
Experience Economy

Experience is a jewel, and it had need be so, for it is often purchased at an infinite rate. – William Shakespeare

Economic Progress


Progression of Economic Value

Economic Distinctions

Features of Experience Economy

Experience differs from service as service differs from goods

Goods commoditized. Service too! Experience occurs when using services as stage,

goods as props Experience exists in mind, others external New technology encourage whole new genres of

experience – Internet game, web 2.0 (Second Life, etc.)

Features of Experience Economy

Not only for consumers, e.g., Geek Squad Silicon Graphics’ Visionary Reality Center CNet (and others) conference rooms in

Second Life Nortel’s Executive Briefing Center

Nortel’s Executive Briefing Centers

Nortel’s Executive Briefing Centers

Other EBC

Genesys Benham – a construction company for


The Four Realms of Experience

Customer Participation

Connection (environmental relationship)

Key Experience-Design Principles

Theme the experience (as the above four realms)

Harmonize impression with positive cues Eliminate negative cues Mix with memorabilia, even Geek Squad

Psychological long tail Engage all five senses

Laozi, “Five tones make people blind???”


Geek Squad REI REI REI Rainforest Café Lego Mindstorms NXT

Successful Experience Offering

Distinct economic offering, not only marketing campaign

Pay attention to every detail Beyond indigeneity Focus on international customers Creativity beyond marketing (e.g.,


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