


Last autumn, 17 students of INS Torredemarra were given the opportunity to participate in an exchange.

The exchange took place between Saturday 3rd and 10th of December.


WHERE DID WE GO? The exchange took place in Pančevo,

which is a beautiful city of Serbia.


We took our plane at 11 am and we arrived there at midday.

Everybody was waiting for us with banners, it was amazing!

From the airport to the school -called Vasa Zivkovic- we went by bus, where we spoke for the first time with our new friend. Here, we ate typical food and we drank some juice.

At night, we went to the commercial centre and some of us skate in the ice-skating place.

SUNDAYFirst of all, we went to the

school and they showed us a presentation of their city.

After it, we went for a walk and we met the city directly for the first time.

In the afternoon, we went to our respective house and we stayed with our families.

At the evening, we met together for drink something and walk into the city center.


We did the presentation of our town and school in front of their school - Vasa Zivkovic.

Martina, Paula, Pol, Marc and Arnau presented it.

This day it was also Cristina’s birthday, so we met on a café and we gave her some presents.

Later, we went to a bar where we could play pool and we had fun.


We passed the whole morning playing a kind of “bowling” and we enjoyed it.

In the afternoon we went home again, but we met later to go to a folklore demonstration, where they taught us how to dance. Some of us also taught them how to dance Sardanes.

At night we went skating again and we had dinner with our friends.


In the morning we went to the capital: Belgrade. First of all, we went for a walk in a beautiful park and later we went to the main street. In that zone we visited the Instituto Cervantes. Finally we had lunch.

Later, we visited the cathedral, but they were restoring it, so we couldn’t appreciate it well.

We went home and we went to the bar of the pool again.


We visited the Naif art gallery in Kovachica and it was interesting because we hadn’t seen this before.

Later we went to a spa, but we preferred to have a drink.

We went back to Pančevo and, at night, we went to a salsa practice.

Finally we had a hot chocolate in a near bar. It was delicious!


In the morning we participated in the bowling competition. Our teams where: Oda a Sèrbia, Les Ramones, Canigó, Antiparal·leles and the teachers’ team.

In the afternoon, they threw a party for us. We received a DVD with the photos of the experience in Pančevo, a magnet and a bag.

We spend the night all together having fun in some bars.


Finally, the last day arrived. We went to the school and we took a bus to the airport. Our families and friends said goodbye to us. It was a sad ending, but we knew we would see them again on April.


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