh kemampuan

yang selaras dengan dimensi ICC yaitu sikap, pengetahuan, keterampilan. Namun, tujuan

pengajaran ICC yang terkait dengan Critical Cultural Awareness (CCA) masih tertinggal.

Analisis lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa mereka memandang positif proses belajar

mengajar ICC selama pendidikan mereka. Pendidikan memberi mereka kegiatan yang

berhubungan dengan peningkatan pengetahuan budaya, sikap, dan keterampilan. Namun,

kegiatan terkait CCA masih kurang. Mengenai pendekatan ICC, hasilnya mengatakan

meskipun mereka menyampaikan berbagai metode pengajaran ICC, mereka kesulitan

untuk memberikan penjelasan yang tepat tentang bagaimana metode tersebut harus

diterapkan. Pada akhirnya, studi ini menyampaikan beberapa rekomendasi untuk

pendidikan calon guru, calon guru , dan peneliti mendatang.

Kata Kunci : Kognisi Guru; Intercultural communicative competence; Calon guru;

Pengajaran bahasa Inggris

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I would like to starts the acknowledgment by saying “All praise is due to

Allah, Lord of all the worlds”, who has favored human beings with intelligence

and responsible action above all creation; and may Allah’s blessings and peace be

upon Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and companions from whom

knowledge and wisdom spring.

My sincere gratitude goes to my first supervisor, Dra. Dewi

Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed., Ph.D., and my second supervisor, Dr. Slamet Supriyadi,

M.Pd. I do thank them for being my academic advisors. I am grateful for the time,

unconditional patience, invaluable support, understanding, and constructive

feedback they have given to me in the completion of my study.

My gratitude is expressed to all lectures in the Department of English

Education of Universitas Sebelas Maret, especially to Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto,

M.Pd., Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd., Dr. Endang Setyanngsih, S.Pd., M.Hum, and Dr.

Arifah Drajati, M.Pd. who have given me meaningful knowledge, inspiration, and

experience during my learning journey.

Special thanks I deliver to all pre-service teachers who participated in the

study. I owe a big debt of gratitude for their precious time, honesty, and

willingness to share knowledge during the process of this study. Without their

cooperation, I believe that this study would never be completed.

Finally, I would like to extend my gratitude to all my friends and

colleagues who have been great partners of learning. I fully appreciate all the

good knowledge we have shared together.

Surakarta, October 2020

The Author

Tomy Kartika Putra

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O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you

into peoples and tribes so that you may ‘get to’ know one another. Surely the most

noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly

All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Q.S. 49:13)

If to live is understood as to learn, it is reasonable to say that to live requires

lifelong processes of intentions, observations, contemplation, verifications,

conclusions, and regulations. However, you cannot solely rely on such scientific

processes in that the truth of science is always changing and evolving. If you, with

your all limitations, find yourself unable to find satisfying answers to particular

things, remember that Allah God Almighty is truly All-Knowing and All-Aware.

(Tomy Kartika Putra)

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I dedicate this thesis to family, especially to my beloved parents, who always give

me limitless supports in my entire life.

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TITLE ...................................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL OF THE THESIS .............................................................................. ii

LEGITIMATION ................................................................................................... iii

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ....................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. v

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ....................................................................................... vii

MOTTO ............................................................................................................... viii

DEDICATION ....................................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... xiv

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... xv

LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................... xvi


A. Background of the Study ..................................................................................... 1

B. Problems Statements ........................................................................................... 6

C. Purposes of the Study .......................................................................................... 6

D. Significance ......................................................................................................... 7


A. Definitions of Culture .......................................................................................... 8

B. The Place of Culture in ELT ............................................................................. 10

C. The Paradigm of Culture in ELT ....................................................................... 11

D. Approaches to Culture in the Language Teaching ............................................ 14

E. Conceptual Theories of Intercultural Competence ............................................ 20

1. Defining Intercultural Competence .............................................................. 20

2. Byram's Intercultural Communicative Competence Framework ................. 21

F. The Notions of Teachers’ Cognition ................................................................. 25

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1. Theoretical Concept of Teachers’ Cognition ................................................ 25

2. Researches on Teachers’ Cognitive Domain of Intercultural Teaching ...... 29


A. Research Context ............................................................................................... 35

B. Design of the Research ...................................................................................... 36

1. The Choice of Qualitative Research with Case Study Design ..................... 36

2. Selection of the Research Site and Participants ............................................ 37

C. Types and Sources of Data ................................................................................ 38

1. Participants ................................................................................................... 38

2. Artifacts ........................................................................................................ 39

D. Techniques for Collecting Data ......................................................................... 39

1. Interviews ..................................................................................................... 40

2. Artifacts ........................................................................................................ 40

3. Questionnaires .............................................................................................. 41

E. Techniques for Analyzing Data ......................................................................... 42

1. Data Condensation ........................................................................................ 42

2. Data Display ................................................................................................. 43

3. Drawing and Verifying Conclusion .............................................................. 43

F. The Credibility of the Study .............................................................................. 43

1. Building Trustworthiness ............................................................................. 44

2. Conducting Triangulation ............................................................................. 44

G. Ethical Consideration ........................................................................................ 45


A. The Findings ...................................................................................................... 47

1. Participants’ Definitions of Culture and Intercultural Competence ............. 50

a) Participants’ Understanding of Culture ................................................... 50

b) Participants’ Understanding of Intercultural Competence ....................... 54

c) Summary .................................................................................................. 58

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2. Participants’ View of ELT objectives and Intercultural Competence

Teaching Objectives ..................................................................................... 59

a) Participants’ Views of English Language Teaching Objectives .............. 60

b) Participants’ Views of Intercultural Competence Teaching Objectives . 63

c) Summary .................................................................................................. 67

3. Participants’ Attitudes towards Cultural Teaching in ELT .......................... 68

a) General Attitudes towards Cultural Teaching in ELT ............................. 68

b) Participants’ Views of the Importance of Intercultural Competence

compared with Language Skills ............................................................... 70

c) Willingness to Promote ICC in ELT ........................................................ 72

d) Summary .................................................................................................. 75

4. The Way the Trainning Facilitates Participants to Acquire ICC .................. 76

a) Reading Culture-Based Materials ............................................................ 77

b) Identifying Self-Identity........................................................................... 80

c) Getting Involved in a Sociocultural Digital Platform .............................. 82

d) Summary .................................................................................................. 87

5. Participants’ Views of Developing Cultural Teaching in Their Classroom . 88

a) Teacher-Centered Strategies .................................................................... 89

1) Teaching Culture through Explicit Explanations ................................ 89

2) Utilizing YouTube as a Teaching Material ......................................... 89

b) Student-Centered Strategies ..................................................................... 90

1) Reading Culture-Based Materials ....................................................... 90

2) Asking Students to Engage in Sociocultural Digital Communication 91

3) Inviting Students to Discuss Particular Cultural Topics ..................... 92

4) Summary ............................................................................................. 92

B. Discussion ........................................................................................................ 93


A. Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 102

B. Implication ....................................................................................................... 104

C. Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for the Future Researchers ............ 107

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BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 109

APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 119

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1. Table 2.1 Summary of Seven Themes of Culture ............................................... 9

2. Table 2.2 The Essentialist and the Anti-essentialist Paradigm of Culture ........ 12

3. Table 3.1 Time of the Research ......................................................................... 35

4. Table 4.1 Demographic Information of the Questionnaire Participants ........... 48

5. Table 4.2 Demographic Information of the Interview Participants ................... 48

6. Table 4.3 Pre-Service Teachers’ Definitions of Intercultural Competence ...... 57

7. Table 4.4 Pre-Service Teachers’ View of the Main of ELT Objectives ........... 62

8. Table 4.5 Participants’ Views of ICC in ELT objectives .................................. 66

9. Table 4.6 Participants’ Views of the importance of ICC .................................. 75

10. Table 4.7 Participants’ Views of Intercultural Teaching in Their Training.... 87

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1. Figure 2.1. Byram’s (1997) ICC Framework .................................................... 21

2. Figure 2.2 Borg’s (2003) Teacher Cognition, Schooling, Professional

Education, and Classroom Practice ................................................................... 27

3. Figure 2.3. The Dynamic Nature of Teacher Cognition (Macalister's, 2010) ... 29

4. Figure 4.1 Brief Picture of the Research Findings ............................................ 49

5. Figure 4.2 Front Cover of Multicultural Manners ............................................ 78

6. Figure 4.3 Example of the Poster Presentation ................................................. 79

7. Figure 4.4 Data Extract of Participants Agus’ Report on Feelings when

Starting Conversation ........................................................................................ 83

8. Figure 4.5 Data Extract of Participants Agus’ Report on Discussing Particular

Issues ................................................................................................................. 84

9. Figure 4.6 Data Extract of Participants Betty’s Report on Miscommunications

in the Conversation ............................................................................................ 86

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1. Appendix 1. Consent form of the questionnaire ............................................. 120

2. Appendix 2. The questionnaire and its blueprint ............................................ 121

3. Appendix 3. Sample of Google Form questionnaire ....................................... 125

4. Appendix 4. Sample of the result of the questionnaire ................................... 126

5. Appendix 5. Interview invitation ..................................................................... 131

6. Appendix 6. Interview protocol ....................................................................... 132

7. Appendix 7. Iinterview transcription .............................................................. 133

8. Appendix 8. Sample of interview analysis ...................................................... 155

9. Appendix 9. Screenshots of participants’ YouTube ........................................ 160

10. Appendix 10. Sample of YouTube transcription .......................................... 161

11. Appendix 11. Sample of participants’ assignments ...................................... 163

12. Appendix 12. Screenshots of teachers’ instruction ....................................... 166

13. Appendix 13. Result of Grammarly check.................................................... 167

14. Appendix 14. Result of Turnitin check ......................................................... 168

15. Appendix 15. Permission Letter from the faculty ......................................... 169

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