Exam Review - CoT Review

Post on 10-Jan-2016






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exam review



2005Issues confronting Muslim leaders in S. Asia and N. Africa when defining nationalism (20th century)Social and economic transformation of Atlantic world as result of W. Europe, Africa, Americas from 1450 1750 CECompare the political and economic effects of Mongol rule on 2 (China, Middle East, Russia)

2006Social and economic effects of global flow of silver from mid-16th century to early 18th century (Spain, Japan, China)cultural and political changes in 1 (China, Rome, India) during last centuries of classical eraCompare the goals and outcomes of revolutionary process in 2 (Mexico - 1910, China - 1911, Russia - 1917)

2007Analyze Han and Roman attitudes toward technologyFormation of national identities in 1 (Middle East, SE Asia, Sub-Saharan) from 1914 present. Evidence from specific countriesCompare the processes of empire building (social, political, economic) in Spanish Empire with 1 (Ottoman Empire or Russian Empire) from 1450 to 1800

2008Analyze factors that shaped the modern Olympic movement from 1892 to 2002Analyze the changes and continuities in commerce in the Indian Ocean region from650 C.E. to 1750 C.E.Compare the emergence of nation states in nineteenth-century Latin America with the emergence of nation states in ONE of the following regions in the twentieth century.Sub-Saharan AfricaThe Middle East

2009Analyze African actions and reactions in response to the European Scramble for Africa.Analyze continuities and changes in patterns of interactions along the Silk Roads from 200 B.C.E. to 1450 C.E.For the period from 1500 to 1830, compare North American racial ideologies with Latin American/Caribbean ideologies and their effects on society.

2010Analyze similarities and differences in the mechanization of the cotton industry in Japan and India in the period from the 1880s to the 1930s.Describe and explain continuities and changes in religious beliefs and practices in ONE of the following regions from 1450 to the present. Sub-Saharan Africa Latin America/Caribbean

Analyze similarities and differences in methods of political control in TWO of the following empires in the Classical period. Han China (206 B.C.E.220 C.E.) Mauryan/Gupta India (320 B.C.E.550 C.E.) Imperial Rome (31 B.C.E.476 C.E.)

2011Analyze the causes and consequences of the Green Revolution in the period from 1945 to the present.Analyze changes and continuities in long-distance migrations in the period from 1700 to 1900. Be sure to include specific examples from at least TWO different world religions.Analyze similarities and differences in the rise of TWO of the following empires. A West African Sudanic empire (Mali/Ghana/Songhay) Aztec Empire Mongol Empire

CoT TipsThesis Restate the time period in questionso you know when youre talking about Make sure that your continuity/change is accurate for the date range Ex: If the question is asking about 1500 2000 CE, and your continuity didnt start until 1750, youre going to have problems.Address All Parts of the Question When you talk about change or continuity, talk about THEMES or TRENDSthen go in to specific examples that support your theme or trend. Make certain that you discuss BOTH changes & continuities for each topic of the essay Each paragraph should only address one specific change or continuity If you put multiple changes/continuities into one paragraph, its almost impossible to provide enough evidence or thoroughly analyze all of them.Historical Evidence If possible, make mention of any noteworthy people/events/dates that reinforce your argument Recognize that statements of opinion arent evidence (ex: I think that the Chinese were the most powerful civilization in the world). Sadly, your opinion doesnt count as fact (which actually isnt sad because then Id have to acknowledge Justin Bieber as a legitimate artist).Relevant World Historical Context Connect your change/continuity to something happening in other parts of the world at the same time.OR to larger themes that caused the change/continuity Topic: Atlantic Slave Trade The Spanish colonies werent the only ones to receive African slaves. The Ottoman Empire and even the Mughals engaged in the slave trade, although to an admittedly lesser extentORSlavery was a rapidly-expanding part of European and Muslim economies during this time period. Slaves were in high demand for social and agricultural uses, and the African kingdoms had to significantly increase the supply of captured slaves in order to meet this demand.

Topic: Western Governments Western Europe slowly broke away from a feudal system and began to become more centralized. Feudalism was still alive and well in places like Russia and Japan, however, yet they too would eventually centralize as well.Analyzing the Process of CoT Explain WHY a change or continuity existed. Explain the middle and avoid the one-thing-led-to-another explanation In 1600 CE, women had very few rights in Latin America. By 2000 CE however, women had not only won the right to vote but also were more capable of earning a living for themselves. What happened in the middle that caused this change? (Decolonization, revolutionary movements, and the world wars)*If you get stuck, go through PERSIA (Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Innovations/Technology,and Arts

Exam Review - COT Essay

Thesis Statements: Whats the Problem?


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Change & Continuity: Whats the Problem?


Change & Continuity: Why is this a good example?


Global Context:

Why Does this count as global context?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Analyze continuities and changes in patterns of interactions along the Silk Roads from 200 BCE to 1450 CE


Why is this an acceptable thesis?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Whats wrong with this thesis?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Change/Continuity: Why is this a good example?


Change/Continuity: Why is this a good example?

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