Exercise: The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. By Fredrick Hahn

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Exercise: The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. By Fredrick Hahn . So help me Fred! . But why in the world should you believe me?. Because I am Chuck Norris. CrossFit. Did CrossFit make them like this or, can they do CrossFit because they are like this?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Exercise: The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help me Fred

Exercise: The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

By Fredrick Hahn Good morning! Thanks go to Jimmy, Becky, Kim and crew for creating yet another fantastic adventure for us all. Im pleased to be back and so many friends.

Q: How many people since last years cruise started a RT program? (Count them) Feeeeeel Good?? Its good to be strong. You bet yer ass it is.

I hope my talk today will convince those of you who havent to do so.

So, what Im going to try and do today with this new presentation is pick a few fitness subjects discuss them with you in brief, and then you what is actually so about them! 1So help me Fred!

Like that mug shot? My daughter took that shot!2But why in the world should you believe me?


I dont have a masters degree of any kind4

Nor do I have a PhD or am I some sort of scientist5

And no, Im not god either Im one notch better!6Because I am Chuck Norris

Aint that the truth? And this could be no truer than in the field of exercise. Many of you know me well and know that I dont mince words. As my third grade teacher Mrs. Breen once said I mean what I say and I say what I mean! So Im going to do my best to right some wrongs and clear up some long held myths and fill your normal carb brains with hardcore facts. Questions are welcomed and encouraged. 8CrossFit

How many people here do CrossFit (Count them). 9Did CrossFit make them like this or, can they do CrossFit because they are like this?

Yes, Cross fit. How many people currently do CF? So now I know who my enemies Im about to make

Sure for many its fun and there is certainly camaraderie and competition. But the idea that CF will turn your body into a paleolithic caveman-body that can slither under logs and swing from the branches like an ape is ridiculous. 10Does playing basketball make you tall?


But in the end after all is said and done, what is the main reason why CF makes a person fit?12It makes you stronger.


How many people here do Pilates? Count them. More enemies! 14

Havent you always wanted the long, lean muscles of a dancer? Well now you can have them with Winsor Pilates! Mari Winsor

How many people do Pilates? Ok so now I have _____ more enemies, VG, VG.

Yes Pilates. This is a quote from Ms. Windsors infomercial. Its a form of resistance training using springs. But the problem with springs.15Time to avert your eyes.

This is the only way to get those long lean dancer muscles!

It makes your muscles stronger.

Balance Training


It gets you injured. And maybe a tad stronger.Plyometrics

Oh, snap!

It makes your muscles stronger.And probably injured.Kettle Bells: Dumbbells with a handle on top

Weight is weight!

Progressive exercise against resistance-whether furnished by the weight of your own body or by an appliance...will infallibly produce results for every fit man.

- George Walsh, Olde Time British body builderThey make your muscles stronger. Muscle Can Turn Into Fat

Fat is fat. Muscle is muscle.

Well developed muscles makes you tight

Izzat so?

So what do well developed muscles do for you?They make you more flexible, enduring and STRONGER!Aerobics strengthens your heart and lungs

Mitochondria are "cellular power plants. They generate most of a cell's supply of ATP, used as a source of chemical energy.

The Warm Up

What temperature is your body?

Weight lifting stunts kids growth

The American Academy of Pediatrics position on strength training supports the implementation of strength and resistance training programs, even for prepubescent children, that are monitored by well-trained adults and take into account the childs maturation level.

6 years old!

What does weight lifting do for kids?It makes them think youre a Nazi. Zumba

Well, Monique, Im afraid I must say this with a heavy, heavy, heart.44The only exercise better than Slow Burn!

Bottom line:Its all about making your muscles stronger in the safest manner possible.

Thank you!Fhahn@SeriousStrength.com

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