
Experimental Photography methods

Stephanie Yarrow

Multiple exposures


Double Exposure was invented about 200 years ago. This was cause by accident but the trend they set continued after they had done this. There was 2 pioneers that did this, one would document around the world and the other would create images that couldn’t be seen by the naked eye. They started to experiment with putting the two pictures together but most people would spend half the time making sure that they having got ghostly effects and double exposure and other people would follow the example of the pioneers and started to create different pieces of artwork using the double exposure.

Photographer that use this method

• Christoffer Relander• Jon Duenas• Stephanie de rouge• Sara K Byrne• Yaser Almajed

How to create these Photos in Adobe Photoshop

1. Start by opening Photoshop up and inserting the back ground you want, then add your other picture on to the picture by going File > place to get the second picture that you want to use.

2. Once you are happy with your 2 pictures then you click Layer >New Adjustment layer>black and white and with that you can change it any way you want.

3. Once you are happy with the black and white then you will need to probably do some changing to the light. To do that you click Layer > New Adjustment layer > curves. When you get this layer if you don’t click ALT and click the layer you want to change then it will change the whole picture .

Quick examples from Photoshop

High speed Photography


This was created by William Henry Fox Talbot when he did an experiment which he did in 1851. His experiment was that he attacked a piece of the news paper to a wheel. With this he rotated in front of a wet plate camera in a dark room.

Since then we have been doing all sorts of different things from people popping paint balloons or popping water balloons.

Photographer that use this method

• Lex Augusteijn• Scott Dickson• Alan Sailer

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