EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - PCD.go.thinfofile.pcd.go.th/waste/en_project_packagingExe.pdf · Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale -3-

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Mechanism for packaging and packaging

Waste Management in Business Scale.

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

Solid waste quantities generated across the country were approximately 14.4 million

tons, classifiable as packaging materials, reusable and recyclable products of 6.6 million tons.

Nevertheless, the effectiveness of solid waste segregation, including the utilizations of

packaging waste and reusable materials have not systematically been studied. The key

mechanisms having an important role in waste segregation are waste scavenging, and buying

back processes. These processes are related to only waste utilization. Waste segregation

process mainly depends upon marketing mechanisms and specific demands of vendors.

Certain packaging products that are less significance have scarce market values, causing the

disposal of less value packaging products with municipal solid waste. It finally brings about the

consumption of natural resources, energy, and operational budgets.

In 2002, Pollution Control Department was investigated the development of

mechanism for packaging and packaging waste management in business scale. It was found

that salvage recovery processes by each product manufacturer at the national networking level

would be the significant mechanisms to enhance the efficiency of waste segregation in

community scale since the salvage would obtain the value after each manufacturer revokes

their salvages. This process encourages more waste segregating rate and recovery of packaging

materials to the marketing systems. Manufacturers can obtain the benefits from the reuse of

packaging materials or distribution to associating private enterprises. Furthermore, it would

also promote the manufacturer and product as the good images. However, the present

processes still lack of the effective mechanisms and the good connectors to achieve the

recovery of packaging waste from governmental parties, including public and private units. As

a result of this problem, it is not able to draw the attention from manufacturer regarding

salvage recovery because of lack of interesting perception on the significance of this


Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


Pollution Control Department having the responsibilities to develop the suitable

systems and practicable approaches regarding waste and hazardous substances management

therefore study the development of mechanisms of unused products and salvage recovery in

order to allow the product holders to recovery their packaging waste to manufacturers. The

implementation would be held with the associated organizations for waste segregation, salvage

recovery, including salvage and product utilizations. Finally, not only the reduction of waste

disposal and new products consumption, but also the budget allocated for solid waste disposal

can be significantly saved.

1.2 Objectives

1. To allow the recovery of packaging waste and packaging between manufacturers

and consumers after the end-used to recycle;

2. To initiate the participation mechanisms of waste segregation and recovery of

packaging waste and products for saving the environment in consumer levels.

1.3 Targets

To allow the recovery of salvage and packaging waste made of plastics, glasses, and

papers at least 2 categories, and to reuse or distribute to the industry for converting as new

products. In this approach, recovering rates of each packaging waste were given at least 10%

of overall quantities generated in studied areas (BMA and perimeter provinces).

1.4 Expected Outputs

1. Participations between manufacturers and product owners regarding the packaging

waste and product recovery to be further utilized,

2. Proper mechanism schemes for packaging waste and products recall adoptable in

local scale.

1.5 Duration

240 days

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


1.6 Scopes of Study

1. Integrate and review the information on packaging waste and products

management approaches that were investigated by Pollution Control Department, and related

organizations as a guideline. If previous data is unavailable, the additional information can be

further studied and kept record;

2. Select the packaging and product that had the potential to apply the recovering

measure at least 2 categories (from plastics, glasses or papers) by the consideration of related

criteria, and associated factors, e.g., packaging types neither been recovered nor recycled,

feasibility on recalling suitability, and cost-reasonable management for recycle, and indicate the

companies/organization to participate;

3. Develop the details of implementing plans, guidelines, procedures, and approaches

to segregate, recovery, recycle of manufacturers, vendors, local governments, and related

organizations as follows:

1) Lists of participating companies or organizations;

2) Guidelines, procedures, approaches, durations, and targets;

3) Roles of vendors, governments, and associated parties;

4) Monitoring strategies to evaluate the effectiveness of project, including the

analysis of results;

5) Other details required for project implementation.

4. Coordinate the participating companies or organizations to introduce the

packaging waste and product recovery as described in 3 (3) at least 90 days;

5. Monitor and evaluate the implementation in the participating areas where have the

recovering rate of packaging waste and products of each category at least 10% of the

quantities distributed in the studied areas, including the analysis of implementation outputs in

terms of economic, social, and environment;

6. Analyze the problems/obstructions occurred in such areas, and problem solving

mitigations, including comments for implementation efficiency improvement;

7. Organize a seminar to recognize any feedbacks of participated parties at least 1

time. Attendants must be invited from related organizations at least 80 people, and

dissemination of project documents to be a guideline for related organizations must be done

at least 500 copies.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


2. Procedures and Methodology

In the approaches and procedures, the related factors have been studied to establish the criteria, guidelines, and implementation approaches with manufacturers. It was attempted to initiate the packaging waste recovering mechanisms as volunteer programs. Reasoning framework and implementing methodology were determined to relate and cover all implementing procedures described in TOR (see figure 2.1-1) as follows:

Figure 2.1-1 Reasoning framework and studying approach

Surveying and data analysis • Secondary data • Primary data

Developing criteria, approach, methodology on packaging waste

recall mechanism

Selection of products, packaging moving to recall system

Developing the implementation plan for packaging waste and products

recall system

Operation of packaging waste and products recall

Monitoring and evaluation • Environmental aspect • Economical aspect • Social aspect • Problems

Solicitation and screening of manufacturer

Organizing a project seminarCreating documents to disseminate the


Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


1. Collection and analysis of data involved, consisting of present status of packaging

and packaging waste, both from primary and secondary sources;

2. Selection approaches of packaging waste and products, providing the study and

detail analysis of criteria establishment to screen types of packaging waste and products,

selecting packaging waste and products, and procurement of manufacturer to participate;

3. Preparation of packaging waste and products recall comprising design of

packaging waste and products recall systems, and packaging waste recall plans;

4. Operation of packaging waste and products recall as designated in above plans;

5. Monitoring and evaluation of process implementations from activities ongoing to

completion of project covering economic, social, and environmental aspects, including

reporting the conclusions of problems, bottlenecks occurred in each step. This step would be

conducted by consultants;

6. Organizing a seminar by inviting attendants, and key-persons from concerned

organizations to brainstorm and propose how to effectively solve the problems, how to

improve the efficiency and sustainability of strategies, and prepare certain published

documents regarding the guidelines and approaches of packaging waste recall for

disseminating to other organizations for further efficient implementations.

3. Packaging and packaging waste management

3.1 Definition of relating glossary

1. Package. As prescribed in European Parliament and Council Directive for

packaging and solid waste, package means products manufactured from any materials to

contain, protect, carry, handle and propose any goods as raw and processed materials from

manufacturer to user or consumer. It includes any non-retrievable materials if it is used for the

same purposes.

2. Packaging refers to preparation of cost-effective techniques for transportation,

distribution, storage, and marketing of goods complying with the specific features of the goods.

3. Sale Packaging or Primary Packaging indicate the packaging used to hold the

goods including the packaging services provided by the retailers such as plastic bags, paper

bags. Packaging that is eventually discarded by the consumers, e.g., paper cups, bags, bottles,

sacks, trays, and cardboard is also considered as sale packaging.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


4. Transporting packaging means materials or containers that are used to prevent any damages of the goods during transportation and to prevent any possible accidents such as sacks, cardboard boxes, foam container, plastic films, etc.

5. Consumer Packaging refers to materials used to hold the products for transportation, for marketing purposes and for distribution which is eventually become household waste. Consumer packaging could be single or multiple containers wrapping the goods which could be directly sold to consumers such as plastic bags, metal containers, glass bottles and cardboard boxes.

6. Commercial Packaging refers to packaging which the consumers are responsible for reuse or disposal once the goods are used up. There are generally packaging which are convenient to move, containing advertisement information and are designed to be attractive such as paper bags, plastic bags. The quality of the material depends on the type and the value of the products, e.g., paper bags for cosmetics or plastic bags for general commodity distributed in stores.

7. Industrial Packaging is the packaging used to move or transport goods such as wooden crates, paper or plastic buckets, large fabric sacks normally used in large factories. With the exception of containers of chemicals and hazardous substances, industrial packaging can be reused or adopted for other purposes.

8. Reuse means the process whereby the packaging or the containers are reused without the reprocessed requirement such as glass bottles containing soft drinks, fish sauces, etc.

9. Recycling refers to the process whereby the packaging or the containers can be recycled by undergoing a new process of production involving the changes in the chemical and physical contents of materials such as recycled paper and recycled plastic.

3.2 Situation of packaging in Thailand

3.2.1 Quantity, Type, and Packaging Consumption

Packagings commonly employed in Thailand are made of 4 materials: glasses, metals,

papers, and plastics. Although Wooden and jute packaging are occasionally used, they are considered as a few consumption compared to 4 above materials. In Thailand, packaging industry can normally be classified as 4 categories: paper packaging of 40%, plastic packaging of 25%, metal packaging of 25%, and glass packaging of 15%.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


3.2.2 Recycling Potentials of Each Packaging

1. Glass Packaging. The re-utilization of glass packaging is quite abundant, e.g.,

reuse and recycle. In addition, it was found that reuse strategy is the most possible potential.

Hence, the measures on encouragement of packaging recall and increasing collection

efficiency that reduces the rupture should be promoted.

2. Paper Packaging. Paper packaging that is reusable is virtually bulky, thick, and

strong enough. Nonetheless, paper packaging that can be recycled or renewed is usually small

size packaging which is not sufficiently robust. Potential and re-utilization feasibility of paper

packaging can be fundamentally divided into 5 groups as follows: (1) Reusable, (2) Recyclable,

(3) Recyclable but less worth, (4) Non-recyclable and need the disposal as non-hazardous

waste, and (5) Non-recyclable and need the disposal as hazardous waste.

3. Plastic Packaging. The process whereby plastic packaging can be re-utilized by

consumers via reuse pathway, and sold back to the waste buying-back retailers for delivering

to the factory to reuse and recycle. Potentials and re-utilized feasibilities have the different

ways depending upon the classifications of packaging, e.g., reusable, recyclable with high

value, recyclable with low value, non-recyclable, and hazardous waste. Nevertheless, plastic

packaging that have high potentials and possibilities to recycle in low values are large size

plastic bag.

4. Metal packaging. It was indicated that approximately 70% of metal packaging

were used as food container. The others of 30% were used for containing non-food products.

Re-utilization strategies are reuse by manufacturer and consumer, and recycle. The potentials

and recycling possibilities were found as the most suitable for recycle since there was value

itself, and break even to manage, convenience in collection, and simplicity to clean up before

taking to recycling processes.

3.3 Packaging Waste Management

3.3.1 Waste Segregation and Re-utilization

The segregations and utilizations of packaging waste are virtually implemented by

organizations that are not legally supported, NGOs, and legally supported organizations.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


The main type of packaging waste handled by existing organizations that are not

legally supported is valuable packaging waste. This group consists of waste collecting group,

and waste retailing group, e.g., waste scavenger, tricycle, and waste shop, including unofficially

legal supported NGOs which recollect their own packaging waste. The procedures of waste

trading can be illustrated in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Packaging waste management by unofficially legal supported


The approach of packaging waste management held by unofficially legal supported

organizations is the application of deposit-refund system (Figure 3-2), employment of private

firms to gather packaging from retailers and waste shop prior to sending back to employer,

and recall of packaging by manufacturer, e.g., offering some deals, discount tactics, and special

promotions in case of recalling packaging at return corner in department store, supermarket,

and retailer representative.

Less valuable packaging waste

glass paper plastic metal


Small size waste shop

Large waste trader

Production factory


Separate, store, collect

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


Figure 3-2 Deposit-refund of packaging waste procedure

Legally supported organizations, i.e., Local Administrative Organizations having the

straight responsibilities to cope with packaging waste management are Provincial Administrative

Organization, municipality, BMA, Pattaya city, and Sub-district Administrative Organization.

3.3.2 Disposal

At present, packaging waste disposal approaches are practically handled, e.g., burning,

composting, and land filling. However, it still has some problems to dispose of unused

packaging waste because of less segregation efficiency of waste, packaging dirt, unworthy

value for waste trading, degradable difficulty in landfill, and causing the machine damages

during compaction of waste.

3.4 Problems on Packaging Waste Management

3.4.1 Management Aspect

1. Participation of manufacturers is scarce. Most of manufacturers shall decide to

choose types of packaging from cost, physical appearance, consumer trends, and

transportation convenience;

Lump packaging


Business party

Potable water manufacturer

Coke, Pepsi manufacturer

Soda water manufacturer



Distribution Packaging recall

Transporting Packaging recall

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


2. Attempts to unite the scavenging and tricycle groups are ineffective. The

unification of related scavenger and tricycle groups can enhance working efficiency;

3. Related parties do not have liable willingness. Willingness and responsibility of

consumers significantly influence the reduction of problem. Increasing efficiency of waste

sorting system can enhance the retrievable quantities of valuable wastes;

4. Management approach cannot cover all categories of packaging waste. The system

done by unofficially legal supported organizations especially private party cannot sort all

recyclable categories;

5. Main responsible organization is unclear. There is no main organization

established to uphold only packaging waste management;

6. Local administrative organizations (LAOs) have more responsibilities on solid

waste disposal. Because certain LAOs are facing solid waste disposal and land acquisition

problems whereas budget allocated is meager;

7. No effective recycling system is supported. There has not been sufficiently

technological advancement to support packaging waste recycling system, causing certain types

of packaging waste cannot be ultimately recovered;

8. Legislation regarding reuse and recycle of waste is unobvious. Only Public Health

Act B.E.2535 is a legal framework for solid waste management in particular to solid waste

disposal, but the contents do not emphasize on waste re-utilization by reuse and recycle


9. Responsibilities of relating organizations are uncertainly defined. There is no

legislation identifying the roles and responsibilities of each organization concerning packaging

waste management, indefinite implementing authorities, and no punishment for violation.

3.4.2 Financial Aspect

1. Modern recycling technology is needed. Small waste trader having any suitable

machines to segregate and devolumize waste can reduce transportation cost and storage areas;

2. Reuse of certain packaging waste is meager. Benefits obtaining from reuse may not

be economically optimal to invest in packaging waste recall. Furthermore, durability of plastic

and metal packaging is low due to fragile and damageable properties.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


3.4.3 Marketing Aspect

1. Mechanisms influencing market prices of packaging waste trade have high

variation depending upon the needs of raw recyclable materials, including types of factory;

2. Buying sources of certain packaging wastes and recyclable materials, e.g., juice

carton container, coca-cola lid, foil-coated envelope, and wax-coated paper are unavailable in

some areas;

3.4.4 Environmental Aspect

1. Certain wastes are categorized as discarded materials possibly contaminated by

hazardous substances. It causes soil and subsurface water contamination when sanitary or

insecure landfills are not applied;

2. Certain packaging wastes are conservative materials. It takes very long time for

biodegrading; some of them are persistently non-degradable.

In the overall aspect, packaging waste and recyclable material management having high

values are practically handled. Nevertheless, it does not include low values but obvious

exploitation of packaging waste and recyclable material. Thus, the national packaging waste

and recyclable material management approaches should initiate the public relations to reduce

and segregate solid waste for recycling, promote of recycling techniques and enhance the

waste sorting efficiency to NGOs, locally unregistered waste sorting groups, and LAOs. The

main purposes are to enable to extremely sort and recycle the potential solid waste, and to

promote the association of private sectors to recall their own packaging.

4. Selection of Potential Packaging and Manufacturer to Participate

1. In the selection of packaging and products for trial recall, applying multi-criteria

model was used in this report. Consultant has arranged the potentials of packaging and

proposed to project steering committee and acquired some valuable comments from สภา

อุตสาหกรรม and associated agencies. It eventually selected 2 types of packaging categories to

participate which are energy drink, and beverage carton.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


2. In the selection of manufacturers, consultant has invited several manufacturers by

the assistance of the Federation of Thai Industries via documentation. The federation of Thai

Industries would coordinate several manufacturers to participate in this program. After the

discussions among manufacturers, it was found that there were 2 lists accepting to support the

goods and tools in public relations of the project, as given:

1) Osothsapa Co., Ltd as a representative of energy drink in a patronage of M-

150 brand and fabric advertisement support for using in public relation campaign;

2) Beverage carton manufacturer group as a representative of beverage carton

production in a patronage of information related to beverage carton waste and its utilization,

including materials for using in public relations.

3. In the selection of project implementation area, consultant has selected the area

closed to the outbound Rangsit-Nakhonnayok road (Highway No.305) located at Rangsit city

municipality, Yeetoe SAO, Tanyaburi sub-district municipality, Sananrak sub-district

municipality in Patumthani province as the studied areas. The reasons are that this route is one

of important roads as a main highway to other provinces and there are many gas stations,

commercial buildings, food parks, villages, governmental offices, and academic institutes

located along the route. Figure 4-1 demonstrates a general feature of studied area.

4. As the coordination to LAOs, it was found that Rangsit city municipality, Yeetoe

SAO, Tanyaburi sub-district municipality, Sananrak sub-district municipality were willing to

participate in this project.

5. Implementation plan for packaging waste and product recall

5.1 Implementation plan for packaging waste and product recall

After the completion in selection process of goods (energy drink and beverage carton)

to participate in packaging waste and product recall program, consultant has established the

working group and developed the implementation plan for packaging waste and product

recall, including monitoring and evaluating measures of the above plan. There are 6 activities

as follows:

1. Activity on Media production and fabric advertisement;

2. Activity on public relation campaign and public attitude survey;

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


ภาพที่ 4-1 แสดงสภาพพื้นที่ทัว่ไปของพืน้ที่ศึกษา Figure 4-1 demonstrates a general feature of studied area.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


3. Activity on survey and study information of people consumption, distribution, and

situation on recall of energy drink and beverage carton packaging;

4. Activity on recall of packaging waste via convenience store and grocery as a public


5. Activity on establishment of packaging waste center of manufacturer;

6. Activity on volunteer motorbike-taxi in packaging waste recall.

In the implementation of packaging waste and product recalling mechanism, all related

parties and concerned organizations, e.g., manufacturer, retailer-wholesaler (especially gas

station in studied area), waste trader, production factory, local governments, and public people

have been invited to participate in conducting activities. The roles of each party regarding the

patterns of such activities to comply with the implementation plan for packaging waste and

product recall were given as:

1. Manufacturer. This party has the participations in public relation aspect, and

supporting convenience store, and grocery, including taking back their own packaging waste

for re-utilization.

2. Convenience Store and Grocery. This party can take action on providing waste

separated bins, preparing bins placing area, and controlling cleanliness of each bin;

3. Waste Trader and Production Factory. This party has the participatory

functions on buying back packaging waste recalled from convenience store and grocery, and

coordinating with manufacturer;

4. Local government. This organization assists the project by cooperating with

convenience store and grocery, motorbike taxi, people in governed area, and tracing the


5. Consumer. People can participate in this project by separating the packaging

waste into each bin provided in convenience store and grocery.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


Figure 5-1 Recalling mechanism of packaging waste and product.

Production factory / manufacturer

Consumer goods manufacturer


Sanitary Landfill



Packaging waste

Waste separating group

- Scavenger

- Waste trader

- Agency

Packaging and packaging waste path

Packaging waste recall by owner (Deposit-refund system)

Packaging waste recall by unregistered scavenger

Recall system of project

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


5.2 Conclusion of Activities and Budgets on Packaging Waste Recall

Activities Budget (Baht)

1. Media production and fabric advertisement 22,500

2. Public relation campaign 58,000

3. Survey and study information of people consumption, distribution, and situation on packaging waste recall


4. Recall of packaging waste via convenience store and grocery as a public donation


5. Establishment of packaging waste center of manufacturer 6,750

6. Volunteer motorbike-taxi in packaging waste recall 5,000

7. Miscellaneous 7.1 Contact and coordination 7.2 Monitoring and evaluation

10,000 20,000

Total 214,750

6. Implementation Outputs

6.1 Implementation Outputs

Activity implementations on the action plans were started at 16 June 2005 and ended

on 15 September 2005. Total studied period was approximately 90 days (3 months). During this implementation, it could identify a time-frame for monitoring and evaluation as described in TOR. However, some activities are further implementing whenever involving parties still required the project. The implementation outputs can be mainly summarized as: 6.1.1 Media production and fabric advertisement

For media production and fabric advertisement, consultant conducted and released

brochure to provide facts, insight, and knowledge to all people. It is to realize and to perceive the necessity of packaging waste recall focusing on energy drink in glass bottle, and products in beverage carton. In addition, it required the collaboration from consumer to separate each packaging out of other types of wastes.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


In the public relations, it was graciously supported by Osothsapa Co., Ltd. as the main

sponsor and energy drink manufacturer to do the fabric advertisement. Fabric advertisement

was used for encouraging people to join the project, driving consumers and people to separate

as well as recall packaging waste for reuse and recycle.

6.1.2 Public Relations Campaign and Surveying Public Attitudes of Communities

1. Public relations campaign and surveying local governmental attitudes

Since April 2005, consultant have met and discussed this matter with local

governments and asked for the cooperation to disseminate the project, e.g., announcement in

local governmental meeting agenda, including inquiry and obtaining the comments. The

results obtained from inquiry were found that local government agreed with this activity but

central governments have to set up packaging taxation measures for any products using

environmental unfriendly and less-degradable packaging. For packaging leftover, manufacturer

should play a part in packaging recall or seek out the approach to retrieve their packaging

waste to reuse or recycle. This task should not be a part of governmental works.

2. Public relations, surveying attitudes and retailer solicitation

This step has been commenced since May 2005 by simultaneously starting public

relations with surveying and data collection. In addition, solicitation of energy drink and

beverage carton distributors was invited to participate in this project. Data out of 81 stores

obtaining from questionnaire indicated that 1-15 bottles of energy drink could be daily sold by

using plastic bag for to go. In case that customer purchased energy drink and drank up in

store, most of stores had the approach to handle empty bottles by gathering for vending back

to waste retailer. For beverage carton, it could be sold approximately 1-15 units per week.

Most of them were sold by putting in plastic bag for to go. In case of drinking in store,

distributors had a trash bin to service customer but bottles would be thrown away with

general waste.

It was indicated that most retailers agreed with the issuance of legislation to support

waste segregation into recyclable and non-recyclable in household level. For the attitudes

towards packaging waste management, most people assented that people should participate in

waste segregation and admitted municipality or local government to take action.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


3. Public relations and surveying attitudes to encourage motorbike taxi group

Since May 2005, letter has been launched to local governments asking for cooperation

with motorbike taxi in studied areas. Thereafter, consultant got into simultaneously starting public

relations and gathering certain data at 28 areas. It was reported that most interviewees had similar

energy drinking behavior. Approximately 1-10 bottles of energy drink were taken per week, and

bought from grocery store, and given back to distributors after taking up.

For beverage carton, most motorbike taxi consumed approximately 1-5 units per

week. Throwing carton in public bin provided along the street as convenient was favorite

behavior. However, most motorbike taxi was willing to collaborate if there was beverage

carton recall in grocery store.

Most motorbike taxi rider agreed with the issuance of legislation to promote waste

segregation into recyclable and non-recyclable in household level. For packaging waste

management, this group also agreed that mechanism of market price would be accepted.

Nevertheless, there was no feedback towards the measures on packaging taxation in stores.

4. Public relations and surveying attitudes of waste trader and scavenger

Public relations and surveying attitudes of waste trader and scavenger were

conducted by interviewing on trading situation, marketing factors especially price and demand,

attitudes towards the project. It was found that both waste trader and scavenger agreed with

the issuance of legislation to support waste segregation as recyclable and non-recyclable in

household level. The attitudes regarding packaging waste management were found that they

accepted the mechanism of market price, including agreed with the responsible measures of

packaging waste taxation by waste trader and scavenger. They had positive attitudes on the

effects of packaging waste taxation measures because they thought that the quantities of

packaging waste and rate of packaging recycle may increase from household but the business

competition on waste trading may be higher.

5. Public relations and surveying people attitudes

It was started by creating public relation media and organizing the activities held

by project steering committee and sponsors. It was broadcast by public broadcasting stereo.

There were games and rewards sponsored by manufacturers joining this project. Information

obtaining from questionnaire of 100 people in studied areas was found that most of

interviewees took energy drink up to 4-6 bottles per week and purchased from convenience

store. Bottles were disposed of in trash bins after finished up as convenient. However, most of

them were welcome to cooperate if energy drink bottle recall would apply in gas station.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


For beverage carton, most interviewees agreed with the issuance of legislation to promote waste segregation as recyclable and non-recyclable in household level. Likewise, most interviewees accepted the concept of collaboration to segregate waste and agreed with the issuance of taxation measures on packaging products.

The project recommendations obtaining from inquiry can be summarized as: 1) This project should start at academic institute by leading as a pilot project. It

aims to allow the youths and students to visualize the project significance and further participate in regarding activities;

2) The project should enhance public relations through radio media, television, and newspaper. In addition, it would be better if this knowledge could be a part of class teaching in school.

3) It should have a placement of waste separated bins and subsequently expand to other areas so that waste segregation can be conveniently operated because certain areas do not have separated bin system.

6.1.3 Surveying and studying on distributing and consuming information and

situation on energy drink and beverage carton packaging waste recall

The results obtaining from surveying illustrated that the number of convenience store

and grocery store having refrigerators were 88 stores. The total amounts of energy drink averagely sold were 3,221 bottles per day, and of beverage carton averagely sold were 2,967 units per day.

Regarding the situation on energy drink packaging recall, present recalling mechanisms

consist of collection of worker or housekeeper within gas station, small grocery, tricycle, scavenger, and local waste shop. Price at waste trader is usually ranged between 0.50-1.00 Baht per kilogram. Waste trader purchasing recyclable materials in studied areas would collect the bottle of energy drink and sell it to glass production factory in studied areas or out of studied areas. The price of glass bottle at the factory was ranged from 1.20-1.50 Baht per kilogram. However, certain energy drink bottle with good and clean quality can be sold to cleaning factory situated at out of studied areas or sold to ground pepper factory. The price of good and clean quality bottle are approximately 2.00-2.20 Baht per kilogram. In addition, the reuse of energy drink bottle could beneficially use in grocery, e.g., container of local liquor, including the recycle and reuse of manufacturer. The reuse of energy drink bottle must ensure that it is clearly clean and not contaminated. The clean bottle is usually separated for sales because of low quantities and no mechanism to separate this clean group out of general waste.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


Currently, there is no effective mechanism to recall beverage carton in studied areas owing to less carton value. Furthermore, the mechanisms to reuse and recycle in terms of production, renew and re-fabrication are not extensively applicable. Scarce amounts of beverage carton are commingled with used paper to reproduce the recycle paper which makes the price lower (The price of commingled paper is ranged from 1.00-2.00 Baht per kilogram).

6.1.4 Recall of packaging waste through convenience store and grocery

This activity directly persuades and collaborates with convenience store both within

and out of gas station. Total numbers of convenience store available are of 88 lists. The recalling approach was conducted by installing 2 categories of waste separated bins. Blue color bin is used to receive beverage carton waste and yellow color bin is used for holding energy drink bottles. There are 17 units installed at the designated spots. Except for data obtaining from small grocery having refrigerator, information of collection, attention, and recording of recalled quantities via previous mechanism would be gathered from store owner. Packaging waste collected would be given to store owner/operator in order to create incentive and income due to this activity.

It was also found that the quantities of packaging waste recall through convenience

store and grocery in the early stage were not significantly high, particularly beverage carton. Next, consultant increased the price for buying back from 3 Baht (by marketing mechanism) to 5 Baht (by subsidizing 2 Baht as incentive for collector and operator). It was then appeared that the quantities of packaging waste recalled via grocery and convenience store were 537 bottles per day or approximately 16.68% of total distributed amounts in studied areas (Total distributed amounts are 3,221 bottles per day). Also, the quantities of beverage carton packaging recalled from grocery and convenience store were averagely increased of 288 units per day or approximately 9.69% of total distributed amounts in studied areas (Total distributed amounts are 2,967 bottles per day).

6.1.5 Establishment of packaging buying back center of manufacturer

This activity could not be developed because manufacturers did not pay attention.

Also, the process could have been done through the mechanism of existing buying back in studied areas. Hence, establishment of packaging buying back center of manufacturer was not needed. However, beverage carton buying back of project was partly collected in recalling center. Some of them were sold to waste trader.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


6.1.6 Volunteer motorbike-taxi in packaging waste recall

In studied areas, it was found that there were 28 motorbike taxi groups, and 425

motorcycles. The consumption quantities were approximately 445 bottles per day. After public

relations and initiation of energy drink packaging waste recall mechanism through motorbike

taxi rider, it was found that energy drink bottles can be recovered averagely 392 bottles per

day or approximately 88.08% of total consumption of this group (445 bottles per day). It was

recognized as 12.16% of distributed amounts in studied areas (3,221 bottles per day).

The activity on this project can be demonstrated in Figure 6-1.

6.2 Summarized Result of Project’s Implementation

The implementation of activities under packaging and packaging waste’s recall action

plan of energy drinking bottle and beverage carton has been spent within 90 days started from

June 16 to September 15, 2005. The results of action plan’s activities show in Table 6-1 – 6-4

as follows:

Table 6-1 Summary of packaging and packaging waste’s recall of energy drinking

bottles and beverage carton during June 16-July 15, 2005

Remark: Distributing quantity of energy drinking bottles and beverage carton is about 3,221 bottles/day and 2,967 box/day,


Recall quantity (June 16 – July 15, 2005)

Energy drinking bottle Beverage Carton Recall




(of distribution)




(of distribution)

By Motorbike taxi 176 5.47 0 0

By Grocery with refrigerator (no

recycle basket)

63 1.95 0 0

By Convenient store and grocery

(providing recycle basket)

79 2.44 66 2.21

Average/day 318 9.86 66 2.21

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


Figure 6-1 Activities on the project.

Demonstration of a fabric advertisement of project at motorbike taxi center

Activities on public relations and surveying public attitudes

Activities on public relations and surveying public attitudes

Public relations and detail clarifications of project to local governments in pilot studied areas

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


Figure 6-1 Activities on the project (Cont.)

Placement of waste separated bin into energy drink and beverage carton at each location

Energy drink bottle recovered at given points

Beverage carton recovered at given points

Demonstration of a fabric advertisement of project at gas station

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


Table 6-2 Summary of packaging and packaging waste’s recall of energy drinking

bottles and beverage carton during July 16-August 15, 2005

Remark: Distributing quantity of energy drinking bottles and beverage carton is about 3,221 bottles/day and 2,967 box/day,


Table 6-3 Summary of packaging and packaging waste’s recall of energy drinking

bottles and beverage carton during August 16-September 15, 2005

Remark: Distributing quantity of energy drinking bottles and beverage carton is about 3,221 bottles/day and 2,967 box/day,


Recall quantity (June 16 – July 15, 2005)

Energy drinking bottle Beverage carton

Recall Avg.










By Motorbike taxi 366 11.36 13 0.44

By Grocery with refrigerator (no recycle basket) 179 5.54 0 0

By Convenient store and grocery (providing

recycle basket)

214 6.66 190 6.40

Average/day 759 23.56 203 6.84

Recall quantity (June 16 – July 15, 2005)

Energy drinking bottle Beverage carton

Recall Avg.










By Motorbike taxi 392 12.16 29 0.99

By Grocery with refrigerator (no recycle basket) 209 6.48 0 0

By Convenient store and grocery (providing

recycle basket)

328 10.20 288 9..69

Average/day 929 28.84 317 10.68

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


Table 6-4 Summary of packaging and packaging waste’s recall of energy drinking

bottles and beverage carton during June 16-September 15, 2005 (Total 90 days)

Remark: Distributing quantity of energy drinking bottles and beverage carton is about 3,221 bottles/day and 2,967 box/day, respectively.

7. The Situation on Packaging Waste’s Recall and Packaging Waste

and Product Management Approaches

7.1 Recall Approach of Energy Drinking Bottle

In present, energy drinking bottle’s recall is mostly by recycle waste collecting store, tricycle, scavenger, and melting factory. There are some parts recycled by washing and reusing. Because separation and collection process has been occurred in the middle and final process, the most of energy drinking bottles were collected from garbage bin and landfill. It is resulted that the bad condition of bottles, damaged and broken, contaminated, and dirtied, which is not reusable due to no need of producers. Meanwhile, energy drinking bottles could be reused many times if the producer is strongly confident in the cleaning and good condition. Therefore, the recall approaches of energy drinking bottles, which were desired to reuse them, should provide the separation, and collection mechanism started from the consumers, not throws in the garbage bin or transferred to the municipal landfill. The producer or business owner could implement by deposit system from the store or refund system by the collection from the store, convenient store and primary consumer (such as bicycle taxi, minibus, and public bus).

Mechanism pattern of recall approach of energy drinking bottle in this project shows

in Figure 7-1.

Recall quantity (June 16 – July 15, 2005)

Energy drinking bottle Beverage carton Recall











By Motorbike taxi 313 9.71 14 0.47

By Grocery with refrigerator (no recycle basket) 151 4.69 0 0

By Convenient store and grocery (providing

recycle basket)

209 6.48 182 6.13

Average/day 929 20.88 196 6.67

Figure 7-1 Mechanism Diagram of Energy Drinking‘s recall of the Project

Applied Mechanisms

Existing Recall System 1 Deposit System

Implementing Recall System 2 Refund System by Convenient Store, Grocery, and Consumer Group

Bin Energy Drink




Waste Separating Bin by

Convenient Store/Grocery

Waste Trader

Production Factory for

Recycle/Reused Waste


Unregistered Waste Collected by Municipality




Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


7.2 Recall Approach of beverage carton

Beverage carton’s recall, presently, is not much successful due to inefficient and

limited mechanism for separation, collection, and recycles. So the recycled cost is quite low,

causing no marketing mechanism. The recall approach of beverage carton in the beginning

should provide the price supplementation or encouragement by giving award until the

marketing mechanism could be run by itself. Otherwise, all sections should research and

develop the alternative reuse.

The collection method to get more beverage carton should support the recall at the

beginning for protecting the contaminated and dirtied package. So the collection at the main

source should be considered, cooperated all sectors such as box maker, producer, distributor,

local authority, and the government.

Mechanism pattern of recall approach of beverage carton in this project shows in

Figure 7-2.

7.3 Management Approach of Packaging and Packaging Waste

Packaging waste management of Thailand in the past has been implemented by the

government, establishing the legislation for the local authorities, who were responsible for

collecting, and disposing. Packaging waste is defined as municipal waste. The separation is

occurred in the middle and final stage, causing inefficient reuse and recycle of packaging


Besides, the projects or activities, which encourage and support the management

mechanism of packaging and packaging waste, are in individual characterization. These are not

suitable and the lack of public participation. Then, packaging waste’s recall is not successful

and being as cycle.

Based on the results of the survey, study, and recommendation of concerned parties in

many projects found that the concept of introducing fiscal measures as an instrument for

hardly disposed waste management, consisting of tax for raw material of packaging, packaging

tax, and also no environmentally friendly product should not be adopted at the moment.


Beverage Carton


Beverage Carton

Separation Project by

Manufacturer and Concerned Agency

Production Factory


Waste Separating Bin

by Convenient


Waste Trader/Tricycle


Collected by



Unregistered Waste

Unregistered Recall Pattern

Implementing Recall Pattern

Manufacturer Recall Pattern

Figure 7-2 Mechanism Diagram of Beverage Carton‘s recall of the Project

Applied Mechanisms

1 Collection System from Sources, e.g. School, Grocery, and Department Store

1 1

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


Because the economic, social situation and production technologies in Thailand are not quite

facilitate and there are a few environmentally friendly products, which are qualified and

reasonable price. Besides, tax measure will not make any change in the production structure

and building capacity in market shares. All, therefore, should pay more attention. The law

enforcement might be worked if it shows highly confident that it could reduce the usage

quantity or increase efficient production as well as encourage the product quality

improvement. And the public should not be in trouble. So packaging waste management

concept in the beginning should conduct by encouraging and supporting all sector or called

as” Integrated Waste Management (IWM)” by the volunteer program.

Pollution Control Department (PCD) assigned the Technical Service Center of

Chulalongkorn University, developing the legislative system for packaging and packaging

waste management. The study results assigned the strategic plan for management of packaging

and packaging waste, summarized in Table 7-1 and Figure 7-3.

Table 7-1 The Strategic Plan for Management of Packaging and Packaging Waste

submitted by Technical Service Center of Chulalongkorn University

Concerned Parties Strategy

1. Designer, producer, importer and


1. Design products and packaging that are environmentally friendly

2. The use of clean technology

3. Importing and using packaging that are environmentally friendly

2. Transporter and distributor

1. Recovering packaging after delivery of goods

2. Re-use packaging that is still usable

3. Promoting the reduction of packaging to minimize the

environmentally friendly

3. Consumer 1. Promoting the use of packaging that are environmentally friendly

2. Encouraging users and consumers to separate waste at source

3. Advocate government agencies to procure and produce products that

environmentally friendly and also separate waste at source

4. Collecting, transporting, and


1. Separate waste in an efficient manners

2. Set up networks for collecting packaging waste

3. Dispose packaging wastes that are no longer usable in sanitary

landfill sites

4. Promote participation of the general public

Figure 7-3 Sustainable and Integrated Approach on Packaging and Packaging Waste Management

- Manufacturer: Select raw materials enabled to recycle for reducing the consumptions to energies and natural resources and concern the utilization of raw materials as the integrated approaches

1.Raw Materials

- Transporter: Create unused packaging recall and minimizing the consumption of packaging

3. Importing Products

- Transporter: Develop the deposit system for

unused packaging or initiate the deposit-refund


- Distributor: Minimize the uses of packaging

and promote the environmentally friendly

4. Transportation and Distribution 7. Utilization and Disposal

- Manufacturer/User: Try to reuse as the first

concept. If it is not reuses, recycle would be the

next alternative. If recycle is not applicable, the

development of technology is feasible to


- Disposal agent: Use the proper disposal

technologies with the proper cost

- People: Perceive the significance of municipal

waste management and public participation

- Consumer: Use environmentally friendly and

degradable packaging

- Consumer: Reuse packaging or employ refilling

products and segregate each waste into proper bins

- Government: Stipulate policy concerning packaging

waste management and act as good examples for

public agency

5. Utilization and Consumption

- Collector: Sort each packaging separately and acquire the expertise on

segregate tools

- Manufacturer and Unregistered packaging Owner: Cooperate into the

organization for packaging waste management

6. Collection and Transportation

2. Manufacturing Process

- Designer: Design the products and packaging with

environmentally friendly products

- Manufacturer: Produce the products employing clean


- Importer and Exporter: Import and export the products with

environmentally friendly technologies

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


However, public participation concept in packaging and packaging waste management

of private sector has been established by Institute of Packaging Management for Environment

or CEMPRE-THAI under the control, look after, and support of the Federation of Thai

Industries. This institute is non profit organization, supporting the packaging and packaging

waste sustainable management and cycle with no tax or fee. It consists of producers and 5

concerned industrials such as plastic, paper, glass, metal, and aluminum. The establishment of

the institute would support the packaging and packaging waste management of Thailand.

Because it was be set by the willness of the private sector implemented by the public

participation and government supporting. To be accepted, the institute and the government

agency (PCD) should collaborate as the Meet of Understanding (MOU).

8. Conclusion and Analysis of the Study, Monitoring and Evaluation,

Problem, and Recommendation

8.1 Conclusion and Result Analysis

The summary of packaging waste’s quantity from all activities in the third month, the

final of demonstrated activity, found that the energy drinking bottle and beverage carton can

be recalled by the average of 929 bottle/day or 28.84% of total distribution in the studied area

(3,221 bottle/day), and 317 bottle/day or 10.68% of total distribution in the studied area

(2,967 bottle/day), respectively. All packaging wastes were collected by the housekeepers,

cleaning persons, volunteer-motorbike taxi, and grocery owners. The energy drinking bottles

were sold to the recycle store, buying at the source about 0.50-0.75 Baht/kilograms. In

addition, some energy drinking bottles separated and collected, clean and no contamination

with cap, could be directly sold in some groceries for refilling the alcohol. And some can be

sent to the cleaning factory, which will further sell to the production factory. The glass bottle,

and other bottles such as pepper, and ingredient bottle, will be sold for cleaning and reusing,

which get the price at 2.00-2.20 Baht per kilograms. The cleaning factory will sell to the

producer or other at 0.50 Baht each, which makes the capital of packaging less to a half,

comparing to new bottle (about 1.00 baht each).

The beverage carton, in the past, was not sold in the single type in the study area. Most

were mixed with other paper, costing about 1.00 Baht per kilograms (mixed paper). Therefore,

the individual separation and collection could not obviously occur. The researcher has been

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


being as the buyer from the collector in 5.0 Baht per kilograms. All papers will be sent to the

agent when getting enough quantity. In present, there is only Kaew Krung Thai, Co,Ltd.,

being as a beverage carton buyer (not include the producer, waste trader). It is located in

Ampher Wang Noi, Ayuttaya Province, by the cooperation and supporting from Beverage

Carton Producer Society, Primary Beverage Producer Organization in Thailand. It costs about

3.0-3.20 Baht at the store (for contaminated container) and 4.00 Baht (for cleaned carton),

which means that the researcher supplemented about 2.00 Baht per kilograms.

8.2 Evaluation of the Studied Result

8.2.1 Economic Evaluation

Economic evaluation of the project is the Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), which analyze

the feasibility of investment of the project. Those consider the making decision measure by 3

methods, consisting of Present Value (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), and Internal Rate of

Return (IRR), which have the assumption as follows :

1. Duration of project: 12 years;

2. Discount rate: using for calculating the present value in the chance lost of capital,

which used gain rate as 12% per year.

3. Benefit and expense mainly used in 2005

The consultant has assessed in the middle of the project and estimated the economic

for 12 years, dividing into 2 categories as project or central government’s implementation and

the manufacturer implementation. The result can be concluded as follows:

1. First Category: Economic Evaluation of packaging waste’s recall, separating by the

public thou the convenient store and grocery of the study (Pilot project)

Based on the assumption of the activities and the economic evaluation, it found

that Net Present Benefit (NPB) is about 439,811.90 Baht, Net Present Capital (NPC) is about

560,011.67 Baht, Net Present Value is about -120,199.77 Baht, Benefit-Capital Rate is about

0.79 (BCR), Internal Return Rate (IRR) of the activity is about 1.1%, which is less than the

chance lost value of capital at 12%.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


It means that the activity of packaging waste’s recall separating by public thou the

convenient store and central government’s implementation does not make any profit for

monetary investment. The profit from investment of net present value is resulted as the

negative value, Benefit-Capital rate is less than 1, and IRR is also less than the chance lost

value. These do not gain any investment value in business sound.

2. Second Category: Economic evaluation of packaging waste’s recall, separating by

the public thou the convenient store and grocery, and implementing by the store owner

Based on the assumption of the activities and the economic evaluation, it found

that Net Present Benefit (NPB) is about 9,152.33 Baht, Net Present Capital (NPC) is about

5607,242.04 Baht, Net Present Value is about 1,910.29 Baht, Benefit-Capital Rate is about

1.45 (BCR), Internal Return Rate (IRR) of the activity is about 33.4%, which is less than the

chance lost value of capital at 12%.

It means that the activity of packaging waste’s recall separating by public thou the

convenient store and the owner’s implementation does make profits for monetary investment.

The profit from investment of net present value is resulted as the positive value, Benefit-

Capital rate is more than 1, and IRR is also more than the chance lost value. These do not gain

the investment value in case of the government implementation.

Therefore, the implementation of packaging waste’s recall from the convenient

store or grocery is interesting to investment. Because most stores have the housekeeper or

cleaning lady and the packaging wastes recalled could be sold to the waste trader, which will be

sent into the recycling process. So the store will not responsible for the collection and

transportation fee. Therefore, the producer, who needs to recall packaging wastes, could adopt

above-mentioned activity. Table 8-1 is the summary of the packaging waste’s recall evaluation

from the convenient store and grocery, comparing to activity implementation under the pilot


Table 8.1 The results of economic evaluation for packaging waste’s recall


Net Present



Benefit-Capital Rate


Internal Return



Central Government Implementation -120,199.77 0.79 1.1

Convenient Store Implementation 1,910.29 1.45 33.4

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


8.8.2 Social Evaluation

1. Positive impact

1) Based on the recalled quantities were increased in the second and third month

of the study, it shows that the public have been well informed to separate wastes from the

activities of the study.

2) The community is good image and the obvious separation behavior. The

demonstration found that in the second and third month can be noticed by separating the

glass bottles from household dropped off at the gas station’s bin.

3) The producer participated the pilot project get a good image for the

production because the consumer understands about the responsibility for the packaging

waste management of the producer from the public relations of packaging waste’s recall for

recycle and might incentive the public to accept the environmentally friendly products.

4) There is cooperation among the producers and government agencies, causing

the less capital of the producer and encounter to the agencies, e.g. recycle store, recycle

factory. And also the recycling business could be extended.

5) Public health and good scenery due to reducing glass bottles, and packaging on

the street by the passengers, and vehicle drivers because of the additional options to throw

trash and participating of the activity of the community.

6) The responsibility of government agencies has been reduced under the public

participation policy.

2. Negative Impact

1) Most extremely impoverished, scavengers and trash collectors, loosed their

income due to transferring of packaging wastes into the recovery system of the study.

2) The researchers and collectors have higher responsible about management,

especially the cleaning and packaging type dumped in the garbage bin.

8.2.3 Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation

1. The solid waste in communities was reduced. For example, the quantity of energy

drinking bottles and beverage carton is less, calculating 98.5 kilograms/day or 35.95 ton/year

of total quantity decreased.

2. Solid waste management cost in community was getting down

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


3. Saved energy and natural resource by reuse or recycle of glass bottles and paper.

Generally, the recycle will reduce the usage of natural resource at last a half, comparing with a

new product.

4. Less problem of scenery from no management system of packaging waste such as

road, river, and park. Moreover, good quality environment occurred in the community due to

less garbage.

8.3 Problem of Project implementation

1. The project did not interesting by selected producers of packaging such as energy

drinking and beverage carton. Because they were understanding that they might gain more

responsibility, more cost and not gain any benefit. Besides, this project is run as the volunteer

program, waiting other producer reaction. The decision making to participating packaging

waste’s recall action plan was delayed. There were only two producers, Osotspa co, ltd., energy

drinking and related product, and box making organization, supporting the product, fabric

poster, other public relation signs, and information of the project. Therefore, the mechanism

of packaging waste’s recall of the project participating directly did not run. Most activities of

packaging waste’s recall were set under the public relation and supplementation by marketing

mechanism and waste in the studied area. The producers did not participate in the packaging

waste’s recall mechanism.

2. There were only a few packaging wastes selected in the pilot project, which

consisted of energy drinking and their packaging (based on the scope of work in TOR). It is

too difficult in terms of practice due to no obvious and in detailed of separating and disposing

behavior of public. However, the wide scope of selected waste causes the difficulty of

monitoring and evaluation. And also it is hardly to find the producer, participated the activities

due to no specification of product.

3. The implementation of pilot project (Bangkok and vicinity) by defining the

product or packaging selling around the country, and the short of time and limited activities,

as well as the limitation of budget cause the problem that the producers are not interesting to

write their action plan or packaging waste recovery system. Because the process to change

many systems for incentive the packaging waste recall is time consuming to set the plan,

analysis, and making decision. Moreover, the budget is quite high and should run the program

in all areas, selling the product so that it is the same standard to practice and not cause confuse

for the public.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


4. Because of limitation of time, budget, and few participants, all activities did not

work full scale, especially the public relation activity, needing the full scale and continuous, all

need the budget, resource, and tool for spreading the information.

5. Selected packaging wastes and others were mixed when disposed. Most products,

which are liquid, are easily degradable such as milk, coffee, and juice. When mixed, causing the

contamination and low quality, as well as offensive smell so that it is difficult and cause

trouble for collection, transferring and distribution.

6. Packaging waste of drinking, presently, no marketing mechanism for distributing it

in the studied area because the recovery is limited. Meanwhile packaging waste becomes the

management problem for the local government in terms of amount and disposal. So influence

for separating and collecting is quite limited. The price supplementation is required. However,

this activity will be shut off when the study is done so additional measures are required.

7. The lack of conscious and participating of some public for separating solid waste

cause the mixed disposal in the recycle bin, especially wet waste. Most packaging wastes are

contaminated, low quality, and damaged, making the difficulty of collection and distribution.

Moreover, it is difficult to define the difference from other solid waste bins. The intended and

conscious people confuse, and lose their spirit, then give up the separating behavior.

8. Some separated packaging wastes were stolen by the waste collector or tricycle,

making the collector loses their spirit due to no much time for looking after. Most lost in the

night time because of no cleaning lady or supervisor.

8.4 Recommendation

From the problem and impediment of the study above-mentioned, the consultant can

summarize the recommendations as follows:

1. The producer should play important role, participating with the consultant to run

their packaging waste’s recall program, started from setting the action plan, implementation,

investigation, and assessment. Additional, planning preparedness and the government need

clearly offering the benefit to the producer in stead of only good image for participating the

social and environment program.

Executive Summary Mechanism for Packaging and Packaging Waste Management in Business Scale


2. Organization or institutes, which have the members, should play important role to

support, promote, as well as induce all members for participating the activities of the pilot

study by willing. Otherwise, no tax measure or law enforcement is required by the


3. There were many sectors participating the activity under the project action plan,

for example, government agency by PCD, consultant, local administrative organization, the

manufacturer, gas station, motorbike taxi, and supported manufacturers. Concerned

organizations need to arrange their budget for operating the program, especially the

continuous public relation program so that the activity was not stopped. Moreover, it will

increase the efficiency of the operating project or activities and continuous monitoring.

4. Selected packaging waste recalled by separating activity of the consumers, and

collecting by the manufacturer or other volunteers at the beginning should not design a few or

specified type. Because the public behavior is not familiar to typed or characterization. It

should recall all packaging wastes recycled or reused by dividing into 3 groups as paper

packaging, wet packaging (glass, plastic, metal), and beverage carton, included solid waste bin

to service others, which could not be recycled or contaminated or wet.

5. The separation of packaging waste into the basket provided could not encourage

the conscious and participation of all people. Some did not cooperate and realize, causing the

contamination of packaging waste separated, difficulty of management. Moreover, the positive

conscious and participated people get bored, become discouraged, and finally not cooperated.

However, some recommendations for the distributor, convenient store, and collector take a

good care the cleaning, separating mixed wastes in the basket. The gas station and convenient

store could provide the cleaner or employee, taking good care this issue by giving the income

for collected wastes, and good management administration paralleled the regular work.

6. The government and local administration should encourage and support all sector,

participating the packaging waste’s recall program. The competition might be set for excellent

manufacturer, group, or organization, which performs the system or mechanism of packaging

waste’s recall. Especially, the government should support and encourage the manufacturers,

who conduct the successful packaging waste’s recall by themselves, by tax exemption or

incentives and some fees.

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