Experts Group Meeting On Promoting Research and Development ( R & D ) in North Africa Rabat, Morocco, 15 – 17 July 2008 The inter –relationship between.

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Experts Group Meeting OnExperts Group Meeting On

Promoting Research and Development Promoting Research and Development ( R & D ) in North Africa( R & D ) in North Africa

Rabat, Morocco, 15 – 17 July 2008Rabat, Morocco, 15 – 17 July 2008

The inter –relationship between water and The inter –relationship between water and energy in the development processenergy in the development process

By By Elsadig Suliman MohamedElsadig Suliman Mohamed

Agricultural Research Corporation, SudanAgricultural Research Corporation, Sudan


• What is energy? Energy is the capacity to do work and transfer heat. Work is performed when an object or substance is moved over some distance. Energy is needed to carry out processes, such as boiling water or burning candles. Energy is also the heat that flows from a hot object or substance to a cold one, when they come in contact. A clear example of this is the fact that water heats up when you put in a water boiler device.


Energy has many forms, such as• Light• Heat• Electricity• Chemical energy (stored in chemical bonds) and • Mechanical energy (moving matter, such as

flowing water).


Kinds of energyAll energy forms are divided up between two main kinds of energy.

• The first main kind of energy is kinetic energy, the energy of motion and action.

• The second main kind of energy is potential energy, energy that is stored and potentially available for use.


Resources of energy

1-Non-Renewable resources

1.1. Fossil fuel:

1.1.1. Coal

1.1.2 Oil

1.1.3. gas

1.2. Nuclear power


Resources of energy2. Renewable resources2.1.Solar energy2.2.Wind power2.3.Wave and tidal power2.4.Geothermal2.5.Biomass2.6.Hydropower

Renewable energyRenewable energy• Renewable energy:

The uses of natural resources which may be naturally replenished such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides …etc. Renewable energy technologies range from solar power, wind power, hydroelectric power, biomass, biofuel for transportation.

Renewable energyRenewable energyAabout 18% of global final energy consumption came from renewables sources ( 2006 )Traditional biomass like wood-burning 13 %Hydropower 3%Hot water/heating which contributed 1.3%. Modern technologies, such as geothermal, wind, solar, and ocean energy together provided some 0.8%

EnergyEnergy• Energy is a key input for meeting basic

needs and for achieving socio-economic development goal that include fuel for cooking, heating and lighting in households, power for industry and petrolium products for transportation

EnergyEnergyEnergy is very important to sustainable development and poverty reduction

• It affects all aspects of development (social, economic, and environmental including livelihoods, access to water, agricultural productivity, health …etc

Energy and developmentEnergy and development

• Energy is essential for adequate food, water, health care, education, shelter…etc

• Provision of efficient, affordable, reliable, and clean energy is very important component of sustainable development

• Sustainable development: three critical elements economic, social and environmental elements

Energy and developmentEnergy and development

• Energy and economic element:

Strong relationship between the quantity of energy and economic. Large economic use more energy than small economics

• Energy and social element:

energy is needed for many basic needs and services

Energy and developmentEnergy and development

• World average energy consumption is estimated at 1.7 tonnes of oil per person per year ( 2004)

• Wide variation in energy consumption between developed and developing countries, and between the rich and the poor within the country

Total energy consumption per capita in Total energy consumption per capita in kg of oil equivalent and co2 emission in kg of oil equivalent and co2 emission in

000 metric ton and %000 metric ton and %CountryenergyCO2 emit. CO2 %





South Africa2596.94370321.6



United State7794.822

World Resource Institute 2003

Energy and developmentEnergy and development

• Access to modern energy services: Important for basic social need, driving ecnomic growth and fueling human development

• Energy poverty:

Inability to cook with modern cooking fuels and the lack of a bare minimum of electric lighting to read or for other household and productive activities at sunset

Energy and developmentEnergy and development

• 2 billion people depend on traditional fuel ( wood, animal waste and crop waste )

• 2 billion people lack access to electicity

• 2/3 of african people do not have access to electricity

Energy and developmentEnergy and development

• 2 billion people burn traditional biomass fuels indoors for cooking and heating and have no access to electricity.

• More than 2 million children died from acute respiratory disease ( indoor air pollution and other environmental factors).

Energy and developmentEnergy and development

• Energy and environmental element:

energy extraction, processing and use affect environmental quality

Example: emission of gasses from fossil fuel contribute to environmental changes including climate change

Energy and climate changeEnergy and climate change

• The way in which the energy is generated, distributed and consumed affects the local, regional and global environment including climate change

• Human consumption of fossil fuel raised CO2 level from 280 ppm to 370 ppm (last 150 years )

• Expected to reach 560 ppm by 2100• Emission of CO2 from 26 – 40 billion

tonnes (2004- 2030)

Energy and climate changeEnergy and climate change

• Emission of CO2 from 26 – 40 billion tonnes (2004- 2030)

• The average per capita carbon emission:

World average 1.0 tonne /year

Sub-Saharan Africa 0.1 tonne/year

European average 2.5 tonne/year

United State average 5.5 tonne/year

Human influences on climate Human influences on climate changechange

cause of man-made carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases emissions :Fossil fuels AerosolsCement manufacture Land use & agriculture ( irrigation,

deforestation, livestock …etc)

Energy and climate changeEnergy and climate change

• Global climate change: is the increase in the average temperature of the earth ‘s atomsphere

• Human activities ( fossil fuel burning and land cover change ) produce greenhouse gases ( carbone dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide )that trap heat in the earth’s atomsphere and lead to increase in temperature

Energy and climate changeEnergy and climate change

• Earth’s atomsphere increased by 0.74 oC in the last centuary

• Continuation of these activites will result in 1.8 - 4oC average temperature increase over the next century

Energy and climate changeEnergy and climate change

Impact of climate change already evidance through:

• Rising sea levels

• Raifall variation

• Increased frequency and severity of natural disaster ( flood, drought ..etc )

• Problems of food and water

• Loss or variability in energy - hydropower)


Does water contain energy?

Water contains two kinds of energy. • Kinetic energy. This is energy that is used during

the execution of processes, such as movement. Because of kinetic energy water can flow and waves can exist

• The potential energy. This is energy that is stored in the water. Stored, but not used. This energy can become useful when water starts to flow. It will be transferred to kinetic energy and this will cause movement.


What is Hydroelectric power?

Hydroelectric power is electricity that is supplied by generating energy from falling or streaming water. Hydroelectric power is a so-called renewable energy source. This means that the source, which provides the energy, can be renewed.


What are the benefits of Hydroelectric power?

• Hydropower has a moderate to high amount of useful energy

• low operating and maintenance costs. • Emit very little heat-trapping carbon

dioxide and other air pollutants during operation.

• Long live spans


Can we produce electricity from tides and waves?

Production of electricity from waves and tides is an option today. water flows in and out of coasts and estuaries can spin turbines, in order to produce electricity


Can we produce electricity from tides and waves? What are the drawbacks ?

• Tidal power can only make a tiny contribution to the world's energy supply, because of the few suitable sites

• High construction costs

• The risk of equipment destruction by saltwater corrosion

Specific Connection in Energy and waterSpecific Connection in Energy and water

• Activities associated with cooking, washing, cleaning, eating and drinking represent the primary use of household energy.

• Water may be pumped, filtered, transported, treated, and heated for washing, and generally boiled for tea or coffee

Specific Connection in Energy and waterSpecific Connection in Energy and water

• The greatest energy producer is the leaf through the process of photosynthesis

• Energy, water, and food are an interrelated

• Biomass as a source of tension between food, water, and energy

• Ethanol production from plants requires substantial amounts of water

• Ethanol as a contributor to the dramatic rise in prices of food commodities

Specific Connection in Energy and waterSpecific Connection in Energy and water

• Nuclear power plants have been built near large sources of water to promote cost-effective cooling.

• Oil wells traditionally have been flooded with water to boost pressure and improve oil recovery.

• Heavy Oil Recovery is extracted through a process (steam assisted gravity drainage), which uses water.

Specific Connection in Energy and waterSpecific Connection in Energy and water

• Energy access and infrastructure is key to clean water supply and many other elements of sustainable development (UNDP)

• Hydroelectric power supplies about 20% of the world's electricity, and 6% of its total commercial energy.

• Irrigation water for crop production and biofuel


• Liquid biofuelLiquid biofuel is usually either a bioalcohol such as ethanol fuel or a bio-oil such as biodiesel or straight vegetable oil

• Solid biomass Solid biomass is used directly as a

combustible fuel. Its forms and sources include wood fuel, the biogenic portion of municipal solid waste, or the unused portion of field crops.

Area; 2.5 M Km2Area; 2.5 M Km2


Population; 36 MPopulation; 36 M



Sudan LocationSudan Location

EthCent. Af




Cha Er

Blue Nile

Blue Nile

White NileWhite Nile


Om Durman


Natural Natural ResourcesResources

Natural Natural ResourcesResources


2.5 M Km



2.5 M Km


Forests, Natural Pastures

117 M ha

Forests, Natural Pastures

117 M ha

Arable Land84 M ha

Arable Land84 M ha





Rivers 18.5 Km3

Rivers 18.5 Km3

Rainfall1000 Km3

Rainfall1000 Km3

Ground Water(13 Km3)

Ground Water(13 Km3)




Natural Natural ResourcesResources

Natural Natural ResourcesResources

Thank you

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