Evaluation question 6; What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Post on 25-May-2015






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Evaluation Question 6; What have you learnt about technologies from

the process of constructing this product?

In the constructing of my product I learnt how to use the different varieties of technologies in order to make my product look professional, these technologies were things such as;

Photoshop CS4I used this technology in order to create my front cover, it was used to allow me to add layers and alter the different fonts, texts and layers. To begin with I didn’t feel comfortable using Photoshop as it has many different tools to use and they all have individual methods to using them, the software was difficult to use, however as my product developed so did my skills within Photoshop. I now feel confident using the different tools within Photoshop as I can adapt a variety of things in Photoshop I now know how to change the font, add the different layers, and modify the images. The technology has proved to be a great help and much more efficient.

Adobe In-designIndesign allowed me to create a professional contents and double page spread, it allowed me to create columns and text boxes in order to format the page in order to make it look like a professional DPS, the different tools on this technology allow you to amend and change everything on the pages in order to create your product, Indesign was difficult to use at first as it requires the different page measurement s such as creating a double page spread on A4 paper, but also in putting the different columns and rows etc.. However after developing the front cover on Photoshop the technology becomes understandable, Indesign became easier to understand and control, overall In design helped making a DPS and in all the magazine a lot easier as you can then see the layout of all the pages together…

Cannon DSLR

The cannon DSLR camera was used in order to capture the images in high quality so it isn’t under or over exposed to begin with it was difficult using this camera as there are many different settings and tools to use such as the different settings for the different places you can take pictures such as outside or inside. For example the camera has different settings that change the colour, the light and also take one or more photos at once.I have learnt how to use the camera properly and efficiently as I know how to use the flash, the different settings and what they do.

Final cut expressFinal cut express is a technology designed to create films and videos it allows you to cut images and make a moving presentation or a video with text and voice over's, it helped me create videos for my research such as focus group you can show them saying their views and then put in the questions as an online presentation, To begin with it was very difficult as I have never made a video or moving image before, and it takes a lot of experience to manage it as you have to cut the images paste them and amend the time it shows and then adding the text and positioning it next to the image, it has different layers to add to it, once you know how to add the text sound and images it is easier to create a video, this was a very effective piece of technology as it helped give a variety of technologies to my research and development.

I-MacThe imacs are very different to other computers as they have many more programmes such as photo booth, final cut etc.. Baring in mind I have never used one before it was difficult to understand the different programmes as there are different ways of doing the different research and developing ideas, after using these for a while it was easier to control and use them to develop my product, there are different aspects to these compared to usual computers such as the way the desktop is set out.They were however very usual to use as the programmes on the imacs allowed me to create a professional magazine.

The prezi is an online website used to create things such as a presentation of the information or a mind map which can act as a step by step guide to how things were produced, to begin with this was difficult to use as you have to get use to using the arrows, creating text big enough to see and making the paths so that is shows as a presentation or so that the mind map follows through each point.After using it the first time for research it was easy to use as the instructions were there to help not only this but within class we were shown how it works, its easy and efficient to use for researching as it allows as much information as possible and is able to upload photos, videos etc..

Blogger is another online website which was use frequently throughout the production of the product, it is used as an online diary of how things were produced in it we write and show our developments as we go through the developing the product. It was easy to use as you just upload the amount of information needed and whatever sort of technology you have used, it is simply just embedding the link into blogger.This was a simple technology which I have use and viewed before as it is very much used in social networking showing each other how things work and produce.


Pixton was an online website used to create comic strips and animations with speech bubbles, the website was simple to use as it involved making your own background, character including your own text for example this website was used on question 3 and how the magazine is produced and distributed showing the different steps it took to get to the final point, like a comic strip it is in chronological order. The website is easy and quick to use, it allows you to be creative and create your own people not only this but you can put as many stages as you like. I feel confident using this website as it is easy to use as it has instructions not only this but you can do anything to it and it allows you to be creative using online technologies.

Photo studio (3 light set up)

The 3 light set up in the studio was difficult to grasp the idea of as there are so many different settings, the lights can change from the brightness to coming on when the camera flashes, this means the photographs aren't under or over exposed. The different settings mean that photographs can turn out different each time, not only this but the studio also requires setting up putting down the screen setting up the lights and then organizing your model to position with props or in the centre of the lights. After using the studio a few times I have learnt how to use the light set up positioning where I need them to be, and how to use the camera and lights together to create a professional photo shoot for my product.

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