
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have

learnt in the progression from it to the full product?


On my prelim I used fonts that were only available on word and Photoshop. However, I learnt to download professional fonts that I could use purposely to represent what my production work contained. This website was called .

On my prelim the fonts I used I didn’t put much thought when I chose them and to why I wanted to use them on my college magazine cover where as on my music magazine I did.

In my rock genre based music magazine, I took time and thought about what fonts I wanted to use that would be suitable and represented to the audience the rock genre and to make my magazine appear more attractive.

On my prelim you can see that my text looks plain, boring and unattractive and also there is not much text visible in the first place.

Where as on my music magazine you can see the difference in how I chose to represent the text. The text appears more attractive, there is use of colour and different fonts.

Colour Scheme

On my prelim I didn’t stick to a particular colour scheme and I didn’t think of how a colour scheme could represent a college magazine.

I learnt that using a colour scheme is an important convention of magazines and is useful to use to represent the magazines genre.

Using a colour scheme really helps to improve your work and make it look professional. It also helps to really bring out pictures and text out too.

The colour scheme that I used on my prelim looks very basic even though I think the two colours I used went together well.

Where as on my music magazine I used a colour scheme consisted of 3 colours that represented the rock genre.


I learnt that having a layout of a organised and neat structure really helps to give your magazine a professional look.

However, when I produced my prelim I didn’t think about constructing a layout much and only used columns on my content page as that was a necessary common convention.

To produce a neat and professional layout on my music magazine, Quark helped when producing columns, grids and lines.

My layout on my prelim looks basic and very unprofessional. I didn’t even do columns!

On my music magazine content page I took time to plan my layout and include columns and headings.

Digital SLR Cameras

I used digital SLR cameras to take my pictures for my prelim and music magazine.

I learnt how to make my pictures look professional by taking them with the DSLR cameras and then uploading them to the computer and editing them in Photoshop.

I learnt how to focus and use different camera shots/angles for certain pictures that were going to be used on different pages of my production work.

The picture that I used for my music magazine front cover was edited it Photoshop and looked professional and relevant for a rock genre based magazine.

You can see the difference dramatically as with my prelim picture that I used for my front cover I didn’t even edit it in Photoshop! However, I did use direct mode of address which is a convention.

Did plans change?

With my prelim I strictly stuck with my rough sketches of my front cover and content page as I knew that’s what I wanted however, I felt that my production work didn’t meet the expectations of my rough sketches.

On my music magazine sketches I didn’t stick to the plans as much as I did with the prelim and changed my mind a lot on the layout and the colour scheme in till I was satisfied.

I wish I had stuck more to my rough plans and sketches as it would of helped me more and saved more time.

As you can see my rough sketch of my content page looks completely different to my final production of my content page.

For my prelim, the main thing I learned is to keep on improving and spending time on my work so it can get better and better however, the difference of my prelim and magazine production work really showed how much I have learnt when using Quark and Photoshop and how much I have improved.

I think the key thing is to say focused, and learn from others and improve your skills.


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