
Question four:

Age of Our Target Audience.

• This sense of familiarity with the characters will appeal to our target audience and draw them to our film.

• Aspects like the blog in our opening sequence, helps attract our target audience as this is something many young people use and are familiar with.

• Aimed at 15+, because the main character in the film is a teenager and audiences tend to enjoy being able to relate to the characters.

Age of Our Target Audience.• The fast pace action in the film wont appeal to someone

of an older generation who is not as active as a younger person.

Gender of Our Target Audience.• We are not aiming our film idea at a specific gender.• This is because our film idea is appealing to both genders

as our character is not based on specific stereotypes of a gender.


• We decided to set the opening sequence inside a bedroom.• Our reason for doing this was so that we could use typical

teenage surroundings in order to appeal to our young target audience.

. Posters

. TV

. CDs

. Art-deco

Social Class of Our Target Audience.

• Our idea is aimed at working class to middle class, as this is the character’s class also.

• This will attract our target audience because they can identify with the character.

• This would be because it is important for the audience to relate to our character, especially with horrors and thrillers.

Ethnicity/nationality.• We did not aim it at a specific ethic group.

• We did however aim it at Western parts of the world as they’d be able to relate to it more.

Lifestyle and Hobbies.• Lifestyle: The movie itself is quite slow pace but this

doesn’t take away from it’s excitement. • Therefore our target audience would be people who

lead an active life and enjoy trills and sitting on the edge of their seat whilst watching a movie.

• The mystery and enigma throughout our film will appeal to those who are adventurous which is our target audience.

• Hobbies: Those who seek thrills and adrenaline.• Perhaps people who enjoy going to theme parks

and on roller coasters.

How They Relate to Our Idea.• The Idea: • Our target audience will be interested in our idea because

it is thrilling and exciting and creates mystery (the history behind the house and the ghost).

• This will intrigue our audience, because they will want to find out more as only pieces of information are revealed in the opening sequence through the character’s blog.

• The unexplained paranormal events that take place will interest people who regularly watch thrillers.

The Form.• Form: • We used very creepy slow tension building music in some parts then

fast pace dramatic music to create excitement and lead to a climax.

• This will interest our audience because the people we are aiming our film at thrill seekers.

• We also want to use quick cutaways to create excitement and build up tension for the audience. E.g. Hand-held camera to real camera.

• However will we also used smooth camera movements to build up tension which lead up to the climax at the end.

• This will attract our target audience as it creates excitement which will appeal to regular thrill seekers.

•The camera shots build tensions which leads up to a climax.

Conventions.• Conventions: We are targeting our film at an audience

who regularly watch horrors and thrillers with conventions such as terror and supernatural encounters.

• We will intrigue people who enjoy being frightened by films.

• We will include ghosts and spirits in order to attract an audience who are interested in supernatural happenings and life after death. (Ghost girl).

• We want to satisfy their interest in paranormal activities by including spirits and weird unexplained events such as the TV switching on by itself.

BBFC and Rating.BBFC Rating Reason


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