Excretory system hiranandani feb 2017 Neela Tamhane

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Neela Tamhane, GMM, Thane

The Excretory System

Metabolism Chemical


Anabolism Building Tissue

Catabolism Breaking

down Molecules

Waste Material

Co2, Water, Heat

Waste Material

Co2, Water, Heat

Toxic Substance Ammonia,


Ions sodium,

Potassium, Sulphate

Accumulation in the Body

Eliminated from the body

The Excretory System

Passive Biological System

Elimination of Waste


Maintain Homeostasis

Prevent Damage to


Main Routes of Excretion

1. Kidneys.2. Liver.3. Large

intestine.4. Skin.5. Lungs.

Urinary system .



3 4

Pair of Kidneys control body fluid and water levels

•Bean shape.• Deep indentation.• Renal Artery, nerve enter.• Renal Vain carrying filtered blood, Lymphatic, Ureter leaves.


1.Renal Medulla 2.Interlobular artery 3. Renal artery 4.Renal Vain 5. RenalHilum 6. Renal Pelvis 7. Ureter 8. Minor calyx 9. Renal Capsule 10. Inferior Renal Capsule11. Superior Renal Cortex 12. Inter lobular Vein 13. Nephron 14. Renal Sinus 15. major Calyx16. renal Papilla 17 Renal Column

Nephron and Process of Formation of Urine

• Loss of Nephron is irreversible.• Acts like a sieve, like a ball of yarn. • Blood cells and large molecules proteins are filtered from the blood.•Re-absorption is the transport of molecules into the blood via Renal Vain.•Sodium, Potassium ions are secreted (returned).• excess water ,wastes and other substances from blood are excreted. (Removed)

Filtration- Re absorption- Secretion- Excretion

Urinary System

• Ureter- carry urine from kidney to Bladder.

•Bladder-hollow, muscular and elastic organ. Urine storage tank.

•Urethra - a muscular tube that connects the bladder with the outside of the body.


• Urine formed is collected in Bladder.• Stretch receptors in bladder are stimulated.• Impulses sent to lower portion of spinal cord.• Causes Reflex contraction of walls of bladder.• Voluntary control taught in childhood.• Pressure increases- impulses travel to Cortical.•1.5 liters of urine is excreted in 24 hours.• Physical, chemical, ,microscopic properties of urine checked for diagnosis.

Kidneys remove nitrogenous wastes from the blood through millions of nephrons

The urine from the kidney is trasported by the ureter and is collected in the urinary bladder

The urinary bladder collects and stores the urine.

The urine collected in the bladder is passed through an opening called the urethra

Working of Urinary System

Functions of Kidneys

Important Role of Kidneys

Regulation of plasma

osmolarity. Regulation of plasma

ionic composition

Regulation of plasma

volume. Removal of metabolic

waste products

Concentration pH.

Secretion of Hormones

• How many ions and how much water a person excretes.

Osmotic concentration

• Ions such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium etc are regulated by the amount that kidney excretes.ionic composition

•The kidneys control plasma volume . The plasma volume has a direct effect on blood pressure.

plasma volume.

•Kidneys excrete Nitrogenous waste, Creatinine from metabolic breakdown of Creatine Phospate . Uric acid

Removal of waste products

•The kidneys help maintain the blood Ph mainly by excreting hydrogen ions and reabsorbing bicarbonate ions as needed.

Concentration pH.

•Renin-controls BP, Angiotensin- Vasocontrictor, Erythropoietin- Acts as stem cells in the bone marrow

•The Vitamin D from the skin is also activated with help from the kidneys. Calcium (Ca+) absorption from the digestive tract is promoted by vitamin D.

Secretion of Hormones- Non

excretory functions.



Toxins Poisons

UreaUric Acid Kidneys

Alimentary canal - Large Intestine

Anal canalAnus

Large Intestine

• Absorbs Sodium and large quantity of water which makes fecal dry.

• Potassium keeps feces moist.

• Eliminates undigested food, residual secretion, Bile pigment bacteria, water

through Anus during the process of defecation.

• External anal sphincter muscle is voluntary , the smooth muscle of GI

track are involuntary.

• Activities of GIT are controlled by ANS, strong reflexes through visero-

receptors involve CNS. i.e. emotions, hunger, satiety.

• Almost all Asanas, Kriyas influence stomach, colon, liver, urinary system.

• Dhauti related to esophagus and stomach, Basti- anus, rectum, colon.

• Ashwini Mudra – external sphicters.

Thoughts, Stress, -ve approach, anger, hatred affect visceral parts.






Yoga Sadhana


Exercise Rest




Yogic Diet

Balance Diet Fibrous Diet

Yoga sadhana Influences Abdominal Region

Pawan Muktasana – Part1 - To remove Toxins.

Various Asana

Positive/ Negative Pressure

Improved Digestive Function

Yoga Sadhana Influences Abdominal Region

Ashwini Mudra Tones up Anal Sphincter


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Nauli Video

Excretory System- Lungs

Exchange of Gases

Excretory - Lungs

• Each respiration Carbon Dioxide is exchanged for oxygen and eliminated

during exhalation.

• Water vapor, other chemicals are also eliminated.

• Sneezing and coughing are protective reflexes. Help to

remove irritants from respiratory passage.

• In Kapalbhati Carbon Dioxide is eliminated in large quantity from blood.

• No need of respiration for some time. Respiration centre in Medulla is

inhibited – tranquilized stage of mind.

• prolonged exhalation reduces anxiety, tensions.

• Integration in CNS and ANS.

Inter coastal Muscles

Increased breathing capacity

Increases breathing capacity

Vertical stretch flexibility of diaphragm.

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Excretory System -Skin

The epidermis- Waterproof barrier

The dermis – Hair Follicles, Sweat glandsHypodermis – subcutaneous tissue, made up of Fat

Excretory System -Skin

• Excretion of water and Salt from body.• Regulates body temperature.• The function of skin as excretory system is very minimum.• Hath Pradeepika mentions ‘Kanti Tada Jayate’ skin glows after purification of nadis.• ‘Vapu krushatvam, Vadane Prasannata’ are symptoms of achievement of Hathyoga.

According To Acharya Vahbhat

The root cause of the disease are :•The accumulation of the waste products in the body•Dietary imbalance,•Irregular life style•Undesirable thought processes.• These mental, psychological impurities are called ‘Mala Kuleshu Nadishu’ Blockages which could be cleaned up with yogic practices.


•Awareness -•Identify the cause.

A•Balance – Try to balance

+ ve –ve stress.B

•Control – Before eustress/ Distress


Excrete Negativities

Karmayoga Bhaktiyoga




Thank You

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